How to prove someone is a spoofer? (2024)


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Deep cover...and/or chat with them on the raid channel. I seriously don't care what they do or don't do



There is one way to prove there is a spoofer: Be at the gym. Record the gym get attacked and then occupied by an opposing team member while nobody is around.

How to catch a spoofer: if you see a gym where you have a mon under attack, golden raz it. Keep heading in the gym's way and golden raz every now and then. Either you find someone there while the gym is still under attack or you have found yourself a spoofer.



this is only possible if it's a huge open space area, like a park with no buildings nearby. But for most gyms, there are buildings nearby. So you can't really tell.

I had my ex-raid today. We didn't ask anyone for their username. We just all got into the lobby and battle. That was all.



Well, for my case everything around here is huge open space. You could film around every gym, there was a statue in the way but changing angles would have worked to see behind it too.

They were asking me who I am (and I don't know them either, I only know 2 people by username and appearance and sadly they weren't there). Well, glad that you managed to have it though. I wish I lived in another country.



Where are you from? Ever consider moving? :P



I'm from Romania. My entire family considered moving. Only part of it managed to do so. My parents and I did not get the chance to gather enough money to move, salaries here are crap unless you're a politician, programmer, football player, or renowned surgeon or pharmacist.
I don't know what other stuff there is that earns big bucks, but it's hard to even start your own company, a friend tried with a computer repair shop, the state bled him dry. A friend of his helped him go to Germany and they've started a car repair company together and they're doing well.



With the spoofing medal!!!!



That might be one way to go about it. I haven't even caught 1 Unown yet.



Catching 0 uknown doesn't mean you don't spoof.

It could mean you suck at spoofing. :p



Well, there's no way to prove I don't spoof. Now nobody will want to raid with me.



Access to the player journal is the best way to know for sure (inconsistent time between distant activities, foreign locations and exclusive Pokemons).



I'd gladly provide the whole list of details if only they cared about it.
Also, posted a huge wall of text on the group. I might get kicked but eh who cares. At this point it would just prove they're trying to cover up for themselves if they do.



You either spoof or use a scanner. If you have gold, then you probably spoof. I know of at least one guy who I know for a fact does not spoof but uses scanners and he has accumulated 14 different unowns.



I've been playing since 28.04.2017 and I have lots of spawns near my house. 6 of them to be exact but I don't always reach all of them, and one in the kitchen that I reach guaranteed. Plus nests at the park nearby and 2 hours almost daily of raking through that park can easily get you gold here (if you are talking about the type medals). The one thing I have a mere bronze at is the Dragon medal since the dratinis only spawn near water and I don't go too often there.



There are people in my Discord who do not spoof who have completed their Unown dex. It's not impossible with a scanner in the right area.



In our city we have a group where we add every PoGo player we meet, we are about 150 members. Knowing new people is the main aspect of the game I love, but all of us did, too. Knowing each other is a great key to understand who is spoofing and who is not. Personally I'm not shy to check who is playing and just ask people.
Checking a player's account and knowing him/her a little is a good point to understand if you are in front of a spoofer (Spoof to catch and go outside to raid).
It's not that easy to understand.
Niantic should help :P.



We have several groups but it's mostly the same few people just traveling the city. So that means no matter where I'd go, I'll just not get rid of a label that I was given with no further explanation.



forget that toxic group and create your own. be a leader and assemble a team of postitive like minded individuals.



I'd like to, but without knowing people, a group cannot be made. I'd make a discord and I'd even invite them over to my own game's discord too.



Use the community day to find ppl playing in the park, drop lures at the park during that day to make your name known, if there is a t5 or 4 during that time try to see if you can find players there.



I normally am not out at noon, and the last community day lasted until 3 PM here if i remember right. I hope I'll not have any work to do on that day. Also, even if I do find them, they'll probably just be the same people who ruined my rep. I used to drop lures before, even dropped one at a hospital too on some event. At one time I tried to call people to 2 Moltres raids on an island by putting a lure near the gyms, but nobody came.



Even if it's the same ppl, just seeing you playing at the park might give them second thought on whether you spoof.



I hope so, but if they have ignored me until now (almost a full year since I've been playing) then that's probably not going to change their minds. I've seen lures, lots of them, at that park, but not the ones who put them.



One guy in our area was highly suspected as a spoofer, so he started taking pictures of when he would take gyms. Turns out he really did just go out at 3 in the morning to take gyms. He also apparently hopped a couple fences and trespassed to get gyms guaranteed to last the night. So he proved that he wasn't a spoofer, just a weird dude.



Now that's dedication right there. I do sometimes carry my camera with me, especially during summer when I can find bugs to take photos of. Though I don't know who would review these pictures if everyone just turned their noses up at me.



but that hardly proves anything ....

he may take 10 pictures on 10 ocassions that he didn't spoof. How do we know that he didn't spoof on any other ocassions in the past, and that he will not spoof in the future??



That's also true, however proving a negative is the weird part here. Normally, a claim has to be supported with evidence. Was there any evidence to support an accusation?



In my local discord group, sometimes ppl start accusing when they don't anyone around.
It never crosses their mind that someone might be on buses / cars / walking by in the dark. Then we also have users trying to clarify the situations with different possibilities.

In short, it can be anything. Some spoofers might spoof 50% of the time, and 50% of the time be physically present. There's no way you can tell.



Well, the actual spoofers should have some sliced mons if they were using stuff while the update caught spoofers. I've heard those can never be removed so it just sits there like a strike. Or have some spoofers evaded this?



Today I saw a lot of 40s in lobbies I had never seen before...spoofers (barely blame them EXs happen here more than anywhere).

However, I met a 40 early in the day (my color, too) visiting from Denver and we and 3 others did three outrage Rayquazas in 45 minutes. Then in the afternoon met another new 40 (my color again) but I was finishing up my day (6 Rayquaza raids today which took a lot of supplies).



Rural here with 2 gyms in a small town and no one ever available to do Tier 4/5. Give me your spoofers!



They are out today, but mainly at the sponsored gyms. I drove to two Sprint Rayquazas today, the public at the hatch lobby had 18-20 both times. Splintered off after that initial wave with 5 one time and 6 the other time.

This board is asked every 10 days "What is your oldest pokemon?" She is at a very modest level (33) if her oldest one is a year or more she'd have to be a one catch a day spoofer, those around here at the sponsored spots are 38-40



The problem with social games is that some people are mean.

Spoofers and regular players have both kind people and jerks. Spoofing jerks have a bigger impact, because they have no natural limits on the game.

For instance, if a spoofing group started setting up raids for rural areas by request, wouldn't we all appreciate them helping out that hole in the game? I've got 8 or so Rayquazas with little effort, but if I lived in a rural area, I might have to drive hours to get it done. That sort of thing would be very kind and helpful.

But many go the other way and just do their best to grief people. It's annoying.

I'm sorry this person was accused and excluded. But there's no way to talk to people about inclusion. They are blinded by their rule breaking. It's similar to how Trump supporters feel about illegal immigrants.



spot on mate



Dude, some people are just stupid. I have a very common first name, it ranked in the top 50 in the United States for over 70 years. I was accused of being a spoofer and removed from a Facebook group because an actual spoofer used my first name as a portion of his username. Again it's a TOP 50 name in the country for over 70 years.

The evidence, I didn't respond to a message asking if I was a spoofer within an hour. Nevermind, that messenger is the biggest piece of crap and I have a life outside of PoGo and Facebook (I happen to have been at a Halloween event with my daughter). It was the most ludicrous thing I've ever seen.



Wow now that's even worse. I have a very rare username, I have not seen anyone using it with extra numbers or such. This nickname has meaning to me because of Star Craft.



I used to spoof but when I did the only way that you would have known I was fulfilling was whenever I beat a gym I will never take over it and I was smart I would never got caught because whenever I spoke somewhere out the country I used to changing my phone time and date to make it seem like I was over there and now used to wait the time that I needed like if it was a three-hour flight I'll wait for 3 hours and then thing just to make it seem like oh okay she's legit but I got bored with it and stopped way before they put the new update on top of that any Pokemon I caught during the spoof I got rid of them quickly they were just for the Pokedex and one more thing I only spoofed when I was doing live video



    How to prove someone is a spoofer? (2024)


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