FRANCISCO APONTE ET AL VS TYPTAP INSURANCE COMPANY, 2024-011623-CA-01, Doc-04-Notice-of-Interrogatory (Fla. 11th Cir. Ct. Jun. 24, 2024) (2024)

Filing # 201176187 E-Filed 06/24/2024 12:06:21 PM
`by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby notifies the Court and all interested parties that, on
`this date, pursuant to Rule 1.340 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, the Plaintiff has served
`the Defendant, TYPTAP INSURANCE COMPANY, with Plaintiff’s First Set of Interrogatories,
`numbered 1-23, to be answered under oath and in writing, in accordance with and within the time
`allowed under the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was e-filed with the
`Clerk of Court and served by electronic mail designation pursuant to Fla. R. Jud. Admin 2.516,
`and/or the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal to , Counsel for Defendant, at ; on June 24, 2024.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Indira Agrenot, Esq.
`Indira Agrenot, Esq.
`Bar No.: 1028569
`Property Litigation Group, PLLC
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`2750 SW 145th AVE
`Suite 509
`Miramar, FL 33027
`Primary Email:
`Secondary Email:
`Alternate Email:
`PH: (786) 703-8810
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`The Term "documents" means all writings of any kind, including the originals and all non-
`identical copies, whether different from the original by reason of any notation made on such copies
`or otherwise, including (without limitations) correspondence, memoranda, notes, diaries, statistics,
`letters, telegrams, minutes, contracts, reports, studies, checks, statements, receipts, returns,
`summaries, pamphlets, books, prospectuses, inter-office and intra-office communications, offers,
`notations of any sort of conversation, telephone calls, meetings or other communications, bulletins,
`printed matter, computer print-outs, teletypes, telefax, invoices, worksheets and all drafts,
`alterations, modifications, changes, and amendments of any of the foregoing, graphic or aural
`writs, records or representations of any kind, including (without limitations) photographs, charts,
`graphs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape, recordings, motion pictures; and electronic, mechanical
`or electric records or representations of any kind, including (without limitation) tapes, cassettes,
`computer magnetic or optical disc media and disc recordings.
`The term "relating to" as used herein is defined to mean evidencing, referring to , pertaining
`to, consisting of, reflecting, concerning, or in any way logically or factually connected with the
`matter discussed.
`As used in this Discovery request, the phrases "describe and explain", and "state" are
`intended to and shall be interpreted to request a full and fair statement of the fact or matter being
`described and explained, including a statement of all facts, statements, events and circ*mstances
`necessary to understand and evaluate the fact or matter being described and explained.
`Each of the following discovery requests seeking an identification of documents is intended
`to be interpreted to request and require:
`The date of the document;
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`The originator of the document;
`The type of document;
`The addressee of the document, if any;
`Identification of persons to whom copies of the documents were furnished;
`Details as to the custody of the document on the date the Interrogatories are
`Specific page numbers where the information requested may be found, if
`appropriate; or, alternatively, documents may be identified by numbering each such
`document and referring to the number in the answer and providing a true copy of
`each such numbered document with the Answers to Interrogatories.
`Each of the following Discovery Requests or Interrogatories requesting the identification
`of persons is intended to be interpreted to request and require for each witness known to the
`The name of the individual;
`The last known address and phone number of the individual;
`The place of employment of the individual and the person's last known address;
`The substance of the witnesses' knowledge or information relating to the
`information requested.
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810
`"Defendant" or “You”:
`means that certain insurance policy as described in the complaint
`means Defendant, its attorneys, agents, partners, employees,
`officers, directors, stockholders, and all other persons acting on its
`means all individuals, corporations, partnerships, joint venture
`groups, associations, governmental agencies and all other
`means all written, typed, photographic, computerized or printed
`materials, including but not limited to the original and all non-
`identical copies of all letters, books, records, charts, ledgers, drafts,
`checks, check stubs, passbooks, certificates, graphs, facsimile
`transmissions, telegrams, reports, contracts, invoices, receipts,
`brochures, pamphlets, studies, lists, notes, memoranda, computer
`printouts, data processing cards, pictures, drawings, diagrams,
`sketches, video tapes, motion pictures, blue-prints, photographs,
`microfilm, microfiche, computer discs and all other materials or
`documentation which pertains or contains information directly or
`indirectly, in whole or in part, and in any manner, to any of the
`subjects inquired about.


`Before answering the following Discovery requests and/or Interrogatories, will you please
`make such inquiries of your agents, servants, employees and/or attorneys as will enable you to
`make full and true answers to the following, in accordance with the applicable Florida Rules of
`Civil Procedure. Additionally, if more space is required, please use a separate sheet of paper and
`attach same behind the sheet where the respective question appears.
`Please identify yourself fully by stating your full name, employment address and
`position and job title that you hold with the Defendant.
`Please identify the person whom defendant is designating as the person who shall
`testify about all matters related to the claims in this case known or reasonably available to
`the defendant pursuant to Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.310(b)(6).
`Please explain with particularity each and every reason for the denial of each
`Request for Admission which has been denied and for each such denial, state all facts which
`support said denial, identifying all witnesses who have knowledge of such facts and the
`extent of such knowledge.
`Describe in as much detail as possible, each and every factual reason why the
`Defendant denied or seeks to deny coverage for Plaintiff(s) claim described in the
`Complaint, including the factual basis for each affirmative defense raised by you.
`If Defendant has tendered payment to Plaintiff in any amount whatsoever, describe
`in as much detail as possible, each and every factual reason why the Defendant failed to
`tender payment in accordance with the estimate (attached hereto as “Exhibit A”).
`Identify each representative of the defendant who visited Plaintiff's property that is
`the subject of this claim in the last 20 months, and for each such visit, give the date of the
`visit, identity of the defendant's representative at the visit, and identify with particularity
`all documents generated by such visit so that the same can be identified in a request for
`production. If a privilege is claimed as to any document identified, prepare a privilege log
`as required by the rules.
`State the location, including page(s), line(s) and paragraph number(s), and the exact
`language contained in the Policy upon which the Defendant has based its coverage decision
`for the claim described in the complaint, and the factual basis supporting the application of
`the policy language referred to.
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`Identify each document sent from Defendant to Plaintiff(s) in reference to the
`subject loss involved herein, including the date sent, the name of the individual who sent
`said communication.
`Identify each person, who on behalf of Defendant, inspected the property described
`in the complaint in reference to the claim described in the Complaint, including his or her
`field of expertise and the date of each inspection.
`Identify each written estimate of repair or replacement, including the amount set
`forth in each said estimate by Defendant in reference to the claim described in the
`Complaint, and for each such estimate state:
` If it was provided to Plaintiff/Insured
` If provided to Plaintiff/Insured, when it was so provided
`Identify the person or persons who prepared the estimate or estimates and the nature
`of that person’s participation in the preparation of said estimate.
`The factual basis for the conclusions contained or implied in said estimate or
`Identify all persons (other than Plaintiff or his agents) believed or known by you,
`your agents or attorneys to have any knowledge concerning any of the issues raised by the
`pleadings, specifying the subject matter about which the witnesses have knowledge and
`state whether you have obtained any statements (oral, written and/or recorded) from any of
`said witnesses, list the dates any such witness statements were taken, by whom any such
`witness statements were taken and who has present possession, custody and control of any
`such statements.
`Did the Defendant request Plaintiff(s) to perform any post loss duties for the subject
`claim, including but not limited to, submitting to an examination under oath, submitting a
`sworn proof of loss, permitting inspection, etc., and if so, identify each writing or request
`made by defendant evidencing such request.
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


` If your answer to the preceding interrogatory was "YES", please state for each
`the exact request made and the identity of the person on behalf of
`the defendant who made said request.
`the date of the request
`whether the request was written or oral
`What did Plaintiff do in response to said request
`Please describe all requests made by the Insurance Company upon the Insured (i.e.,
`requests for examination under oath, information, documents, sworn proofs of loss, etc.,)
`in reference to this claim and the dates made.
`With reference to each of your affirmative defenses raised in this lawsuit, please
`describe each and every fact upon which you rely to substantiate such affirmative defense,
`including identification of all witnesses to each such fact, making sure that the description
`you give correlates to the numbered or lettered affirmative defense raised by you.
`Please identify and state the qualifications of the adjuster(s), engineer(s) and any
`other individuals used by Defendant in investigating the stated claim involved in this
`Please identify each person you intend to call as a factual witness in this case and
`provide a brief description of that person’s expected testimony (e.g. why is that person
`being called as a witness).
`Please identify each person you intend to call as an expert witness in this case and
`provide a brief description of that person’s expected testimony (e.g. why is that person
`being called as a witness).
`Please identify each document you intend to use at trial and describe its purpose.
`Identify all persons who participated in answering these interrogatories, and the
`nature of their participation.
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`Please explain with particularity, identifying each and every witness and
`document, all facts which support your denial of each of Plaintiff's requests for admissions.
`Did Defendant conduct an inspection of the property at issue prior to issuing an
`insurance policy to either the Plaintiff or any other prior homeowner of the property at
`issue? If so, was a report created?
`Did Defendant ever provide an inspection report of the property to either the
`Plaintiff or any other prior homeowner of the property at issue?
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`Name of the Insurance Company
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Insurance Company has executed the foregoing answers to
`interrogatories and states that same are true and correct to the best of the undersigned’s knowledge
`and belief.
`Name of Authorized Representative:
`COUNTY OF ____________
`BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized to administer oaths and take
`acknowledgments, personally appeared _________________, who, being first duly sworn,
`deposes and says that he or she is the authorized representative of the defendant, and that he or she
`is the affiant who answered the foregoing interrogatories and that the answers set forth in the
`foregoing answers to interrogatories are true and correct.
`) SS:
`SWORN TO and subscribed to before me on ________________________________.
`Notary Public, State of Florida at Large
`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`2750 SW 145TH Ave., Ste. 509│ Miramar, Florida 33027 │ Phone: (786) 703-8810


`WC Estimates LLC
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301 DORAL, FL 33178
`10851 SW 159TH TER
`MIAMI, FL 33157
`Claim Rep.:
`Property Litigation Group
`2750 SW 145th Avenue - Suite 509
`Miramar, FL 33027
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301
`DORAL, FL 33178
`(786) 703-8810
`(305) 874-8380
`Claim Number: 12 – 3019206 - 23
`Policy Number: 12-1046384-02
`Type of Loss: Hurricane
`Date of Loss:
`Date Inspected:
`9/28/2022 12:00 AM
`Date Received:
`Date Entered:
`1/15/2024 2:00 PM
`Price List:


`WC Estimates LLC
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301 DORAL, FL 33178
`This estimate has been prepared to the best of our knowledge with the understanding that there is a
`possibility of errors and/or omissions. World Class Estimates LLC has the right to amend this estimate as
`needed for marker and/or unit-cost change. This estimate is designed to provide comparative pricing
`information for restoration, service, and remodel of subject property in accordance with all the standards
`for compliance set forth by the South Florida Building Code. Any additional findings including, but not
`limited to, hidden damages or additional damages not seen at the time of this estimate, will be amended and
`processed by Change Order Format. No warranties on prices, cost, errors, omissions, and/or liability can be
`assumed by World Class Estimates LLC.
`This is a repair estimate only. The insurance company policy may contain provisions that will reduce any
`payments that might be made. This is not an authorization to repair. Authorization to repair or guarantee of
`payment must come from the owner of the property. No adjuster or appraiser has the authority to authorize
`repair or guarantee of payment. The following estimate has been prepared based on representation made by
`the insured. The work outlined in the following pages will be performed in accordance with all the
`standards set forth by the South Florida Building Code. Any additional credits or work required by the
`client will be processed in the form of a change order. Florida Statute 626.954 (1) "Unfair Insurance Trade
`Practice Act" Specifically addresses the matter of unfair claim settlement practices 1. Not attempting in
`good faith to settle claims when, under all the circ*mstances, it could and should of done so, had it acted
`fairly and honestly toward its insured and with due regard for her or his interests. Pursuant to s.817.234,
`Florida Statues, any person who, with the intent to injure, defraud, or deceive any insurer or insured,
`prepares, presents, or causes to be presented a proof of loss or estimate of cost or repair of damaged
`property in support of a claim under an insurance policy knowing that the proof of loss or estimate of claim
`or repairs contains false, incomplete, or
`misleading information concerning any fact or thing material the claim commits a felony of the third
`degree, punishable as provided in s.775.082, s.775.803, or s.775.084, Florida Statues.
`Page: 2


`WC Estimates LLC
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301 DORAL, FL 33178
`Main Level
`1816.60 Surface Area
`191.72 Total Perimeter Length
`18.17 Number of Squares
`57.17 Total Ridge Length
`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`Living RoomLiving Room
`Closet 1 (1)Closet 1 (1)
`Linen ClosetLinen Closet
`Utility RoomUtility Room
`HallwayGuest BathroomHallwayGuest Bathroom
`Walk-in ClosetWalk-in Closet
`Vanity Area/RoomVanity Area/Room
`Closet 2 (1)Closet 2 (1)
`Master BathroomMaster Bathroom
`Guest Bedroom 2Guest Bedroom 2
`Laundry RoomLaundry Room
`56' 2"
`37' 6"
`19' 9"
`19' 9"
`18' 9"
`18' 9"
`35' 7"
`Roof2 (1)Roof2 (1)
`16' 9"
`4' 10"
`1,816.60 SF
`18.17 SQ
`20.89 SQ
`57.17 LF
`30' 6"
`20.89 EA
`1. Roofing (Bid Item)
`This item is to load the material on the roof. The contractor charges $60.00 per square to do this job.
`2. Digital satellite system - Detach & reset
`1.00 EA
`3. Re-nailing of roof sheathing - complete
`4. Remove Tile roofing - Clay - "S" or flat
`tile - w/out felt
`5. Tile roofing - Clay - "S" or flat tile -
`w/out felt
`6. Hip & ridge nailer board for tile roofing -
`7. R&R Hip / Ridge / Rake cap - tile
`8. Bird stop - Eave closure strip for tile
`roofing - metal
`9. R&R Modified bitumen roof - self-
` As per Section 1507.3.3 of the Florida Building Code (2020)
`10. Gutter / downspout - Detach & reset
`11. R&R Drip edge/gutter apron
`12. R&R Drip edge
`13. R&R Soffit - wood
`14. R&R Fascia - 1" x 6" - #1 pine
`15. Prime & paint exterior fascia - wood,
`6"- 8" wide
`16. Prime & paint exterior soffit - wood
`17. R&R Flashing - pipe jack
`18. Step flashing
`57.17 LF
`96.58 LF
`19.98 SQ
`96.58 LF
`96.58 LF
`191.72 LF
`191.72 SF
`191.72 LF
`191.72 LF
`383.43 SF
`3.00 EA
`16.07 LF
`Totals: Roof1
`Page: 3


`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`WC Estimates LLC
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301 DORAL, FL 33178
`Living RoomLiving Room
`Closet 1 (1)Closet 1 (1)
`Linen ClosetLinen Closet
`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`Utility RoomUtility Room
`Guest BathroomGuest Bathroom
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`Guest Bedroom 2
`Walk-in ClosetWalk-in Closet
`Vanity Area/RoomVanity Area/Room
`334.89 SF Walls
`Living RoomLiving Room
`Master BathroomMaster Bathroom
`450.18 SF Walls & Ceiling
`12.81 SY Flooring
`46.17 LF Ceil. Perimeter
`Laundry RoomLaundry Room
`Subroom: Closet 2 (1)
`116.22 SF Walls
`130.60 SF Walls & Ceiling
`1.60 SY Flooring
`18.83 LF Ceil. Perimeter
`Master BathroomMaster Bathroom
`Walk-in ClosetWalk-in Closet
`Height: 8'
`115.29 SF Ceiling
`115.29 SF Floor
`41.00 LF Floor Perimeter
`Height: 8'
`Vanity Area/RoomVanity Area/Room
`14.38 SF Ceiling
`14.38 SF Floor
`13.67 LF Floor Perimeter
`5' 2" X 6' 8"
`Opens into GUEST_BEDRO1
`Laundry RoomLaundry Room
`129.67 SF
`2' 3"2
`1' 11"
`' 6"
`Closet 2 (1)Closet 2 (1)
`1' 2"
`5' 2"
`1' 6"
`12' 3"
`12' 1"
`Closet 1 (1)Closet 1 (1)
`Guest Bedroom 2Guest Bedroom 2
`9' 10"
`10' 4"
`2' 11"
`3' 3"
`Guest BathroomGuest Bathroom
`Linen ClosetLinen Closet
`3' 1"
`3' 3"
`Utility RoomUtility Room
`2' 3"
`1' 11"
`1' 6"
`7' 6"
`Closet 2 (1)Closet 2 (1)
`5' 2"
`1' 2"
`2' 3"
`Missing Wall - Goes to Floor
`Guest Bedroom 2Guest Bedroom 2
`19. R&R T & G paneling - cedar paneling
`20. Stain & finish paneling
`21. Seal the ceiling with
`fungicidal/bacterial inhibitor - one coat
`22. Dust control barrier per square foot
`23. Mask and prep for paint - plastic,
`paper, tape (per LF)
`24. Floor protection - cloth - skid resistant,
`leak proof
`25. Clean floor - Heavy
`26. Paint the ceiling - two coats
`27. Contents - move out then reset - Large
`28. Ceiling fan - Detach & reset
`29. Occupancy sensor - ceiling/wall
`mounted - Detach & reset
`30. R&R Crown molding - 4 1/4" stain
`31. Seal (1 coat) & paint (1 coat) crown
`molding, oversized
`Totals: Guest Bedroom 2
`129.67 SF
`129.67 SF
`451.11 SF
`65.00 LF
`129.67 SF
`129.67 SF
`129.67 SF
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`65.00 LF
`65.00 LF
`Page: 4


`WC Estimates LLC
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301 DORAL, FL 33178
`Guest Bedroom 1
`404.00 SF Walls
`531.96 SF Walls & Ceiling
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`13.99 SY Flooring
`48.69 LF Ceil. Perimeter
`Living RoomLiving Room
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`2' 11"
`2' 7"
`3' 7"
`3' 5"
`13' 4"
`13' 2"
`10' 9"
`11' 3"
`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`1' 2"
`5' 2"
`1' 6"
`Closet 1 (1)Closet 1 (1)
`2' 6"
`Linen ClosetLinen Closet
`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`Utility RoomUtility Room
`Guest BathroomGuest Bathroom
`2' 1"
`Closet 2 (1)Closet 2 (1)
`5' 2"
`1' 2"
`1' 6"
`Height: Sloped
`127.97 SF Ceiling
`125.90 SF Floor
`43.17 LF Floor Perimeter
`Height: 8'
`15.63 SF Ceiling
`15.63 SF Floor
`14.00 LF Floor Perimeter
`Subroom: Closet 1 (1)
`Walk-in ClosetWalk-in Closet
`Vanity Area/RoomVanity Area/Room
`118.89 SF Walls
`Living RoomLiving Room
`Master BathroomMaster Bathroom
`134.51 SF Walls & Ceiling
`1.74 SY Flooring
`Laundry RoomLaundry Room
`19.17 LF Ceil. Perimeter
`2' 5"
`2' 1"
`Closet 1 (1)Closet 1 (1)
`7' 6"
`Guest Bedroom 2Guest Bedroom 2
`4' 8"
`2' 6"
`Linen ClosetLinen Closet
`2' 5"
`Utility RoomUtility Room
`Guest BathroomGuest Bathroom
`Missing Wall - Goes to Floor
`5' 2" X 6' 8"
`Opens into GUEST_BEDROO
`Walk-in ClosetWalk-in Closet
`143.59 SF
`143.59 SF
`143.59 SF
`Master BathroomMaster Bathroom
`Vanity Area/RoomVanity Area/Room
`Closet 2 (1)Closet 2 (1)
`32. R&R 5/8" drywall - hung, taped,
`floated, ready for paint
`33. Acoustic ceiling (popcorn) texture
`34. R&R Blown-in insulation - 10" depth -
`Guest Bedroom 2Guest Bedroom 2
`35. Seal the ceiling w/latex based stain
`blocker - two coats
`36. Seal the ceiling with
`fungicidal/bacterial inhibitor - one coat
`37. Dust control barrier per square foot
`38. Mask and prep for paint - plastic,
`paper, tape (per LF)
`39. Floor protection - cloth - skid resistant,
`leak proof
`40. Clean floor - Heavy
`41. Paint the ceiling - two coats
`42. Contents - move out then reset - Large
`43. Ceiling fan - Detach & reset
`44. Clean ductwork - Interior - Heavy
`45. Heat/AC register - Mechanically
`attached - Detach & reset
`Totals: Guest Bedroom 1
`143.59 SF
`143.59 SF
`522.89 SF
`67.86 LF
`141.53 SF
`141.53 SF
`143.59 SF
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`Laundry RoomLaundry Room
`Page: 5


`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`Living RoomLiving Room
`2' 4"
`6' 8"
`Closet 1 (1)Closet 1 (1)
`Linen ClosetLinen Closet
`Utility RoomUtility Room
`Guest BathroomGuest Bathroom
`Closet 2 (1)Closet 2 (1)
`Guest Bedroom 2Guest Bedroom 2
`6' 6"
`4' 8"
`Master BathroomMaster Bathroom
`2' 9"
`2' 11"
`Laundry RoomLaundry Room
`2' 6"
`1' 6"
`1' 8"
`2' 1"
`Missing Wall - Goes to neither Floor/Ceiling
`Missing Wall - Goes to Floor
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`WC Estimates LLC
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301 DORAL, FL 33178
`Walk-in ClosetWalk-in Closet
`1' 6"
`Vanity Area/RoomVanity Area/Room
`4' 5"
`325.46 SF Walls
`475.27 SF Walls & Ceiling
`11.30 SY Flooring
`48.96 LF Ceil. Perimeter
`Height: Peaked
`149.81 SF Ceiling
`101.70 SF Floor
`38.00 LF Floor Perimeter
`4' 5" X 3' 8 1/16"
`3' X 6' 8"
`Opens into LIVING_ROOM
`Opens into ENTRY_FOYER
`149.81 SF
`46. R&R 5/8" drywall - hung, taped,
`floated, ready for paint
`47. Acoustic ceiling (popcorn) texture
`48. R&R Blown-in insulation - 10" depth -
`49. Seal the ceiling w/latex based stain
`blocker - two coats
`50. Seal the ceiling with
`fungicidal/bacterial inhibitor - one coat
`51. Dust control barrier per square foot
`52. Mask and prep for paint - plastic,
`paper, tape (per LF)
`53. Floor protection - cloth - skid resistant,
`leak proof
`54. Clean floor - Heavy
`55. Paint the ceiling - two coats
`56. Contents - move out then reset - Large
`57. Ceiling fan - Detach & reset
`58. Clean ductwork - Interior - Heavy
`59. Heat/AC register - Mechanically
`attached - Detach & reset
`Totals: Kitchen
`149.81 SF
`149.81 SF
`149.81 SF
`149.81 SF
`325.46 SF
`48.96 LF
`101.70 SF
`101.70 SF
`149.81 SF
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`1.00 EA
`Page: 6


`Height: Sloped
`59.39 SF Ceiling
`54.10 SF Floor
`26.08 LF Floor Perimeter
`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`WC Estimates LLC
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`7661 NW 107TH AVE UNIT 301 DORAL, FL 33178
`Living RoomLiving Room
`Closet 1 (1)Closet 1 (1)
`Linen ClosetLinen Closet
`Utility RoomUtility Room
`Guest BathroomGuest Bathroom
`Closet 2 (1)Closet 2 (1)
`4' 5"
`Walk-in ClosetWalk-in Closet
`Vanity Area/RoomVanity Area/Room
`Laundry RoomLaundry Room
`241.92 SF Walls
`301.31 SF Walls & Ceiling
`6.01 SY Flooring
`29.52 LF Ceil. Perimeter
`Master BathroomMaster Bathroom
`6' 8"
`12' 3"
`12' 1"
`2' 5"
`1' 1"
`1' 3"
`Guest Bedroom 2Guest Bedroom 2
`Missing Wall - Goes to Floor
`Missing Wall
`3' X 6' 8"
`4' 5" X 8'
`Opens into KITCHEN
`Opens into LIVING_ROOM
`59.39 SF
`59.39 SF
`59.39 SF
`241.92 SF
`29.52 LF
`60. Acoustic ceiling (popcorn) texture
`61. Seal the ceiling w/latex based stain
`blocker - two coats
`62. Seal the ceiling with
`fungicidal/bacterial inhibitor - one coat
`63. Dust control barrier per square foot
`64. Mask and prep for paint - plastic,
`paper, tape (per LF)
`65. Floor protection - cloth - skid resistant,
`leak proof
`66. Clean floor - Heavy
`67. Paint the ceiling - two coats
`68. Light fixture - Detach & reset - Large
`Totals: Entry/Foyer
`54.10 SF
`54.10 SF
`59.39 SF
`1.00 EA
`616.64 SF Walls
`866.24 SF Walls & Ceiling
`26.59 SY Flooring
`67.40 LF Ceil. Perimeter
`Height: Peaked
`249.60 SF Ceiling
`239.27 SF Floor
`58.81 LF Floor Perimeter
`4' 5" X 3' 8 1/16"
`3' X 6' 8"
`4' 5" X 10'
`Opens into KITCHEN
`Opens into HALLWAY
`Opens into ENTRY_FOYER
`Living Room
`3' 4"
`3' 2"
`Master BedroomMaster Bedroom
`13' 4"
`13' 2"
`Guest Bedroom 1Guest Bedroom 1
`10' 1"
`10' 3"
`Living RoomLiving R

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FRANCISCO APONTE ET AL VS TYPTAP INSURANCE COMPANY, 2024-011623-CA-01, Doc-04-Notice-of-Interrogatory (Fla. 11th Cir. Ct. Jun. 24, 2024) (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.