Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health (2007) (2025)

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Peter Thompson

the L. Ron Hubbard book that tried to explain mental problems from the view of a hostile world causing many of our problems. Teaches about how to key in on stressors, and let go of them. Cheesy late 1940s teachings are somewhat hokey, yet it was hailed as a major school of psychiatry during the post-WW2 days of tribulation. Worth perusing, to know what everybody's talking about concerning "Scientific Psychology". (for some reason the bad guys shut him down, and Moonies took over)

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A History of Man (2007)

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And of course, the whole discourse is invested in language, the whole auditing procedure is invested in and performed with language, the whole conception of the human being is founded on the triad affinity-reality-communication and for human beings communication is primarily linguistic, but never Hubbard analyzes the way language works and the way language both informs and inspires the human mind. It is true that his conception of the mind, analytical or reactive, is nothing but a bank, a place in the psyche of the person where things are sorted out and classified by type and time and managed by a file clerk. The term computation is never explored. That is a lot of non-specified nor explored domains. I will overlook the grossly anti-communist discourse that is only paralleled by the rejection of all subversives, and you will be happy to know that the fascists like Hitler are only one notch higher than these, but all under 2.0. This is typical Cold War rhetoric and today that has no value whatsoever anymore.

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Kit de inicio grupal para los cienciólogos AHandbook para scientologists de campo Cómo iniciar un grupo Un grupo Inicio Kit para campo Cienciólogos Publicado por la Asociación de Scientologists Profesionales Independientes

Francisco Campoverde

Kit de inicio de un grupol para cienciólogos independientes.Editor Michael Moore Colaboradores L. Ronald Hubbard Este libro se proporciona sujeto a la condición de que no se distribuirá de ninguna forma sin la cobertura del editor y el reconocimiento del material contenido en este documento y no se venderá, contratará o dispondrá de otro

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Kit de inicio grupal para los cienciologos de campo Cómo iniciar un grupo

Carlos Chafla

La International Freezone Association Inc. que opera como la Asociación de Scientologists Profesionales Independientes (APIS) , 2000

Kit de campo para Cienciólogos Publicado por la Asociación de Scientologists Profesionales Independientes. Inicio de un grupo. Editor Michael Moore .Colaboradores . Ronald Hubbard. Michael Moore

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Cienciología: la filosofía oculta Por

Francisco Campoverde

Cienciología-la filosofía oculta, 2020

Este libro se vende sujeto a la condición de que no se preste, revenda, alquile o circule de otro modo sin el consentimiento previo del editor, excepto para la inclusión de breves citas para estudio o uso personal.

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Scientology and Sex: The Second Dynamic, Prenatal Engrams and the Sea Org

Carole Cusack

Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 5-33, 2016

The teachings of the Church of Scientology (CoS), founded in 1954 by the science fiction author Lafayette Ronald (Ron) Hubbard (1911-1986), maintain that humanity (‘man’) is striving to survive, and that the primary human goal of survival is played out through the Eight Dynamics, the second of which is sex. These dynamics, as summarized by Stoddard Martin, are: ‘(1) survival via self-preservation, (2) survival via procreation and sexual relations, (3) survival via family or race, (4) survival via identity with all mankind; (5) survival as a life organism, (6) survival as part of the physical universe of Matter, Energy, Space and Time (MEST), (7) survival as a thetan (variously defined as “thought, life-force, élan vital, spirit or soul”), and (8) survival as part of the Supreme Being’ (Martin 1989, p. 210).This chapter examines: Hubbard’s biography in terms of the Second Dynamic (sexual and familial experiences) and its impact on his personal identity and religious teachings; Hubbard’s writings on sex and the doctrinal position of the CoS; critical claims of sex being used as a tool to control Scientologists through recorded auditing sessions focused on sensitive sexual topics; and the recent scandal affecting the Sea Org after defectors revealed that pregnant women within CoS were forced to have abortions. Church publication, scholarly studies, the memoirs of ex-members such as Nancy Many’s My Billion Year Contract (2009) and Marc Headley’s Blown for Good (2009), as well as investigative journalism, will be used to asses sex, gender, sexual identity, and the impact that sex and its biological consequences has in the lives of contemporary Scientologists.

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Cienciología: la filosofía oculta

Francisco Campoverde

Cienciología: la filosofía oculta, 2020

Libro - Scientology - La Filosofía Oculta Scientology ¿Qué es Cienciología? Mucha gente tiene conceptos erróneos sobre lo que es o hace Scientology. Cienciología no 'hace' de una persona un ser superior, ni más ni menos que una persona. No hace a una persona perfecta, buena o mala, moralmente superior o inferior. No hace a un superhombre oa una mujer y no vuelve loca a una persona. Sólo el individuo mismo puede hacer esas cosas. Hay dos aspectos de Scientology, la Filosofía de lo que realmente existe y la tecnología de aplicación. Como resultado del desarrollo que emprendió Hubbard, Scientology muestra cómo eliminar aquellos factores que un individuo ha acumulado, durante mucho tiempo como ser, que impiden la supervivencia del individuo en muchos niveles. Y se puede utilizar para eliminar esos factores. Solo algunos de los temas tratados en un lenguaje fácil de entender. La Filosofía de Dianética y Scientology Dianética Scientology Scientology: la Filosofía Oculta Principios Básicos de Scientology Uso de las Dinámicas Básicas Escala Tonal Triangular ARC Escala de Saber a Misterio Niveles de Conciencia La Valencia Ganadora Ser uno mismo Secuencia de Motivación Abierta Ley de Terceros El Dato Estable Tecnología Estándar Doctrina de Scientology sobre el matrimonio y el divorcio ¿Debe ser gratuita la auditoría? Ética material gratuita de Scientology : una herramienta para usar Ética y justicia en el campo No hay sustituto para la tecnología estándar Tecnología no estándar Ser Supremo ¿Qué es un OT (Thetán Operante)? La relación del entrenamiento con OT Mantener el rumbo Esta no es la Cienciología que buscas Tecnología estándar frente a tecnología no estándar Y mucho más

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Scientology and contemporary definitions of religion in the Social Sciences

Luis Gonzalez

by Alejandro Frigerio, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology Catholic University of Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina Beginning in the middle of the current century, Western societies have observed a renewed interest in the diversity of expressions of religious phenomena, Such interest is due to: • the rise or development of new religions, particularly in the United States of America (such as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Church of Scientology, the Mission of Divine Light); • the extension to new geographical areas of religions already established in others (such as some Eastern religions in America and Europe; Pentecostalism, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Jehovah’s Witnesses from the United States in South America and Europe; the Santeria from Cuba to the United States and countries of Central America; and the Umbanda from Brazil to Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and to a lesser extent the United States and Europe); • the “revivals” of the established religions (as in the charismatic reformations in evangelism and in Catholicism, the rise of spiritualist Catholic groups, etc.) and • the rise of a diverse, uncentralized spiritual subculture (comprised of what has been given the name New Age). The interest in religious diversity revived old discussions within the social sciences which resulted in more accurate definitions of religious phenomena. Distinct groups of social scientists have opted for different types of definitions often responding to their immediate theoretical interests.

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The Problems of Work (2007)

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Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health (2007) (2025)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.