Skyward Sword Text Dump (2024)

Table of Contents
Contents 0-Common 001-Action.msbt 002-System.msbt 003-ItemGet.msbt 004-Object.msbt 005-Tutorial.msbt 006-1KenseiNormal.msbt 006-2KenseiNormal.msbt 006-3KenseiNormal.msbt 006-4KenseiNormal.msbt 006-5KenseiNormal.msbt 006-6KenseiNormal.msbt 006-7KenseiNormal.msbt 006-8KenseiNormal.msbt 006-9KenseiNormal.msbt 006-KenseiNormal.msbt 007-MapText.msbt 008-Hint.msbt word.msbt 1-Town 100-Town.msbt 101-Shop.msbt 102-Zelda.msbt 103-DaiShinkan.msbt 104-Rival.msbt 105-Terry.msbt 106-DrugStore.msbt 107-Kanban.msbt 108-ShinkanA.msbt 109-TakeGoron.msbt 110-DiviningGame.msbt 111-FortuneTeller.msbt 112-Trustee.msbt 113-RemodelStore.msbt 114-Friend.msbt 115-Town2.msbt 116-InsectGame.msbt 117-Pumpkin.msbt 118-Town3.msbt 119-Captain.msbt 120-Nushi.msbt 121-AkumaKun.msbt 122-Town4.msbt 123-Town5.msbt 124-Town6.msbt 125-D3.msbt 150-Siren.msbt 199-Demo.msbt 2-Forest 200-Forest.msbt 201-ForestD1.msbt 202-ForestD2.msbt 203-ForestF2.msbt 204-ForestF3.msbt 250-ForestSiren.msbt 251-Salvage.msbt 299-Demo.msbt 3-Mountain 300-Mountain.msbt 301-MountainD1.msbt 302-Anahori.msbt 303-MountainF2.msbt 304-MountainD2.msbt 305-MountainF3.msbt 350-MountainSiren.msbt 351-Salvage.msbt 399-Demo.msbt 4-Desert 400-Desert.msbt 401-DesertD2.msbt 402-DesertF2.msbt 403-DesertD1.msbt 404-DesertF3.msbt 405-DesertD2Clear.msbt 406-TrolleyRace.msbt 450-DesertSiren.msbt 451-Salvage.msbt 460-RairyuMinigame.msbt 499-Demo.msbt 5-CenterField 500-CenterField.msbt 501-Inpa.msbt 502-CenterFieldBack.msbt 503-Goron.msbt 510-Salvage.msbt 599-Demo.msbt References


  • 1 0-Common
    • 1.1 001-Action.msbt
    • 1.2 002-System.msbt
    • 1.3 003-ItemGet.msbt
    • 1.4 004-Object.msbt
    • 1.5 005-Tutorial.msbt
    • 1.6 006-1KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.7 006-2KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.8 006-3KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.9 006-4KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.10 006-5KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.11 006-6KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.12 006-7KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.13 006-8KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.14 006-9KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.15 006-KenseiNormal.msbt
    • 1.16 007-MapText.msbt
    • 1.17 008-Hint.msbt
    • 1.18 word.msbt
  • 2 1-Town
    • 2.1 100-Town.msbt
    • 2.2 101-Shop.msbt
    • 2.3 102-Zelda.msbt
    • 2.4 103-DaiShinkan.msbt
    • 2.5 104-Rival.msbt
    • 2.6 105-Terry.msbt
    • 2.7 106-DrugStore.msbt
    • 2.8 107-Kanban.msbt
    • 2.9 108-ShinkanA.msbt
    • 2.10 109-TakeGoron.msbt
    • 2.11 110-DiviningGame.msbt
    • 2.12 111-FortuneTeller.msbt
    • 2.13 112-Trustee.msbt
    • 2.14 113-RemodelStore.msbt
    • 2.15 114-Friend.msbt
    • 2.16 115-Town2.msbt
    • 2.17 116-InsectGame.msbt
    • 2.18 117-Pumpkin.msbt
    • 2.19 118-Town3.msbt
    • 2.20 119-Captain.msbt
    • 2.21 120-Nushi.msbt
    • 2.22 121-AkumaKun.msbt
    • 2.23 122-Town4.msbt
    • 2.24 123-Town5.msbt
    • 2.25 124-Town6.msbt
    • 2.26 125-D3.msbt
    • 2.27 150-Siren.msbt
    • 2.28 199-Demo.msbt
  • 3 2-Forest
    • 3.1 200-Forest.msbt
    • 3.2 201-ForestD1.msbt
    • 3.3 202-ForestD2.msbt
    • 3.4 203-ForestF2.msbt
    • 3.5 204-ForestF3.msbt
    • 3.6 250-ForestSiren.msbt
    • 3.7 251-Salvage.msbt
    • 3.8 299-Demo.msbt
  • 4 3-Mountain
    • 4.1 300-Mountain.msbt
    • 4.2 301-MountainD1.msbt
    • 4.3 302-Anahori.msbt
    • 4.4 303-MountainF2.msbt
    • 4.5 304-MountainD2.msbt
    • 4.6 305-MountainF3.msbt
    • 4.7 350-MountainSiren.msbt
    • 4.8 351-Salvage.msbt
    • 4.9 399-Demo.msbt
  • 5 4-Desert
    • 5.1 400-Desert.msbt
    • 5.2 401-DesertD2.msbt
    • 5.3 402-DesertF2.msbt
    • 5.4 403-DesertD1.msbt
    • 5.5 404-DesertF3.msbt
    • 5.6 405-DesertD2Clear.msbt
    • 5.7 406-TrolleyRace.msbt
    • 5.8 450-DesertSiren.msbt
    • 5.9 451-Salvage.msbt
    • 5.10 460-RairyuMinigame.msbt
    • 5.11 499-Demo.msbt
  • 6 5-CenterField
    • 6.1 500-CenterField.msbt
    • 6.2 501-Inpa.msbt
    • 6.3 502-CenterFieldBack.msbt
    • 6.4 503-Goron.msbt
    • 6.5 510-Salvage.msbt
    • 6.6 599-Demo.msbt



?Climb up


?Drop down

?Let go


?Put down














?Get out

?Pick up




?Break free



?Speed up


?Put away




?Push in

?Draw bow











?Get in



?Fatal blow

?Jump down




?Ready stance


?Ready sword

?Thrust sword






?Look down









?Climb up


?Drop down

?Let go
















?Get out

?Pick up




?Break free



?Speed up


?Put away





?Draw bow











?Get in



?Fatal blow

?Jump down




?Ready stance


?Ready sword

?Thrust sword






?Look down









?Lock on


?Raise shield

?Shield bash



?View surface

?Put away



?World map

?Zoom out

?Zoom in


?Current location


?Add beacon

?Remove beacon

?Rotate map

?Rotate map

?Get off




?View lock

?Reset position






?Reset panels


?Slow down


?Select floor

?Show island name

?Hide island name

?Ready cannon

?Stow cannon




?Zelda: Skyward Sword

?A story of Link and Zelda.

?Connect the Nunchuk to the Wii Remote.Once you have connected the Nunchuk,wait a few moments without touchingthe Control Stick.

?Connect the Wii Remote andNunchuk to the Wii MotionPlusaccessory. Next, wait a fewmoments without touching theControl Stick.

?The Wii Remote battery chargeis running low. Please check theHOME Menu.

?Communications with the WiiRemote have been interrupted.Reconnect the Wii Remote.Press [A] without touchingthe Control Stick.

?Now calibrating the Wii MotionPlus.Place the Wii Remote on a flat surface.

?Point the Wii Remote at the screen, andmove [cursor] to the center.

?Press [A].

?Could not successfully completethe calibration check.

Run the check again?

Don't check

?If you proceed without finishingcalibration, game controls may notwork properly. Continue withoutfinishing calibration?

Retry check

?Would you like to view the Wii MotionPlusinstructional video?


?There is not enough available spacein Wii system memory. Create 1 block offree space either by moving data to anSD Card or deleting data in the Wiiconsole's Data Management screen.

?There is not enough available space inWii system memory. Either move data toan SD Card or delete data in the Wiiconsole's Data Management screen.

?Do you want to go to the Wiiconsole's Data Managementscreen to edit data?


?The file cannot be used becausethe data is corrupted.

All data saved up to this point willbe lost. Create new save data?


?The Wii system memory has beendamaged. Refer to the Wii OperationsManual for details.

?Could not access Wii system memory.Refer to the Wii Operations Manualfor details.

?An error occurred while accessingWii system memory. Refer to theWii Operations Manual for details.

?Creating save data. Please do nottouch the POWER Button or RESET.

?Save data for The Legend of Zelda:Skyward Sword has been created.

?Save data could not be created.Try again?


?The save data is corrupted.Save data will be restored.

?Restoring save data. Please do nottouch the POWER Button or RESET.

?Save data is restored.

?Creating save data again. Please do nottouch the POWER Button or RESET.

?New save data has been created.

?Saving in progress. Please do nottouch the POWER Button or RESET.



Save and quit

?Are you sure you want to quit?



Save and quit
To the sky

?Do you want to return to the sky?



Save and quit
Go outside

?Leave the area?


?Do you want to save your progress?

Save and quit

?You will not be able to save. Do youwant to begin your game anyway?


?It is not possible to save. Continueyour adventure anyway?


?You have conquered Hero Mode!Congratulations! Do you want to createa save just before the final battle?

Don't save

?Are you sure you want to return to thetitle screen without saving?

Don't save

?You can play again in Hero Mode usingthis save data. Do you want tocontinue?


?Your progress up to this point will bedeleted. Are you sure you want to playHero Mode?

Bring it on
No, thanks

?Copying... Please do not touch thePOWER Button or RESET.

?Copying complete.

?Once overwritten, previous datacannot be restored. Do you wantto copy to this quest log?

Don't copy

?Deleting... Please do not touch thePOWER Button or RESET.

?Deleting complete.

?Once deleted, previous data cannot berestored. Do you want to delete thisquest log?

Don't delete

?Do you want to continue adventuring?


?Do you want to continue adventuring?


?Are you sure you want to quit?



?Quest Logs

?Your Name

?Select a file.

?Which quest log will you copy to?

?Enter your character's name.

?Do you want to start this quest?

?Really delete this?

?Go meet Zelda, who is waiting by the Statue of theGoddess.

?Search for your missing Loftwing.

?Use the map to search near the waterfallfor your bird.

?Triumph in the Wing Ceremony race.

?Follow the mysterious girl who appeared inyour dream.

?Fly to the column of light and descend throughthe clouds to the land below.

?Search for Zelda, who seems to have landedsafely.

?Go to Faron Woods and search for Zelda.

?Gather information on Zelda from theKikwis.

?Use the Slingshot to reach the temple whereZelda is.

?Search for Zelda, who is somewhere inSkyview Temple.

?Return the tablet to the Statue of the Goddessin Skyloft.

?Travel to Eldin Province using the newcolumn of light.

?Search for Zelda in Eldin Province.

?Search for the key to the temple at Eldin Volcano.

?Use the completed key to open the door to thetemple at Eldin Volcano.

?Search for Zelda in the Earth Temple.

?Return the third tablet to the Statue of theGoddess in Skyloft.

?Travel to Lanayru Province using the newcolumn of light.

?Search for Zelda in Lanayru Province.

?Look for an entrance to Lanayru Mining Facility.

?Travel through Lanayru Mining Facility to theTemple of Time.

?Show your new harp to the old woman at theSealed Grounds.

?Respond to the event happening in theSealed Grounds.

?Find out more about the Ballad of the Goddessin Skyloft.

?Unlock the mystery of the Ballad of the Goddesstold to you by the headmaster.

?Investigate the location the Light Tower hasilluminated.

?Follow the guidance of Farore's Courage to thefirst Trial Gate.

?Use the Water Dragon's Scale to searchFaron Woods.

?Ask the Water Dragon about the sacred flame.

?Find some sacred water and take it to theWater Dragon.

?Explore the area that opened up behindthe waterfall.

?Look for a sacred flame within theAncient Cistern.

?Travel to the Isle of Songs to learn the next song.

?Find and open the next Trial Gate withNayru's Wisdom.

?Use the Clawshots to investigate Lanayru Desert.

?Retrieve the sea chart from the Skipper's Retreat.

?Search for Skipper's ship at the Shipyard.

?Search for Skipper's ship at thePirate Stronghold.

?Use dowsing to find the old ship inLanayru Sand Sea.

?Search the Sandship for the sacred flame.

?Fly to the Isle of Songs to learn the third song.

?Find and open the next Trial Gate withDin's Power.

?Use the Fireshield Earrings to explore new areas.

?Find a way to carry water to the peak ofEldin Volcano.

?Transport the water basin to the wall of fire at thepeak of Eldin Volcano and enter the temple.

?Find the third sacred flame within theFire Sanctuary.

?Activate the Gate of Time with yourenhanced sword.

?Seal away the mysterious monster that hasappeared at the bottom of Sealed Grounds again.

?Hit the Gate of Time with a Skyward Strikefrom your enhanced sword.

?Reunite with Zelda in the world of the past.

?Return to your own time to fulfill your promiseto Zelda.

?Search Skyloft for information about theTriforce.

?Ask Instructor Owlan how to find Levias.

?Meet with Levias and ask about the Triforce.

?Ask the three dragons about theSong of the Hero.

?Return to Levias to complete theSong of the Hero.

?Find and open the next Trial Gate with theSong of the Hero.

?Search for a second Stone of Trials.

?Enter the structure that has appeared underneaththe Isle of the Goddess.

?Search for the three parts of the Triforcewithin Sky Keep.

?Chase after Ghirahim, who has abducted Zelda.

?Prevent Ghirahim from realizing his plan toresurrect Demise.

?Defeat Ghirahim in the world of the past.

?Defeat the revived Demise in the worldof the past.

?Bird Riding


?Boss Battle


?There's nothing useful in here!

?You really shouldn't open other people'scupboards without permission...

?You got a Small Key!This key will open a locked door. You canonly use it in this area.

?You got a Green Rupee! It's worth just1 Rupee, so collect lots of them!

?You got a Blue Rupee! It's worth 5 Rupees.Lucky find!

?You found a Blue Rupee! It's worth5 Rupees. Better drop it in your walletfor now.

?You got a Red Rupee! It's worth 20 Rupees.Don't spend it all in one place!

?The Triforce is complete! With its power,you have the ability to make Zelda's wish ofvanquishing Demise a reality.

?You got a heart! This item's life-givingenergy restores one heart of life.

?You got an arrow! You can reuse itwith your own bow, so there's no reason tolet it go to waste.

?You got 10 arrows! You can shoot thesewith your bow. You have a limited supply,so shoot carefully.

?You got a Practice Sword! Studentsat the Knight Academy practice with these.It looks like it has a fairly sharp blade!

Press [1] at any time to look at the itemsyou're carrying.

?You got the Goddess Sword!This mysterious sword is bathed indivine light.

?You got the Goddess Sword!This mysterious sword is bathed indivine light.

The memories of violent battles surgewithin this sword when you raise it tothe sky. Your Skyward Strike is nowat maximum strength!

?You got the True Master Sword back!Now you can cut right through yourtroubles like before! You can also talk toFi again.

?You got the Spirit Vessel!This mysterious plant represents yourspirit, [Link].

?You got the Bow! Now you can hit targetsat a very long range. Arrows also do a lotmore damage than Deku Seeds.

Press [d-pad down] to center your aim anytime youfeel the aiming controls are out ofalignment.

?You got the Clawshots! With this sacredgift, you will be able to explore areasthat were previously unreachable!

Aim for special targets and vines, then firea claw on a chain that pulls you to theplace you have targeted!

Press [d-pad down] to center your aim anytime youfeel the aiming controls are out ofalignment.

?You got your Clawshots back!Now you can reach faraway spots again.

?You got the Bird Statuette!It proves your victory today.Wait till Zelda sees this!

?You got the Blessed Idol!This carved wooden statue looks like it'ssupposed to inspire gratitude. It also lookslike the stone statue on the upper floor.

?You got the Mysterious Crystals!This mass is made up of faintly glowingsquare crystals. Several are missing.

?You got the Squid Carving!It's a squid-shaped statue studded withintriguing suction cups.

?You got the first piece of the key!Find all five pieces to complete the keythat opens the door leading into thetemple. Find the other four pieces!

?You got the second piece of the key!Collect all five pieces to complete the keythat opens the temple door. Now youhave to find the other three pieces!

?You got the third piece of the key!Collect all five pieces to complete the keythat opens the temple door. Now go findthe other two pieces!

?You got the fourth piece of the key!Collect all five pieces to complete the keythat opens the temple door. Find thatlast piece!

?You got the last piece of the key!Now you can open the temple door.

Hurry back to the summit and open thedoor to the temple so you can continueyour search for Zelda, who has beentaken into the depths of the temple!

?You got the Golden Carving!This strangely shaped gold sculpture iscovered in mysterious patterns.

?You got the Dragon Sculpture!It is a carving of a coiled dragon madeout of dazzling gold.

?You got the Ancient Circuit!It is made of shining gold. It also looks likeit may be a part from...something.The surface is inlaid with circuitry.

?You got a Silver Rupee! It's worth awhopping 100 Rupees! You must feellike a celebrity.

?You got a Gold Rupee! It's worth astaggering 300 Rupees! Shhh...Don't tell anyone!

?You picked up a Rupoor!That means you've lost 10 Rupees.And that's a little bit sad.

?You got five Gratitude Crystals!These crystals are feelings of gratitudein crystallized form.

It must have taken a lot of gratitude toproduce this bunch of five crystals!Helping people feels good!

?You got some Glittering Spores!This is a powder that is released byglowing mushrooms.

?You got 5 bombs!Throw them or roll them to blow up evenhard objects. Try to pick up and storethem whenever you come across any.

?You got 10 bombs! Throw them or rollthem to blow things up. Into your BombBag they go!

?You got a Stamina Fruit!This peculiar fruit replenishes yourstamina gauge!

?You got a Tear of Farore!This object's power halts the movements ofthe Guardians for just 90 seconds.Collect all 15 to pass the trial!

?You collected every last Tear of Farore.[Link]'s spirit has grown!

The trial will continue until you exit theSilent Realm. Proceed with caution onyour way back to the entrance so that youcan claim proof of your spiritual growth.

?You got a Tear of Din!This object's power halts the movements ofthe Guardians for just 90 seconds.Collect all 15 to pass the trial!

?You collected every last Tear of Din.[Link]'s spirit has grown!

The trial will continue until you exit theSilent Realm. Proceed with caution onyour way back to the entrance so that youcan claim proof of your spiritual growth.

?You got a Tear of Nayru!This object's power halts the movements ofthe Guardians for just 90 seconds.Collect all 15 to pass the trial!

?You collected every last Tear of Nayru.[Link]'s spirit has grown!

The trial will continue until you exit theSilent Realm. Proceed with caution onyour way back to the entrance so that youcan claim proof of your spiritual growth.

?You got a Sacred Tear!This object's power halts the movements ofthe Guardians for just 90 seconds.Collect all 15 to pass the trial!

?You collected every last Sacred Tear.[Link]'s spirit has grown!

The trial will continue until you exit theSilent Realm. Proceed with caution onyour way back to the entrance so that youcan claim proof of your personal growth.

?You got a Light Fruit!This mysterious fruit enables you tosee beacons over the positions ofSacred Tears for 30 seconds!

?You got one Gratitude Crystal! Theseform when a person is so completelyoverwhelmed with feelings of thankfulnessthat crystallized gratitude is created.Collect these and show them to Batreaux!

?You got the Gust Bellows!It is an ancient and mystical device capableof blowing an endless gust of wind.

If you feel the controls are out ofalignment when you are using this item,press [d-pad down] to center them again.

?You got your Gust Bellows back!The power to blast a powerful gust ofair at anything you choose is yoursonce again!

?You got the Dungeon Map!It shows the layout of the area and revealsunexplored rooms.

?It also reveals the locations of treasurechests, so be sure to take a look!

?You got the Slingshot! Use this projectile-shooting weapon to fling Deku Seeds atyour foes! The hard seeds will stun yourenemies.You can press [d-pad down] anytime you want tocenter the cursor.

?You got your Slingshot back!Use it to stun enemies on patrol.

?You got your Scattershot back!Use it to stun enemies on patrol.

?You got the Beetle! The unexplained powercontained within this insect-shaped itemallows you to control it as it flies throughthe air!Point the Wii Remote at the screen andpress [A] to launch it into the air!

If the controls feel out of alignment,press [d-pad down] while pointing the Wii Remoteat the center of the screen.

?You got some Water! It's just normalwater, but it might come in handysometime.

?You got some Mushroom Spores!These spores are from a giant mushroom.

?You got some Mushroom Spores! Thesespores from a giant mushroom are said towork wonders on injured birds.

?You got the Digging Mitts! Use these sharpclaws to dig through patches of soft earth.

Be sure to try digging with [A] anywhereyou see signs that something has beenburied in soft ground.

?You got your Mogma Mitts back!Use them to plan an escape that evena Mogma would be proud of.

?You got 5 Deku Seeds! These small seedsserve as ammunition for your Slingshot.Make sure you've always got a few handy!

?You got 10 Deku Seeds! These small seedsserve as ammunition for your Slingshot.Make sure you've always got a few handy!

?You got a Guardian Potion! Thismysterious potion halves any damageyou receive! The effect lasts for threeminutes.

?You got a Guardian Potion +!This mighty potion prevents you fromsustaining any damage for three minutes!

?You got the Water Dragon's Scale!This sacred gift left by the goddess grantsyou the power to explore underwater andeven execute a spin maneuver!

?You got a Bug Medal!Areas with insects will now be marked with[bug icon] on your map! You can open your mapto see where the bugs like to hang out.

?You got the Bug Net!Use it to catch bugs and other small things.When you're hunting bugs, remember toapproach quietly and strike quickly!

?You found a Fairy!This playful sprite replenishessix of your hearts!

?You found a Fairy!This playful sprite replenishessix of your hearts!

You don't have an Empty Bottle,however, so you'll have to let this onefly off.

?You got some Sacred Water!This pure water can heal the wounds of theWater Dragon. It has mystical propertiesthat cannot be found in ordinary water.

?You got Sacred Water! It maylook like ordinary water, but this purewater contains a powerful energy.

?You got the Hook Beetle!The big pincers enable you to pick up andcarry things with it!

You can also press [Z] while carrying anobject to look down and drop your cargo.Bombs away!

?You got the Hook Beetle!The big pincers enable you to pick up andcarry things with it!

You can also press [Z] while carrying anobject to look down and drop your cargo.Bombs away!

?You've upgraded to the Quick Beetle!It flies faster than the Beetle.Watch where you're flying, speedy!

?You've upgraded to the Tough Beetle!Your Beetle can now fly farther than everbefore!

?You got a Heart Potion!When placed in your pouch, you can usethis item to restore eight hearts.

?You got a Heart Potion +!The Heart Potion has been powered upand now restores all of your hearts.

?You got a Heart Potion ++! This powerfulelixir not only restores all of your heartsbut also contains two servings in everybottle!

?You got a Stamina Potion!Drink it to make your stamina gaugedeplete at a slower rate! One bottle iseffective for three minutes.

?You got a Stamina Potion +!This miraculous brew prevents yourstamina gauge from depleting at allfor three minutes!

?You got an Air Potion! Drinkthis to make your oxygen gauge deplete ata slower rate. One bottle is effective forthree minutes.

?You got an Air Potion +!This wonder potion keeps the oxygen gaugefrom depleting at all for three minutes!

?You caught a Fairy! This playful spritereplenishes six of your hearts!

If you put it in a bottle and keep it withyou, it will come to your aid automaticallyif you run out of hearts.

?You upgraded to the Iron Bow!Crafted for the expert bowman, this bowhas enhanced attack power and can launcharrows even farther!

?You have upgraded to the Sacred Bow!It uses a sacred power of the goddess torain a terrible force upon your enemies.

?You found a Bomb Bag!You can store bombs in this bag and carrythem with you to use later.

Now that you can carry bombs with you,there's a good chance you can get toplaces you haven't explored yet.See if Ledd will lend it to you!

?You got a Bomb Bag! Ledd was kind enoughto give it to you, so make sure you takegood care of it.

?You got your Bomb Bag back!Time to make something explode.

?You got a Heart Container!Your life has increased by one andis also now fully replenished!

?You got a Piece of Heart!Collect four to increase your heartcapacity by one. Three to go!

?You got a Piece of Heart!Collect four to increase your heartcapacity by one. Two to go!

?You got a Piece of Heart!Collect four to increase your heartcapacity by one. Just one more!

?You got a Piece of Heart!This completes the Heart Container.Your heart capacity will increase by one!

?You got the Triforce of Courage! Createdby the old gods, the Triforce possessesultimate power and is said to grant thewishes of whoever possesses it!

?Just two more pieces to go!

?Just one more piece to go!

?You got the Triforce of Power! Createdby the old gods, the Triforce possessesultimate power and is said to grant thewishes of whoever possesses it!

?You got the Triforce of Wisdom! Createdby the old gods, the Triforce possessesultimate power and is said to grant thewishes of whoever possesses it!

?You got the Ancient Sea Chart!This old map details the area as it waslong ago, before the sea succumbed to thedesert sand.

?You got the Mogma Mitts! Even theMogma don't see Digging Mitts this fancyvery often!

They don't just dig holes; they also let youburrow your way under the ground. Try tofind holes that you can dig down into!

?You got the Heart Medal!Hearts will appear more often as long asyou're carrying this.

If you're worried about running out ofhearts while you're out adventuring,keep this with you!

?You got the Heart Medal! While you arecarrying this medal, hearts will appeareven when playing in Hero Mode.

It will also cause heart flowers to bloom.If you're someone who worries abouthearts during an adventure, keep thiswith you!

?You got the Rupee Medal!While you're carrying this, Rupees willmysteriously appear more often. Keep itwith you when your wallet feels empty!

?You got the Treasure Medal!If you carry this with you, treasure willappear more often. It's the perfect thingto take along on a treasure hunt!

?You got the Potion Medal!Carry this with you to prolong the effectsof a potion. If you've got this, rememberto pack lots of potions!

?You got the Cursed Medal! Withthis, Rupees and treasure will appear moreoften...but it also carries a curse thatprevents your pouch from opening! Eeek!

?You upgraded to the mighty Scattershot!Your shots will now pepper a wide range.Hold [A] to increase your shot power.

?You got the Medium Wallet! The heftycapacity of this wallet allows you to storeup to 500 Rupees in it!

?You got a Big Wallet! You can carry up to1,000 Rupees in this massive wallet.

?You got the Giant Wallet!The voluminous capacity of this walletallows you to store a whopping5,000 Rupees in it!

?You got the Tycoon Wallet!No wallet can match the cavernouscapacity and luxurious quality of this one!It can store a jaw-dropping 9,000 Rupees!

?You got the Adventure Pouch!You can store all kinds of useful items inthis handy piece of gear.

?You got your Adventure Pouch back!And look! The rest of your items arehere too!

?You made your Adventure Pouchbigger! You can now fit an additionalitem inside.

?You got the Life Medal!Your maximum number of hearts isincreased by one as long as you carrythis with you.You can always keep it with you at timeswhen you think you'll need it most.

?You got a Wooden Shield!This light wooden shield breaks easily andcan burn, so be careful how you use it.

?Your shield has been repaired.It looks good as new!

?You upgraded to a Banded Shield!This shield is much more durable thanthe standard Wooden Shield.

?You upgraded to a Braced Shield!This very sturdy shield is much tougherthan the standard Wooden Shield.

?You got an Iron Shield!This sturdy metal shield is unaffected byfire, but watch out for electrical attacks!

?You upgraded to a Reinforced Shield!This heavy shield is even tougher than thestandard Iron Shield.

?You upgraded to a Fortified Shield!Superstrong metal makes this the toughestIron Shield around.

?You got a Sacred Shield! The mysticalpower within this shield allows it to repairitself over time.

This shield's low durability means it breakseasily, but it deflects fire, electric, andcurse attacks!

?You got a Sacred Shield! The mysticalpower within this shield allows it to repairitself over time. It protects against fire,electric, and curse attacks!

?You upgraded to a Divine Shield!This mystical shield can repair itself overtime. It's also more durable.

?You upgraded to a Goddess Shield!This shield repairs itself with sacredpower, and it's even more durable thanother versions of the shield.

?You got the Hylian Shield!This legendary shield is imbued withheroic power, making it completelyindestructible!

?You got some Revitalizing Potion!This potion fully replenishes your shieldgauge and also restores four hearts!

?You got some Revitalizing potion +!This powerful elixir automaticallyrestores your shield when it breaksand also replenishes eight hearts!

?You got a Small Seed Satchel!With this, you can carry 10 extraDeku Seeds. Keep it with youwhen you use your Slingshot!

?You upgraded to a Medium Seed Satchel!Now it carries up to 20 additionalDeku Seeds! Keep it with youwhen you use your Slingshot!

?You upgraded to a Large Seed Satchel!Now it carries up to 30 additionalDeku Seeds! Keep it with youwhen you use your Slingshot!

?You got the Small Quiver!Now you can carry 5 extra arrows. Carry itwith you when you're using the bow.

?You upgraded to the Medium Quiver!With this, you can carry 10 extra arrows.Carry it with you when you're usingthe bow.

?You've upgraded to the Large Quiver!It holds 15 extra arrows. Carry it withyou when you're using the bow.

?You got the Small Bomb Bag! It can hold5 extra bombs, so carry it with you whenyou need extra firepower.

?You've upgraded to the Medium Bomb Bag!It can hold 10 extra bombs. Carry it withyou when you need extra firepower.

?You've upgraded to the Large Bomb Bag!It can hold 15 extra bombs. Carry it withyou when you need extra firepower.

?You got the Whip! Attached to the end ofthe whip is a strange, glowing sphere oflight that can latch on to various things.

If you see something you can't reach,target it with [Z] and swing the Wii Remoteto snag it with your whip! SNAP!

?You got your Whip back!Look around to see if there's somethingin the area you can grab with it.

?You got the Fireshield Earrings!With these, you can stand any heat withouta sweat. This is one of the three sacredgifts left by the goddess.

?You upgraded to the Big Bug Net!It's now double its original size, making iteasier to catch even the most nimble bugs!

?You caught # Faron Grasshopper!It's said that these bugs reproduce inmassive numbers once every 10 years,eating every plant in sight.

?You got # Faron Grasshopper!It's said that these bugs reproduce inmassive numbers once every 10 years,eating every plant in sight.

?You caught # Woodland Rhino Beetle!Collectors often polish the hard carapacesof these beetles to make them tougher.It's the strongest of all the insects.

?You got # Woodland Rhino Beetle!Collectors often polish the hard carapacesof these beetles to make them tougher.It's the strongest of all the insects.

?You caught # Deku Hornet! The venomof these insects can be heated to infuse apotent medicine. Just be careful not to getattacked by an angry swarm!

?You got # Deku Hornet! The venomof these insects can be heated to infuse apotent medicine. Just be careful not to getattacked by an angry swarm!

?You caught # Skyloft Mantis!These bugs catch prey with their sharpjaws. They are often seen up above theclouds.

?You got # Skyloft Mantis!These bugs catch prey with their sharpjaws. They are often seen up above theclouds.

?You caught # Volcanic Ladybug! Theysay these bugs get their deep-red hue fromthe ore they eat. They are slow movingand tend to stay in one place.

?You got # Volcanic Ladybug! Theysay these bugs get their deep-red hue fromthe ore they eat. They are slow movingand tend to stay in one place.

?You caught # Blessed Butterfly! Theseinsects are commonly found in everyprovince. In rare cases, you can findthem flying in strange locations.

?You got # Blessed Butterfly! Theseinsects are commonly found in everyprovince. In rare cases, you can findthem flying in strange locations.

?You caught # Lanayru Ant! It's saidthese ants store water deep in their nests,allowing them to thrive even in the intenseheat of the open desert.

?You got # Lanayru Ant! It's saidthese ants store water deep in their nests,allowing them to thrive even in the intenseheat of the open desert.

?You caught # Sand Cicada! The larvae ofthese bugs stay underground for 10 yearsor longer. No bug is harder to catch!

?You got # Sand Cicada! The larvae ofthese bugs stay underground for 10 yearsor longer. No bug is harder to catch!

?You caught # Gerudo Dragonfly!These stunning insects have compound eyesmore beautiful than Rupees and wings astransparent as glass!

?You got # Gerudo Dragonfly!These stunning insects have compound eyesmore beautiful than Rupees and wings astransparent as glass!

?You caught # Eldin Roller! These small-bodied bugs roll a big ball of...something.The way they busily roll stuff back to theirnest is quite adorable.

?You got # Eldin Roller! These small-bodied bugs roll a big ball of...something.The way they busily roll stuff back to theirnest is quite adorable.

?You caught # Sky Stag Beetle!These bugs are really popular with thechildren of Skyloft. Their pincers pack alot of crunch, so watch your fingers!

?You got # Sky Stag Beetle!These bugs are really popular with thechildren of Skyloft. Their pincers pack alot of crunch, so watch your fingers!

?You caught # Starry Firefly! Theseinsects are among the rarest in the skiesand can only be found in dark places.

?You got # Starry Firefly! Theseinsects are among the rarest in the skiesand can only be found in dark places.

?You got an Empty Bottle! You can fill itwith all sorts of useful things.

?You received Cawlin's Letter!Can you believe this letter might actuallycontain heartfelt words from Cawlin?

Take extra care that you don't endup using it as scrap paper!

?You got Beedle's Insect Cage!It contains Beedle's beloved insect pal.Hurry back to Beedle with it!

?You got a Rattle!It's a baby's toy. Perhaps somebodydropped it?

?You got Hornet Larvae! They're a precioussource of protein that comes from a DekuHornet's hive. This material might be goodfor making something.

?You got # Bird Feather! These highlyprized feathers come from birds foreign toSkyloft and can serve as a useful material.

?You got a Tumbleweed!This dried mass of plant material couldcome in handy. Might as well take itwith you.

?You got a Lizard Tail! It's the tail of alarge lizard with a spiked ball on the end.Sure, it's a little gross, but you never knowwhen you might need one.

?You got some Eldin Ore!This hard concretion sparkles brightly.It also has lots of different uses.

?You got an Ancient Flower!Legends say this beautiful flowerflourished in the ancient past.Supposedly it glows in the dark...

?You got an Amber Relic! These amber-colored chunks of precious stone arefound everywhere. No one knows wheretheir strange shape comes from.

?You got a Dusk Relic! This item is similarin appearance to an Amber Relic, yet verydifferent. It can only be found in certainplaces.

?You got a Jelly Blob!It may look like a boring wad of gunk,but it's used to make all sorts of things!

?You got a Monster Claw!This extremely sharp claw looks painful toeven touch!

?You got a Monster Horn!This well-crafted horn is made of sturdyanimal bone. You might find a use for thisas a material.

?You got an Ornamental Skull!This simple, slightly macabre fashionstatement bears the Bokoblin symbol.

?You got an Evil Crystal!This solid chunk of pure, crystallizedmonster malice is extremely rare!

?You got a Blue Bird Feather!Very few small birds possess this sky-blueplumage, making these feathersextremely rare!

?You got a Golden Skull!A real rarity among skull ornaments,it shines with an eerie, golden color.

?You got a Goddess Plume!Rumors say this item was dropped bythe goddess in a long-forgotten era. It's alegendary treasure few will ever behold!

?You got the Stone of Trials!This engraved object was created to leadthe chosen hero to the hidden locationof the Triforce!

?You learned the Ballad of the Goddess!It's a mysterious melody that has beenpassed down from ancient times.

?You got a Revitalizing Potion ++! Thispotion will automatically restore yourshield when it breaks and replenisheseight hearts. Plus, you can use it twice!

?You got some Hot Pumpkin Soup!This homemade soup is Pumm's specialty,but watch it! It'll get cold in five minutes!

?You got the Life Tree Seedling!It is a very young form of a legendary treewhose fruit is said to cure any illness.

?You took back the Life Tree Seedling!It would take too long to grow ifyou planted it here. Maybe youshould find another place for it...

?You got the Life Tree Fruit! Eating thissucculent fruit of legend cures any illness.Take it to the Thunder Dragon!

?You got the Extra Wallet! Your wallet cannow hold an additional 300 Rupees!

?Small Key

?Green Rupee

?Blue Rupee

?Red Rupee




?10 arrows

?Goddess White Sword

?Practice Sword

?Goddess Sword

?Goddess Longsword

?Master Sword

?True Master Sword


?Goddess's Harp

?Spirit Vessel



?Bird Statuette

?Blessed Idol

?Mysterious Crystals

?Squid Carving

?piece of the key

?Golden Carving

?Dragon Sculpture

?Ancient Circuit

?Silver Rupee

?Gold Rupee


?Glittering Spores

?5 bombs

?10 bombs

?Stamina Fruit

?Tear of Farore

?Tear of Din

?Tear of Nayru

?Sacred Tear

?Light Fruit

?Gratitude Crystal

?Gust Bellows

?Dungeon Map




?Mushroom Spores

?Digging Mitts

?Deku Seeds

?Guardian Potion

?Guardian Potion +

?Water Dragon's Scale

?Bug Medal

?Bug Net


?Sacred Water

?Hook Beetle

?Quick Beetle

?Tough Beetle

?Heart Potion

?Heart Potion +

?Heart Potion ++

?Stamina Potion

?Stamina Potion +

?Air Potion

?Air Potion +


?Iron Bow

?Sacred Bow

?Bomb Bag

?Heart Container

?Piece of Heart

?Triforce of Courage

?Triforce of Power

?Triforce of Wisdom

?Ancient Sea Chart

?Mogma Mitts

?Heart Medal

?Rupee Medal

?Treasure Medal

?Potion Medal

?Cursed Medal


?Small Wallet

?Medium Wallet

?Big Wallet

?Giant Wallet

?Tycoon Wallet

?Adventure Pouch

?Empty Pocket

?Life Medal

?Wooden Shield

?Banded Shield

?Braced Shield

?Iron Shield

?Reinforced Shield

?Fortified Shield

?Sacred Shield

?Divine Shield

?Goddess Shield

?Hylian Shield

?Revitalizing Potion

?Revitalizing Potion +

?Small Seed Satchel

?Medium Seed Satchel

?Large Seed Satchel

?Small Quiver

?Medium Quiver

?Large Quiver

?Small Bomb Bag

?Medium Bomb Bag

?Large Bomb Bag


?Fireshield Earrings

?Big Bug Net

?Faron Grasshopper

?Woodland Rhino Beetle

?Deku Hornet

?Skyloft Mantis

?Volcanic Ladybug

?Blessed Butterfly

?Lanayru Ant

?Sand Cicada

?Gerudo Dragonfly

?Eldin Roller

?Sky Stag Beetle

?Starry Firefly

?Empty Bottle

?Cawlin's Letter

?Beedle's Insect Cage


?Hornet Larvae

?Bird Feather


?Lizard Tail

?Eldin Ore

?Ancient Flower

?Amber Relic

?Dusk Relic

?Jelly Blob

?Monster Claw

?Monster Horn

?Ornamental Skull

?Evil Crystal

?Blue Bird Feather

?Golden Skull

?Goddess Plume

?Ancient Tablet

?Ancient Tablet

?Ancient Tablet

?Stone of Trials

?Ballad of the Goddess

?Farore's Courage

?Nayru's Wisdom

?Din's Power

?Water Dragon's Song

?Fire Dragon's Song

?Thunder Dragon's Song

?Song of the Hero

?Revitalizing Potion ++

?Hot Pumpkin Soup

?Cold Pumpkin Soup

?Life Tree Seedling

?Life Tree Fruit

?Extra Wallet

?Part of the almighty power that grantsthe wishes of whoever possesses it!Get two more to complete it!

?Part of the ultimate power that grantsthe wishes of the one who possesses it!Get one more to complete it!

?An almighty power created by the old gods!You hold every part: power, wisdom, andcourage.

?Nayru's Flame has strengthened this blade,increasing its dowsing capabilities.

?A basic sword used by knights in training.The blade still has a sharp edge.

?The Statue of the Goddess enshrines thissword. Its blade glimmers with divine light.

?Tempered by Farore's Flame, this blade'sedge is exquisitely sharp.

?Tempered by Din's Flame, this sword nowholds a force capable of annihilating evil.

?This sword, blessed by the goddess herself,can only be wielded by the hero of legend.

?Zelda's handmade Sailcloth. Press [B] whilefalling to open it and make a safe landing.

?A traditional instrument from Skyloft. Youneed to learn a song before you can play it.

?A potent weapon that allows you to strikedistant targets. Charge your shot toincrease its power.

?A tool that fires a claw on a chain. Use it topull yourself to distant locations.

?Sparkling spores taken from a glowingmushroom. Must be useful for something!

?Crystallized feelings of pure gratitude.Gather them and show them to Batreaux.

?Crystallized gratitude from the people ofthe land. This power of thankfulness turnedBatreaux into a human.

?A mighty device that produces an endlessgust of wind. Try using it all over the place!

?A handy weapon that fires Deku Seeds.Direct hits can stun monsters.

?A windup contraption you can pilot throughthe air. Steer into objects to deliver a blow.

?This is ordinary water. Completely colorlessand flavorless.

?Spores from a jumbo-sized mushroom.

?Press [A] to dig with these razor-sharp clawswherever you spot signs of prior digging.

?Halves any damage you receive. Potioneffect lasts for three minutes.

?If you drink this mighty potion, you willtake no damage for three minutes.

?An item that allows you to move freelyunderwater. Shake the Nunchuk to spin.

?Carrying this odd charm will mark theposition of insects with [bug icon] on your map.

?A net for catching small insects and otherthings. Wave the Wii Remote to use it.

?Absolutely pure water from theSkyview Spring.

?This upgraded Beetle can carry light objectsin its pincers.

?An upgraded Beetle withthe ability to fly faster.

?This fully upgraded Beetleflies longer than the conventional version.

?A potion that restores eight hearts.

?A superior potion that restores all yourhearts.

?A lively potion that restores all your hearts.You get two uses out of each bottle.

?A potion that makes your stamina gaugeexhaust more slowly for three minutes.

?A potion that gives you unlimited staminafor three minutes.

?A potion that makes your oxygen gaugedeplete more slowly for three minutes.

?A potion that stops your oxygen gauge fromdepleting for three minutes.

?It will aid you automatically when you runout of hearts. It restores six hearts.

?A powerful iron bow with superioroffensive power.

?A mighty bow, enhanced by the power of thegoddess, that delivers devastating damage.

?You can carry bombs in this handy bag.Remember to refill the bag when you can!

?Collect four of these sought-after items toincrease your hearts by one.

?You've collected all the Pieces of Heart.

?Powered-up Digging Mitts thatallow you to burrow underground.

?While you carry this mysterious medal,hearts appear with greater frequency.

?While you carry this mysterious medal,Rupees appear with greater frequency.

?While you carry this mysterious medal,treasure appears with greater frequency.

?While you carry this mysterious medal,the effects of potions last longer.

?While you carry this cursed medal, Rupeesand treasures appear with greaterfrequency but you can't open your pouch.

?An upgraded Slingshot that spreads shotsover a wide area. Hold [A] to increase thepower of your shot.

?A wallet for carrying Rupees, the currencyof this world. It holds up to # Rupees.

?A rather large wallet that holds up to# Rupees.

?A wallet that holds up to # Rupees, morethan enough for a full-on shopping spree.

?A wallet with a gargantuan capacity of# Rupees.

?A luxurious wallet that only the biggestspenders could dream of carrying. It holdsup to # Rupees.

?It's empty at the moment. You can put onepouch item into it.

?While you carry this mysterious medal, yourmaximum number of hearts goes up by one.

?An easy-to-use light shield. It insulatesfrom electricity but can burn and breakeasily, so treat it with care.

?An upgraded, sturdier wooden shield.It insulates against electricity but easilycatches fire when exposed to flame.

?The most durable type of wooden shield.It insulates against electricity but stillcatches fire easily.

?A sturdy iron shield. It won't burn or easilybreak, but it doesn't stop electrical attacks.

?A strengthened iron shield. It won't burn oreasily break, but it won't protect you fromelectrical attacks!

?The most durable iron shield. It won't burnor easily break, but it won't protect youfrom electrical attacks!

?A sacred shield that repairs itself.It effectively repels electric, fire, andcurse attacks.

?An upgraded Sacred Shield with enhanceddurability. It effectively repels electric,fire, and curse attacks.

?The most durable type of Sacred Shield.It effectively repels electric, fire, and curseattacks.

?A legendary shield given to you by theThunder Dragon. It is completelyindestructible.

?This potion fully replenishes your shieldgauge and restores four hearts.

?This potion fully restores your shieldautomatically when broken and replenisheseight hearts.

?A bag that holds 10 extra Deku Seedsfor the Slingshot.

?A bag that holds 20 extra Deku Seedsfor the Slingshot.

?A bag that holds 30 extra Deku Seedsfor the Slingshot.

?A quiver that holds 5 extra arrows foryour bow.

?A quiver that holds 10 extra arrows foryour bow.

?A quiver that holds 15 extra arrows foryour bow.

?A bag that holds 5 extra bombs.

?A bag that holds 10 extra bombs.

?A bag that holds 15 extra bombs.

?This whip has a sticky, glowing tip. Use it tolatch on to and pull out-of-reach objects.

?This pair of mystical ear accessoriesprotects you from scorching heat.

?Improved with a double-sized net, making iteasy to catch even the most nimble insects.

?A valuable and hard-to-catch forest insectthat will leap away when in danger.

?A slow forest bug that is easy to catch.Roll into trees to knock it down.

?A forest insect that delivers a painful sting.If you spot a hive, watch out!

?A Skyloft insect that's fairly easy to catch.Its powerful forelimbs give a painful pinch.

?A volcano-dwelling insect often spotted ingroups. It moves little and is easy to catch.

?A common bug found throughout the world.Highly prized as an ingredient in potions.

?A desert insect that is often found inswarms. Has a face that's so ugly it's cute.

?A desert insect that is quick to fly away.Deemed the most difficult insect to catch.

?A desert insect that will fly far to escapecapture. Creep up on it to catch it.

?A rare volcano-dwelling bug that rolls a ballof unidentified material everywhere it goes.

?An insect native to Skyloft. It's very popularwith children.

?A glowing Skyloft insect that only comes outat night. Its beauty is said to calm the mind.

?You can put potions and other things inthis handy bottle.

?A heartfelt letter from Cawlin. Make surenot to use it as scrap paper.

?A heartfelt letter from Cawlin that you wereable to somewhat successfully deliver...

?Contains Beedle's beloved insect pal.Hurry back to Beedle with it!

?Formerly contained Beedle's beloved insect.You successfully returned it to its owner.

?The kind of toy a baby would play with.Perhaps someone dropped it.

?This toy belongs to the baby of Bertie,who runs the Potion Shop. You vesuccessfully returned it to its owner.

?A precious source of protein that comesfrom a hive. Watch out for nearby DekuHornets when harvesting these.

?A beautiful feather that comes from thelittle birds that live in areas with abundantgreenery, such as in the woods.

?A dried plant that tumbles around thedesert. Snag it with your Bug Net, or it willcrumble to bits upon contact.

?A lizard's tail with a spiked ball on the end.Dropped by lizard monsters, of course.

?A rare ore usually found in Eldin Province.Can be used to make strong, durable items.

?A flower that was said to bloom in ancienttimes, mostly in Lanayru Province.The roots yield a precious oil.

?An amber-hued relic found in many places.It has a wide range of uses as ageneral-purpose material.

?Found in the Silent Realm. Similar inappearance to an Amber Relic, yetvery different.

?An odd material left behind by squishy foes.They say that heating this gooey substanceturns it hard.

?A claw dropped by some kind of flying foe.Take care not to poke yourself with thesharp tip.

?A battle horn taken from a Bokoblin.It's surprisingly difficult to get any soundout of it.

?It's part of a decorative item worn by aBokoblin. It isn't made from an actual skull.

?A chunk of pure, crystallized monstermalice. Often obtained from monsterswho possess the power to curse.

?A feather from a particularly rare bluebird. Its bright color would put anyone in agood mood.

?A particularly rare skull ornament. It'srumored to be made of something otherthan gold, despite its color.

?A wondrous stone said to have been droppedby the goddess herself. Finding one of theseitems is an extremely rare occurrence.

?A fragment of the ancient tablet that leadsto the surface. It opens the way toFaron Woods.

?The ruby and emerald tablet fragmentsopen the way to Faron Woods and EldinVolcano.

?Completed tablet containing the emerald,ruby, and amber fragments. Opens all areasof the surface--woods, volcano, and desert.

?Proof that you have overcome all the trialsset before you. Opens the way to theTriforce.

?This divine tune is meant to be played ona harp. It leads those chosen by the goddessto fulfill a great destiny.

?This song opens the trial located in FaronWoods. Play it on your harp when youdiscover the entrance.

?This song opens the trial located inLanayru Desert. Play it on your harpwhen you discover the entrance.

?This song opens the trial located onEldin Volcano. Play it on your harp whenyou discover the entrance.

?Part of the song that will lead you to thefinal trial. Learned from the Water Dragon.

?Part of the song that will lead you to thefinal trial. Learned from the Fire Dragon.

?Part of the song that will lead you to thefinal trial. Learned from the ThunderDragon.

?The song that leads you to the final trial.Play it on your harp when you find theentrance.

?Automatically restores your shield whenit breaks and replenishes eight hearts.This superior potion can be used twice.

?A hot and delicious soup made by theowner of the Lumpy Pumpkin.

?The flavor of this pumpkin soup is asastounding as ever. However, the soupitself has gone cold.

?The seedling of a legendary tree whose fruitis said to cure any ailment. It will take along time for it to grow and mature.

?A legendary fruit that is rumored to be ableto cure any ailment. Its taste is said to beunique among all the flavors of the world.

?It has been stolen by monsters!You've got to get it back.

?Look Around

?Look Around





?piece of the key

?piece of the key

?Power Generator

?Power Generator

?Trial Gate

?Trial Gate

?Sacred Water

?Sacred Water

?The Skipper's Ship

?The Skipper's Ship







?Gratitude Crystal

?Gratitude Crystal



?Goddess Cube

?Goddess Cube



?Water Basin

?Water Basin

?Crystal Ball

?Crystal Ball

?Patch Plower

?Pumpkin PatchPlower

?New Plant Species

?New Plant Species

?Party Wheel

?Party Wheel

?Select this option to look around the areawithout using your dowsing ability.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect Zelda,who has likely lost her bearings after fallingto the surface.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect theKikwis who have been separated fromeach other in the woods.

?Use your dowsing ability to detectfragments of material that match theenormous door on the side of the volcano.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect objectssupplying power to the device in the centerof the desert.

?Use your dowsing ability to detecta Trial Gate.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect theSacred Water requested by theWater Dragon.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect theinvisible ship that was formerly sailedby the Skipper.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect Tadtonesthat make up part of the Song of the Hero.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect heartsand heart flowers that restore your health.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect anytreasure or material that can be used toupgrade your gear and weapons.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect theGratitude Crystals that the demonBatreaux wants to see.

?You've collected all the Gratitude Crystals.There are none left for your sword toreact to.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect Rupees.Very helpful when you need pocket money!

?Use your dowsing ability to detect GoddessCubes and their corresponding treasurechests in the sky above.

?You've activated all of the Goddess Cubes.There are none left for your sword toreact to.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect thepropeller that fell off the windmill inSkyloft and down to the surface.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect a vesselthat can carry water to put out the flamesbarring your path, such as a water basin.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect anunbroken crystal ball that Sparrot thefortune-teller is looking for.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect someonewho would be willing to help Kina plow thepumpkin patch.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect a newplant species that Instructor Owlan islooking for.

?Use your dowsing ability to detect the partywheel that fell to the land below the cloudsafter the man on Fun Fun Island dropped it.

?Farore's Flame

?Nayru's Flame

?Din's Flame

?The sacred green flame has lengthened yourblade, increasing its offensive power.

?The sacred blue flame has increased thenumber of targets Fi is capable ofdesignating for dowsing.

?The sacred red flame has imbued yourblade with a divine power that repels evil.




?Interface Display

?Calibrate Wii MotionPlus



?Press and hold [B] to select.

?Press and hold [-] to select.

?Press and hold [C] to select.





?GuardianPotion +

?Bug Medal

?Sacred Water

?Heart Potion

?Heart Potion +

?HeartPotion ++


?StaminaPotion +

?Air Potion

?Air Potion +


?Heart Medal

?Rupee Medal


?Potion Medal

?Cursed Medal

?Life Medal

?Wooden Shield

?Banded Shield

?Braced Shield

?Iron Shield



?Sacred Shield

?Divine Shield

?Goddess Shield

?Hylian Shield


?RevitalizingPotion +

?Small SeedSatchel

?Medium SeedSatchel

?Large SeedSatchel

?Small Quiver

?Medium Quiver

?Large Quiver

?Small BombBag

?Medium BombBag

?Large BombBag

?Empty Bottle

?RevitalizingPotion ++

?Hot PumpkinSoup

?Cold PumpkinSoup


?The door is locked tight andwill not open.

?The door is sealed shut.

?The sign is broken. It's notpossible to read it.

?You can't read the sign fromthis angle.

?Do you want to leave thisSilent Realm?


?Hey! [Link]! You're notthinking of running away, are you?

Hah! Surely you jest! A real manalways finishes what he starts!

?Your shield broke!

?Your Revitalizing Potion hasrefilled your shield gauge!

?Your pouch is full, so the item was sent tothe Item Check!

?Your pouch is full, but so is your space atthe Item Check. The item has been putback in the treasure chest.


?You can get a valuable treasure ifyou succeed in cutting the bamboostalk over 28 times at Clean Cut.

Peater, who was formerly the teenheartthrob of Skyloft, claims to holdthe record with 43 slices. Or sohe says...

?You may get rare and difficult-to-catch bugs if you finish the BugWrangler challenge in Bug Heavenwithin two minutes.

?Butterflies tend to gather aroundGossip Stones like myself.

If you find a spot swarming withbutterflies, play a tune of great beautyand a Gossip Stone might just popout of the ground with a boing-oing!

?I've heard some of the Goddess Cubesunlock all sorts of treasure when theyfly up into the sky. Some even holda Piece of Heart.

?Glittering Spores cause something tohappen when they are thrown on bugsor monsters. They can be collectedfrom sparkly mushrooms.

?If you can dig up all the Rupees inMr. Tubert's Thrill Digger, you'llreceive a rare treasure.

?Deep underground, below this volcano,you'll find treasure-loving Mogmas.

These days, most of them are contentwith staying down in their lair, wherethey do nothing but relax all day.

?Do you want to hear that again?


?A dragon is said to live at the peak ofthis volcano. You're nowhere near thepeak, though!

?Rumor has it you're some kind ofgenius that remembers things perfectlythe first time you hear them...

?I hear the dragon that lives at thetop of the volcano is awfully chatty.

So chatty, they say, that he's evenwilling to talk about matters outsidehis own realm!

?The word going around is that a dragonwrapped in flames lives atop thisvolcano.

The thing is, it isn't so easy to visit.He's made his lair somewhere so hotthat normal folks can't bother him.

?Word is you can earn a Piece of Heartif you set a great time on the RicketyCoaster.

?They say somewhere in this vast desert,there's a dragon who loves putting theabilities of those who visit him to somekind of test.If you can master the challenges hethrows at you, you'll be rewarded witha shield stronger than any other.

?It's been said that the best way to snaga rare insect is to approach it slowlyand use a Big Bug Net.

?Rumor has it that drawing an arrowshape on certain walls will cause anobject of similar shape to appear.

?Apparently, if you draw a symbol ofmoney on certain walls, you can makean easy fortune.

?They say drawing a symbol of love uponcertain walls will heal your wounds.

?Oddly enough, it seems that drawinga circle on certain strange walls willproduce something round.

?They say it's possible to summonFairies by drawing three trianglesupon certain walls.

?Rumor has it there's a Piece of Hearthidden somewhere nearby.

?The thing is, to get to it you need to beable to burrow like a Mogma.

?Oh, but since you've already picked itup, this obviously doesn't come as abig surprise to you. Hmph.

?How long do you want to sleep?

Until morning.
Until night.
Don't sleep.

?Descend into this area?


?A report, Master.

An unusual phenomenon is taking placein Faron Woods, making it impossibleto descend directly into them atthe moment.

?A report, Master.

It is possible to descend to a specificbird statue on the surface after youhave already visited it and I havememorized its location.To do this, point to the area you wantto descend to with [cursor] and press [A]to confirm your destination.

?Point to your preferred descent areawith [cursor], and confirm your destinationby pressing [A].


?Take Aim

?Shoot Arrow

?Quick Draw

?Tilt the Wii Remote tomove the cursor.Press [d-pad down] to center youraim.

?Press [A] to shoot anarrow. Hold [A] tocharge a more powerfulshot.

?Press [C] and draw backthe Nunchuk to charge ashot to full powerquickly. Release [C] toshoot.

?Ready Bow

?Draw Bow

?Shoot Arrow

?Hold the Wii Remotevertically, and holddown [C].

?Continue to hold [C]and pull yourNunchuk back.Charge your shot toincrease its power.

?Hold steady, andrelease [C] to shoot.Center your aimwith [d-pad down].




?Hold the WiiRemote horizontally,and aim with thecursor. Centeryour aim with [d-pad down].

?Press [A] to shoot.

?Press [A] to shoot.Hold down andrelease [A] for awide-area shot.

?Keep an eye onyour ammo, and besure to replenish yourseeds when needed.




?Press [A] to putthe item down.

?Point the WiiRemote up andswing it forward tothrow the item.

?Point the WiiRemote down andswing it forwardto roll. Heavy itemscan't be rolled.




?Point the WiiRemote up andswing it forwardto throw.

?Point the WiiRemote down andswing it forward toroll. Twist the WiiRemote to add spin.

?Press [B] to store abomb. Make sure toreplenish yourbomb supply fromBomb Flowers.




?Take aim, and press[A] to release theBeetle. Center youraim with [d-pad down].

?Aim the Wii Remoteat the screen and tiltto steer. Aim upor down to climbor descend.

?While piloting theBeetle, press [B] torecall it.

?Pick Up Items

?Look Down

?Drop Items

?Speed Up

?Pilot the Beetleinto light items topick them up.

?Press [Z] to lookdown and aim.

?While looking downbelow, press [A] todrop your cargo.

?Press [Z] to lookdown and take aim.Press [A] to dropthe Beetle's cargo.

?Press [A] to speedup.

?Lock On


?Swing Net

?Lock on to an insectwith [Z], andapproach it quietly.

?Slowly move thenet toward theinsect. Take aim.

?Quickly wave theWii Remote tocatch the insect.

?Create Wind

?Blowing Things


?Unleash the windfrom the Gust Bellowsby pointing the cursorand pressing [A].

?Aim the gust ofwind at things toblow them back.

?Center your aimwith [d-pad down].




?Whip the WiiRemote in thedirection you wantto whip.

?Press [Z] to lock on,and whip yourtarget.

?Objects you havelatched on to withyour whip can oftenbe pulled backtoward you.



?Shoot Again

?Take aim, and press[A] to release theclaw. Center youraim with [d-pad down].

?Once the clawlatches on tosomething, you willbe pulled toward itby the chain.

?Then, while you'rehanging, you canaim and shoot atthe next target youwant to latch on to.



?Look Aboveground

?Move with [control stick].While you aremoving, you canpress [A] to dash.

?Shake the WiiRemote to attackwith the gloves.

?Hold [Z] to peerup and see what'saboveground.


?Lock On

?Return to Land

?Push [control stick] in thedirection youwant to swim.

?While holding [Z],move forward andbackward with [control stick up/down]and left and rightwith [control stick left/right].

?Push [control stick] toward thewater's edge to climbout of the water. Youcan't reach too high up.




?While in the water,push [control stick] to swim.

?While pressing [A],aim the Wii Remoteat the screen andtilt it to swim.

?Shake the Nunchukto spin. Whilespinning, swim tothe surface to leapout of the water.

?Ready the Harp

?Strum the Harp

?Musical Technique

?Press [d-pad up] to readyyour harp.

?While pressing [A],gently swing theWii Remote tostrum the harp.

?Swing the WiiRemote left andright in time withthe movement.




?Move with [control stick].Press [Z] to resetthe camera positionright behind you.

?Hold [A] whilemoving to dash.This also allows youto scurry up walls.

?Hold [A] whilemoving to dash.Reach firm groundbefore you sink!

?Shake the Nunchukwhile dashing to doa forward roll.

?You can't roll whenyou're traversingsinksand.



?Lock On

?While pressing [Z],push left and right[control stick left/right] or up and down[control stick up/down] to move.

?While moving, you candodge by pressing [A].Press [A] while movingbackward to do abackflip.

?Hold [Z] near anobject of interestto lock on to it.

?Swing Your Sword


?Spin Attack

?Swing the WiiRemote just howyou want to swingyour sword.

?Jab the Wii Remoteforward to thrustyour sword.

?Swing the Nunchukand Wii Remote atthe same time todo a spin attack.

?Swing Sword

?Spin Attack

?Skyward Strike

?Swing the WiiRemote just howyou want to swingyour sword. Jab itforward to thrust.

?Swing the Nunchukand Wii Remote atthe same time todo a spin attack.

?Point your swordtoward the sky tocharge it up, thenswing it to releasea blast of energy.

?Lifting your swordto the sky will notcharge a SkywardStrike here.

?Ready Shield

?Shield Bash

?Shield Gauge

?Shake the Nunchukforward to ready yourshield. Swing the WiiRemote to return to anormal stance.

?Shake the Nunchukagain to bash yourshield forward. Time itjust right for the fulleffect.

?Your shield will breakwhen your shieldgauge drops to zero.



?Call Your Loftwing

?Balance and tilt the WiiRemote to control yourmovement as youskydive through the air.

?Press [B] just beforelanding to open yourSailcloth and slowlydescend.

?Press [d-pad down] to call yourLoftwing.

?You can't call yourLoftwing here.


?Put Away


?Press [B] to open yourSailcloth and slowyour fall to the ground.

?Release [B] to put awayyour Sailcloth.

?You can't control yourmovement while yourSailcloth is open.

?Steer Your Bird


?Spiral Charge

?Slow Down

?Tilt the Wii Remote toturn. Swing the WiiRemote to gain altitude.To speed up, glide downat a sharp angle.

?Press [A] to chargeforward with a burst ofspeed. You can't do thismove when your winggauge is empty.

?Press [A] to perform aSpiral Charge. Youcan't do this move whenyour wing gauge isempty.

?Press [B] to slow down.If you have no speed,you'll stop in midair.




?Press [A] to drink thecontents of a bottle.

?You can scoop thingsinto an Empty Bottle byholding it andpressing [A].

?Press [A] to usewhatever is in thebottle.



?Switch Dowsing

?Point the cursor in thedirection you want tosearch. Center your aimwith [d-pad down].

?The shorter the intervalbetween alerts and thelarger the cursor size,the closer the target is.

?Hold [C] and use theWii Remote to select thetype of target you wantto use dowsing to detect.


?Center Cursor


?Switch to Dowsing

?Point the Wii Remoteat the screen and movethe cursor to lookaround.

?You can press [d-pad down] toreturn the cursor to thecenter of the screen.

?Press [C] to stop lookingaround and return toyour normal view.

?Hold [C] and use theWii Remote to select thetype of target you wantto use dowsing to detect.



?Let Go

?Press [control stick] to move.

?While moving, whip theWii Remote to leap.

?Press [A] to let go.While falling, press [A]or [control stick up] to grab back on.




?Push [control stick up] and [control stick down] to movebackward and forwardalong the rope.

?To maintain balance,tilt the Wii Remote inthe opposite directionof your body movement.

?Shake the Wii Remotevertically to jostle therope.


?Let Go


?Press [control stick up] to pullyourself up onto therope. Press [control stick left/right] to movealong the rope.

?Press [A] to let go.

?Shake the Wii Remotevertically to jostle therope.


?Change Direction

?Jump Off


?Swing the Wii Remoteto swing on the rope.Press [B] to stopswinging.

?You can't swing onthis rope.

?Push [control stick left/right] to change thedirection you're facingwhile on the rope.

?Press [A] to jump offthe rope.

?Push [control stick up/down] to climb upand down. Press [A] tolet go.



?Crawl Quickly

?Push [control stick up] and [control stick down] to movebackward andforward.

?Push [control stick left/right] to move in thedirection you wantto go.

?While moving, press andhold [A] to crawlquickly.


?Rotate Key

?View Keyhole

?Point the Wii Remote atthe screen and press[A] to grab the key.Press [B] to back out.

?While holding the key,tilt and move the WiiRemote to rotate thekey. Press [C] to resetthe key position.

?Press [Z] to make thekey transparent andview the keyhole.Press [A] to insert thekey in the keyhole.


?Slow Down


?Tilt the Wii Remote toavoid flying off therails.

?Press [B] to slow down.

?When approaching theend of a set of tracks,shake the Wii Remoteup to jump.


?Fire the Cannon


?Steer the ship with [control stick].

?Ready the cannon with[B]. Press [A] to fire.You can press [d-pad down] tocenter your aim.

?Press [C] to look aroundand dowse for objects.



?Jump Off

?Move with [control stick]. Press[Z] to look forward andreset the camerabehind you.

?If you start to lose yourbalance, release [control stick] toslow down.

?Roll the boulder to anedge, and press [A] tojump off.




?Push [control stick left/right] to move leftand right as you slide.

?When you pass over anactive geyser, you willbe propelled up intothe air.

?You will not stop slidinguntil you reach a flatpiece of land.

?Collect Sacred Tears


?Spirit Vessel

?To pass the trial, youmust gather 15 tearsand then successfullyreturn to the entrance.

?If you're hit by evena single blow from aGuardian, you will failthe trial.

?Guardians can't detectyou as long as petalsremain on yourSpirit Vessel. Find tearsto restore petals.


?Ring Bonus


?While skydiving, tilt theWii Remote to move inthe air.

?Fly through a ring toincrease your ringbonus. If you makecontact with a ball, yourring bonus resets to 1.

?Your prize is based onthe Rupee you land onand your ring bonus.




?To collect Rupees, press[A] over the holeyou want to dig.

?Be careful. The morevaluable Rupees areusually buried nearbombs.

?If you dig up a bomb,it's game over.


?More Chopping


?Swing the Wii Remoteto swing your sword.

?Keep chopping untilthe bamboo stalk fallsover.

?Maintain a left-rightchopping rhythm so thatthe bamboo doesn't getknocked off balance.


?Swinging the Net

?Insect Traits

?Lock on with [Z], andslowly approach theinsect without beingnoticed. Be stealthy!

?Swing the Wii Remotequickly to catch theinsect.

?It's a good idea toremember where tofind a certain insecttype and how to catch it.

?Landing Your Shots

?Scoring Points


?Hit the airbornepumpkin with anarrow before it hitsthe ground.

?Land multiple shots ina row to increase pointsearned per shot. Hitsparkling pumpkins toearn big points!

?Steady your aim anddraw your bow beforethe pumpkin is thrown.Try to lead your targetjust a little as it flies.


?How to Stop Drawing

?What to Draw

?While holding down [A],move the tip of yoursword to draw. Release[A] to finish drawing.

?Press [B] to stopdrawing.

?What you need to drawwill appear before you.Or will it?




?Move the cursor withthe Wii Remote toselect a panel.

?Hold [A] to grab thepanel, then point theWii Remote to movethe panel.

?Press [B] to enter yourchanges and leave thepanel.

?Standing Up

?Looking Around

?Sitting and Resting

?Press [A] to stand up.

?Press [C] to lookaround.

?While you are sitting,your hearts will begradually replenished.




?Push [control stick left/right] to move thecatapult left or right.

?Move the cursor withthe Wii Remote, andpress [A] to fire.You can press [d-pad down] tocenter your aim.

?Press [B] or [d-pad up] to stopoperating the catapult.



?Let Go

?Push [control stick up/down] to climb upand down.

?Shake the Wii Remote toclimb or descendquickly.

?Press [A] to let go.While falling, push [A]or [control stick up] to grab back on tothe ladder.




?To avoid dropping thepumpkin, carry itcarefully by gentlypushing [control stick].

?To keep your balance,push [control stick right] when you'retipping right and push[control stick left] when you're tippingleft.

?After accepting the job,you can't drop or throwpumpkins. You can onlycarry them to the shed.

?Swing Greatsword



?Swing the Wii Remotejust how you want toswing your sword.

?Press [A] to drop thegreatsword at yourfeet. Press [A] to pickit up again.

?This razor-sharp bladecan slice through thingsan ordinary swordcould not.

?Landing Zone



?Land in the centerof the circle.

?Balance and tilt the WiiRemote to control yourmovement as youskydive through the air.

?Press [B] just beforelanding to open yourSailcloth and slow yourdescent.


?This is Skyloft. The Statue of theGoddess looks down on the town, andmost residents live in relative peaceand harmony.Among the residents here are thosewho have useful information for you,Master, as well as those who havetroubles they want to talk about.I recommend talking to those whohave a speech bubble visible abovetheir heads as soon as you see them.

?This is Sky Keep. It is situated beneathSkyloft's Isle of the Goddess.

According to my overall analysis,I suggest you equip yourself with itemsthat will increase your survivability.

?These are the Faron Woods. Dangerousplants and vicious monsters inhabit thearea as well. Caution is advised.

?This is Skyview Temple, a structureconstructed in ancient times. You canexpect to encounter many mechanismsdesigned to keep intruders at bay.When you find yourself unable tocontinue, press [C] to look around.It will certainly help you find your wayforward.

?Focusing on your enemy's weaknessesand deliberately swinging at thecorrect sword angle will increaseeffective results by 85%.

?Press [Z] to lock on to an enemy,then press [d-pad down] to ask me for analysis.

In some circ*mstances it will take mea while to compile and calculate myanalysis, but I predict an 85% chanceyou will find my results helpful.

?The portcullis is sealing the door.Just as the first door, you will need tostrike the gemstone switch to open it.

The gemstone switch that acts as a keyof sorts in this temple should always beclose to the door.

When you find you can't advanceany farther, I always recommend yousearch the immediate vicinity.

?Some maps you obtain contain hintseasily missed by the human eye.

When you can't go any further,I suggest you open your map with [+]and look closely for potential clues.

?The sacred water said to be able tocure the Water Dragon's wounds canbe found in the inner sanctum ofthis temple.

?You obtained the sacred water said tohave the power to cure the WaterDragon's wounds. I recommendreturning to her.

?It appears that the lock and chainsbarring this door cannot bedeactivated by a gemstone switch.

I recommend searching for aSmall Key inside this temple thatwill fit the keyhole.

?Using the Small Key you obtained willenable you to continue on deeper intothe temple.

?Use the Beetle you obtained toexplore and investigate yoursurroundings from high in the air.

?I have detected Zelda's aura from deepwithin this temple. I recommendopening the large door.

?This is Eldin Volcano.

?The steep slopes and scorching magmamake this an inhospitableenvironment for life.

However, some monsters have adaptedto this harsh land and now possess theability to control fire itself.

You must pay heed to their attacks,as well as to falling into lava, as yourhighly flammable Wooden Shield willbe of little use if it's on fire.

?When monsters block your path, yourSlingshot may prove to be the mosteffective weapon.

?If you deliver a significant blow to thebase of the neighboring watchtower,I project a 90% probability that it willtopple over.

?You can propel a bomb farther awayby rolling it than by throwing it.I recommend you consider rolling abomb when throwing won't reach.

?Now that you have all the pieces of thekey, I recommend you head to thelarge door on the summit.

?I recommend that you check to see ifthe wall by the nearby area with threetents can be destroyed with a bomb.

?It appears there are two Mogmas in theback of this area with three tents.I recommend that you talk to them.

?Signs indicate something needs to bedone about the pooled lava. I suggestyou search the surroundings.

?In order to most effectively protectScrapper, I recommend you make useof your bow to dispatch monsters thatattempt to attack the robot.

?In order to find the propeller, I adviseyou to descend to the surface and useyour dowsing ability to search for it.

?This is the Fire Dragon's Hall.It is even hotter here than otherplaces we've been in the volcano.

I can confirm this mechanism is thesame as the one found at the EarthTemple.

?This is the Earth Temple. Signsindicate it was built here because ofthe subterranean caverns below.

Just as at Skyview Temple, manydefensive mechanisms were built hereto discourage would-be intruders.

When you are unable to progress, Irecommend you press [C] to lookaround and check your surroundingsfor anything you may have missed.You also have the option to press [B]and explore using your Beetle.

?This is Lanayru Desert. Over manycenturies, the sand has covered nearlyall remnants of the past.

?Some of the monsters of this regionproduce an electrical field that canparalyze anything that touches them.

As a protective measure, I recommendusing a Wooden Shield. You should alsoconsider keeping a Revitalizing Potionor a spare shield in your pouch.

?I recommend you open your mapwith [+] and study the local terrainbefore you continue on.

?This is the northwestern regionof Lanayru Desert. The Temple ofTime is visible from this location.We stand at the temple's front gate.When you can't progress any farther,I recommend investigating the complexterrain of the area to see if you findanything hidden.Master, due to the topography of thelocal terrain, visibility will be limited.Your Beetle's exploratory capabilitiesare suited to tackling this problem.

?This is the Lanayru Sand Sea.Though it may seem implausible,I assure you that this area oncefeatured a vast body of water.I have detected the presence of manymonsters in the area, though they area weaker variety than those found inareas to the north.

?This is Lanayru Gorge. Of all theTimeshift Stone mining areas here,this was the very first to be mined.

?I detect the bones of a large creature tothe south. I calculate an 85% chanceyou can obtain information about it byusing your Beetle to explore the area.

?While exploring Lanayru Gorge,I suggest you stock your pouch withitems that will help you maintainyour health.You might also consider drinkingStamina and Invincibility Potionstogether when you need to quicklyreact to unforeseen circ*mstances.

?Signs indicate a 75% chance that theserobots can provide you with usefulinformation. I recommend listeningto what they have to say.

?The robots in the area warned that theLife Tree Seedling you possess mustbe planted somewhere other thanLanayru Province.I recommend locating a place that willprovide ample time for the seedlingto grow.

?The Life Tree Fruit you have obtainedis needed to cure the Thunder Dragon,who dwells in Lanayru Gorge.

?In areas of sinksand, you can vastlyincrease your ease of travel bydrinking a Stamina Potion andInvincibility Potion together.

?This is Lanayru Mining Facility.In ancient times, this was a hubof highly advanced technology.

?The ancient machinery is now brokenand rusted. The switch that operatesthese machines is buried under sand.

?The Gust Bellows generates a high-velocity stream of air that can blowaway various objects.

If you use this new device, my analysisindicates you will have a significantlyincreased chance of opening a paththat was previously blocked to you.

?Some maps you obtain contain hintsthat are hidden to the human eye.

When you can't go any further,I recommend you open your map with[+] and look closely for potential clues.

?Press [Z] to lock on to an enemy,then press [d-pad down] to ask me for analysis.

In some circ*mstances, it will take mea while to compile and calculate myanalysis, but I predict an 85% chanceyou will find my results helpful.

?With a mighty gust of wind, that whichis hidden in the sand will becomevisible, and the way will be revealed.

?In the present time, some objects areno longer functional due to extremeage, but they can be returned to anactive state when time is shifted back.I calculate an 85% chance the pathahead will open if you continue withinthe confines of the time-shifted area.

?There is a drawing on the western wall.Signs indicate it may have somethingto do with the mechanisms in this room.

?This is the Sandship. Long ago, it wasseized by monsters.

?I recommend exploring the interiorof the ship to locate the sacred flame.

?You need to release the TimeshiftStone again. There is a 95% probabilitythe closed cover can be opened usingthe switch at the top of the mast.

?My analysis indicates that it is possibleto charge a Skyward Strike in the usualfashion even within the close confinesof the ship.

?Master, thanks to your efforts, the shiphas been returned to the captainand crew.

By striking the Timeshift Stone onthe main mast, you can transportyourself between the present andpast in the surrounding space.

?When fighting in narrow passageways,it is much more effective to attackwith shield bashes and sword thruststhan by swinging your sword.

?This mechanism is the same as the oneyou previously encountered thatrequired four gemstone switches to bestruck in the correct order.On the left and right, you will findsteering wheels with their upper halvespainted red.

Finally, 80% of the room itself iscovered in a blanket of sand. The flooritself is hidden. Careful and thoroughexploration of the room is required.

?If you open your map with [+], you willbe able to access a lot of information,including a designation for what dooryou can open using the Small Key.

?I have confirmed that the mechanismthat sits atop the main mast can betriggered using your bow and arrows.

I calculate an 85% probability thatactivating this mechanism will yielda favorable result, allowing you toprogress forward.

?I infer that the crew members LD-301Skipper asked you to rescue are locatedat the [X] point on the map.

?The Timeshift Stone installed on themain mast, if used properly, has an85% probability of clearing the shipinterior of obstacles.I conjecture that it is possible to strikethe Timeshift Stone outside fromwithin the ship as long as it is visiblefrom your location.

?I have confirmed the object sittinghigh on the main mast is a TimeshiftStone. When activated, it will have adramatic effect on the ship.

?You are located in the northeasternarea of the Sealed Grounds.An ancient forest remains here,seemingly preserved in time.The Woodland Rhino Beetle makes itshome here. If you roll into a wall andcause it to shake, it will likely falldown. You can then capture the bug.

?We are now located at the SealedGrounds. There is a large spiral-shaped depression in the ground.

It is unclear whether this topographyis natural or artificial.

In this area, I recommend carryingheart-replenishing items in yourpouch.

?This place is called the Sealed Temple.Judging by the extent of structuraldegradation, I project that it has stoodhere for a very long time.Due to its solid stone construction,the air inside is relatively cool. Thereis also an unquantifiable mystery tothis place. I detect no monsters here.

?This place has a 99% visual correlationwith the Sealed Temple.

However, unlike the Sealed Temple youare familiar with, this building hasnot suffered any long-term structuraldegradation.

?This is an island known as theIsle of Songs. It is a place mentioned inthe Ballad of the Goddess, an ancientsong handed down in Skyloft.

?If you push and activate the rotatingdevice in the center of the island,it appears that the surroundingstructures move with it.Signs indicate it is a mechanismdesigned to enable entrance into thebuilding ahead.

?It is likely you will continue toencounter puzzling challenges likethis one in the future.

If you find yourself unable to proceed,there is a 70% chance that speaking tothe Sheikah Stone next to the SparringHall in Skyloft will provide a hint.

?You are currently located insideFarore's Flame Chamber. It is a sacredplace protected by the power of thegoddess.The sword-enhancing sacred flame islocated here.

?You are currently located inside Din'sFlame Chamber. It is a sacred placeprotected by the power of the goddess.

The sword-enhancing sacred flame islocated here.

?This is the underground channelthat leads away from Lake Floria,which is located in the southern partof Faron Woods.When you can't go any further, press[2] to check your possible actions.That should help reveal what you needto do to proceed.

?This is the Thrill Digger area. It is agame run by a Mogma called Tubert.

It appears as though there is anotherMogma here. There is a 95% chancethat he has some information.

?Your current location is the SkySpring. It is a sacred place protectedby the power of the goddess.

According to legend, the water herepurifies the body of any life-form thatcomes into direct contact with it.

?This is the Earth Spring. It is a sacredplace protected by the power of thegoddess.

According to legend, the water herepurifies the body of any life-form thatcomes into direct contact with it.

?Yes, Master.

?This place has no name registered inmy memory, and I have no useful datato share about it.

If you want to check your currentlocation, press [+] toview the map.

?We are at the Sealed Grounds. The Isleof the Goddess descended from thesky and landed in the vast spiral-shaped depression in the ground.I have also detected that certainbreeds of insect, formerly absentfrom the surface, are now livingin the area.

?In this Ancient Cistern, purified wateris released into the upper area of thefacility, while the filtered impuritiesare processed in the lower area.

?A stone tablet sits in front of the largestatue in the center of the cistern.

I calculate a 90% chance that itcontains information that will aidyou in navigating this facility.

?I have logged the following words thatyou discovered written on the stonetablet in front of the large statue.

"Carved into the great statue areinscriptions of gratitude. Theyreveal the secret order of thistemple.""First the back, then the rear, thenthe back of the right palm, andfinally the back of the left palm."

?The giant green lily pads in this areacan be turned upside down by jumpingdown onto them from a great height.

?When fighting an enemy who wieldsmultiple swords, aim your strikes forthe undefended areas between itsblades.If the enemy guards itself from above,below, left, and right, there is a 75%chance the enemy will be momentarilyvulnerable to attacks to its center.

?If you find yourself with questionsabout unfamiliar switches or objects,do not hesitate to summon me.

Target the object in question byholding [Z]. Next, while targeting,press [d-pad down] and I will report anyinformation I have on the subject.

?In some cases, once you've latched onto an object with your Whip, you canhang from it and use it as you wouldwhen holding on to a rope.

?Master, your Beetle has the ability tosever thin cords or filaments, such asstrands of rope or Deku Baba stems.

?The Whip has the ability to both strikeand latch on to objects on the otherside of this set of iron bars.

?It appears that by activating thismechanism, a portion of the statue hasreceded into the ground.

I conjecture that you should now beable to access an underground areafrom inside the statue.

?When the path ahead seems closed toyou, I recommend utilizing your Beetleto conduct a thorough search of thearea.If you survey the area in this fashion,I calculate an 80% probability that youwill find a hidden mechanism that willaid your exploration of the area.

?There is a 90% chance you will need tochange the direction of the rotatingmechanism multiple times before youcan gain access to the path forward.

?You can latch on to a variety of objectswith your whip.

If an object can be targeted with [Z],I recommend you try to attach yourwhip to it to see if there is a result.

?This is the Fire Sanctuary. It is locatedon Eldin Volcano, near the crater ofthe volcano. The temperature insidethe sanctuary is extremely high.Signs indicate that the Water Fruit thathangs from the ceiling will prove quiteuseful in this oppressive heat.

?This is Lanayru Mine. Ore was minedhere at one time, but it is no longer anactive mine.

You can see the remnants of a highlyefficient transport system here. Minedore was carried in carts that ran on anancient form of energy.These carts are vital to moving aroundthis area. Grab a cart with [A], andmove it with [control stick].

?Master, this is a world built from yourmemories by Lanayru, the ThunderDragon. Just as in the real world, thereis a danger of losing your life here.

?This is Faron Woods. The whole foresthas been turned into a lake.

?I recommend searching above thewater for the dragon you seek.

?The origin of the current flood hasbeen confirmed as the base of the greattree. I recommend a thorough searchof that area.

?Sets of same-colored, musical-note-shaped creatures here must becollected within a set time or I projectthey will swim off your score.

?It appears that using your underwaterspin maneuver pulls nearby Tadtonestoward you, making it easier tocollect them.

?Performing lengthy tasks underwatercan be made easier through the use ofAir Potions, which can be purchasedfrom the Potion Shop in Skyloft.

?Your current location is the LanayruCaves. Routes to all areas of LanayruProvince intersect here.

You can sit on a lone chair here torestore your health.

?I have no record of this place. Analysissuggests this is a space created by thepowerful magic of Demise.

That may be the reason you can't useyour Skyward Strike here.

?This is Bamboo Island.

It is the secluded hideaway of Peater,father of the Item Check clerk,Peatrice. Here, you can attempt theClean Cut bamboo-slicing game.

?This is the Lumpy Pumpkin, arefreshment-distribution hub run byPumm. It has established localrenown for its pumpkin soup.

?When you are fighting a Deku Baba,pay attention to how it opens itsmouth and swing your swordaccordingly.It is also effective to shield bash theDeku Baba at the moment it attacks.

?You can spend the Rupees or treasureyou have obtained during your travelsat the bazaar to buy items or enhanceyour existing items.I highly recommend that you visit thebazaar whenever you return to Skyloft.

?You can use the treasure and materialsyou find during your adventures toenhance and upgrade your items.

At the bazaar, you can also use thingsyou have found to infuse potions,making them even more effective.

?Analysis indicates that effective mapuse will be critical when navigatingthrough Sky Keep.

It is also possible to access your mapwith [+] while you are operating thecontrol panel that moves the rooms.

?Analysis indicates that the key toadvancing through this room iscarefully choosing where to setdown the Timeshift Orb.

?The effects of the Timeshift Orb havealtered this room significantly.

Analysis indicates that you will haveto set down the Timeshift Orb andcomplete another task to progressfarther, Master.

?When fighting in narrow passageways,it is much more effective to attackwith shield bashes and sword thruststhan by swinging your sword.

?In addition to the Triforce, I detecta strong evil aura in this room.

There is an 85% probability that apowerful monster dwells here.Be sure to carefully monitor yourhealth for any precipitous drops.

?I recommend carefully looking aroundto gather information that may helpyou advance through this area.

?It is possible to use your dowsing abilityto locate hidden objects or creatures.

However, you may need to use yoursword to strike an object with acreature hiding behind it in order toscare the creature out into the open.

?Your dowsing ability can detect objectsthrough walls and terrain, so if youcannot see the target, you may needto go around and search the other side.

?I suggest you press [+] to check andsee if there are any areas you have notyet visited.

Simulations have shown that in 90% ofthese scenarios, a newly obtained itemwill allow you to enter an area you havenot yet visited.

?There is an 85% probability that yourSlingshot will allow you to make newdiscoveries in Skyloft.

I recommend experimenting with yourSlingshot in a variety of locationsthere.

?This area is known as the Deep Woodsof Faron Woods. Deku Hornet hives arecommon here, so exercise caution.

With a suitable bug-catching tool, yourchances of avoiding harm increaseby 75%.

?Signs indicate the [X] marks on thismap were added by the previous ownerto designate locations of interest.

I recommend a thorough investigationof these locations when you have theopportunity.

?In most cases, mechanisms that controlthe operation of gates and portcullisescan be found nearby.

Using your Beetle to explore thesurrounding environment is aneffective method of locating theseswitches.

?This is the Knight Academy.

?This building contains Zelda's room,among others, but it is currentlylocked.

?Recently, there have been rumors of anunsettling noise coming from therestroom at night.

?If you have sustained damage, a visitto your room is advisable. Sitting onthe chair located in your room willallow you to restore your hearts.

?This is Beedle's Airshop. He sells rareitems not found in the bazaar.

Incidentally, you may wish to note thatyou can sleep in the bed found in hisshop.

?This is the bazaar. You can purchasevarious items here that you will needon your adventure.

?And if you find yourself unsure ofwhat to do next on your travels, Irecommend talking to the fortune-teller, Sparrot.

?Apparently, if you shoot the lamp atthe entrance, something will happen.I recommend testing this out on othersuspicious targets as well.

?I also recommend sitting at a tableat the restaurant and listening to theother customers. They may haveinformation that is useful to you.

?This is the Sparring Hall. Here, you canlearn essential sword techniques.

I recommend that you be sure to studythe fatal blow technique that istaught to students of this academy.

?This is Batreaux's house.

?Sorry, I currently have insufficientdata with which to analyze thesituation.

?There is a 95% chance that fulfillingBatreaux's request will allow youto obtain a number of items that youwill find useful in your adventures.

?This is Bertie's house. He infuses andenhances potions.

?The potions sold in the bazaar duringthe day will prove very useful on youradventure.

?Signs indicate that Bertie is currentlyexperiencing a problem when hereturns home from work and hasto care for his young child.You may be able to help him, Master.

?This is Pipit's house.

?His mother, Mallara, can't standcleaning up, so their house is alwaysin various states of uncleanliness.

It may be possible for you to assistthem later, but for now there is a 95%probability you will be unable to help.

?His mother, Mallara, can't standcleaning up, so their house is alwaysin various states of uncleanliness.

If you possess an item that could blowaway the dust with a gust of wind, thenyou may be able to help, Master.

?Thanks to your efforts, the room is nowclean.

I recommend you seek out other peoplewho may need your help, Master.

?This is Rupin the gear peddler's house.There is an 85% chance that visiting atnight will reveal the true Rupin, whodiffers from his daytime persona.

?This is the house of Peatrice, whoworks at the Item Check.

I calculate an 80% probability thatregular visits to the Item Checkduring the day will change Peatrice'sfeelings toward you.

?This is the cave behind the waterfall.It is one of the more dangerous placesin Skyloft, due to the abundance ofmonsters that call it home.I can confirm the existence of treasurechests. I recommend exploring the areaaround that broken fence.

?This is Sparrot the fortune-teller'shouse.

?Analysis indicates that we may notcurrently accomplish anything hereat this time.

?Sparrot's former crystal ball wasdiscovered by the Scrap Shop owner'sancestor atop a building at the summitof a mountain.There is an 85% probability that themountain in question is Eldin Volcano.I suggest you travel there.

?Master, when you are in need ofadvice on your travels, I calculate a75% probability that visiting thefortune-teller will be helpful.

?This is Orielle and Parrow's house.

?Analysis indicates that we may notcurrently accomplish anything hereat this time.

?You have been asked by Parrow tosearch for his sister Orielle, whowent out on her Loftwing but has yetto return.There is reason to believe she headedto the southwestern area of the sky.You should start your search there.

?Orielle's safe return to Skyloft hasmade Parrow very happy.

?This is Kukiel's house.

?Jakamar is the local handyman ofSkyloft.

He lives together with his wife, Wryna,and his daughter, Kukiel.

?It appears Jakamar's daughter, Kukiel,has gone missing. Master, I recommendthat you assist in the search for her.

?Jakamar and Wryna are delighted tosee their daughter, Kukiel, returnedsafely to them.

?This is Piper's house. She lives herewith her son, Gully.

I have no other relevant informationon this location.

?This is the Scrap Shop owner Gondo'shouse. He lives here with his mother,Greba.

I have no other relevant informationon this location.

?This is the Lanayru Sand Sea. You cancross sinksand more quickly bypressing [A] to accelerate.

?This is the interior of the PirateStronghold. This area is dangerous.You may want to equip items in yourpouch that will restore health quickly.

?Skipper's Retreat is on this island.I estimate that your whip andClawshots will be needed to traversethis dramatic and forbidding terrain.

?The Shipyard is on this island.

If you incorrectly operate the cartand fall off the track, you will notlose any hearts. As long as youoperate it calmly, you will be fine.

?This is Skipper's Retreat. I recommendgetting rid of the Aracha beforelooking for the sea chart.

?This is the Pirate Stronghold.If you want to return to the sea,talk to the Skipper.

?While locked on to an enemy with [Z],press [control stick down] and [A] to backflip.

This useful battle technique lets yousmoothly avoid an enemy attack, thenimmediately counterattack.

?While locked on to an enemy with [Z],press [control stick down] and [A] to backflip.

This useful battle technique lets yousmoothly avoid an enemy attack, thenimmediately counterattack. I suggestyou give it a try.

?Hold your sword straight up in the airto charge it up for a powerful SkywardStrike.

If you hold the sword steadily enough,you can even charge a Skyward Strikewhile you're on the run or avoidingenemy attacks.While locked on to an enemy with [Z],you can also press [control stick down] and [A] tobackflip.

This useful battle technique lets yousmoothly avoid an enemy attack, thenimmediately counterattack. I suggestyou give it a try.

?This subterranean area lies beneathEldin Volcano. The elaborate systemof tunnels here forms a complex web.

Bomb Flowers grow here, as they doaboveground. When rolled, they makeeffective weapons against enemieswho are blocking your way.

?We are now at the summit of EldinVolcano, near the great crater.

There is a 90% chance that the finalsacred flame is located ahead of us.I recommend searching for it.

?We are now at the summit of EldinVolcano, near the great crater.

?I detect a strong power in the area tothe southeast.

There is a 60% probability that it is thedragon who knows another part of theSong of the Hero.

?I detect the sound of a waterfall fromthe passageway to the south. It wouldappear that there is water near thearea we just passed.

?There seems to be a waterfall here.Some water would be perfect forquenching your thirst in a hot arealike this.

?I can confirm that this area haschanged greatly as a result ofthe volcanic eruption.

If you find yourself unsure how toproceed, I recommend talking tothe Sheikah Stone in the south.

?There is an abundance of heartflowers growing here. Be sure touse them to restore your healthas needed.A heart-flower stem that has alreadybeen picked once will produce anotherheart if you pour water from a bottleon it.

?A Bug Net is best for catching Fairies,but it is also possible to catch them byscooping them up directly with anEmpty Bottle.

?This is the inner sanctum of theEarth Temple.

?I detect an ominous aura in this area.You should prepare yourself byrestocking your bomb supply andrestoring lost hearts.

?A report, Master [Link].

If you find yourself getting stuck here,you may want to try to increase thenumber of bombs you can carry.

?I can confirm that the ominous auraI previously detected in the immediatevicinity is no longer present. This areais now safe.

?This is the Fire Sanctuary.

?The Water Fruit that hangs fromthe ceiling may be useful in thisenvironment of extreme heat.

If you are getting stuck here, there isan 85% probability that scouting thearea with your Beetle or experimentingwith your Gust Bellows will be useful.

?To view the layout of this sanctuary,open your map with [+]. There is a95% probability that you will discoversomething unexpected.

?"Ye who seek the entrance to the king'streasure, look for the two statues thatface one another."

"Show your bravery and jump into themouth of the sleeping statue. Do this,and the path will open before you."

This is the treasure hunter's legendthat the Mogma Guld spoke of.

When the time comes to make a certaindecision, it would be good to rememberthis legend.

?The stone bird statues in this roomappear to each have a differentnumber of wings.

?I detect an evil presence behind thedoor that the Mysterious Crystal youobtained should open. I recommendrestoring your hearts before entering.

?A report, Master [Link].

?While pressing [Z] to lock on to atarget, you can also press [d-pad down] to ask mefor an analysis of the target.

It may take me some time to gathersufficient data on some targets, butthere is an 85% probability that anyeventual results will be of use, Master.

?I can confirm that the ominous auraI detected in this area earlier is nolonger present. This area is now safe.

?Don't carry objects that occasionallyshock you. Push them forward withyour sword when the charge fades,or just carry them with your Beetle.

?You must pay close attention to howyou use bombs in this area. Analysisindicates that it will be more effectiveto roll bombs than throw them.Also, some objects here occasionallyshock you. Push them forward withyour sword when the charge fades,or just carry them with your Beetle.

?Hold your sword straight up in the airto charge it for a powerful SkywardStrike.

If you hold the sword steadily enough,you can even charge a Skyward Strikewhile you're on the run or whileavoiding enemy attacks.

?I recommend stocking up on HeartPotions, Fairies, Invincibility Potions,and spare shields to prepare for thefinal battle.

?This is the interior of the Isle of Songs.It is a sacred place built to guide you,Master.

?I can detect no monsters here, butI am picking up the presence of anumber of treasure chests.

?Some accounts suggest Fairies caneven live in harsh environmentslike this, and that they are sometimesfound hidden in the ground.

?This is the interior area of the Statueof the Goddess. It is the location whereI slept for ages within the sword youcarry, Master.

?This is Skyloft. The island where theStatue of the Goddess once stood hasfallen to the surface, but the shock haspassed and life is peaceful again.

?This is Lake Floria. There's nothing tosuggest the presence of monsters here,but I do detect a Goddess Cubesignature.


?To search for Zelda, I recommend youdive into the column of light in theclouds and fall to the ground below.

The column of light is to the south ofSkyloft.

?Search the surface and look for cluesto ascertain Zelda's whereabouts asquickly as possible.

?I've detected remnants of civilizationhere on the surface. I advise you tofirst explore the area near where youtouched down.

?I recommend you follow the advice ofthe old woman at the Sealed Templeand head to Faron Woods.

?Zelda is alive, but she has moved toanother location. You must expediteyour search for her.

?Zelda is likely to be perceived as aconspicuous character in these woods.Confer with local life-forms to see ifthey know her whereabouts.

?Based on information received fromthe Kikwi Machi, there is an 80%chance that finding the Kikwi elderwill aid our search for Zelda.

?If we can locate all of the Kikwisscattered throughout the area, it islikely the elder Kikwi will be able toprovide helpful information.

?I recommend that you climb ontoBucha's back and take the Kikwiheirloom.

?Based on oral reports from the Kikwiswe have encountered, I calculate a95% chance that Zelda headed to thetemple located deep in Faron Woods.Master, I advise that you travel to thatlocation as quickly as possible.

?There is an 85% probability that Zeldacurrently resides in SkyviewTemple located in the northeasternarea of Faron Woods.I anticipate the temple will be occupiedby a large number of monsters. Youmust locate Zelda as fast as possible.

?Based on the song from the goddessstatue within Skyview Temple,there is a 97% chance Zelda hasheaded for Eldin Province.I advise you to take the tablet you justacquired and place it in the altarhoused within the Statue of theGoddess in Skyloft.Doing so should result in the creationof a new column of light through whichyou can access Eldin Province.

?Based on the song from the goddessstatue within Skyview Temple,there is a 97% chance Zelda hasheaded for Eldin Province.I recommend diving into the columnof light that leads to the EldinProvince.

The column of light you seek ispositioned to the north of Skyloft.

?Based on the song from the goddessstatue heard within Skyview Temple,there is a 90% probability that Zelda isnow in Eldin Province.To ascertain Zelda's whereabouts asquickly as possible, it will be mosteffective to look for local life-formswho may have seen her pass by.

?Judging by the discussions of theMogmas you met on Eldin Volcano,I infer that Zelda has been taken bya monster to a temple on the volcano.

?You are currently looking for the keyto open the temple door. This keyhas been split into five pieces which canbe located with your dowsing ability.

?You have reassembled the key to thetemple on Eldin Volcano, and you areheaded there to open its door.

?Based on information from theMogmas, I infer that Zelda has beenabducted by a monster and is currentlyin the Earth Temple.

?The probability of recovering Zeldaunharmed is decreasing rapidly.You must find her as soon as possible.

?Unfortunately, she has now been ledaway by an unknown individual andhas already moved to another area.

As you did at Skyview Spring,I recommend seeking guidance fromthe goddess statue located withinthe Earth Spring.

?Based on information from thegoddess statue within the EarthTemple, there is a 90% probability thatZelda has headed to Lanayru Province.I advise you to take the tablet you justacquired and place it in the altarhoused within the Statue of theGoddess in Skyloft.Doing so should bring forth a newcolumn of light through which you canaccess Lanayru Province.

?Based on information from thegoddess statue within the EarthTemple, there is a 90% probability thatZelda has headed to Lanayru Province.I recommend diving into the columnof light that leads down to LanayruProvince.

The column of light you seek ispositioned to the southwest of Skyloft.

?Based on information from thegoddess statue within the EarthTemple, there is a 90% probability thatZelda has headed to Lanayru Province.To ascertain Zelda's whereabouts asquickly as possible, it will be mosteffective to look for local life-formswho may have seen her pass by.

?You are currently searching for theentrance to Lanayru Mining Facility sothat you can reach the Temple of Time,where Zelda is currently located.I recommend utilizing your mapwhile in Lanayru Desert to ascertainthe position of the mining facility.

?There is an 85% probability that Zeldahas headed to the Temple of Time inthe western region of Lanayru Desert.

Her objective is currently unknown,but I recommend that you hurry to theTemple of Time as well, Master.

As the temple gate is currentlyunusable, the only way into the templeis through Lanayru Mining Facility.

?Based on what the unidentified personwith Zelda in the Temple of Time said,speaking with the old woman in theSealed Grounds may aid your search.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

Evidence suggests the Ballad of theGoddess, which has been known inSkyloft for generations, may hold aclue to the location of these flames.Analysis indicates your best course ofaction is to search Skyloft and learnwhat you can of this song.

?The lyrics of the Ballad of the Goddessthat you heard from Gaepora mentiondirecting the two great whirling sailstoward the Light Tower.That tower stands in Skyloft's plaza.

?Although the meaning of this phrase isunclear, I recommend that you searcharound Skyloft for two things thatcould be construed as whirling sails.

?Although a connection with the twosails is not 100% certain, it is clear thata propeller from a Skyloft windmillhas fallen below the clouds.I recommend you look for a way toretrieve this propeller.

?Although a connection with the twosails is not 100% certain, it is clear thata propeller from a Skyloft windmillhas fallen below the clouds.It is possible to locate the propellerusing your dowsing ability.

Once you have located it, you canget the robot you reactivated in theScrap Shop to carry it back toSkyloft for you.

?There is an 80% chance that one ofthe two whirling sails we seek is thewindmill repaired by Jakamar.

?Although a connection with the twosails is uncertain, there is an 85%chance that the object you just foundis a propeller from a Skyloft windmill.I recommend guiding the robot fromthe Scrap Shop back to Skyloft whilehe carries the alleged propeller.

?By rotating the windmills to face theLight Tower, you have revealed astructure hidden atop the tower.I advise you to investigate it.

?The Light Tower situated in the Skyloftplaza currently projects a powerfulbeam of light into the distance towarda fixed point.I have determined with 80% certaintythat the secrets alluded to within theBallad of the Goddess are hidden at thepoint where that light is focused.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

To accomplish this, I recommend youuse your dowsing ability to locate theplace in Faron Woods that responds tothe guiding song of Farore's Courage.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

If you use the Water Dragon's Scalefrom the trial in Faron Woods, there isa 90% chance you will be able to reacha new area in Faron Province.

?According to the Kikwi hermit, Yerbal,the Water Dragon guards a sacredflame that will enhance your sword.

You require more information on theflame. To obtain it, you will need tospeak with the Water Dragon whor*sides at the bottom of the lake.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

?To learn the location of the sacredflame in Faron Province, you must findsacred water for the Water Dragon.

I have registered the sacred water asa target you can now search for usingyour dowsing ability.

?The entrance to the place that holdsFarore's Flame, one of the sacredflames, has been opened by theWater Dragon.It is very likely that a great number ofmonsters infest this place, so I highlyrecommend you equip yourselfproperly for a hostile environment.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

The Water Dragon stated that Farore'sFlame, one of the sacred flames, can befound in the Ancient Cistern.

?Now that a sacred flame has enhancedyour sword, I estimate a 90% chancethat returning to the Isle of Songs willyield new guidance from the goddess.I recommend you follow the beam oflight being projected from the LightTower back into the thunderhead andreturn to the Isle of Songs.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

To obtain the sacred gift that willenable you to find the second sacredflame, I recommend you head for thetrial in Lanayru Desert.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

?There is a 96% chance that you canreach new locations within LanayruProvince using the Clawshots you gotfrom the trial in the Lanayru Desert.

?Using the Clawshots, you have managedto enter the Lanayru Sand Sea.I suggest you search the area forclues leading to the next sacred flame.

?It would seem pirates have stolen thevessel of a robot captain in the LanayruSand Sea. The sacred flame you seek isalso on board.

?To take back the ship, you will firstneed to travel to Skipper's Retreatand obtain a sea chart.

?I advise you to take the sea chartyou've obtained back to the robotcaptain.

?Your current objective is to searchthe Lanayru Sand Sea for the shipthat is said to contain the next sacredflame that will enhance your sword.According to the skipper of this stolenship, there is a good chance you canacquire information about the shipat the Lanayru Shipyard.

?Your current objective is to searchthe Lanayru Sand Sea for the shipthat is said to contain the next sacredflame that will enhance your sword.According to the skipper of this stolenship, you may find information on thewhereabouts of this vessel at thePirate Stronghold.

?Your current objective is to searchthe Lanayru Sand Sea for the shipthat is said to contain the next sacredflame that will enhance your sword.I estimate an 85% chance that thevessel you seek sails the sand sea.Use your dowsing ability to locate andpursue this ship.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

The likelihood of the second sacredflame being housed in the Sandshipthat sails the Lanayru Sand Sea is 95%.

I advise you to search the interiorcompartments of the vessel for thesacred flame.

?Now that a sacred flame has enhancedyour sword, I estimate a 90% chancethat returning to the Isle of Songs willyield new guidance from the goddess.I recommend you follow the beam oflight being projected from the LightTower back into the thunderhead andreturn to the Isle of Songs.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

To obtain the sacred gift that willenable you to find the third sacredflame, I suggest you seek out the trialon Eldin Volcano.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

There is a 95% chance that you canreach new areas within Eldin Provinceusing the Fireshield Earrings you gotfrom the trial on Eldin Volcano.

?Your current objective is to searchEldin Province for the third sacredflame that will enhance your sword.

There is a strong possibility that thisflame is housed in the large structureyou discovered, but the entrance isblocked by a wall of flames.Based on my projections, in order toextinguish the fire you will need a largeamount of water and a vessel in whichto transport it.You should focus your efforts onsecuring these items.

?You are currently searching for thesacred flame that will enhance yoursword.

?To extinguish the wall of fire blockingyour path beyond the summit, you needto transport the giant water basin usedby the Water Dragon.

?I've confirmed a very large structurepositioned atop the volcano's summit.I recommend you explore it.

?To reach Zelda, you must enhance yoursword using the sacred flames of thethree provinces.

There is a 95% probability that thethird sacred flame is located inside thesanctuary at the summit of EldinVolcano. I recommend you search it.

?There is a 95% probability that theGate of Time in the Sealed Templewill lead to Zelda's current location.

I recommend you activate the Gate ofTime using the power of your newlyenhanced sword.

?At present, your most urgent priority issealing away the unidentified monsterthat is attempting to rouse itself.

?The giant monster that appeared inthe Sealed Grounds has beendriven back into captivity again.

My assessment is that this creatureposes no additional threat for themoment.

?The time has finally come to awakenthe Gate of Time using the power ofyour enhanced sword. I suggest youmake this your immediate priority.

?Master, you have now passed throughthe Gate of Time.

Proceed forward. I calculate a 99%probability that Zelda waits just ahead.

?To achieve your destiny and keep thepromise you made to Zelda, you mustvanquish Demise.

To accomplish this task, you will needto find and obtain the Triforce.

?Master, you must now find the Triforcein order to vanquish Demise.

I strongly recommend that you searchfor information about the Triforcewithin Skyloft.

?There is an 80% probability that youcan get information about the Triforcefrom Levias, the great spirit of theskies.

?Instructor Owlan knows a great dealabout Levias. I recommend that youask him for more information aboutthis great spirit.

?However, in order to aid Levias,you will need to learn the SpiralCharge flight maneuver fromInstructor Owlan.

?There is an 80% probability that youcan get information about the Triforcefrom Levias, the great spirit of theskies.

?There is an 85% chance that talkingwith the owner of the Lumpy Pumpkinwill yield information that will aidyour search for Levias.

?I calculate a 90% chance that Leviaswill appear if you take him anoffering of the pumpkin soup heenjoys consuming.To this end, I suggest you take thepumpkin soup to the small island withthe rainbow inside the thunderhead.

?However, Levias is behaving in a highlyaggressive manner. It is impossible totalk with him in this state.

I suggest you utilize the Spiral Chargeto dislodge the foreign objectsattached to him.

?In order to acquire the Triforce, thepower that will allow you to vanquishDemise, you must first complete theSong of the Hero.Your urgent task is to learn thedifferent parts of the song from thethree dragons who preside over thethree different provinces of the land.

?In order to acquire the Triforce, youmust first meet with the three dragonsof the land and complete the Song ofthe Hero.

?In order to acquire the Triforce, youmust first meet with the three dragonsof the land and complete the Song ofthe Hero.

?In order to acquire the Triforce, youmust first meet with the three dragonsof the land and complete the Song ofthe Hero.

?You have learned two parts of the Songof the Hero. Your next move should beto seek out the dragon who rules overLanayru Province as fast as possible.

And after that?
Got it.

?You have learned two parts of the Songof the Hero. Your next move should beto seek out the dragon who rules overEldin Province as fast as possible.

And after that?
Got it.

?You have learned one part of the Songof the Hero. To find the other parts,seek out the dragons who rule over theEldin and Lanayru Provinces.

And after that?
Got it.

?You have learned two parts of the Songof the Hero. Your next move shouldbe to seek out the dragon who rulesover Faron Province as fast as possible.

And after that?
Got it.

?You have learned one part of the Songof the Hero. To find the other parts,seek out the dragons who rule over theFaron and Lanayru Provinces.

And after that?
Got it.

?You have learned one part of the Songof the Hero. To find the other parts,seek out the dragons who rule over theFaron and Eldin Provinces.

And after that?
Got it.

?When you have collected three partsof the Song of the Hero, return tothe great sky spirit, Levias, andcomplete the Song of the Hero.If the information you've gathered isaccurate, doing this will open the pathto the Triforce.

Should you go on to successfully obtainthe Triforce, you must use its power tovanquish Demise.

This is not only your ultimate goal butalso your destiny, Master.

?You have learned the three parts of theSong of the Hero guarded by thedragons who reside on the surface.

?I recommend returning to Levias, thegreat sky spirit, to hear the final partand complete the Song of the Hero.

And after that?
Got it.

?I infer the completed Song of theHero will open a path to the Triforce.

Should you go on to successfully obtainthe Triforce, you must use its power tovanquish Demise.

Doing so is your ultimate goal and yourdestiny, Master.

?You are currently searching for theTriforce, which has the power tovanquish Demise.

Utilize your dowsing ability with theSong of the Hero to find the fourthTrial Gate.

?Master, the Stone of Trials youreceived on completion of the finaltrial is part of a pair.

I infer that the matching second stoneis somewhere within Skyloft. There is a90% chance that finding this stone willget you one step closer to the Triforce.

?Ghirahim has abducted Zelda and fledinto the past with her. You must chaseafter him as quickly as possible.

?Ghirahim has abducted Zelda and fledinto the past with her. You must chaseafter Zelda as quickly as possible.

?Ghirahim has used the power of Zelda'ssoul to revive Demise. I'm afraidto report that further analysis of thesituation is impossible.

?Demise has once again broken theseal that binds him in an attempt tofree himself and return to full power.

If you fail to beat back this monsterand gain more time to search for theTriforce, I estimate you have less thana 1% chance of completing your quest.

?I project that the soil in LanayruProvince will not provide enoughnourishment for the Life TreeSeedling to grow and produce fruit.In order to obtain this fruit, which theThunder Dragon seeks, you must find aplace to plant it where the tree cangrow strong over many long years.

?Master, I recommend you take theLife Tree Fruit to the Thunder Dragonin Lanayru Province.

I project a 90% chance that theThunder Dragon will agree to teachyou his part of the Song of the Heroif the fruit restores him to health.

?Master, your primary objective is todefeat the enemy here and overcomethe grueling task the Thunder Dragon,Lanayru, has set before you.

?You are currently searching for asacred flame in Eldin Province thatwill enhance and augment your sword.

You have found a structure that ishighly likely to contain the sacredflame, but the entrance is blockedby a wall of flame.There is an 80% chance that you willneed the Water Dragon's tub tosuccessfully extinguish the flames.

?Although details are currently unclear,I have detected a massive disturbancein the vicinity of the great pit in theSealed Grounds.You must carry out the task the oldwoman has asked of you and dealwith it.

?I calculate a 99% probability that theTriforce is somewhere in the structurethat appeared at the base of the Isle ofthe Goddess.The Triforce has power capable ofvanquishing Demise. I recommend athorough exploration of thisstructure's interior areas.

?Current Session Play Time: ##:##Total Play Time: ##:##This concludes my analysis.

?Zelda's presence seems to havevanished. I recommend a sweepof the area.

?I lack the data required to perform anaccurate analysis of the currentsituation.


?You are located in the Sealed Grounds.I detect the auras of a small numberof relatively weak enemies.

?These are the Faron Woods. I detectthe presence of a few monsters.

?This is Skyview Temple. Analysisindicates the presence of monstersmore powerful than those found onland. Beware of Skulltula nests.

?This is Lake Floria. I detect theexistence of monsters in the water.I recommend utilizing your spinmaneuver.

?You are located in the Ancient Cistern.Analysis suggests you can expect toencounter both fire- and magic-wielding monsters.

?These are the Faron Woods. As theentire area is now flooded, I highlyrecommend you closely monitor oxygenlevels when swimming underwater.

?This is Eldin Volcano. My projectionsindicate you will encounter manyfire-wielding monsters, as well asdangerous magma fields.In the event you catch on fire, pleaseremember that you can extinguishyourself by using a roll or a spin attack.

?This is the Earth Temple. I project youwill encounter many fire-proficientmonsters in this area.

In the event you catch on fire, pleaseremember that you can extinguishyourself by using a roll or a spin attack.

?This is Eldin Volcano. My projectionsindicate you will encounter manyfire-wielding monsters.

In the event you catch on fire, pleaseremember that you can extinguishyourself by using a roll or a spin attack.

?This is the Fire Sanctuary. Beware ofspell-casting monsters. You may alsoencounter monsters that are proficientwith the bow.

?You are currently located at EldinVolcano. I have detected a catapultpositioned on the high ground.

My projections indicate the situationcould become highly dangerous ifthe Bokoblins are alerted to yourpresence.

?Your current location is LanayruDesert. I have detected the presenceof multiple electrically chargedmonsters in the region.Also, you should beware of sinksandin desert areas.

?This is Lanayru Mining Facility.Readings indicate it is populated withelectrically charged monsters.

Also, I detect the presence of ancientsecurity measures, though they nowappear to be in disrepair.

?This is the Lanayru Sand Sea.Analysis suggests a healthy populationof electricity-generating and fire-producing life-forms.

?This is the Sandship of the LanayruSand Sea.

Some of the monsters that attackedthis ship are said to wield largeamounts of electrical energy.

?This is Lanayru Gorge. The majorityof monsters that once inhabited thisarea are said to have the powerto control electrical energy.

?This is Hylia. My apologies, Master.Due to numerous unknown elementshere, no analysis is currently possible.

?This is Skyview Temple. I havedetected an abundance of powerful,hostile auras in the local andsurrounding areas.I project that these monsters possessa very high intelligence. They willlikely employ a variety of cunningattacks.

?This is the Earth Temple. There is anabundance of powerful, hostile aurasin the surrounding area.

Watch for Bomb Flowers in this area.They explode in reaction to variousforms of stimuli.

?Your current location is LanayruMining Facility. Analysis suggests youcan expect a multitude of powerful,highly hostile enemies.The floor of this room is coveredin a thick layer of sand, within whichmonsters may be lurking.

?These are the Sealed Grounds.The aura of a powerful and extremelyhostile monster fills the entire area.

I have no details on this monster as ofyet, but the battlefield is quite large,so monitor your stamina gaugeclosely.

?These are the Sealed Grounds.The aura of a powerful and extremelyhostile monster fills the entire area.

I have no details on this monster as ofyet, but the battlefield is quite large,so monitor your stamina gaugeclosely.

?These are the Sealed Grounds.The aura of a powerful and extremelyhostile monster fills the entire area.

I have no details on this monster as ofyet, but I project that the mechanismcreated by Groose will prove effective.

?You are currently located in theAncient Cistern. The aura of anextremely powerful and hostilemonster pervades the area.Movement is restricted by the rows ofcolumns. I highly suggest you use yoursuperior dexterity to evade enemyattacks.

?You are currently standing on the deckof the Sandship. The aura of anexceptionally strong monsterpervades the area.Take care not to accidentally tumbleoverboard, as there is nothing butocean surrounding the vessel.

?This is the Fire Sanctuary. Readingsindicate an extremely hostile aurain the area.

My analysis of this aura leads me toconclude that this foe is highlyintelligent. He will likely employa variety of cunning attacks.

?We are inside the thunderhead.Analysis reveals a parasitical monsteron the great spirit of the sky, Levias,has caused him to go mad.When in combat, be careful of strongwinds and unstable footholds.

?These are the Sealed Grounds of thepast. I detect an extremely powerfuland exceptionally hostile aura in theimmediate area.Aura analysis has revealed that thisfoe is highly intelligent. He will likelyemploy a variety of cunning attacks.

?I have no record of this place.I sense no hostile auras otherthan Demise.

My projections indicate your currentlocation is a unique space under thecontrol of Demise's magic. I do notbelieve Skyward Strikes are possible.

?This is a subterranean corridor thatlinks Lanayru Mining Facility to theTemple of Time.

I detect no monsters here, so I projectthe probability you will engage incombat here is under 5%.

?This is one section of Sky Keep.I detect many monsters of varioustypes and abilities concentrated inthis small area.

?This is one section of Sky Keep.Vigilance is highly recommended here.I detect many strong monsters.

?You are located inside Sky Keep.I detect many fire- and magic-wieldingmonsters here. Avoid physical contact.

?This is one section of Sky Keep.The remains of ancient monsters arescattered around this area.

I recommend careful attention to yoursurroundings while transporting theTimeshift Orb.

?This is one section of Sky Keep.The remains of ancient monsters arescattered around this area.

I recommend careful attention to yoursurroundings while transporting theTimeshift Orb.

?In this area of Sky Keep, there aremany complicated contraptions.Master, your wisdom will be testedhere.

?You are currently located in Sky Keep.The pathway here is too narrowto dodge enemy attacks.

I recommend making good use of yourshield bash, as I project it will bedifficult to find heart-replenishmentopportunities.

?You are located inside Sky Keep.No monsters exist here, though I inferexploring this area will not be easy.

To aid you, Master, I will increaseanalytical granularity and providesituational analysis for each section.

?These are the Lanayru Caves. I detectno monsters in the area.

?This is Eldin Volcano. You will likelyencounter a limited number ofmonsters here that are capable ofshooting fire arrows from a distance.In the alarming event you catch onfire, you can extinguish yourself usinga roll or spin attack.

?This is Skyview Temple. I detect anincrease in the number of hostile auraswithin the structure since our last visit.Do not let your guard down.

?This is Farore's Flame Chamber.There are no monsters here.

?This is Din's Flame Chamber.There are no monsters here.

?These are the Sealed Grounds. Thisis where the Isle of the Goddess camedown. There are no monsters here.

?This is Skyview Spring. It is a specialplace, protected by the power of thegoddess.

They say the water here can purifythe body of whoever comes intocontact with it.

?This is the Sealed Temple. I do notdetect the presence of any monsters.It is safe here.

?This is Hylia Temple. I do not detectthe presence of monsters. It is safe.

?This is the Earth Spring. It is a specialplace, protected by the power of thegoddess.

They say the water here can purifythe body of whoever comes intocontact with it.

?My projections indicate that equippinga sword is sufficient for combat atthis location.

You could also consider stocking yourpouch with helpful items.

?You are sufficiently equipped toexplore this area. You can safely swapa portion of the combat-oriented pouchitems for other support pouch items.

?In the bazaar, you can use Rupeesand treasures dropped by defeatedmonsters to buy and upgrade items.

?Pouch items that focus on heartreplenishment are unnecessary in thisarea. I recommend removing non-combat pouch items.

?Be prepared to engage monsters thatattack in hordes.

?Use of your limited supply of pouchitems should be avoided when possible.

?Certain monsters will drop treasureupon defeat, but I would discourageyou from taking any unnecessary riskswhen seeking treasure in this fashion.

?There is little here that will put yourlife in danger. I recommend using thisopportunity to sharpen your swordtechniques in smaller battles.

?The structure of this enclosed spacewill hamper the speed with which youdiscover monsters, increasing thechance of unexpected damage to 75%.I recommend keeping a large quantityof potions with you.

?Your life should not be in danger aslong as you avoid engaging multipleenemies in combat.

?Your current selection of pouch itemsdoes not sufficiently protect you.I recommend carrying defensive andhealth-replenishing pouch items.

?My projections indicate the danger toyour life will be limited if you remaincalm and engage monsters confidently.

Use your health-replenishing itemssparingly.

?Use of weapons and items is notpossible underwater. You mustprotect yourself by other means.

?Analysis indicates use of your currentselection of items will be limited due tothe large sections of this area thatare underwater.

?Analysis indicates use of your currentselection of items will be limited due tothe large sections of this area thatare underwater.

?You cannot use weapons and itemsunderwater. If your hearts are low,search for a place where you can getout of the water and recuperate.

?Your pouch items are suitable to thisenvironment, but caution is adviseddue to the presence of airborne,land-dwelling, and marine monsters.

?Your current selection of pouch itemsis highly suitable for this environment.

You will be able to respond to a widerange of circ*mstances. This is idealfor a facility as complex as this one.

?Analysis indicates a large number ofmonsters with varying characteristics.

You will need to prepare a suitableloadout of pouch items and adapt tocirc*mstances as you proceed.

?You are somewhat prepared for thisarea, but due to the presence of air,land, and aquatic enemies, I suggestyou exercise caution.

?You will not be able to use items andweapons while underwater. Search forother ways to defend yourself.

?I recommend keeping Air Potionsor Heart Potions handy in case ofoxygen depletion and any resultingheart loss.

?I recommend keeping Air Potionsor Heart Potions handy in case ofoxygen depletion and any resultingheart loss.

?Your selection of pouch items is highlysuited to this environment. However,you will not be able to use pouch itemswhile underwater.

?You will sustain injury when yourclothes are set on fire. I recommendcarrying sufficient recovery itemsin your pouch.

?I project a high probability that youwill sustain damage from bothmonsters and magma.

I recommend carrying recovery anddefensive items in your pouch.

?With your current selection of items,I estimate an 85% chance of serioushealth loss before finding treasure orRupees.

?There is minimal danger when youare set on fire by an enemy attack,provided you react calmly and quickly.

?You will continue to take damage whileyour clothing is on fire. I recommendcarrying plenty of recovery items inyour pouch.

?Even minor injuries can become lifethreatening if you sustain enough ofthem. Remain cautious.

?It would be dangerous to continueexploring this area with your currentpouch items. I recommend you carryrecovery and defensive pouch items.

?There is minimal danger when youare set on fire by an enemy attack,provided you react calmly and quickly.

?You will continue to take damage whileyour clothing is on fire. I recommendcarrying plenty of recovery items.

?Even minor injuries can become lifethreatening if you sustain enough ofthem. Remain cautious.

?It would be dangerous to continueexploring this area with your currentpouch items. I recommend you carryrecovery and defensive pouch items.

?There is minimal danger when youare set on fire by an enemy attack,provided you react calmly and quickly.

?When you are affected by a curse, youwill be unable to use your sword andshield for a short time.

In the event that you become cursed,I highly recommend you retreat fromthe area.

?The layout of the sanctuary is quitecomplex. It will be less dangerous toexplore in stages, frequently returningto Skyloft to rest and resupply.

?My projections indicate you may havedifficulty fighting with the pouchitems you are carrying.

I highly recommend that you saveyour progress whenever you encountera bird statue.

?You are equipped to handle the loss ofa few hearts, but you must remaincautious. There are a large numberof strong foes in the area.

?It is possible to attack Bokoblinspositioned on towers and high groundusing your bow and bombs.

Your chance of a successful attack ishigher if you strike before you arenoticed.

?Bokoblins are constructing a fortresson high ground. I recommendemploying weapons withlong-range attack capability.

?You are carrying mostly noncombatitems in your pouch, so I currentlyproject a 65% probability that you willencounter difficult combat conditions.I recommend making sure you arefully equipped to handle long-rangeattack capability.

?Most of the enemies in this area areBokoblins, so I project you are inlittle danger of running out of hearts.

Attack is the best defense here.

?Monsters can appear without warning.You will need to be ready to switchbetween your sword and otherweapons at a moment's notice.

?Lanayru Province, our currentlocation, is vast in size. I recommendcareful rationing of items that donot regenerate themselves.

?You are not well suited to thisenvironment. I recommend avoidingunnecessary combat.

?Your gear is suitable for this vastdesert environment. You should beable to explore relatively safely.

?There are many monsters in this areathat can attack from a distance.Be prepared to lose hearts.

?You are equipped to adapt to avariety of circ*mstances.

However, the possibility of troublewill increase if you alter your currentbalance of pouch items.

?Because of the significant number ofpowerful enemies in the area, I highlyrecommend carrying pouch items thatfocus on recovery and defense.

?You are carrying a number ofpouch items that are ineffective inbattle. This may lead to the unplannedconsumption of recovery pouch items.

?It will be difficult to explore the vastLanayru Sand Sea with only combat-focused items in your pouch.

You'll need to take measures topreserve and recover hearts whennecessary.

?Your preparations for preserving andrecovering hearts are insufficient. Ifyou want to proceed as is, be cautiousin both exploration and combat.

?The Lanayru Sand Sea is quite vast.I recommend prioritizing equipmentthat will help preserve and recoverhearts.

?Your gear is more suited to this areathan other types. Prioritize heartpreservation when exploring theLanayru Sand Sea.

?The inside of the ship features manysmall rooms and corridors. Closecombat is expected, so take equipmentthat mitigates heart depletion.

?Your pouch-item loadout can adaptwell to many scenarios, but you canincrease suitability by 10% by addingdamage-mitigating pouch items.

?The inside of the ship has narrowcorridors where combat cannot beavoided. I project you will lose anumber of hearts in this area.

?Your pouch items correctly focus ondefense and recovery. Be aware,though, that close combat will likely beunavoidable in the ship's corridors.

?Analysis shows close combat willbe frequent here. Equipment suited tolong-range combat will be ineffective.You will need hearts for the assault.

?My projections indicate you are likelyto be injured in combat because youwill be traversing a number of narrowplatforms here.I recommend carrying pouch items thatare ideal for defense and heartrecovery.

?My projections indicate you are likelyto be injured in combat because youwill be traversing a number of narrowplatforms here.I recommend carrying pouch items thatare ideal for defense and heartrecovery.

?Analysis indicates this place is home tohordes of monsters. If you encounterthem, I suggest employing heart-recovery and preservation measures.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?Monster numbers here are unknown.You may find yourself in danger if youdo not have adequate defensive andrecovery capabilities.

?You do not have enough Heart Potions.I recommend you do whatever isnecessary to obtain every single heartthat a monster drops.

?Monster numbers here are unknown.You may find yourself in danger if youdo not have adequate defensive andrecovery capabilities.

?Monster numbers here are unknown.Equipment that will assist you withhearts may be the best choice.

?I cannot offer my usual analysisbecause you are currently engaged ina challenge created by the ThunderDragon Lanayru.

?I do not have any relevant informationto report at this time.

?In this area, pouch items that enhancelong-distance weapons, such as thebow, will be most effective.

?You have a high probability ofsustaining injury when you approachmonsters that shoot fire arrows. Carryhealth-recovery pouch items.

?You could be ambushed by fire-arrow-shooting monsters at any time.I suggest using items that allow youto deal swiftly with these monsters.

?You have a high probability ofsustaining injury when you approachmonsters that shoot fire arrows. Onlya few potions may not be enough.

?To make matters worse, your WoodenShield is not well suited to defend youfrom fire-based attacks. I do notrecommend that you equip it.

?Furthermore, your Iron Shield will notdefend you against electrical attacks.I do not recommend that you use it.

?Master, your current selection ofpouch items is [var].

?Suitability to current location is #%.





?Master, your current selection ofpouch items is [var].

?Suitability to current location is #%.

?Your offensive options are limitedwhile battling with this monster.

I recommend carrying more recoverypouch items and potions to ensureeffectiveness.

?My analysis suggests you shouldattempt to anticipate your opponent'smoves and react quickly.

However, I suggest focusing on defenserather than offense because of the lackof recovery items in your pouch.

?My analysis reveals that you will bemuch more prepared for this area ifyou increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?In a situation where a monster utilizesseveral types of attacks, you are likelyto take significant damage until youfully understand their strategy.I recommend doing what you can topreserve your hearts while you focuson quickly analyzing attack patterns.

?You will be able to mount an aggressiveassault on your opponents with thecurrent high proportion of combatitems in your pouch.However, your ability to recover islimited, so you should avoid takingdamage whenever possible.

?You have plenty of recovery andattack pouch items. If you utilize themeffectively, you will have an 80%chance of success in the battle.However, Master, you must still bevery careful. This monster has superioroffensive and defensive capabilities.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?I theorize that ascertaining thismonster's pattern of attack shouldbe comparatively easy.

However, your stock of pouch itemsthat allow you to attack this enemy islimited. As such, there is a 75% chancethis battle will drag on.

?There is a 90% probability that themajority of your weaponry will beineffective against your current foe.

Taking sufficient heart-recoverymeasures will be vital for the lengthybattle that is likely to ensue.

?I calculate an 80% probability that thebattle will drag on due to your limitedoffensive options and relatively smallwindows for attack.My analysis suggests that you shouldremove any pouch items not neededfor battle.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?I calculate an 80% probability that thebattle will drag on due to your limitedoffensive options and relatively smallwindows for attack.Since you are likely to sustain a lot ofinjuries, finding the right moment torecover hearts will be critical.

?The efficient use of pouch items willgive you quite an advantage.

It is probable that you will eventuallyhave to engage in direct combat.When your hearts are low, you shouldtake appropriate precautions.

?You currently carry a mixture ofuseful and suboptimal pouch items.

I recommend a careful assessment ofthe pouch items you are carrying.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?The monster is attempting to leave theconfines of the Sealed Grounds andhead out into the land.

You have a limited time frame in whichto imprison it. Doing so may force youto put yourself in harm's way, so beprepared to sustain some damage.

?The aura of the monster here isoverwhelmingly powerful. Do not relyon the support pouch items to beparticularly effective in your battle.

?You currently carry a mix of usefuland suboptimal pouch items.I recommend you remove items thatdo not directly serve your purposes.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?The monster is attempting to leave theconfines of the Sealed Grounds andhead out into the land.

You have a limited time frame in whichto imprison it. Doing so may force youto put yourself in harm's way, so beprepared to sustain some damage.

?I have detected the aura of anextremely powerful monster.

Master, my analysis has revealedsomething troubling. Neither yoursword nor your items will likely bevery effective against this enemy.

?I have concluded that the majorityof the items in your pouch will beineffective during your battle againstthis monster.The monster itself appears to beevolving, growing larger and morepowerful with each moment.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?This monster is overwhelminglypowerful. It will not be effective tochallenge it directly in your currentstate and with the sword you wield.I recommend reevaluating andchanging your entire fighting style.

?You have a limited number of effectiveoffensive options. The probabilitythat your battle equipment will becompletely ineffective is 90%.There is also a great danger that yourheart-recovery pouch items will beinsufficient, which may prove lethal ifyou are unable to end the fight quickly.

?You currently carry a mix of usefuland suboptimal pouch items.

I recommend you remove items thatdo not directly serve your purposes.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?I calculate an 80% probability that thebattle will drag on due to your limitedoffensive options and relatively smallwindows for attack.My analysis indicates you are likely toincur significant damage, so findingthe right time to recover hearts will beimperative.

?Your current selection of pouch itemswill prove useful in this battle to somedegree but aren't absolutely necessary.

According to my analysis, Master,given your current combat capabilities,you are free to carry other types ofpouch items should you wish to do so.

?Your pouch items represent the bareminimum required for attack, defense,and recovery. Consider choosing abetter selection of pouch items.If you decide to continue withyour present configuration, pleasebe extremely vigilant during battle.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?You are equipped to withstand themonster's fierce offensive capabilitiesto a limited degree.

You are not, however, at the optimallevel of safety, so take full advantageof any chance to damage your foe.

?Your opponent is highly intelligent andhas powerful offensive capability.The probability of achieving victorywith the help of support items is 5%.Direct attack methods are judgedto have the best chance of inflictingdamage.

?You are not carrying many items inyour pouch that will aid you in battle.

My analysis shows you lacking inpouch items that aid in defense andheart recovery.

?My analysis indicates you can increaseyour suitability to this environmentby increasing the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?In a situation where a monster utilizesseveral types of attacks, you are likelyto take significant damage until youfully understand its strategy.I recommend doing what you can topreserve your hearts while you focuson quickly analyzing its attack pattern.

?You are carrying a number of itemsin your pouch that will be of little tono use in this location.

Be careful not to lose too many hearts.

?In the event you battle with thismonster, you will have a limitednumber of effective offensivemeasures at your disposal.I recommend maintaining a supply ofrecovery pouch items and potions toensure survivability.

?My analysis indicates you can increaseyour suitability to this environmentby increasing the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?Analysis shows that the parasiteinhabiting Levias has relatively pooroffensive capabilities. As such, I judgethe probability of defeat at 30%.However, the danger to you willincrease significantly if the battlebecomes drawn out.

?Your opponent is highly intelligentand has powerful attacks. Theprobability of achieving victory withthe help of support items is 5%.Direct attack methods will be mosteffective at defeating this opponent.

?The contents of your pouch are oflimited use.

My analysis of your pouch itemsreveals the need for more items thatwill increase your defense andheart-recovery capability.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?In a situation where a monster utilizesseveral types of attacks, you are likelyto sustain significant damage until youfully understand its strategy.I estimate an 80% chance that yourcurrent battle will be a prolonged one.

My analysis of these conditionsindicates that keeping an abundance ofrecovery items in your pouch willimprove your chances of survival.

?Your opponent is highly intelligent andhas superior combat techniques. Theeffectiveness of the items currentlyin your pouch is estimated at 10%.I infer that in order to inflict damage,you must break your opponent's guardwith superior technique, then make adirect attack while his guard is down.

?When your opponent's defenses are set,there is an increased chance of takingdamage while you master the methodfor breaking his guard.I also surmise that your presentequipment does not have enoughmeans for recovering health.

?My analysis indicates you will be bettersuited to engaging this enemy in battleif you increase the proportion ofrecovery items in your pouch.

?When your opponent's defenses are set,there is an increased chance of takingdamage while you master the methodfor breaking his guard.I recommend continuouslyreplenishing health as you test variousattacks in an attempt to break through.

?I have confirmed the presence ofa variety of monsters in the vicinity.

If you effectively utilize weapons otherthan your sword, I calculate an 80%chance of gaining the advantage inbattle.

?You don't need additional battle andrecovery pouch items. Using thesepouch items efficiently will increaseyour probability of survival by 50%.

?There is an increased probability ofobtaining treasure here because of theunusual variety of monsters.

However, you should expect more-challenging battles, and it will bemore difficult to find health-replenishment items.

?Your selection of pouch items focuseson recovery and damage reduction.

However, be aware that there willbe little time to recover your healthwhen you are fighting multiple enemiesat once.

?There are complex contraptions here.Your effectiveness at dealing withthese devices increases when youare carrying the proper pouch items.

?Your current selection of pouch itemsallows you to adapt to a variety ofcirc*mstances.

?Some types of treasure can onlybe obtained from certain monsters.There is a chance to obtain one suchkind of rare treasure at this location.

?You cannot use your pouch itemswhen underground. If you want toconsume a potion, you will need toreturn to the surface.

?Signs indicate you can expect manyopportunities to use long-rangeweapons at this location.

You can boost your chance of successagainst the various puzzles and devicesof this area by carrying an abundantsupply of ammunition.

?Your selection of pouch items is highlysuited to this environment, especiallywhen compared with other, moreunbalanced gear choices.However, due to the unique terrain,it may still be difficult to advance.Expect significant trouble here.

?At this location, you can expectsignificant difficulty simply advancing.

Therefore, it is recommended thatyou refrain from collecting treasureand Rupees and instead focus on thetask at hand.

?I cannot confirm the presence ofmonsters at this location.

I conjecture that it is sufficient to beprepared for the possibility of injurycaused by falling into molten lava.

?When ancient monsters enter theTimeshift Orb's area of effect, thereis a danger they will reanimate andimmediately attack you.If this occurs while transporting theTimeshift Orb, put the orb down andready yourself for battle as quickly aspossible.

?Your suitability should furtherincrease if you give priority torecovery pouch items over battlepouch items.

?When ancient monsters enter theTimeshift Orb's area of effect, thereis a danger they may revive and attackyou.I recommend you carry amplesurvivability and defense pouch items.

?When ancient monsters enter theTimeshift Orb's area of effect, thereis a 95% probability that they willreanimate and immediately attack you.

?When ancient monsters enter theTimeshift Orb's area of effect, thereis a danger they will reanimate andimmediately attack you.If this occurs while transporting theTimeshift Orb, put the orb down andready yourself for battle as quickly aspossible.

?Danger is dramatically increased whenattempting to manipulate a devicewhile simultaneously engagingenemies.First, eliminate as many enemies aspossible, then approach the mechanismin question.

?When ancient monsters enter theTimeshift Orb's area of effect, thereis a danger they will reanimate andimmediately attack you.I recommend you carry amplesurvivability and defense items.

?When ancient monsters enter theTimeshift Orb's area of effect, thereis a danger they will reanimate andimmediately attack you.

?Regardless of your current selectionof pouch items, I do not calculate asignificant difference in your chancesof success.However, using projectiles here willimprove your effectiveness.

?Your current pouch items allow youto adapt to a variety of circ*mstances.

However, these pouch items will notdirectly help you overcome thecontraptions set here.

?Due to your mediocre suitabilityrating in this location, I suggest youproceed with caution.

Before dealing with any puzzles ormechanisms in this area, I recommenddefeating all nearby monsters.

?Your preparations for heart recoveryare sufficient.

However, as the surrounding terrain isprecarious and forces you to movethrough the air at great heights, Irecommend you use extra caution here.

?There is a 10% probability that youwill need to use battle items fromyour pouch in the present location.

When your hearts are running low,I recommend collecting more fromthe surrounding heart flowers.

?The contents of your pouch are farfrom optimal. Instead, I recommendyou prepare for the possibility ofdramatic heart depletion.

?At the present location, you should notexpect to find treasure or Rupees.

To safely explore this area, I suggestequipping yourself to deal with rapidheart depletion.

?Your current selection of pouch itemsallows you to recover from someinjuries.

However, I recommend making gooduse of your shield bash, as it may bedifficult to find time for recoveryif you are attacked.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?I detect no particular danger here.

?There are no monsters currentlypresent. I conclude there is noidentifiable danger here.

?These are the Sealed Grounds. I detectno powerful monsters here at present.

?Sorry, I currently have insufficientdata with which to analyze thesituation.


?Your hearts have decreased quitedramatically. Replenish some ofyour life at the earliest opportunity.

?You have elected to engageHero Mode, so hearts and heartflowers will not appear. I recommendutilizing potions.

?The integrity of your shield hasweakened. Be wary of the remainingdurability of this item.

?Master, the batteries in yourWii Remote are nearly depleted.

?Master, the batteries in yourWii Remote will be depletedany moment.

?Your hearts have decreased quitedramatically. Replenish some ofyour life at the earliest opportunity.

To ensure that you are able to findmore hearts when you need them,they are now available as a targetfor your dowsing ability.

?Hold [C] and choose hearts fromthe circle of objects to set them asyour current target. This capabilityshould prove to be quite useful.

?You have elected to engageHero Mode, so hearts and heartflowers will not appear.

However, if you choose to carry theHeart Medal, then heartsand heart flowers do have a chanceof appearing.

?Master, your wallet is full. You will notbe able to collect any more Rupees thanyou currently carry.


?This is Zelda, your childhood friend.Master [Link], she is alsothe living embodiment of the goddess,Hylia.Though she had previously committedherself to an ages-long sleep in orderto maintain the seal over Demise, shehas now awakened.

?This is Gaepora, the kind and gentleheadmaster of the Knight Academy.

He has a great knowledge of traditionsand is also the father of Zelda.

?His name is Owlan. He is an instructorat the Knight Academy. He is renownedfor his fascination with collectingplant species.

?His name is Horwell. This instructorat the Knight Academy is recognizedas an expert on animals of every shapeand size.

?This is Groose, a somewhat vain andstubborn individual--but pure of heart.He also attends the Knight Academy,Master.

?Although he can be overbearing towardnearly everyone he encounters, hisattitude around Zelda is unusuallywarm and enthusiastic.

?Previously, he attempted to intimidateeveryone in his vicinity, but afterseeing you fight, Master, his attitudehas changed considerably.

?His name is Cawlin, and he is anambitious and self-centered classmateof yours at the Knight Academy,Master.He is always looking to exploit asituation for his own benefit. He is aschemer, though he makes few overtmoves.

?This is Strich, a tall and quiet studentat the Knight Academy.

Known for his obsession with bugs,he'll speak at length about them ifgiven the chance. He has plans tocreate a bug paradise.

?This is Beedle, a traveling shopkeeperand proprietor of an airborne itemshop that is propelled by his ownphysical exertion.He works hard during the daytime, sohe is very serious about his nighttimerest.

He is known to have an attachment to acertain insect.

?This is Rupin, a crafty salesman.During the day, he sells a variety ofitems at his Gear Shop in the bazaar.

During the night, he buys treasures,but only the treasures he has decidedto buy on that night.

?His name is Gondo, and he is a big-hearted craftsman. He runs a businessrepairing broken equipment, and helives with his elderly mother.

?In his spare time, he attempts to repairan ancient robot he inherited fromhis grandfather. He has yet to get itfunctioning again.

?Master, you are permitted to use therepaired robot at your discretion.

?This is Peatrice, a sweet girl whoseoccupation of storing items provideslittle intellectual stimulation. You canstore items with her at the bazaar.

?Due to boredom, she often daydreamsof meeting her ideal male counterpart,resulting in a precipitous drop in thequality of her customer service.

?Master, your interest in this youngwoman is clear. I can see your aurashining brightly with joy in herpresence....I strongly recommend that you donot mention this when you nextencounter Zelda.

?This is Luv, an individual whosehobbies include eating and sleeping.

She runs the Potion Shop with herhusband, who infuses potions.She is in charge of sales.

?This is Bertie, tireless househusbandand businessman. He is in charge ofinfusing potions at the Potion Shopthat he runs with his wife.He is also responsible for taking careof their infant child.

?His name is Eagus, the direct andsincere Knight Commander. He takesgreat pride in teaching his knightsswordsmanship and battle readiness.He loves pumpkin soup from PumpkinLanding, which he claims keeps himstrong and healthy.

?This is Dodoh. He usually exhibitsextreme enthusiasm for merrimentand fun. He owns and operates theDodoh's High Dive game.

?This is Pumm, the somewhat stubbornproprietor of the Lumpy Pumpkin,which he runs with his daughter.

Their famous pumpkin soup is popularin Skyloft for its nutrient contentand revitalizing properties.

?This is Kina, a sweet girl who works asa waitress at the Lumpy Pumpkin,which is run by her father, Pumm.

She is also in charge of their pumpkinpatch. She finds the work exhaustingand less than optimal.

?This is Sparrot, a fortune-teller withunusually large and unsettling eyes.Analysis indicates his premonitionsoften appear to be correct.It is said he sees the future when hepeers into his crystal ball, but thereis no direct evidence to support thisclaim.

?This is Pipit, a talented and highlyenthusiastic student at the KnightAcademy. He is your classmate,Master.He is highly devoted to his knightlystudies, but he still becomes distractedon occasion by other pursuits.

?This is Karane, a strong, young studentof the Knight Academy. She is yourclassmate, Master.

A senior classman of the academy, sheis learning to be a knight like you,Master. I have observed that she isquite popular with the male students.

?His name is Fledge, and he seems tosuffer from a lack of confidence inhis physical abilities.

?He attends the Knight Academy withyou, Master. He is often troubled byhis lack of physical strength relativeto other boys his age.

?...But that is no longer the case.He increased his muscle mass by 500%.These days, he can no longer fit anyknown definition of "weakling."Currently, he is testing other trainingmethods in order to increase hisstrength even further.

?This is Batreaux, a kindhearteddemon. Though he is menacing inappearance, he displays only extremelyfriendly behavior toward humans.

?This is Orielle, a down-to-earth youngwoman. She has significant experiencedealing with Loftwings, even for aresident of Skyloft.She shares her enthusiasm for birdswith her older brother, Parrow.

?This is Parrow, a straightforward andhonest young man. He exhibitsremarkable skill at handlingLoftwings, even for a Skyloft resident.He and his younger sister Orielle areboth known for their strong affinityfor Loftwings.

?This is Jakamar, Skyloft's residentmiddle-aged romantic repairman.He is tasked with maintaining theisland's structures.He considers himself an artist. His bestwork is said to be a scene showing offSkyloft's colorfully tiled houses.

?That is Wryna. She is the creative wifeof Jakamar, the resident repairman ofSkyloft.

She is said to have a limitlessimagination and is often rumoredto be the inspiration behind herhusband's work.

?That is Gully, a highly mischievous boy.He is the son of Piper, a foodresearcher, and is known to havean interest in insects.

?That is Henya. She is spirited and quickto offer opinions. She cares for thestudents at the Knight Academy, whereshe has worked for 25 years.

?His name is Keet, and oddly enoughfor Skyloft, he's a very normal boy.He's known to have an interest in Kina,the waitress at the Lumpy Pumpkin.

?His name is Rusta, and he is an elderlydreamer and husband to Henya, whoworks at the Knight Academy.

He is quite opinionated, and so notmany people take this elderly man'sopinions seriously.

?This is Kukiel, a young girl who is pureof heart. She is the daughter ofSkyloft's resident handyman.

She has the unique ability to get alongwith anyone. I conjecture this ispossible because she harbors no fearor suspicion of those around her.

?Her name is Goselle, and she is a bit ofa demanding lady. She is the motherof the gear peddler, Rupin.

She hates housecleaning but adoresantiques. I recommend keeping a safedistance from her.

?That is Greba, a wise old woman.Her son is Gondo, who runs theScrap Shop.

Her daily activities include washingher son's dirty laundry. Fortunately,because of the unceasing winds inSkyloft, the clothes dry quickly.

?Her name is Mallara, and she is quitean optimist. She is the mother of Pipit,the Knight Academy student.

The opposite of her son, she can bequite haphazard. She is famed for herdislike of chores, especially cleaning,even though she prefers a clean house.

?His name is Dovos, and he is a greatlover of food. A self-styled gourmet,he is often found at the bazaar'srestaurant.

?His name is Peater, a swordsman who isthought of as quite handsome. He wasonce a knight, and he is also the fatherof Peatrice, from Item Check.He likes to chop bamboo, and he is veryprotective of his daughter as he triesto keep amorous boys much like hisyounger self away from her.

?Her name is Piper, and she isa skilled cook. She is the mother ofthe mischievous Gully.

In addition to running the restaurantat the bazaar, she is also a foodexperimenter who is always tryingto find new recipes.

?This is the hand of a ghost. The ghost'soriginal name is unknown. Judgingfrom its appearance, I calculate a 90%chance it belonged to a young girl.Over 80% of ghosts are said to harborsome kind of unfulfilled desire.I suggest you cease being scared andspeak to her.

?Name and other information areunknown, but signs indicate thatthis individual is extremely aged.

I detect no danger from her aura.Signs indicate that she is here toprotect the temple.

?His name is Gorko, an archaeologist ofthe Gorons. He travels the landresearching its history.

?I have recorded information on thiscreature.

?His name is Machi. He is the mostrelaxed member of the herbivorousKikwi race.

?Analysis indicates a 100% match withthe Kikwis, a gentle and intelligentrace of woodland creatures.

?Analysis indicates the danger thiscreature poses to your life, Master, iswell below 1%. Vigilance is not needed.

?I have recorded information on thiscreature.

?His name is Oolo. He is the most easilyflustered of the herbivorous Kikwirace.

?I have recorded information on thiscreature.

?His name is Lopsa. He is the mostcowardly of the herbivorous Kikwirace.

?I have recorded information on thiscreature.

?His name is Erla. He is the mostcareless of the herbivorous Kikwi race.

?I have recorded information on thiscreature.

?His name is Bucha. He is the elder ofthe herbivorous Kikwi race.He can hide objects in the structureon his back.

?His name is Yerbal. He is a hermit ofthe herbivorous Kikwi race.

He climbed a tree and never camedown, thus becoming a hermit.

?This is a Parella, an aquatic race.They typically move in groups. Theyserve the Water Dragon, Faron.

?Her name is Faron, the Water Dragon.As the great protector of FaronProvince, she has power over water.

?Her name is Impa, a calm and collectedindividual. Receiving her orders fromthe goddess, she protects Zelda. She isa female warrior with a mission.

?His name is Ledd. He is a member ofa highly civilized mole race called theMogma. Their primary habitat isunderground.All Mogmas have a deep and abidinglove of treasure.

?That is Mr. Tubert. He is a craftyentrepreneur of the subterraneanMogma race. He runs the Thrill Diggergame.A unique Mogma, he believes thereis more money to be made in servingtreasure hunters rather than being atreasure hunter himself.

?His name is Silva. He is a treasurehunter of the Mogma, a subterraneanmole race. He displays exceptionalpride for his long hair.

?His name is Bronzi. He is a treasurehunter of the Mogma, a subterraneanmole race. He quite proudly displayshis gold fillings.

?That is Guld. He is the "boss" of theMogmas. He is currently seeking anew leader to replace him.

After retiring, he would like to live ina scenic land where he can work on newand efficient burrowing techniques.

?That is Eldin, the Fire Dragon. As thegreat protector of Eldin Province, hehas power over fire.

?This robot is part of the LD-301 Seriesof artificial life-forms. As just one of anumber of mass-produced robots, itwas not assigned a name.These robots usually work to mineTimeshift Stones and providemaintenance.

?This unit's designation is LD-301NSkipper. It is the leadership model ofthis series of artificial life-forms.

The original purpose of this series ofrobots was mining. It is the suprememodel of the mass-produced robots.

?That is Lanayru, the Thunder Dragon.As the great protector of LanayruProvince, he has power over lightning.

?His name is Gortram. He is a colorfulentrepreneur of the Goron race--beings made of living stone.

He has started various venturesand currently owns and operatesthe Rickety Coaster.

?His name is Golo. He is an assistant tothe archaeologist Gorko, and he is alsoa member of the Goron race--a beingmade of living stone.Gorko likes to call on him for physicalfieldwork, such as archaeology digs.

?His name is Croo, and he is a retiredindividual. His grandson is a rescueknight who saves those who fall off ofSkyloft.He delights in hearing passersby at thebazaar restaurant mention hisgrandson's heroic deeds.

?His name is Oolo. He is a member ofthe herbivorous Kikwi race.

He has recently caught the eye ofOwlan, who thinks he may be a newspecies of plant.

?Her name is Jellyf. She is the leader ofthe Parella race of aquatic creatures.

More intelligent than other Parella,they follow her lead. She serves theWater Dragon, Faron.

?His name is Plats. He is a treasurehunter of the Mogma race.

He's greedier than most Mogmas, andhis enthusiasm for food has given himquite a belly. He has a strong sense ofduty.

?His name is Batreaux, and he is a kind-hearted person. All the GratitudeCrystals that you collected helpedhim turn from a demon into a human.But he still has an innocent heart,which endears him to children.

?His name is Cobal. He is a member ofa highly civilized race of molescalled the Mogma. All Mogmas have adeep and abiding love of treasure.

?His name is Kortz. He is a member ofa highly civilized race of molescalled the Mogma. All Mogmas have adeep and abiding love of treasure.

?His name is Merco. He is a member ofa highly civilized race of molescalled the Mogma. All Mogmas have adeep and abiding love of treasure.

?His name is Zanc. He is a member ofa highly civilized race of molescalled the Mogma. All Mogmas have adeep and abiding love of treasure.

?His name is Tyto. He is a member ofa highly civilized race of molescalled the Mogma. All Mogmas have adeep and abiding love of treasure.

?His name is Nackle. He is a member ofa highly civilized race of molescalled the Mogma. All Mogmas have adeep and abiding love of treasure.

?This unit's designation is LD-301SScrapper. One of an ancient series ofrobots, it was passed down to Gondoand was only recently repaired.Because it can freely travel betweenthe sky and the ground below, itsfunction is to transport variousobjects.Apparently, it is highly interested inmy approval.

?Species name: Woodland Rhino BeetleSensitivity to human presence: 60%Usable as a potion ingredient.

Roll into a wall or other object toknock this insect down. This strategyincreases your chance to catchthis insect by 50%.

?Species name: Volcanic LadybugSensitivity to human presence: 65%Usable as a potion ingredient.

Approach carefully, making as littlenoise as possible. Get close with theBug Net and catch it with a quickswing. Not considered a difficult catch.

?Species name: Sand CicadaSensitivity to human presence: 90%Usable as a potion ingredient.

This insect will fly away at the slightestsign of danger. I recommend you lookcarefully for it as soon as you hear it,then approach slowly.

?Species name: Sky Stag BeetleSensitivity to human presence: 70%Usable as a potion ingredient.

Roll into walls or other objects toknock them down, making them easierto catch.

?Species name: Faron GrasshopperSensitivity to human presence: 80%Usable as a potion ingredient.

Usually found hiding in grassy areas.If you rush after this insect, it will flee.If your approach escapes its notice,it will continue to hop around.

?Species name: Skyloft MantisSensitivity to human presence: 70%Usable as a potion ingredient.

Be aware that this insect is surprisinglyagile when it is fleeing, so you mustapproach it cautiously.

?Species name: Lanayru AntSensitivity to human presence: 60%Usable as a potion ingredient.

I project a 50% probability of failing tonotice this insect simply because it'ssmall. After discovering its location,you can catch it comparatively easily.

?Species name: Eldin RollerSensitivity to human presence: 90%Usable as a potion ingredient.

This insect is extremely fast whenit is fleeing. I project a 20% boost incapture rate if it is cornered.

?Species name: Blessed ButterflySensitivity to human presence: 70%Usable as a potion ingredient.

It flutters in an unpredictable fashion.Swinging your Bug Net multiple timesmight bring unexpected success.

This species tends to gather in placeswhere something lies hidden.

?Species name: Gerudo DragonflySensitivity to human presence: 80%Usable as a potion ingredient.

I recommend attempting to catch itwhen it pauses in the air.

?Species name: Starry FireflySensitivity to human presence: 60%Usable as a potion ingredient.

This rarely encountered insect is notconsidered difficult to catch.

?His name is Cawlin, and he is anambitious and self-centered classmateof yours at the Knight Academy,Master.I sense a large disturbance in thisindividual's aura. There is an 85%probability that he is experiencing theemotion humans refer to as "love."

?His name is Cawlin, and he is anambitious and self-centered classmateof yours at the Knight Academy,Master.His criteria for judging a situation isbased purely on whether it is a benefitto him. He is a schemer but will nottake action publicly.

?His name is Strich, and he is a tall andquiet student at the Knight Academy.

He is known for his interest in insects.He will even purchase insects if theyinterest him on that particular day.

?His name is Strich, and he is a tall andquiet student at the Knight Academy.

He is known for his interest in insects.Currently, in an attempt to finance hisdream of an insect haven on this island,he runs a bug-catching game.

?This is Beedle, a traveling shopkeeperand proprietor of an airborne itemshop that is propelled by his ownphysical exertion.He works hard during the daytime, sohe is very serious about his nighttimerest.

He is known to have an attachment to acertain insect.

?This is Rupin, a crafty salesman.During the day, he sells a variety ofitems at his Gear Shop in the bazaar.

During the night, he buys treasures,but only the treasures he has decidedto buy on that night.

?His name is Gondo, and he is a big-hearted craftsman. He runs a businessrepairing broken equipment, and helives with his elderly mother.

?Her name is Peatrice, and she is asweet, kindhearted person. Duringthe day, you can store pouch itemswith her at the Item Check.

?She is currently dreaming aboutmeeting her ideal male companion.

?Master, your interest in this youngwoman is clear. I can see your aurashine bright with joy in her presence.

...I strongly recommend you do notmention this when you next encounterZelda.

?Her name is Luv, and she is a bigproponent of eating and sleeping.

She runs the Potion Shop with herhusband, who mixes and infusespotions. She is in charge of sales.

?His name is Bertie, and he is a house-husband and businessman. He isresponsible for infusing potions at thePotion Shop he runs with his wife.He is also responsible for looking aftertheir child.

?His name is Pipit. He is a talented,passionate individual. He is also yourclassmate at the Knight Academy.

He is training to be a masterswordsman, but he also displays animmature side that allows himto be distracted by other things.

?This is Pipit, a talented and highlyenthusiastic student at the KnightAcademy. He is your classmate,Master.He serves as lookout around Skyloftafter dark, when it often becomesvery dangerous.

?His name is Fledge, and he was once aweak and helpless individual. He is alsoyour classmate at the Knight Academy,Master.After working out continuously, he hasbuilt a muscular physique that allowshim to easily throw heavy pumpkins upinto the air without tiring.

?This is the hand of a ghost. Identitywhile alive is unknown. Judging fromthe look of this hand, the probabilitythat it was a young girl's is 90%.Master, the letter you gave her fromCawlin has inspired feelings for him.The ghost's original purpose for theletter is still unclear.

?Name and other information areunknown, but signs indicate thatthis individual is extremely aged.

I can verify that she has a strongapprehension of impending crisis withregard to the giant monster in this areathat is trying to free itself.

?Her name is Faron, the Water Dragon.As the great protector of FaronProvince, she has power over water.

However, she seems to have lost herpower for the moment.

?Her name is Impa, and she is a calmand collected individual. This femalewarrior was tasked by the goddess withthe mission of protecting Zelda.She is mildly injured. There is a 98%probability that she sustained an injuryfrom Ghirahim, who passed throughhere recently.

?His name is Guld. He was once theleader of the Mogmas.

He has passed that role on to the nextgeneration and taken it upon himselfto start a second life tending to apumpkin patch.

?That is Lanayru, the Thunder Dragon.As the great protector of LanayruProvince, he has power over lightning.

He is suffering from a severe ailmentthat could present a great danger ifleft untreated.

?Its designation is LD-301S Scrapper.

?This robot was handed down amongthree generations of Scrap Shopproprietors. It is currently damagedand not functional.The current Scrap Shop owner, Gondo,has been trying to fix it, but he lacksthe necessary materials.

?This is an ancient robot repaired byGondo, the Scrap Shop owner.

Because it can freely travel betweenthe sky and the ground below, thisunit's function is to transport variousobjects.Apparently, it is highly interested inmy approval.

?This is a fossil. Signs indicate that ithas been here for a great many years.

?This bird is a Chirri. Although verysmall in comparison to Loftwings,Chirris are probably of an average sizefor birds found near the surface.There is an 85% probability that itsfeathers can be used as some kindof material.


?Target lock: Remlit (Day)

?These small creatures inhabit Skyloft.They have friendly dispositions duringthe day, but can become aggressive atnight. Approach with caution.

?These small animals dwell in Skyloft.Due to Batreaux's transformation intoa human, they no longer exhibitaggressive tendencies at night.

?Target lock: Remlit (Night)

?During the day they are quite docile,but after dark their personality turnsaggressive and they will attack. Don'tbe fooled by their cute appearance.

?Target lock: Bilocyte

?This species of parasite is currentlyattached to Levias. It is known for itsenormous optical structure.

This horrifying life-form utterlycontrols the mind and body of its host.

Tell me more!

?My analysis indicates the projectilesspit by the Bilocyte can be repelledby your sword, Master.

Furthermore, I infer that repelling theBilocyte's own projectiles back towardit could become a very effective meansof attack.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?Based on the creature's anatomy,it is probable that this monster'sweakness is its central eye.

However, I can confirm that while thefins on the sides of its head areextended, any attack on the eye will bequite ineffective.

Tell me more.
Got it.

?In order to effectively hit the Bilocyteby repelling its projectiles, you mustconsider the direction in which you areswinging your sword.By swinging left and right, you cancontrol the direction of the deflection.Swinging up or down will deflectprojectiles straight back.

?This is all the information I have atthe present time.

When I have more information toreport, Master, your sword will flash.You can always press [d-pad down] to call on me.

Furthermore, when you requireinformation about your equipment oryour surroundings, please selectAnalysis.

?Target lock: Walltula

Found mostly in ivy and on walls, youcan expect this creature to approachwhen it senses your presence.

The beast lives on other creatures'bodily fluids. A fully grown Walltulais several orders of magnitude moredangerous than a young Walltula.

?Target lock: Skulltula

?This giant species of spider inhabits thedeepest areas of forests. It attackswith highly adhesive webbing in orderto prevent its prey from escaping.It has a tough outer carapace, but itsstomach may be vulnerable to attack.

I am currently conducting additionalanalysis into its movement patterns.

?This giant species of spider inhabits thedeepest areas of forests. It attackswith highly adhesive webbing in orderto prevent its prey from escaping.It has a tough outer carapace, but itsstomach may be vulnerable to attack.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?I have observed that it has a tendencyto move with its back toward its preyto prevent its weak point from beingexposed.Therefore, you must find a way to flipthe beast over to access its weak point.

?I have observed that it has a tendencyto move with its back toward its preyto prevent its weak point from beingexposed.Therefore, you must find a way to flipit over to attack its weak point.

Anything else?
Got it.

?Its lone weak point is the center of itsabdomen, but it is surrounded by toughchitin. This leads me to conclude that afatal blow will be most effective.

?Target lock: Aracha

This larval monster is said to live for1,000 years, during which time it iscontinually growing.

Though the larva is small in size, it isquite ferocious and is often found inswarms beneath the sand.

It tends to leap toward moving objectssuch as yourself.

?Target lock: Moldarach

?An Aracha that has survived its verylengthy larval stage is known as a"Thousand-Year Arachnid," whichis precisely what you see before you.Over 90% of its body is shielded by atough, chitinous armor that can deflecteven the sharpest blade.

Tell me more.

?The weak points are its overdevelopedpincers, but you must hit each at theright angle relative to the pincer'sposition to be effective.

Tell me more.
Got it.

?This beast has a tendency to bury itselfin the sand when it feels its healthis endangered.

When it is burrowed below the sand,you can expect at least an 85% chancethat it will attempt to stab you withits tail.I highly recommend removing thecreature's environmental advantageby blowing away sand, therebyrevealing its position.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?Analysis reveals that the creature'scentral eye will be vulnerable toattack once its pincers have beenproperly disposed of.I calculate a near 100% chance thatan assault on this weak point willultimately prove quite fatal.

However, I infer from the armorsurrounding the central eye thathorizontal, vertical, and diagonalslashes will be entirely ineffective.

?Target lock: Keese

Found in many locations, these wingedmonsters are attracted to dark places,such as caves.

They often gather in colonies, areactive at night, and sleep in the day.Those who come too close and awakenthem often fall victim to attack.

?Target lock: Dark Keese

Found in many locations, these wingedmonsters are attracted to dark places,such as caves.

They often gather in colonies, areactive at night, and sleep in the day.Those who come too close and awakenthem often fall victim to attack.

?Target lock: Thunder Keese

Found in desert habitats, these wingedmonsters are attracted to dark places,such as caves. Their internal organsgenerate electricity for attacking prey.They often gather in colonies, areactive at night, and sleep in the day.Those who come too close and awakenthem often fall victim to attack.

?Target lock: Fire Keese

Found near volcanoes, these monstersare attracted to dark places, such ascaves. Constantly under combustion,they will burn anything on contact.They often gather in colonies, areactive at night, and sleep in the day.Those who come too close and awakenthem often fall victim to attack.

?Target lock: Guay

This bird seemingly jettisons itsdroppings upon people's heads onpurpose. It is unclear if this is due to acarefree attitude or pure malice.Should its droppings land on you,I calculate the probability of yourintense aggravation at 100%.

?Target lock: Furnix

This spirit bird is said to survive byeating flames. Due to its cautiousnature, it can be difficult to approach.

However, by catching and holding thebird's attention, some are able tosuccessfully attack it. I suggest beingwary of its curled tail.

?Target lock: Hrok

This great bird is remarkable for itsswollen, red throat. It also ingestsminerals contained in rocks.

The small stones it is not able to fullydigest are collected in its throat,which it can then amalgamate andregurgitate as fully formed boulders.

?Target lock: Red Bokoblin

These monsters have plagued the landsince ancient times. They each playdifferent roles, and their weaponryvaries. They prefer to act in groups.None of them are intelligent by anydefinition of the word. Curiously, theyseem to have a mysterious obsessionwith fashionable undergarments.

?Target lock: Red Bokoblin (Leader)

As a symbol of its leadership, thiscreature wraps a cloth around its head.This visually communicates that it ismore dominant than other Bokoblins.It can call its underlings to armsusing its horn.

?Target lock: Blue Bokoblin

This is a dangerous form of Bokoblin.My analysis suggests it is many timesstronger than a Red Bokoblin.

Its skin and clothing differ due to itshailing from a different environment,but it still has the same fixation withexotic undergarments.

?Target lock: Technoblin

These Bokoblins wield sophisticatedweaponry created by an ancientand highly evolved civilization.

If you are struck with the dischargefrom one of their electrical weapons,you may become paralyzed.

These creatures also wear the latest inBokoblin fashion.

?Target lock: Red Bokoblin (Archer)

These are Red Bokoblins that carrybows capable of knocking down distanttargets.

Though not obvious from their outwardappearance, their aim is quite deadly.

?Target lock: Wooden Shield Moblin

This massive monster's wall-sizedshield gives it a tactical advantage.When its shield is at the ready, mostattacks will be quite futile.The destruction of its shield is likely todrive the monster into a rage, instantlyincreasing its threat.

?Target lock: Metal Shield Moblin

This Moblin has a sturdy iron shield.Only a few Moblins are capable ofcarrying a large, heavy shield of ironlike this one.I calculate an 85% chance that you canclimb over that large shield as if itwere a wall.

?Target lock: Green Bokoblin

This variety of Bokoblin enjoys darkplaces, such as caves. Its sunlight-deficient lifestyle has turned its skina stomach-turning shade of green.However, like its red brethren, itexhibits a fascination with festiveundergarments.

?Target lock: Green Bokoblin (Archer)

This variety of Bokoblin inhabits cavesor indoor environments. It has archeryskills roughly equivalent to thesurface-dwelling Red Bokoblin.Also similar to the surface-dwellingRed Bokoblin, the Green Bokoblinobsesses about stylish undergarments.

?Target lock: Lizalfos

This unmistakable monster is equippedwith an arm guard made of hard iron.Great physical prowess makes itdifficult to predict its movements.You will need to anticipate thedirection of its arm guard tosuccessfully land an attack on theexposed angle.

?Target lock: Dark Lizalfos

This beast has superb fighting skillsand uses an iron arm guard. Watch forquick counterattacks when yourattacks are repelled, Master.The creature's breath can cause a cursethat will prevent you from using yoursword, so I recommend exercisingextreme caution.

?Target lock: Cursed Bokoblin

This horrifying Bokoblin reanimatesafter death. Analysis indicates it fearspure, shiny items and will startle atthe sight of a sacred shield.It is able to reanimate purely throughits hatred of this world...and itsattachment to outlandish underpants.

?Target lock: Staldra

This is a snake monster from beforethe dawn of time. Three bone-platedheads and a thirst to cause pain keepit writhing even beyond death.My analysis shows that to defeat thiscursed snake, all three of its headsmust be simultaneously destroyed.

?Target lock: Stalfos

This skeleton soldier is born of thedead. In its previous life, it was anordinary knight, but undeath hasimproved its combat abilities.It is possible to overpower it witha well-timed shield bash during thecreature's attack.

?Target lock: Stalmaster

This is an elite captain of the undeadsoldiers. When provoked, it has theability to strike with all four of itssword-wielding arms.I recommend inflicting damagewhen the slight gap presents itselfas it readies its swords to attack.

?Target lock: LD-002S Scervo

This mutinous robot stole this shipfrom Skipper long ago. He stillcommands the ship today.

When fighting in a narrow space likethis, it is more effective to use thrustattacks with your sword than to try toswing your sword widely.

?Target lock: Koloktos

This "Ancient Automaton" defendsthe Ancient Cistern and eliminatesintruders.

?The cursed energy supply Ghirahimprovided to this contraption hasgiven it power far beyond itsconventional limits.The red, orb-shaped cores embeddedin its torso and arms provide it limitedstability and prevent it from fallingto pieces.

More info!

?It is highly probable that if the redcores in its arms were to be ejected,the unit would lose integrity and thelimbs would sever from the body.However, during normal operation thecores are likely hidden below theforearm plating.

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Got it.

?Results from my analysis show that thered cores in Koloktos's arms will onlybe revealed when the arms arestretched out to full length.Fast and timely counterattacks afterKoloktos swings its arms down havethe best chance of success.

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Got it.

?I estimate a high probability that thered cores can be removed using yourwhip.

When Koloktos's arms lower, therewill be a brief moment when you canattack the chest core.

However, when targeting the chestcore, there is nowhere to hook on towith your whip. Therefore, removingthe core will not be possible.

?Target lock: Ghirahim

?I have no confirmed information aboutthis man, other than he refers tohimself as a "Demon Lord."

I sense a powerful and evil aura, and Iestimate his level of ability as highlyadept. However, according to analysis,he has yet to reveal his true power.

More info!

?Speech analysis indicates absoluteconfidence in his own abilities.

Master, you must watch for Ghirahim'sability to grasp your sword with hisbare right hand.

It is highly probable that he observesthe angle you hold your sword at andprepares his defense accordingly.

I recommend attacking from thedirection opposite his hand.

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I'm ready.

?Should he catch hold of your sword,I recommend swinging in thedirection Ghirahim's hand opens.

More info!
Got it.

?My analysis confirms that Ghirahim'sfingers always point upward whenhe holds your sword, Master.

The probability of escaping his gripby swinging your sword upwardis approximately 100%.

?I have detected a change in Ghirahim'sfighting style from the beginning ofthe battle.

I theorize that this change happenedbecause of the small amount of damagehe sustained.

Tell me more!

?Analysis indicates that the daggersGhirahim shoots will align on a singleplane in one of three orientations:horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.With good timing, you might be able torepel them with a single swing of yoursword, but my judgment shows that thismaneuver will be difficult.

Anything else?
Got it.

?I can now confirm that Ghirahim hasthe ability to teleport.

Further study reveals that he may bevulnerable immediately afterteleportation. This is your chance toattack.However, be aware Ghirahim may usehis sword to guard against just suchan attack.

Anything else?
Got it.

?Ghirahim will repeatedly move aroundyou, Master. I recommend engaginghim with your sword as he makes hisattack.It is probable that the moment beforeGhirahim readies his attack, he willreveal the direction he will moveas he attempts to flank you.If you are unable to establish thecorrect timing to attack, I suggestusing your spin attack.

?Target lock: Ghirahim

?Ghirahim is the Demon Lord leadingthe monsters. He displays superiormental and physical prowess, as wellas expert command of magic.Though possessing some gentleman-like qualities, he will devolve to histrue nature when enraged.

Tell me more!

?Analysis indicates that the daggers thatappear around Ghirahim also act as adefensive barrier.

Removing these daggers beforeattacking should be an effective meansof breaking down his defenses.

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Got it.

?It appears that Ghirahim prefers touse his right hand to attempt to grabyour sword, Master.

Should he succeed, I recommendswinging your sword up and downto force him to release it.

However, Ghirahim continues to utilizemore of his true power, and theprobability of it taking more than oneswing to release your sword is 100%.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?To land an attack on Ghirahim, Iadvise you to swing your sword from adirection that cannot be blocked bydaggers or Ghirahim's right hand.Ghirahim will move his right handin time with your attacks. However,Master, there will be times when he istoo slow to meet your attack.

?I have detected a change in Ghirahim'sfighting style since the beginning ofthe battle.

I have concluded that this changehappened because of the small amountof damage he sustained.

Tell me more!

?When Ghirahim shoots his daggers,I recommend repelling them byswinging your sword along the linethe knives are positioned in.Logically, if surrounded by daggers,using a sword technique that attacks inall directions would be effective.

Anything else?
I'm ready.

?There will be a significant opening forcounterattacks if you are able to avoidGhirahim's overhead attack when heteleports above your head.He will teleport to places other thanabove you, of course, but my analysisconfirms an interesting behaviorpattern.He assumes different stances when heplans to teleport above you and whenhe plans to go somewhere else.

Anything else?
Got it.

?I am confident Ghirahim will use hissword to defend against your attacks,Master.

Ghirahim wields two swords, so theprobability that he will block two ofyour sequential attacks is 100%.

?Target lock: Ghirahim

This Demon Lord leads the monsterforces.

?There is a 90% change in outwardappearance compared to previousencounters with him. I detect a darkaura emanating from his entire body.Be cautious, Master. This opponent isextremely dangerous and likely tofell you with a single blow.

Tell me more.

?He is now revealing his true power.I am detecting a significant increasein muscular strength.

Unfortunately, I must also concludethat none of your weapons will beeffective against him.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?Analysis indicates that attacks fromyour sword may drive Ghirahim back,if ever so slightly, Master.

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Got it.

?I have noted that Ghirahim has atendency to stand near the center ofthe platform, Master.

There is an 85% probability he doesthis to avoid falling off.

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Got it.

?Master, there is a 95% chance thatGhirahim will attempt to interceptyour sword in order to defend againstyour attacks, just like last time.If you notice a large change in hisstance, take care to note the positionof his hand.

?Target lock: The Imprisoned

?I have insufficient data on thismonster.

Its enormous size and ominous auracannot be compared with previouslyencountered monsters.

Tell me more!

?I can confirm that the sealing spikeobserved at the top of its head is thesame object originally found in theSealed Grounds.I hypothesize that damage can beinflicted by driving the stone pillarinto the monster's head.

But first, I recommend attacking thebeast's feet--where your sword canreach--to stop it from moving.

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Got it.

?It is probable that the monster will beunable to move if you destroy all ofits toes.

I recommend using the air vents tomove ahead of the monster insteadof chasing it from behind.

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Got it.

?If you are able to get between themonster's toes, my analysis indicatesyou can effectively inflict greatdamage with a spin attack.You can also choose to decrease yourrisk of physical harm by using bombs toattack from a distance.

?Target lock: The Imprisoned

?There is insufficient data on this targetto make a full report at this time.

But I can confirm the appearance oflimb-like appendages that were notpreviously present. The evil power ofthis creature has also increased.

More info!

?Analysis indicates that you should beable to use the same basic strategy as inthe previous encounter to seal themonster in its prison once more.The fingers and toes on its limbs can bedestroyed with a physical attack, butyou should wait to do so until thesetargets become a very high priority.

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Got it.

?I calculate a 100% probability that thelarge apparatus Groose constructedwill be effective against thismonster.It is likely that a direct hit from thisapparatus will stop the monster'smovement, creating a window ofopportunity for you to attack.

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Got it.

?Groose's defense apparatus can berepositioned by pushing [control stick left/right].

When the monster is in your blind spot,I recommend you reposition theapparatus and target the monster.

?Target lock: The Imprisoned

?Though the details are still unclear,this monstrosity is the demonic vesselof Demise.

I can confirm a previously unseentaillike appendage.

I recommend generous use of Groose'scatapult.

Tell me more!

?You must attempt to seal this beastaway again. I suggest a plan of attacksimilar to what you used in previousencounters.The monster's fingers, like its toes, arecomparatively soft targets and can bedestroyed by physical attack.

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Got it.

?After toppling the monster, it ispossible that the beast's enormous bulkmay prevent you from approachingthe sealing spike.In this scenario, I recommend that youdescend a level and use an air vent totravel to the head of the monster.

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Got it.

?The monster has evolved to animmensely powerful state. I calculatethe odds you will defeat it by swordalone at approximately 0%.I recommend you utilize Groose'sdefense apparatus. As a last-ditchmeasure, you can launch yourself,Master, as a projectile.

?Target lock: Demise

?This eternal being has conquered timeitself. It is the source of all monsters.

According to tales passed down throughgenerations, it appears differently ineach epoch and to each person wholays eyes on it.

Tell me more!

?It is highly probable that the onlyweapon capable of wounding Demiseis the Master Sword itself. No otherweapon can affect it.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?The probability that a single, standardattack of yours will injure Demise,Master, is exactly 0%.

A series of attacks that can overwhelmDemise's guard is required, such asrepeated slashing from various angles.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?Results from my analysis confirm thatthe time to strike Demise is when heholds his sword aloft.

However, vigilance is required.Any attack falling near Demise's swordhas a 100% chance of being blocked.

?Target lock: Demise

?I can confirm it is possible for Demiseto store the electrical energy of alightning strike in his sword and use itto his advantage.Master, should your sword come intocontact with Demise's sword once ithas electrified, you will receive apainful shock.It is essential that you time yourattacks carefully. Very carefully.

Tell me more.

?Master, I see no reason why you cannotmake use of the lightning strikes thesame way Demise does.

Tell me more!
Got it.

?It is possible to store lightning in theMaster Sword by raising your swordin the air as if you were readying aSkyward Strike.When lightning strikes in the distanceand the sky lights up, quickly raiseyour sword skyward to call down thelightning.However, be aware that while you areattempting to be struck by lightning,you will be leaving yourself open toDemise's attacks.

?I can confirm it is possible for Demiseto store the electrical energy of alightning strike in his sword and use itto his advantage.Master, should your sword come intocontact with Demise's sword once ithas electrified, you will receive apainful shock.

Tell me more.

?I need more time to complete myanalysis of Demise.

In a few moments, use [Z] to lock on toDemise, and then call me with [d-pad down].I will report my findings then.

?It is clear that Skyward Strikes cannotbe called down to your sword becausethis place is under the magicalinfluence of Demise.Attacks using Skyward Strike energywill not be possible here.

Tell me more.
Got it.

?Target lock: Octorok (Grass)

This monster descended from oceanicmollusks. It has developed theunsightly ability to spit rocks.

The creature prefers to sleep with tuftsof grass on its head, so it has learned totake on the appearance of grass inorder to fool and defeat its prey.You can use a shield to bounce therocks this monster spits back at it.

?Target lock: Octorok (Rock)

This monster descended from oceanicmollusks. It has developed theunsightly ability to spit rocks.

Inexplicably, this beast prefers to sleepwith rocks on its head. It camouflagesitself to surprise and defeat its prey.

You can use a shield to bounce therocks this monster spits back at it.

?Target lock: Red Chuchu

The red Chuchu has an exceedinglyhigh body temperature. Avoid allphysical contact, or your clothingand shield may burst into flames.In the event you are set on fire,I recommend you quickly extinguishthe flames by performing a roll.

?Target lock: Blue Chuchu

This is a rare, aquatic Chuchu. Knownfor attaching itself to unaware victims,its gelatinous body will clog your airpipe, literally taking your breath away.It is exceedingly dangerous to allowone of the larger specimens to stickto you for any length of time.

?Target lock: Yellow Chuchu

Yellow Chuchus are capable ofgenerating electricity for short burstsof time. As with other Chuchus,I suggest you remain on guard.If you make contact with this type ofChuchu when it is charged, it will giveyou a shock. Then it will attempt tofeed on you. This is not pleasant.

?Target lock: Green Chuchu

These creatures prefer exceptionallydamp environments. They willencompass and digest anything theycan absorb into their gelatinous bodies.As they have no genders,they are believed to increase theirpopulation by dividing themselvesinto several smaller-sized Chuchus.

?Target lock: Pyrup

This skittish monster prefers to hidein small holes or inside the skeletalremains of deceased creatures.

Once the cowardly Pyrup finds a smallspace from which to spit flames, itbecomes unapproachable.

You will need to employ a cleverstrategy to defeat it. Inflicting damagefrom a distance may be the only way.

?Target lock: Scaldera

This fearsome monster inhabits thedeepest recesses of the Earth Temple.It can be categorized as a PyroclasticFiend.

?Its body is completely covered in rock,but you can see its weak point, the eye,through the cracks in this outer shell.

If you are able to remove parts of thiscreature's rocky shell, you will vastlyincrease your probability of success.

More info!

?There is a 0% probability that yoursword will be effective against therock that covers this target's body.

I strongly recommend using items withpowerful destructive properties.

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Got it.

?There is a 100% probability that bombsthat come into contact with Scaldera'sbody will immediately explode, due tothe creature's high body temperature.Analysis indicates that explosions onScaldera's outer surface will not yielddesired results, however. You mustlook for a more effective target site.

More info!
Got it.

?Results from my analysis confirm thatin order to remove the rocks coveringScaldera, you will need to inflictpowerful internal damage.When Scaldera is inhaling a largeamount of air, I suggest throwing abomb into its mouth.

?Target lock: Magmanos

This hand-shaped monster dwellsin fiery lava. Its body is made upentirely of flowing magma. As such, itis invulnerable to most attacks.Theoretically, it would be possible toinflict damage on the monster if youwere able to solidify its body.

?Target lock: Ampilus

These monsters have inhabited thedesert for eons. Their definingcharacteristic is an ability to internallygenerate electrical energy.It is also said they live to a very oldage. Their shells are able to disperseweight surprisingly well, allowing themto safely traverse desert sinksand.

?Target lock: Armos

This security and defense mechanismwas developed long ago. It will attackanything that enters its securityperimeter.According to my records, its weakpoint is its mouth, but it requires somespecific measure to make it openits mouth.

?Target lock: Beamos

This is an ancient security mechanism.Its weak point is its eye. The eye is alsoa weapon that fires a focused energybeam.I calculate a 100% failure rate at anyattempt to strike the eye with yoursword while it is still on top of thepedestal.I recommend using a weapon thatcan strike at high targets. Conversely,you could lower its head to a heightyour sword can reach.

?Target lock: Sentrobe

This security drone was built inancient times. It is armed with missilesfired from a central turret and flyingbombs fired from both of its sides.Analysis suggests you can repel themissiles fired from the central turretwith certain items at your disposal,such as your shield.

?Target lock: Froak

Though this odd creature is cowardlyby nature, it will expose an array ofdensely packed defensive spineswhen approached or provoked.

?Target lock: Cranioc

This fishlike monster is said to settledisputes with another of its speciespurely by the magnificence of itsbulbous crowns.When this creature chooses its prey,it will turn red with excitement andcharge head-on. Stopping such anassault could prove difficult.

?Target lock: Magma Spume

This odd creature is quite at home inmagma. It stores and processes gasproduced by the magma into a flamingprojectile that it then spits out.Cowardly by nature, it sits with its eyesjust out of the lava in order to detectany danger and flee if necessary.

?Target lock: Cursed Spume

This mysterious monster's naturalhabitat includes poisonous swamps andother dangerous environments. It spitsevil curses that it stores up in its body.Cowardly by nature, it sits with its eyesjust above the surface in order todetect any danger and flee ifnecessary.

?Target lock: Electro Spume

At home in the desert, this monsterspits a wad-like, electrified projectilethat it produces internally.

Cowardly by nature, it sits with its eyesjust above the surface in order todetect any danger and flee ifnecessary.

?Target lock: Tentalus

?As you can likely gather from its othertitle, this "Abyssal Leviathan" is said tohave been a tyrant of the ancient seas.

Its enormous tentacles can be repelled,but they will regenerate after ashort time.

More info!

?My analysis shows that by repellinga number of its aggressive tentacles,the beast will reveal itself.

There is a 99% probability that thetentacles that attacked you on the ship,Master, can be attributed to Tentalus.

I theorize that using a sacred powerwill be the most effective meansof repelling the tentacles.

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Got it.

?Results from my analysis confirm thatit* tentacles can be severed with awell-aimed Skyward Strike.

I theorize that the creature's eye is itsweak point, but the probability that youcan actually hit the eye with a SkywardStrike is approximately 0%.Instead, I recommend utilizinglong-range weapons.

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Got it.

?To accurately strike at the creature'seye--its weak spot--a bow will be mosteffective.

You can press [control stick] to move with yourbow drawn. I recommend shootingarrows immediately after dodgingattacks launched by Tentalus.

?In order to attack Tentalus's weakspot, its eye, you must first deal withthe tentacles attempting to latch onto you.My analysis shows you can easilyslice the tip of the tentacles withyour sword.

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Got it.

?Because this monster's tentacles attackincessantly and in large number, it istoo dangerous to respond to them oneat a time.My analysis indicates it is possible torepel the tentacles more efficiently byconcentrating an all-out assault onthem with your sword.

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Got it.

?When the tentacles are repelled,they may drop hearts and arrows.

Should you find yourself in dangerbecause of low hearts or arrows,concentrate on attacking the tentaclesrather than fleeing from battle.

?Target lock: Deku Baba

This violent plant is widespread inwooded areas. It will attempt to biteanything that approaches it.

Though it is covered in a tough outerhusk, the inside of its mouth is soft.

I have confirmed the existence oftwo varieties: those that open theirmouths vertically and those thatopen them horizontally.

?Target lock: Quadro Baba

This violent plant is widespread inwooded areas. It will attempt to biteanything that approaches it.

More rare than Deku Baba, QuadroBaba has greater stamina. A goldenhusk and dynamic mouth are thisplant's distinguishing features.

?Target lock: Peahat

At first glance, this looks like any otherplant species, but the Peahat has aunique ability to fly when the flower onits top is pulled off with a whip.

?Target lock: Sentrobe Bomb

This is a bomb projectile fired from aSentrobe. It will follow its targetanywhere, although a timed fuseensures it will explode after a set time.

?Target lock: LD-003D Dreadfuse

This menacing robot guards Sky Keep.It is thought to be of a similar modelto the robot that stole Skipper's shipin Lanayru Sand Sea.As before, when fighting in a narrowspace like this, it is more effective touse thrust attacks with your sword thanto try to swing your sword widely.

?Target lock: Ghirahim

?There is a 90% change in outwardappearance compared to previousencounters with him. I detect a darkaura emanating from his entire body.I can confirm a change in Ghirahim'sfighting style, likely as a result of theminor damage he has suffered.

More info!

?I project that the weak spot revealedon his chest from the previous attackwill continue to be an effective target.

However, there is a 100% probabilitythat Ghirahim will block all attackstargeting this area while he is in hisstandard state.

More info!
Got it.

?I suggest you attempt to parryGhirahim's sword away, Master.This should leave the weak spot onhis chest open to attack.Taking advantage of opportunities toattack the villain's weak spot shouldbe your top priority.

More info!
Got it.

?My analysis shows that it is impossibleto parry away Ghirahim's swordin one attack.

I theorize that it will become possibleby attacking in the same directiona number of times.

?Target lock: Ghirahim

?There has been a 90% change in hisoutward appearance since our lastmeeting. I detect a black auraemanating from his entire body.I have also confirmed that he isusing a new weapon.

More info!

?Results from my analysis confirm thatthe sword Ghirahim wields can bebroken by your sword, Master.

I theorize that Ghirahim used magicto call this weapon into existence.

Now that he is deeply wounded,the sword he wields appears tohave become brittle.

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Got it.

?I have detected identical responsesfrom the center of Ghirahim's swordand Ghirahim's chest.

By destroying the sword's core, there isa 100% probability that the sword itselfwill be destroyed.

I recommend carefully watching thesword's movement and repeatedlyattacking the same spot.

?very strong


?slightly strong


?slightly weak


?very weak

?You have defeated ## of this type ofenemy. My analysis shows that yourbattle performance rating with thisenemy is [var].

?You have defeated ## of this enemytype. I am unable to analyze your battleperformance rating with this opponentdue to insufficient data.

?I have something to report, Master.My analysis of this enemy's movementpatterns is complete.

While holding [Z] to lock on to theenemy, press [d-pad down] to call me. I willgive you my analysis. Would you like tohear it now?


?A report, Master. My analysis of thisenemy's movement patterns iscomplete.

Would you like to hear my analysisnow?


?Whatever you think is best, Master.Please call for me if you want to hearmy findings at a later time.

?Understood, Master. If you wish tohear my analysis later, simply hold [Z]to lock on to the enemy and then press[d-pad down] to call me.

?A report, Master. My preliminaryanalysis of Demise is now complete.Would you like to hear what I havediscovered?



?My apologies. I have no relevantinformation on the subject in mysizable memory.

?That is a sign. Most often, it is used toconvey written information orwarnings about the immediate area.

?That is a stone tablet. Depending on thelocation and intentions of the originalauthor, important messages can bepermanently chiseled on them.

?This bird statue contains significantsacred power. If you offer prayersthrough it, you can make a record ofyour quest progress.

?There is a 90% chance this is a type ofkey. Analysis indicates that there isa certain order in which the gemstonesfacing the four directions must be hit.I recommend searching the nearbyarea for clues as to what this ordermight be.

?This magical sentry has a naturaltendency to stare at the tip of pointedobjects.

?This symbol of the goddess will showyou the way, Master. It will reactto being struck by your Skyward Strike.

?This mechanism is some variety ofhang lever switch. It is activatedby lowering the bar.

?This is a typical tree found in Skyloft.Its trunk is thin enough to be slicedby a sword.

?This is a lotus leaf root. Surroundingthe center is a growth of sharpprotrusions that can cause injuryupon contact.The central root has a ringlikestructure. You may be able to latchon to this ring with an item of somesort.

?This mechanism can be described asa sort of a lever switch. Pull the curledtip to activate it.

?This hook-shaped construction seemsvery robust and looks like it couldsupport a great deal of weight.

?The head of this bulb-shaped switchcan be rotated, provided you havethe correct tool.

?This contraption is constructed ofa cogwheel and a piece of rope. Therope appears to be preventing thecog from rotating.

?This mechanism is formed by magic.Its purpose is not known to me.

?My visual inspection of this largedevice leads me to calculate an85% chance that it is built from veryancient technology.Analysis indicates that activating thisdevice will require ancient energy froma remote power node.

?I calculate an 85% probability thatthis is an energy-generating device.It appears that it will activate if thecenter is rotated.

?This is a common Loft Tree. This tree'sthin trunk makes it a common victimof sword practice.

?I must conclude that this is some sortof control mechanism. Each embeddedstone may react to physical force.

?This statue appears to have stood herefor a very long time. Nobody knows itsexact purpose.

?Target lock: Ampilus egg

It is an Ampilus that has reverted to itsearliest form of development, no doubtbecause of the effect of the TimeshiftStone.Even in its current state, it retains theability to generate powerful electricalcurrent at regular intervals.

My analysis indicates that you canhit it with your sword when it is notgenerating electricity. Also, youcan carry it with the Hook Beetle.

?Visual inspection indicates this objectis very old. I must conclude that this isa Propeller. It is an object designed tospin in a steady wind.

?This is an ornamental wooden board.Judging from its appearance, it hasrecently fallen from the sky.

?This massive sword has been droppedby Koloktos. Although it is quite heavy,you should be able to wield it, Master.

?This plant is known as a Water Fruit.It collects moisture within its hardshell. This feature is vital to itssurvival here.

?This is a log used for sword training.It can be cut with a sword along thedirection of the notches.

?This is a log used for defense practice.First, thrust your sword into the logto make it swing.

Next, quickly ready your shield. Whenthe log swings back toward you, strikeit with a well-timed shield bash.

?My analysis indicates a 90% chancethat this is a Fairy. I calculate a 10%chance that this is a rare or previouslyundiscovered insect.If my analysis is correct and this is aFairy, you can make use of theglittering dust that covers its wingsto heal your wounds.Additionally, if you carry a Fairy withyou in a bottle, it will automaticallyrevive you one time when you run outof hearts.

?I am detecting extremely stronggoddess-aura readings here. There isa 90% probability that this is thedoorway to the goddess's trial.

?I am detecting the goddess's aura inyour current position. There is an 85%chance that something very importantwill occur here.

?I calculate an 85% chance that this ispart of an energy-supplying device.It appears to activate when the centeris rotated.

?My apologies. I have no relevantinformation on the subject in mysizable memory.

?It appears to be a perfectly sphericalobject fashioned from solid crystal.It exhibits an extremely high degreeof transparency.

?The Water Dragon previously used thissizable water basin to soak in healingwaters.

The basin has a handle designed to aidin its transportation.

However, because of its size andweight, I do not believe it could becarried by a human. No offenseintended, I assure you.

?These items are available for purchaseat the shop.

To hear information about a particularitem, or to buy it, stand in front of theitem and press [A].

?This device was designed to preventThe Imprisoned from escapingto the outside world.

According to my analysis, the sealingprocess can be completed with awell-aimed Skyward Strike.

?Visual analysis indicates that is ahighly mysterious type of stone tabletthat is known to freely gossip and offerup information depending on location.Although not always the case, some ofthe information it provides can beuseful. I recommend you pay attention.

?That is a Gate of Time. It is saidto transport whoever passes throughits arch to a different time.

According to legend, a fully enhancedform of your sword is capable ofactivating it with a Skyward Strike.

?I detect an exceedingly evil aura underthis location. My analysis indicates thatthis spike is suppressing whateverevil is hidden below.

?Insert an engraved tablet into thisaltar to create a column of light thatwill create an opening in the cloudbarrier to the surface.

?That is a sign designed to communicatethat an item is out of stock and cannotbe purchased. However, it may berestocked at a later time.

?This extremely valuable stone can showyou useful information in the form of ahint movie.

Whenever you're unsure of what youneed to do, I recommend checking thehint movies this stone can show you.


?Current Session Play Time: ##:##Total Play Time: ##:##No further information.

?You called for me, Master?






?Play Time



?Never Mind

?Yes, Master. What information doyou seek?




?Ancient buildings can be found onthe small islands floating in thearea around Skyloft.

I calculate over an 80% chance thatchests will be hidden on such islands.

?To the northeast of Skyloft there is anisland called Bamboo Island.

According to rumors, it is a placewhere swordsmen go to test theirskill in the hopes of winning a reward.

?There is rumored to be an insectparadise somewhere in the sky.

?However, nobody has ever reportedvisiting such a place.

?The knight apprentice known as Strichis looking for this island and is oftenobserved exploring in the sky.

It seems that he recently found anisland inside the thunderhead suitablefor insect habitation.

?There is an island called PumpkinLanding that you can easily spotto the southeast of Skyloft.

There you can enjoy the proprietor'spumpkin soup and also exchangeinformation with patrons.

?There is an island to the southwest ofSkyloft called Fun Fun Island.

?Some say that it will be an attractionwhere you can obtain a great amountof Rupees easily.

?It is a place of amusem*nt where youcan procure high-value Rupees withsurprisingly little exertion.

You will require room in your wallet tocarry Rupees back with you, though,so it would be wise to plan accordingly.

?It is a place of amusem*nt where youcan procure high-value Rupees withsurprisingly little exertion.

My analysis indicates that you willneed to make a payment to play there.

?Your Loftwing will pick up speed whenit descends.

My analysis indicates that if you wantto reach a destination quickly, youshould try to stay in constant descentas you travel there.

?The pumpkin soup from the LumpyPumpkin on Pumpkin Landing will cooldown in five minutes.

Cool pumpkin soup is not as effectiveat restoring hearts. The soup shouldbe consumed while it is still hot.

?Loftwings who have mastered theadvanced technique of Spiral Chargecan attack from greater distances.

However, it is a dangerous technique,so it is currently only being taught tothe most senior students at the KnightAcademy.

?To enter Beedle's mobile shop, it seemsyou need to ring the large bell.

?Unfortunately, Master, you do not havethe equipment needed to ring the bell.You need to find something that canshoot at it from a distance.

?The flying shop cannot be observedin Skyloft after sundown. This leads meto infer that it moves to another islandat night.If you were to stay in the airborne shopuntil nightfall, there is a possibility youwill discover where it travels to.

?The owner of the Gear Shop in thebazaar will buy certain items at night.

However, he will only buy theparticular items he feels like buyingon that day.

?The fortune-teller can divineinformation and foresee the locationyou need to travel to next.

I am not capable of interpreting crystalballs or calculating fates, but statisticsindicate his fortunes operate at over90% accuracy.

?Various treasures are required toupgrade items at the Scrap Shop.

Among them is a precious treasurecalled an Evil Crystal. It may bepossible to obtain one by defeatinga monster that can curse.

?Various treasures are required toupgrade items at the Scrap Shop.

Among them is the Blue Bird Feather,a particularly precious treasure.Hopefully it will come as no surprisethat it can be obtained from blue birds.

?You will need various treasures toenhance items at the Scrap Shop.

One of these treasures is called anOrnamental Skull. It is possible to findone when you defeat a Bokoblin.

If you are very lucky, you will obtain aprecious Golden Skull.

?The larger your wallet, the moreRupees you can carry with you.

Apparently, there is a wallet that canhold as many as 9,000 Rupees.

?Analysis indicates that you still havemuch to learn about the world.

Periodically visiting the fortune-tellerat the bazaar would be an effectivemethod of remedying this situation.

?Beedle's Airshop sells an item called aBug Net that will allow you to catchinsects.

?You can check your map to locateBeedle's airborne shop. You will needto ring the large bell hanging from theshop to gain access.

?To enter Beedle's airborne shop, ringthe large bell hanging below thestructure.

Unfortunately, Master, you do not havethe equipment needed to ring the bell.You need to find something that canshoot a projectile from a distance.

?The Wooden Shield will protect youfrom electricity, while the Iron Shieldwill protect you from fire attacks.

The Sacred Shield is effective againstboth of these, and it will also slowlyrepair itself after taking damage.

?There are rumors of a demoniccreature being spotted in Skyloft.

?If you are interested, I recommendgoing to the Lumpy Pumpkin, wherethese rumors appear to haveoriginated.

?I now calculate a 95% chance that it isBatreaux who lives under the shed nextto the graveyard.

?Batreaux would like you to collectGratitude Crystals and wants to seethem for himself so that he can becomea human.If you aid him in this search, Master,there is an 85% probability that it willbenefit you as well.

?You collected enough GratitudeCrystals for Batreaux to become ahuman. I estimate a 60% chance thatthe Skyloft-demon rumor will die.But there is still a 40% probability thatthe rumor will not fade, based upon thepossibility that people will still findBatreaux's new human face terrifying.

?Many houses in Skyloft have chimneyson their roofs.

Apparently, people regularly go upinside the chimneys to clean the sootfrom them.

?Putting medals in your pouch will grantdifferent beneficial effects on you.

Additionally, rumors exist of a specialmedal that confers multiple specialeffects to its possessor.

?It would seem that people in Skyloftoften accidentally drop precious itemsfrom their floating town to the surface.

I conjecture that returning those itemsto their rightful owners will earn youtheir gratitude.

?If you land a perfect dive in Dodoh'sHigh Dive on Fun Fun Island, you willwin a very precious item.

?The most highly valued Rupee is worth300 Rupees.

Be aware that picking up an item calleda Rupoor will reduce the number ofRupees you have by 10.

?Insects can sometimes be found hidingunder small jars.

You can locate them by breaking ormoving the jars.

?There are several platforms in Skyloftconstructed specifically for mountingLoftwings.

If you fall from a ledge other than oneof these platforms, a knight guardingthe town will think that there has beenan accident and will come to the rescue.

?A knight on night patrol spotted aStarry Firefly flying over the riverin Skyloft.

Signs indicate that to see a wild StarryFirefly for yourself, you must look forone at night and also possess whathumans refer to as "luck."

?If you want to pass the time untilnightfall, you can always sleep in a bed.

It is also possible to replenish hearts bysleeping in a bed.

?It would seem that the great sky spirit,Levias, dwells in the clouds nearSkyloft.

?Every year since he was born so longago, he has grown larger and larger.He is now the size of a large island.However, he hasn't been seen recently.

?If you get too close to Levias, there is adanger that your Loftwing will collidewith one of his fins or his tail.

?This is not exactly a rumor, but if youfocus on a target with [Z], and thenpress [d-pad down] while still targeting it, it ispossible for me to analyze it.

?This is not exactly a rumor, but...

If you press [1] to open your Gearscreen, you can read a basic descriptionof each item you're carrying.

Simply point at the item you wantmore information on, and press [A].

?I recommend that you shield bash amonster when it swings a sword or aclub at you.

With your shield up, wait until justbefore their swing lands, then shakethe Nunchuk forward to bash them withyour shield.If you are successful, you can cause anenemy to become momentarilystunned, giving you an excellentopening in which to attack.

?Hold your sword straight up in the airto charge up your sword for a powerfulSkyward Strike.

You can even charge a Skyward Strikewhile you're on the run if you hold thesword steadily enough.

It is also possible to charge up yoursword while avoiding monster attacks.If you master this technique, it can bevery advantageous in battle.

?A spin attack is a powerful combatmaneuver that is executed by swingingthe Wii Remote and Nunchuk in thesame direction simultaneously.Swing your controllers in the intendeddirection to execute one of four spinattacks: up vertical, down vertical,left horizontal, or right horizontal.Choose the maneuver you want toexecute based on what will be mosteffective.

?Some monsters with limitedintelligence will mistake bombsfor prey.

I suggest you try offering a bomb toa Chuchu or Deku Baba and see whathappens.

?Gelatinous Chuchus can easily mergeinto each other to create a bigger,more dangerous monster.

Aim your sword strikes to divide theirbodies and ensure they don't mergeagain.

?Deku Hornets will not hesitate toattack if you venture near their hive.

They are small and agile, so I calculatethe probability of hitting them withyour sword at approximately 0%.

I recommend that you run away orattempt to capture them. Like otherbugs, they can be taken to the potioninfuser and used as raw ingredients.

?You may find Rupees if you cut grasswith your sword.

If you release a horizontal SkywardStrike toward a patch of grass, youcan slice it more efficiently.

?Hitting a mushroom will send sporesinto the air. Mushroom Spores can becollected in an Empty Bottle.

Glittering mushrooms produceGlittering Spores when struck. Whenthese spores are sprinkled over a heart,I project something good will happen.

?When you aren't sure of where youshould go next, call me with [d-pad down] andinquire into your current objective,or alternatively you may ask for a hint.Additionally, you may find speakingwith the fortune-teller in Skyloftuseful.

?Yes, Master.

?Do you recall seeing the mysteriouscubes bearing the mark of the goddessthroughout the land below?

There seems to be a connectionbetween those cubes and the lockedchests in Skyloft and the surroundingislands.

?Technically speaking, this is no rumor,but I will pass on this informationnonetheless.

When energy is released from theGoddess Cubes scattered across theland and it launches into the sky,I can calculate its trajectory.Then I will note the location in the skythat the energy has returned to on yourmap, Master.

?Glittering Spores have a variety ofuses.

While their effects on heart flowersand Rupees are well known, you maywant to try sprinkling them on avariety of other items as well.

?Using the [B] and [-] Buttons, youcan switch items, drink potions, andperform other actions while you aremoving.This technique is valuable because itallows you to perform an action whilemaintaining a safe distance from yourenemies.

?Yes, Master.

?Bird Feathers are a useful materialoften used in equipment upgrades.

However, there is a 90% probabilityyou will need some kind of tool tocatch the birds who provide thesefeathers.

?In ancient times, a great warriordevised a strategy to collect lots ofarrows. Do you know it, Master?

Tell me!
I know it.

?The warrior took out his WoodenShield and approached the Bokoblinfort.

He hid behind his shield as theBokoblins rained arrows down onhim. He then retreated out of range.

Many arrows were stuck in his WoodenShield. All he needed to do then waspull them out and fire them back athis enemies with his bow.

?You could use a Wooden Shield toemploy this same strategy, Master.

However, doing so will damage yourshield, so pay attention to yourshield gauge.

?As you may have observed during yourtime as one, human beings are not aspecies that can stay underwater forlong periods of time.

?Somewhere in the world is an itemcalled a Water Dragon's Scale.Rumors suggest that this item allowsa person to dive deep underwater.

?If you return to places you previouslyvisited, you may be able to reach newareas using the power of theWater Dragon's Scale.Since you already possess this item,you can easily dive underwater.

?You may not know this, but humanbeings are not a species that cansurvive in extremely high-temperatureenvironments.

?There is an item called FireshieldEarrings in this world somewhere.They allow the wearer to remain inareas of extreme heat.

?Of course, you already possess theFireshield Earrings, so you can freelyenter extremely hot areas.

I recommend thoroughly exploringplaces that were previously too hotto travel through safely.

?Using sidesteps and backflips to dodgemonster attacks and then quicklymounting a counterattack is consideredan advanced fighting technique.To perform these maneuvers, press andhold [Z] to target and while moving [control stick]left, right, or back, press [A].

These moves will be particularlyuseful when your shield is broken.

?When you roll to bump into a tree orwall, objects may become dislodgedand fall from above.

To do this move, press and hold [A] todash and then shake the Nunchuk infront of a tree or wall.

?When you find a bird statue, you shouldalways examine it more closely, even ifyou have no intention of using it to saveyour progress.Examining the bird statue will record iton your map, allowing you to check itsposition later with [+].

?In addition to saving your progress,bird statues located on the surfaceoffer you a way to return to the sky.

However, it seems that statues housedinside buildings do not possess theability to send you back to the sky.

?You can climb walls covered in vines,but doing so will slowly deplete yourstamina gauge.

You can move more quickly whenclimbing by swinging the Wii Remotein the direction you want to climb.

?Additionally, Clawshots have theability to latch on to vines, so you maywant to use them in order to reachvines from a distance.

?While this information does nottechnically qualify as a rumor, I feelit will be of use to you.

Hold down [C] to bring up potentialtargets to dowse for, then select oneto begin dowsing.

You can search for various items byswitching your dowsing target.

Also, if you do not want to dowse foranything, you can select Look Aroundto stop dowsing.

?On slippery slopes, you may lose yourfooting and slide down on yourbackside. Quite gracefully, I'm sure,Master.Once you begin sliding, you will not beable to stop, but you can direct yourslide using [control stick left/right].

?Medals will give you various beneficialeffects as long as you carry them inyour pouch.

If you carry a Heart Medal in yourpouch, my analysis indicates you willhave a greater chance of findinga heart when you defeat a monster.A Rupee Medal has a similar effect.It increases the chance you will findRupees when you defeat a foe.

Several other types of medals areknown to exist.

?Medals will grant you variousbeneficial effects as long as youcarry them in your pouch.

A Potion Medal will increase theduration of the effects of certainpotions, such as Stamina Potions.

Additionally, several other types ofmedals are known to exist.

?Yes, Master.

?You possess sufficient arm strength toslice your sword through the trunks ofsmaller trees.

If a point on a tree appears to glow,cut through that spot with yoursword and you may be rewarded witha Rupee.

?Any arrows that don't hit theirtarget can be picked up and reused.

?I conjecture this information will beof use to you.

Press [2] to read information about theactions immediately available to you.

By doing this, you may learn of newactions that you can perform.

?When you want to hang down from anedge or cliff without jumping, press[A] to hang down.

Use [control stick left/right] to move along the ledge whileyou are hanging.

?You can fill an Empty Bottle with manythings, such as potions, water fromstreams, Mushroom Spores, andpumpkin soup.Empty Bottles can even be used tocatch Fairies.

?While not technically a rumor, I amsure the information I am about torelay to you will prove useful.

While targeting an object or characterwith [Z], you can press [d-pad down] to hear myanalysis of the targeted subject.

I calculate a 60% chance that a portionof the information contained in myanalysis will be new to you.

?When you require my analysis of atarget, press [d-pad down] while targeting itwith [Z].


?Something here is reacting to ourperformance of Farore's Courage.I have confirmed the appearance ofa strange mark on the ground.I calculate a 90% possibility that thismark is a Trial Gate, as mentionedby the goddess statue we heardfrom on the Isle of Songs.Thrust your sword into the centerof the mark on the ground before you.

?Thrust your sword into the center ofthe mark and open the way to a newSilent Realm.

?Thrust your sword into the center ofthe mark and open the way to the finalSilent Realm.

?Master, the melody you just acquired isone part of the Song of the Hero.

I recommend you seek out the othertwo dragons in their respective areasto learn the other two parts of thesong.

?Well done, Master. You have acquiredthe second part of the Song of theHero. The final part can be foundsomewhere within Faron Woods.

?Well done, Master. You have acquiredthe second part of the Song of theHero. The final part can be foundsomewhere within Eldin Volcano.

?Well done, Master. You have acquiredthe second part of the Song of theHero. The final part can be foundsomewhere within Lanayru Desert.

?Well done, Master. You've successfullycollected three parts of the Song of theHero.

I recommend you return to the skyand meet with the great sky spirit,Levias, to complete the song.

?Master, I have information for you.You have obtained a map of this area.You can view it by pressing [+].

The position of doors and their locks,as well as the position and status oftreasure chests, can be confirmed onthe map with marks such as [X].However, be aware that you will beunable to use beacons here due tothe indoor nature of this environment.

?A report, Master [Link].I have detected the aura of a Trial Gatenearby.

If you can pinpoint the origin of thisaura using dowsing, I conjecture thesong you learned at the Isle of Songs,Farore's Courage, will reveal the gate.

?A report, Master. The volcanic activitythat impeded your return to the skyearlier has ceased.

It is now possible to return to the skyagain.

?After winning the race in the WingCeremony, you went on a flight withZelda where you encountered a stormthat caused Zelda to fall to the surface.Shortly thereafter, you entered anold chamber and claimed theGoddess Sword in which I, Fi, reside.

You then used the power of an ancienttablet to open a column of lightleading to the land below.

?After winning the race in the WingCeremony, you took to the sky withZelda where you encountered a stormthat caused Zelda to fall to the surface.Down below the clouds, you met witha mysterious old woman who spoke ofa great destiny that involves both youand Zelda.

?To begin your search for Zelda, youdescended to the surface, where youmet a mysterious old woman who spokeof the destiny invoking you and Zelda.Shortly thereafter, you made your wayto Faron Woods and learned from theKikwis that Zelda entered a templein the area.

?In order to find Zelda, you descendedto the surface and explored SkyviewTemple deep within Faron Woods.

At the temple, you discovered a statueof the goddess whose song indicatesthat Zelda has now headed toEldin Province.

?In your search for Zelda, who fellbeneath the clouds to the land below,you have made your way toEldin Volcano.Judging by conversations of the Mogmawe overheard, I conjecture that Zeldais inside the Earth Temple.

?We have learned that Zelda, who fellto the surface and is still missing, istraveling with an unknown person forreasons we do not fully understand.Judging by the song from the goddessstatue that we heard, you now knowthat Zelda headed to LanayruProvince.

?We have learned that Zelda, who fellto the surface and is still missing, istraveling with an unknown person forreasons we do not fully understand.I infer these two entered the Temple ofTime in Lanayru Desert, but we areunable to enter the temple via usualmeans as the gate has been destroyed.

?For reasons we do not fully understand,Zelda has been traveling all across theland.

You were successful in meeting herat the Temple of Time, but ourdiscourse was cut short by Ghirahim,who attempted to attack Zelda.During Ghirahim's attack, Zeldaentrusted you with her harp and thenran from the area through a strangegate.

?In order to accomplish her ownmission, Zelda entrusted her harp toyou and fled through a Gate of Time.

A second Gate of Time exists, but inorder to activate it, you will need toenhance your sword.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.To meet this goal, you learned a songknown as Farore's Courage on the Isleof Songs. It will guide you on yourquest to enhance your sword.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.In your quest to find the sacred flamesthat can do this, you sought out andovercame the trial within Faron Woods.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.You have learned that the first of thesacred flames that will make thispossible lies within the Ancient Cistern.

The Water Dragon, Faron, has nowgranted you access to this location.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.The sacred flame you found in theAncient Cistern has purified yoursword and given it its firstenhancement.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.In your quest to find the sacred flamesthat can do this, you sought out andovercame the trial located withinLanayru Desert.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.You learned that the second sacredflame needed to enhance your blade islocated within the Sandship youdiscovered on the Lanayru Sand Sea.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.The sacred flame you found within theSandship sailing the Lanayru Sand Seahas purified your sword, imbuing itwith a second enhancement.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.In your quest to find the sacred flamesthat can do this, you sought out andovercame the trial located onEldin Volcano.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.To find the final sacred flame neededto enhance your blade, you haveentered the Fire Sanctuary hidden atopEldin Volcano.

?Zelda passed through a Gate of Timein order to accomplish her mission.You will need to enhance your swordto open the gate and reach her.The final sacred flame, which youfound within the Fire Sanctuary,has purified your sword, allowing itto achieve its true form.

?Your sword has transformed into theMaster Sword. With this sword, you cannow activate the Gate of Time and goto Zelda, who waits beyond the gate.As you attempted to open the gate,the giant monster that you previouslydefeated broke free of its prison,forcing you to beat it back once more.

?After passing through the Gate ofTime, you have at last reunited withZelda.

It is there that Zelda revealed thatyour destiny is to vanquish Demise.

You also learned that the key to findingthe one power vital to defeatingDemise, the Triforce, is hiddensomewhere within Skyloft.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the past.

The task of searching for the Triforce,a power vital to vanquishing Demise,has fallen to you.

Shortly thereafter you met with thegreat spirit of the sky, Levias, whoinformed you that the Song of theHero can lead you to the Triforce.In order to learn the different partsof this song, you must seek out thethree dragons who live in the landbelow the clouds.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the past.

The task of searching for the Triforce,a power vital to vanquishing Demise,has fallen to you.

Shortly thereafter you met with thegreat spirit of the sky, Levias, whoinformed you that the Song of theHero can lead you to the Triforce.In order to learn the different partsof this song, you must seek out thethree dragons who live in the landbelow the clouds.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the past.

The task of searching for the Triforce,a power vital to vanquishing Demise,has fallen to you.

Shortly thereafter you met with thegreat spirit of the sky, Levias, whoinformed you that the Song of theHero can lead you to the Triforce.In order to learn the different partsof this song, you must seek out thethree dragons who live in the landbelow the clouds.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the past.

The task of searching for the Triforce,a power vital to vanquishing Demise,has fallen to you.

Shortly thereafter you met with thegreat spirit of the sky, Levias, whoinformed you that the Song of theHero can lead you to the Triforce.In order to learn the different partsof this song, you must seek out thethree dragons who live in the landbelow the clouds.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the distant past.

The task of searching for the Triforce,a power vital to vanquishing Demise,has fallen to you.

You have learned of a lead to theTriforce in a trial revealed to you bythe Song of the Hero, and you willattempt to overcome this trial.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the distant past.

You have now overcome the trial thatleads to the Triforce, which you mustobtain in order to vanquish Demise.

?After you obtained the Triforce, itspower caused the Isle of the Goddessto return down to the Sealed Groundsand destroy Demise.However, shortly thereafter, theDemon Lord Ghirahim abducted Zelda.

He has fled to the world of the distantpast, where he is attempting to reviveDemise.

?After you obtained the Triforce, theIsle of the Goddess descended to theSealed Grounds and destroyed Demise.

However, shortly thereafter, theDemon Lord Ghirahim abducted Zelda.

He has fled to the world of the distantpast, where he is attempting to reviveDemise.

?After you obtained the Triforce, theIsle of the Goddess descended to theSealed Grounds and destroyed Demisein the present.However, having lost his chance torevive his master in this time,Ghirahim has fled to the past wherehe successfully revived Demise.Now, Zelda's soul has been absorbedinto Demise, who walks the landfree once more.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the distant past.

The task of searching for the Triforce,a power vital to vanquishing Demise,has fallen to you.

Shortly thereafter you met with thegreat spirit of the sky, Levias, whoinformed you that the Song of theHero can lead you to the Triforce.In order to learn the different partsof this song, you must seek out thethree dragons who live in the landbelow the clouds.

?To sustain the seal that imprisonsDemise, Zelda has entered an eternalsleep in the world of the distant past.

The task of searching for the Triforce,a power vital to vanquishing Demise,has fallen to you.

Shortly thereafter you met with thegreat spirit of the sky, Levias, whoinformed you that the Song of theHero can lead you to the Triforce.You have now successfully gatheredthe three parts of the Song of theHero known to the dragons of theworld below.

?You are currently reliving some ofyour previous battles within theThunder Dragon's Lightning Round.

I recommend you stay focused ondefeating the enemy before you.


?Statue of theGoddess

?Knight Academy


?The Plaza

?Sparring Hall

?Potion Shop


?Gear Shop

?Item Check

?Scrap Shop


?Faron Woods

?Eldin Volcano

?Lanayru Desert

?Infusion Shop

?Skipper's Retreat


?Pirate Stronghold

?Orielle andParrow's House

?Item Check GirlPeatrice's House

?Gear PeddlerRupin's House

?Scrap Shop OwnerGondo's House

?Potion Shop OwnerBertie's House

?Fortune-TellerSparrot's House

?Beedle's Airshop

?Dodoh's High Dive

?Clean Cut

?Bug Heaven

?Pumpkin Pull

?Pipit's House

?Piper's House

?Kukiel's House

?Sheikah Stone






?Skyview Temple

?Ancient Cistern

?Light Tower


?Earth Temple

?Fire Sanctuary

?Thrill Digger

?Thunder Dragon'sLightning Round

?Lanayru MiningFacility



?Zelda's Aura

?Sacred Flame

?Insect Detected




?Sealed Grounds

?Sealed Grounds

?Faron Woods

?Faron Woods

?Deep Woods

?Deep Woods

?Lake Floria

?Lake Floria

?Eldin Volcano

?Eldin Volcano


?Volcano Summit

?Lanayru Mine

?Lanayru Mine

?Lanayru Desert

?Lanayru Desert

?Lanayru Gorge

?Lanayru Gorge

?Lanayru Sand Sea

?Lanayru Sand Sea

?Skyview Temple

?Skyview Temple

?Earth Temple

?Earth Temple

?Lanayru MiningFacility

?Lanayru Mining Facility

?Ancient Cistern

?Ancient Cistern



?Fire Sanctuary

?Fire Sanctuary

?Sky Keep

?Sky Keep

?Farore'sSilent Realm

?Farore's Silent Realm

?Nayru'sSilent Realm

?Nayru's Silent Realm

?Din's Silent Realm

?Din's Silent Realm

?The Goddess'sSilent Realm

?The Goddess's Silent Realm

?The Sky

?The Sky

?Fun Fun Island

?Fun Fun Island


?Pumpkin Landing


?Beedle's Island


?Bamboo Island

?Isle of Songs

?Isle of Songs

?Bug Rock

?Bug Rock

?Skyview Spring

?Skyview Spring

?Earth Spring

?Earth Spring

?Temple of Time

?Temple of Time

?Knight Academy

?Knight Academy



?Sparring Hall

?Sparring Hall

?Lanayru Caves

?Lanayru Caves

?Inside theGreat Tree

?Inside the Great Tree

?Skipper's Retreat

?Skipper's Retreat



?Pirate Stronghold

?Pirate Stronghold

?Inside the Statueof the Goddess

?Inside the Statue of the Goddess



?Orielle andParrow's House

?Orielle & Parrow's House

?Gear PeddlerRupin's House

?Rupin's House

?Potion Shop OwnerBertie's House

?Bertie's House

?The LumpyPumpkin

?The Lumpy Pumpkin

?Fortune-TellerSparrot's House

?Sparrot's House

?Scrap Shop OwnerGondo's House

?Gondo's House

?Item Check GirlPeatrice's House

?Peatrice's House

?Batreaux's House

?Batreaux's House

?Beedle's Airshop

?Beedle's Airshop

?Inside theThunderhead

?Inside the Thunderhead

?To Faron Woods

?To Faron Woods

?To Eldin Volcano

?To Eldin Volcano

?To Lanayru Desert

?To Lanayru Desert

?Pipit's House

?Pipit's House

?Piper's House

?Piper's House

?Kukiel's House

?Kukiel's House

?Hylia's Realm

?Hylia's Realm

?Sealed Temple

?Sealed Temple

?Temple of Hylia

?Temple of Hylia








?Demon Lord


?Pyroclastic Fiend


?Thousand-Year Arachnid


?The Imprisoned

?Ancient Automaton


?Abyssal Leviathan


?Demon Lord


?The Imprisoned

?Ocular Parasite


?The Imprisoned

?Demon Lord



?Great Spirit of the Skies


?Bird Statue

?Behind the Temple

?Faron Woods Entry

?In the Woods

?Viewing Platform

?The Great Tree

?Forest Temple

?Deep Woods

?Lake Floria

?Floria Waterfall

?Great Tree Top

?Volcano Entry

?Volcano East

?Volcano Ascent

?Temple Entrance

?Inside the Volcano

?Inside Fire Sanctuary

?Lanayru Mine Entry

?Desert Entrance

?West Desert

?North Desert

?Stone Cache

?Desert Gorge

?Temple of Time

?Ancient Harbor

?Skipper's Retreat


?Pirate Stronghold

?Lanayru Gorge

?Sealed Grounds

?Sealed Grounds


?Hey, how's it going? I've got a newhint for you! Wanna see it?

No need.

?What's up? I don't have any importanthints for you, but I'll let you see anyhints you've seen up till now. Wannasee some hints?

No need.

?Heya, friend. Just so you know, I'vegot every hint here ready for you!Wanna see a hint?


?No problem. I hope you do well, andI wish you good luck!

?Hey there, friend. Unfortunately,you're such a good explorer that I don'thave any hints to offer you right now.

Tell you what. You press on, and if youfind yourself stuck later, just come onback and see me.

?Hey, friend! Walk yourself on overhere and say hello.

?How do you do? I'm what you call aSheikah Stone. Glad to meet you!

I'm a stone of few words, so I'll getright to it. You're going to findyourself in puzzling circ*mstances asyou make your way through this world.If you should find yourself stuck andyou have no idea how to move forward,come see me.

I've got nothing for you right now, butdown the road when you're feelingstuck, the things I'll show you may justget you back on the right track.Good luck out there, friend!

?How do you do? I'm what you call aSheikah Stone...but you knew thatalready, didn't you?

I'm a stone of few words so I'll get rightto it. I can see you're playing in HeroMode, so clearly you've mastered allthe puzzles out there before.I think that's pretty impressive! Tellyou what, I'm going to go ahead andgive you access to all the hints rightfrom the start.If you ever get the urge to look overhints you've already seen, just comeand see me.

Good luck to you, friend!



?Skyloft - Sky

?Sealed Grounds

?Faron Woods Area

?Eldin Volcano Area

?Lanayru Desert Area

?Skyview Temple

?Earth Temple

?Lanayru Mining Facility

?Ancient Cistern


?Fire Sanctuary

?Sky Keep


?Saving Your Loftwing

?Chasing the Mysterious Girl

?Getting into Beedle's Airshop

?Solving the Cemetery Mystery

?Two Whirling Sails: Part 1

?Two Whirling Sails: Part 2

?Moving the Isle of Songs Bridge

?Saving Levias

?Inserting the Stone of Trials

?Defeating a Deku Baba

?The Imprisoned Battle

?The Imprisoned Battle: Part 2

?The Imprisoned Battle: Part 3

?Battle the Horde

?Ghirahim Final Battle: Part 1

?Ghirahim Final Battle: Part 2

?Demise Battle

?Finding the Kikwis: Part 1

?Finding the Kikwis: Part 2

?Finding the Kikwis: Part 3

?Defeating an Octorok

?Dealing with Deku Hornets

?Traveling to the Temple

?Entering the Temple

?After Getting the Water Dragon's Scale

?Crossing the Swinging Platform

?Heading to the Lake

?Catching Tadtones

?The Tadtone under the Lily Pad

?The Tadtone behind the Rocks

?Clearing the Plugged Lava Hole

?Getting By a Tower

?Finding the Pieces of the Key: Part 1

?Crossing the Bridgeless Gap

?Finding the Pieces of the Key: Part 2

?Finding the Pieces of the Key: Part 3

?Quench My Thirst: Part 1

?Finding a Large Water Basin

?Reclaiming Your Whip

?Reclaiming Your Slingshot

?Reclaiming Your Bomb Bag

?Reclaiming Your Other Items

?Lanayru Mine: Part 1

?Lanayru Mine: Part 2

?Lanayru Mine: Part 3

?Rescuing the Robot

?Lanayru Desert: Part 1

?Lanayru Desert: Part 2

?Reaching the Temple of Time

?Reaching Lanayru Mining Facility

?Walking over Sinksand

?Finding the Remote Power Node:Part 1

?Finding the Remote Power Node:Part 2

?Finding the Remote Power Node:Part 3

?Exploring New Areas with theClawshots

?Defeating a Moblin

?Pirate Stronghold: Part 1

?Pirate Stronghold: Part 2

?Searching for the Sandship

?The Location of the Small Key

?The Blocked Timestone Cart

?Planting the Seedling

?The Eye Guardian

?Finding the Portcullis Switch: Part 1

?Defeating a Skulltula

?Finding the [X] on the Map

?Defeating a Stalfos

?Finding the Portcullis Switch: Part 2

?Ghirahim Battle

?Finding the Mogma's Key

?A Bridge across the Lava

?Crossing the Lava

?Finding the Bomb Bag

?Defeating a Lizalfos

?After You Obtain the Map

?Opening the Lava Gate

?Climbing the Slope

?Scaldera Battle

?Opening the First Portcullis

?Breaking the Wooden Boxes

?The Timeshift Stone inside the Cage

?Getting Down the Conveyor Belt

?The Treasure Chest inside the Jail

?Crossing the Sinksand

?Timeshift Stone Cart and Wind Switch

?Mystery of the Three Linked Switches

?Timeshift Stone Carts and PropellerLifts

?Defeating a Sentrobe

?Defeating a Beamos

?Defeating an Armos

?Moldarach Battle

?The Correct Gemstone-Switch Order

?Getting By the Lily Pads Blocking theUnderwater Canal

?Defeating a Stalmaster

?The Switch beside the Waterfall

?Stealing the Bokoblin's Key

?A Spin Jump Refresher

?Defeating a Furnix

?Grabbing On to the Ivy

?Getting Through the Rolling Room

?Koloktos Battle

?The Order of the Four GemstoneSwitches

?Scervo Battle

?Activating the Power Generator:Part 1

?Activating the Power Generator:Part 2

?Beating the Tentacles Back

?Tentalus Battle: Part 1

?Tentalus Battle: Part 2

?The Magmanos Room

?Getting Through the Lava Room

?Quench My Thirst: Part 2

?Defeat a Magmanos

?Finding the Hidden Passage

?Getting the Boss Key

?Ghirahim Battle: Part 2

?The Pyrups Hiding in the Cliff

?Crossing the Swinging Platforms

?Crossing the River of Lava: Part 1

?Crossing the River of Lava: Part 2

?The Gemstone Switches behind theStatues

?The Sinksand Room: Part 1

?The Sinksand Room: Part 2

?The Sinksand Room: Part 3

?Dreadfuse Battle

?Catching Bugs

?Delivering the Soup to Eagus

?Orielle Has Disappeared

?Getting Into the Shed with No Door

?Giving a Special Drink to Fledge

?The Fortune-Teller's Problem

?Finding the Lost Rattle

?Finding the Lost Horned Colossus Beetle

?Drawing on Goddess Walls

?Secrets of the Goddess Walls

?Finding Arrows

?A Good Skydiving Spot






?Faron Grasshopper

?Faron Grasshoppers

?Woodland Rhino Beetle

?Woodland Rhino Beetles

?Deku Hornet

?Deku Hornets

?Skyloft Mantis

?Skyloft Mantises

?Volcanic Ladybug

?Volcanic Ladybugs

?Blessed Butterfly

?Blessed Butterflies

?Lanayru Ant

?Lanayru Ants

?Sand Cicada

?Sand Cicada

?Gerudo Dragonfly

?Gerudo Dragonflies

?Eldin Roller

?Eldin Rollers

?Sky Stag Beetle

?Sky Stag Beetles

?Starry Firefly

?Starry Fireflies

?Bird Feather

?Bird Feathers






?Hey, [Link]!How's it going? The Wing Ceremony'sabout to begin, right?

Remember when Pipit won the lastone right at the last second? It wassoooo close. Now, that was a race...

Hey, your Crimson Loftwing will bein the race, right? I'm looking forwardto seeing what he can do.

?I'm looking forward to seeing yourLoftwing in action!

?What's wrong, [Link]?What?! Your Loftwing is missing?

That's terrible! I was so lookingforward to seeing that red blurstreak through the sky.

No, no...I haven't seen him.

Hmm... Why not check withSkyloft's bird expert, Pipit?He might be able to help.

?If you're talking Loftwings, talk toPipit. That guy knows almosteverything about anything with wings.

You know Pipit, right? He's one ofthe top students at the KnightAcademy.

?Where in the clouds is that Fledge boy?He's supposed to be bringing mebarrels!

Sometimes I just don't know what'sgoing on in that boy's head.

?Are you talking to me about yourLoftwing? Right now?

I'm a little busy here, so buzz off!

?Oh? [Link]! You'redelivering something for me?

That was supposed to be Fledge'sjob...

Anyhow, just bring the barrel here.Yes, here.

?What's all this? I thought I told Fledgeto carry that! Bah, it's probably forthe best... That skinny boy wouldprobably have gotten flattened.Say...don't you have some importantceremony or some such today? Hmph!Well, thanks for the help.

?What do you think you're doing?!

You'd better clean that up!

?Enough already! You little brat!

Do that again, and you'll be moppingsoup stains for a week!

?I've had it!

I'm going to have a word withthe headmaster about having youexpelled!

?The Wing Ceremony is starting soon.Quit with the dillyin' and dallyin', andget your tail over there!

?Master, there is a high probabilitythat this beam of light will lead us toclues as to the whereabouts of thethree flames.I recommend that you investigate whatlies at the end of this beam of light.

?Mornin', [Link]. How'slife? Did you manage to get even awink of sleep last night?

Figured you might've been tossin' andturnin' all night thinkin' about the bigceremony today.

What am I doin'? Oh, just fixin' thisgate here...

It's been squeaky lately, and we can'thave that on the day of the ceremony!

Hey, you haven't already forgotten tosend your prayers to the goddess thismorning, have you?

Just face the bird statue over there,and say a short prayer to save yourprogress.

As you know, those bird statues are allover Skyloft. It's about time you get inthe habit of stoppin' at a statue everytime you run by one.A prayer in time saves nine, if youknow what I'm sayin'!

?I'm still workin' on the gate here, soit'll be out of commission for a littlebit until I finish up.

Where's Zelda?

?Zelda? Oh, she was just at the Statueof the Goddess with HeadmasterGaepora.

What's the best way up to the bigstatue? It's time you learn foryourself, kid. Just press [C] to take alook around. You can't miss her!If your view gets a little off whenyou're looking around using [C],you can always center your view with[d-pad down]. Remember that!

?All set for today's big Wing Ceremony?

If you come away with a win, you'llmove on up to the senior class.Then after you graduate, you get tobe a rescue knight.Those knights sure do keep order herein Skyloft, and I don't have to tell youthat it's a pretty big deal to becomeone. I'd like to see you make it.

?Is something wrong? What's thebig hurry?

What?! Your Loftwing is missing?!But I just saw him. Groose's bird waschasing off after your feathered fella.

Which way?
Where's Groose?

?Uh, I think...uh... Well, to be honest,I don't really know where they went.

?Oh, Groose and his little cronies weresaying they were headed down to theWing Ceremony.

So my guess is they might be in town.Normally, the fastest way there is justdown this path...

But this gate here still needs some workbefore it'll open. Can you go aroundthrough the academy?

?Still got more questions, eh?

My bird!

?Hold up, [Link]!Hey! Hey, [Link]!

Could you help me with something?All you have to do is use [A] to dash androll into the tree.

Just like I've been doing. Dash, thenshake the Nunchuk when you're infront of the tree to--BAM! Do a rollright into it! So come on... Pleeeeease?

?OK, so to roll, first thing you gotta dois press [A] to run super fast...

While you're running, just shake theNunchuk and BAM! If you hit it justright, something will drop down fromabove. So come on... You have to try it!

?Whooooooooa! You did it!A Sky Stag Beetle!

Wait up!

?Awwww! My Sky Stag Beetle...So close... Oh well. To catch it, I wouldneed a Bug Net, anyway.

I wish I hadn't thrown out the one Ibought at Beedle's Airshop.Awwww...

?I'm gonna shut this! We can't have anycreepy apparitions crawlin' in at night.

I'll leave that door up on the secondfloor open, though. Just don't let mecatch you going out after dark!

Now I know your cute little friendZelda is gone and you want to go rescueher, but no honest folk here in Skyloftgo skulking around in the night.

?Even those bratty kids are asleep.Ahhhh, finally some peace.

So! Do you think you can find Zelda?Best of luck to you!

?Hiya, [Link]! Nice breezetoday, huh? Perfect for the ceremony!

So who do you think will win today?I guess Groose is a strong contender,but...

The winner will get blessed by a villagegirl chosen to represent the goddess...How romantic!

?I dream of playing the part of thegoddess at the Wing Ceremony!Just to have a romantic ceremonywith the handsome, winning knight.Just once is all I ask...

?What's up, [Link]? Youseem to be in a hurry...

What's this about your bird? Oh, thatunusual Crimson Loftwing...Have I seen him? I'm sorry. I haven't.

Why don't you look for him by theStatue of the Goddess? You'll have agood view of the whole town from wayup there.Just check your map using [+].Knowing you, that's the best way toavoid getting lost...again.

?Press [+] to check your map and findyour way to the Statue of the Goddess.Look for your bird there!

?Morning, [Link]!'s the Wing Ceremony.Are you ready?

All I'm saying is everyone else is outpracticing at the plaza, but you seempretty...relaxed about the whole thing.

Of course, that Crimson Loftwing ofyours is something special. I'd feelpretty confident riding him, too!

My bird won the last ceremony, buteven I don't think he could beat thatred terror of yours...

Of course, a bird's true speed in arace always comes down to the skillof the rider.

I'm something of a bird researcheraround here. So, you know, if youever find yourself in need of somebird expertise, come see ol' Pipit.

?If you need to know anything aboutbirds, you just let ol' Pipit know!

?You're not still wandering aroundthe academy, are you?!

What?! Your Loftwing won't comewhen you call for it? Why would aguardian bird not come when it'scalled?You know, I've never heard of thisever happening before, so I can't eventell you what you're doing wrong...

But a good senior never hangs anunderclassman out to dry. We'll figurethis out together!

You go to the plaza, and ask peoplethere if they know anything. In themeantime, I'll ask around here.

?You won't find your bird hangingaround here unless he's enrolling inthe academy. You should stick withsearching outside for now.I'll be asking around for leads too,and I'll let you know if I find outanything that'll help.

?Hey, [Link]! I was justlooking for you.

?I heard your Loftwing has gonemissing, so I thought I'd join in thesearch.

And get this: when I asked Fledge whathe knew, he started acting weird.

?That's it! Right there. I think it meansthe waterfall marked here with [X].

?You know how to read a map, right?Press [+] at any time to see a map ofthe area. If you get lost, just press [+]!

?One more thing, [Link]!


?If you're heading over to the plaza,the quickest way is out the door on theground floor.

The exit on the top floor is still locked,so you obviously can't get out there.

?What's taking the lunch lady so long?I'm going to have a word with her later.

?Hey! [Link]!

?I'm so sorry, [Link]!

I really wanted to tell you, but...ifGroose found out I told you...

?It sounds like Groose forced him tokeep quiet about it.

?Just a little while ago, when I wascleaning the dining hall, Groose andhis buddies came in.

They didn't notice I was there andstarted talking about their plan to hideyour Loftwing.

I wanted to warn you,[Link]. But just as Itried to sneak away...

Groose and his gang grabbed me...

They said that if I told you, they'dmake sure I would never be able toride a bird ever again!

?It sounds like Groose and his buddieshad a plan to capture your bird andhide him near a waterfall.

Well, near a waterfall would mean...Quick--let's take a look at your map.

?Forgive me, [Link]! I can'thelp being such a coward...I'm really sorry.

?If you're going out to the waterfall,remember that there are somedangerous things there. Creepy, crawlythings. You'll need to carry a sword.I think I saw the Knight Commander gointo the Sparring Hall a while ago.You should go ask him if you canborrow one!

?Listen. As an upperclassman, I've gotsome advice for you. There's somethingyou should always do before yougo somewhere dangerous.You should find a bird statue and sendyour prayers to the goddess to saveyour progress. Make it part of yourroutine!The bird statues you can pray to aremarked on your map. It should be easyto find one.

?...Do you think you'll make it in time,[Link]?

I'm such a wimp... I'm so sorry.


?[Link]! Perfect timing.

?Go on! Tell him the truth.

?Over here!

I have some information aboutyour Loftwing. Come over here!

?What are you doing out hereso late?!

You what?! You can't seriously thinkyou're going to ride your Loftwing atthis time of night, do you?!

Listen up. Loftwings can't fly atnight! They have terrible night vision,and only the few who have receivedspecial training can fly in the dark.If you really need to fly, you'll justhave to wait for daylight.

?You can't go flying at night.You just can't.

If you want to go out flying, tuckyourself into bed and sleep untiltomorrow morning.

?Good morning, [Link]!Good luck in the Wing Ceremonytoday!

Just think: if you win today, you'llbecome a senior like us and you'll bea very big step closer to graduating asa knight.You'll even get a knight's uniform likeI'm wearing. Something tells me you'llbe pretty handsome in it!

But still not as dreamy as...him...

?Oh! It's you, [Link]... Say,you look all flustered. Did somethinghappen?

What?! You can't find your Loftwing?

Umm... I don't know what to tell you.I've been here at school the whole time.

?Huh? Why do you want to know whereGroose hangs out?

Is he up to no good again?

I have no clue where he hangs out.Pipit probably does, though.You should talk to him.

And I think he was looking for youjust now... He should be in front of theSparring Hall.

?If you win today's ceremony, you'llbecome a senior like us. Good luck!

?Don't men open doors for a lady anymore?How long am I supposed to stand here waitingfor a little chivalry?! Ugh...

?Pipit should be in front of the SparringHall. You know, at the back of theKnight Academy.

?Pipit is the one to ask about birds.I saw him downstairs a minute ago.Why don't you look for him there?

?Look at this thing. Who knows how longthis statue has been here?

And it only has one eye. Poor thing...You probably know this, but youcan press [C] to look around!

?That boy really gets me steamed!It's nearly time for dinner, and he'snowhere to be seen! He'd better notbe chasing bugs again.

?Mmm-MMM! Another day, anothertasty soup!

?Where are you going with that?That's no use to me there!

Stop fiddling around, and finish whatyou came to do!

?I can't believe Zelda fell off her birdand then down through the clouds.She's so good at riding her bird...

You saw a ghost?! Are you sure youweren't just in shock and maybeimagined it?

?What do you think you're doing in agirl's room at this time of night?!

I need to take a bath, so get out ofhere, [Link]!

Well...I mean I WOULD take a bath ifwhoever is in there now would hurryup and get out. They've been in therea loooong time...

?You need to talk to me? Just come findme sometime during the day tomorrow.

?This letter from Cawlin... I don't knowwhat to do about it!

What will Pipit think if he finds outabout this?

?Ah! [Link]! Thank youso much! I'm so happy now...and it'sall because of you.

My guy is going out on patrol againtonight. It's not even required ofhim--it's just something he feels hehas to do...Just thinking about him makes myheart start pounding like I just ranup a flight of stairs!

?Oh, you're taking off on your journeynow? Then you probably won't beeating here for a while!

Well, take care of yourself!

Make sure you come home every nowand then. Nothing like a good sleep inyour own bed.

?These past few days, I swear I heara voice every time I walk past therestroom at night.

Who in the world is in there? I justwish they'd pipe down!

?I don't hear any voices coming fromthe restroom anymore.

But now Cawlin has been cryinghimself to sleep in Groose's room...Is there anything we can do?

?I don't hear that voice from therestroom anymore. I wonder whoit was...

?How are things? Now that you're here,you should find yourself a bed to liedown in and take a rest.

?I haven't seen Groose around recently.I wonder how that boy's doing.

?Watch your step there! You can'talways depend on knights like me toswoop in and save you.

?Watch your step there! Haven't theytaught you at the academy that knightsmust always be vigilant? Sharpen up,or you'll never make it to knighthood!

?Watch your footing out there! In thedark you never know when you mighttake a wrong step off a ledge.

Oh, and don't let me catch you goingout flying at night. Only trainedknights such as myself should be doingthat. You take care now!

?Whoa there, trainee! You'll never bepromoted to full knighthood if youcan't learn to keep your wits about you.

Oh, and don't let me catch you goingout flying at night. Only trainedknights such as myself should be doingthat. You take care now!


?Ahaa! A customer! Hello there, friend.

My shop carries the finest productsyou'll find anywhere!

Please, take a moment for your sensesto savor the wonderful treasures I haveprepared just for you, friend!

If you have any questions, please don'thesitate to ask.

How do I buy?

?Ahaa! Of course someone as bright andsavvy as yourself doesn't need to hearme ramble on! Straight to business.

Please, friend, feast your eyes on thislandscape of fantastical treasures Ihave prepared for you today!

?Oh, yes, yes! Allow me to explain!

All you need to do is stand in front ofany of my wares and press [A] toexamine its beauty. Take your timeand shop to your heart's delight!It's always free to look, my friend, andthere's no pressure to buy!No pressure at all...

?You may also wish to take certainitems you purchased here to theScrap Shop to have them upgraded!

For example, you can take one of myfinely crafted shields and even furtherenhance its durability.

?Ahaa! How can I assist you, friend?

How do I shop?
I'm fine.

?Ahaa! You are quite lucky, as I havea new item just in today, friend.

It's a splendid Iron Shield!Look at the expert craftsmanship.It steals your breath away, doesn't it?

?Ahaa! I've got some new gear in stockto show you, friend.

Available now, you can purchase anIron Shield and a Small Seed Satchel.I hope they meet with your approval!

?Oh, yes, my friend! I've got somethingnew to show you!

Today, I was able to procure a fineSmall Bomb Bag! I do hope that itdelights you.

?Ahaa! I've got something new in stockfor you, friend.

It's a very mysterious shield called aSacred Shield. I suggest youlinger and give it a good look.

?Ahaa! My friend, I just got a new itemin today!

My latest treasure is a finely craftedSmall Quiver! For discerningbow owners, it's simply a must.

Take a look for yourself!

?Ahaa! You are in luck, because I'mcarrying a new item.

Today's new addition is an expertlywoven Small Seed Satchel!

Truly, any serious slingshot enthusiastwould be embarrassed not to own this,don't you agree? Take a look, friend!

?It pains me to tell you, friend, but...

It appears your pouch is full. May Isuggest you stow some of yourbelongings at the Item Check?

?Ahhhh, it pains me to say this, but...

I believe you are already carryingyour limit for this item. Perhaps youcould turn your attention to any ofmy other magnificent wares...

?Oh my!

?My dear friend! You--ahem--you don'thave enough Rupees to pay for thisitem. You mustn't tease me like that!

?Ahaa! Thank you for your loyal andcontinued patronage, friend.

?Ahaa! The customer is always right!

?I've taken the liberty of placing yourpurchases in your pouch. Press [-]to open it, then equip what you need!

?I've taken the liberty of placing theitem in your pouch. To open yourpouch, press and hold [-]...

Then move the Wii Remote to pointthe cursor. Point at the item youwant to equip and release [-].That's all there is to it.For example, to equip an item like ashield, it's as simple as selecting itin your pouch!

?If you have any doubts about thedurability of your shield, I suggest youhave it examined at the Scrap Shop.

Provided you take good Gondo therethe necessary treasures and the like,he will happily upgrade your items!

?That's quite all right, friend! I'vequite a few other fine items in stock,so do take your time and look around!


?You've got quite an eye, friend. Those10 arrows do make astrong point!

Do be careful not to accidentally shootpeople! That would be quite rude.They cost a mere 20 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?I do apologize, but I can't sell youthis unless you have a bow. It'sstore policy, you see.

?Ahaa! I see you eyeing those10 bombs. So loud. Sosatisfyingly smoky. And, oh yes,so very destructive!One good blast, and even a sturdywall can't hope to remain standing.

KA-BOOM! All yours for 20 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?Ahaa! Very sorry, but I can't sell youthose unless you have a Bomb Bag.Again, my apologies.

?Ahaa! That's a Wooden Shield.You can use it to block and repelattacks!

You must be careful, though, as it willbreak if it takes too much abuse.

Oh, and don't forget about fire. It willburn quite easily... It's an unfortunateproperty of wood. It could be yours for50 Rupees.Care to buy it, friend?

No, thanks.

?Ahaa! That there is a very sturdyIron Shield.

It's much more durable than awooden shield, and I'm happy toreport that it won't burst into flames!

I suppose I should warn you that itwon't protect you from electricity,which could come as a nasty...shock.

It's yours for just 100 Rupees.Care to buy it, friend?

No, thanks.

?Ahaa! That's a Sacred Shield!As you might surmise from its name, itcan handle all variety of attacks!

Fire? Not a sweat! Electricity? Nopainful zaps! Plus, it will automaticallyrepair itself when it sustains damage!

It's a little fragile, but that shouldn'tbe a problem for one as talented andagile as yourself!

At a cost of 500 Rupees, it's aninvestment...but an excellent one!Care to buy it?

No, thanks.

?I see you have an interest in10 Deku Seeds! Theyare truly the perfectly matchedprojectile for a slingshot.They could be yours for 20 Rupees.Care to buy them today?

No, thanks.

?My don't appear to havea slingshot.

I simply couldn't sell you these in goodconscience if you do not have aslingshot. Perhaps I can interest youin some of my other wares...

?That's a Small Seed Satchel.With this in your pouch, you cancarry 10 additional seeds.

Recommended for slingshotenthusiasts! It costs 100 Rupees.Do we have a deal, friend?

No, thanks.

?That's a Small Quiver. Withthis in your pouch, you can carry fivemore arrows!

Perfect for anyone enamored witharchery! It costs 150 Rupees.Do we have a deal, friend?

No, thanks.

?That's a Small Bomb Bag. Justslip this into your pouch, and you cancarry five additional bombs.

If you relish a good explosion, this isthe item for you! It costs a mere150 Rupees. Care to buy it, friend?

No, thanks.


?[Link], I'm going to tend tomy bird and make sure he's not hurt.I'll catch up with you later.

Go and see if anyone in town knowswhat happened to your Loftwing.

?Hey, [Link], I was hopingI'd find you here.

I heard you'd gone searching for yourbird around the waterfall, so I thoughtI'd fly around and help you look.

How's your search going? Any sign ofyour Loftwing?

?Oh no...

Well, let's not lose hope yet. There's aplace up ahead that Groose and hisgang are always hanging around.Maybe we'll find something there!

?Oh, sorry, [Link]. I gotdistracted for a moment. Let's go!


?Who... Who's that?

Who's calling for me?

?Look! There he is!

?No doubt about it. That's yourLoftwing, [Link]!

?What're you waiting around for,[Link]? Let's go getyour Loftwing!

?That's so cruel! They've boarded himup in there!

[Link], can you dosomething to get all those planks out ofthe way?

?OK, let's try this again, shall we?This time you won't have me to pushyou over the edge, so gather up somecourage and JUMP!Just dash off the edge to leap intoa dive.

Oh, and just before you land, be sureyou press [B] to open up yourSailcloth and slow your fall, or it'sgoing to be an ugly landing...And don't forget that you've got toland in the middle of that rounddesign in the courtyard below!

?Oh boy, I see you messed up yourlanding.

Remember, once you dive off the edge,you can control the angle of your fallby tilting the Wii Remote. I bet you'reready to try again, aren't you?I won't push you this time, so takethe leap when you're ready!

Just dash off the edge to jump into adive. Then, just before you hit theground, press and hold [B]!

Oh, and don't forget that you've got toland in the middle of that round designin that courtyard below.

?Your Loftwing really is amazing.Especially considering everything thepoor guy has been through thismorning.I'm going to fly back and tell Fatherwhat happened.

?Well, well, if it isn't [Link]!

?Word around the plaza is you foundthat dumb bird of yours.

Well, that's just great. Because you andyour dumb bird can't tell time, all theprerace warm-ups me and the guys didwere for nothin'. Now I'm all stiff.We've been waiting forever for therace to start, and they delay it foryou? I don't get it. The big flake getsspecial treatment?

?You're almost a man, and yet you stillcan't seem to go anywhere withoutZelda.

I bet you can't even decide what tohave for lunch on your own, huh?

And don't think we haven't noticed thesmug looks. "Ooh, Zelda and I areBEST friends. We go everywheretogether." Ugh!...You think you're pretty suave,don't you? Well? Don't you?!

?Groose has been going on foreverabout how he's gonna be the one tobe with Zelda. He's really got hispompadour in a ruffle about her!

?Der her her.

?I hate to break it to you, but today'sthe day I bust up this adorable littlefantasyland you're living in.

Zelda's playing the role of the goddessat today's ceremony, and I'm gonna bethe one to claim that Sailcloth.

When I heard she made it herself, man,no way was I gonna let some scrawnyclown snatch that prize from me.

?Oh yes, that Sailcloth--Zelda'sSailcloth--will be mine! Duh huh huh...

Oh, man, I bet she was thinking aboutme when she was stitching it...

Yup, I can see it now. First, I win thebig race, and then Zelda and I finishthe ceremony together on the statue.Just the two of us...It'll be our special moment alone.Nobody is stopping me and Zelda fromhaving our moment. Oh, it's so realI can... I can see it...

?Duh... Duh huh huh huh!Oh yeah...

?Groose! Pssst, Groose!Behind you! Right behind you!

?WHAT?! Can't you two see I'm in themiddle of--


?Care to explain just what you meantby "our special moment alone"?

?I...uh, nothing big, really. Just...Just...

[Link]! Yeah, I was justtelling my buddy here how glad I washe found that red bird of his. Boy,am I looking forward to a fair race!

?Anyhow, later, Zelda. Look for meduring the race. I'll be the onepulling off all the dangerous moves.

?Hey, Groose! Wait up!

?Did you hear that guy? A fair race?Yeah, the chances of that happeningare just about less than zero.

Either way, don't let those fools getyou down, [Link]! Just getout there and fly the best you can!

I know you've got these guys beat, anddeep down I think you do too.

I dunno...
Us? Alone?

?That's the spirit, [Link]!Trust me--you can win this.

?Aww, don't be nervous. You can do this!

?Come on, [Link]! Try tofocus for once.

?The Wing Ceremony will now begin!Participating students, pleaseassemble!

?Looks like it's race time. Good luck,[Link]!

?[Link], let's run your birdthrough the basics just tomake sure he's not hurt.

?You can change the direction your birdis flying by tilting the Wii Remote tothe left and right.

When you want to speed up...

Swing the Wii Remote up to gain somealtitude, then point the Wii Remotedown to drop into a fast dive!

So, again, tilt the Wii Remote up,then point the Wii Remote down tospeed up! Those are the basics ofgetting your bird up to top speed.

?So how's he handling? Do you thinkhe's flying all right?

?While riding your Loftwing, youcan press [2] at any time to go overthe basic controls again.

You can also press [A] to charge, whichis an attack that also gives you a burstof speed. Press [B] to slow down. Try allthese moves and see how they feel!

?Here's a tip for how to really build upsome speed on your bird,[Link]!

Swing the Wii Remote up and down,and when you are high enough, tilt theWii Remote downward to go into adescent that increases your speed.Swing up and down, then tilt down.Got it? That's how you increaseyour speed!

?Well, that's a huge relief! I don't knowabout you, [Link], but yourLoftwing looks like he's flying great.

My father and the others are probablyworried about your bird, so let's gogive them the good news!


?This is Zelda's journal. One of theentries is unfinished.Read the entry?

Read it!
Don't read.

?You've chosen not to read her journal.

?Tomorrow's the big day! The WingCeremony! Finally, [Link]can take a big step toward becominga knight.I can't wait to see him promotedto full knighthood, but I'm a littleworried he might have some troublewinning the race.Lately, [Link] hasn't takenhis flight training seriously. Someoneneeds to make sure he doesn't mess uphis chance!So I've made up my mind. TomorrowI'll wake him up extra early and makesure he gets in some last-minutepractice, whether he likes it or not.He has to win, or we won't be able toperform the closing ceremonytogether!


?Don't worry, [Link]--I'll besure to explain your predicament toInstructor Horwell. Go find him andask him to meet me in my quarters.While we chat, why don't you go asksome of the other students about yourbird? I seem to recall a few of themwere gathered near the plaza.

?Ah, hello, [Link]. Have youmanaged to find your Loftwing yet?

You suspect that Groose had a hand inyour bird's disappearance? I tell you,that boy is always up to trouble.

?...Headmaster, if that is true, then allthe better. Groose has made it thatmuch easier to delay the start ofthe race.I doubt even Groose will have the gallto complain openly, considering it's hisfault we had to delay in the first place.

?I see. Yes, he has painted himself intoa bit of a corner, hasn't he? Well, it'ssettled then.

[Link], don't worry aboutthe race starting without you. Take thetime you need to find your Loftwing.

?Still can't find your bird?

Calm yourself and use your head.I'm sure you'll find a lead to hiswhereabouts soon.

?Quite a number of inexplicable thingsseem to be happening here...

What might happen if you do as thatstrange being asks?

?I hear your sparring instructor,the Knight Commander, also knowsthat you will set out from Skyloft.He's concerned for you.Why don't you consider stopping bythe Sparring Hall and speaking withhim before you go?

[Link] safe out there.I'm counting on you to find Zelda!

?Ah, [Link]! How goes yoursearch? Have you found any leads asto Zelda's whereabouts?

I feel terrible forcing you to face thistask alone, but we mustn't let therest of the village catch wind of whattranspired that awful night.If the truth of what we saw that nightwas exposed to the village, it couldcause mass confusion amongst thepeople here.I'm afraid this mission has to fall toyou alone. Good luck, and may thewinds be at your back.

?You're back, [Link]!Good to see you're still in one piece.

So, how's it going down there? Are youany closer to finding my Zelda?

?Hmm... I see... My dear Zelda...Things must be terribly trying for herdown there.

And it can't be easy for you now either,can it?

?What? You want to know the lyrics tothe song Zelda sang on the day of theWing Ceremony?

You know, I'm not much of a singer...

Just lyrics!
Sing it!

?Listen--as I said, I wouldn't feelcomfortable serenading you. But if it'sthe lyrics you're after, I can recitethem for you. Let's see...

?You just want the lyrics? Oh! What arelief. You really put me on the spotthere for a moment. I believe the lyricsgo something like this...

?Oh youth, guided by the servant of thegoddess...unite earth and sky, andbring light to the land.

That's the first part, but as I recall,there's a second verse to the song.

Oh youth, show the two whirling sailsthe way to the Light Tower...andbefore you a path shall open, and aheavenly song you shall hear.

?I believe that's the whole thing.

The Light Tower mentioned in the songis a real place; I'm sure you've seen thetower in the plaza. I don't know a thingabout two whirling sails though...It sounds like the song is suggestingthat if one shows these whirling sailsthe way to the tower, something willhappen?But how do you go about doing that,and what does it mean? Two whirlingsails. Hmm...

?Guide the two great whirling sailstoward the Light Tower. The youth whodoes so shall be led to the place wheresongs of legend dwell.[Link], these lyrics havebeen passed down through countlessgenerations here in Skyloft.

There's a strong probability that thetwo whirling sails the song mentionsmust also exist somewhere in Skyloft.

Bear in mind, this is only a wild theory,but hopefully some of this will proveuseful in your search.

?[Link], you're the only hopeZelda has now. I'm counting on you.

Find her, and bring her home safe asquickly as you can!

?Ah, hello, [Link]! Have youheard anything more about mydaughter?

What is it...? If you know anything atall, I urge you to share it with me.

?...You want to tell me but you can't?Hmm. I...understand. I'm sure youhave good reason for keeping quiet...

?[Link], I've been doingsome thinking since we last spoke.

You have had this destiny thrust uponyou without warning...or choice, forthat matter. But I wish to help you asbest I can.I'm getting older, and I lack thevigor of youth...but even old menhave ways of being useful, too!

I wish to share as much of myknowledge with you as I can!

If you have any question...any questionat all about Skyloft or its history, I willbe glad to tell you all that I know.

Not now.

?What do I know of the Triforce...?

[Link], where did you hearthat word?

It's true that the ancient texts makeseveral mentions of the Triforcewithin their pages.

Unfortunately, the actual location ofthe Triforce isn't illuminated inany of those tomes. Its whereaboutsare lost to history.

?So you have no need for the wisdom ofan old man like myself?

Well, just remember that the wisdomof years can prevail where youth alonemight fall short. If you desire my help,I'll be here.

?Sorry, [Link]. It shames meto say it, but my knowledge is of littleuse on this subject.

?Do I know anyone else who might knowmore about the Triforce?

Within Skyloft? No, I doubt anyoneelse in town would know much about asubject as ancient and archaic as that...

?I see. So Levias is possessed...The Spiral Charge is a high-riskmaneuver, so make sure you knowwhat you're doing when you unleash it!

?It's happened, [Link]!

The goddess... The goddess and herisle have vanished from Skyloft!

The truth is...

?No need to explain, [Link]!

When all catastrophes are overcome,only then will the goddess make herreturn to the surface.

These are the last of the secret wordspassed down here in Skyloft. It is onlynow that I realize the significance ofthem. Yes...Their meaning is clear to me. This mustmean it's all over... And my Zelda...she's safe at last?

I'm sorry.

?And...whatever other surprises fatemay have in store for you, I'm sure youwill triumph. We're counting on youafter all!Just stay focused on the task at hand.Put all your strength into it, and youcan't go wrong!

?I have faith that you shall bring mydaughter back to me. I desire thatmore than an explanation of whateverit was that transpired here!Good luck, [Link]!

?Amazing! So you've not only calmedthe senseless rage that grippedLevias, but you've also discerned thelocation of the Triforce as well?[Link], lately you've grownso much that I feel as though I amlooking at a different person eachtime we meet.Many troubles still await you, no doubt,but I'm confident you shall overcomeany obstacle that stands in your way.May the goddess protect you!

?Hello, [Link]! I hope yoursearch is progressing well.

You need to find somewhere to insertthis Stone of Trials, you say?

That gem...yes, I do believe I have seensomething that it might fit into, but Ijust can't recall where...

?I'm quite certain I've seen a stone likethat before, but I don't recall where.

Perhaps the town fortune-teller mightbe able to put you on the right track?

?I could've sworn I heard the mostthunderous noise outside a momentago.

Well, it's probably just these old earsplaying tricks on me. Don't let me holdyou up. I'm counting on you to bringZelda back!

?[Link], just a moment!

?Though, there is one whose vastknowledge may be of use...

Surely you're familiar with Levias, thegreat sky spirit who has guarded ourrealm for ages?

Levias has served as the protectorof our skies for a long time, and hisknowledge of our world isencyclopedic, to put it mildly.If anyone in the entirety of Skyloft andbeyond were to know about theTriforce, it would be him.

Where is he?

?Yes... I feared that might be your nextquestion. About that...

?Yes, his knowledge is almost limitless,but I fear meeting him may be harderthan you anticipate...

?I imagine in your travels you've takennotice of the tremendous thunderheadthat suddenly appeared in our skies.

Recently, I've heard rumors suggestingthat Levias is trapped inside thatmassive cloud.

?I asked Instructor Owlan to look intothis troubling cloud in order todetermine if there is any truth to theserumors.I had meant to inquire about hisfindings earlier but completely forgotabout it after Zelda went missing.

Instructor Owlan can fill me in on thedetails later, so why don't you gospeak with him yourself and seewhat his investigation has revealed?

?If you wish to know more aboutLevias's current location, speak withInstructor Owlan. He should be in hischambers next door.

?What are you standing around for?Everyone's already in the sky! Jumpoff the edge and call your bird!


?Poor Zelda...

You... This is your fault, you know.You can barely fly straight, and yetsomehow you beat me in the race...

It should've been me up there with herthat day. But I guess now I'll just haveto be the one to save her!

?Oh, Zelda, where are you?

Hey, hotshot! Don't think I don't seeyou flying in and out of town all thetime.

I know what you're up to! You'retrying to make sure you find Zeldafirst, but it ain't gonna happen!

Aww...this is the worst.

?Where's Zelda gone off to? I can'tstand it anymore...

?It's driving me crazy! I've lookedabsolutely everywhere, but still noZelda.

I do have one last idea, though.Have you seen the lights that poppedup out of the clouds a few days ago?

So I say to myself, Groose, that thinglooks kinda fishy. Then one day ithits me!

What if that's Zelda down there, andshe's sending me a signal? It's a sign!It says, "Save me, Groose. You're myonly hope!"The more I think about it, the moresure I get! It's Zelda down there, and Igotta go rescue her!

Anyhow, don't think about trying togo down there before me.I'm her hero, remember?

Ugh. I don't even know why I'm talkingto you. Looking at you just makes mefeel sad again.

?Man, when Groose gets sad, he'sdownright miserable.

He's always in his room sulking, andwhen he does come out, he gets angryat everyone for no reason! Even me!

The way I hear it, you're the oneresponsible for Zelda going missing.This is your mess, so you'd better fix it!

?Hey, I just checked Groose's room, andthe guy is gone. You got any idea wherehe went?

...Maybe he had to run away becauseof his broken heart? What a toughguy. Heh heh...

?Hey, I just saw the news. Out of all ofus, how come only you got promoted tosenior class? Talk about stupid calls!

On top of all that, Groose won't comeout of his room AND Zelda is missing.

It's all your fault! Way to go there,buddy. Some senior-class guy you are!

?Hey! Don't you know this is my day toget all the glory?

?Yeah, you heard him! Let's see how youfly with egg on your face.

?So Zelda really fell down and vanishedinto the clouds?

You were with her, weren't you? Whatgives? Why didn't you do something tosave her?

?Look at Groose. Just look at him!The guy is so far down in the dumps, Ihardly recognize him. It's hard to seehim like this!It's all because you let Zelda fall!You messed things up, so you betterfix them.

?I'm beginning to wonder if Grooseis ever going to pull himself out ofthis nose dive.

Sure, it's tough for him, but imaginehow I feel having to listen to himmoping all the time.

I can't wait to get back to my room...


?Want to know why I'm on a bicycle?

Yeah, why?
Not really.

?Aren't you a curious one!

I pedal this bike to generate enoughelectricity to keep this place in the air!Plus, all this pedaling has got me infantastic shape!Yep, I'd say my lifestyle is prettyecofriendly! But, uh...with you onboard, there's plenty of extra weight,so I have to pedal as hard as I can...

?Fine, then. Just don't break myconcentration!

With you on board, I have to pedal ashard as I can because of all theEXTRA WEIGHT...

?Oh, sorry! ...I don't mean to be rude!Please have a look around. I've gotall kinds of great stuff!

?Oh! You are the wonderful boy whofound my Horned Colossus Beetle!

To thank you, you can choose any singleitem here and I will sell it to you at halfprice.

?Oh, hello! I'm so glad to see you backat Beedle's Airshop! Let me knowif you're interested in any of my items.

?Ah! Welcome!

What?! You found something?!If I try to talk about it now, wemight crash...

Why don't we talk later this evening?You can rest on that bed over thereuntil it's night.

?Oh! Welcome, customer...

Please, help me! My Horned ColossusBeetle is missing!

It may look like it takes everythingI've got to keep this place afloat, but Ican't get the thought of my poor lostbeetle out of my head!

?Oh... Valued customer... You're back...

What? I don't seem like my usual self?

I can't hide anything from you, can I?

Well, I can't talk about it right nowbecause I'm busy pedaling.Why don't you lie down on the bed overthere and rest? We can talk tonight.

?Oh! If you want, you can take a napon the bed over there. We can talktonight when I can stop pedaling!

?Oh! You've come all this way?It's so rare to have a customer here!

Beedle's Airshop has everything youcould ever want. Please, take a lookaround!

And if you actually buy something,that would be even better!

?Oh! Your pouch is full! You can'tcarry any more stuff!

Your space at the Item Check iscompletely full as well?

Well, hurry up and free up some spacein your pouch or at the Item Check,and then come back!

?Oh no! You don't have enough Rupees!Look at my face. If that's your idea ofa joke, I'm not laughing!

?Oh! Thank you ever so much! You'vegiven me the strength to keep pedaling!

?Oh! It really suits you!

?Oh! Please take a look at the otherthings I have for sale.

?Oh! Please wait a moment!

?Do you know how heavy you are?!I have to pedal extra hard with youup here!

Then you have the gall to leave withoutbuying anything? Off with you!

?Oh! Unfortunately, that sign means theitem is sold out.

Thanks to you, I've done a lot morebusiness than usual, so I'm havingtrouble keeping the store stocked.

?That'll increase the number of itemsyou can carry in your AdventurePouch by one!

It has to be the most useful thingimaginable for an adventure! And yetit costs a mere 300 Rupees.

I'll take it!
No, thanks.

?That will let you carry one additionalitem in your Adventure Pouch!

If you're on an adventure, this has tobe the most useful thing you canimagine. And it's half price just thisonce! It's yours for 150 Rupees.

I'll take it!
No, thanks.

?Oh! You have great taste in things...Isn't it shiny? I found it someplacenearby.

To be honest, I have no idea what it'sfor, but I'll sell it to you forjust 1,600 Rupees!

No, thanks.

?Oh! You have great taste in things...Isn't it shiny? I found it someplacenearby.

To be honest, I have no idea what it'sfor, but I'm pricing it at 1,600 Rupees!

However, you can have it at half pricetoday for only 800 Rupees. Is it a deal?

No, thanks.

?That's an Extra Wallet. It's amazinglyuseful!

With this, you can carry an extra300 Rupees in your wallet!

Say good-bye to all those times youcouldn't pick up another Rupee becauseyour wallet was stuffed full!Leave no Rupee behind!Even you must be able to see just howuseful this item is, and all for only100 Rupees. Want to buy it?

No, thanks.

?That's an Extra Wallet. It's amazinglyuseful!

With this, you can carry an extra300 Rupees in your wallet!

Say good-bye to all those times youcouldn't pick up another Rupee becauseyour wallet was stuffed full!Leave no Rupee behind!It's usually 100 Rupees, but I'll sell it toyou now for 50 Rupees. How about it?

I'll take it!
No, thanks.

?That's a Bug Net. You know, forcatching bugs! Insects too.

OK, so there aren't so many bugs here,but you'll be able to catch tons withthis when there are some!

And at only 50 Rupees, I'm sureyou'll make a "net profit"!Want to buy it?

No, thanks.

?That's a Life Medal! It bestows a bunchof mysterious and mystical effects onwhoever carries it!

What kind of effects...? Don't ask me--I don't actually know! You should findout for yourself.

I'm pretty sure it's a real bargain at800 Rupees, though! How about it?

I'll buy it!
No, thanks.

?That's a Life Medal! It bestows a bunchof mysterious and mystical effects onwhoever carries it!

What kind of effects...? Don't ask me--I don't actually know! You should findout for yourself.

Today, I'm slashing the price andoffering it half off! Usually 800Rupees, now just 400 Rupees! Want it?

No, thanks.

?That thing right there will allow youto carry one additional item in yourAdventure Pouch!

For an adventurer like yourself, ithas to be the most amazing item everimagined. And it costs just 600 Rupees.

What? Me, raise prices? Never!You're obviously hallucinating! Sohow about it? Only 600 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?That thing right there will allow youto carry one additional item in yourAdventure Pouch!

For an adventurer like yourself, ithas to be the most amazing item everimagined. And it costs just 300 Rupees.

It's usually 600 Rupees, so you'dbe getting an incredible deal.So, want to buy it? Only 300 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?This thing will open up another spacein your Adventure Pouch. It's my lastone, so it's, uh...a little expensive!

The price is 1,200 Rupees. If I wereyou, I'd think hard about whether Ireally need it or not...

I need it!
No, thanks.

?This will open up another space inyour Adventure Pouch. It's my last one,so it's pretty expensive, I'm afraid!

I usually sell it for 1,200 Rupees.But just for you, I'll sell it right nowfor 600 Rupees.

Still, that's a lot of Rupees. If I wereyou, I'd think carefully about whetherI really need it...

I need it!
No, thanks.

?That right there is a Bug Medal.As long as you're carrying that, you'llbe able to see on your map wherebugs can be found.Quite expensive, but if you likecatching bugs, it's indispensable! I'llsell it for 1,000 Rupees. Wanna buy it?

No, thanks.

?That right there is a Bug Medal.As long as you're carrying that, you'llbe able to see on your map wherebugs can be found.Quite expensive, but if you like tocatch bugs, it's indispensable!

I usually sell this for 1,000 Rupees, buttoday I can offer it to you for just500 Rupees. How about it?

No, thanks.

?Ah! Wakey for the young slugabed,hmmmm? You appeared to be relishingthat snooze, so I declined to wake you.

But I must say, old bug, you did makethe shop a mite heavier... Heh heh!

Your accent!
Where am I?

?Hmmm? The mellifluous timbre ofmy voice sounds different to you?

...Perhaps a touch, I suppose...But pray, what does it matter, hmm?

?This is my humble home, of sorts.When night draws her tenebrouscurtain across the sky, I come here.

A bit lacking in creature comforts,to be sure, but I can relax in peace.

You're aware that Loftwings don't flyat night, I'm I suppose I shallhave to take you back to town with meon the morrow, hmm?When you wish to go back to Skyloft,just chase your dreams on the bedonce more, and on the morrow youshall be there.

?But I would be remiss if I didn't letyou know of the weight on my heart...

My precious Horned Colossus Beetlehas gone missing, along with his cage...

It's a tragedy that shatters a man to thecore... 'Twas such a rare insect and sovery...friendly to boot.

I'll find it!
Don't worry.

?Simple for you to say, I'm sure, but Ican't just forget about him so easily.

?Ah! Truly? I must thank you!I shan't forget this!

?My precious Horned Colossus Beetle......Please go and find him with allhaste. He abides out there,somewhere, all alone in the wild.I beg of you!

?By the way...

About my precious Horned ColossusBeetle... Have you found him yet?

?Yes, can I help you? Ah... Pray,you have something to show me?

?Ohh! You really did find my preciousHorned Colossus Beetle?!

?You found him! My dear bug, I thankyou from the bottom of my heart!

Next time you enter my shop, I demandyou take any one of my items for halfoff the listed price!

It's just my way of saying thank you!

?Ahh, your face cries out in earnestwonder, and that cry is "What's this?!"

This, my dear bug, is a very rare insectcalled a Horned Colossus Beetle.

He is my most precious possession.

I could gaze at him all night...

?Ah! You mounted my bed and rode thesleep sheep through the fields of nightonce more. You were out like a log!

I daresay you weigh as much as alog as well, and a rather large one atthat. Pedaling around with you onboard has quite enervated me....It's quite all right, though, old bug!I'm actually getting rather used to it.You're getting me into cracking shape.

?Oh! Thank you so much! I owe you alifetime of gratitude for this!

To say thank you, I'll sell you oneitem from my shop at half off, soplease stop by again!

?Oh! Thank you so much. I will alwaysbe grateful for this!

My beloved Horned Colossus Beetle...I just never get tired of looking at it.

?Ah, I don't suppose you'd be willingto go look for my precious HornedColossus Beetle? I'd be grateful ifyou did!

Of course!
Let it go.

?Please find my precious HornedColossus Beetle!


?If you wish to go back to Skyloft,simply sleep in the bed until morning.


?Welcome, young man!

This is the Potion Shop! I sell potionsthat you'll find handy in stickysituations. Want to hear more?


?No need to be rude. I'm busy too,you know! But you look like such anice boy, so I'll forgive you.

If you want some more potent potions,go and talk to my husband. He can mixup ingredients to infuse and improvethe regular potions I sell here.

?Such a smart boy you are! Just standin front of the potion you want to hearabout, and press [A].

I'll talk you through everything thatpotion will do for you. The potions Icarry are pretty basic.

However, if you want somethingwith a bit more kick to it...

You can buy one of my potions andwalk it a few steps down to my husbandthere. He'll be able to help you out.

He might not look like much, but hemixes a mean potion, and he's used todealing with kids like you.

?Hmm? Something I can do for you?

Teach me!
Not really.

?Hey! You there! Yes, you! The adorableboy with the golden hair!

Welcome to the Potion Shop!You can drink our potions when you'reinjured to fill up your hearts.

Hey, you're one of those knights,aren't you? Or one in training,at least, hmmm?

Let me tell you, one look at you andI can tell you'll need my potions bythe cauldron full! So don't try to slinkaway without stocking up.

?Oh dear...

I forgot to ask if you have an EmptyBottle on you...

Just so you know, I can't sell you apotion if you don't have an EmptyBottle to pour it into!

For some reason, I like you, though, soI'll give you a spare Empty Bottle I'vebeen keeping here in the stall!Oh, it's nothing. It's my little gift.You won't hear me say this often, butyou can put other things besidespotions in an Empty Bottle, so it's auseful thing to carry around!

?Empty Bottles fit in your AdventurePouch. Press [-] to take a look.

?Empty Bottles fit in your AdventurePouch. Press [-] to take a look.

Hold [-] and tilt the Wii Remote tochoose the item you want to use.

Release [-] to select that item.Easy, right?

?If you ever get to the point where youcan't fit any more stuff in your pouchbecause it's full, you can always dropitems off at the Item Check.So what would you like to buy?

?Dear, your pouch is full! You're quitethe little shopper, aren't you?

Why don't you leave some of yourthings with that nice Item Check girl?Then you won't have to carry all thatjunk around with you!

?Here's something that'll put some firein your belly, young man! The newpotion I've been concocting is finallyready!I call it a Stamina Potion!

If you drink this up, your staminagauge won't drop as fast as usual!

I'll admit it's a bit on the pricey side,but I bet you'll find yourself in asituation where a boost of staminawill make it worthwhile!If you want to buy some, just walk onover to the display and take a look!

?Boy, have I got the new potion for you!I call it...the Air Potion!

One delicious gulp of this elixir andyou'll find that while you areunderwater, your oxygen gauge willdrop much more slowly!You'll be like a little fish, young man!And the price is more than generous,if I do say so myself.

If you're interested in a bottle, youngman, just examine the blue cauldron,and I'll come running!

?You don't have an Empty Bottle.Come back when you've got one,young man.

?My dear, you don't have enoughmoney! You're such a sweet boy, but Ihave to think of my husband andchildren!Come back and see me when you'vegot some more pocket money.

?Thank you, sweetie! If you want apotion powered up, go see my husbandat the end of the counter. He can mixsomething up for you.

?You don't want it, dear? I know someof my potions might taste a bit strange,but there's no denying that they dowhat's advertised!

?Hmph! I don't need window-shoppershere, dear.

?That's a vat of Heart Potion!Drink this, dear, and it will replenisheight hearts.

Why don't you pick some up for youradventure? It's only 20 Rupees.How about it?

Yes, please.
No, thanks.

?Hello there!

Oh...but before I get into my spiel,I should warn you that you need anEmpty Bottle to buy anything here.Understand, dear?If you want to know more about howthings work around here, just ask!

?That's Air Potion! If you drink that,your oxygen gauge will reduce lessquickly when you're underwaterfor a short time.Are you interested, dear? It's only20 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?Slow down, dear. That potion is notquite ready for public consumption yet,but I promise I'll have it out soon!

In the meantime, I've got plenty ofother great potions for you to try out.Why not have a look?

?Now that amazing concoction is calledStamina Potion.

Drinking it will make your staminagauge decrease more slowly for ashort time.

It's a little pricey but well worth it.I'll sell it to you for 50 Rupees!

No, thanks.

?This wonderful potion completely stopsyour stamina gauge from beingdepleted for a little while.

However, I haven't quite perfectedthe formula, so you'll have to wait untilit's ready.

Please feel free to take a look at myother potions, though.

?This mysterious elixir is known asRevitalizing Potion!

Simply pour it on a broken shield, andin moments the shield will be as good asnew! It's amazing!

Not only that, but this multipurposemixture will even restore four hearts!

How about some to take on yourtravels? It's only 30 Rupees!

No, thanks.

?That is a Guardian Potion.This stuff makes you feel invincible!It's a potion that reduces the damageyou take for a little bit of time.If you find yourself facing an opponentwho's a little out of your league, this isthe potion for you!

This kind of potion doesn't come cheapthough. It's 200 Rupees. How about it?

No, thanks.

?Ah...hello... Welcome to my humblelittle side business over here.

I, uh...infuse the potions my wife sellswith new ingredients to increase theirpower. It's nothing, really...justsomething I like to do.Well...ah, do you have any potionsyou would like me to infuse?


?These are the potions you are currentlycarrying that I can infuse...

?I see... No bother to me... Hope to seeyou again...someday...

?Oh, welcome! Our shop is in the potion-brewing-and-infusing business, asI'm sure you know...

Anyway, I can improve potions you buyover there from my wife.

But of course... Sir, you'll need tobring me some insects if you want meto improve potions for you. Or bugs...You can call them bugs if you like...You can buy a Bug Net from Beedle'sAirshop if you don't have one...

Beedle is usually flying his shop outsidearound the Bazaar... Yes... If you lookaround, you should see him up there...

?You can buy a Bug Net from Beedle'sAirshop if you don't have one...

Beedle is usually flying his shop outsidearound the Bazaar... Yes... If you lookaround, you should see him up there...

?Oh, welcome... Sorry, did you just sayyou have something to give me?

You'll have to forgive me. I'm a littletoo busy right now. Do you think...youcould come by my house later?I'll be there tonight.Sorry for the inconvenience... Hopeto see you later.


Sorry--I shouldn't be sighing in frontof a customer... You see, recentlyI haven't been able to sleep at night...

Ahhh... Sorry, I also shouldn't becomplaining in front of a customer...Again...

?Ahh, OK... I can improve this potion.You're sure this is what you want?

Maybe not...

?Ah, wonderful... Just a moment...Sorry to make you wait like this...

?All done... Here you are. I hope I didn'tset your expectations too high...

?I understand... Is there anything elseI can infuse for you?

?Oh... So you're not interested?Well, I hope to see you again.

?Thank you very much! Yes, thank you!Please, please come again!

?If you have any other potions thatyou want to infuse, you can bringthem to me. I'll be happy to help!

?Ah... I'm afraid this potion can't beimproved on. If you'd like to buy somepotions, please speak with my wife...

?Oh, don't have enoughmaterials to enhance this potion...

I'm really sorry, but...maybe youcould choose something else?

?Oh...dear. This is so uncomfortableto say, don't seem tohave enough Rupees. I'd love to helpyou, see...

?Oh no... You don't have any potions toinfuse.

My wife down there sells potions,if you want to speak with her...

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs just a whiffof Faron Grasshopper.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, these can be found withinheavily wooded areas.

?Sorry to disappoint... How aboutanother potion?

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. The brew still needs a lightdusting of Woodland Rhino Beetle.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, these can be found withinheavily wooded areas.

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. The brew still needs a smidgeof Deku Hornet.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, these can be found withinheavily wooded areas.

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs a smidge ofSkyloft Mantis.As I recall, there's quite a few of thesearound Skyloft...

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs a dusting ofVolcanic Ladybug.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, they make their home ona mountain of fire in the world below.

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs a pinch ofBlessed Butterfly.As I recall, there's quite a few of thesearound Skyloft...

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs just a whiffof Lanayru Ant.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, these bugs live in largegroups and dwell somewhere sandybelow the clouds.

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs a sprinklingof Sand Cicada.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, these bugs live in largegroups and dwell somewhere sandybelow the clouds.

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs a pinch ortwo of Gerudo Dragonfly.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, these bugs live in largegroups and dwell somewhere sandybelow the clouds.

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs a savoryhint of Eldin Roller.According to my secret infuser'shandbook, they make their home ona mountain of fire in the world below.

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs a smidge ofSky Stag Beetle.Skyloft is quite famous for these lovelybugs, isn't it?

?Oh...if you want to infuse that potion,I'm afraid you're still one ingredientshort. This brew still needs just a whiffof Starry Firefly.As I recall, you can only find these atnight in Skyloft and a few other areasaround the sky. And they're quite rare.

?Heart Potion


?Potion +

?Potion ++

?Completely restoresall Hearts.

?Restores Hearts to theirmaximum. Can be usedtwice.

?Air Potion


?Potion +

?Keeps your oxygengauge from droppingfor a short time.

?Stamina Potion


?Potion +

?Keeps your staminagauge from going downfor a short time.

?Revitalizing Potion


?Potion +

?Potion ++

?Automatically repairsyour shield when brokenand restores 8 hearts.

?Automatic shield repairand restores 8 hearts.Can be used twice!

?Guardian Potion


?Potion +

?Prevents you fromlosing any hearts fora short time.


?Waterfall Cave

Beware of bloodsuckingmonsters! No kids allowed.

?[?icon?] Knight Academy

 Residential Quarter [?icon?]

?[?icon?] Bazaar

?[?icon?] Statue of the Goddess

?[?icon?] Skyloft Plaza

?[?icon?] Knight Academy

?No running in the halls!

?Cleanliness is next toknightliness! Keep yoursleeping quarters tidy.

?Always dive from a designateddiving platform whenmounting your Loftwingin Skyloft.



?Cawlin & Strich


?Headmaster Gaepora

?Instructor Owlan

?Instructor Horwell



?The Wing Ceremony is today!Riders: Groose, Cawlin,Strich, and [Link].Who will claim the prize?

?[Link] ClaimsWinner's Perch in theWing Ceremony!Sadly, Tragedy Also Strikes



?Sparring Hall

?Item Check GirlPeatrice's House

?Piper's House

?Kukiel's House

?Orielle & Parrow's House

?Gear PeddlerRupin's House

?Pipit's House

?Fortune-tellerSparrot's House

?Let sound the goddess's songBeneath the light's radianceUnto her chosen hero shall fallA piercing ray of guidance

?Scrap Shop OwnerGondo's House

?Potion Shop OwnerBertie's House

?Batreaux's House

?Skyloft MapN: Statue of the GoddessE: Residential QuarterS: Plaza W: Knight Academy

?Try our pumpkin soup!Nutritious and bowl-lickin'delicious! One cup, 10 Rupees!

?Kina's Stage is temporarilyclosed due to lack of musicalaccompanist. Now seekingmusical accompanists!

?Kina's StageNot-so-regularly-schedulednighttime performances

?Customers wishing to seethe Lumpy Pumpkin's famedchandelier should visit thesecond-floor viewing gallery.

?No roughhousing on thebalcony! Big ruckuses causethe chandelier to shake.

?Our delicious pumpkin soupis best piping hot!

?Now accepting applicationsfor workers to plow thepumpkin fields!

?Skyloft is only a flap or threeto the northwest!

?Karane + Caw...

?Rotate the center pedestal tocomplete the bridge that allowsyou to step to the great toweron the Isle of Songs.

?The bazaar is now closed.We will be open again forbusiness tomorrow.

For urgent dealings, pleasevisit the merchant with whomyou have business at home.-Bazaar Peddler Association

?Clean hands are happy hands!

?Keep it squeaky clean in here.

?Out to work for the day.Those who have business for mecan find me here at night.-Beedle

?Master [Link]... Observe.The green pillar before you is a columnof light. It marks the point at whichyou can descend to the surface.

?You can confirm your currentlocation on the map. Please seewhere you are in relation to Skyloft.

?It appears that you will be able to reachthe surface by passing through theportal in the clouds at the column'sbase.

?Master, I have an update regardingthe stone tablet and the resultingcolumn of light it created.

A column of light has appeared to thesouth of our location, and signsindicate that it has created an openingin the cloud barrier to the land below.

?I must also caution you that descendingto the surface armed only with a swordwould result in a decreased probabilityof survival.If you have not already done so, Iadvise you to purchase a shield andpotions at the bazaar in preparationfor your journey.

?Another subject to discuss, Master...

Once you are accustomed to thecontrols, you are free to modify theon-screen interface.

On the Gear Screen, select Interfaceto change the on-screen display to suityour preferences.

?Master, the column of light is visiblefrom here.

?Dive off a ledge and call your Loftwingfrom here, where you can see thecolumn of light.

?It is time for you to set out on yoursearch for Zelda. You can call yourLoftwing with [d-pad down] after you dive off.

?Master [Link], I suggestyou imbue that crest with the power ofyour Skyward Strike and then insertthe tablet I gave you a moment ago.To gather energy from the heavensand charge up a Skyward Strike,point your sword skyward.

?I am known as Fi... Please step up tothe pedestal and draw the sword.

?Master [Link], pleaseinsert the stone tablet you recentlyacquired into the altar.

?Master [Link]...

When you hit that Goddess Cube witha Skyward Strike earlier, I was ableto detect a resulting energy reactionabove the clouds.

?The location I have marked on yourmap indicates the spot where I sensedan energy reaction.

?I advise you to investigate the areaaround this location.

?A seedling planted here would requireseveral thousand years to mature.I would suggest not planting oneat this location.

?A report, Master.

Due to your sword's enhancements, it isnow possible to use your dowsing abilityto detect feelings of gratitude.

I have added Gratitude Crystals toyour list of dowsing targets.

?A report, Master.

Due to your sword's enhancements, it isnow possible to use your dowsing abilityto detect feelings of gratitude.

I have added Gratitude Crystals toyour list of dowsing targets.

?However, I sense that you have alreadygathered all of the gratitude possible,Master. Congratulations.

?A report, Master.

Analysis indicates Loftwings cannotfly at night. Please return to your bedand rest, then depart during the day.

?A report, Master.

I have determined that there is a TrialGate somewhere among these floatingislands that can be opened by theSong of the Hero.I suggest you use your dowsing abilityto locate it.

?Congratulations, Master.

You have passed all of the trials.

?The Stone of Trials you just obtained isactually one of a pair, Master.

Another similar object with a markjust like the one you hold existssomewhere on this island.

Combining the two should open theway to the Triforce.

I suggest that you search for thatmatching stone.

?Master [Link], I havememories of this island.

It is known as the Isle of Songs.Signs indicate that it was left herefor you by the goddess, Master.

However, I am unable to determine ameans of entering the structure ahead.I suggest you investigate the area.

?Master, I have confirmed the locationof a second opening in the cloudbarrier. It is located in the skies tothe northeast.This opening will allow you to access anew area on the surface. I suggestyou fly there as soon as you completenecessary preparations.

?I've confirmed the location of a thirdopening in the cloud barrier in thesky to the southwest.

It will allow you to reach a new area onthe surface. I suggest going there assoon as you are suitably prepared.

?Master [Link]...

It will be necessary for you to learnhow to execute the Spiral Chargemaneuver in order to rid Levias ofhis blight.Owlan is currently waiting near thebird statue in the northeastern partof Skyloft. I suggest you go thereto speak with him.

?Master [Link]...

This treasure-chest-like object is arelic of ancient times, left by thegoddess for her chosen hero.

?However, I lack any information onhow it can be opened at this time.

?It would appear that each chestresponds to the energy released when aspecific Goddess Cube is launchedskyward, releasing its lock mechanism.Search for Goddess Cubes in the landsbelow and send them into the air.It is the only way to open these chests.


?So what are you up to? Rushing to getsome last-minute bird-riding practicein this morning, [Link]?

Oh? You have someone to meet?Ah, Zelda's waiting for you, is she?

?Perfect timing, then!

You see, Zelda's father--HeadmasterGaepora--has a pet named Mia, and,well...she's scampered off again.

?Look! Over there! Do you see her?

The headmaster is so busy workingwith Zelda preparing for theceremony...

I thought that maybe I should feed her,but the ceremony is about to start andI just put on a fresh set of clothesand, see...Will you help me out and go retrieveMia for me?

I'm on it!
I'm busy...

?Ah, I see...

Can you please tell the headmasterthat Instructor Horwell has found Miaand that he shouldn't worry?

?Fantastic! So you'll do it?! I knowyou're in a hurry, so I really appreciateyour taking the time to help.

?You should be able to climb upsomewhere over there. If you hang offthat ledge there, you can climb ontothe roof from the other side.I'm terribly sorry, but I know you'requite the climber! I really doappreciate it.

?So will you help by finding Mia andbringing her back to me?


?Ahhh, I'm so glad Mia is safe.

Such an odd creature, the Remlit.She may look cuddly now, but at night,it's another story entirely!

At night?

?Hmm... You don't know what happensto Remlits at night?

It's frightening, really...

?When night falls here in Skyloft,creatures like this Remlit becomepossessed by an evil force.

And monsters that hide in caves duringthe day make their way out and prowlin the dark of night.

That is why nobody dares to leave theirhome at night. Certainly not if they canavoid it.

It might be fine for youngsters likeyou, well trained in the way of theknight. You can defend yourself!

But still, it would be wise to keepyour guard up when you're out andabout after dark!

?What is it, [Link]?

?If you dash at the wall from there,you'll be able to hang from the edge!

Do be careful when you're hangingoff the ledge, and keep an eye onyour stamina gauge.

?Nice work! You've brought her backsafe and sound!

Sorry for troubling you with this.I know you're busy, [Link]!I suppose I should feed Mia now...

?Please tell the headmaster that wefound his pet. He should be up bythe Statue of the Goddess.

?I believe Zelda is there with him, soyou should hurry along.

?What's wrong, [Link]?You're looking a little pale...

What?! Your Loftwing is missing?!How strange and troubling.Do you...think you can find him?

You're going to start looking for himnow?! How will you make it back intime to fly in the ceremony?!

It looks like your participation in theceremony hinges on feather ornot you can find that bird on time...

Ahem. Excuse me...

?I'll see what I can do about theceremony. You go hurry and findyour bird!

?I see... So the headmaster hassummoned me?

All right then, I'll go speak with himimmediately.

I still owe you for helping me outearlier, so don't worry about theceremony for now. You focus onfinding your Loftwing!

?Maybe that's life's way of gettingback at you for not listening to yourinstructors...

Anyway, never mind that... So you saythe headmaster is summoning me?

In that case, don't you worry about theceremony. Just go find that bird ofyours!

?Hey, [Link]!

?I don't care how good a jumper youthink you are. You'll never reach aroof that high just pressing [A] to dash.

?There should be a wooden box up there.Grab and move one with [A], and use itas a platform of sorts.

You can climb onto a platform bypressing [A] to dash or by pressing [control stick up]for a few moments.

?Your attention, please. At last we areready to begin the Wing Ceremony.

I was beginning to worry that we'd haveto proceed without [Link],but luckily that is no longer a concern.

I'm glad you could all make it. Beforewe start, I'll explain the rules fortoday's competition.

?I have attached a small statuette to thisbird, who I will then release to theskies.

On my signal, press [A] to dash anddive off the ledge. Once you are in theair, mount your Loftwing.

Remember to call your bird promptlywith [d-pad down] once you dive off the edge.

Whoever catches the bird and claimsthe statuette with [A] will be this year'schampion.

Those are the rules. Simple enough,I should think, but do you need to hearthem again?



As you well know, today's championwill graduate to the next class, bringinghim one step closer to knighthood.

He will also receive a gift from theyoung woman chosen to play the roleof the goddess in this year's ritual.

Today is a special day for manyreasons, but it is also the 25thanniversary of our fine institution.

To celebrate the occasion, today'schampion shall also receive his gifthigh atop the Statue of the Goddess.

I hear the young woman performingthe role of the goddess this year hascrafted the gift herself.

And as you all well know, the role ofthe goddess this year will beperformed by...

?Excellent. Now at last we are readyto begin the Wing Ceremony.

Before we start, I'll explain the rulesfor today's competition.

?I have attached a small statuette to thisbird, who I will then release to theskies.

On my signal, press [A] to dash anddive off the ledge, then call your birdwith [d-pad down].

Whoever catches the bird and claimsthe statuette with [A] will be this year'schampion.

Those are the rules. Simple enough,I should think, but do you need to hearthem again?



As you know, today's champion willreceive a gift honoring his prowessfrom none other than...

?Very well... But listen close this time!

?Let's see your finest flying out there.Show me just how hard you'vebeen practicing.

Also, I want to see good, clean flying.Anyone caught interfering with otherriders will answer to me!

?What are you doing? Dash off the ledgewith [A], dive down, and get on yourbird!

Remember, you'll need to press [d-pad down] tocall your bird!

?All right, gentlemen, line up. At mycommand, the competition will begin!

?The lovely Zelda!

?That goes double for you,Groose!


?Hey, [Link]!Up here!

?You should be able to climb up if youdash up to the top of that wooden box,don't you think?

Move while holding [A] to dash.You should be able to make that jumpfairly easily!

Try climbing up here!

?Good morning to you,[Link]! Today's finallythe day of the long-awaitedWing Ceremony!Are you feeling ready? Oh, I justremembered. There's something I'dlike to ask you about.

Look this way while pressing andholding [Z], then press [A] to have aquick chat with me.

?Good morning to you,[Link]! I'm impressedwith your decision to testyour resolve in Hero Mode!Oh, but today's the day of the long-awaited Wing Ceremony!

Are you feeling ready? There'ssomething I'd like to talk to you about.

Look this way while pressing andholding [Z], then press [A] to have aquick chat with me.

?Excellent! Always remember you canpress [Z] to target something.

Once you have targeted someone with[Z], you can easily talk to him or herby pressing [A].

And even when there isn't anything totarget, pressing [Z] is a convenientway to quickly face your view forward.

Oh, but it's a little silly to carry on aconversation from this distance.Why don't you come join me up here?

?Right, right. Use [Z] to targetsomething in the direction you'refacing.

You're looking at me like you alreadyknow all this. There's no harm inreviewing the basics, you know.

In Hero'll lose heartstwice as fast, so it's doubly importantto know how to effectively [Z] target.

It's a little silly to carry on aconversation from this distance.Why don't you come join me up here?

?What are you waiting for?!Listen to your instructor for once!

?You can't just ignore your instructorlike this, [Link]!

Look over here and press [Z] to targetme, then press [A] to talk.

?So what do you think? Using [A] todash is useful, isn't it?

However, don't dash around so muchthat you tire yourself out, or yourstamina gauge will empty and you'll becompletely out of breath.It's best to take a little break whenyour stamina gauge gets close toempty.

Got all that? On to the next point...

You can jump a short distance like thisjust by moving toward it. I like to callit the autojump. Ahh, yes, autojump...It just has a nice ring to it.

?Yes. It looks like you've mastereddashing with [A]. Just remember, if youoverdo it, your stamina gauge will runout and you'll be huffing and puffing.All right, then. You know what to donext, right?

Tell me!
I know.

?You can easily jump a distance likethat just by jogging along toward it.You'll autojump right across.

Autojump... No matter how manytimes I say it, I never get tired ofhearing it! A name for the ages, surely.

?I see. Well then, come on over herequickly!


You still don't get it?!

?Ah, [Link]. How goes yoursearch for Zelda? Have you found heryet?

What? Levias? Ah, so you've beentalking to the headmaster, I take it?

If I'm correct, Levias is the one insidethe thunderhead. But...that's not theLevias that we all know.

That's...a monster!

It certainly looks like Levias, but lasttime I approached him, he camerushing at me! And his eyes...They were full of malice.People change... Or old, wizenedcreatures change, rather. Perhapsit's more that...he is possessed bysomething. That's how it felt to me.

?What? You want to talk to Levias?

That's...impossible. I don't thinkLevias is capable of listening. Not inhis current state, no.

And...even if you were to get closeenough to talk to him, it will likely endwith you getting brushed aside and sentflying to your death in a sea of clouds.

?Ah, [Link]! How's yoursearch for Zelda going?

Sorry for leaving it all up to you.I know you must be doing everythingyou can to find her.

?What? You're still planning on going?

I see... It's because you need to findZelda.

I understand... I get the feelingnothing I could say would talk youout of it.

?Hey! I have an idea.Come with me!

?Oh, hello, [Link]!Hmm? The Triforce?

Sorry, I can't say I know what that is!Perhaps you should ask theheadmaster?

?Levias is inside the thunderhead.He's been acting so strangely...Like something has possessed him.

If we can somehow free him fromwhatever it is that has a hold overhim, then there's a chance he willreturn to his senses.Listen well, [Link], becauseI'm about to teach you a verypowerful bird-riding technique.

It's called the Spiral Charge!

?Using the Spiral Charge, you can ridLevias of the blight that has holdof him!

The technique is quite easy to perform.All you have to do is press [A].

However, the acceleration effect lastslonger than any attack move you'veused so far. Maintaining stable flightcan be tricky.This is a technique that only seniorKnight Academy students who havemastered high-level flight skills areallowed to perform.It's still a bit too early for you, but...This is an extraordinary circ*mstance,so I'll make an exception this time.However, I will test you.

?First, dive off this platform and callyour bird.

?Hey, [Link]. The day of theWing Ceremony is finally upon us!

It's time to put what you've learned touse... All those practical skills I taughtyou, and all the academic prowessInstructor Horwell taught you!While we're at it, do you remember howto look around using [C]?

Press [C] when you want to take a lookat your surroundings!

If you feel as though the cursor hasmoved out of alignment, point the WiiRemote at the screen and press [d-pad down] toeasily rectify the situation.

?What's wrong, [Link]?Your bird won't come to you whenyou call it?

For a Loftwing to ignore its master'scall...something must be very wrong...

Have you talked to Instructor Horwellabout this? He's leading today'sceremony and should be made awareof what's going on!I see... Well, if the headmaster is awareof the situation, then I'm sure he'lldelay the ceremony for you.

You just worry about finding thatbird of yours!

?What happened to's justterrible.

But there's no point in your kickingyourself about it. It was an accident...

?Leave the ceremony to us. You justfocus on finding your bird as quicklyas you can.

?That reminds me... You always seemto confuse Instructor Horwell andme!

I am Owlan, of course. I have whitehair, and I teach practical skills.Instructor Horwell has brown hair, andhe teaches academics. Don't forget it!

?I heard the news, [Link]!Zelda's fallen down through the clouds,and you're going to look for her.Is that right?The headmaster told me there's landbeneath the clouds... Do you knowanything about that?

?So that's the famous sword... Ah, butit won't do you much good if you don'thave a shield to protect yourself with!

Here--take this with you!

?So that's the famous sword... Ah, butit won't do you much good if you don'thave a shield to protect yourself with!

Unfortunately, you don't seem to havespace to carry any other items. Here,take this instead. Consider it a littlegift from your friend and teacher.

?The Wooden Shield is light andmaneuverable, but it's the weakestof all the shields. Also, keep in mindthat it's particularly vulnerable to fire.If it breaks, you can buy a new oneat the bazaar.

To equip the shield, hold [-] and pointat it with the Wii Remote.

?Take good care of yourself, and best ofluck in your search for Zelda!

?How goes your search for Zelda?

Remember to find a bed and sleep ifyou start getting tired. A quick nap canrestore your hearts and refresh yourmind to explore after dark.

?Could there truly be a world below theclouds?

Should it even exist, I imagine itsterrain to be the exact opposite of ourlush green world. It's probably nothingbut dust and rock...

?So that's the famous sword... Ah, anda shield... It looks like you have onealready. Very good!

Here--take this as a little gift from me.

?If you're not sure how to use a shield,Knight Commander Eagus at theSparring Hall will happily teach you.

?Oh! You managed to destroy 10 targetswithin the time limit!

If you can control your bird that well,you'll have no problems at all! I knewyou could do it, [Link].And what a magnificent red bird...You are henceforth permitted to usethe Spiral Charge attack as a qualifiedbird rider!

?The next thing we have to address isjust how to go about finding Levias.

Maybe the owner of the LumpyPumpkin might know something.Every year he makes an offering ofhis pumpkin soup for Levias.Go to the Lumpy Pumpkin andask him what he knows!

?If you can't destroy 10 targets inunder 120 seconds, I can't in goodconscience give you permission touse this dangerous technique.I'll be here for a while, so why don't youtake a break and cool off? Come talkto me when you want to try again.

?What's wrong?! Hurry up and dive offthe platform! Are you having secondthoughts?

I'll do it!
I quit.

?The Lumpy Pumpkin is a littlegathering spot on an oblong island tothe southeast of Skyloft.

The owner's daughter, Kina, worksthere. She has the most lovely voice.

I'm also...a fan of hers. But you don'tneed to tell anyone else about that,do you?

?Hey, [Link]! Want to trysome Spiral Charge training?


?Excellent. That's what I want to hear!Well then, dive off this platform.

?I think it's fine to wait until you feelready!

I'll be here for a while. Come backanytime!

?Ah! That's the answer I was lookingfor. Take to the skies,[Link]!

?Hey, [Link]! Where do youthink you're going? This is acompetition! Dive off the platform!

?It's dangerous to be out at night.Yes, best to avoid it entirely!

Even the headmaster's darling Miaturns quite feral when night falls...A mysterious energy settles overSkyloft with the darkness.

?I keep my distance from Mia at night.

There was that one time when shesnuck into the academy after nightfall.

I recommend that you be extra carefulwhen you go out at night. Oh dear...That caused quite the commotion.

?Look, [Link]! Though nighthas come, Mia exhibits none of thenocturnal aggressiveness we've cometo expect in Remlits!It's just amazing!

?This gives me pause... The monstersthat usually prowl Skyloft at night arenowhere to be seen, and the Remlitsno longer show aggressive behavior.What could have happened?

?[Link]! Where are youheaded?

Dive off this platform and call yourLoftwing!

?Ah, [Link]! You'd like alesson from me, even at a time likethis?


?I... I see. Well, classes are canceledtoday due to the Wing Ceremony!

Don't you think you'd better headoutside and get ready for theceremony?

?Well, well! Such enthusiasm!

Allow me tell you about the history ofSkyloft!

Skyloft is an island that has floatedhere for ages... Thousands of years.

Our ancestors have always lived on thisisland, as well as the surroundingislands in the sky.

There is an impenetrable barrier ofclouds below Skyloft. Nobody who hasfallen down through the clouds hasever been seen again.They say there is a vast expanse ofpure nothingness beneath the clouds!

Ah, but that's a good place to leave ittoday. You'd better go prepare for theWing Ceremony.

?Hey now! That's my seat that you'veperched yourself on. Students must sitin the student seating!

?Lately I've been taking care of Miafor the headmaster...

It's dangerous having her around.She's so adorable that I'm starting tothink I need one of my own!

?I must admit I'm starting to think Imight need to get a Remlit of my own.The Triforce?! What's that? Does ithave anything to do with little Mia?

?Levias?! I've heard rumors aboutwhat's been going on out there, butlittle more.

I'm afraid I lack sufficient knowledgeon this subject to be of help to you.

Go speak with the head of physicaltraining, Instructor Owlan. I'm surehe can teach you more about thisparticular topic!

?It seems every time I bump into you,you appear stronger and somehowmore confident. Whatever you'redoing, keep it up, [Link].

?While her statue may be gone, thegoddess is still with us, for she lives onin our hearts. Don't you agree,[Link]?

?The ceremony won't start until youhave found your Loftwing.

Don't worry about anything else.Just hurry up and find your bird!

?The start of the Wing Ceremony isbeing delayed until you find yourLoftwing. Good news, isn't it?

?You aren't allowed to ride your birdsat night, so I'm afraid you won't beable to search for Zelda then, either.

For tonight, I suggest you go to bed andget some rest. You can start yourquest tomorrow.

You won't make smart decisions ifyou don't take the time to rest yourmind and body.

?Well, [Link]... Are you closeto finding Zelda?

Don't give up! I believe if anyone canfind Zelda, it's you.

?[Link]... What are youdoing out at this hour?

What's all this about Levias? Listen,this isn't something I want to talkabout at this hour...

Come back tomorrow morning.I'll tell you everything I know then.

?The Spiral Charge is a stressfulmaneuver for most any Loftwing topull off.

But you and that red bird of yours...I'll bet you can handle it withouta sweat!

?How are things, [Link]?!Is everything going well?

If there's anything else you need,don't hesitate to come talk to me.I am your instructor, after all!

?Hey, [Link]! What exactlydo you think you're doing ignoringyour instructor and just walking bylike that?Come over here and listen to what yourinstructor has to say!

?Hey now, [Link]! Now iscertainly not the time for that.

Hurry and find your Loftwing!You should talk to the students insidethe academy. Perhaps they knowsomething?

?Hey, [Link]! What do youthink you're doing slinking by yourinstructors like that?!

Come here for a moment.

?Listen up, [Link]!

I taught your Loftwing to perform aSpiral Charge when you press [A].

?Press [A] to Spiral Charge and breakthe 10 targets placed around thefloating boulders up ahead.

?If you can destroy 10 targets in under120 seconds, I will recognize you asa skilled bird rider.

?All right! Off you go!


?How's it goin', [Link]?Good to see you again!

How's that slicin' arm feel? Ready toslay some bamboo? It's only 10 Rupeesa shot!

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?Tell me somethin', [Link]!Did you find that dirty rotten eggburglar who's been botherin' mybaby girl?Or are you here to buff up your swordarm with a little bamboo slice 'n' dice?It's only 10 Rupees a round!

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?I want the custard-bellied coward whobroke my baby girl's heart. It's drivin'me crazy!

Times like this, a man just wants tochop bamboo! You want to give it awhack? It'll cost you 10 Rupees.

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?How you doing, [Link]!Looks like that mangy milquetoast'sstopped pesterin' my little dumplin'.

Let's celebrate by butcherin' somebamboo! One try will cost you10 Rupees. What do you say?

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?You want to try again? Need to blowoff steam by mowin' down a tower ofbamboo? It'll only cost you 10 Rupees!

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?All right, then. Get to slicin'!

?You have got to be pullin' my leg.I told you there's a prize on the table!You think I'll do that just forpopularity's sake?How am I going to put food on my tableif I let you play for free? If my familycould eat popularity, they'd be stuffedfull all the time. But they can't!What do you say? One try will cost you10 Rupees. You up for a challenge?

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?What's the problem? You don't haveenough Rupees? Don't worry about it--I'll let you play for free!

Bahaha! You actually believed me fora second there, didn't you? That's theproblem with you kids, always thinkin'you're gettin' somethin' for nothin'!You could learn a little somethin'about reality from my little pumpkin.Now there's a gal with a head on hershoulders, believe you me!

?You're goin' to take a swing atwhittlin' down that big old bambooright there in the middle of the room.

Thing is, see, it's a contest to see howmany cuts you can make before it hitsthe ground. If you're good enough,you'll stroll out of here with a prize!

?You're goin' to take a swing atwhittlin' down that big old bambooright there in the middle of the room.

Thing is, see, it's a contest to see howmany cuts you can make before it hitsthe ground. If you're good enough,you'll stroll out of here with a prize!

?It'll cost you 10 Rupees to see whatyou're made of. You want to give ita try?

You bet!
Not free?

?I got it. You're afraid of sharp objects.Not the slicin' type. Come on back ifyou change your mind!

?Whoa! Is that you, [Link]?Never thought I'd run into you here.

What is this place?
Who are you?

?Whoa! Is that you, [Link]?Never thought I'd run into you here.

?This here's my secret spot where I cometo work the kinks out of my sword arm.

There was a time I was the mostpopular guy in all of Skyloft. Folkswere always cheerin' me on like it wasa parade. But as you know, time passes.And I'm not the young buck I used tobe. I eat when I get stressed, and I'mworried about my darlin' daughter allthe time! I mean, look at this belly!So that's what drives a feller hereto chop some bamboo! Let me tell you,there's no better way to sweat offthose pounds.Here's an idea, [Link].Why don't you try slicin' some bamboo?

I'll pass.

?What? You tellin' me you don't knowwho I am? Believe it or not, I used tobe the most popular guy in the sky!Mr. Skyloft, that was might relate better if I toldyou I was the proud father of Skyloft'smost popular girl: Peatrice, princessof the Item Check.How's that? Does that clear anythingup for you, young feller? Ha ha ha ha!

?What? You tellin' me you don't knowwho I am? Believe it or not, I used tobe the most popular guy in the sky!Mr. Skyloft, that was might relate better if I toldyou I was the proud father of Skyloft'smost popular girl: Peatrice, princessof the Item Check.How's that? Does that clear anythingup for you, young feller? Ha ha ha ha!

?That's the spirit! Chop away, boy!

Hold up a second! Get your horsesholded. There's got to be a way to spicethings up a notch or three.Hmm...Yep. That's the ticket right there!

?You kiddin' me? Girls don't want tohit the town with a wet blanket, son.

Not that I want you anywhere near mylittle cupcake. No, sir! You lay a fingeron her, and you'll have to buy newgloves.

?Aha! So you're rarin' to go, right?

You bet!
I'll pass.

?Your current high score is #!You're going to need your A-game totop that!

?So, what's it gonna be? Want to hacksome bamboo? One try will cost you10 Rupees.

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?Come on back whenever you feel likeyou might want to chisel up thatsword arm!

?You're not lightin' any records onfire with that score, son. You got to getat least 15 cuts!

Sharpen up your concentration!There's no prize for sloppy slicin'.

?Well, you got miles to go, but I'll giveyou something for the effort.Here's 30 Rupees.

?Next time around, shoot for 20 cuts.

?Hoo-wee! That's what I'm talkingabout! You really brutalized thatbamboo, boy. Here's your prize!

?I want to see you do 28 chops next time!

?That is one humding-alinger of a score!I only reached that number a fewtimes myself. Here's your prize!

?Hoo-wee! A new record. Way to go, kid!

?Hold up, son, you're all done!

Let's count those cuts.Your score this time is #!

?Well, look at that. Now that I take agander at the thing, it's clear you gotyourself a stubby little sword. You didmighty well considering that.See, the longer the sword you got, theeasier it is to zip through that bamboolike a loaf of warm butter!

If you get yourself a longer blade inthe future, come back and try again.You'll be surprised what a little extrasteel can do for your chopping score!

?What seems to be the problem?Time's up!

?Listen up, pal. I don't want you gettin'too familiar with my little rainbow.And you'd better keep your eyes toyourself too, if you know what I mean.

?Thanks for stopping by. Welcome tothe home of Skyloft's most popularfather-and-daughter dream team.

?Howdy, [Link]. You pickeda good time to visit.


?What do you mean "why"? This isimportant! My little girl's in trouble!

?Sure enough is. You're as smart as abullwhip, aren't you?

?Yep, the shinin' star of the Item Checkis the source of my problem. That's mydarlin' daughter, in case you forgot.

She's been out of sorts lately. She'llbe sittin' and starin' off into yonder,and then she'll get redder than atomato on the vine.Wait just a gosh-darn minute!I know what's going on! My sunshine'sgot herself an unwanted admirer!

Not that I can blame the feller. She's assweet as honey and twice as pretty as aspring flower! Nope--three times aspretty!It's no wonder the boys buzz aroundher like a swarm of amorous bees.

?But I won't stand for it! No way.No how! I'm going to find the rascaland give him a good whuppin'!

You got to help me out. You see anyonebuzzin' around my little flower, yougive him what for and send himpackin'.I'll keep my peepers peeled too, but Ican't stand watch all day long.

I promise I'll make it worth your while.You chase the varmint off, and I'll letyou chat with the apple of my eye.

?Hush! You don't have to say a word.I can see how you feel by the spark inyour eye.

There's not a feller alive who wouldn'tjump at this chance!

Ease this old man's heart, and get ridof the lowlife who's pesterin' mybaby girl. I'm countin' on you,[Link]!

?Howdy, [Link]! I washoping I'd run into you.


?What do you mean "why"? This isimportant! My little girl's in trouble!

?Sure enough is. You're as smart as abullwhip, aren't you?

?Yep, the shinin' star of the Item Checkis the source of my problem. That's mydarlin' daughter, in case you forgot.

She's been out of sorts lately. She'llbe sittin' and starin' off into yonder,and then she'll get redder than atomato on the vine.Wait just a gosh-darn minute!I know what's going on! My sunshine'sgot herself an unwanted admirer!

Not that I can blame the feller. She's assweet as honey and twice as pretty as aspring flower! Nope--three times aspretty!It's no wonder the boys buzz aroundher like a swarm of amorous bees.

?But I won't stand for it! No way. Nohow! I'm going to find the rascal andgive him a good whuppin'!

You got to help me out. You see anyonebuzzin' around my little flower, yougive him what for and send himpackin'.I'll keep my peepers peeled too, but Ican't stand watch all day long.

I promise I'll make it worth your while.You chase the varmint off, and I'll letyou chat with the apple of my eye.

?Hush! You don't have to say a word.I can see how you feel by the spark inyour eye.

There's not a feller alive who wouldn'tjump at this chance!

Ease this old man's heart, and get ridof the lowlife who's pesterin' mybaby girl. I'm counting on you,[Link]!

?You want to slice up some bamboo?It's 10 Rupees a turn!

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?I'm countin' on you, [Link]!Get rid of the lowlife who's beenpesterin' my baby girl, and ease thisold man's heart!

?That you, [Link]? Whatseems to be the problem?

My baby girl's as restless as a twistedsheet in the wind. Is there somethin' inthe water?

?Bamboo slivers! My darlin' daughter'sgot herself a feller, [Link]!

Oh...who could it be? Who's the scampwho's stolen my muffin's heart?

And you, [Link]! Why did Iever put my trust in you? Any morebrains and I'd be as smart as atree stump.Oh my goodness gracious... What amI supposed to do now?

?Bamboo slivers! My darlin' daughter'sgot herself a feller, [Link]!

Oh...who could it be? Who's the scampwho's stolen my muffin's heart?

And you, [Link]! Why did Iever put my trust in you? Any morebrains and I'd be as smart as atree stump.Oh my goodness gracious... What amI supposed to do now?

?The only thing to do now is decimatesome bamboo. It's 10 Rupees for oneround. Are you in or what?

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?Bamboo slivers! Who's the rascal who'sgone and stolen my baby girl's heart?

Oh...I knew this day had to come, but...

?Hey, [Link]! Have I gotnews for you!

My sweetie daughter's given hergood-for-nothin' feller the boot!

Of course, I feel for her. I hate to seeher blue and all, but...

I'm pleased as punch the egg-swipin'scamp's out of the picture!

Tell me true, [Link]. Areyou responsible for breakin' them up?Never mind! It makes no differenceto me.I'm as happy as a Loftwing in anupdraft. I truly am.

?Hey, [Link]! Have I gotnews for you!

My sweetie daughter's given hergood-for-nothin' feller the boot!

Of course, I feel for her. I hate to seeher blue and all, but...

I'm pleased as punch the egg-swipin'scamp's out of the picture!

Tell me true, [Link]. Areyou responsible for breakin' them up?Never mind! It makes no differenceto me.I'm as happy as a Loftwing in anupdraft. I truly am.

?Don't you go fallin' head over bootsfor my honey baby, [Link]!

I know she's as irresistible as a coolglass of lemonade on a sweaty day, butI won't stand for it. You hear me, son?


?Heyyyyy, then! Let me tell you allabout the rules!

First thing you need to know is you'll beshot out of a CANNON! You'll flywaaaaay up there. Don't cry, littleboy--it's perfectly, mostly safe!Your goal is to dive onto a cheery,colorful rotating board. Land on ahappy, little colored space, and you'llwin Rupees based on the color.BUT! If you land on the gray space--I call that the LOSER SPACE--then Iget to reach in and take a handful ofyour Rupees! Isn't that FUN?!You can risk everything to win big hereat Fun Fun Island, but it's a game ofluck so, uh...don't come crying to me ifyou land on the loser space! HAWHAW!

?When you're diving, superfun FortuneRings and Dodoh Balls will appear likeMAGIC!

If you can pass through one of thoseFortune Rings, you'll increase theawesome Rupee score multiplier!OOOOOoooh!And the more rings you pass through,the slower the wheel will spin, makingit easier to land on your target andWIN!But hitting one of those Dodoh Ballswill reset your multiplier and turnyour smile upside down!

Oh, and you can't use your Sailclothwhile you're diving. Did you get allthat, little guy?

?Sounds like FUN, right?! Want to giveit a try?!

Maybe later.

?RIGHTO! There's a brave little guy!Once you're ready, hop into the cannonin the center of the island and plugyour ears! I'll prepare the cannon!

?You joyful little man, I owe youeverything for finding my wheel!

And my dream of creating my veryown, VERY SMILEY Fun Fun Islandhas been realized for all to enjoy andlaugh about and laugh at!Normally I'd charge 20 Rupees to play,but since I owe you, I'll let you playyour first game for free! FREE isso much more fun than PAY!

?OOOOOooh! What's this?! This littleboy's a scaredy-bird?! Is he scared ofthe widdle cannon?

?You don't have enough Rupees. I can'thelp you have FUN if you can't helpme get rich, little boy!

Come back when you've got the 20Rupees, and we'll try this again!

?YAHAWWWWW! The boy is BACK!How about a little skydiving? I'm justitching to shoot YOU out of a cannon!

Oh, but you're going to have to pay thistime. It'll be 20 Rupees. Well?!

I'm in!
Rules, please.
No way.

?Want to play again, little guy?!OOOoooooooh, you're hooked!

It'll be 20 Rupees. What do you say?

Rules, please.
No way.

?YAHOOOEY! Step right up, youngman! Feel like taking a little dive?

As my way of saying thanks for findingmy party wheel, your first blast ison the house! It's FUN for FREE!

Rules, please.
No, thanks.

?Want me to explain the rules one moretime? I know it's awfully complicatedfor a fun little guy like you!


?OOOOOoooooh! Too bad, sooooo SAD.You landed on a Loser Space.

That means I snag a grand Rupee totalof #! Heeeeheeee!

?Oh gee, look at this! How SAD. You'veearned yourself a fun, imaginary stackof 0 Rupees. Don't give up, little guy!Come see me again real soon!

?WHOA-HO-HO! Look at this nice littlespace you landed on!

So you landed on a #-Rupee spot, andyour multiplier is #! That means youwalk away with a grand Rupee totalof #!

?WHOOOPIDDY DOO! You landed on a50-Rupee space!

Your multiplier is #, so that meansyou win # Rupees! Wowza!

?You passed through all of the FortuneRings! Guess which little guy getsa special prize! Go on, GUESS!

?Here's your big bag o' winnings...

  1. Rupees!

?I've got a special prize for specialpeople who can pass through five ringswithout touching a Dodoh Ball...andthen land on a 50-Rupee space!Here's hoping you've got the stomach togive Dodoh's High Dive another whirl!

?Hurry up and jump into the cannon!

?YAHOOOEY! Step right up, boy!

Oh. I bet you're wondering what I'mdoing here...

A little.

?Well, that's not fun at all.

I'm doing everything I can to makepeople's dreams come true...

?Just the answer I was looking for!What a smart little guy you are!

I'm hoping to make this island a FUNplace where everyone can come and behappy...

What's it called, you ask? Or evenif you didn't ask? I call it...FUN FUN ISLAND!

I'm still getting the place set up, sohopefully you'll visit again later! Youmight like what you find! Especially ifyou like FUN and COLORS!

?FUN FUN ISLAND! Smells like funand danger already, doesn't it?!I'm still getting the place ready, but Ihope you'll come visit again later!

?Urggggggh... My superwacky partywheel of fun fell off the island,way down below the clouds...

Without that, there's just no way...The dream of fun is dead. I can't bringmyself to do anything without it.The laughter has turned to tears.

?Urrrrrghhh... What am I going to do?!It's no use! It's all over...

What's wrong?

?'s nothing, really. I don't want tobother you with my shattered dream.

It was just a silly decoration I usedto pin on to my back, but still...It was MY silly decoration...

I'll find it!
It's gone.

?Without it, I can't help make peoplehappy. The smile factory is shut down.

You know...but what can I do?

?You see, the party wheel that Ipinned to my back flew off the islandand fell down somewhere belowthe clouds.Without my party wheel, there's justno way I can make this island a placewhere people come to have fun!

What can I do? It fell down below theclouds, so I guess I should just give upon it.

Look for it!
Give up.

?How am I supposed to go get somethingthat fell below the clouds?That's impossible!

?Ugh... It would be so amazing ifsomeone were to find it. Just thinkof the smiles on the children's faces...

I'm not getting my hopes up, though...

?Hello there, young man. You thinkyou can find my party wheel?

No? I didn't think so...

?IS THIS...?! IS THIS...?!?!


?YAHOOOOOOOEY! My party wheel!

?Thank you SO MUCH! Now I canrealize my dream of openingFun Fun Island!


?And I'll let you be my first customer,young man! Thank you so much!It's going to be so much FUN!

?Here's your wheel thing, bzzzrrrt!

?If you want something else, zzrrrrt,just let me know.

?Your dowsing ability can be calibratedto locate the item that this personseeks.

However, if you are searching foranother object that someone hasasked you to find, that target will beremoved when you switch to this target.Do you wish to set the party wheel asyour dowsing target?

Not now.

?Understood, Master. I will calibrateyour dowsing ability so that you canassign the party wheel as a dowsingtarget.

?There is a 90% chance that the itemwill have landed in Lanayru Desert if itfell in this vicinity. I recommend thatyou investigate the desert.

?Yes, Master. To set the dowsing target,please speak to this person again.

?Your dowsing ability is not currentlycalibrated to search for the partywheel that this person is seeking.

Do you want to calibrate your dowsingability to search for this partywheel?


?Understood, Master.

Your dowsing ability is now set todetect the party wheel this manis after.

?Understood, Master. Your dowsingability will not be set to find this item.


?Gaze into my eyes... Stare deeply intomy eyes... These eyes see many things.Oh yes, these lovely, round eyes caneven see...into the future!Allow me to tell your fortune, boy!Do you doubt these eyes? I look uponyour shirt, boy, and I see a singlethread loose on your sleeve stitching!Nothing can hide from these eyes!Normally, I seek 10 Rupees to tell afortune, but this time I will charge but1 Rupee.So do you want me to tell yourfortune? Do you dare discover whatfate these eyes see? Only 1 Rupee!

Maybe later.

?I'm hurt! Is this how you respond tokindness?

Don't you trust these big, round,all-seeing eyes? I might not look onyou so favorably next time. Are yousure you don't want your fortune told?

No, thanks.

?You are stubborn...but I saw thatfrom across the room. I can also seeon your face that you don't believe infortune-telling.Getting your fortune told will aid youon your path... Aren't you curiousabout what these large, dewy eyeswill behold?


?Yessssss! I knew it! Aha... What a treat!You are the first customer I've had ina while!

Oh... I mean, I'm the best at what I do!You can trust these glistening eyes!

?Hm... Peering into your eyes, I see youare a disbeliever. Don't come crying tome later, asking for my help when youfind yourself lost... Hmph!

?Magnificent! Come closer, then! Let ussee what I can...see!

?What? I just told you what yourfortune was. I described everything Isaw in detail! Didn't you hear me thefirst time?!Fine. Fine... I'll tell you one more time,so listen up! And don't think I can'tsee when you're not paying attention.

?You there! I see you, yes! Come, allowme to foresee your own fortune. It'llcost just 10 Rupees to light the wayalong your cloudy path ahead.Do you hunger to know what thesebig, lovely eyes will behold? Shall Ibegin? It'll cost but 10 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?Fine. Fine. I know the time will comewhen you wish these round, stupendouseyes could see your fortune! Butdon't come running to me!

?Ahaaaaaaaaaa. I see many things...All is revealed...

?But what's this?! I see you don'tcarry even a single Rupee in yourshriveled wallet. These tantalizingeyes do not work for free!

?But what's this, young man?! I've justhad a vision, and it's telling me youdon't have the money to pay me for myamazing services!You surely aren't asking me, with myunfathomable, all-seeing eyes, to tellyour fortune for free, are you?!

?But what's this, young man?!I see you have no money at all!

Look into these steely, unflinching eyesand you will see that no amount ofpleading will get me to lower my price.Return with money!

?That's all I can see for the moment...My eyes, they grow weary. Come seeme again if you should lose your way.

?Good luck, young man!

?So, what information do you seek?What is it that you want to know?

Where to next?

?Very well. Let me see what I can see!Yesssss... Your's all cominginto focus now...

?What's this...? What is it that my eyesbehold?!

Oh, young man, what calamitousvisions appear before me...

You may choose not to believe me,but my eyes foresee a hazardous,thorny road ahead for you...

But I can foresee what will befall you,for I am a fortune-teller!

Trust my piercing eyes... Listen tomy pure and innocent voice.

I will do you no harm. Gaze deeply intomy eyes and come closer!

?Yesssss... Treasure, eh? You wish forme to gaze into my crystal ball andforesee treasure. I must confess,I know little about treasure...Ah well. I guess I can give it a shot.

?Yesss... A towering forest... Sandydunes... A blazing mountain...Monsters... These are the sources oftreasure that I foresee.Which source of treasure do you wantto hear about?


?Yesss... I see a towering forest...Treasures often found in these greatwoods are Bird Feathers andHornet Larvae...I see you finding a Bird Feather bycatching a small bird in your net!

And Hornet Larvae... Oh yesss, you willfind them by knocking down hives!

Among all the small bird feathers, I seeone that is highly prized! Yesss,the Blue Bird Feather... It is said tobring happiness!If you see one, young man, you arevery fortunate!

?The land of sands, eh... In the land ofsands, I see you will find Tumbleweeds.Yessss... And something called anAncient Flower.To catch a Tumbleweed, I foresee youswinging a net quickly just as onerolls across your path.

As the name suggests, I see you canpick an Ancient Flower only bytraveling back to ancient times.

?Smoldering and sulfurous...yesss...I see a blazing mountain! There youwill find...

Lizard Tails and something calledEldin Ore! I see it now...

Eldin Ore can sometimes be found bydigging in the ground, yess... I seedirt in your future...

Lizard Tails... I see you claiming thistreasure by defeating horrifyinglizard-like creatures. This vision...It will haunt my dreams!

?Monsters. I see monsters... When youdefeat a monster, you will often findone of these...

A Monster Claw, Ornamental Skull,Jelly Blob, or Monster Horn...

Monster Claws come from monstersthat flutter and flap in the air!

Ornamental Skulls come from human-looking monsters. They aredisgusting to behold!

Jelly Blobs come from soft-lookingmonsters. Oh, how they ooze...

?And Monster Horns come from themonsters who carry them. You canclaim them for yourself by using somesort of tool to snatch them away.Evil Crystals often come frommonsters that cast spells. Darkmagic... It gives me chills...

And rarely, so very rarely...a GoldenSkull will be found instead of anOrnamental Skull.

?And then there's the Amber Relic andthe Dusk Relic. These can be found inevery region, I see...

But for some reason, the Dusk Reliccan only be found during some kindof trial...

And my eyes, they see that theGoddess Plume is the rarest of alltreasures! If you should find one, youwill be the luckiest man alive!

?Oh no... Er, hang on a second...

I see you're looking well these days!If I didn't know any better, I'd sayyou'd found the time to gather allvariety of magnificent treasures.Come! Come closer! If it's treasure youseek, I'll use my mystical vision to findanswers for you!

?Hey! What would bring you here atthis hour... I'm not open at night.Come to my stall in the bazaar at asane hour!

?Yesss, thanks to you, young man,my life is full of happiness!

I have not yet foreseen how your lifewill fare, but if you'd like to find out,come to the bazaar during the daylighthours and we shall see!

?Ahhh! You're that young man frombefore!

Thanks to you, I've been able to returnto a life of gazing into the future totell people's fortunes!

What do you say I tell you yours, hm?And I'll even cut you a deal... From nowon, it's just half price!

?Yesssss! The young man is here!Welcome! I've been waiting!

And you've got that smirk on your face,yesssss... The one that says you wantme to see what the future will bring!

?Come now! Let me see into the futurewith these big, round eyes! And youget my special rate--half off!

Shall I begin to peer into your future?It'll be 5 Rupees. What do you say?

No, thanks.

?Young man, are you about to head intoa densely wooded area? Somewhereblanketed in green, yes? Ahhh...My eyes, they see all...Trees! Everywhere! Yes. Many trees...It would serve you well to buy a WoodenShield before you travel.

I can see that you are a bit young andgreen yourself, so it couldn't hurt totake a Heart Potion with you.

?Young man, my visions see...Flames! Burning! Smoke! Scorchingheat! This is in your future...

The thought of taking a WoodenShield to such a place is madness...Iron! You will need an Iron Shield toprotect yourself!And you should also take with you somepotions to restore your vitality...

?I see a place...yes, it's coming intofocus now... SAND! Hmm, sand?A sandbox? A giant sandbox?

Well, whatever it is, I see it's a desolateplace that will cause you troubles withelectricity...

Iron won't do you any good there. I seeyou'll need a Wooden Shield or onethat's stronger...

And you might find yourself in need ofbombs there. Make sure to carryseveral Bomb Bags.

?The place you are traveling to...

Something large awakens? Hmm?It's huge... Whatever it is, it's big!It's bigger than huge!

I'm seeing that you should take extraHeart Potions. Oh, yesss... I foreseethat will help you succeed.

?I see the task that lies before you,young man... Oh yes, I see all...

You seek a place to lay down roots.But these are the roots of no ordinarytree, are they? So where can this treegrow deep and strong?I see...a temple! A temple where anold woman now lives. Yes, there youwill find the perfect place!

?Ahhhh, yesss... You are searchingfor something. Allow me to gaze intoyour future...

I see...a propeller falling through asea of clouds... It is discarded, left tothe elements...

Ahhh, I see a mountain of fire...I see a temple on this burningmountain! What you seek is just downthe mountain from this temple...A burning mountain... Could such athing truly exist?

?Ahh... Structures with large, whirlingsails come into focus. Somethingcreates a gust, and the structures...turn! The two buildings face...a tower!

?Let me see... You seek a certainsomething in order to repair a brokenobject. Yesss...

Ah... I see an Ancient Flower...

In my visions, I have seen AncientFlowers blossoming in ages past wherethere is now sand. If you scour thesands, you will find one!

?Two whirling sails face a great tower,and atop that tower you play a tune.Then I see...light! A great light!

The light illuminates the path youmust follow!

?Young man, I see visions of the paththat lies before you. You will face atrial! Yesss...deep within the shadows.A hair-raising test...Go to the woods! There you will findthe test that awaits you!

?Oh! I see that you've safely cleared thetrial in the woods. can hidenothing from these eyes!

My visions...they show me a large treein the middle of that forest. There isan important individual there.

And a large stone statue...yesss...Underground... Going up, goingdown... Oh, yes, I see a flurry ofactivity in your future.Anyway, just get yourself to the placewith many trees!

?My big, crystal-clear eyes...they seea path before you! You must learn asong within a holy sanctum!

And what's this? My vision shows meit is a place you've visited before.A sacred place among the clouds...

?What's next for you? Let's see whatwe can see... You will find the entranceto a trial lying hidden in a sandy place!

That is all the vision shows. Theseeyes, they have seen much. Your nextdestination is a place awash in sand.

?Oho! You appear to have passed agreat trial in a sandy place. No timefor congratulations--more visionsapproach!Hmm... You must go to a place witheven MORE sand. But I also seean expanse of water... And a ship!This is all very confusing to behold...Anyway, you need to get to anothersandy place!

?Sheesh! How many of these trialsmust you undergo before your hungerfor challenge will be sated?!

This time I! You will findthe entrance to a trial lying hidden ona fiery mountain!

And of course you would not think totake a Wooden Shield, because thatwould be foolish!

?Ahhh, I see you passed the trial of firewith ease. But you have jumped fromthe frying pan into...troubled water!Oh dear... I mean, water troubles!Ooooh, yess... I see that lack of waterwill cause you much hardship. Whenthis happens, return and visit meonce more.

?Water, water nowhere...and so greatthe need! Such a thirst to quench!This is a vexing circ*mstance indeed.

But, young man, you have alreadydiscovered the basin needed in orderto carry the water.

Yes,'s all clear to me now.Never forget...these eyes see ALL!Go to the woods, for it is there thatyou will find what you seek.

?I see a vision, yesss... I see you at amountain of fire, guiding a basin ofwater.

And...ah, yes! Failure to deliver it willspell trouble for a certain someone!

?Aha! The task before you is as clear asmy unblinking eyes, young man!

It is also as hot as ever within themountain of fire. To go there withan Iron Shield would be most wise!

?Gulp... Again I see the shadow of atowering monster...

My matter how many times Ipeer into your future, it never providesa dull moment!

Oh, do forgive me... I didn't mean toimply your fate was entertaining, evenif it is... Just take plenty of potions.The fortunes tell me you'll be fine!

?Young man, whatever have you done?

If my eyes do not betray me, then youare the one behind the disappearanceof the Isle of the Goddess! Yess...Nothing escapes my gaze.Well, worry not. I can see that you didnot make the isle disappear just foridle amusem*nt!

Still, I am afraid that it will be up toyou to find the proper path from here.Trust yourself!

?I see you've finally found the oneyou've been searching for! That iswonderful news.

However, your trials are not yet ended!Now you must speak to the great giantwho swims above the clouds.

If you wish to know more, you shouldtalk to the headmaster of the KnightAcademy.

?Young man, you seek a song that hasbeen divided into four parts, do younot? Yes, yessss...I see all.

Then there are one...two...threeregions that you must visit! And youmay go to them in the order of yourchoosing!In other words, go wherever you want,OK? You're bound to find something.

?Oh, there it is! Yesss, I see you havegathered three parts of the song youseek, and the fourth... It is held bysomeone very, very big!Make haste, for when you find thismassive creature, your song will becomplete. I have foreseen it!

?You will use the song you obtainedfrom the great swimmer above theclouds to discover the location of thenext trial.My vision shows me that this next trialawaits you somewhere in this very townof Skyloft.

Strange... I have no idea what thateven means!

?So I see you have finally passed thefinal trial... Oh, yessss, all is revealedto my uncanny vision.

I can see what you're after. You wantto know what to do with the item yougot from the trial, don't you?

Somewhere here in Skyloft is a statueof an odd bird with gem-like eyes.Oh, but one of the gems is missing.Surely you've seen it before...Ahem... If you place the item you havein the socket, your path will be clear!Yessss...I see it all now...

?Ah, yesss... My vision reveals that youwill find what you seek on the Isle ofthe Goddess.

However, these great big eyes also seemuch peril. Your path will not be aneasy one. Prepare yourself well!

?Also, if you happen to be looking for aplant of some kind, then I also sawa great green forest. Hmm... I canhardly imagine such a place...

? are searching for someoneto plow a field for you, are you not?

You will find no such person in Skyloft!Instead, you must go to the caves wherethose who are skilled at digging dwell!

There you will find the right person forthe job. I have foreseen it!

?Ah! Yes, yes! I see it! You are searchingfor something lost. A shiny, whirlingthing...

I see a dry place with sand! You willfind it there in a place that is, itself,not easy to find. These big, dewyeyes...they do not lie!

?Oh! The mists are parting... I also see aperson who has lost a rare bug...

My crystal ball reveals that this bugis being held in secret on an islandby one with a love for insects!

?Ah, yesss... You have overcome a majorobstacle and are understandablypleased.

Your next endeavor will be... Ohhhh!The Ballad of the Goddess... I see youwant to learn about it!

So who would be able to tell you aboutsuch a thing, you might wonder?

Gazing into my crystal ball, I see the...headmaster of the Knight Academy!He is the one to whom you shouldspeak, yesssss...

?I calculate a 60% probability that theobject you seek is in the woods.I advise you to search there.

Do you want me to calibrate yourdowsing ability to search for theWater Basin?

No, thanks.

?Yes, Master. Your dowsing abilityis now set to detect the Water Basin.I suggest you begin searching at once.

?Yes, Master. I have canceled yourrequest to set your dowsing ability.Please talk to this person again whenyou want to regain this dowsing target.


?Hello...and welcome to the Item Check.Want to put stuff from your pouch intostorage? OK. Want to take somethingout of storage? That's fine.So is there anything in your pouch orin storage that you want to move?


?All right. Let's see it.

?Wonderful. So what do you have?

?I hope you're not in a hurry to go,sweetie!

?OK. Hand it over.

?Oh, really? Great. Not like my time isworth anything...

?What's with you? Leave me alone ifyou don't want anything. Sheesh...I'm busy staring at a wall.

?What's your deal? Stop bothering meif you don't want anything. I'm busywatching dust settle on my counter.

?Look, hon, it's not humane to teasesomeone this bored. Knock it off, OK?

?So you came all this way just for mysparkling personality, huh? I figuredyou couldn't stop thinking about me.

?Listen, I'd love to take some things offyour hands, but it looks like I'm allfull here.

Just trade some items or do somethingto make some room, OK?

?Listen, I'd love to take some things offyour hands, but this isn't a bottomlesspit. I don't have any more space here.

Can't you just trade some items or dosomething to make room?

?Oh. Wow. Looks like I've got too muchof your stuff in storage.

My shelves are just like my heart--ready to burst at the seams!

I need you to get rid of some things.Just trade them or something, OK?

?Um... Let me see. Yep, I've got nomore room for your stuff.

You won't trust me with your heart,but you give me all the extra junkyou don't want to have to carry around.You're such a romantic.I'm joking, I'm joking. I do need tomake room, though, so trade someitems or do something to help me out.

?OK. Thank you. Come again...

?Thank you. Come again.

?See you next time! Tee hee!

?Remember, you can come by anytimeyou need to remind yourself abouthow beautiful I am.

?Hey! All of my storage space is takenup with your junk!

I can't hold anything else, so you bettermake room by trading or getting rid ofstuff you don't need.

?Hey. Your stuff is taking up all of mystorage space.

Would you please get rid of stuff youdon't need and help me make someroom? You know, trade some stuff.

?Oh wow. I don't have any more storagespace!

Would you please trade or throw outstuff you don't need? Help a girl out,will you, hon?

?Great... I'm all out of storage space.

Help me out, will you? Trade or getrid of any items you don't need.

?Hmm... For that I'll give you# Rupees.

What do you say?


?Let's see, how many Rupees for that...How about #?

Do we have a deal?

No, thanks.

?Thanks. Anything else?

?Thanks! I bet you've got lots more toput into storage. No rush, sweetie.Take all the time you need.

?Thanks. Anything else?

?No, thanks? OK, fine. It's your call.

?Ooh, good call, sweetie! I knew youwere a smart one.

?No, thanks? You're going to pass onthis deal just like you passed on me.I get it.

?Hate to break this to you, but you don'thave anything to put into storage.

Come back and see me when youactually get some stuff, OK?

?Listen, sweetie, you don't haveanything to store.

Come back and see me when yourluck improves a bit. OK? Great.

?You don't have anything to store.

Why don't you come back when youhave some stuff. Bye now.

?You want to arrange your things, isthat it?

If you select that option, you can tidyup the things you have in storage.

You know, for example, the arrows inyour quiver will be sorted properly.

?A little spring cleaning, is that it?Tee hee!

If you select that option, you canstraighten up the things you havein storage.

You know, for example, the arrows inyour quiver will be sorted properly.

?So you want to get your junk in order,is that right?

The option you picked lets you clean upand sort the stuff you have in storage.

You can even sort arrows in yourquiver and...yeah...whatever.


?Heyyyyy! Welcome to the Scrap Shop!I can use the stuff you find to upgradeyour gear and make it even stronger!

And if your shield takes a beating, noworries. I can fix that too.So what'll it be?

Upgrade gear.
Fix shield.
Never mind.

?You got it! These are all the items youhave that I can upgrade right now.

?What the whazzit? Well then, why'dyou even come and talk to me?!

?These are the shields you can repairright now.

?What's all this nonsense? You don'teven have any shields that need fixing!

Haven't you got something better todo than play jokes on hardworkingfolks like me who are neck deep inelbow grease?

?All right. You want to upgrade this?There's no going back, y'hear?

Go for it!
Never mind.

?OK! You just wait right there!

?Make up your mind, little buddy!Try picking something else.

?All done! Here you go!

?Hold on now... You changed yourmind? Well, in all the...

Ehh, it's fine. Come see me wheneveryou change it back, little buddy!

?Oh, thanks! Come again soon, y'hear!

?If you've got anything else you wantme to tinker around with, you just letme know!

?Huh. Looks like you don't haveanything else I can upgrade.Come again soon!

?Hey, kid! I can't upgrade that if youhaven't got the treasure I need to do it!

Come on. Pick something elsefor me to upgrade for you!

?Hey, kid! You don't have enoughRupees. I don't do charity upgrades!

Pick something else for me to upgradefor you!

?Hey, kid! You don't have anythingI can upgrade for you right now...How about you head over to Rupin'sshop and buy something?

?OK. One shield in need of patching up.That'll be 10 rupees.

No, thanks.

?Not interested, huh? Do you need meto fix anything else?

?Hey, kid! You don't have enoughRupees! Go find some and come back!

?Hey, kid! You want me to fix any ofyour other shields?

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're out ofshields that need repairing.See you later!

?Hey, kid! It looks like you're a bit shorton materials. You don't have enoughHornet Larvae.

My grandpa's notes say you can findthe stuff in some of the Deku Hornethives found in heavily wooded areas.

?So, is there anything else you want toupgrade?

?Hey, kid! It looks like you're a bit shorton materials. You don't have enoughBird Feathers.

My grandpa's notes say you can findthese feathers on little birds living inwooded areas. If you find one, you'llneed to use your Bug Net to catch it.

?Looks like you're coming up short onmaterials, kid. Yep, you don't haveenough Tumbleweeds.

My grandpa's notes say you can findTumbleweeds rolling around in thedesert. You'll need a net to catch them,though.

?Hey, kid! You're a little short onmaterials. You don't have enoughLizard Tails.

My grandpa's notes say you can getthese from monsters that look likelizards.

?Looks like you're coming up short onmaterials, kid. Yep, you don't haveenough Eldin Ore.

My grandpa's notes say you can findthat stuff buried within fierymountains.

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Ancient Flowers.

My grandpa's notes say these thingsused to bloom out in sandy land, butwho knows if there are still any aroundout there.

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Ancient Flowers.

My grandpa's notes say these bloomsused to grow all over a sandy land.It's the same type of flower you usedto fix Scrapper, remember?

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Amber Relics.

My grandpa's notes say you can findAmber Relics on the common in lots ofdifferent places. Seems like it's onetreasure that's not so hard to find.

?Looks like you're coming up short onmaterials, kid. Yep, you don't haveenough Dusk Relics.

My grandpa's notes say you can findthese in the "world of the spirit"...whatever that's supposed to mean.

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Jelly Blobs.

My grandpa's notes say you can getthat disgusting stuff from soft,squishy monsters.

?Looks like you're coming up short onmaterials, kid. Yep, you don't haveenough Monster Claws.

My grandpa's notes say you can getMonster Claws from flying monsters,including the ones that come outaround here at night.

?Hmm...though now that I think of it,nights around here have been strangelymonster free lately!

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Monster Horns.

Grandpa's notes say you can get 'emfrom monsters that use them to calltheir buddies, but you'd need to pull'em out of their hands using something.

?Looks like you're coming up short onmaterials, kid. Yep, you don't haveenough Ornamental Skulls.

According to my grandpa's notes,you can sometimes get these frommonsters that carry clubs...

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Evil Crystals.

According to my grandpa's notes, youcan get 'em by slaying monsters whohave the power to curse you...

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Blue Bird Feathers.

My grandpa's notes say you can getthese feathers from the rare littleblue birds living in wooded areas.You'll need a Bug Net, though!

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Golden Skulls.

Golden Skulls are Ornamental Skullsthat shine bright like gold. Seems likethey are crazy rare!

?Hey, kid! Looks like you're a bitshort on materials. You don't haveenough Goddess Plumes.

They're very rare and extremelyvaluable, or at least that's what it sayshere in my grandpa's notes.

?Wooden Shield




?A strengthened WoodenShield with improveddurability.

?A strengthened WoodenShield with even moredurability.

?Iron Shield




?A strengthened IronShield with improveddurability.

?A strengthened IronShield with even moredurability.

?Sacred Shield




?A strengthened SacredShield with improveddurability.

?A strengthened SacredShield with even moredurability.




?An excellent slingshotable to scatter a singleseed over a wide area.





?Improve your Beetlewith a burst of speed!

?Further improve yourBeetle with a longerflight time!


?Wooden Bow

?Iron Bow

?Sacred Bow

?Upgrade your WoodenBow to an Iron Bow withincreased attack power!

?Upgrade your Iron Bowto a Sacred Bow witheven more attack power!

?Seed Satchel

?Holds 10

?Holds 20

?Holds 30

?Enlarge your SeedSatchel to carry 20seeds instead of 10!

?Enlarge your SeedSatchel again to carry30 seeds instead of 20!


?Holds 5

?Holds 10

?Holds 15

?Enlarge your Quiver tocarry 10 arrows insteadof 5!

?Enlarge your Quiveragain to carry 15 arrowsinstead of 10!

?Bomb Bag

?Holds 5

?Holds 10

?Holds 15

?Enlarge your Bomb Bagto carry 10 bombsinstead of 5!

?Enlarge your Bomb Bagagain to carry 15 bombsinstead of 10!

?Bug Net



?Increase the size of yournet to catch more bugs!

?Hey, kid! What's up? You look like youneed to get something off your chest...

I think I know what it is. You've got afavor to ask me, right?

Not really.

?...Huh? It's about this old robot mygrandpa used to tinker around with?

...You probably just came here to makefun of the crazy junk guy for believingin his grandpa's stupid stories, right?

Well, get in line... I've heard it before.Wait... That's not why you're here?You say you need to pick up somethingfrom below the clouds with this robot?Do you know what that means?!That believe in mygrandpa's stories too, don't you?!

?Well, I'm happy to hear that someoneelse believes me, but I don't think I canhelp you. You see, my grandpa's oldrobot... What's it called again...

?Oh, hey, that's right... I remember!His name is Scrapper. He may not bemuch to look at these days...

But he was an amazing robot once!When you called him, he would goanywhere and haul anything!

Sadly, as you can see now...he's justanother busted ol' hunk of junk...

?But old Gramps did tell me this:you can get him working again with theextract from an Ancient Flower.It's like oil to this guy.But I've never even heard of, much lessseen, any such thing!

Take mine!
Me neither.

?WHAT?! You have one?! Are youkiddin' me?! That's amazing!

?Yeah, who has, right?But if I just had one Ancient Flower...

?Hold it... Why would you say you haveone when you really don't?! That's adirty trick, kid.

?If you want me to get Scrapper hereworking again, I need one AncientFlower. But I dunno where they are.

I have one!
Me neither.

?So this is an Ancient Flower?!I can feel some slick, oily stuff comingout of its stem! Great, with this we canfix Scrapper!...Wait right here! I'll have him up andrunning in no time!

?WHOA! It talked! Can you believethat? I guess I really did fix him!

This kid gave me the materials Ineeded to fix you. Go on!Say thank you!

?Heyyyy now! Watch it! That's no wayto talk to someone who just savedyour life!

...Anyway, this kid wants you to haulsome stuff around, and you're goingto help him!

?So...take good care of Scrapperfor me, will you? By the way, he cansense people's thought waves orsomething...That means wherever you are, if youneed him, he'll be there in a jiffy!

He's got kind of a mean little mouth onhim, but if he's in a good mood, he'llwork hard for you!Anyway, enough of my yappin'!

?So how 'bout another upgrade?I'll repair your shield too!

Repair shield.
No, thanks.

?Phew... There you go!

?Hey, kid! How's Scrapper treatingyou? Anything to upgrade today?

Repair shield.
No, thanks.

?So how do you plan to recover all thestuff that fell beneath the clouds?

You know, you could always ask thefortune-teller over there...

I know he's kind of goofy looking,but when it comes to finding things,he's always right on the money.

?Thank you, BZZRT! I've got a full tankof energy, and I'm ready to carryanything, zzzzt!

?Huh...? Who is this green-cladindividual of small stature?

?...Hmmm. Are you sure it was him,grrzt?

...Well then, I extend my reluctantthanks to you in a gesture of obligatorygratitude, vrrrrrrt-CHONK.

?Hmmph. This individual may haverestored my operations, but I am notinclined to offer assistance, zrrt.

Serving children is very low in my taskpriority, dzzt!

?Who are you?!ZRRPT-FOOOSH!

?Your name is...Fi? Dzzt! Should I callyou Mistress Fi? Are you looking forsomething, Mistress Fi?

?I... I understand, vrrt!

At your request, I will carry anything,regardless of weight or destination...whizzt!

?Master Shortpants! I offerassistance! I can now detect MistressFi's thought waves, vrrt!

Should you need me, ask Mistress Fi tocall me, and I will arrive with haste,bzzat!

?Master [Link]...

Materials from the windmill haveyielded a signal that you may searchfor with your dowsing ability. Use it tolocate the fallen propeller.

?However, it will not be possible tocarry the item in your pouch andreturn to the sky.



We now have the means to bring thepropeller back to Skyloft. You mayimmediately begin your search for theWindmill Propeller.

?A report, Master.

Because of the improvement to yoursword, you can now use your dowsingability to locate treasure.

Please use the additional entry inyour dowsing target list at yourleisure and convenience.



?That green uniform looks so...adventurous! You sure look like aknight now.

?The headmaster said you're headingout to look for Zelda.

You're really something else. I couldnever imagine myself doing whatyou're about to do.

I put a lot of work into making this!You should take it with you.

?It's an Adventure Pouch. It's for...adventures. It's neat because you canfit four things in it that you'll needon your big journey.You can buy all kinds of stuff at thebazaar that you can put in this pouch.You should go look!

You could buy some potions and ashield. They'd fit in the pouch, and theymight come in handy on an adventure.

?[Link]! I just know you'llfind Zelda for us.

?Aww, thanks. I didn't think you hadtime to help me out,[Link].

No problem!
I'm busy...

?Really? Thanks! OK, so...

?Oh, right... You've got today'sWing Ceremony to think about!You can leave that there.

?Hey, what's wrong, [Link]?

You...don't know where your bird is?What are you talking about,[Link]?

You called it, didn't even cometo you?

...So that means...Oh... I knew it...

Huh? Oh, uh, nothing. Really, I was,uh...talking to myself. You know, likeI do...

?That's pretty serious,[Link]. Hope you findyour bird soon...

?I need you to carry one of these barrelsover to the old lady who works in thekitchen.

Press [A] to pick up a barrel, then press[A] again to put it down at your feet.

If you hold the Wii Remote up andswing it, you can throw whatever you'recarrying.

You can roll small items like pots byholding the Wii Remote down andswinging it.

But we'll get in huge trouble if any ofthese barrels break, so don't even thinkabout throwing or rolling them.

?If you forget any of this, just press [2].

That'll bring up an explanation ofactions available to you at that momentin time. Pretty handy, huh?

?Thanks! That was a huge help,[Link]!

I know it's not much, but here's half ofthe pay the old lady offered me todo that.

?I have to hang back and watch theacademy today. Good luck with theceremony, [Link]!

?Hey, [Link]! Just make sureyou come back and see me.

?Good morning, [Link]!Today's the big Wing Ceremony,right?

I wanted to fly too, but I... I didn'tmake the cut, so I'm stuck back here atthe academy.

Plus, I've got to move these barrelsover to the kitchen.

I was hoping to at least be able tocheer you on, [Link], but...I guess that's the way it goes.Go out there and wow them, buddy!

?I'm not like you, [Link].I fail at everything I try.

That's why I'm still here practicingpicking up barrels with [A].

I guess it's not all bad. At least I'mgetting paid.


?Hey, umm... I should probably tell you...

Ah, forget it. Never mind.Sorry...

?Hey, [Link]! Did you findany clues about Zelda? I know youcan find her. Don't give up!

?Zelda fell from her bird... I can'tbelieve it...

She's such a good rider, you know?

Since I'm pretty much the worst rideraround, all I can do is hope she's OK.

?Hey, [Link]!

I've pretty much maxed out on push-ups. Wonder what exercise I can pickup next...

Whoa! That's one sweet bow you'vegot there, [Link]!

Bet you're a total natural with it, too.


?Hey, [Link]! The Isle of theGoddess vanished! What's going on? you already know everything,huh, [Link]?

It must have something to do withfinding Zelda. I get it. I'm done beingsurprised by this stuff. You just makesure you find Zelda, OK?

?You're amazing, [Link]!

Even if I work my way up to 3,000push-ups, I'll never be as cool as you.

?Why are you blushing? You knowit's true!

?I've got it! Why don't you showme how good you are withyour bow?

I'm going to toss some pumpkins intothe air, OK?

You show me how good you are byfilling them full of arrows!

Throwing the pumpkins in the air willgive me a good workout too!Two birds with one stone!

No, thanks.

?OK, [Link]. I know howbusy you are.

You've got the whole "save Zelda"mission going on and stuff.Sorry for bugging you.

?I'll toss pumpkins for 90 seconds!You get 10 points for every pumpkinyou hit.

The more pumpkins you hit in a row,the more points you get. Don't miss!

?Oh, and one more thing. It will cost you20 Rupees a try.

Playing for free is no fun, right?So what do you say? You want togive it a shot for 20 Rupees?

No, thanks.

?Can't afford it, huh? Must be roughnot having enough Rupees to playa little game, huh, [Link]?

?All right! Let's get started. Show mehow it's done, [Link]!

?Hey, [Link]! How'severything going?

You want to try shooting somepumpkins? One go around will costyou 20 Rupees!

No, thanks.

?Want to try again? It'll cost youanother 20 Rupees.


?You scored # points.

Just not feeling it today, huh,[Link]? Sorry, but youdon't get a prize with that score.

The easiest way to hit a pumpkin isto lead it. You know, put the cursor alittle ahead of it as it's flying.

Do that, and I bet you can score150 points or so.

Not that I'm giving you advice oranything. I mean, I know you knowwhat you're doing.

?Wow, # points! Nice job,[Link]!

It's not the best score ever, but youwere pretty smooth, [Link]!

Next time, I want you to aim for atleast 400 points!

Anyway, here's 50 Rupees I've earnedfrom doing chores for the grumpykitchen lady.

?Drop by when you want to try again!

?It would be great to see you hit 600points and set a record next time.Give it your best shot!

?Wow, # points! That's great,[Link]!

You're good at everything you do,[Link].

Here's your prize!

?You got # points! That's beyondamazing, [Link]!

The pride of the Knight Academy istruly riding on your shoulders,[Link]! Here, take this!

?You got # points! That's beyondamazing, [Link]!

The hopes of the Knight Academy aretruly riding on your shoulders,[Link]!

Take this symbol of friendshipbetween you and me,[Link]!


?Ah, hey... What do you need?


?You want to do some shopping? Justcome back to the shop tomorrow.

?So when you say "um"...that meansyou don't have a good reason to behere, huh?

?What? You think I'm being gruff?You think I'm totally different duringthe day?

Well, I get tired of having to be asmiley shopkeeper all day, all right?Just don't think that this is the realme.Anyway, enough about that... You'rehere to make some money at mynight market, am I right?

Night market?

?Ah, it's your first time here, isn't it?Oh well...

?Why didn't you tell me that from thebeginning?

?Night is when I do my buying. See,I buy treasure, but that's not to sayI'll buy just any old thing. I only dealin specific types of treasure.Right. Let's get on with it, shall we?

?So you want to sell some treasure?

?Well, today I am buying thesetreasures:

[var][var][var][var]Just these four! So, what do you wantto do?

I'll sell!
No deal.

?Which will you sell to me?


?Hmmm, how many Rupees can I offerfor each [var]...Does # seem fair?

?Hmmm, how many Rupees can I offerfor each [var]...Does # seem fair?

?Hmmm, how many Rupees can I offerfor each [var]...Does # seem fair?

?Hmmm, how many Rupees can I offerfor each [var]...Does # seem fair?

?I see that you're carrying # of those.How many will you sell me?

All of them!
No deal.

?Ah, the old [var] deal, eh?And you've got # of 'em?Let's see, how many Rupees is thatworth... Let's say #?

It's a deal!
Never mind.

?You don't even have that many!Quit wasting my time.

?Listen, pal...I've had enough of thefunny business. You don't even have asingle one of those. So do you want tosell something else or what?

I'll sell!
No deal.

?All right. Here's your money.

?Thanks. Come back soon.

?Oh. Really? OK, well, hopefully you'llcome back again sometime.

?Oh. It's you... [Link].What do you want with me?

?Huh? What am I doing?

Bugs... I'm looking at bugs.

?Bugs are amazing. Even moreamazing than Groose in a lot of ways...

Oh...wait. I'm not saying Groose isn'tas amazing as a bug.

?Look, I just really like bugs... I want tocollect all kinds of bugs. Sometimes,I even dream about having, like, anentire island full of bugs...

?...How about this!

[Link], here's the plan.If you find a bug, come sell it to me.When it comes to bugs, Rupees areno object.


?Mwah hah hah! Now all mybug-collecting ambitions will finallybe realized...

?What? I was sure you'd go for that...Don't make me sic Groose on you...

?So if you ever want to sell any bugs,just bring them to me. I usually hangout here at night...

I won't just buy any bug, though.What I buy on any given day justdepends on the mood I'm in.

Oh, one other thing... This might bugyou a little bit, but I only want todo these deals at night. I have areputation to protect, you know.Got it, [Link]? I don't meanto be a pest, but I'm counting on you.I can't stop thinking about bugs...

?...So let's get to it. Want to sell mesomething?

?Oh, it's you, [Link].I thought you might come by.Let's just say a little bug told me...

?Hey, [Link]. Something'sbugging me today. I mean that in agood way...

?[Link]... Want to hearsomething neat? OK, so...earlier inthe night, I went back into thosecaves behind the waterfall.I saw some Blessed Butterflies in thisempty area. I wonder why they wereswarming around that spot...Weird, right?If you want to see them for yourself,you should go into the caves at night.

?Oh, right. Let's see what kind of bugsyou've got for me today.

?Let's see... Tonight I feel like buying:[var][var][var]

I'll sell!
No deal.

?Well, that's too bad...I guess I'll "bee" seeing you...

?Which do you want to sell me?


?[var], eh?For one of those, how many Rupeesshould I part with? Hmmmm...How about #?

?[var], hmm?For one of those, how many Rupeesshould I part with? Hmmmm...How about #?

?[var], hmm?For one of those, how many Rupeesshould I part with? Hmmmm...How about #?

?Thanks, mantis face!

I mean that in a good way! I lovemantises. Well, I'm looking forwardto seeing more of your bugs,[Link].

?You don't have even one of those!You look like you wouldn't harm a fly,but you're still trying to rip me off?

Or do you just want to sell me adifferent bug?

No deal.

?How many have you got there--#?And how many of those are you lookingto sell?

All of them!
No deal.

?You don't have that many... So I'll askyou again...

?I love a good [var]...And you're selling # of 'em, eh?How many Rupees should I throw yourway... I'm gonna say #.

Never mind.

?OK, here's your money.

?Nnngghh snrrrk...SNNNNRRRKK...

?Ahhh... This child just won't go tosleep for me... What can I do? Ahhh...

That's terrible!
And your wife?

?Yeah, it is pretty terrible... But evenwhen babies cry, they're still reallycute... If they're yours, I guess.

You'll understand someday whenyou've got one of your own!

?Ah, the missus... She gets tired fromrunning the business all day.

I have to let her get some restsometime, right...? Ha ha...


?Ahhh... Doesn't look like I'll get muchsleep tonight...again.

Are you tired?

?Sorry to worry you...

?Well, you can see what my nights arelike, right?

?The baby just goes on and on like thisall night. I haven't slept a wink in...Ahhh... I don't even know how long.

The baby usually sleeps like a sack ofrocks. But that was before we lostthe you know what...

No, what?
Oh, that?

?The baby's Rattle.

?So you know about it? Yes, the baby'sRattle.

?If we had the you know what, thenthe baby would settle down. But welost it the other day.

A bird picked it up in its beak and flewoff with it. Maybe the bird thought itwas food. I don't know...

Of course, the bird wouldn't haveeaten it, so I think it must still besomewhere here in town. I just don'tknow where...Sigh... It sure would be nice ifsomeone would find it for me.

?Ahh...I hope someone finds thebaby's Rattle...

A bird flew away with it. It must stillbe somewhere in town... Sigh.It looks like I won't get any sleeptonight, either...

?Is that...? The baby's Rattle!You found it!

?Who's a sleepy baby?Time for beddy-bye.

?Whew. The baby seems to have settleddown nicely. I bet the baby will sleepwell tonight. Oh! That means I'llfinally get a good night's sleep too!Thank you so much! I won't forgetwhat you did for me.

?Finally, I can sleep! Thank you!

?Oh, thank you, thank you! I appreciateeverything you've done.


?Nnghh... Snrrrk... Hrmmph...


?Snrrrrrk... Hrrmphh...



?Whew... Let me catch my breath...

Hey... [Link]! Oh!What am I doing? I'm training!

I can't even lift a single barrel...Pathetic, I know! That's why I wantto get stronger.

I'm a bit embarrassed about it, though,so I do it at night when no one'saround to laugh at me...

But it's not going so well. I'm just tootired. I was actually about ready tothrow in the towel...

?Ahh...if only there were a potion thatwould give me stamina, then I coulddrink that and maybe find that lastlittle bit of strength I need...

?...Fat chance, right? I suppose I'll haveto just put my nose to the grindstone...Yep, just buckle down my bootstrapsand all that... Right?Anyway, I'll just keep working on thisfor as long as I can! All on my own,I guess... Sigh...

?Oh...but don't worry about me...I still have some get-up-and-go inme... I think... Maybe...

?Whew...whoo... It's no good...

If only I had a potion that would giveme stamina, then maybe I could reachdown deep for that 110%...

?I just...whoo...need a breather...[Link], what have you gotthere? Is that... a Stamina Potion?

I don't suppose you'd...let me havethat, would you?

Take it!

?Oh! [Link], what have yougot there? That's not... It's not aStamina Potion, is it?

I don't suppose you would mind lettingme have that, would you?

Take it!
No way.

?Oh... Of course... I don't mean to putyou out.

?Really?! Thank you! I owe you one!

?Whoo-yeah! I can feel my musclesperking back up already!

?It's just this rate, I don'tknow if I'll ever get strong and burly.

Try your best!
Yes, you can!

?Right! That's exactly what I need to do.No more whining! I need to pushmyself.

?Wow... Really? It's great to hearyou're so confident in me. Maybe I canactually do this...

?Thank you, [Link].I'll make you proud. You'll see! I'll besuper burly in no time!

OK, back to training! Come back soonso I can show you the new me!

?I'll do my best! And someday I'll bestrong. Come back soon so I can showyou the new me!

?Oh...whoo...I'm sweating up a storm.Good evening, [Link]!

I've been training hard ever since welast spoke, but I still feel so sluggish...Maybe I've just run out of energy.

?Hey, [Link]. Do you thinkyou could give me some moreStamina Potion?

?No, no... I can't keep asking you forfavors like that! I'll just keep workingat it on my own.

?Ah! [Link], is that...Is that a Stamina Potion you'recarrying?

Would you mind if I had some?

Take some!

?Whoo... I can't seem to catch mybreath...

Hey, [Link], I wonder...Would you mind sharing someStamina Potion with me?

Take some!

?Of course, of course... Sorry, I wasbeing foolish and presumptuous.

?It's OK. I'll be fine! I'll just keep at iton my own.

?Really? Wow, thanks! I'll gladly takeit, then.

?Whoo-hoo! That's the stuff! It's like arefreshing splash of ENERGY!

?...Sometimes I worry, though. All thistraining, and no results! How long do Ineed to train before I start to getstronger?What do you think, [Link]?How many push-ups do you think Ineed to do to get strong?

About 1,000!
Not about numbers.

?Ulp... That many? Really?

OK, then... I guess there really is nogain unless there is also pain. So muchpain...

?It's not about numbers? ...Of course!

You mean I should just keep at it untilI've forgotten how many I've done,right?

?I guess that makes sense. Now that Iknow that, I'll definitely start gettingstronger!

Come back soon so you can see howI'm doing!

?[Link]! You're going to beshocked by how strong I am!Come back and see me soon!

?Phew! Well, that was a nice warm-up!

...Hey, [Link]! I was justhoping you'd come by. I wanted to askyou something.

The other day I tried lifting somebarrels, and I was able to do it withone arm!

Do you think that means I've gotenough muscle? What do you think,[Link]? Do I look strong?

Too strong!
For sure.

?Really? Thanks! I'm so happy.

?Huh? Aww, you're just saying that.But it's still nice to hear it.

?It's all thanks to you,[Link].

I would have gotten discouraged ifyou hadn't come by to cheer me on.You gave me motivation!

Thank you so much, [Link]!

?I could just keep going and going!Next, I'm going to train so hard thatI can lift a barrel with one finger.

?Phew! Not a bad warm-up...

?Ugh... I'm so worried...So worried...

What's wrong?
Calm down.

?Ahh, [Link].You really want to hear about all mytroubles? That's kind of you.

?CALM?! How could I be calm at a timelike this?! ...I'm sorry. I know Ishouldn't be yelling at you.That won't help.

?So you see, a short while ago my littlesister went out for a quick flight, butshe hasn't come home yet.

It was getting late for her to still beout, so I went looking for hereverywhere... But I couldn't find her.

I just hope nothing has happened....I'm worried sick thinking about it.

?Hey, [Link], would youmind helping me look for her?

?She said she was curious about thatcolorful island that appeared recently,so I suspect she's somewhere in thesouthwestern sky.

?I'm counting on you,[Link]!

?I'm so worried... I feel just...sick.What was she thinking?

I always made her take a bottleof potion with her...but today Iforgot...

?My sister said she was curious aboutthat colorful island that appearedrecently, so I suspect she's somewherein the southwestern sky.

?Would you please help us look for her,[Link]?

?What?! You found my sister?!Her bird's injured and can't fly?!

That's terrible! In that case, take herthis as quick as you can!

These are Mushroom Spores.They will heal the bird's injury.

?But, wait... You're carrying too much.Make some space in your pouch,and then come and talk to me.

?If she uses this, it will quickly healthe bird. She should then be able tomake her own way home.Take it to my sister!You can keep the Empty Bottle onceshe's had a chance to use the stuffinside.

I'm counting on you,[Link]!

?Where did all the Mushroom Sporesgo? You haven't given them to her yet?

To get more Mushroom Spores, justcollect them from mushrooms. I'mcounting on you, [Link].

?Great--you've made room in yourpouch. Well then, take these!

They're Mushroom Spores.They'll heal the bird's injury.

?What's the deal, [Link]?You need to hurry up and take thoseMushroom Spores to my sister!

I'm counting on you!

?[Link]! My sister madeit home safely! Thank goodness...I was so worried about her.

Thanks so much for your help,[Link]!

?[Link]! My sister is safe!

I'm so relieved! I was getting soworried there. All these worst-casescenarios kept popping into my head.

What? You're the one who gave mysister the bird medicine?

Thank you so much! I don't have muchto give you to repay you, but pleasetake this with my gratitude!

?Oh, that's a shame. I wanted togive you this Empty Bottle, but it lookslike your pouch is full and you're alsoout of room at the Item Check...But I'll hang on to it for you. If you canget rid of something from your pouchor make some room at the Item Check,come see me later and it's all yours.

?It may not look like much, but believeme, there's a dozen uses for a finebottle like that. Thanks again!

?Hey, [Link], thanks fortaking care of my sister like that.I won't forget what you did.

?Hey there, [Link]! I haven'tseen Zelda around lately. Do you knowwhat happened to her?

?Hey there, [Link]!

What's that? Something about twosails? Sorry, but I've got zero interestin silly riddles. Why don't you go askthe town fortune-teller for help?

?Hey! Did you see what's going on?!The Light Tower is shooting a beam oflight off into the thunderhead.

It's almost like the tower is telling usto head into that big mass ofthunderclouds...or something.

?Hey there, [Link]! Have youseen those three troublemakers aroundhere recently? It's been a while sinceI've seen them hanging around.Maybe failing the test to get promotedto the senior class got them to finallybuckle down and study for once.

?Hello, [Link]! Did I tell youI went to see that Fun Fun Island placemy sister was talking about?

The guy I met there was telling me howhe dropped his party wheel below theclouds, whatever that is. He lookedpretty broken up about it.If you ask me, he'd best get over it.Everyone knows that once somethingfalls below the clouds, it's long gone!

?Hey, [Link]! Always in ahurry to get somewhere, aren't you?

?Doesn't it seem weird that all thesebutterflies have been gathering here inthe plaza? There's nothing I can seethat would draw them here.

?Were you up to something down in theplaza? All of a sudden the whole skygot real dark.

?Did you hear all that racket just now?It sounded like the island was fixing toshake itself to bits. What was all that?

?The Isle of the Goddess has...disappeared? I mean, how doesthat even happen?!

This can't be good. Something bad isabout to happen. I know it. I mean,other than the island disappearing...

?Hey, you have a classmate namedStrich, right?

He said he'd discovered some kind ofinsect paradise inside that bigthunderhead. That guy really lovesbugs, doesn't he?I wonder what he intends to dowith this insect paradise...

?That Strich guy said he was gettinga bunch of insects together so he couldcreate Bug Heaven on an island insidethat thunderhead!

?Just a while back I bumped into Strich,who told me he'd found some rare bug.The guy headed for the thunderheadlooking happier than I'd ever seen him.Looks like he's setting himself up tobomb his exam again...

?Well! If it isn't [Link]!I'm so glad you're here. My birdgot injured while I was out for aquick flight, and now he can't fly.I somehow managed to make acrash landing here, but now we can'tget home!

I can't go home until my bird's better.I need medicine to get him healthy.Of course, it can't be human medicine.It has to be bird medicine.Hey, [Link], I really needyour help. Will you go get some birdmedicine for me?

Of course!

?Thank you! You're a real lifesaver.

? monster!

...But you're just joking, right?You must be...

?My older brother has some birdmedicine. Just go find him, and he'llgive you what I need.

I bet he's probably pacing aroundthe plaza in Skyloft, waiting for meto come home and being worriedout of his mind.

?So you have the medicine after all!Why didn't you say so? ThoseMushroom Spores are just what I need!

If you could just give them to me,my bird would be better in no time!Do you mind if I have them?

Here you go.
No way.

?So you'll give me those MushroomSpores you're carrying? If you couldjust give them to me, my bird would bebetter in no time!

Here you go.
No way.

?No? Oh... Well, I guess there's nothingelse I can do but ask you to find mybrother and tell him what's happenedhere. Would you mind?

?Huh? Really? You already spoke tohim? Well, that makes things easier.

?I'll be waiting for you here withmy bird. Hurry back!

?My brother has some bird medicine.Please go find him!

I'll be waiting for you here withmy bird.

?...Oh, Mushroom Spores! What a relief!You brought the medicine!

Here, take it!
Sorry, no.

? monster!

?Thank you! Now I can heal my bird'sinjury.

?Now my poor bird should be healthyagain in no time!

?I was beginning to think we weredoomed...

You've saved my life...and my bird's!We both owe you a big thanks!

?Here we go! See you back in town!

?Oh, [Link]. Thanks for allyour help!

My bird is back to full health.Thank you so much.

?Oh, hey, [Link].Where's your friend from theacademy? You know, Zelda...Was that it?I haven't seen you two together at allrecently. Did you have a fight orsomething?

?Hey, [Link].

Two whirling sails, you say?

You know, those blades on thewindmills look kind of like whirlingsails, don't they? I wonder if that's it...

?For a moment there, it looked likethe sky was shrouded in darkness.I wonder if something happened...

?What?! The Triforce?!Yeah, never heard of it...

Have you tried asking the KnightAcademy headmaster about it?

?Hey, [Link].

So is it true you learned how to getyour Loftwing to pull off thatlegendary Spiral Charge maneuver?That's amazing!

?Wow, I've never felt the island shakelike it did. What could've happened?

?The Isle of the Goddess hasvanished, [Link]!

And it was such a great resting spotfor the birds...


?Oooooh... Somebody...Please, somebody help me...

?Oooh... Paper...

Please... Somebody bring me paper...Bring me some paper...

Any kind of paper at all... Ooooh...

?Ahhh... Paper! You brought mesome paper!

I'll open the door... Please come in...

?Please forget about the paper...Good-bye...

?Ooooh... Paper...I need paper...

I'm not angry or anything...I just need some paper...

Give letter.
Don't do it.

?Ooooh... Somebody... Paper...

?Huh? You're giving me paper?I'm so happy...

?But...this looks like someone's letter...Are you sure I can have this?


?Thank you... I will use it with care...

But I'm shy, so don't ask me what Iwant the paper for...

May we meet again...You kind soul...

?Ah... You're the one from theother day...

?It's good to see you again... Actually,thanks to you, I met my true love...

Yes, him...

It all started with that letter thatyou gave me...

Those beautiful words of affectioncaused me to fall hopelessly in love...

?Ahh, my heart is bursting with thoughtsof him... I feel so excited, so cheerful,so full of life...

?Ahh... My love... I will always be byyour side... Tee hee...

?Hmm... Should I give it to her...?Should I not give it to her...?

?...Uwah! [Link], it's you!Don't sneak up on me like that!

I have a serious dilemma on my mindright now. And you're distracting me!

Can I help?

?What? You want to hear about it?

Hmph! Normally I would never,ever tell someone like you...But these are dire times...

?Huh? Really?!

Arrgh... Normally, I would never asksomeone like you for help... But theseare dire times...

?Come to think of it, you might be justthe person I need! You seem to bepretty good with the ladies...

...Ugh. I can't believe I just said that.But whatever! Let's do this![Link]! I have a task foryou!

?So listen up... Your mission is to takethis piece of paper to a certain person!It's a very important piece of paper!Make SURE you deliver it.

?Huh...? What's your problem? Why areyou looking at the restroom?

?What? There's someone in therestroom at night who wants...paper?

?You fool! How dare you! This is noordinary piece of paper! It's a letter!A very special one at that!

I put my heart into every word...I guess you could say it's sort of like a...All right, fine! It's a love letter!

And that is why you will not, under anycirc*mstances, EVER allow it to beused as toilet paper! Do you hear me?!

?So listen up! The person you must giveit to is a girl... An upperclassman...Her name is Karane.

You know who I mean, right?She's the one with the round hat.She's really cute. You know the one.

And don't you dare...not even bymistake...even think of giving it tothat weirdo in the restroom! Swear it!

?Here it is. I'm entrusting this letterto you. So don't read what's inside!Do you hear me?!

?I'm counting on you,[Link]! Get to it!If you don't mess this up, maybe I'll letyou be my sidekick!

?Get it straight, [Link].I need you to give the letter to the cuteupperclassman with the round hat.

And don't even think about giving it tothat weirdo in the restroom! Not evenby mistake! Don't you DARE!

?What now, [Link]?!Tonight my head is swimmingwith thoughts of Karane!

If you need to talk to me aboutsomething, it can wait untiltomorrow. Now get lost!

?What?! You actually did it?!You gave the letter to Karane...?!

Oh no. OH NO. What now?! What doI do? Maybe I should go see what shethought of the letter...Ahh, but...this is so embarrassing...

? Karane finally knows howI feel about her...

What should I do...?My heart is pounding...

?Heh heh heh... I'm not afraid ofGroose! His room is mine now!

?Ugh... Nngh...nngh...H-help...

?Ugh... Stupid Pipit... So much hatefor you... For crying out loud...

?Hey, [Link]! Did you handover that letter like I asked?


?Wh-what did you just say?! You gave itto that weirdo in the restroom?!

?Y... You... Are you out of your mind?!

Seriously?! You gave it to that creepin the restroom? Really?! You gaveit to that restroom weirdo?!

?Didn't I specifically tell you NOT togive it to the weirdo in the restroom?!Seriously! I said it like five times!I know I did!You fool! How could you?! Anyone whoblocks the path of true love deservesto be kicked by a bird!

I hate you, [Link]!


?What do you want, [Link]?!I'm just hurting so bad right now...

I don't know who that was in therestroom, but I'm completely freakedout just knowing that they read myletter...I still can't even believe it! Who exactlydid you give it to?!

?What do you want, [Link]?!I won't forget what you've done to me!

And ever since you botched that thingwith the letter, I've been havingnightmares and can't get any sleep!It's just one thing after another!What is going on?! I wonder if thatbed is cursed? Maybe it's Groose'srevenge! You gotta help me,[Link]!

?Ever since you botched that missionwith the letter, I've been havingnightmares and can't get any sleep!It's just one thing after another!What is going on?! I wonder if thatbed is cursed? Maybe it's Groose'srevenge! You gotta help me,[Link]!

?It's over... It's all over...

What do you want, [Link]?!Have you come to laugh at me in mymiserable state? Just leave me alone!

?Hey, [Link], what do youthink about Pipit?

He's nice.

?Yes! Yes, he is! He's kind and caring.And handsome and wonderful!

Oh dear... I don't know what's comeover me all of a sudden...

Sorry for bothering you with such anawkward question...

?Huh? Oh... Well, you know... I just...

Oh, forget about it. I don't even knowwhat I was thinking asking you astrange question like that. Silly me...

?Ah! [Link]!Congratulations on advancing!

Wow... So this year's knight's uniformis dark green, eh? Looks neat!

I bet Zelda will be really happy to seeyou in that...

Oh, and don't worry... I'm sure she'sfine, wherever she is! She'll definitelybe home soon.

?That outfit looks great on you!

Not as good as it looks on Pipit,though!

?Sigh... Oh, Pipit... How can I get you tonotice me?

?Ah! [Link]!

Uhh, what's the matter? Do you, uh...need something?I wonder if he heard what I was just talking about...?

Give the letter.
Don't give it.

?Huh? You're a strange one, aren't you,[Link]?

?Huh? A letter? For me...?Could it be from Pipit?!

Here you go!
Never mind.

?What kind of a trick is that?Stop messing around!

?Oh... Thank you. I'll just take that.

?I wonder who it's from?!

?Whoa... That's some really terriblehandwriting...

Anyway, never mind that... Let's seewhat it says...

?..."Greetings. My love for you is widerthan the horizon and deeper than theclouds."

"I would very much like it if you wouldgo out with me.Your brave knight,Cawlin"


Wow... This Cawlin guy... Isn't he oneof Groose's flunkies?

And...this... This is a love letter fromthat Cawlin kid...right?

Hoo boy...

?So, yeah... I have to say, he really puthis heart into it and everything...

I don't know... Maybe I should considergoing out with Cawlin.

...Hah! As if!

Sigh... I wonder what Pipit would thinkif he knew about this...

?Thank you for bringing me the letter,[Link].

Sigh... I wonder what Pipit would thinkif he knew about this...

?Hee hee! Thanks, [Link].Because of you, I have an amazing newboyfriend!

But I feel kind of bad about Cawlin,you know?

?Well, if it isn't [Link].You know, you seem to be getting morehandsome by the day.

That knight's uniform really suits you.And you give off that "reliable guy"vibe too.

?Huh, the Triforce? What's thatsupposed to mean?

?Whoa, you can already Spiral Charge?!

Wow...that's cool, [Link]!I mean...whatever. I'm sure Pipit cando it, too!

?Did you hear all that noise outside alittle while ago? I wonder what thatwas all about...

?Hey, [Link]! You made it!Finally in the senior class! That outfitsuits you.

But now's hardly the time to celebrate,right? I can't believe Zelda has gonemissing.

You and Zelda are so close... I knowyou must be worried sick!

I don't know... I just have this feelingshe's alive and well somewhere!You've got to believe that and waitfor her to come home.

?Hey, [Link]! How are you?Feeling a bit better, I hope.

I'm afraid I've got some problems too.But, you know, I try to put on a braveface in front of other people.

If you do that, the unhappiness rollsoff like water on a Loftwing's back.I always try to keep that in mind.

?Hey, [Link]!You're looking pretty upbeat lately.

That's the spirit! Zelda will be homebefore you even know it. Just keep onbelieving that while you wait for herto come back!

?Hey, [Link]!How are you doing?

Huh?! What's this about a Triforcehidden by the goddess?

Uhhh, I really don't know anythingabout that...

If you want to know about that kindof stuff, then you should ask one ofthe instructors.

?Hey, [Link]. Listen to this...It's a confidential piece of informationthat hasn't been shared with anyonebut you.So, I was flying around outside whenall of a sudden this weird buildingpopped out of the bottom half of theIsle of the Goddess!Just what's going on here in Skyloft?!

?Can you believe it? The Isle of theGoddess fell right out of the sky!

It breaks my heart to see it missingfrom Skyloft...but, you know, I thinkit was a message from the goddess,telling us to make the most of our lives.

?Besides, she's not the only goddess in my life...

?What's up, [Link]?

?...Huh? Karane got a love letter?

I-I see... That's interesting...Wow...

Erm... Wh-what do you think sheintends to do...?

Date him.
Beats me.

?What?! Th-this is a big problem,isn't it?!

?So you don't know? Well... That's goingto bother me until I find out...

?...Oh! I mean, uhh... It's not likethere's anything going on betweenme and Karane, you know?We're just friends...So it's not my business who she goesout with. I don't have much to sayabout it.

But you know...I do have a duty tomake sure that everyone is living upto the high ideals of our knight school,right?I mean, ideal love is unfettered andpassionate. Anything less than thatcan't really be called love at all, youknow what I mean?So I should just step in and make surethat she's found a true love thataspires to the highest ideals of ourfine educational institution, right?And what about me? I have the right toexperience an unfettered andpassionate love too, don't I?

You understand, don't you,[Link]? I'm not wrongabout this, am I?

I don't know.
You like her?

?Wha-what?! Don't be ridiculous,[Link]!

I don't even understand how you couldmake such a wild accusation!

?I see... Of course. You've got moreimportant things to worry aboutthan this right now!

?Well, either way...

I don't suppose you'd mind asking herwhat her decision is going to be,would you?

?Erm... Hmm...

Let's just say you had an interestin how that relationship turned out.Do you think it would be best to goand ask her about it?I mean... That isn't to say that I havea personal interest here, though.I'm just interested in the emotionof general...

?Hey, [Link]! Thanks to you,I found a wonderful girlfriend!Thank you so much!

?You're the one who sent the letter,right?


?Tee hee. It was a wonderful love letter.Thank you!

?It wasn't...that...great...

?And, um... Wh-what's your...answer?

?My answer? answer...

?Oh, please! Please go out...with me!


?I think you should go out with meinstead! I want to askyou out!

?What...? Hey, hold on there!What are you trying to pull allof a sudden?

?Errr...I want to go out with... Pipit...

?Ha! See that, you fool?! I knew shewould choose me! She's been checkingme out for weeks! Uhh, wait a second...

?Wait... Really?!

?Truly? You choose me?

?Yes! I'm so happy. Thank you...

?This can't be happening...



?When you told me about the letter,it was at that moment I finallyrealized. I realized that...I love her.

I thought to myself, "I can't let anyoneelse take her from me!"

If you hadn't told me, I mightnever have even noticed my ownfeelings for her.

I'm so grateful. I don't know how I canever thank you!


?[Link]? I wasn't expectingto see you here.

I flew into this thick fog and ended upon this island.

But once I got here, I looked aroundand realized...this is some kind ofinsect paradise!

So I decided to go after my dream andraise a bunch of bugs here. Now I canspend my days catching all the bugsI want!You want to try catching some bugs?I'll release a few for you, so why don'tyou give it a shot?

?I have come up with two levels for mybug-catching competition: an easyBug Beginner level and a Bug Wranglerlevel for real bug masters like me.Since you aren't a bug lover, I'llcharge you 20 Rupees for the BugBeginner level and 50 for the BugWrangler level. Do you want in on this?

Bug Beginner!
Bug Wrangler!
No, thanks.

?WHAT?! You don't even have aBug Net?! I don't believe this.

You've never experienced the passion,thrill, and joy of bug hunting? I feelsorry for you.

You can buy a Bug Net at Beedle'sAirshop, so do yourself a favor and gothere right now and get one!

?Well, I guess that means you neverwere a real bug lover.

?You ready to start catching somebugs? Maybe you'll get bitten by thebug-catching fever, just like me.Or maybe you'll just get bitten...Anyway, it's 20 Rupees for the BugBeginner level or 50 for the BugWrangler level. What do you say?

Bug Beginner!
Bug Wrangler!
No, thanks.

?Looks like you don't have enoughmoney. So what if we went to theKnight Academy together? I'm notcutting you any deals.

?Think you can go bug catching withso few hearts? You're not taking thisseriously. It's not looking good for you.

Come back once you get somemore hearts.

?I'm going to be timing you while you'rein the course. If you get a decent time,I'll give you a prize!

In the Bug Beginner course, I will showyou pictures of five different bugs.Catch one of each to finish! Got it?OK, get ready!

?I'm going to be timing you while you'rein the course. If you get a decent time,I'll give you a prize!

In the Bug Wrangler course, you willneed to catch a total of 10 bugs thatI specify from among eight differenttypes. Got all that? OK, get ready!

?Hey! You're not thinking about quittingthis round of bug catching, are you?

I quit!

?So you really are quitting... I guess youdon't appreciate bugs like I do.

?I know, right? Time flies when you'recatching bugs!

?Uhh...don't you think you're takingtoo long?

I know you're not done yet, but I'mcalling it. Time's up!

?Easy now! You were about to make abeeline for a quick death there!

Don't forget that bugs can fight back!I knew you were in over your headthere, so I had to stop the game.

?Hold on! Just hold it. You still don'thave a Bug Net! Why am I wasting mytime with you?

Come back when you finally get aroundto buying one!

?That's it--time's up!'ve stillgot A LOT of improving to do.

For starters, shoot for getting yourtime under five minutes. Just keep onpracticing.

Oh, at night, I buy bugs back in myroom in Skyloft. You should come byand sell me any beauties you find.

?Time's up! That was pretty decent,I have to admit.

Your times will get even better if youremember where the bugs live. Nexttime, shoot for under three minutes.

?All right, here's some money. Youget 80 Rupees!

?OK! Time! Hey... This is incredible!

I think you might be in the running forsecond place as the best bug catcherafter me. You should aim for under twominutes.Do that, and a prize package of fivefabulous bugs is yours to take home!

?OK, time's up! ...Th-this is amazing!

I don't have any choice. I'm forced toadmit you're one of the all-time greatsof bug catching! I bow down to yourbug-wrangling skills.Let me give you your prize! You geta set of insects... Five rare ones at that!

?It's pretty sad that you can't see justhow fun catching bugs can be.

But come back when you changeyour mind!

?Sorry, I don't do refunds!

Better luck next time. Heh heh heh.

?Heh heh heh... Who would have thoughtyou'd get so into bug catching thatyou'd put your own life at risk?!

Sorry, I don't do refunds! Come backlater when you have more hearts.

?OK, you're done! Huh. I guess Ishould've expected this kind of timefrom you.

You know, sometimes the same type ofbug is a lot easier to catch in just adifferent place. Make sure you lookaround for the right spot.

?Next time, try for under three minutes.Oh, and I guess I should throw youa little money. Here's 30 Rupees.

?That's it--time's up! Whoa...I'm impressed. You might just be anatural at this!

Don't get full of yourself, though.You're still not good enough to winany of my rare insects.

?Next time, pull out all the stops andtry to finish in less than two minutes.

Oh, and your prize this time is50 Rupees!

?Stop! Stop! Time's up! That was just...incredible!

Oh, but let me just remind you that youwere doing the Bug Beginner levelof difficulty.

Next time, try Bug Wrangler! As aprize, here are five of my absolutefavorite bugs!

?Take good care of them for me...

?Heh heh heh heh. Well well, it's[Link]! How's life?

Oh, you think I look happy? Heh heh...Well, I guess I can't help it.

I mean, I did discover an insanely rareinsect, after all.

Tell me!
Who cares?

?You want to know more, huh?

Well... Let's just say I managed to landa legendary Horned Colossus Beetle.

It's pretty much a miracle that I foundit! I can't stop laughing or smiling.I'm so happy, my face hurts!

?What?! You're saying this is Beedle'spet bug?! The same Beedle who fliesaround in that shack selling his junk?

Give it back!
Poor Beedle...

?I see... You really are a snakein the grass...

?So you really think a sob story likethat is going to work on me?What a joke.

I found this bug, and it's all mine!

?...I suppose it would be kind of meanto keep someone's favorite pet bug.

But at the same time, I don't feel sobad that I'm just going to give itright back...

How about this?

If you can pull off a time in my gamethat makes even me admit you arethe master of bug catching, I'll givethis little guy back.So, what's it going to be? Are you upfor the challenge?

You're on!
Not now.

?Do you have any idea how muchthis bug is worth?

With this bad boy in my collection,my credibility in the bug-catchingcommunity will skyrocket! I'll bea bug-catching celebrity!

?And because this is still business,I'll be taking 10 Rupees from you...

No, thanks.

?Well then, go get 10 insects of mychoosing!

I'll be timing you. You've got to get10 insects within three minutes.

If you somehow do it, I'll give theHorned Colossus Beetle back.

All right then, get set!

?Heh heh heh... You've come to takeback the Horned Colossus Beetle, eh?

Of course!

?Oh, so are you hoping to become partof my collection too?

I mean, you are an annoying gnat...heh heh heh.

?OK, you're done!Heh heh heh... Who would have thoughtit would be so easy for you to break therecord time!

?OK, OK... As I promised, here's theHorned Colossus Beetle.

I have to admit, you're a pretty toughcompetitor. I guess I won't be able tobug you anymore.

Heh heh heh...

?Make sure to tell Beedle that, buglover to bug lover, I feel sort of badfor causing him so much stress.


Sorry, but I won't be able to give theHorned Colossus Beetle back!

Not with that kind of time. At the veryleast, you're going to have to finish inless than three minutes... Come on!Let's see some hustle!


?Oh? So you're willing to help us pickpumpkins, are you?

I'm in!

?I've got a favor to ask of you. See,there were some pumpkins that Iwasn't able to pick, but...

Do you think you can help me get thosein the storage shed? Don't worry--I'llpay you for your efforts this time.

No way.

?Great! Glad to have you. I know you'rethe guy for the job!

Let's do it!
Never mind.

?Oh...and your next job has beendecided! Looks like you'll be helpingwith the pumpkin harvest!

What a relief! Do you have any ideahow heavy those pumpkins are?

Oh yeah? You think this is going to bea piece of pumpkin cake, do you?

Heh heh... Let's make this interesting.How about you carry five pumpkins atonce?

You better take it slow, or you'llrisk dropping them. Just get out thereand haul those pumpkins!

Let's do it!
I'm busy.

?Oh! It's the knight who broke thechandelier! Still working it off, huh?

Oh, hey...Father said he had somemore work for you.

You better go talk to him and find outwhat he has in mind.

?Oh, look! It's the brave knight whoslayed the chandelier! Still working itoff, eh?

Say, it's almost pumpkin-pickingseason...

I wonder how I'm going to lift all thoseheavy pumpkins this year...

?Oh, look! It's the brave knight whoslayed the chandelier! Still working itoff, eh?

?OK, then! I'll show you where youneed to carry the pumpkins!

?See that storage shed up ahead?Carry the pumpkins there.

?The trick to carrying several pumpkinsat once is to walk slowly!

If they start to lean right, move right.If they start to lean left, move left.Take your time, and keep your balance!

But if you panic and start to rush,well, you're going to drop them.So... Good luck!

?I knew you wouldn't let me down!

?Really?! I'm telling Father about this!

?Really?! I thought for sure you'd bewilling to lend a hand.

?Ugh... Are you always this boring?

?I just knew you would come through.You managed to carry them all!

I guess that means you're done carryingpumpkins!

Thank you very much!

?I knew you would come through for me!Somehow you carried them all.You're the one I can trust to get thejob done!Here's 50 Rupees for your hard work.

?Thank you very much! I hope you'llstop in again soon.

?Awww, you dropped them! You can'tbe careless like that...

If you want to try again, come onover here.

?Now that the pumpkins have beenharvested, the field needs to be plowedbefore we can plant new seeds!

If I could only find someone whowas good at plowing...

?Oh! Perfect timing! How do youfeel about breaking a sweat with somehonest work?

Think you can help carry pumpkinsto the storage shed? I'll pay you.

No, thanks.

?I hope I can count on you when it comestime to harvest the pumpkins again.You strong knight, you!

?Oh! Thanks for helping me carry thepumpkins the other day.

Thanks to you, we're ready to plant thenew seeds!

The only thing is, plowing the patch sothat it's ready to be plantedis hard work!

If only there was someone who wasreally good at plowing the field...

I know someone!
No idea...

?Oh, come on! Are you telling me you'reOK with a cute girl like me working thefield all by herself?! Some chivalrousknight you are!

?Really?! If that's the case, I'd love toask this person to help me out.

If you find this person, please tell themto come find me right away! OK?

?Is there really someone who wouldhelp me out?

Well, I'll try to keep my hopes up andjust wait here patiently until theyshow up.

?I sure hope you can find someone toplow the patch soon...

?Yay! You found someone, didn't you?!

?Wait a second... This isn't a person...

Ah, so you're saying that this moleis going to plow the patch for me?

?Well, good luck, Mr. Mole Man!

?Wow! Look at that! That's amazing!

?Wow! One more time! Please?!Again! Again!

?I am so grateful that you broughtthis lovely guy to help me!

I'm going to ask him to help with allkinds of things! Thank you very, very,very much!

?The fields are in good,claws? He can easily do the work of ahundred people! I'm so lucky to havehim around.

?Are you looking to help out withpumpkin picking?

It's kind of late to be harvesting now...How about you come back tomorrowmorning? Me and the patch willbe waiting!

?Teehee! Ever since the mole man came,work on the patch has been going like adream!

We can grow way more pumpkins now!

?I calculate a 90% chance that thisrequest is in some way connected toGratitude Crystals.

Your dowsing ability can be calibratedto locate the person who will plow thepumpkin patch for this girl.

However, if you are searching foranother object that someone hasasked you to find, that target will beremoved when you switch to this target.Do you wish to set your dowsing targetas a person to plow the pumpkinpatch?

Not yet.

?Understood, Master. Should you wishto assign the person in question as adowsing target, talk to this girl again.

?Understood, Master. I will set yourdowsing target to find an individualwho can plow the pumpkin patch.

?Your dowsing ability is not currentlyset to locate the individual this personseeks.

Do you wish to set your dowsing abilityto locate a person who will plow thepumpkin patch?

Not now.

?Understood, Master.

Your dowsing ability has been set tolocate the type of person she iscurrently looking for.

?Understood, Master. I will cancel yourcurrent dowsing target.

?C'mon! Are you seriously trying to getme to work on a field all day?!

Is that why you hauled me all the wayup here into the sky?

?What?! But you... Well...I suppose...I guess I could at least give it a try.

?Hey! So what d'ya think?!

?Hah... Ya think? Well, it was nothin'really.

Rootin' around in the dirt is child'splay for us Mogmas!

?Hooo yeah! I'm gonna show you howit's done!

?Hah... Nothing better than a dirtyday's work to make a guy feel alive!

Especially when I see that girl. Makesall the tiredness just melt away!

Say...have you seen the way she'sbeen eyeing me?

I think maybe that girl's fallen for me!

Lemme tell you, it makes me want towork even harder tomorrow!

?Oh yeah! Here I go!


Get down and come here this instant!

?Welcome to every bird rider's favoriterest stop, the Lumpy Pumpkin!

This is the one and only place you canenjoy some of our famous pumpkinsoup!

What do you think? Want to try a bitand see what all the buzz is about?

Just a little.
I'll pass.

?Welcome! Can I interest you in alittle pumpkin soup pick-me-up?

Just a little.
I'll pass.

?I'm impressed that a young man likeyourself can appreciate the refinedtaste!

Just 10 Rupees a bottle. Interested?

Fill 'er up!
No, thanks.

?Looks like you don't have enoughmoney. Maybe next time, then?

?I get it. Sure. This place is good formore than just drinking soup. You canalso meet some colorful folks here.Make yourself at home!But don't break anything or make amess of my pub.

Especially my special-ordered,custom-made chandelier hanging fromthe ceiling!

I don't want to see you shaking it!Don't even look at it sideways.Am I clear?

?I see. Well, I guess you'll just have towork off the cost of that chandelier.

Give me some time and come backand see me. Got that?

?I think you've done enough work tomake up for breaking my chandelier.You're off the hook, kid. I'd even sayyou did a good job!I thought you might give up partwaythrough, but you stuck it out.

I hope you'll come back and seeus again, but as a customer next time!

?Ahh! You came! Let me see... What wasit that I wanted you to do next...?

Hey! What's that?! That's a strange-looking instrument you have there...

Oh yes! You might just be surprisedto hear that Kina is actually quitethe singer!

It wasn't that long ago that she wouldsing for our customers!

But she had to stop because herpartner quit.

Think you'd be willing to do a quickduet with Kina?

Of course!

?Impressive! You're done harvestingall those pumpkins!

But don't celebrate yet. You've still gota ways to go before you've paid off thatfancy chandelier!

Give me some time to think about whatI need you to work on next. Just comeback and see me.

?I haven't figured out your next job yet!Come back later.

Or are you interested in buying somepumpkin soup and helping out ourprofits a bit?

In that case...
No, thanks.

?Oh, it's you! What should I have youwork on next?

Oh yeah, you've got that interesting-looking instrument...

I got it! I've got the perfect job for you!

But that job can only be done at night.

Wait until nightfall and come backand see me, all right?

?Hey, it's you! Oh, I know that look.You're fixing to play that harp ofyours, aren't you?

Sorry, but we have to prepare the stageduring the day.

Come back after nightfall!

?Oh! Looks like you were able to deliverthe soup to Eagus safely!

I'll subtract your wages from the billfor the chandelier.

And if you think that we're even, youbetter think again!

Next, I need you to help harvest thepumpkins! And I'm not taking no foran answer!

No way!

?Oh! You're here just in time.Just in time for another job, that is!

Your next job is to help pick thepumpkins! And I don't want to hearany moaning or complaining.

No way!

?Ah, I see you've delivered the soup toEagus!

I'll subtract your pay from the bill forthe chandelier...

But you're not done yet! I'm alreadyscheming about what I need youto do next.

I'm gonna need some time to thinkabout this, though, so come back andsee me later.

?Huh? What's wrong? I'm still thinkingabout what I need you to work on next!

Why? Because you still need to pay offthat fancy chandelier!

Well, are you going to add to ourprofits and buy some pumpkin soup?

No, thanks.

?What is wrong with you?! Just lookat what you've done!

You broke my fancy, custom-orderedchandelier!

You're going to be working for mefor free until you pay off every singleRupee that chandelier cost me!Got that?Are you ready to own up to yourresponsibility?

Of course!
No way.

?That's right! And I'm going to holdyou to that!

Let's not waste any time putting youto work. I need you to deliver myfamous soup to Eagus, Skyloft'sKnight Commander!The Knight Commander is a regularhere. He says he can't get his daystarted without a bowl of my soup!

What do you say? Are you ready todeliver some soup to the KnightCommander?


?So are you ready to start payingoff that chandelier?


?Hey! A man's word is his honor!I need you to deliver this soup tothe Knight Commander! Got it?

Got it!

?All right, then! Here's theHot Pumpkin Soup!

Deliver that to the Knight Commander!

?Listen up, kid. The Knight Commanderhates cold soup!

So you're gonna take this hot soup overto him.

I'd say you've got to deliver it in lessthan five minutes or the soup willget cold!

?WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! You gotsome nerve coming in here, busting upmy chandelier and thinking you canget away with it!

?Hey now!

You don't think you can come in hereand break my chandelier and justget away with it, do you?!

?That soup will be cold in five minutes!Now get on your way and deliver thatsoup to the Knight Commander!

?What's that? You don't have anyHot Pumpkin Soup?

Don't tell me you drank it!

I guess there's nothing to be doneabout it now. Here--take some more!

?What's that? You don't have anyHot Pumpkin Soup?!

Don't tell me that you drank it!Anyhow, guess I'll just have to fillthat bottle up again.

?But you'll have to pay me for it!That'll be 10 rupees!

?What?! You don't have 10 Rupees?!Well...what can I do? You're off thehook...but just this once!

?Hey! You haven't got an Empty Bottle!

You need an Empty Bottle if you wantto carry soup! Go get yourself one andcome back here.

?Oh, I see you brought an Empty Bottlewith you like I asked. Great!

?Hey! Did you not hear a thing I said?You let the soup get cold!

I can't believe this... I'll fill it up again.

?You don't have an Empty Bottle?!

It's mighty hard to drink soup whenyou've got nothing to drink from!Come see me again when you've foundan Empty Bottle!

?It's about time! Take this!

?The soup is meant to be enjoyed hot!Just so you know, it'll be cold in justfive minutes.

?Why do I waste my time... Don't youfeel even a little bad about whatyou did?

?Go on out and talk with Kina. I needyou to help her with the pumpkinharvest!

?This should be an easy one for you.Kina spends her afternoons pickingpumpkins in the patch out back.

Carry those to the storage shed.Kina can give you the details!

?Oh, can only work on thepatch during the day!

There's no telling what will happenunder the night sky!

?Ugh... I'll explain one more time.

?Great! That's what I want to hear!

But make sure you put your heart intoit! I won't stand for anything butyour best.

?Customers will start waving their armsas Kina sings her song, so you can justfollow them if you need a guide to therhythm you should be playing.Pick a customer whose movements areeasy for you to follow, and strum withthem to stay on the right tempo.

Don't worry about the direction of yourstrumming. Just make sure you're notplaying too fast or too slow, and usenice, big, sweeping motions to strum!When the customers stop moving,it's your chance to freestyle a little bitand play however you like!

It's all about playing to the rhythm!Got it?


?All right then! Hey! Kina!

?Yes, Father! What is it?

?This kid is going to accompany youwhile you sing! Now how about lettingyour Pops hear that beautiful voice ofyours, eh?!

?Of course! Let's do it, kid.

?What's wrong? Did you not understandwhat I said? Listen up!

?Hey! So you're saying that you'llplay one more time for Kina?

I'm in!
No way.

?Fair enough. Rest up and come backwhen you're ready to play!

?Great! I was hoping you'd say that.

?Well, well... Welcome! I can see fromyour handsome outfit there that you'rea Skyloft knight!

I hope you'll make yourself at home!

Have the Rupees sitting on top ofthe chandelier caught your eye?

Don't go thinking that you can getthose down, you hear?

You might think that you could knockthe Rupees down by bumpingsomething and making the chandeliershake, but...Don't even think about it!Are we clear?

?Well, well... Welcome!

My father told me! He said that youhave to work to pay off the chandelier!

It won't be easy, but I know you cando it.

?Don't even pretend that was anaccident! I put signs up there towarn people to be careful of thechandelier and everything!Well I wash my hands of the wholething! Don't be surprised if my dadgives you a royal chewing out!

?Hey there!

Welcome to the Lumpy Pumpkin!Sit back and relax! Are you OK?You look flustered.

?What?! Something happened toLevias?

You know, Father used to deliver hispumpkin soup to Levias every year.Maybe you should talk to him?

?Listen to this!

The old guy over there says he saw ademon!

He's obviously trying to get Kina'sattention, but he won't get anywhereusing creepy lines like that!

?Don't tell me you believe insuperstitious hogwash likedemons now, do you?

Hold on! Are you trying to get Kinato look your way too?!

?Oh no. You've done it now!There's no escaping this one!

?So all that talk about monsters anddemons was just superstition, right?!

That old guy was just talking nonsense!

?Hey, did you know this?

Kina will sometimes get on that stageand sing a song or two for us.

If there was a lovely melody playing,I bet she couldn't help but sing along.

?Hooo boy! It's been too long since Iheard Kina sing like that. I might havefallen in love with her all over again!

?I hear this chandelier is here 'cause ofall your hard work.

You aren't just doing it to try andimpress Kina, are you?

?You believe me, don't ya?!

Believe what?
No chance.

?There's a fiendish demon living inSkyloft!

I'm tellin' ya, I came this close togetting eaten by that evil beast!

You look like you've gotten a littleknight training, but you'd better keepyour guard up, or he'll take a bite outof you too!

?I know, right?! You're a good kid!

?Hey, now... What's with you kids todayand all your disrespectin' and whatnot!I swear...

?You have that gullible look that saysyou might take an old man's ramblingsseriously. So tell me... Do you believein the Skyloft monster?I shouldn't even call it a monster!It's a demon, I tell ya! But no onecan say fer sure because no one'sseen it and lived to tell the tale!Wha-huh? You wanna know howcome I'm tellin' the tale if nobodywho's seen it is left alive? Is that it?

Not at all!

?Well, you see... It was the dead ofnight. I hit the gravestone closest tothe tree. The impact made thegravestone light right up!After that, I went to inspect the lit-upgravestone. When I pushed against thegravestone, the door to the storageshed next to it opened all on its own...And that's when I saw it! I saw themonster! It lives in the storage shed!

I'm serious! You shouldn't go inthere! If you do, don't say I didn'twarn ya!

?What?! Didn't you hear me the firsttime?


?Yeah. If you want to wait till night,return to Skyloft and rest in a bed.

Skyloft becomes a completely differentplace at night...

I don't think you should go, though.And it's not my fault if something badhappens to ya. Nope.

?Yeah, well...I saw it, but I was able toescape by the seat of my pants. I wassaved by my catlike reflexes, I tell ya!

Any regular person wouldn't havelived long enough to scream!

?Well I will keep going if you stopinterrupting me like that!

?Anyway, I saw the thing, I tell ya!

There's a great big tree in thecemetery. I walked by that tree in themiddle of the night and...

I saw it hit the gravestone nearest thetree, and the gravestone lit up!

It pushed the gravestone, and the doorto the storage shed opened up all byitself...

The monster then went into the shed,and closed the door behinditself, which was unexpectedly politefor a demon...It was the most terrifying thing theseold eyes have ever seen! If you'resmart, you'll stay clear of the cemeteryin the middle of the night!

?What?! Are you telling me you movedthe gravestone?!

And did you see the monster?!What?! Weren't you scared?

You can't fool me! I bet you werescared stiff!

?You really shouldn't wander aroundSkyloft at night! If there's somethingyou want to talk to me about, do itduring the day.

?What were you thinking? You scareda year off my life!

What did you want again? I lost mytrain of thought...

?Kina's singing voice is beautiful!...But her music partner quit recently,and so I haven't heard her sing in awhile.I really wish I could hear her voiceagain.

?Yep! Kina's singing is the best I'veever heard! There's nothing like it.It's the opposite of my wife's warblyvoice...

?It's nice having a bigger chandelierand all, but I think the thing's a bittoo bright for my eyes.

?Hey, so I guess he's going to be helpingwith the pumpkin patch!

?I don't understand that Kina. If shewas having trouble tending to thepumpkin patch on her own, she couldhave just asked me for help!

?Seriously! I could plow the patchmuch faster than that mole guy outthere!

?What? Seriously? I'm so happy!

?Hahaha! For Kina, I'd do anything!Whether that's on a pumpkin patchor inside a burning house!

?Hehe! Well then I look forward togetting your help out there!

?You're all so sweet!

?Oh, but that's asking too much.Customers shouldn't be made towork in the pumpkin patch!

?It's fine! I'll be a lot more reliable andhardworking than that shady-lookingmole man you got here now!

?Hah! I'm happy to do it. After all,I live to see that smile!

?I brought the old Mogma, zzzrt!

?Send my best to Fi, bzzzzzzat!

?What's the matter? You look likeyou've got something mightyserious on your mind.


?Oh! I guess it was nothing, then.If that's the case, why don't you kick upyour boots and stay awhile?

?If that's the case, how about doingsome more work to pay off thatchandelier?

?Welcome to the Lumpy Pumpkin!This here's every bird rider's favoriterest stop.

Of course, this is the only place you candrink our famous homemade pumpkinsoup!

Judging from the look on your face,I'd say you've got something stewingin your mind.


?Levias... What about him?

Sure, I know Levias well, but I wasn'taware anything was wrong...

Every year I offer him an entirebasin full of my pumpkin soup!

But lately a huge thunderhead hasbeen brewing there, and I haven't yetmade this year's offering. I tell you,I feel horrible about it!

?You say you'll deliver a pot of my soupto Levias?

Huh. I don't know how you plan to flyinto that huge thunderhead brewingout there, but...

If that's the case, I'm going to doeverything I can to make Levias thebest batch of soup ever!

?You wait right here! I'm gettinginspired to fire up some soup like I'venever souped before!

?Voilà! Here it is!

I've been cooking this stuff for wellover 10 years, and I have to say this isthe best batch of pumpkin soup I haveever created!

?Master, I will signal for the robot.

?Miss Fi! I'm heeeeere, bzzzrt!

?Oh, this is another heavy load...But don't worry! I can carry anything!

I'll be waiting outside. I can take youwherever you need to go as soon asyou're ready, zizzat!

?The place where I offer soup to Leviasis inside the thunderhead cloud, on anisland with an everlasting rainbow.

Oh, you'll know it when you see it.Good luck!

?Hey! What are you thinking?! I go tothe trouble of making that soup, andyou change your mind before youdeliver it?That robot of yours brought it allback here!

Try again!

?Fine, I'll whip up another batch.But only because it's for Levias!

?Huh... I thought it would sound a lotbetter when you played it, just 'causethat's such a pretty little instrumentyou have there...The customers didn't seem impressed,either...

?You're much better than I expected!I think I underestimated you.I hope we have a chance toentertain the customers again!

?That wasn't just amazing... Thatblew my socks right off! Your harpplaying was even more impressive thanmy voice!You've got yourself a fan! I hope I'llhave a chance to hear you play againsometime.

?I...guess you could call that playing...Sort of...

To tell the truth, I found your"performance" a little lacking.

?What in the blue sky was that?!Is that your sad little idea of whatmusic is?!

What?! Don't look at me like you thinkwe're even now! You're crazy! I'm notpaying you for that. You're gonna haveto try again later!

?Impressive! I'd say you passed.

?Wow... Even I got a little dust in myeye there during your performance!I didn't think you had it in you.

?With this, I say we're even! You don'thave to work for me anymore.Great job!

You know, I'm going to buy a newchandelier to replace that old one!It really fancied up the place.

Considering all the hard work you putin around here, I feel like I shouldgive you a little something. Take this!

?Maybe you can swing by later. Yep,as a customer next time.

?And what was that?! Your horrible"music" made even Kina'sperformance look bad!

You listen here. I'm not paying you forthat little stunt. Got that?!

?That was all right, I suppose. Thoughyou could really make Kina smile ifyou played just a bit better.

I'll give you 20 Rupees for thatperformance. Go on, take it.

?[Link], that was fantastic!I'm giving you 50 Rupees for thatperformance!

?I can't say it knocked my socks off, butyou know, for a first try, you did goodenough!

?I hate to tell you this, but you need towork on your playing. I'm not shellingout hard-earned Rupees for a sloppyperformance like that.

?Hey, [Link]! What do youthink of this new chandelier?

Let me tell you, this beauty set me backquite a bit!

?You...think I spent too much on it?!

Don't be a wet blanket! It's thanks toyour hard work that I was able to buysuch a stunner of a chandelier!So don't break it!

?Anyway, what can I do for you? If it'swork you're after, I'm sure I can findsomething for you to do. Just forold times' sake!And, of course, I'll pay you for it thistime. Want to make some moneyplaying your harp for us? Or maybeyou just want some soup?

Play harp.
I'm busy.

?I get it. Well, even if there's nothing inparticular you need, I hope you'll takesome time to sit back and relax!

Oh, and don't forget to stop andsay hello to Kina now, you hear?

?Come on! Make your mind up,will you?!

?Great! You can entertain my customersand put a smile on Kina's face!

?Oh, sorry, but Kina only doesperformances at night.

Come on back at night, OK?

?So what will it be?


?Wow! I didn't know people wereskydiving over the Lumpy Pumpkin!

I heard there are colorful critters thatsometimes accompany you when youskydive.

I wonder if something good happenswhen they appear? Seems only right.

?Say, I wonder how Dodoh's doing.Have you heard anything?

I know he was working hard to makea place where we can all have somefun and blow off some steam.

?Have you seen Owlan's collection ofplants?

I wonder if he's made any newdiscoveries lately?

?With all of her jobs, Kina has a loton her plate.

If only there was someone who wasreally good at digging holes...

?Sparrot hasn't been seen hangingaround the bazaar lately...

It's a shame. His predictions wereso accurate it was spooky!

?Jakamar is pretty good at fixing stuff.

I'll bet he can fix Skyloft's windmilltoo!

?Oh, now I've done it...

I knew better than to get greedy!

?Oh yeahhh... There's nowhere elseI'd rather be at night!

?What? Is something wrong?

?Hey, [Link]!

I didn't think I'd see you here.Bet you're wondering what I'mdoing here.

Not really.

?I think I mentioned this before, butman, I am really into bugs.

That's why I'm out collecting insectswherever I think I'll find them.

If you have a Bug Net too, you shouldtry catching some. Heh heh heh...If you don't have one, you can pickone up at Beedle's Airshop.I'm sure that sweaty shopkeeper isflying around Skyloft now...

?Not really...?

I always knew you weren't a bug loverlike me...

?Oh no... You've gone and made aterrible mess of things, haven't you?

Well, now you're going to be in a worldof trouble!

?Hey, [Link]. If you catch abunch of bugs and you have more thanyou know what to do with, I'll be happyto take some off your hands.But rather than do it here, come bymy room in the academy...

?Hey, [Link]. Wanna hearsome worthwhile information?

Ever come across those big rocks withholes while you're out flying?

Well, there's a mysterious power orvortex or something in them. If youfly through it, you'll get a temporaryboost of speed.Skilled bird riders use this trick toget across that big sky quickly.

?Flying through the holes in the rocksmakes flying so much faster. But it's anexperts-only kind of thing.

You're more likely to smack into therock and have the opposite effect.Heh heh heh...

?Welcome! This is the Lumpy Pumpkin,home of the finest pumpkinsoup in the big, wide sky!

There isn't much to do here but takea load off, relax, and enjoy yourself!

?Don't just sit there! I suggest you geta move on and find my father, or else!

You're going to be in big trouble!

?Hey, why are you just sitting there?

Well, I guess we all have to sit andponder things once in a while. Goodfor the noggin, I always say.

So relax! Take your time, thinker!

?Hey, don't just sit there! Haven't yougot something to do right about now?

?Hey, hard worker. You've gotten a lotdone for us.

You're always welcome here, as ahandyman or a customer!

If you're itching to do some work likeyou did before, that's just fine with me!I'll even pay you for it this time.


?Kukiel! Kukiel! Where could thatchild have gone?!

?Oh, Kukiel... Where did you go?

What will I do if she's been...kidnapped?!

?Oh, my sweet Kukiel... Please...find mydaughter before anything bad happensto her.

If something happened... I just...I don't know what I would do.

?What is this world coming to?The Isle of the Goddess is falling,and there's still no sign of Kukiel...Oh, my sweet Kukiel...Please, [Link]! Hurry andfind her!

You...wouldn't think of abandoningthe search, would you?!

?Oh! [Link]!

?What perfect timing! You haven't seenmy Kukiel, have you?


?Oh no! This is terrible! The Isle of theGoddess has fallen! I was justsearching there for my Kukiel...

Have you seen her?! My Kukiel?!


?I...I see.

?My daughter! She's a littlefive-year-old girl!

?Please, [Link], won't youhelp me look for her? I've been lookingeverywhere, but I can't find her!

I've asked everyone I could find forhelp, and a few people have said she'sbeen spotted with some unknownperson with a scary face.Someone else even said they thoughtthey'd seen her carried off by amonster. A monster!

She must have been kidnapped!She's so cute and friendly... Someonemust have just walked off with her!

?Find Kukiel, please! Please! It breaksmy heart to think she's somewhereout there, crying!

Please, [Link]!

You got it.

?And you truly consider yourself aknight in training? Isn't it a knight'sduty to protect the townspeople?!

?Thank you! The Knight Academyshould be proud to have a studentlike you.

Please, find my daughter quickly!

?Oh, [Link]!

Kukiel is safely back at home, andit's all because of you! I don't knowhow to express my gratitude.

I can finally smile and laugh again!Thank you ever so much.

?Oh! You found Kukiel?

Hmm. Well, I guess it's good to hearshe's at least with a friendly andresponsible adult... But I just can'twait to see her!

?[Link], thanks so muchfor finding Kukiel.

I'll need to be sure to find and thankthat kind gentleman who kept an eyeon her too...

?Oh hello, [Link].You haven't seen my husband around,have you?

I know he's curious why the nightturned silent so suddenly, but it's noreason to dash out there. What if hebumped into a monster?!

?[Link], it's great.Ever since Kukiel came back, she'sstopped wandering out on her own.

It's too bad her father can't follow herexample. He always slips out to wanderaround town.


?He's not a bad man! He saved meone time when I almost fell over theedge! And he lets me come here andscream as loud as I want!Anyway, he said it was dangerous to goout alone at night, so I'll just hang outhere for a while. Tell my mom I'll comehome in the morning!

?Hey, what's wrong? Why do you look soscared? Did something happen to you?

?Oh, it's you, [Link]!

Uncle Bats told me he wants to see allthe grabitude crackles he can!But how's he going to do that?

?Heya, [Link]!Huh? Uncle Bats is a human now?

...Awww, that's too bad. I liked hisflappy bat wings...

?Oh, [Link]! How's it going?Any luck tracking down Zelda?

...I see. Well, we're all pulling for you!

By the way, I saw Kukiel's motherheading up toward the temple alittle while ago. She looked prettyupset...You don't suppose somethinghappened, do you?

?Huh? Kukiel's gone missing?!

We've got to do something! I'll startlooking too! Ask around and see if youcan find somebody who's seen her,[Link]!

?Check the plaza, [Link]!I'll try some other places.

I wonder if that boy she was playingwith yesterday is still around...

?I still haven't seen any sign of Kukiel,[Link]!

Have you been really looking for her?You're not putting it off for lateror anything, are you?

I'm doing my best to find her, butI can't do it alone. You do the same!

?I still haven't seen any sign of Kukiel,[Link]!

Are you really looking for her?

What? She's safe?!

That's a huge relief! I'm so glad youtracked her down, [Link]!I knew you'd do it.

?Oh, hey, [Link]! Kukiel'smother must have been thrilled,huh? I'm sure glad you found her!

?You should go and let Kukiel'smother know! I'm sure she's attheir house near the water's edge.

?Oh, [Link]! How's it going?Any luck tracking down Zelda?

...I get it. Well, all of us here arepulling for you!

By the way, I saw Kukiel's motherheading up toward the temple a littlewhile ago. She looked really upset.Do you know if something happened?

Wait, who?
I know!

?Oh, [Link]! This is justso awful it's hard to believe...The Isle of the Goddess is gone!

That cute little Kukiel girl has gonemissing...

There's no sign of Zelda. Groose isgone... What's this world coming to?!

I'll do my best to help look forthem, but this may be up to you,[Link]!

?You know, she lives in that housenear the water with her husband andtheir little girl.

I don't know what was wrong, butshe was definitely upset.

?...You're just pulling my chain, aren'tyou?

?I'm sure you'll find Zelda too!

?You probably heard about the Isle ofthe Goddess, huh? I wonder whathappened. It's just crazy...

There's no sign of Zelda. Grooseis gone... What is going on aroundhere?!

?Hey, [Link]. Any closer tofinding Zelda?

Don't go around telling anyone, butlately I've been working out at nightso that I can get strong like you.

...No, no, no! Please don't come tomy room at night when I'm training.I'd be so embarrassed!

?Just you wait! I'm going to keepworking out at night until I'mstrong like you!

?I've been secretly working out at nightso that someday I might be strong likeyou,'s not as easy as you makeit look, [Link].You really are amazing!

?Oh, how embarrassing... You caughtme in the middle of my nightlyworkout routine.

I want to become strong like you, but Ijust don't seem to be making anyprogress. I'll keep trying, though.

?Hey there, [Link]! Thanksagain for that Stamina Potion!Since you gave it to me, I've beendoing push-ups like a machine!You'll see! I'll be as tough as you inno time!

?Hey there, [Link]! I've beentraining hard at night since you gaveme that Stamina Potion.

But, I don't know... It's started feelinglike maybe I've reached my peak.Like maybe I'm just wasting my time.

I don't know if I'll ever be as strongas you, [Link]...

Still, there's nothing to be gained fromfeeling sorry for myself, so I'll keepworking out every night! Come by andgive me pointers anytime!

?Hey, [Link]! Any closer tofinding Zelda yet?

I think I mentioned this before, butit's started feeling like maybe I'vereached my peak. Like maybe I'm justwasting my time...Anyhow, I'll be here doing my thing atnight, so come by and give me someadvice whenever you've got the time.

?Hey, [Link]! How goes it?I've been great, thanks to thatStamina Potion you gave me!

The longer I train, though, the moreI realize I'll never measure up to you...I'm just so...scrawny.

Hey, if you're up for it, why don't youcome by and visit again some night?

?Oh, hey there, [Link]!

Hmm? The Ballad of the Goddess?Sure, I know it. Zelda used to sing it allthe time.

I'm afraid I don't know the lyrics, butI bet you anything the headmasterof the academy does.

?Hey, [Link]!

Two whirling sails, eh...? That's atough one. The wind is really stronghere in Skyloft, so there are lots ofthings that look like sails.

?[Link], this is amazing!There's some kind of beam coming outof the Light Tower! I've never seenanything like it!

?Hey, [Link]! Did you findany trace of Zelda? I hope she getsback soon.

?Whoa! What's the matter,[Link]? You look pale!

It's Kukiel!
Do I?

?What?! Kukiel is missing?

She was abducted by a monster?!

You don't think this has anything todo with all those silly stories abouta horrifying monster that's beenliving here in Skyloft for ages, do you?People say the creature appears inthe dead of night, scaring folks andeven taking away children!

Probably nothing more than a scarystory some older brother made up toterrorize his younger siblings, makes me wonder.

?Well, it looked that way to me.If nothing is wrong, though, I guessthere's nothing to worry about!

?I heard you won the Wing Ceremony!Congratulations! That's incredible!

Hey, you don't seem all that happyabout winning. What's the matter?

?Oh! Kukiel turned up OK?!

You were the one who found her?Nice work! That's showing 'em whata student of the Knight Academycan do!You should go and let her motherknow she's safe! Their house is downnear the water's edge.

?How weird... I can't see the Statue ofthe Goddess for some reason.That's weird...

Well, never mind that.

?What was that thunderous rumblingjust now?

?Kukiel's mother was calling for herlike she was worried. I wonder whathappened...

?Did you hear? A child who'd beenplaying in the graveyard went missing.

Can you believe it? Do you really thinkthere are monsters abducting childrenin our little town?

I do!
I dunno...

?What?! So there's a chance shewas dragged off by a monster?

Let's not be ridiculous here.This monster business is going abit far. Oh...

Now that you mention it, there's anold man who lives near here who'salways ranting about hidden monstershere in Skyloft...Everyone knows he's a little loony,though, so no one takes him seriously.

?Nothing fazes you, does it? A childjust vanished from our little village!

?You want to know where theold man is?

I'd imagine he's at the LumpyPumpkin, to the east of here, as usual.

You'll need to fly your bird there,of course!

?Oh! So you won the Wing Ceremonyand graduated to the senior class?

I can tell by that handsome knight'suniform you're wearing! It looksvery dashing on you.

One step closer to knighthood, eh?

?Hmm...? The girl who went missing hasbeen found safe?

I see. So she wasn't abducted after all.That's a relief to hear!

Well, anyway, I guess that case isclosed! Great work, valiant knight!

?Sweet mercy... First the ground startsshaking... Next thing I know, the wholeIsle of the Goddess disappears!

Oh, by the way...

?That was some real shaking there!What do you suppose could havecaused it?

Oh, and while I've got you here...

?There's talk going around that a littlegirl has disappeared!

?So you went and spoke to that oldpumpkin chugger, did you?

Hmm. He told you that you shoulddeal a blow to the gravestone nearestthe tree and then move finda monster?Probably just a lot of hot air...Either way, you're better off notwalking around outside after dark.

?Hmm. He told you that you shoulddeal a blow to the gravestonenearest the tree and then move itif you want to find the monster?Either way, you're better off notwalking around outside at night.

?Hmm... I wonder how I can get myhands on a Bug Net from Beedle'sAirshop.

Where's Kukiel?


Well, I did see her playing overby the graveyard yesterday...

My mom called me home, so I left.I don't know what she did after that.

Why? Did something happen?

?I'm trying to think up a way to getBeedle's Airshop to stop.

There's a bell hanging down fromit, and I hear if you ring it, Beedlewill stop for you.

But being up that high, you'd haveto launch something at it to haveany hope of hitting that bell.

If you ever look around and can't seethe shop, try opening your map!

?Hey, look up there! It's Beedle'sAirshop! It's here!

He sells Bug Nets there! I want onesooooo bad!

There's a bell hanging down from theshop, and I hear if you ring it, Beedlewill stop for you and pick you up!

But that bell is up off the ground...You'd have to launch something at itto have any hope of ringing it!

?Oh, Kukiel's safe?!

I hope she'll be allowed to come outand play! I was worried she got eaten!

?I have to figure out a way to get upto Beedle's Airshop soon so I canget a Bug Net too!

Then I'm going straight to the ScrapShop to get Gondo to upgrade it andmake it even bigger!

?Ahhh, the wait is killing me! I've gotto have a Bug Net! How can I get up toBeedle's Airshop?!

?The Statue of the Goddess is gone!What are we gonna do?!

That was easily the best place in thewhole world to catch bugs!

?Hi, [Link]!

WHAT? You went to Beedle's Airshop?Without me?! That's so unfair!

?Hey, [Link]!Look at the Light Tower!

There's a beam of light shooting outof it! How cool is that?!

?Hey, [Link]! Is it true youcan catch more than just bugs with aBug Net?

The guy at the Scrap Shop said you canuse one to catch all kinds of things you'd never even think of!

?Yo, [Link]!

Huh? The lyrics to a song Zeldawas singing?

What's a lyric? Is that some kind ofbug? I don't get it. I'm so confused...

?Hey, [Link]! I haven't seenGroose around lately. I wonder if hegot into big trouble and now he has togo to detention at the academy...

?Hey, [Link]! Strich taughtme some great bug-catchingtechniques!

He said it works better if you swingthe net to your side instead of overyour head!

He also said it's best to sneak up onthe bugs slowly and then swing fast!

?Hi, [Link]!

Huh? Try and force...? What are youtalking about? Sometimes you're soweird...

?What's up, [Link]?

?So you're curious about that windmill,eh?

Pretty smart design, I gotta say.See, you can turn the windmill so thatit can always catch the wind no matterwhich way it's blowing.

?But... Well, there used to be this littlepropeller attached to the windmill sothat you could turn it.

The thing flew off ages ago. It musthave dropped down off the edge, downbeneath the clouds.

?The windmill's been uselessly sittingthere ever since.

?You wanna know if I could fix thewindmill if you brought back thepropeller?

Well, if I had the propeller, I couldprobably rig something together toget it back on there, sure...

?But how would you even go lookingfor the propeller in the first place?Once something falls through theclouds, it's gone for good.

?...Hang on.

Come to think of it, Gondo at the ScrapShop told me that someone in hisfamily once used a flying robot to hauljunk back from beneath the clouds.But we're talking about a tale that'sbeen passed down over a lot of years,so I wouldn't put much stock in it.

?Dredging things up from some mystical"world beneath the clouds" that doesn'teven exist? Sounds like a lot of hot air.

Gondo actually bought into the wholething, though. That's why he's alwaystinkering with that busted old robot.

?Whoa! Isn't that...the beat-upold robot from Gondo's place?!

?Wait just a second...

Is that... It is! That's the windmillpropeller! That thing was supposed tohave fallen down below the clouds!

Are you saying that whole story handeddown through Gondo's family wasactually true?

Hmm... Somehow I get the feelingthis is all some elaborate prank, but Iguess I'll try to fix this thing...

?This goes in here... And I just crankthat a few clicks...


?That ought to do it! If you can findsome way to spin the propeller, you canprobably turn the windmill around.

?Honeeeeey! Honeeeey?

?Oh no! I think I might've promised mywife I'd fix our cupboard! I swear thatwoman's always looking for somebody.

?Oh, no! I just remembered I'msupposed to be looking for Kukiel!

?See you around, [Link]!

?Catch you later, [Link]!If you happen to see Kukiel, let meknow, all right?

?Thank you so much for tracking downKukiel, [Link]! It's such agorgeous day today too.

On a day like today, there's nothing I'dlove more than to head over to theLumpy Pumpkin for a sip of soup.

But of course my wife asked me to fixthe cupboard, so I'm not goinganywhere.

Sigh... The story of my life...

?Hey, [Link]. Still no sign ofKukiel! Even I'm starting to get abit worried...

Help keep an eye out for her, all right?

?I highly suggest you retrieve thewindmill propeller from the landbelow to reorient the windmill.

?Your dowsing ability can be calibratedto locate the crystal ball that thisperson is seeking.

However, if you are searching foranother object that someone hasasked you to find, that target will beremoved when you switch to this target.Do you wish to set the crystal ball asyour dowsing target?

Not yet.

?Understood, Master. I'll set yourdowsing target to the crystal ball inquestion.

?Understood, Master. Should you wishto set your dowsing target to the itemin question later, simply speak to thisperson again.

?Your dowsing ability can be calibratedto locate the plant that this personseeks.

However, if you are searching foranother object that someone hasasked you to find, that target will beremoved when you switch to this target.Do you wish to set this plant as yourcurrent dowsing target?

Not now.

?Understood, Master. I will set the plantin question as your current dowsingtarget.

?Your dowsing ability is not currentlycalibrated to search for the crystal ballthat this person seeks.

Do you wish to calibrate your dowsingability to search for this crystal ball?

Yes, please.
Not now.

?Your dowsing ability is not currentlycalibrated to search for the plantthat this person seeks.

Do you wish to calibrate your dowsingability to search for this plant?

Not yet.

?Understood, Master.

Your dowsing ability is now set todetect the crystal ball this personseeks.

?Understood, Master.

Your dowsing ability is now set todetect the plant this person seeks.

?Understood, Master. Your dowsingability will not be set to find this item.

?Dzzat! Everything you do is wonderful,Mistress Fi. I will drop anything tofulfill your any wish...bzzrt.


?Here's that bright and shinycrystal ball, BZZAT!

?Here's that windmill propeller, zzzazt!

?If you need me...zzrboosh-CLANG...feel free to call!

For Mistress Fi, I will travel toany destination, ker-dizzzt!

?I have come bearing the unusual Kikwi,fzzzzk!

?Zzzz-TING! If you should have need ofme again, just call, dzzzrp!

?I'm fine. Go on, go on... Please leaveme be...

My crystal ball has shattered, andwithout it, my eyes can no longer gazedeeply into the future...

It's almost as though these exquisite,all-seeing eyes of mine have begun todull and cloud over with sadness nowthat my crystal ball is gone.If only... If only I had a new crystalball to gaze into...

?Is it not true that you recovered apiece of the windmill from beneaththe clouds recently, young man?

This shattered crystal ball was salvagedfrom below by Gondo's ancestor longbefore it found its way into mydelicate hands.There may still be others like it whereit came from, yes, yes! Would yousearch for a new one for me?


?Yesssss... No doubt you can see thegratitude in my eyes!

The robot who originally retrieved thiscrystal ball was said to have reportedthat he found it in a building atop amountain peak! Can you believe it?!

?I'm counting on you, young man!Without my crystal ball, I cannot gazeinto the future. Oh no... My eyes, theywould droop with despair...Please bring me a new crystal ballwith all haste!

?...Such a cruel world...

?Come now! What are you doing here?Hurry and find me a new crystal ball!

?...Oh! What do my eyes behold?!

This...this is it! You found it! This isexactly the same as the crystal ball Iused before!

?Fates and fortunes! My eyes are widewith the thrill of possibility and dampwith tears of gratitude!

I'll be able to start gazing into thefuture and making predictions atonce!

Come by the bazaar again, and I'll tellyour fortune for a special price!

?Please come by the bazaar again whenyou have the chance!

I'll tell your fortune for a specialprice!

?[Link]! I don't supposeyou'd be willing to lend an ear to mytroubles this time, would you?

What is it?
No, sorry.

?Hah! Surely it wouldn't cause youpain to listen to one of my concernsfor once!

?Actually, let's talk about this matteranother time. Since Kukiel has gonemissing, her mother has asked me tohelp with the search.If you have the time, I'm sure she'dappreciate your help as well.

?Oh, [Link]! How did it go?Were you able to hear what Leviashad to say?

...I see! I was right, then. There issomething special about you. I have afeeling you and that vibrant Loftwingof yours will be just fine.The road ahead of you certainly won'tbe a smooth one, but don't lose faith!

?Ahem. By the way...would you bewilling to listen to a little requestof mine as well?

As I'm sure you're aware, I'm theeminent authority on plant collectingin Skyloft. If I do say so myself...

?Ha! I suppose you do have othermatters to be minding. Just don'tforget to stop and take a moment foryourself and relax now and again!If you're always so focused on thetask at hand, you'll wear yourself out.

?But you see...I have begun to fear thatI have collected everything I can hopeto collect. My plant collection nowfeatures every known species.I've started wondering if, in light ofyour travels, there isn't somewhere youmight be able to discover somethingnew for me.What do you think? Would you bewilling to look for a new plant speciesfor me? Perhaps something exotic...The kind that would turn a few heads?

I'll try.
Maybe later.

?Oh! Have you decided to help meafter all, [Link]?

Collecting exotic plants is my passion!

?Aha! I knew you would be willingto help me out, [Link].

I'm truly sorry to trouble you, butplease try to bring me somethingrare... Something no one will haveseen before!

?How goes the search for exotic flora?Any luck finding new varieties ofexotic plant species?

?Ha! I knew you would lend me agreen thumb, [Link]!Thank you in advance!

?This...this is... Unbelievable! You'vefound me an entirely new plant species!It's precisely what I wanted!

?Hmm... Fascinating! Should thisactually be classified as flora orfauna...? I mean, plant or animal?

Hmm... You know, this may very wellmark the discovery of a new type ofspecies altogether!

?OH! How incredible!

The world is still full of new plantswaiting to be discovered, isn't it?I can barely contain my excitement!

?Oh, [Link]! You haveno idea what this means to me!Thank you so much!

I'll take great care of this Whatever it is. If you shouldhappen across any other interestingspecimens, be sure to let me know!

?Oh, [Link]! The world isbursting with undiscovered surprises,isn't it? I wonder how manyunidentified plants are still out there.

?You know, the longer I spend with thisplant, the more interested I become!

Just how much of this thing is aplant and how much an animal, doyou suppose? Fascinating!

?Can you believe the Isle of the Goddessis gone? The thought boggles the mind.

I couldn't believe it until I went andconfirmed the truth of it with my owneyes!

Terrible though it is, the headmasterhas informed me that it was a price wehad to pay to save Zelda. We'recounting on you to find her!

?Keeee-paleeep! I'm not used to gettingstared at like this. It's making meblush!

?This guy here says people will probablybe surprised when they see me becauseI don't look like a plant, koo-kwee.

So in the meantime, kew-kaloo, I'vebeen told to sit here and not movea leaf.

This isn't any different from mylife in the forest, kweee!

?You feel a suspicious presenceemanating from within the room.


?Hey! It's [Link]!

So you still want to get in some swordpractice, even though today is the WingCeremony? I'm impressed.

The sword is in the back room.Go on back there and get it.

I'll be here for a while, so if there'sanything you don't understand abouthandling a sword, go ahead and ask.

?Oh yeah? You want to learn about howto use a sword?

Yes, please.
No, thanks.

?That's right. You're good with a sword.

But practice is everything! You don'tbecome a sword master sitting onyour rear end.

You've got to practice thosefundamentals, like using [Z] to targetenemies. It's not glamorous, but that'sa swordsman's bread and butter.

?OK! Just swing the Wii Remote to swingyour sword!

Swing the Wii Remote vertically to do avertical slash, and swing it sideways todo a side slash.

Thrust the Wii Remote forward to do athrust!

And then there's the spin attack,a more advanced technique. To do that,swing the Wii Remote and Nunchuktogether in a sideways motion.If you remember these moves, you canhandle yourself in any fight.

Just remember the fundamentals!Always press [Z] to target an enemyas soon as you see it.

?Try getting in some good practice onthose logs!

If the sword doesn't respond quite theway you want it to, try big verticaloverhead practice swings in front ofyou, then get back to the action.Once you've sliced up those logs, I'llset it up so you can try out yourbig move.

?Hey! [Link]!

?You can't take swords outside of theSparring Hall.

What do you think you're doingsneaking out with that?!

?What? Your Loftwing is missing?You want to go look for it?

Well I guess I could make an exceptionjust this once. But remember thatSkyloft is a peaceful place. Onlyknights carry swords!So I don't want to see you swingingit around like crazy out there!I don't want to get in a ton of troubleover this, so here's the deal...Make sure you get plenty of practiceon these logs first, and once you getoutside with that sword, only use itwhen you absolutely have to, got it?

?[Link]... The headmastertold me about Zelda. Poor girl...I'm worried about her...

Now, I don't know all the details ofwhat's going on here...

But that sword you're carrying isn'tfrom Skyloft. It's an ancient artifactthat can only be carried by the chosenone.And since you happen to be the onecarrying it, I guess I can figure outa lot of the rest of this crazy story...

?The art of the shield is the art ofdefense. You don't have a chance ofwinning a battle if your attack anddefense aren't balanced.You can get a shield at the bazaar.Always practice with a shield in yourhand. It will lead you to the way ofthe sword!I'm telling you all this for yourbenefit, so pay attention!

?Impressive, [Link]! That'sa nice shield you have there.Well then, it's time I taught you theart of defense!We'll start with basic training!

?Give your Nunchuk a shake to takeyour shield out. Simple stuff, I know,but you need to review the basics!

To lower your shield, swing your swordwith the Wii Remote, or press [A] to putyour sword and shield away entirely.

Just be careful when trying to attackwhile on the defensive. Every time youswing your sword, you move your shieldout of the way, lowering your guard!

?Why don't you try that first!

?Oh? Ready to talk more about thesecrets of defense?

Practical stuff.
No, thanks.

?Practical stuff? OK!

If you ready your shield right before anenemy attacks you, the force from yourshield arm will repel the enemy'sattack.This technique is called a shield bash,and it will make the enemy recoil,giving you an opening in which toattack.This technique is very useful againstenemies who throw weapons at you orjust refuse to give you an openingfor attack.

?In a real battle, pulling off a defensiveshield maneuver requires perfecttiming. Believe me, you really don'twant to miss.Why don't you put what you learnedto use with that defense-practice log?

?I wish there was something else I coulddo for you, [Link]...Wait, maybe there is... Yes! Get ashield and come back here!Then I'll be able to teach you thesecrets of defense! It's the leastI can do for you.

?I see... Well, trying it out for yourselfis the best way to learn. Why don'tyou practice on that defense log?

?You know, [Link]...I just wish there was more I could dofor you...

But I can offer this as a parting gift...Get ready to learn some new moves!It's time to learn the secrets ofdefense.First, we should start with the basics!

?That's a log for practicing yourvertical slash. Hold the Wii Remotestraight up, and then swing it straightdown to make a clean cut!

?That's a log for practicing yourside slash. Hold the Wii Remotehorizontally, and then slash it to theside to make a clean cut!

?That log is set up for practicing yourdiagonal slash. Swing the Wii Remotediagonally to cut right along the gashin the log.

?That's a log used for practicing yourthrust. Sharply move the Wii Remoteforward to thrust your sword.

?That log there is for practicingdefense. You don't have a shield yet, sodon't mess with it, or it'll send youflying!

?That log is used to practice defense.

Hit the log with your sword, and thensharply move the Nunchuk forward toexecute a shield bash when it swingsback at you.

?That log is used to practice defense.You don't have a shield equipped,though, so don't mess with it, or it'llsend you flying!

?You really are a strong swordsman.Easy to teach too. You make thisinstructor proud!

Are you ready to try a spin attack?

Not yet.

?Great! Now I'm going to surround youwith logs. You need to cut them allwithout moving from that spot!

All you have to do is swing theWii Remote and Nunchuk horizontallyat the same time.

Give it a shot!

?Good one!

?That's right, [Link]!

?What's the matter, [Link]?You don't seem your usual self.

?Stand in the center of a pack ofenemies, and swing the Wii Remote andNunchuk horizontally at the same time.That's how you do a real spin attack.Do you want to try again?


?That sure looked like it felt good!

So... Why don't you try a fatal blowto close out our session?


?All right! When your enemy is down,target it with [Z] and swing theWii Remote and Nunchuk at the sametime to land a fatal blow.Do a side slash on that log. When it'sdown, try finishing it off with thistechnique!

?That's the way!

?A fatal blow is also an effectivemove to use right after you've usedyour shield or a well-placed spin attackto knock an enemy on its back.Oh, but monsters don't stay down forlong, so you'll have to swing theWii Remote and Nunchuk quicklybefore they get back on their feet!

?Hey! [Link]! Have you beenworking hard on your swordsmanship?

Hmm? I smell something...

I know that earthy aroma! Isn't thatmy favorite pumpkin soup?!

I asked the owner of the LumpyPumpkin to bring me some, but...

You went out of your way to deliversome to me?!

That's right!
Uh, no...

?Huh... I told Pumm to bring someright away, so what is he doing?You do not want to be around me whenI don't get my daily pumpkin soup.

?YES! Give it to me!

Here you go!

?What?! Weren't you asked to bringthis to me? You think you can teaseme like this? You DO NOT tease a manabout pumpkin soup!If this soup isn't good anymore, you'regoing to have to go get me some more!

And it had better be hot!

?Ugh! This is disgusting... It's cold!

?If there are two things I can't stand inthis world, it's cold soup and slackers.Now bring me another one--and makeit hot!

?Mmm! This is the stuff!

Pumpkin soup is best piping hot!

?Well done! Say thanks to the ownerfor me!

?Sooo good!

?Hey...did you happen to bring morepiping-hot pumpkin soup?! It lookssooo good...


HAH! Just joking around with you!

?Oh! For me?! I mean, sorry for justassuming it was for me...

Well, in that case, I'll help myself!

?Yeah! That hits the spot!

I tell you, morning, noon, or night,nothing satisfies like Pumm's yummypumpkin soup!

?Thank you, [Link]!Here's a token of my appreciation.

?Send my regards to the owner ofthe Lumpy Pumpkin!


?Tell me, boy, was it you who broughtme this most delectable cauldronof pumpkin soup?

I must apologize for my earlierbehavior. A most peculiar and irksomepest possessed me. I was not myself.

But that business is done with now!The delicious aroma of that souphas restored me to my senses.

?I am the great spirit they call Levias.Before she passed from this world solong ago, the goddess, Hylia, appointedme as warden of the skies.And what do they call you, boy?Ah, [Link], is it? A ratherpleasing name, that. Your parentsclearly have excellent taste in names!Hmm... You carry a curious sword,boy. And I sense a silent power dwellingsomewhere in that little frame.

Ah, I see it now. [Link], youare the goddess's chosen hero.How interesting...

I assume you've come to hear whatI know of the Triforce.

You know?

?Do I know? You do realize you arespeaking to the great sky spirit,do you not? Bahhh. No matter.

?As I suspected... Listen closely, andI will tell you.

As you likely know, long ago, an evilforce attempted to take the Triforcefor his own.

The goddess did everything in herpower to prevent it from fallinginto his hands.

For the safety of all things, she hidthe Triforce somewhere within therock you call Skyloft. However, itslocation has been kept secret.Even I do not know where it rests now.Oh, but the goddess did entrust mewith a hint as to the Triforce's location.

The clue is a song, meant to be playedon the harp you hold. It is known as theSong of the Hero.

?The song is the key to revealing thesecret location of the Triforce.

?The goddess split this song into fourparts. She entrusted one part to meand the other three to the dragonsof the land.You must gather each of the partsof the Song of the Hero. Seek outthe dragons, and convince them toteach you their parts.When they've taught you what theyknow, come to me and I will completethe song with my own voice!

The dragons can be found at FaronWoods, Eldin Volcano, and LanayruDesert. Go on, then. Find the dragonsyou now seek!

?Ho-hohoho! How goes your quest, boy?

You must learn the three parts of thethe Song of the Hero known to thedragons and then return to meonce more!The dragons reside in Faron Woods,Eldin Volcano, and Lanayru Desert.Go and find those dragons!

?Gather the parts of the Song of theHero from the three dragonsand then return to me.

Then I shall complete the tune withmy own performance!

It's been quite a while since I last sang.Ahem-hem... I do believe some vocalexercises are in order...

?Surely you understand what you needto do now. The song opens a doorwayto a trial. The entrance to it is hiddensomewhere in the sky.If you persevere through this trial, thepath to the Triforce will be revealedto you, my boy.

?Ho ho! Astonishing. I see you've finallyfound the location of the Triforce!

?Ho hoho! So you now hold theTriforce, do you? Astonishing!

?You know what you must do. Go, anddo not stray from the path you knowyou must walk.

?I'm unloading this cargo of pumpkinsoup here.

You've picked an odd place forsoup delivery. Feels dangerous.Something could jump out at us at anymoment, hungry for soup...or robot.

?I'm out of here! See you around, zzzrt!


?Stop! Please! I beg of you...don't hurt me!

Oh goodness, I know how bad this mustlook to you right now, but I assure you Imean no harm! We were just playingthe scream-as-loud-as-you-can game!

?Isn't that a fun game...? Oh, dear...Perhaps an explanation is in order!

My name is Batreaux, and I am amonster who resides here in thishumble dwelling below Skyloft.

But please allow me to correct onepopular misconception. While I'mcertainly a monster, I wouldn't dreamof terrorizing the people of this town!You see, this adorable little girl is theonly one who didn't let loose a blood-curdling scream at the sight of me!

Since she began to visit me here, I'vefelt positively jubilant! You see, myheart's only wish is to become friendswith the lovely people of Skyloft.But as you can surely imagine, it hasproven quite difficult to break the icewhen they are struck with paralyzingfear at the mere sight of me!

?I assure you, nothing would fill myheart with joy more than to be friendswith the fine people of this town.

But as soon as I try to approach any ofthem and extend my claw in friendship,they run and scream as though they'veseen a walking nightmare!Oh, right... Silly me. I've gotten aheadof myself! You see, there is an old taleamong my monstrous kin that goesas follows...

?It seems that when humans make otherhumans happy, the happy humansproduce a substance known as aGratitude Crystal.

?Gratitude Crystals are quite amazing!Just looking at them and knowing therewas such gratitude in the world couldturn me from a monster into a human!

?Oh goodness, nothing would delight memore than to become a human!

From the moment I laid my regrettablydemonic eyes on you, I could tellyou had a gentle and generous heart.

?Won't you please gather GratitudeCrystals and show them to me?


?Please, gentle sir! I beg you. Do notmake me bend my wings and grovel.

OK, fine.
No chance!

?Truly?! You'll help me?

?I've heard that you can obtain pureGratitude Crystals by helping peoplesolve their troubles!

?They could also be merely lying abouthere in Skyloft or elsewhere among theclouds...anywhere you find people!

I'm sure someone with a heart as pureand genuine as yours will be able to seethem.

Please, solve some troubles and gatherme all the Gratitude Crystals youcan find!

?Any help you can provide will be dearlyappreciated. I promise your assistancewill not go unrewarded!

?Oh, dear, I want to be a human sobadly it pains me! Please hurry alongand gather some Gratitude Crystals...

Just come and show me five to startwith. If you do a great kindness forsomeone, you may even get severalat once!

?Magnificent! Yes, that is truly aGratitude Crystal! That did not takeyou long at all.

As a start, can you please bring mefive of them?

If you do a great kindness for someone,you may even get several of them atonce!

?That dear girl should be back homesafe and sound by tomorrow morning.Give her parents my warmest regardswhen you see them.Oh, and good luck gathering theGratitude Crystals I require. To start,please bring me five if you can!That would be so splendid!If you do a great kindness for someone,you may even find several at once!

?Oh, I want to be a human so badly itpains me! Please hurry and gathermore Gratitude Crystals!

Next, come and see me when you'vegathered 10 of them!

?Oh, I want to be a human so badly itpains me! Please hurry and gathermore Gratitude Crystals!

Next, come and see me when you'vegathered 30 of them!

?Oh, I want to be a human so badly itpains me! Please hurry and gathermore Gratitude Crystals!

Next, come and see me when you'vegathered 40 of them!

?Oh, I want to be a human so badly itpains me! Please hurry and gathermore Gratitude Crystals!

Next, come and see me when you'vegathered 50 of them!

?Oh, I want to be a human so badly itpains me! Please hurry and gathermore Gratitude Crystals!

Next, come and see me when you'vegathered 70 of them!

?Oh, I want to be a human so badly itpains me! Please hurry and gathermore Gratitude Crystals!

Next, come and see me when you'vegathered 80 of them!

?Oh! You've gathered quite a lot ofGratitude Crystals, haven't you?How magnificent!

Please take this as a token of thisdemon's deepest appreciation!

?I'm still going to need more GratitudeCrystals to become a human.

Please, won't you aid a poor,unfortunate demon in need?

?You have made such magnificentprogress gathering Gratitude Crystals.

Please just continue helping me a bitlonger...

?I only require a few more GratitudeCrystals to become human. Pleasehelp this needy demon a bit more...

?Ah! Oh you've done it!You opened it, didn't you?!

Human desire is an insatiable,fearsome thing...even to a demon!But then again, I suppose it's alsowhat makes your kind so intriguing...If your pouch won't open, fear not.That will only happen while you'recarrying that medal.

If you leave it at an Item Check, you'llbe able to open your pouch once again.

?Oh gracious me! That is a prodigiousquantity of Gratitude Crystals you'vebrought for me!

This is such an appallingly insufficientreward that my cheeks burn hot withembarrassment, but please...take this!

?But that's not all I want you to have.Goodness, no. I have so much morethanks to give!

Here, take this too!

?Oh, you're back! And it does appearyou've gathered more GratitudeCrystals!

Oh, my! You've gathered 80 GratitudeCrystals! If I'm not mistaken, that's allthe Gratitude Crystals in the wholewonderful world!Thank you! Thank you ever so much!

Please accept this final gift with allof my gratitude.

?Oh, dear... With this, I now have all theGratitude Crystals I require tobecome human!

I wonder if I'll really be able to makethe transformation... My heart isaflutter!



?...Well? How do I look, my dearfriend [Link]?

?...Oh, you needn't even say it. I cantell from the look of sheerastonishment on your face.

?My appearance has changed sodramatically you've been struckspeechless, haven't you?

?Allow me to tell you this...there'ssimply no word in your language todescribe how grateful I am for yourhelp. I am deeply touched!From now on, I plan to live happilywith everyone else. Not as a monster...but as any other person.

?This is an embarrassingly small tokenof my gratitude, but I hope it will beuseful to you.

?Well? Were you surprised? I bet for amoment there you could not recognizewho was standing before you!

?It's quite understandable, really.Everything is so new and different,I don't even feel like myself!

?Oh, thank you so much! Now I canfinally walk the streets of Skyloftwithout fear of eliciting screams!

?Oh, my! You've gathered 80 GratitudeCrystals! If I'm not mistaken, that's allthe Gratitude Crystals in the wholewonderful world!Thank you! Thank you ever so much!

Please accept this final gift with allof my gratitude.

?Oh, good day, [Link]!I simply can't thank you enough for allyour help! I'm overjoyed!

For so long, I wondered what it wouldbe like to casually stroll through thebazaar, and here I am!

And look around... The best part isnobody is screaming in horror!

?Look how bright and cheery this placeis! Such a flurry of color and activity--it's positively bustling! I could spendall day here just taking it in.

?No, I beg you! Stop! That chest is not tobe opened, under any circ*mstance!There's something unspeakable inside!

I want to open it.

?I said NO!

?That chest contains the infamous evilof the dreaded Cursed Medal.

If you carry that medal with you, you'llfind more Rupees than ever before!You'll even have better chances ofdiscovering treasure!You'll... You'll... Oh, don't make mesay it!

Sounds handy!

?It gets worse! Far, far worse...

Any poor soul who holds that medalwill find himself unable to open hispouch!

No matter how badly you want to useyour potions or shields, they will bedenied to you! Can you imagine amore gruesome fate?Please, push any thought of this chestout of your mind forever! You mustnever think of it again.

?Now that you mention it, that doessound pretty enticing, but...

?Good evening, [Link]!I thought I'd take a refreshing strollaround town, and to my surprisethere's not a monster to be seen.You don't suppose their disappearancehas something to do with me becominghuman, do you?

Could be!
No way.

?Goodness, I suppose you are right...

?Please, there's no reason to hide yourdoubts from me.

?There's no denying that when I was ademon, I must have radiated a fiendishpower into my surroundings.

Now that I'm human, it seems thatmost-unpleasant aura has completelyfaded from this place, like anodious aroma in the wind!And goodness me, I couldn't be moreelated! Now everyone can finally livein peace, and it's all thanks to you.

?When I figured out that my verypresence in Skyloft was causing troublefor its good citizens, it was quite amost unpleasant shock.But now I can put that all behind me!I feel like I'm finally an ordinaryresident of Skyloft. Thank you!


?Next, a dash of pepper...

Delicious! Another culinary delightready to be savored and enjoyed!

?Only one thing to do when you're tired:get some sleep. You can sleep anywherethere's a bed, you know?

Skyloft is a different place after thesun goes down. It's no lie.

Find a bed and take a nap to sleep untilnightfall. There's all kinds of curiousthings to enjoy at night...

?Have you explored Skyloft at night?It's a different place under the coverof darkness.

For example, if you go to the GearShop owner's house at night, he'll buyyour treasures.

Now it's true there are dangers to befound at night, but a student at theKnight Academy should have notrouble with that.All you have to do is nap in a bed untilnightfall. That's it!

?I haven't seen the fortune-teller muchthese days...

You knew his crystal ball got broken,right? I just hope he's not sitting athome kicking himself for notforeseeing this.

?His place is over on the easternedge of town...

It's a bit too quiet around here withouthim. Why don't you go check on him?Make sure he's doing all right.

?Would you mind running over andchecking in on him?

His house is on the eastern edge ofSkyloft.

?With the fortune-teller back on thejob, this place feels alive again.It's just not the same without him.

?So the fortune-teller's at home witha case of the blues, eh?

I wonder if he'd come back if we foundhim a new crystal ball...


?So you're on your way to becominga knight now, right? Congratulations!

But I'm sure there's still plenty youdon't know. Don't forget to press [2]if you need a pointer or two.

?Hi there! I hope you're pressing [2]whenever you need help.

?I've been hearing a weird rumor.Apparently, after nightfall, peoplehave been hearing a woman sobbingin the dormitory.I tell you, it gives even a big guy likeme the creeps.

?What? Calling out for toilet paperwhile you're stuck in the restroom?

Yikes, that's rough. I should know--I've been there before.

?Huh? A hand? Reaching out of thestall?

That...that's one way of going aboutit, I guess.

?Hey, [Link]! Today's the bigday, isn't it? You know, the WingCeremony thing!

Win this thing, and you'll get bumpedup to the senior class.

?Here in Skyloft, it's being able to ride aLoftwing that separates the kids fromthe adults.

And if your goal is to become a knight,well, good technique is even moreimportant. All of us learned to fly thehard way: lots of practice.

?Ever heard of banging your knucklesagainst the door? It's called knocking.Barging into someone's house is whatmost people call...rude.Anyway, you're lucky I'm home.I'm usually over at the bazaar workingat my stall, but we're closed for theWing Ceremony.Most days at work all I can think aboutis how bored I am, but now that I'mnot at work, I'm...even more bored!My life is pretty sad...

?Is that you, [Link]?What are you doing up so late?

I'm hungry! My mom's still cooking,but it's taking forever. When will itbe ready?

?Heyyy! Up to some late-night mischief,eh? Better watch yourself, or a Remlitwill take a bite out of your backside!

Most of us don't go out after darkwithout a really good reason, y'know?

?Heyyy, kid! I hope you're putting ol'Scrapper to good use.

He's got a bit of a mouth on him, buthe's a robot with a good heart. Well,if robots had hearts...

Just remember to treat him kindly,and everything will work out fine!

?Good grief! Will you talk to that boyof mine for me?

?All that lug does is make one filthymess after another. I swear he leavesa grease spot wherever he sits!

I know he likes tinkering around withhis oily doodads, but I'm drowning indirty laundry here!

That lug?
Sounds tough.

?That's right! My greasy-fingered sonwho runs the Scrap Shop in the bazaar!

?It IS tough! That greasy lug nut isfraying my wires!

?He's up at unspeakable hours trying torepair that rusty pile of an old robot heinherited!

What he intends to do with thatscrap-heap reject is beyond me!

?I thought he would settle down a bitand maybe even wash his hands nowthat he's got that robot up and running,but he's still tinkering away!I'm telling you, that boy will never getthe grease out from beneath hisfingernails. Ah...

?Pardon me, [Link].You haven't seen Kukiel, have you?

She's always running off without aword to anyone. I don't know what I'mgoing to do with her.

I guess she'll never learn unless sheruns into trouble one day.

?Hi, [Link]. Have you seenKukiel anywhere?

I swear that child can disappear in theblink of an eye! She's quite a magician.

?Hi, [Link]! This housebelongs to Kukiel. Pssst--by the way,that's ME.

I'm gonna go play with my specialfriend today! It's going to be so muchfun!

?Zzz...let's play...zzz...Uncle Bats!

?[Link], just look at Kukielsleeping. She sure is a cutie.

She makes all the hard work I domeaningful and gives me reason tokeep on doing it.

No idea who or what "Uncle Bats" is.Silly girl.

?I wonder where that little mischiefmaker Kukiel's gone off to now.

Her mom thinks she was kidnapped,but I'm not so sure.

I mean, there's nobody here in Skyloftwho would do such a thing, right?

I bet she'll show up sooner or later.

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled, and letus know right away if you see her.

?I heard you're the one responsiblefor finding Kukiel!

Thank you so much! Just look at her...She puts her parents through allthat worry and heartache, and nowshe's out like a light.

?Hey, [Link]! Have youtaken a look here recently?

There's not a Keese to be seen.No other angry monsters either...

Been a while since I could take a quietwalk out in the dark...

?What? Are you serious? You foundKukiel?

What did I tell you? Nobody here inSkyloft would harm a hair on her head!

?Oh, good evening. It's awfully late,but is there something I can do foryou?

?I still can't find Kukiel!

Would you please help me find her?Just...hurry!

?Hey there, [Link].

You know what's funny? Folks here callthis the Light Tower. It's supposedlyhere to help people find Skyloft andprevent them from crashing into us.But I've never seen any light comingout of it. I wonder who built it.And why...

You should climb all the way to the top,anyway. There's one amazing view ofthe goddess from up there.


No, thank you, I'm good right downhere. Me and heights, we don't getalong.

?Oh, it's you, [Link].Looks like Kukiel's run off again.

My wife's in hysterics. She's tellingfolks our girl's been kidnapped.

But it's Kukiel we're talking abouthere! You can bet she's just off playingsomewhere.

?Let me know if you see her, OK?

?Hey, [Link]! Kukiel's comehome!

I heard you were the one who foundmy girl!

Thanks a lot! The missus is grinningfrom ear to ear.

?Hi, [Link]!

This is the Light Tower! You should tryclimbing to the top. It is sooooo coolup there!

?Such a beautiful day, but we're too busyto enjoy it. Some things never change.

?Isn't that the truth! The only thing mylug nut of a son is good for is gettinggrease on his shirt! All I do is laundry,laundry, laundry. It never ends!

?I hear you! And I'm terrible at washingclothes. I wish I could get someone todo it for me.

?Did you hear the news? One of thestudents in the Wing Ceremony haslost his bird. It's gone missing!

?Oh, really? That's terrible!

?To tell the truth, I'm not comfortablearound birds. It's their talons--theylook so sharp and painful!

?Let me give you some information youmight find useful somewhere downthe line.

The Knight Academy you and yourfriends attend produces somefirst-class Loftwing riders.

Keep your nose to the grindstone,and you might find yourself soaringthrough the skies and protecting thegood folk of Skyloft too.Don't know if you've met 'em or not,but the rescue knights save anyoneclumsy enough to fall off of Skyloft.

Only the Knight Academy's seniors areinvited to join that group. They're thebest of the best!

You might just have what it takes tojoin them, but don't think it'll be easy.No slacking, you hear!

Guess I should tell you my grandson'sone of 'em! Heh heh heh.

?Heh heh heh. Seems like you're on theroad to success, little friend. How 'boutI buy us a beverage?


?Hmph! No time for an old-timer...I see how it is.

?There's a good lad. Cheers!

?That's the stuff! There we go!

?Stop by and chat with me once in awhile, you hear? I may be old, but I'mnot boring.

?Let me tell you something that maycome in handy.

When you're out on the skies, you mightsee ring-shaped rocks now and again.

I've heard there's some kind ofunknown energy that builds up in thecenter of those big rocks.

So get this: if you fly your Loftwingthrough a hole, you'll come blastingout like you were shot out of a cannon.

I hear all the hotshot knights use thistrick to cover huge distances in ahurry.

?Let me share a bit of wisdom with you.

The sky is filled with floating islandsof all shapes and sizes. Skyloft justhappens to be the one we call home.

And no one knows when they werecreated or just how it is they stayairborne.

The only thing I can tell you with anycertainty is that we owe all of it--andthat includes our life here--to thegenerosity of the goddess.

?Listen--here's a little information youmay find useful.

Are you using those Stamina Potionsthey're selling over at the bazaar?

It's great stuff! Drink some of that,and your stamina gauge doesn't emptyout so darn fast.

And it's not just for running, either!

You can do spin attacks without gettingtired so easily! I suggest you carry onearound in case you tangle withsomething big and nasty.

?You looking to get your grub on?The food here is sooooo good!

You gotta be patient, though. It seemslike you wait forever for anythingaround here.

?Hi, [Link]. Are you tired?You look beat.

I know how you feel! I'm always upfor a quick nap.

You just make yourself at home.

?Mirror, mirror, on the wall...Who's the loveliest of them all?

?That IS what you were thinking,right, [Link]?

?Th-thanks for your help!

?Don't you mention it!

I guess I should hustle over and sayhello to your mother too.

I'm sure she's just like you, Pipit--trustworthy and dependable.

?Whoa! Uhhhh, that's moving a bit toofast, don't you think?

?Of course not! Don't be silly. It's bestto get these things sorted out rightaway.

I hope you'll invite me to your housenext time.

?This is unbelievable... The goddessstatue is gone!

Would somebody please explain justwhat's going on here in Skyloft?

?And my little girl, Kukiel, still hasn'tcome home. I'm starting to getworried.

Would you please go and look forher, [Link]?

?It may look like my master only tinkerswith machines as a hobby, bzzt, butthat's not the whole story...vrrrrm...

He's building an automatic washingmachine for his mother, bzzt-CLANG!

Isn't that great, vrrrrm?

He's not at all like a certain someoneI know who drags Mistress Fi aroundthe world without a care for hersafety or happiness, bzzat!

?Man, it feels good to just sit here andrelax.

I like to kick back here and spend timethinking about that girl.

Yep, Kina is the best thing about theold pumpkin bar. She's adorable!

?I wonder what they're talking aboutover there. It looks pretty serious.

?Hey! Shouldn't you rush off and lookfor your bird? I think you should.

?Hey, mister! Did you know the goddessis gone?

Do you think she got mad and left'cause I never listen to my momand dad?


Oh... I guess it's OK as long as you'regoing to just sit.

But listen up! THAT is an expensivechair, and if you get it dirty... Well, Ican't be held responsible for whathappens.

?You're too late for breakfast.We stopped serving hours ago.You'll have to wait for lunch!

?Zrrrt! This is the entrance to thevolcano! I better get there beforeMaster Shortpants!

?Uh... I wonder where she's gone...

?Hey, [Link]! Nice night fora stroll outside, eh? I forgot how niceit feels to be out here at night with nomonsters to bother you.


?Ahh, [Link]. Welcome.

How's my Pipit doing at school?

?How's my Pipit doing at school?

He's a real go-getter, unlike myself,so I'm sure I have no reason to worry.

Such a mess!

?Oh, you're right... This place is filthyagain. It keeps doing that!

It's just that I hate cleaning, you know.It would be great if someone wouldclean the place up for me...

?Oh, what's wrong? You just made aface like you wanted to say something.

?Ahh, [Link]. Welcome.

So here's the thing, [Link].My house is terribly dirty...

Pipit is always telling me to do somedusting around here, but I just can'tbring myself to do it.

That's why I wanted to ask you if youwouldn't mind cleaning it for me.I'll even pay you, [Link].

I'm on it!

?You will?! Great! I knew you wouldn'tleave me to sit in this dusty house,[Link].

What's that? ...A broom? You know,I don't even remember where we keepthe crazy thing......Or if we ever owned one...Most of the time I just wait for a goodstrong wind to come along and blow thedust away.

So look, I don't really care how you getthe job done--I just want you to blow itall away for me.

So I'll just leave you to it, then!

?Oh, that makes me so happy! I knewyou wouldn't leave me to a life of dirt,[Link].

So I'll just leave you to it, then!

?Oh...[Link], I was sureyou'd help me out!

?Ahh, [Link]. Welcome.

Do you think you could do some lightcleaning for me? I've always hatedcleaning...

I'll even pay you...OK?

Sorry, no.

?Welcome, [Link].

My house is all dusty again. Do youmind cleaning it? I'll give you somepocket money...

No, sorry.

?Do you think you could do some lightcleaning for me? I've always hatedcleaning...

I'll give you some money, OK?

No, sorry.

?Oh, it's so nice to have someone who'sgoing to do some cleaning around here,[Link].

When all the dust is gone, I'll give yousome money, so make sure you talk tome afterward, OK?

Or are you already done?

All done!
Not quite.

?Oh, well then by all means, pleasecontinue. I'd start with the floor, asit could really use some work...

There's probably still some dust aroundthe window, the shelves, and the bed aswell. You have to keep a sharp eye outto get all of it!

?Well, that's too bad... Oh well.Let me know if you can help outnext time, OK?

?Hold on there, [Link].I've got your reward for cleaning theplace. Just come on over here.

?Thank you so much, [Link]!

My home is sparkling clean again!It feels so much better when theplace isn't under a blanket of dust.

?Oh my! There's no more dust in myhome! Thank you, [Link]!

You've brightened my day. Come overhere, and let me pay you.

?...I can't let you go without yourreward. Watch out--there's some bigmoney coming... BAM, 20 Rupees!

?If the place gets dusty again, I mightneed you to come back and tidy it upfor me. But I'll pay you again, OK?

? more thing.Don't tell Pipit about this.

He'll only get angry at me for spendingmoney on something he thinks I shouldbe doing myself. You can keep a secret,right?

?Welcome, [Link].

If my house gets dirty again, you'll bethe first to know!

?Oh. Hi there, [Link].Are you still working on cleaning theplace?

Or are you done for today?

All done!

?Leaving already, [Link]?

If you see Pipit out on patrol, makesure you wave and say hello!

?Hi there, [Link].

Pipit is really angry with me...

He said I shouldn't be spending ourmoney on a housekeeper.

...'re not exactly a housekeeper,are you, [Link]?That makes it OK, doesn't it?

Anyway, that's good enough for me.As far as I'm concerned, I'll pay you toclean my house anytime it gets dusty.

?We've been over this, Mom!

?Calm down, Pipit. Don't get so mad...

?How could I not be mad?!

It's been obvious lately that you'vebeen giving someone Rupees toclean the house!

I gave you that money so you could buysome bread!

If you keep spending money like this,I won't have any money to go to theKnight Academy!

I didn't take that job patrolling just soyou could live a life of luxury!

You've got to stop doing this!

?Oh... Hey there, [Link]...What could you want at this hour?

?You...didn't hear any of that, did you?There's no way you heard, right?

Heard what?

?Nothing... It's nothing.

Anyway, I've got to get back out onpatrol! You take care of yourself whenyou're out walking the streets!

?Oh... You heard!

It's true. I'm working the night patrolto earn some money!

But don't look at me like that!You're not exactly Mr. Perfect either,are you, Mr. Eavesdropper!

Maybe we should just forget abouteverything that happened here tonight!

?Hey, [Link]! It's dangerousout at night, so be careful!

This area is my patrol route.

At night, monsters get really activearound here!

It's the duty of a knight to protect thepublic from any danger!

How admirable!
Duty or job?

?Admirable?! Nonsense! It's the bareminimum of what people expect fromus! We are knights in training, and thisis what knights do!That's the Pipit way! All I need arethe smiles of the people I protect asmy payment!

This is what it means to be a knight.I'm sure you'll understand how thatfeels one day too, [Link]!

?[Link]! For shame! Why didyou decide to become a knight,anyway?

For the money?! How could you beswayed by the temptation of materialgain? Do you have no honor?!

That's the Pipit way! More than money,I love seeing people happy and safe.That's what being a knight is all about!

?[Link]! One day you'llunderstand what it is to be a knight!Don't you worry.

?You...weren't supposed to see thatwhole spectacle, [Link].How embarrassing...

I feel so ashamed of my mothersometimes. She's just so lazysometimes. I don't know what to do.

But I'll be fine. You don't need toworry about me.

I still haven't worked out who did thecleaning for my mother, though...

Who do they think they are, gettinginvolved in our business like that?

?Hey, [Link]. I'm protectingthe peace in Skyloft!

Let's make this a safe place to live,where we all can live in peace!

Umm... Why are you looking at me sosuspiciously?

?Hey, [Link]! It can bedangerous out here at night, so becareful.

Oh, and about that thing the othernight... We agreed to keep that secret,right?!

?Hmm... Recently the monsters thatusually roam the town at night arenowhere to be seen.

I wonder what's going on... Not thatI'm complaining or anything!Peaceful nights are the best.

?I love to collect antiques, you know?All the things you see in my houseare very old and valuable.

Make sure you don't break anything!

?You broke my antique!

Next time that happens, we're going tohave words!

?Nooo! How could you?!

?You broke my antique!

That's it! You break it, you buy it!

Let me see now... That was a veryexpensive antique, so about 20 Rupeesshould suffice!

What's that look for? Oh, you think I'mjust making that number up?

That's ridiculous! I know the value ofevery item in my possession, and Iintend to be compensated in full!

?Next time that happens, we're going tohave words!

?You broke my precious antique!

?That was a very valuable item,so you're going to have to pay me30 Rupees or so! And I didn't justmake that number up!

?That was a pretty expensive item,so you're going to have to pay meabout 20 Rupees! And I didn't justmake that number up!

?That was a pretty nice item,so you're going to have to pay meroughly 10 Rupees! And no...I didn'tjust make that number up!

?...But you don't even have enough topay! Hmph. The nerve!

Then I'll just take what you have onyou. And next time, be more careful!

?...But you don't even have a singleRupee on you!

So you think you can just wanderabout, penniless, destroying people'sthings and laughing in their faces whenthey ask for money in return?!The nerve! I don't even want yourmoney anymore. Just get out of mysight!

?...Look, I already know you don't haveeven a single Rupee to your name...SO STOP BREAKING THINGS!

Get out of here!

?YOU! Did I do something horrible toyou in a past life?! Why are youpunishing me like this?!

?Oh. Hey. This is the Item Check.But I bet you're here just to check meout, right? Well don't make a habit ofit, OK?Anyway, you need to grab something?Or drop something off?

Yes, please!
No, thanks.

?Oh. You're back. I'll hold on toanything of yours you want me to.

Something in your pouch today thatyou want to deposit? Or somethingyou want to pick up?

Yes, please!
No, thanks.

?Welcome, my darling! I've been waitingfor you! You can trust me withanything! Errr, your stuff, I mean...

Anything you want me to hold on to?Or anything you want to pick up?

Yes, please.
No, thanks.

?Hey. Welcome to the Item Check....Oh, it's you again...

You've been coming by a lot recently.You're pretty much the only one whocomes by regularly, actually...

Hey...wait a second...

I don't suppose...

You don't come by here just to see me,do you?

Uhh, no.
Yes, it's true.

?Oh... Right...

Well, of course. That wouldn't evenmake sense, right?

Oh, it's no big deal that you don't.Not at all.

?What?! Really?

Yeah, right... You think I'm going tofall for that old line?

But...if it were true, that might bekind of nice...

?...Oh! I almost forgot. I still have ajob to do. Do you have somethingfor me to hold on to?

Yes, please.
No, thanks.

?Hello. Welcome to the Item Check...Oh.

?Oh. I, uhh... W-welcome...

What's wrong?
You seem different.

?Um... Nothing... There's nothingwrong...

?I... I do? I don't think I do...Maybe you're mistaken?

?It's not like "Oh, hey, that guy's back!I'm so happy!" or anything like that...

But...if you think about how oftenwe meet, you have to admit that ourrelationship has gone beyond employeeand customer, you know?Oh no... I didn't mean to... What amI saying?!

Please forget everything I just said.OK?

OK, get it together... Be professional...Do you have anything you want me tohold on to?

Yes, please.
No, thanks.


?You... You came to see me!I'm so happy!

That's right.

?Don't stare at me like that.You're making me blush, darling!

?You...make me so happy... I think I'mgoing to keel over...

?Lately, when I think about you, myhead gets all fuzzy, my heart races,I get short of breath, and I feel alldizzy...You don't think... Could this be...

Sounds bad.
Yep, it's love.

?Oh, you're such a tease...

?Aaaah! I can't believe you just said itout loud! It's so embarrassing!

?Whoops. Kinda forgot myself there.Back to work!

Now where was I? Oh yeah, I was goingto ask you if you wanted me totake care of you forever...

Yes, please.

?Really...? That makes me so happy...

?Oh no! I am SO sorry! I need to learnhow to keep these delirious dreamsin check.

...No, wait... Ahh! I mean, are theresome items you want me to check?Darling?

No, thanks.

?Hello, darling!

Umm... I, uhh... I want you to visit meat my house tonight. I have somethingI need to say.

My house is just next to the bazaar.You'll definitely come, right?I'll be waiting!

?Oh, and do you have something youwant to pick up or have me store?

Yes, please!
No, thanks.

?Welcome, darling!

I'm happy to hold on to anything myprecious darling needs me to!Anything at all!

No, thanks.

?Hello, darling! I'll store anything youwant me to here.

No, thanks.

?Oh... Welcome, [Link].

Sorry for acting so crazy the other day.I thought long and hard about it, andI'm completely over it now.

There's an old saying that women growmore beautiful after their heart's beenbroken. I think I know what thatmeans now...And I fully intend to make myselfmore and more beautiful every day.

No regrets, OK?

So...where were we? Anything todeposit today?

Yes, please!
No, thanks.

?Welcome, [Link]. Do youhave something to deposit with me, thewoman who got over her broken heartand is getting prettier by the day?

Yes, please!
No, thanks.

?Sigh... Isn't there anyone special outthere for me? I wonder... I wish I couldfind someone to share a beautiful lovewith...Uhh... Hey, buddy, do you mind?Do you always just walk into people'shouses without asking permission?

?No matter how much you may miss me,I don't make it a habit of havingcustomers come around my house whenI'm off the clock, you know?Or am I being too self-conscious?

?Oh, hello! You decided to come see meat home...

You're not trying to tell me I'm yourspecial someone, are you?

?Hello, darling! Welcome...

You've come to see me at home...I'm so happy!

?[Link]... You came to seeme. Thank you.

The truth is...there's something I'mjust dying to get off my chest,[Link].

I'm just going to ask you somethingpoint-blank, OK?

?What do you think about me?

I like you.
You store items.

?You do? Really?! You're not lying?!

Lying, actually...

?I'm so happy! I feel like I'm in a dream.I have to hear it again just to be sure!

Do you really, really, really like me?

I do!
Uh, sorry...

?You're not lying, are you? I don't knowwhat I'd do if I found out you're lying!

It's true!
I'm lying.


M-maybe I didn't ask you the rightway...

OK. Let me think here... What am Ito you?

Someone I like!
A shopkeeper.

?Are you serious?! How could you dothat to me?!

Oh, wait... I see what's going on here...You're just too shy to admit your truefeelings, aren't you?

Yep, I'm shy!

?No way...

You have no feelings for me? All I amto you is some girl who stores youritems? You really think that?

Actually, I like you!

?What? So you really do like me?

I like you!

?...Thank you! I love you so much,darling! I'm sorry I doubted you andput you through all that questioning!

?...But I understand your true feelings.Better than you know.

You're saying that you cannot giveyourself over to love just yet...That you have much more importantthings to do right now.You have some kind of serious job youhave to attend to first, right?

If you weren't off on an adventure,you probably wouldn't need to comeby the Item Check so often.

And that's why I won't ask any more ofyou. I'll just watch over you, protectingyou from afar, keeping a vigilant eyeon your items.And when your important work is done,we'll tell my dad we're in love!

Until then, we'll keep our love secret!Darling, I... I'll see you again at theItem Check.

?...I understand. That's your answer...

I'm sorry for causing you trouble...

?...Don't. I don't need your sympathy.

I'm fine. I'll get over you quickly...

The next time we meet, I'll greetyou as I would any old customer...

?But tonight I want to be alone... darling.

?I'm glad you told me how you feel,darling. See you soon at the shop!

?I'm strong. I'll get over you. Please letme be alone with the cold night now...

?Darling! I told you that we need tokeep our relationship secret! If youcome over too often, my dad willcatch on to us!What could you possibly want this late?

Need to talk!
Deposit items!

?I'd love to talk forever with you,but my father is staring at us!We can talk another time!

?Well, aren't you the strong anddomineering type? But that'sjust how I like you, my darling!

?Well, if that's all you wanted, couldn'tyou have just come to visit me at theItem Check during the day?

Or are you trying to tell me that that'sall I am to you?

?Oh, [Link]...I never knew it would hurt so have my heart broken...

?I know I said I'd get over it, but...Sometimes at night, I feel this pain inmy chest... I guess that's why they callit a broken heart...

?I don't know why, but my fatherhas been in a great mood lately...

Does he even realize that his onlydaughter has just had her heartbroken for the very first time?How annoying...


?Hey there, friend! What luck you have!You've just stumbled upon me, theinfamous Moonlight Merchant!

Don't ask how I get my wares, 'causeI'm not telling!

If there's a rare bauble or two you'redying to get your hands on, I mightknow a stone who knows a stone whocan get them for you...for a price!

?But...but! Before you go whipping outyour Rupees, you should know mywares carry a hefty price tag.

People who come to me usually don'tlike collecting treasure on their own,or simply can't manage to collect whatthey need. You sure this is for you?

No way.

?Excellent! So, tell me, what kind oftreasure are you in the market for?

Blue Bird Feather
Golden Skull
Goddess Plume

?Something else, huh? Well do any ofthese pique your interest?

Dusk Relic
Evil Crystal
Monster Horn

?Sorry, friend, that's all I've got to sellright now. If none of those did the trickfor you, you'll just have to find whatyou're after on your own!

?OK, one Blue Bird Feather it is!For 200 Rupees, it's all yours!

Sounds good!
Too much.

?OK, one Golden Skull it is! This baby'sall yours for just 200 Rupees.

Sounds good!
Too much.

?OK, one Goddess Plume coming rightup! That'll be just 200 Rupees, friend.

Sounds good!
Too much.

?OK, one Dusk Relic it is! It's a steal atjust 100 Rupees.

Sounds good!
Too much.

?OK, one Evil Crystal it is!For 100 Rupees it's all yours!

Sounds good!
Too much.

?OK, one Monster Horn it is!For 100 Rupees it's all yours!

Sounds good!
Too much.

?Fine then. Folks who walk the straightand narrow are better off not gettingmixed up with a shady character likemyself anyhow. Know what I'm saying?

?Puh-leeeze, I've heard that one before.You say it costs too much. I say youprobably didn't want it that much inthe first place or you'd cough it up!

?And we have a deal! Here's yournot-at-all-shady treasure!

?Hmm. Looking a little short on fundsthere, friend. Oh well. When youscrape together the Rupees, you knowI'll be here.

?Hopefully your purchase lives up toyour expectations, fella! If you get theitch to buy some more treasure, youknow the stone to talk to.

?Hey there, friend! What luck you have!You've just stumbled upon one of th--Oh. You again. You looking to buysome treasure or what?


?So you're looking to buy then, eh?


?You're a weird one, climbing all theway up here.

Hey, if you tried to dive off the ledgehere, I bet you could land in thenest on top of the tower down there.But what do I know? I'm a stone.


?Sky Keep

?Master, I have information to report.I've detected three sources of sacredpower within this building. This powerclearly radiates from the Triforce.I've triangulated the three sources ofpower and marked them on your mapas %³.

?Master, I have new information foryou. Analysis indicates that the shakingyou felt just now was caused by achange in the building's structure.

?Now that the building's structure hasbeen altered, it appears you canenter the adjacent room.

?I propose you use this control panel tomove through the structure and collectthe components of the Triforce.

?By altering the internal structure ofthis building, you will be able to gainaccess to other chambers.

?Seek the gemstones that sleepbehind each statue. If you strikethem in order from lowest tohighest, the door will open.

?Master, look over that way.

?The design carved into the floor thereis the mark of Farore.

I detect the sacred power of theTriforce emanating from its vicinity.

?To reach the area where that mark islocated, I propose you pass through thedoor in front of you.

?I have identified the design on thefloor there as the mark of Nayru.

I detect the sacred power of theTriforce radiating from it.Unfortunately, the way leading tothe mark is closed off.

?I propose you utilize the nearbyTimeshift Orb to open a path tothe mark.

?There appears to be a Timeshift Orbover there.

?The symbol visible on the floor here isthe mark of Din.

I detect the sacred power of theTriforce emanating from its vicinity.

?Unfortunately, there seems to be noway to reach the mark from yourcurrent position.

I recommend you find anotherentrance into this chamber.

?Master, I have information for you.The chamber you stand in now is thesame one where you previously spottedthe mark of Din.

?If you can find a way through the riverof magma, I calculate a 60% chanceyou will arrive at one of the sourcesof sacred power.

?Master, I have information for you.I've detected a source of sacred powersomewhere within this chamber.

?I recommend you press forward insearch of the power present here.

?Master [Link], you havereached the mark. Offer your swordto it.

If you do this, I calculate a highprobability that you will be shownthe way to a part of the Triforce.


?Master [Link].

?You have entered the last of the trials,the Goddess's Silent Realm.

?When you have filled the Spirit Vesselonce more, you shall finally berecognized as the true hero of legend.

Only then will you be shown the doorthat will lead you to the Triforce.Master, I wish you success in this trial.

Do you have any questions before youface the task ahead of you?


?Which topic do you wish to review?

The Spirit Vessel?
Waking Water?
Never mind.

?Do you have any further questions?

The Spirit Vessel?
Waking Water?
Never mind.

?Understood, Master.

?Master, I await your return in theoutside world.

?Yes, Master.

To fill the Spirit Vessel, you need tolocate and collect the Sacred Tearsscattered across this Silent Realm.

?Master, do you see the glowingobject a ways in front of you?

?That is a Sacred Tear.You will need to collect 15 of them.

?Understood, Master.Allow me to explain.

?If you take even a single step outsidethe protective circle you stand in, theGuardians of this realm will wake upand pursue you, Master.

?If a Guardian manages to land even asingle hit on you, your spirit willshatter and you will fail the trial.

?You must collect the tears scatteredthroughout this area and fill theSpirit Vessel withoutbeing hit by an attack.

?The unusual liquid substance thatcovers that area is known as WakingWater, and it has certain uniqueproperties.If you make contact with WakingWater, the Guardians will beimmediately alerted to your presence.

Pools of Waking Water are located allthroughout the area. I suggest youwatch where you step...

?When your Spirit Vessel is filled with15 tears, your spirit will grow and youwill be blessed by the goddess witha new power.Master, I await your return in theoutside world.

?Master [Link], I canunfortunately confirm that youhave failed to pass the trial.

?Collect all the tears within the SilentRealm. I shall await your return here.

?Master, so long as you have the will anddetermination, you can retry a trialas many times as you like.

A good strategy is to find, but thendeliberately not pick up, the most-easily-accessible tears until you arediscovered and really need one.Collect the 15 tears and complete thetrial. I will await your return in theoutside world.

?The locations of tears you havegathered during your trial aremarked on the map.

You will have an easier timecompleting your task if you firstset out to discover the locationsof all 15 tears.

?Two types of Watchers patrol therealm, looking for intruders. I highlysuggest you take caution.

So long as you do not step into theirlight, you will remain undetectedby flying Sky Watchers.

However, the Earth Watchers, whohover near the ground, will give chaseif you come too close to them, so stayalert and maintain a safe distance.

?Master, the chances of your not beingthe chosen hero are increasing...

Repeated attempts at this trial havescattered your concentration and madeyour performance erratic. I suggestyou rest awhile before trying again.

?I suggest using smart tactics to youradvantage. Try leaving easy-to-collecttears for when you are being pursued.

?The locations of tears that you havepreviously collected will be markedon the map, so make good use of that.

Confirm the locations of all 15 tearsfirst to increase your chances ofsuccessfully completing the trial.

?Master, in addition to the Guardianswho will attack you, there are also twotypes of Watchers that search forintruders on the ground and in the sky.The two types of Watchers exhibitdramatically different behavior, so besure you understand how to avoiddetection by both.

?Here we are, [Link]!Show me what you got!


?This is a tale that you humans have passeddown through uncounted generations...

?It tells of a war of unmatched scale and ferocity,the likes of which would never be seen again.

?One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide andmalevolent forces rushed forth from the fissure.

?They mounted a brutal assault upon the surfacepeople, driving the land into deep despair...

?They burnt forests to ash, choked the land's sweetsprings, and murdered without hesitation.

?They did all this in their lust to take the ultimatepower protected by Her Grace, the goddess.

?The power she guarded was without equal.

?Handed down by gods of old, this power gave itsholder the means to make any desire a reality.

?Such was the might of the ultimate power thatthe old ones placed it in the care of the goddess.

?To prevent this great power from falling intothe hands of the evil swarming the lands...

?the goddess gathered the surviving humanson an outcropping of earth.

?She sent it skyward, beyond the reach of thedemonic hordes. Beyond even the clouds.

?With the humans safe, the goddess joined forces with theland dwellers and fought the evil forces, sealing them away.

?At last, peace was restored to the surface.

?This is a tale that you humans have told formany ages, generation to generation...

?But there are other legends, long hidden away frommemory, that are intertwined with this tale.

?Now, a new legend bound to this great storystands ready to be revealed.

?A legend that will be forged by your own hand.

?Rise, [Link]...The time has come for you to awaken...

?You are fated to have a hand in a greatdestiny, and it will soon find you...

The time has come for you to awaken...


?Hey, sleepyhead. I know how much youlike to sleep in, so I'm guessing thisletter will be your alarm clock thismorning. Did I guess right?Rise and shine, [Link]!Today's the Wing Ceremony!You promised to meet me before itstarts, remember?You'd better not keep me waiting.-Zelda

?Oh youth, guided by the servant of thegoddess... Unite earth and sky...Bring light to the land...

?Hey! Good morning, [Link].

?I'm glad to see my Loftwing got you outof bed.

I was pretty sure you'd sleep in andforget to meet me this morning.

?But look at this instrument! And lookat this outfit! They're mine to use todayin the ceremony, since I'll be playingthe role of the goddess.

?Aren't they beautiful? Especially thisinstrument! They tell me it's just likethe one the goddess was said to have inthe legends.It sounds gorgeous too. I asked Fatherabout it, and he says it's called a harp.

?And look at these clothes! I made thiswrap myself, and we get to use it intoday's ceremony!

Between the harp and this outfit, I'mgoing to make a great goddess today!

I got you up early this morning becauseI wanted you to be the first to see melike this, [Link]!

? do I look?


?Hah, I think so too! But it's nice toknow you agree. Thanks,[Link].

?Really...? You know...maybe it doeslook a little weird...

?And what exactly is THAT supposed tomean, you goof? If you think I looksilly, just come out and say it.

?Ah, there you are, Zelda. Are you allprepared for today's ceremony?

?Oh, hello, Father.

?Ah, [Link], you're here too.Outstanding.

It's encouraging to see you up so early,given your capacity for sleep. No doubttoday's ceremony had you too excitedto close your eyes for once!

?If you win today's ceremonial race,you'll get to participate in thepostrace ritual with Zelda, so give ityour best out there.

?Yes. About that...

?Father, I don't know if he can do it!

Recently [Link] hasn'tbeen practicing much at allfor the ceremony!

?And even when he's out riding hisLoftwing, he's just lazily glidingaround. Probably daydreaming!

I don't know what he's thinking.He's going to have to be in perfectcontrol of his bird to win today.

?No need to worry yourself, Zelda.

Though you may have a point.Today's Wing Ceremony tests the skillof the rider as well as his bond to hisbird. Victory will not come easily.

?And, as you pointed out, I haven't seenhim practicing as hard as some of theother students.

But you've known him since you wereboth very little. You should knowbetter than to fret about him!

You see, [Link] and hisLoftwing share a special connection.I've never seen anything quite like it.

?As you know, each of us in Skyloft isbut one half of a pair.

We are only made whole by ourLoftwings, the guardian birds thatthe goddess bestows upon each of usas a symbol of her divine protection.

?When we are young, every one of usmeets our Loftwing under the greatStatue of the Goddess. It's quite a bigmoment, as I'm sure you recall.

?Ahh, but that first meeting between[Link] and his Loftwing wasextraordinary.

The bird that came to him was aCrimson Loftwing. It is a breed so rarewe were sure for some time that it hadvanished from the line.

?Yes, and the boy and his bird seemedto share a profound connection fromthe moment they met.

Do you recall when [Link]and that Loftwing of his first met?What a sight!

The little boy just hopped up on thatbird and gracefully flew away, withouteven a moment of instruction!They were meant for each other.And judging by how jealous you werethat day, I'd say the friendship heshared with his bird didn't gounnoticed by you, my dear.

?Ah, but who can blame you? I'm sureyou weren't the only one envious ofthe powerful bond shared by[Link] and his bird.Anyone who is a part of somethingspecial is bound to catch some nastylooks sooner or later, hoo hoo.

?This contest is nothing to laugh at,Father! This ceremony is part of thefinal test for those training to becomeknights of Skyloft!

?If [Link] doesn't fly fastenough during the race...

?What if [Link] messes uphis big chance... What if he's notallowed to become a knight?

?Calm down, my dear. It will be fine.

Honestly, it's almost as though youbecome a completely different personwhen you worry about[Link].

?Listen, [Link], you'd betterfly your heart out today. At the veryleast, you need to squeeze in a littlepractice time before the race!

?Come on! You'll thank me later!

?Here we are. Go on now. Jump offthe edge and call your Loftwing.It's almost time for the ceremony,so try to practice seriously for once!Hmm? Oh yeah? You can't "sense"your bird out there?

Oh, I get it. You're trying to weasel outof having to practice! Nice try, butyou're not fooling me.

?Off you go!

?OK, [Link], go ahead!Just press [d-pad down] and call your Loftwing!

?Hmm... His bird sure is taking a longtime to get here...

?Something's wrong!

?Hang in there, [Link]!I've got you!

?Are you two all right?

?I'm sorry, friend. I didn't mean to pushyou so hard. You didn't sprain yourwing, did you?

?This is very odd, [Link].What could have possibly happened toyour Loftwing?

For a bird to ignore the call of hismaster... It's unheard of!

?And you still can't sense your birdnearby, eh, [Link]?

This is quite a problem, especiallyconsidering the Wing Ceremony isabout to start...

?[Link], when you said youcouldn't sense your Loftwing, well...I should have believed you....I'm sorry.

?I need to tend to my own Loftwing, soI'll catch up with you later.

You'd better go on ahead and see if youcan find where your bird has gone!

?My, how did it get to be so late?If I recall correctly, this yearInstructor Horwell is presiding overthe ceremony.[Link], you should goexplain the situation to him and see ifhe's willing to delay the race a littleso that you can find your bird.

?But, Father, you're the headmaster ofthe academy! If [Link] asksInstructor Horwell, he'll probablyjust come talk to you about it.

?Ah, quite true. As usual, you make anexcellent point, my dear.

Very well, I'll explain the situationto him myself. [Link], runalong and tell Instructor Horwellto come see me in my quarters.

?...You know, Groose, that sure was apain, what with all the scratching andpecking.

?Course it was. You thought a bigCrimson Loftwing like that wasgonna go down without a fight?

?But we got him, and I don't care howtough those birds are supposed to be.He's not getting out of that penanytime soon, boys.

?Whoa![Link]! So, uh...yeah.Just how long you been standing there?

?What's your problem, anyway?Oh, wait...I got it. You're here to talkabout today's race. I can see it in thosedopey eyes of yours.They're pleading, "Oh, Groose, can youplease find it in your heart to let mewin today? Please!"

You're just desperate to win so you canget some alone time with Zelda up onthe Statue of the Goddess at the end ofthe ceremony.

?Well, sorry, pal. Groose doesn't docharity for wimps. My advice? Workhard and wish with all your heart.You might even come in second.

?...Say, come to think of it, how come Idon't see your bird? Where is thatscruffy pile of red feathers?

?I can't imagine what could've happenedto him. Do you think his tiny brain gotconfused by all the clouds and got lost?

Bring it on.
Give him back!
Nice hair.

?Pfft. Sure. Only thing is, I don't knowhow you're going to do that with nobird! You gonna grow wings?

?Huh? I've got no idea what you'retalking about.

?You lay off my do right now, or I'llflatten you. Everyone knows I'vegot the slickest pompadour in town.

?You know, we're all getting tired ofhow you never let anyone forget youand Zelda go way back.

?You've been friends since you werekids? Big deal. It doesn't change thefact that you float through life withyour head in the clouds.

?Would you wake up, straighten up,and grow a backbone already?

?Dopes like you are dragging ourhonored academy through the mud.

?And just who might you be talkingabout, Groose?

?Oh...Zelda. Hey. Nah, it's...uh...

?Don't even try it, Groose! You'repicking on [Link] again,aren't you?

?He's a student at the academy,like all of us.

?Why do you insist on bullying himaround so much?

?Yeah... I suppose...

?You suppose? Suppose what?

? Er...

?Pfft! Forget it. I wasn't supposinganything, OK?

?OK, we're outta here, boys.Later, [Link]! Hope youfind your bird, or else you're gonnahave to sit out today's race!

?That could be a major setback towardknighthood, so find that bird or getreal used to the taste of failure!It's your special flavor.

?I hate to say it, but I'm beginning tosuspect that those blockheads hadsomething to do with your Loftwing'sdisappearance.[Link], those guys aren'tgoing to help us find your bird,so we'd better start searching.

?I'll fly around Skyloft and see if I canspot any trace of your bird.

?Father said he'd talk to InstructorHorwell about delaying the start of theWing Ceremony, so don't worry.We'll find your bird in time.

?We should hurry, [Link].Now that your Loftwing is free, youshould fly to the ceremony...

?But before you go, I have to ask yousomething. I...I heard this voice a fewmoments ago. Did you hear it too?

?It's been happening a lot lately. It's thestrangest feeling... Almost likesomeone is calling out to me.

?Have you ever wondered what'sbeneath the clouds?

Some say that it's an empty, barrenplace, or even that there's nothing atall down below, but I just have thisfeeling that they're wrong.Some of Father's old texts talk about aplace called the surface. The oldtales describe a whole world underthere, far more vast than Skyloft!The thing is, no one's ever been downthere to see it, and our Loftwings won'tfly through the cloud barrier.

...But I can't help imagining the wildthings that might be waiting below.Someday, I want to see for myself.

?Oh, sorry, [Link]. We don'thave time to talk! Let's get going.Look, your bird's waiting for you!

Just leap off the edge and press [d-pad down].Don't worry about falling. Your birdwill catch you for sure this time!


?Don't worry--I'm fine!

?Great flying, [Link]!Congratulations!

?Now we'd better get on with theceremony!

?[Link], hand me that BirdStatuette you grabbed in the race.I must offer it to the goddess.

?Great goddess, guiding light andprotector of our people, grant us yourblessing and mercy as I act in yourstead during this ceremony.

?Valiant youth who grasped victory atthe celebration of the bird folk...In accordance with the old ways...

I now bestow the blessings of thegoddess upon you.

?The blessings of the goddess drift downfrom the heavens aloft a sail, which Inow pass on to you.

?You got the Sailcloth!

Now you can jump from any height withoutfear of a painful landing!

...It smells nice too.

?[Link]! Quit goofing.This is supposed to be a sacred ritual,remember?

?You know, they say that the goddessgave the Sailcloth to her chosen herolong ago.

Of course, the one you're holding isn'tthe same one. I've been working hardto finish making this Sailcloth in timeto give it to today's champion.I'm really glad I got to give it to you,[Link]. Make sure youtake good care of it, OK?

?Thanks for making it up here to do thiswith me today like you promised,[Link].

?Now we really should finish up thisritual...

? know what happens at theend, right?

Sort of...

?Really? Huh. I thought you would'vefigured it out by now.

?And just what are you thinking?Don't be silly. This is your big moment,[Link].

?Heehee, I'm glad you're so wellinformed on the subject.

?You have to jump off the statue!

?Look down. See that big, round designon the courtyard below?

To finish the ceremony, you need todrop down right into the center of it!

Leap off the edge here. Right beforeyou hit the ground, press [B] to open upyour Sailcloth!

Just how brave are you? If you werereally fearless, you'd wait until thelast second to use your Sailcloth....So, ready to jump?

?That was perfect! You're amazing,[Link]!

?You know, [Link], seeing ashow you won today...

?And with the weather being so nice...

?You think maybe you'd like to, youknow, go fly around the cloudstogether?

?...[Link]?Hey, [Link]!

?Today was amazing. Watching you winthe race and performing the ritualtogether... I'll always remember this.

?It really was wonderful.

?You know... [Link]...

?There's something I've been meaning totalk to you about...

?What is that?

?What's going on?

?Ahhh! [Link]!


?I am waiting for you.

The time has come for you to awaken.

You are vital to a mission of greatimportance.


?...Ah, you're awake.

?When your Loftwing carried you back,you were limp and unconscious.I feared the worst.

Fortunately, you don't appear to haveany serious injuries. For that muchwe can be grateful.

?But, [Link]...Where's Zelda? She was with you,was she not?

...What's happened to my daughter?

?A black tornado, you say? Hmm.That was no ordinary storm.

?You must not push yourself.You're still recovering.

Tell me, when you saw Zelda today,did anything about her

?I see. She was talking about thesurface then?

And you've been having dreams abouta "great mission"? How interesting...

?I'm sorry. I was lost in thought therefor a moment. It's all very strange, butI doubt there's much of a connectionbetween these things.I'm concerned for Zelda, but so longas she's with her Loftwing, I'm sureshe'll be fine.

Either way, daybreak has yet to arrive.It would be very difficult to spot onegirl and her bird in the dark of night.It would also be very dangerous.

?Rest now, [Link].Zelda's going to be fine. She's outthere alive. I know it.

?The one chosen by my creator.I have been waiting for you.You will play a role in a great destiny.

?According to your social customs,I should provide you with my personaldesignation. Fi is the name I was given.

I was created for a single purpose,long before the recorded memory ofyour people.

I must aid you in fulfilling the greatdestiny that is your burden to carry.

?Come, [Link].You must take up this sword. As theone chosen by my creator, it is yourdestiny.

?The strange dreams troubling yoursleep. My sudden appearance.Uncertainty surrounding the fate ofone you hold dear.Under the circ*mstances, it is onlylogical that you would exhibit someapprehension.

?To minimize your uncertainty, allowme to share some information.

My projections indicate that thisinformation has a high probability ofaltering your current emotional state.

?The one you seek, honorable Zelda,is still alive.

?And this spirit maiden...the one youcall another chosen one fatedto be part of the same great mission.

Therefore, should you wish to meetwith your friend, I highly recommendyou take up this sword before youset out to search for her.

?Does that information invigorate you?Are you ready to accept this sword?

?It seems that further persuasivemeasures will not be required.

In the name of my creator, draw thesword and raise it skyward.

?Recognition complete, Master...

[Link]... My master.


?I've had my suspicions, but until now Iwasn't sure.

Yet here we are in the Chamber of theSword, the very place where it wasforetold the youth of legend would oneday appear.

?It is said that this place was left to ourpeople by the goddess herself.

The very knowledge of this room'sexistence is a secret passed down to aselect few each generation, along witha handful of words...

?When the light of the goddess's swordshines bright, the great apocalypsewill wake from its long slumber.

Do not fear, for it is then that a youth,guided by my hand, shall reveal himselfin a place most sacred.

?It started days ago. The sword that I'vekept secret all these years... It began togive off a faint, otherworldly light.

?At first I was sure I was seeing things,here alone with the sword. There wassimply no other explanation.

I never dreamed the prophecy oflegend would come to pass in mylifetime.

?The words I have sworn to keep secretare coming true before my very eyes.

The youth will be guided by one bornof the blade--one who is also youthfulin likeness yet wise with knowledgeimmeasurable.

?Ah yes, the oral tradition, one of theleast reliable methods of informationretention and transmission.

It appears that critical sections of thepassage have been lost over thegenerations.

?The youth who draws forth the guidingsword shall be known as the goddess'schosen hero, and it is he who possessesan unbreakable spirit.He shall be burdened with the task ofabolishing the shadow of apocalypsefrom the land. Such is his destiny.

With the spirit of the blade at his side,he shall soar over the clouds andplummet below...

...And united with the spirit maiden,shall bring forth a piercing light thatresurrects the land.

?Some of Father's old texts talk about aplace called the surface.

The old tales describe a whole worldbelow, far more vast than Skyloft!

?Master, you must embark on a greatjourney beneath the clouds to the vastrealm of the surface.

It is only through this journey that youcan fulfill the mission set before youby my creator, the goddess.

It is also the only method available foryou to reunite with the spirit maiden,honorable Zelda.

?This is no easy task, [Link].The world below is a forsaken place,and to reach it you must pierce thecloud barrier below.In living memory, no one has everdone this.

?This tablet will illuminate a paththrough the clouds to the land below.

Take it, and place it within the altarbehind me.

?You got the Emerald Tablet!The weathered surface of this heavy stonetablet feels very old.

?Master, the first thing you mustdo is hit the crest sitting in thisroom with a Skyward Strike.

These blasts are formed of pure energythat charges within your blade whenyou lift it skyward.

Once you have charged your blade,face the crest and swing your swordto send out a powerful Skyward Strike.

?Master [Link], it is done.

?Until now, a cloud barrier created bythe goddess has separated the worldyou know from the one below.

The tablet you placed in the altar hasopened a small rift in the barrier.You can use it to travel through theclouds to the realm below.I have recognized you as my master,and so it is my duty to follow youwherever you may go.

I reside within your sword and willaccompany you in your travels.Press [d-pad down] to summon me whenever yourequire my assistance.

?[Link], listen a moment.The nature of the great apocalypsem*ntioned in the old texts is a completemystery to me.But whatever it turns out to be, itseems that both you and Zelda have bigroles to play in the destiny of this land.

Just think--if what this Fi says is true,Zelda is alive! Alive and no doubtcoming to terms with whatever it is thegoddess has in store for her.Should you heed the call of destiny,I don't know what dangers you mayhave to face, [Link].Especially down there...But if you've decided to brave theunknown, please find my daughter andbring her back to me.

?What we've seen here today defiesexplanation, but it is only the start ofyour journey. Please, see it throughand prove the legends true.

No way.
It's so much...

?You do your people proud,[Link]!

?I understand how you feel, but this isdestiny itself calling for you. You mustnot run from it, [Link]!

?Ah... I'm sorry, [Link].I know it's a heavy load to shoulder,but you're the only one who can bearits weight.

?Dawn is drawing near. It has been along night for the both of us, hasn't it?

You have a great journey before you,[Link], and those clothes...They don't look up to the task.

The uniform you were to receive forwinning the race should be readyby now.

A sturdy uniform like that will provemuch more suitable for a long journey.You'd better change before you go.

?That green uniform is what our knightswill be wearing this year. To be honest,I've had my doubts about the color.

But oddly enough, seeing you wear thisuniform, I can't imagine a more fittingcolor for you. It's as though you wereborn to wear it.

?Take care on your journey, and be sureto stop by some of the shops at thebazaar here in town to equip yourselfproperly for the travels ahead.I will return to my quarters and see ifI can glean more useful informationfrom the ancient texts.

You are always welcome to stop by ifyou have questions. You and Zeldashall be in my prayers. May thegoddess watch over and guide you both.

?Master [Link], I haveimportant information.

When you struck the crest with aSkyward Strike from your sword, amessage from the goddess awakeneddeep within my memory.The goddess intended this message foryou, Master. These are her words.

?He who seeks the sacred flames, listenwell, for I guide you from my place atthe edge of time.

?The sacred flames are three in number.To obtain them, you must also earnrelics known as the three sacred gifts.

For each trial you overcome, you shallbe blessed with one of the gifts...

?Make use of the power of these gifts,and you will find your way to thepurifying sacred flames.

Now, I bestow unto you a melody.It will serve you as a key, opening thefirst trial that awaits you deep in thewilds of Faron Woods.

?That song is called Farore's Courage.Its rousing melody will guide you.

?You learned Farore's Courage!

?Master, you must overcome the trialsset before you and obtain the threegifts to reach the sacred flames.

I have committed Farore's Courageto memory. Now you can use yourdowsing ability to search for the gateleading to the first trial you must face.I suggest you set out for Faron Woodsas soon as you are ready.

?Master [Link], I haveimportant information.

When you struck the crest with aSkyward Strike from your sword, amessage from the goddess awakeneddeep within my memory.The goddess intended this message foryou, Master. These are her words.

?He who seeks the sacred flames, listenwell, for I am the one guiding you frommy place at the edge of time.

?Two sacred flames remain. Should youdesire to possess them, you must obtainthe other sacred gifts.

For each trial you overcome, you shallbe blessed with another gift.

?Harness the power of these gifts, andlet there be no doubt you shall findyourself standing before the majestyof the sacred flames.Now, I give you another melody. It willserve as a key to unlocking your nexttrial, which awaits you within theshifting sands of Lanayru Desert.

?The song you just heard is calledNayru's Wisdom. Use this song ofknowledge to find the next trial.

?You learned Nayru's Wisdom!

?I have memorized Nayru's Wisdom foryou. You can now use dowsing tolocate the gate to the next trial.

You should set a course for LanayruDesert immediately.

?Master [Link], I haveimportant information.

When you struck the crest with aSkyward Strike from your sword, amessage from the goddess awakeneddeep within my memory.The goddess intended this messagefor you, Master. These are her words.

?He who seeks the sacred flames, listenwell, for I am the one guiding you frommy place at the edge of time.

?The last of the sacred flames stilleludes you. To obtain it, you must claimanother sacred gift.

For each trial you overcome, you shallbe blessed with another gift.

?Make use of the power of these gifts,and you will most certainly find thepath to the sacred flames.

Now, I bestow unto you anothermelody. Let it serve as a key tounlocking your final trial. It awaits youupon Eldin Volcano.

?According to my records, that song youjust heard is called Din's Power.Use this song of might to locate thelast trial.

?You learned Din's Power!

?I have committed Din's Power to mymemory. Now you have the ability touse dowsing to locate the gate to thefinal trial.I suggest you travel to Eldin Volcano.

?Bahah! So you've learned all threeparts of the song from the dragons,eh? You have done well, young one!

?True to my word, I will perform thelast part of the song for you. Ahem...

?You learned the final part of theSong of the Hero...

?The Song of the Hero is now complete!

?Now that you know the song, I trust youknow what to do with it. That old songopens a door to a great trial.

Should you succeed in conquering thechallenge awaiting you there, I'mcertain the path to the Triforce will berevealed to you.

?A report, Master [Link].My calculations indicate an 85% chancethat the structure you uncoveredhouses the Triforce.Given this development, I project thatthe moment for Zelda to fulfill herdestiny and bring an end to Demise isclose at hand.

?Master, I believe at this juncture thata prayer is required. The ultimate goalwe have traveled so far for is nowwithin reach.Focus now, and wish with all your mightfor the destruction of Demise.



?Faron Woods

?Come on... Just go away...

?Just play dead... Just play dead, koo-kwee...Play dead... Must think dead...

?Huh...? It's gone quiet.

?Kwee-koo! Now there's a greenone! I didn't even know theycame in green!

?Don't hurt me, koo-weep!

?It spotted me again!


?... ...

?Huh? You don't want me?Kwee... And come to think of it,why did you fight off all those redmonsters?

?Kee-paleep! I'm Machi. I'm a Kikwi.You seem OK, even though you'rescary. Thanks for helping me!

?That's weird, kee-koo. A little whileago I ran into another funny animallike you, but that one was a girl.


?I don't know who she was, but sheseemed to be in big trouble when I sawher. She a friend of yours, kwee?

?What's a Zelda? I don't know who thisgirl was, koo-kwee, but she was in abunch of trouble when I saw her.

?A pack of those mean red guys wereafter her, kwee, but she escaped withthe Kikwi elder.

?Kee-paleep... It sounds like you'reset on finding this friend and the elder.

If you're heading that way anyway,kwee, would you mind telling our elderthat I'm safe?

Cheer up, koo-weep! I bet yourfriend is safe with our elder.

?You really spooked me, kwee...You keep some very strange company,friend.

?Tell the elder that I'm safe. I'm surethe girl you're looking for is safe too.She's probably with the elder, kwi-koo!

?It's good to hear the elder is OK!I can't believe he was hiding nearbyall this time, kweee!

Sorry to hear that girl you're lookingfor wasn't with him, though.

?Thanks a ton for finding all my otherKikwi buddies.

Too bad that girl you've been lookingfor wasn't with any of my friends.I just hope you find her, kwee!

?Hey! It's me, kwee! Did you find thegirl?

Who are you?
Not yet...

?What do you mean, who am I? Don'ttell me you forgot your old buddyMachi! Now I'm sad... Koo-kwee...

?Oh. That's too bad. But it sounds likeyou at least know where you need tosearch next to find her, kwee.That's...something, right?

?I'm so glad I've finally been reunitedwith all my Kikwi friends. It's allthanks to you, koo-weep!

?With any luck, hopefully you'll findthat girl you've been searching for realsoon, koro-koo! Take care, OK?

?Don't eat me! I taste TERRIBLE!Let me go, kwee!

?Huh? The elder was worried aboutme? I'm glad to hear he's safe, kwee!

?Huh? But you don't seem like amonster, koo-weep...

A girl with blonde hair, you say?Can't say I saw anyone like that.I was lying low this whole time.

?I'm Oolo. If you meet the elder,tell him I'm here, kee-paleep!

I don't know if it's safe yet... I'm goingto stay here awhile longer and waitfor those monsters to go away.

?What WAS that just now, kwee?Don't scare me like that!

?I'm going to stay here for a while.If you see the elder, kwee, would youtell him where I am?

?Good to hear the elder is safe, kwee.I'm going to stay here for a while,though, and wait until all thosemonsters are out of here.

?Thanks for finding all of my friends,koo-weep! looks like it's still dangeroushere in the forest.


?You fought off all those red guys.So does that mean that you're...a good guy?

See, I've got this problem. My legshave turned to jelly, and I can't getdown. Think you could help me, kwee?

?Ouch! That, uh...was effective.Anyway, thanks to you I'm saved,kee-paleep!

?Really? The elder was worried aboutme? Well, I'm glad to hear he's safe,kwee-koo.

?Huh? A girl? Sorry, kwee, I don't knowanything about that.

The elder will probably knowsomething about her, though.

?My name's Lopsa. If you see the elder,can you please tell him where I am?Oh kwee... My legs are still shaking.

?I thought you were another monster.Don't scare me like that, koo-kwee!

?I'm going to rest here awhile. If yousee the elder, let him know I'm here,koo-weep!

?It's a relief to hear the elder is safe.

My legs are still shaking, kwee, so I'mgoing to stay here for a while.

?Kee-paleep! Thanks for finding all theother Kikwis!

It looks like this clearing is monsterfree right now, unlike most of theforest, so I'm sticking here for now.

?I've been discovered! And here Ithought I had a good hiding place,kwee...

?I'm Erla. You won't find anotherKikwi in these woods that's half asgood at hiding as I am. Except theelder, of course. Kwee!

?You met the elder? And he's OK?Phew, glad to hear it, kwee!

If you see him again, would youplease tell him I'm here?

?No one hides like the elder. He's atrue master of camouflage. I don'tknow if you'll ever find him, koo-weep!

?How did you find me?! I was blendingin perfectly with my environment,kwee...

?I'm impressed you found me, kwee,but you still haven't found the elder,right?

?You found him already?! I don't knowhow you do it, but you sure do have aknack for spotting hidden things, kwee!

?You've found everyone? Wow, you'repretty serious about searching. Maybeyou should rest your eyes, koo-weep.

?Kweeeee-heee... I am Bucha, theKikwi elder.

I saw the way you spotted me throughmy ingenious camouflage. Kweee,you are clearly a master woodsman.

Where's Zelda?
Others like you?


Ah, the girl creature with the blondehair. She looked like one of your kind.Yes, she was with me, kweeee.

But now is not the time for such talk...The woods are full of monsters. I amworried about my missing tribe.

Kweeee... The shock and worry hasmade my memories of the girl quitehazy...

?What? You say you've met some ofmy people, kweee?

?And you're looking for one of yourlost people as well?

Hmmm... Yes. At one point during themonster panic here, I did speak with ablonde girl of your kind, kweee.

But now is not the time for such talk.The forest is full of monsters, and I amworried about my missing tribe.

Kweee... The shock and worry hasmade my memories of the girl quitehazy...

?Kweee-hee! I am Bucha, the Kikwielder.

You must be a master woodsman if youmanaged to spot me through my expertcamouflage, kwee.

?Hmm... So Machi, Oolo, and Lopsa aresafe, are they? Oh, but there are stillmonsters lurking in the forest, so Idare not leave this spot, kwee.

?So Machi, Oolo, and Lopsa are safe,eh? Sadly, one more Kikwi remainsunaccounted for. Would you mindsearching for him to see if he's OK?He likes to hide in grassy areas, sosearch any tufts of grass you see...

By the way, I haven't forgotten aboutthe girl you search for. Give me just abit more time, and I'm sure I can recallsomething about where she was headed.

?A single Kikwi remains unaccountedfor, kweee. Would you mind searchingfor him to see if he's OK?

He likes to hide in grassy areas, so youhad better thoroughly search anygrassy tufts you spot.

If you can find him for me, I shouldbe able to remember the whereaboutsof that girl you're looking for, kwee.

?Hmm... So Machi, Oolo, and Erla aresafe, are they? Oh, but there are stillmonsters lurking in the forest, so Idare not leave this spot, kwee.

?Kwee... So Machi, Oolo, and Erla arenow safe?

Sadly, one more Kikwi remainsunaccounted for. Would you mindsearching for him to see if he's OK?

He likes to climb trees, so I'd suggestyou search the treetops for him, kwee.

By the way, I haven't forgotten aboutthe girl you search for. Give me just abit more time, and I'm sure I can recallsomething about where she was headed.

?One more Kikwi remains unaccountedfor, kweee. Would you mind searchingfor him to see if he's OK?

He likes to climb trees, so I'd suggestyou search the treetops for him,kwee.

By the way, I haven't forgotten aboutthe girl you search for. Give me just abit more time, and I'm sure I can recallsomething about where she was headed.

?Kweee... So Machi and Oolo are safe,eh?

Oh, but there are still monsters lurkingin the forest, so I dare not leave thisspot.

?I'm glad to hear that Machi and Ooloare safe, kwee, but I still worry aboutthe other Kikwis.

Two Kikwis are still unaccounted for.Could I ask you to search the areafor them and make sure they are safe?

Oh, and I believe I rememberedsomething about the girl you seek.She took off that way, kwee! Or maybeit was this way? Oh dear.

?Two more of my tribe are stillunaccounted for, kwee! Could I askyou to search the area for themand make sure they are safe?I've been worried about my fellowKikwis, but if you could put my fearsto rest, I might remember somethingabout where the girl you seek went.

?Kwee... So Machi, Lopsa, and Erla aresafe, eh?

Oh, but there are still monsters lurkingin the forest. I dare not leave this spot.

?Kwee... So Machi, Lopsa, and Erla aresafe, are they?

Good news! Oh, but one last Kikwiis still unaccounted for. Could I askyou to search the area for him?

He has quite a talent for disguisinghimself as a clump of tall grass, solook for him amongst any lush,grassy tufts you may encounter, kwee.On a separate note, I feel like I'm onthe verge of remembering somethingabout that girl you're after and whereshe went. I need just a little more time.

?One last Kikwi is still unaccountedfor. Could I ask you to search thearea for him, kwee?

He has quite a talent for disguisinghimself as a clump of tall grass, solook for him amongst any lush,grassy tufts you may encounter.Oh, but I feel like I'm on the verge ofremembering something about that girlyou're after and where she went, kwee.Give me just a little more time.

?Kweee... So Machi and Lopsa aresafe, eh?

But it's not safe! There are stillmonsters lurking in the forest, soI dare not leave this spot.

?I'm glad to hear that Machi and Lopsaare safe, kwee, but I still worry aboutthe other Kikwis.

Two of my tribe are still unaccountedfor. Could you please search the areafor them and make sure they are safe?

Oh, and I believe I rememberedsomething about the girl you seek.She took off that way, kwee!Or maybe it was this way? Oh dear.

?Two more of my tribe are stillunaccounted for. Could I ask youto search the area for them andmake sure they are safe, kwee?I am worried about my fellow Kikwis.If you could calm my panic, I might beable to remember more about wherethe girl you seek went off to.

?Kweee... So Machi and Erla aresafe, eh?

Oh, there are still monsters lurking inthe forest. I dare not leave this spot.

?I'm relieved to hear that Machi andErla are safe, kwee, but I still worryabout the other Kikwis.

Two of my tribe are still unaccountedfor. Do you think you could search thearea for them and make sure theyare safe?Oh, and I believe I rememberedsomething about the girl you seek.She took off that way, kweee!Or maybe it was this way? Oh dear.

?Two of my tribe are still missing, kwee.Could you please search around thearea and make sure they're safe?

I've been so worried about my Kikwis.But if you could put my fears to rest,I might remember where that girlyou seek ran off to, kwee.

?Kweee... So Machi is safe, eh?

Ahhh, but the monsters! They are stilllurking in the forest. I don't dareleave this spot.

?I'm glad to hear that Machi is safe,yes, kwee, but I still worry about theother Kikwis.

Three of my tribe are still unaccountedfor. Could I convince you to search thearea for them and make sure they aresafe?Now if I could just recall where thatgirl went off to, kwee. Hmm...

?Three Kikwis are still unaccounted for.Could I ask you to search for themand make sure they are safe, kweee?

I am worried sick for my fellow Kikwis.If you could calm my fears, I might beable to remember more about wherethe girl you seek went off to, kwee.

?Kwee! So all my fellow Kikwis are well.And they want me to stop worrying?Aha, excellent! They know me too well.

You have a real talent for findingwhatever is missing, kweee. I don'tknow who you are or where you comefrom, but you have my thanks.

?Kwee hee hee, I feel much less worriednow! I believe I just rememberedwhere that young lady went!

?I think she headed down that waytoward the temple, kwee...but be sureto take great care if you follow her.That area is crawling with monsters.

?Oho! I almost forgot, kwee!

As a reward for finding all my fellowKikwis, I will give you a preciousKikwi heirloom.

Let me just fetch it for you rightnow, kweee. Pardon me a moment...

?Come now, kwee, no need to be shy!Climb up onto my back and claim yourreward.

?Go on, kwee. Just climb up onto me andtake the reward you earned!

?That young girl...Zelda--was that hername?'s all coming back to me.She said she had to travel to the templedeep within these woods, kweee...Oho! I tried to warn her about howdangerous it was there, but the cleverlittle thing vaulted off my belly andran off on her own just the same.

?What's that, kwee? You are alsosearching for someone who is lost?

Well, that I think about it,I did bump into a young lady earlier.She had blonde hair, that one.

?No doubt about it, kwee. This Zelda girlyou're looking for ran off toward thetemple in the Deep Woods.

?With a slingshot, a clever young manlike you should be able to find a wayto the temple.

Go now and find that girl! I'll berooting for you. Kwee hee hee...

?With that slingshot, kwee, you shouldbe able to find a path into the DeepWoods where that temple is.

?To start, why not try shooting thatcurled-up vine over there?

?To get started, why don't you shoot thatvine over-- Huh?

Couldn't wait to shoot it, could you?Well, kwee...I suppose that's a goodthing. It will make my explanationthat much easier to understand.

?Press [B] to ready your slingshot, kwee,then press [A] to let a shot fly.

If you run out of ammunition, justgrab some seeds from the fruit thatgrows on the trees over there.

?Now go find that girl! I'll be rootingfor you. Kwee heh heh.

?Master, you have entered Faron Woods.

?The plentiful water in this regionclearly sustains a large diversityof flora, including this massive tree.

?It is logical that the lush plant life andwater resources have attracted animalspecies to the region.

?Looking at the probabilities, it isextremely likely that Zelda issomewhere in the area.

I recommend you continue to use yourdowsing ability to search for her.

?Master, I picked up a highly interestingspike in dowsing readings from thecreature you just encountered.


?Yes, Master. Based on the creature'scharacteristics, I must conclude that itis a peaceful, forest-dwelling animalknown as a Kikwi.Kikwis are intelligent beings capable ofspeech. However, such a creature couldobviously not be confused with Zelda.

It is unclear why such a creature wouldelicit a dowsing response attuned toZelda. You should follow the creatureand investigate this phenomenon.

?The probability of this life-form beingZelda is 5%, so I must conclude thatthis is, in fact, not Zelda but a peacefulforest creature known as a Kikwi.Kikwis are highly intelligent beings,capable of speech. Yes, upon furtherobservation...clearly not Zelda.

It is unclear why such a creature wouldelicit a dowsing response attuned toZelda. You should follow the creatureand investigate this phenomenon.

?Master, I recommend you investigatethe well-being of the creature curledup on the forest floor.

?Master, if you do not inquire into thehealth of the creature curled up here,it has less than a 5% chance of survival.

?I have detected an exceptionally strongdowsing response in this area. Youshould continue searching the vicinity.

?I detect no monsters in the immediatearea and therefore conclude it issafe for the Kikwi to leave its perch.

It seems that this Kikwi is unable todescend the tree. I suggest youfind a way to expedite his dismount.

If you find yourself lacking ideas,you can always press [2] to review youravailable actions.

?I do not detect a strong dowsingresponse corresponding with Zelda inthis area. It would be best to moveyour search to another location.

?An analysis of dowsing readingsindicates that there are no additionalKikwis in this area.

I suggest you speak with the Kikwielder.

?Master, I highly suggest you save theprogress of your quest before you setout for the temple deep within thewoods in pursuit of Zelda.

?This area commands an excellent viewof your surroundings. It would be wiseto utilize this vantage point to dowsefor nearby Kikwis.

?Master [Link], now wouldbe an excellent time to arm you withadditional information regarding theuse of your items.You should be aware that you caninstantly ready the slingshot you used amoment ago by quickly tapping [B].

If you experience difficulty aimingwhile you're using this at any time,point the Wii Remote forward andpress [d-pad down] to recenter your aim.

?Master, my calculations indicatethere is an 80% probability that asacred flame lies beyond this gate.

I have also deduced that the power ofthe goddess the Kikwi hermit referredto is in fact the Skyward Strike.

Charge your sword while standing infront of the gate and use its energy todraw the missing portion of the symbol.

?Master [Link], you shouldbe aware that I have calculated an80% probability that a sacred flamelies beyond this lake.

?Master, we have obtained newinformation on Zelda's current status.

This information indicates that she wasassailed by monsters but somehowevaded capture. However, I infer thatshe is still in significant danger.

?I have marked the position of theKikwi known as Machi. Pleaseconfirm your current location.

?Furthermore, my analysis suggests thatthis Kikwi most likely produces afalse-positive dowsing reaction due toprevious direct contact with Zelda.Using this hypothesis, I theorize thereis an 85% chance that the Kikwi elderwill also generate a dowsing reactionfor the same reason.I propose you continue dowsing tosearch for Zelda.

?Learning that Zelda is no longer withthe Kikwi elder is an unfortunatesetback. But he may still have usefulinformation.Taking this into account, I calculatean 85% probability that your questwill be aided if you find the lost Kikwisfor the elder.To expedite your search for theseforest-dwelling creatures, I haveadded Kikwis as a dowsing option.

?Do you need me to explain how toswitch dowsing targets?

No, thanks.

?Press and hold [C] to display the targetsyou are currently able to dowse for.

Point the Wii Remote at the target youwant to dowse for, and release [C]to confirm your selection.

If you do not want to dowse foranything, look around and release [C].

Again, please?
Got it.

?Additionally, I will mark any Kikwisyou discover on your map and disabledowsing readings for them. That way,you will not revisit the same Kikwis.This concludes my explanation. Whenready, please begin your search forthe missing Kikwis.

?I have marked the location of Oolothe Kikwi on your map. However,dowsing readings indicate there arestill Kikwis to search for.

?I have marked the location of Oolothe Kikwi on your map. Unfortunately,Zelda is not with him.

?I have marked the location of Lopsathe Kikwi on your map. However,dowsing readings indicate there arestill Kikwis to search for.

?I have marked the location of Lopsathe Kikwi on your map. Unfortunately,Zelda is not with him.

?I have marked the location of Erlathe Kikwi on your map. However,dowsing readings indicate there arestill Kikwis to search for.

?I have marked the location of Erlathe Kikwi on your map. Unfortunately,Zelda is not with him.

?I am not detecting any additionaldowsing responses in the area.

I suggest you go speak with the Kikwielder.

?Master [Link], I havedetected Zelda's aura emanatingfrom within this structure.

?However, I have also detected thepresence of numerous monsters.Are you sure you want to proceed?

Of course!

?It would be very unwise to displayoverconfidence here. Within the wallsof this place, no one will come toyour aid.

?Do not feel embarrassed. Fear is anatural self-preservation instinctcommon among living creatures.

?If you feel unprepared to face thedangers ahead, consider returning tothe sky to properly equip yourself.

?Master, it appears you do not currentlyhave a shield equipped. To reduce theprobability of extreme bodily harm,I recommend carrying one at all times.

?It would be wise to carry a shield toprotect yourself, as well as a stock ofpotions to restore lost hearts.

?Now we should continue the search forZelda.

?I have confirmed the plant life of thisarea matches that of Faron Woods.We have reached the area locallyreferred to as the Deep Woods.Now we should continue toward thetemple in search of Zelda.

?Master [Link], shouldyou have questions about anything,I encourage you to call me with [d-pad down].

Once I'm summoned, select Advice orHints and I will promptly offer youinformation pertinent to your currentcirc*mstance.

?Master, I am also capable of providingan analysis of your current battle-performance rating versus each enemytype you've encountered.

?While targeting an enemy with [Z],press [d-pad down] to summon me. I will provideinformation on your enemy as well asyour battle-performance rating.

?Now, there is a face I know. Hey, bud!

?Now, there is a face I know! Hey, bud!

I got something I need your help with.Come over here and take a look!

?Hey, bud, come over here and give aGoron a hand, will you?

?I tell you, your timing could not havebeen better.

Look here. I stumbled onto one ofthese things just now, and it looks justlike something I have seen in thoseancient texts!

?If I remember right... Yup, this is oneof the things the goddess was said tohave left behind for the hero of legend.

Pretty amazing, right? I even thoughtup a name for these things. I have beencalling them Goddess Cubes!Makes sense, right?

?Those ancient texts say some realinteresting stuff about these things.How did it go again? Let me see, uh...

"Summon forth the light from aheavenly blade, and may that sword'smaster receive aid." So there youhave it.

?I see you got yourself a sword there.What do you say we try and crack themystery of this cube together?


?Hey! Thanks a billion, bud!

?Aww, come on, I am begging you here!Help me out?


?OK, I get the picture. I will make surethis is worth your while.

?You would have to be crazy to refuseme now! Unless you are... You are notcrazy, are you?

?This cube is made of some sort ofmetal I have never seen. I have whaledon it, but nothing happens.

?You know, bud, I would say the key tocracking this egg is that one line.You know, "the light from aheavenly blade"?

?WHOOOA! Did you see that?! The cubejust shot up into the sky!

I think it reacted to that whirly-beamthing that shot out of your sword.

And where do you think the cube shotoff to, anyhow? This mystery just got awhole lot more, uh, mysterious!

The texts say there are cubes like thatone all over this land.

Tell you what. You blast as many ofthose cubes as you can find. If you findout more about them along the way,you come see me.

?Hmm? What is up, bud? You got aquestion?

Not really.

?Yeah, hit those cubes with a blast oflight from your sword and WHOOSH...They shoot up into the sky.

The ancient texts I have read say thosecubes are all over this land.

?The old texts refer to a place near herecalled Skyview Temple where, as thestory goes, a visitor from the sky willone day be received.

?Come to think of it, I seem toremember seeing an old stone markersomewhere in these parts.

I do not remember exactly what waswritten on the thing, but my gut tellsme it is the key to getting inside!

?Hey, do not run off!

I need your help figuring out the secretof these Goddess Cubes.

?Hold up, bud!

I need to ask you a favor.

?Hold it, bud!

Do not walk on by like you do not seeme when I know you do. Are you madat me or something?

I don't like you.

?Oh, you are busy searching for yourfriend. I get it. Sorry to get in yourway, bud. Really, I am.

But this will not take long. Come helpme out, will you?

?Oh. Ouch. Is that so? I guess it is justhow it is for us explorer types. We arefated to be misunderstood.

Just the same, could you take a fewminutes to help me out?

?He who descended from above:look to the star that the birdrising heavenward gazes upon,and aim your shot there.


?Skyview Temple

?Gaze upon your map until youreye finds the [X], for it is therethat you must strike a glitteringgemstone to reveal a path.You shall find a temple map ina room with two such gemstones.

?He who descended from the sky:lend your ear to the wise voiceof the servant who brought youto the firm soil.

?Two doors lead to rooms left andright, but they will only openwhen the gemstones are struck.One is above, one below.

?I detect Zelda's aura! There is a highprobability that she is beyond thislarge door.

?The mechanism controlling the lock onthis door appears to have beendeactivated.

?Master, I have bad news. The auras ofmany creatures reverberatethroughout this temple.

As a result, I can't isolate Zelda's aura.You will not be able to track her here.

Given the situation, I suggest youlook around to see where we shouldmove next.

?Master [Link], I haveinformation concerning themechanisms that open the doors.

Given their function, logic dictatesthat the mechanisms are positionednear the doors that they open.

There is an 80% probability you willlocate these mechanisms if youthoroughly explore and look aroundin every direction.

?It appears one of Ghirahim'sunderlings has reengaged the lockhere. You will need to search thearea for the key once again.

?You have acquired a new item.Analysis of this object's insect-likeprofile and wings indicates it can fly.

Tilt the Wii Remote to remotely pilotthe device. The sharp structure on thefront of the device can sever threadsand deliver a blow to smaller objects.To launch the device, press [B] toready it for takeoff then press [A].

?I will explain about your newlyacquired Hook Beetle.

Use the Wii Remote to pilot it remotely.This item's strong jaw can cut thinropes or threads and even deliver ablow to smaller objects.The jaw power has increased, and itcan now carry light objects.

For detailed instructions on using thisitem, press [B] to ready it for takeoff,then press [2].

?I am detecting a greater enemypresence in the vicinity than Ipreviously observed. You would bewise to proceed with caution.

?My readings indicate the presenceof sacred water within the temple.Unfortunately, it is not possible touse your dowsing ability here.Based on my calculations, I estimatethe water is located in the deepestpart of the temple complex.

?I recommend using the [X] on yourmap as a guide when revisiting thedeepest area of the temple.

?I detect sacred water nearby. Thereare no monster auras causinginterference, so you can dowse here.

?Master [Link], it is likelythat I am the servant this tablet isreferring to.

To help you with your mission, thegoddess gave me a massive quantityof knowledge about this land.

Should you find yourself in need ofanswers, I hope you won't hesitate tocall on me by pressing [d-pad down].

If you target an object with [Z] andthen press [d-pad down], I will tell you all theinformation I know about it.

?The sentries you see here are born ofevil magic. They have a tendency to fixtheir gaze on any pointed object thatmoves within their view.

?This set of sentries is bound together.This allows them to resist being rotatedindependently of one another.

?Master, I detect targetable objects inyour immediate vicinity.

If you press [d-pad down] while targeting aperson or object with [Z], I will provideyou with information on that subject.

?Master [Link], the waterin this room is...ordinary water.

The sacred water that the WaterDragon seeks is likely located inthe deepest part of the temple.

?Just fantastic. I work like a weaseljust to swipe a key from that monster,and then I hafta go and lose it.

?I just can't remember which holeI hid it in.

?Eh, what do I need a key for, anyway?I can buy a trunk full of those thingsonce I find the treasure I'm after!

?Aww...and here I thought that keywould be my ticket to a life of luxury.I could have sworn I buried it rightaround here...

?Hey. What do you want?

Never mind.

?Huh? I can't find it anywhere...

?It's the darnedest thing. I buried a keyaround here, but I can't recall whereexactly I put it.

?You know that big guy? The one wholooks like a boulder with legs?Craaazy eyebrows too.

So anyway, he told me about thisgolden sculpture that opens adoor to some fancy place here.

?Now where could I have hidden thatkey? I guess it might not be this roomafter all. You don't happen to have amap on you, do you, pal?

?Heyyy, what's with the grin? Ya knowsomething, don'tcha? Come on.Spit it out, kid.

?Say, that's my missing key! You foundit and brought it back to me!

?What?! Ya found my key and thenused it already?

?Hmm. I was just thinkin', what use dous Mogmas have for keys? We can digour way in and out of anything!

?Well, good to know where that keywent. I gotta get back to hunting fortreasure. Here's hoping we bothstrike it rich in here! See ya!

?Hold it... You're that guy. That guyI met in the volcano!

?Here to do some treasure hunting too?


?I called it! You got treasure hunterwritten all over your face.

?You're a terrible liar, guy. Ya gottreasure hunter written all overyour face.

?Did the big stone guy out there tip yaoff to the loot too?

Stone guy?

?Yeah, what'd he say again?"Strum a chord most beautifulin the place within the templewhere the butterflies dance."

?So I get here, and I let loose withsome of the most gorgeous hummingI've done in my entire life, andnothing happens!

?But seeing how I've come this far,there's no chance I'm gonna giveup the hunt for treasure just yet!

?Sheesh. I dig some serious miles toget my paws on treasure, and I'vefound squat. Talk about bad luck!

?I think some no-good thief beat meto the goods. There's nuttin' herebut water now.

?Who in the stinkin' world wouldcome all this way for water?Nobody, that's who.

?I'm cuttin' my losses and headin' home.See ya!

?Whoa there, buddy. I bet you thinkyou're going to run ahead and swipeall the best treasure for yourself.

?But I say you're setting yourselfup for big-time disappointment.

Just 'cause some weird design poppedup on the wall doesn't mean you're anycloser to finding treasure, all right?

?I think you've been had by thatboulder with legs!

?Stay here if ya want. I'm going onahead!

?No one's beatin' me to all the sweetloot piled up in this place!

?Well... You put up more of a fight thanI would have thought possible out ofsuch a soft boy.

But don't clap for yourself quite yet.That sword of yours is the only reasonyou still live.

?I fear I spent far too long teasing andtoying with you.

The girl's presence has all but fadedfrom this place, which means there'sno reason to linger here.

Good-bye, sky child. Run and play thistime. Get in my way again, though,and you're dead.

?Hah, quite the sword you have here.But so long as you telegraph yourattacks like the novice you are,you'll never land a blow.

?Master, as I just translated, it wouldappear that Zelda purified herself inthe waters of this spring.

I calculate a 97% chance that she hasalready set out for Eldin, whereanother great spring exists.

However, it is not clear what method oftravel Zelda used to move from hereto her next destination.

?My analysis suggests you should takethe tablet to the altar in Skyloft.

Doing so will likely open a new columnof light on the surface, allowing you todescend to another area and continueyour search for Zelda.

?Let's return to the sky once morebefore continuing our search. The birdstatue outside can take us back up.

?The bird statue that transports youback to the sky should be in the forestyou previously passed through.

?There is a 95% probability that thewater here is identical to the waterwithin the Water Dragon's basin.I suggest we take it back to her.

?My analysis of the water here revealsan extraordinarily high concentrationof energy.

There is a strong likelihood that thisenergy will be amplified upon contactwith an object of conformingwavelength.


?Ancient Cistern

?Strike the gemstones pointing infour directions wisely. The waywill only open for one who knowsthe temple's secret order.

?Carved into the great statueare inscriptions of gratitude.They reveal the secret order ofthis temple.First the back, then the rear,then the back of the right hand,and finally the back of the lefthand.

?Return the stone giant to itsoriginal form, and descendbelow the earth again alongthe thread.There you will find the key tothe path ahead.

?Look for the key that liesbeneath the earth.

?A gemstone shines deep withinthe eye. Strike it to shut themouth and dam the flow.

?Based on the patterns we have seenso far, I believe the key mentioned onthe stone marker is the key requiredto unlock the device ahead of us.

?Master, I have some importantinformation that I am certainyou will want to hear. There is alarge treasure chest in the area.There is an 85% probability itcontains the key that will open thedoor we observed at the top of thestone statue.

?Master, I have taken the liberty toconfirm that a door is located atthe uppermost section of this statue.The lock is unfamiliar to me.

?You certainly are persistent...

?I'm terribly busy trying to find theclues that will help me revive thedemon king.

?Your incessant buzzing around myhead like some irksome gadflywhen I'm THIS busy is... Well, it'smaking me very disagreeable.


?Lake Floria


?Whoozit?! I'm nappin'!

?Oooh, look at that! A real live human!Haven't seen one of you in a while,kwrrrrrk.

They used to call me Yerbal. Now I'mjust the old Kikwi hermit. I watch overthis forest here...when I'm not nappin'.

I don't know how you wandered all theway up here, but let me ask yousomething... Can you really see me?

Sure can.

?Hmmmmmm? Oh, you again...kwwrk.Is there something I can do for you?


?Whazzit? Say, you got a familiar face.Have you and I met before, kwrrrrrk?

Sure have!

?Ah, you're playing in Hero Mode. Thatexplains it. In that case, you don't needme blabbing on about what you need todo, do you?

Pretty much.
Uh, I forgot...

?Huh, maybe so. Maybe so. This must bewhat folks call déjà vu, kwwwrk.Creepy.

?Uh-oh. If your memory is so shaky thatyou've already forgotten our pastconversation, things could get prettyhairy for you this time around, kwwrk!

?Is that so? Well then, slap yourself onthe back, kwwwrk! You know, someKikwis can't even see me these days.

?Fibber! You're a fibbity fibber, kwwrk!

And just how did you peg me with yourfancy shooter thing without being ableto see me, eh?

?...But forget all that nonsense and tellme, kwwwrk, what business does areal live human have in these woods?

The flame!

?You're out questing for a flame toenhance your sword, kwwrk? So thatyou can find someone important toyou, eh?How about that... A human who can seeme and seeks a great flame, kwwwrk!

?Remember what I said about it beingmy job to watch over the forest?I know things most don't, kwrrrk!

A human who seeks a great flame toenhance his sword... Pffft. I knowwho you are!

?Listen, do you promise not to breathea word of what I'm about to tell youto another soul? I'm serious, kwwwrk!

I promise.
No promises!

?All right, I'll tell you. But remember--it's a secret to everybody.

?You can't keep a secret?!

Here I am trying to let you in on a bigsecret, and you can't even promise tokeep it to yourself? Do you even wantto hear it, kwwwwwrk?



Oh, fine. I give up, kwwwrk.You climbed all the way up here,so I'll tell you anyway.

?The flame that you mostlikely Farore's Flame.

Yes, yes... Farore's Flame... That storybegins very long ago, when the goddesswas still with us, kwwwrk...

?The goddess gave the flame to theWater Dragon, a great spirit thatpresides over Faron Woods.

?The way I hear it is she left the flamein the care of the Water Dragon so thatone day the mighty dragon could passit on to the "one from the sky"...

?You see, kwwwwrk, I've got a hunchthat the goddess was talking aboutyou, lad.

Well, that settles that. You mustseek out the mighty Water Dragon.

?Her lair is deep in a lake in the southof these woods, kwwwwwwrk.She watches over the flame there.

?There's a problem, though. The gatethat leads to that lake is sealed shut toall those judged unworthy...

But don't worry, kwwwwrk. I'll let youin on the trick to opening the gate.

?To open the gate, you have to channelthe power of the goddess into thesymbol carved into its doors, kwwwrk!

Oh, but it isn't so simple! The symbol isincomplete. To unlock the gate,you must make the symbol whole.

?The only way you'll know what thecompleted symbol should look like isto first find that same completedsymbol somewhere else in these woods.

?The gate is down in the south, so it'slikely that there's a matching symbolsomewhere up north. Try searchingnear this [X], kwwwrk!

?Is all of this seeping into your head,lad? Do you know where you must goto find the symbol you seek?

Got it!

?All right, kwwwwrk, let's try thatagain...

?Channel the power of the goddessinto the gate, and complete the symbolcarved upon its doors using that power.

?Place a beacon on your map overthis [X] so that you can find thelocation I was talking about, kwwwrk!

?Then I wish you safe travels, lad.

?I'll be here nappin' if you need someof my elder wisdom. See you around!Kwwwwwwrk...

?I forgot to mention this earlier, butit's important. Her Excellence, theWater Dragon, is VERY persnicketyabout manners... So watch yours!I've heard stories of folks who caughther in a fussy mood. They ended up asmidmorning snacks, kwwwwrk!

?I probably taste like old cave moss,but I'm not in a hurry to become aroyal meal, kwwwrk!

So don't let her know I told you aboutFarore's Flame, OK?

And remember, when you're in herhall, you'd better be on your bestbehavior and be a gracious guest.

?Oh, wait up!

?There's no need to be so rough,you know.

Hmm? You need to fetch some sacredwater to prove yourself to theWater Dragon?

Did you try searching the temple here?I think I remember Her Excellencewas quite fond of the water from oneof the little springs inside.

?There's no need to be so rough,you know.

Ah, no mistaking it. That's the waterHer Excellence craves. If you'reembarrassed to give it to her, youcould always say it's a gift from me!

?Hey now! You're going to give mea bruise like that.

So you've managed to open the gateto Lake Floria, eh?

Remember, if the Water Dragonasks how you found out where sheresides, you didn't hear it from me!

?Ack! That stings!

I hear the Water Dragon's prettyimpressed with you.

Of course, she's been impressed withme for ages now, so...

?You! I told you to keep quiet aboutour conversation!

When the Water Dragon flooded theforest, I was sure she was going toeat me like a dinner salad!

Still, the flood isn't so bad, is it?The water's flushed out most of thosemonsters. The woods are quitepeaceful, really.

?Heya! Remember me? You ever findthat girl you were searching after?

Who're you?
Not yet...

?Who am I...? Is it that hard toremember who I am?

Want to know the best way to tell usKikwis apart? If you point to us onyour map, you'll see our names appear.

?Oh... I sure hope you two find eachother soon. Let me tell you, there'snothing like reuniting with friends.

?I'm sure glad all those mean guysare gone. We can finally live inpeace again!

I really hope you find your friend,just so the two of you can get backto life as usual!

?How long do we have to live inconstant fear?

Is no place in the woods completelysafe? One day it would be nice togo for a relaxing walk.

?Everyone keeps saying the forestis safe again, but I don't buy it.

I mean, is anywhere truly safeanymore? One day, I'd like to go fora walk without cringing with fearevery time I hear a sound.

?This is where we've made our home.There's plenty of food to go around.It's a pretty nice place, all in all.

?I love that it's so safe here, but's kind of boring now.

I should really stop complaining andjust enjoy this "problem" of mine.

?You may not have noticed, but I'mtrying to hide here. Could you pleasescoot along before you draw monstersover this way?

?You found me again. Sheesh, there'sjust no hiding from those eagle eyesof yours.

You know, I think you deserve areward. Here--take this. I found itwhile I was hiding.

?Don't forget: it's a secret to everybody!

?Hiding from you isn't even fun. You'retoo good at finding me.

?It's nice to get lost in your ownthoughts sometimes.

Sitting down for a quick break doeswonders for the body and the mind.

?I see that you didn't find the girl in theDeep Woods, kee-paleep.

But you can't lose heart! Just as I havebeen reunited with my fellow Kikwis,you will find your friend one day, kwii!

?Ah, hello again. I see you have theWater Dragon's Scale there,kewwww.

That's amazing! I heard that if youhave one, kewww, you can swimthrough the water like a dragon soarsthrough the sky!

?There must be places here in the woodsthat you haven't visited yet, kewww.

You should use the Water Dragon'sScale to explore areas you couldn'teven get to before, kewww!

?There are still some parts of this forestthat you haven't discovered yet,kewwwww.

If you use the power of the WaterDragon's Scale, you can diveunderwater, kewww. Just hold [A]on the water's surface.


?You found a way inside the greattree, eh? Hah, impressive!

?If you reach the top branches of thetree, the view is spectacular!You never know what you mightsee from up there.

?So you climbed your way to thevery top of the tree? Very impressive!

What's that? Someone's living upthere? Well, I'm counting on you tofind out more about this mystery treeresident.

?What's that? You met an old hermitKikwi living up in the tree? Amazing!All this time I was sure there were onlyfive of our kind in these woods!

?What a wild world we live in. I hopeI can meet our lost brother soon.

?So you've met Her Excellence, theWater Dragon? What an experience!I am terribly envious of you.

?So the Water Dragon has found youworthy, has she? You are full ofsurprises.

?I confess that now that the water hasreceded, I do miss it a bit. It wasexciting to have a change of scenery.

?Speaking of a change of scenery, howis Oolo faring out there in the big,wide world? Is he well?

?By the by, did you hear about Oolo?He's considering leaving the woods onhis own. That's one brave Kikwi...

?You have reached the top of the tree.

From this vantage point, you have agood view of the woods. Perhaps youwill see an area you haven't explored.

?Master, look up there...

?I have confirmed the discovery ofa new Kikwi.

Analysis indicates a 90% chance thatthe sounds we have been hearing werethe loud snores of this Kikwi.

?I am analyzing the water remaining inthis basin... Excellent. I can now helpyou dowse for the water type you aresearching for.

?Master, you do not have a containersuitable for transporting water. Pleaseprepare a vessel for this purpose.

?Master, you have wisely elected tocarry an Empty Bottle. Use it to carrythe water you seek.

?I am analyzing the water in this basin...Its unique properties match the wateryou collected at Skyview Spring.

?I estimate an 80% probability that thissymbol is the one the hermit wasdescribing.

?I recommend you memorize its shape.

?Congratulations,Master [Link].

?You have passed this trial. You nowhave the power to proceed to thelocation of the first sacred flamethat will enhance your sword.

?The Water Dragon's Scale is oneof the goddess's sacred gifts.

The great spirit of the Water Dragonhas provided you with the ability toswim freely underwater.

?The flame you seek is somewherewithin these woods... Master, I mustconclude that this flame is likely in apart of this area you have not explored.

?Master, I have information to report.

By my estimates, you are currentlysituated in the southwest area ofFaron Woods. Please confirm yourlocation with your map.

?Yes, as I suspected, the water level inFaron Woods has dropped. The foresthas returned to its former less-aquatic state.

?Master, listen closely.Do you hear that?

?Measurements indicate a large amountof water in this basin. This quantity ofwater has an 85% chance of putting outthe flames that block our path.I recommend you attempt to borrowthis basin from the Water Dragon.

?Were you to transport this basin to thevolcano, the water in this container hasan 85% chance of extinguishing theflames barring your path.I recommend you attempt to borrowthis basin from the Water Dragon.

?To transport the Water Dragon's basinto the volcano, you will need to enlistthe service of that transport robot.Shall I send word to him?

Call him!
Not that guy...

?Very well, shall I call for the robot?

Not that guy...

?Understood, Master. I will call himat once.

?Master...unless you plan to carry thetub on your back, now is not thetime to be picky about who will helpyou. I will call for the robot.

?Master...despite your somewhatwarranted reservations, it would beirrational to abandon the most logicalsolution. I will call for the robot now.

?Master, your task here is complete forthe moment. We should return to thesky so that we can set a course forthe volcano.


?Ah! You there, human!

?You have intruded into my home,a sacred place few are permitted toenter!

This is no place for one such as you.And yet here you stand! You willexplain how you got here, and quickly.

Water Dragon?
I'm lost.

?I am. Those with manners addressme as Faron, warden of the woods.I was appointed by the goddess herself.

Though my current stature is lessthan, well, intimidating, shall we say,know that you stand in the presenceof a loyal servant of the goddess!...Hmm?

?I say, that's one of MY scales you havethere!

A sacred gift such as that could only becarried by the goddess's chosen hero.But could you really be him?

This raises questions. Even with thatscale in your possession, finding myhall is no easy task... How did youfind me?

?Ah, yes... That cackling, old hermitKikwi told you where I live, didn't he?

Honestly, I can't remember how manytimes I've told that scruffy thing tokeep his mouth shut. That's the laststraw. Next time I see him, he's dinner!Oh, but I digress. You've come hereseeking a sacred flame, have you?

Of course!
I forget...

?I knew it.

?But I'll be straight with you. A shrimpyboy like you hardly looks the part ofthe goddess's chosen hero.

There's no doubt about it. A test is inorder to prove you're everything yousay you are.

Shortly before your arrival, I wasattacked by a pompous creature callinghimself Ghirahim.

I stood against this self-proclaimedDemon Lord, but I was wounded in theencounter.

?The wounds he's given me are stubbornthings. I have been forced torecuperate in this basin of sacredwater.Unfortunately, the healing propertiesof the sacred water have diminished,and I am now in need of another doseto freshen up my healing bath.Bring me the container of fresh sacredwater that I require.

?Do me this favor, and I'll gladly showyou where to find the sacred flameyou desire. What say you?

You got it!
No, thanks.

?Excellent. Now run along. One does notkeep a dragon waiting.

?Do not mock me, boy!

Linger in my hall a moment longer,and I'll bite your head clean off!

?I am willing to lead you to the sacredflame you seek, but only if you bringme the sacred water I seek.

All right.
No, thanks.

?Quickly now, bring me the sacred waterI desire. Do so, and I will show youthe way to the sacred flame.

?Yes! Just look at that color. There'sno doubt this is the water I need.Quickly, boy, pour it into my basin!

?Hmph. So it's too great a task for you?Then I guess you are a mere humanafter all.

?Do not mock me, boy! If this isan attempt at humor, you willfind this a cold audience!

Still...few mortals have had thecourage to speak so boldly before me.You do not intimidate easily. Yes,a laudable trait to be sure.

?If you continue down this way, you willfind an exit back to the woods.

?What's this? You have a bottle of thesacred water I seek here with you?Go on and pour it into my basin!

?Mmmmmm! Exquisite! I can feel itsenergy surging through me!

?Behold the full majesty of Faron,Water Dragon and guardian of theselands! I stand tall--healed and wholeonce again!

?Human. You have done well to bringme the sacred water I asked you for.

I see now it was no coincidence thatyou completed the goddess's trialand obtained a Water Dragon's Scale.

?Human. You have done well to bringme the sacred water I asked you for.

I see now it was no coincidence thatyou completed the goddess's trialand obtained a Water Dragon's Scale.

?In turn, I will grant you the favor youhave asked of me and lead you to thesacred flame of my land.


?One day I shall also repay Ghirahim infull for his actions here.

?That is a great sword you carry.Devote yourself to growing into a manstrong enough to wield its might.

?It pleases me that you have driven somany monsters from these woods.You have finally grown to possessstrength worthy of the sword you bear.When you first came to my hall, youseemed an uncertain little thing...But now your confidence is writtenacross your face.Just the same, continue to temper yourbody and mind! You must, if you hopeto carry out the divine task entrustedto you.



?Go. The sacred flame you seek lieswithin this place.

While the waterfall has barredentrance to this place for manyyears, monsters have still found away in...and inside they flourish.

?Ah, but you are the goddess's chosenhero. Swatting a few monsters will beno trouble for you.

I imagine you and I will cross pathsagain. Until then, do not lower yourguard.

Farewell, boy.

?Ah, it's you. Tell me, are you masteringthe power that dwells within yoursword?

Oh? You wish to borrow my waterbasin? Hmm... Very well. I haverecovered, and I have no intention ofhaving to soak in it again soon!Begone with it. It's yours to use asyou please.

?Hmm? You wish to borrow my waterbasin once again?

Hmm...very well. But I must say theannoying contraption that returnedwith it last time had a wicked tongueon him!I let it go because he's in your service,but if you don't teach that impudentrunt some manners, know that I will.

?Return the basin to me when you finishwith it. There is no rush, though.It's yours to do with as you please.

?Ah, the sword you carry is differentsince I last saw you. Yes, I see it ismuch improved...

?To think, the goddess's chosen hero isbut a mere boy. Quite a twist...

?Chosen hero or not, you do not yetpossess the strength required to wieldthe full power of that blade.

?You must train yourself further!Devote yourself wholly to this task.

?Farewell, boy.

?Yes? If you have a question for me,you need only speak it.

Fire Dragon?
Thunder Dragon?
Faron Woods?

?Hah! Him? Just as I was charged withwatching the woods, so does he presideover the volcanic lands to the north.

He's a peculiar fellow who has madehis lair deep in the sweltering depthsof the volcano, beyond the reach ofmonster and man.If you can't handle the heat, I'd suggestyou stay clear. That is, unless you wantthe flame-charred look!

?Hah! Oh, him? Just as the goddesscharged me with watching the woods,so does he preside over the bone-drysands of the desert.He's the oldest of the dragons. Forsome time, he's neglected his ownhealth. I wonder how he's been faringof late...

?A great many ancient songs praise theway humans once lived in these woods.They were in harmony with nature.

Honestly, I think those songs fail tosee the big picture. Don't you agreethese woods are far more beautifulnow that the humans are gone?

?Continue to temper your body andmind! This is vital if you are to carryout the divine mission entrusted to you!

?Quit following me, pest! If you don'tmove along, I'll be forced to tellHer Excellence the Water Dragonabout your little incursion!

?Ack! Another human!

OK, OK... I just have to avoid eyecontact and back away slowly...

?Ha-HA! Didn't see that coming,did you? Yep, there's no way you'regoing to be able to follow me now!

So, what now? Are you going to cry?If you think you can make it through,just go ahead and try!

?Yep, nothing short of a mighty spinmove will get you through here, andyou obviously can't do that!

?GAH! How is that even possible?I've never seen a human pull off aspin like that!

Wait... That's a Water Dragon's Scale!Does that make you the emissaryof the goddess, like the WaterDragon said?Hey, I've got an idea! Maybe youcan help Her Excellence!

What's wrong?
Take me to her!

?Yeah, about that... It happened reallyrecently. This weirdo came in herewith a gang of monsters and wentright after Her Excellence.My lady the Water Dragon is a fiercefighter, and, boy, did she gobble upmost of those monsters in the firstfew seconds.Thing is, there were just so many ofthem! While she was distracted, theweirdo leading all those creaturesmanaged to wound her.She's healing up now, but she says wedon't have enough special water for herto make a full recovery.

So could you please go talk with HerExcellence and see if you can helpher out?

I'll even take you to her. Follow me!

?Huh? That's weird. I was expectingto meet up with my friend here...And the path is blocked with ahuge boulder.Lovely. Now what do we do?

?You see those pointy, bloated fellasover there? Sure they look tough, butif you shake your Nunchuk and spin at'em, they go down easy.

?Oh, now that's using your noodle!Her Excellence is just up ahead.Over this way!

?Come on, come on! Hurry up!

Huh? You can't get through? Sheesh,you humans and your bones. Talk aboutinconvenient. I guess you can leap overthe top of this wall if you have to.

?If you can't pass through here, you'lljust have to jump over the top of thewall.

?Wow! Perfect jump!

I'd call you amazing, but I think weboth know it was the Water Dragon'sScale that made that little stuntpossible.

?Yikes! Oh, they're back! That's one ofthe fish that weirdo brought in hereand used to attack Her Excellence.

Watch out--they're mean as they come!

?Hey there, big guy... We're friends,right? We both like...water.Don't hurt me now...

?Wow! The goddess sure knows how topick them! You did great!

?At last, we're here!

?Her Excellence the Water Dragon isjust up ahead. Hang on just a second.

?Please, come in.

?Her Excellence is just up ahead.Please, go in and speak with her!

?Go on! Talk with the Water Dragon!

?Please help Her Excellence recover!

?Help her! Help her!

?Thanks to you, the Water Dragon hasmade a complete recovery.Many thanks!

?Many thanks!Many thanks!

?Her Excellence is currently outand about.

?Out and about!Out and about!

?Talk about bad luck. While the woodswere flooded, I had to stay here andhold down the fort.

Talk about disappointment! I wasreally looking forward to swimmingaround that area for once.


?Eeep! Don't eat me!

Your Excellence?
I won't eat you.

?Me, the Water Dragon? No!Are you looking for Her Excellence?

You possess one of her scales, so youmust be a friend to our kind. I willtell you where you can find her.

?The Water Dragon lives just a littleways up from here. If you want tomake a note of that, now's probablya good time to do it!

?It's a secret to everybody.

?Whaaa? You don't want to gobbleme up? Oh, that's a relief.

I've been hiding here for a while.Ever since that school of scary-lookingfish swam through.

?Me, the Water Dragon? No!Are you looking for Her Excellence?

She's actually very kind, but if you'rerude to her...she can be quite scary!When you see her, make sure youstay on her good side.

?The Water Dragon is actually verykind...unless you irritate her.Make sure you stay on her good side!

?Her Excellence hasn't been herselfsince the attack. Can't you dosomething for her?

?I'm so glad Her Excellence has madea speedy recovery. Thank you forcoming to her aid!

?It's a shame the woods aren't floodedanymore. I wish I could have exploreda bit more outside.

?I never knew there were humans whocould dive this deep!

Can you also do a spin by shaking yourNunchuk?

?Say, Mr. Human Person, do you knowhow to do a spin jump?

If you spin up toward the water'ssurface, you can do an amazing leapright out of the water!

?Hah! Human in the water! Look at himtrying to flap around in the water!

?The place was just perfectly peacefulfor the longest time. Then weirdopeople like you started showing up.

On top of that, scary fish have beenterrorizing our water! All thiscommotion has made it impossiblefor me to get any shut-eye.

?That one over there? He's dying toget in good with the Water Dragon.

My advice? Keep your distance.Nothing good will come of hangingaround with a fin-kissing Parella.

?I love my home here. I just wish it wasa little easier to get in and out of theplace.

?Mistress Fi, bzzzt! My deep apologiesfor keeping you waiting!

?Let's see here... This cargo looks veryheavy, but it's well within my payloadtolerances, bzzrrt!

?Ugh, vweep. This old basin again...Fine, vrrm! I got this...

?Master Shortpants! Watch carefullywhile I demonstrate what a real herolooks like, bzzzzat!

?As usual, vrrrt, I shall await you in theskies above.


?Koro-koo! I was so shocked whenwater started flowing out of theGreat Tree's roots!

Kwee... How am I supposed to hidewhen the whole forest is underwater?I hope things go back to normal soon!

?I'll teach you something useful.Some rocks will roll away if youattack them, kwi-koo!

?Yeah, the forest's flooded, ka-roo, butI'm holding up! Give my best to theWater Dragon!

?We're finished, kew! What'll becomeof our forest? It's so...wet.

?The Water Dragon flooded the forest?Kew-aroo! She's probably planning toeat us all when we're soggy!

?I don't care if you go dowsing ordiving or what, kwi-koo. Just pleasefind those Tadtones!

?Oh, when will this water go away?!I can't swim, kik-kwoo!

?All this started after the Water Dragonshowed up, kera-kwoo! This flood mustbe her fault!

?Kik-kwee! If you want to know moreabout Tadtones, you should talk to theParella. They know all about them.

I know.

?Yeah, the forest's flooded, karoo, butI'm holding up! Give my regards to theWater Dragon!

?They're those water-dwelling folks withthe pointy mouths, kwee-koo!

?If you run into one in the water, kweek,see what it has to say!

?Kee-paleep! I saw the Water Dragon!She must be hiding around heresomewhere!

?As you collect Tadtones, kew-kwee,you'll fill in the musical score.Keep searching till you find them all!

?Try dowsing, kwook, and find theTadtones!

?Hurry back to the Water Dragon, kwee!

?Our elder is waiting for you, koo-kew!Go and hear what he has to say!

?Oh, kewwwwww. You... You're that onefrom before. Come to think of it, I'dforgotten to ask your name.

...I see. [Link], is it?Now there's an odd name, kewwwww.Ah...

What brings you to see me?

This water!
The woods...

?Oh, [Link].

What's this? The Water Dragon causedthis flood? So the old girl finally grewangry with all the monsters runningabout the forest, kewwww?...The woods won't be getting drieranytime soon, kewwww...

?Off you go, now! Hurry and return tothe Water Dragon!

?Kewwww... How nice to see you again,[Link]!

How goes the Tadtone gathering?I'd actually thought of somethingyou might be interested to know.

You see, it's like...hrmm... Howshould I explain this, kewwww?

There was a technique you used whensearching for the others of my tribe,remember? That!

Use that thing you do, kewww, andyou'll have a much easier time gettingthose Tadtones!

?Yes, yes! That's it! Dowsing! Use yourdowsing ability, and you'll find the restof those Tadtones in no time flat! ...Oris it sharp? Ahem...kewww...

?Kewwww, it's good to see you again!Yes, things look a bit different here,don't they?

The water came gushing out of the baseof the tree behind me and flooded theentire woods.

I don't know what caused it,but I suppose it will clear out themonster infestation, kewww, so youwon't hear me complaining!

?All of a sudden water came gushingfrom the base of the tree and floodedthe entire woods, kewwwww.

But, you know...I rather like it thisway! Oh ho ho!

?Oh, [Link]!You've gathered all the Tadtones,haven't you? That's no small feat! Orshould I say no small beat, kewwwww!Ahem... Anyway, hurry and return tothe Water Dragon!

?Hey, [Link]! Some nastyfish seem to have swam their way intothe flooded woods. I'd hate to bumpinto those things underwater, kewww!Watch your toes!

?Kewwwwww, [Link]!Can you hear me?

I thought up something good! Whydon't you come and chat with me for amoment, kewwwwwww.

?If you wish to earn my favor, gatherthe Tadtones and return to me.

?You can catch those rogue Tadtoneswith a spin! It will pull them towardyou so you can grab them.

Oh... But I guess you humans use up airwhen you do that, so don't gooverboard!

?The pretty bubbles are poisonous.Be careful! If you breathe one in,you'll choke!

?Hey, are you collecting Tadtones?



?I'll let you in on a secret, then.

Some Tadtones hang out in groups.You have to catch those similarTadtones one right after the other, orthey'll swim out of your score.If you want to catch a bunch at once,use a spin maneuver to draw in nearbyTadtones. That's your best bet.

Aside from's really just amatter of keeping at it!

?Some Tadtones hang out in groups.You have to catch those similarTadtones one right after the other, orthey'll swim out of your score.If you want to catch a bunch at once,use a spin maneuver to draw in nearbyTadtones. That's your best bet.

?If you don't collect Tadtones of thesame color one right after another,they'll wriggle out of your score.But don't work yourself into a panic!

?If you make those spiky things explode,you're in for a world of hurt. They'relike bombs!

?Tadtones get along with everybody.You can usually find them whereother fish are swimming.

?Hurry back! The Water Dragon iswaiting!

?Those big fish are scary. They chargeyou for no reason! So testy... I'm gladnone of them are around right now.

?The ferocious fish are baaaaack!SWIM FOR YOUR LIFE!

They can't follow you if you divedeep!

?Tadtones store oxygen in their bodies,so when you catch one, it will restoresome of your air.

?The Kikwi elder has been looking foryou. Why don't you go and hear what hehas to say?

?The woods have been flooded!

?The Water Dragon is furious!

?There aren't as many monsters in thewoods anymore.

?The woods are a lake now!

?Signs indicate this is a reference toyour dowsing ability.

It is a valid suggestion, Master. I amfamiliar with the unique aurasignatures of Tadtones.

?I will calibrate your dowsing ability tolocate Tadtones. This capability shouldprove to be quite useful in your search.

However, please note that you cannotuse your dowsing ability underwater.

?Hey, hey! The current is pretty strongpast here. If you're heading outside,you better use the exit above!

?It's a human!

The current is strong beyond thispoint. It's too swift for a human likeyou to swim through, so you betteruse the exit over there.


?Master [Link].

?As expected, I cannot follow you intothis realm, for this trial calls out toyour mind alone.

This is the nature of places known asSilent Realms. They are domains of thespirit, accessible only to the goddess'schosen hero.This particular trial, Farore's SilentRealm, tests the limits of your courage.

Your spirit has temporarily separatedfrom your physical body so that youmay undertake this challenge.

To reach the location of the flamesthat will enhance your sword, it isnecessary for you to overcome thistrial and undergo spiritual growth.

?I will await your return in the outsideworld.

?That is your Spirit Vessel.

When this vessel is full, it will signifyyou have successfully completed thetrial, allowing your spirit to grow.

This, in turn, will allow the goddessto bless you with a new power.

?To fill the Spirit Vessel, you need tosearch for something known as aTear of Farore. There are many ofthem spread across this strange world.

?Master, do you see the glowingobject just in front of you?

?That is a Tear of Farore.You will need to collect 15 of them.

?However, this is not as simple a taskas it would seem. Your work in thisrealm is referred to as a trial forgood reason.

?If you take even a single step outsidethe protective circle you stand in, theGuardians of this realm will wake upand pursue you, Master.

?If a Guardian manages to land even asingle hit on you, your spirit willshatter and you will fail the trial.

?You must collect the tears scatteredthroughout this area and fill theSpirit Vessel without being hit byan attack.

?Understood, Master.

I will be eagerly awaiting your returnin the outside world.

May the goddess watch over you,Master.

?Was my explanation clear, Master?Do you want me to explain again?

Explain again.
I got it.

?Which topic do you wish to review?

The Spirit Vessel?
Silent Realm?
Never mind.

?Understood, Master.

?The Silent Realm is a spirit world thatonly the goddess's chosen hero isallowed to enter.

You have separated from your physicalform and exist in this world as a spirit.

The tasks you perform here test yourspiritual resolve. You must focus andcomplete the trial.

?When your Spirit Vessel is filled with15 tears, your spirit will grow and youwill be blessed by the goddess with anew power.Master, I will await your return in theoutside world.

?Master [Link], I canunfortunately confirm that youhave failed to pass the trial.

?Collect all the tears within the SilentRealm. I shall await your return here.

?Master, so long as you have the will anddetermination, you can retry a trialas many times as you like.

A good strategy is to find, but thendeliberately not pick up, the most-easily-accessible tears until you arediscovered and really need one.Collect the 15 tears and complete thetrial. I will await your return in theoutside world.

?The locations of tears you havegathered during your trial aremarked on the map.

You will have an easier timecompleting your task if you first setout to discover the locations of all15 tears.

?Two types of Watchers patrol therealm, looking for intruders. I highlysuggest you take caution.

So long as you do not step into theirlight, you will remain undetectedby flying Sky Watchers.

However, the Earth Watchers, whohover near the ground, will give chaseif you come too close to them, so stayalert and maintain a safe distance.

?Master, the chances of your not beingthe chosen one are increasing...

Repeated attempts at this trial havescattered your concentration and madeyour performance erratic. I suggestyou rest awhile before trying again.

?I suggest using smart tactics to youradvantage. Try leaving easy-to-collecttears for when you are being pursued.

?The locations of tears that you havepreviously collected will be markedon the map, so make good use of that.

Confirm the locations of all 15 tearsfirst to increase your chances ofsuccessfully completing the trial.

?Master, in addition to the Guardianswho will attack you, there are also twotypes of Watchers that search forintruders on the ground and in the sky.The two types of Watchers exhibitdramatically different behavior, so besure you understand how to avoiddetection by both.

?The unusual liquid substance thatcovers that area is known as WakingWater, and it has certain uniqueproperties.If you make contact with WakingWater, the Guardians will beimmediately alerted to your presence.

Pools of Waking Water are located allthroughout the area. I suggest youwatch where you step...

?We're here, [Link]!Show me what you've got!


?I can verify with only 40% accuracythat this person is a plant. However,Owlan's field of study includescataloging unidentified plant species.We can take this creature to Skyloftusing the robot. Would you like to callthe robot?

No, thanks.

?Yes, Master. Simply inspectthe specimen again if you change yourmind and wish to take it to Skyloft.

?Yes, Master. I will signal the robotwith a telepathic transmission.

?Mistress Fi! I hope you weren'twaiting long, bzzzzat! So you want meto carry this, zrrbt?

?I'll be waiting for you up in the sky,so don't take too long, vrrrt!

?Master, I suggest we also return tothe sky and carry the Kikwi to itsdestination quickly.

?Move it! Move it! Zrrppt! Forcing me totell you this every time reduces myoverall efficiency, brrzt!

?Oh, hello again, kweek! I've beenhiding out so long my shoulders arestiff.

What shoulders?
Poor thing.

?How rude! I do have shoulders,kweek--they're just not verypronounced!

All I was trying to say is that constantlyhiding from danger is a stressful way tolive, koo-keek!

?That's right, kwee! Sitting in one spotall the time, never knowing whendanger is going to come along...kook.You can't know what that's like!

?I bet there are still tons of horriblemonsters out there waiting to scratchme and do mean things, koo-weep!

We Kikwis have to spend our entirelives hiding like this just to survive,kwee-koo!

?Everyone seems happy that peacehas returned to the forest... But I don'tbelieve it for a second, koo-kakoo!

There's no way I'm going to give upand come out of hiding. Not ever,kee-woop!

?But sometimes I wonder, keep-eep...Isn't there somewhere peaceful I canlive without fear, without having tohide?

There is!
I can help.

?Oh! That's fantastic news, koo-karoo!I want you to take me there as soon asyou can!

?You've got some nerve, ko-ko-ko!How dare you promise to take me tothe skies, kee-roo, and then suddenlychange your mind!I was so sad thinking I would never getto settle down somewhere safe,kee-reep!

?So! Take me with you this time, ka-koo!

Kee-karoo! Don't let me down!

?Take me to a peaceful place whereI can live in comfort without havingto hide, kee-roo!

I'm counting on you, keek-eep!


?Look who it is...

?I thought that tornado I stirred upwould have tossed and torn you apart,yet here you are. Not in pieces.

?Not that your life or death has anyconsequence.

?It's just the girl that matters now,and I can sense her here...just beyondthis door.

Yes, we plucked Her Majesty from herperch in the clouds, and now she's ours.

?Oh, but listen to me. I'm beingpositively uncivil. Allow me tointroduce myself.

I am the Demon Lord who presidesover this land you look down upon, thisworld you call the surface. You maycall me Ghirahim.In truth, I very much prefer to beindulged with my full title:Lord Ghirahim. But I'm not fussy.

?Did you really just draw your sword?Foolish boy.

?By all rights the girl should have falleninto our hands already.

?She was nearly ours when thatloathsome servant of the goddesssnatched her away.

Do you have any idea how that mademe feel inside?

?Furious! Outraged!Sick with anger!

?This turn of events has left me with astrong appetite for bloodshed.

? hardly seems fair, being of myposition, to take all of my anger outon you.

Which is why I promise up front not tomurder you...

?No, I'll just beat you within an inch ofyour life!

?Master, I have a message written in thelanguage of the gods of old. Allow meto translate for you.

?From the edge of time I guide you,the one chosen to carry out thegoddess's mission.

?The spirit maiden who descendedfrom the clouds must travel to twosacred places to purify her body.

You stand in one of these places:Skyview Spring. The other is knownas the Earth Spring.

?This second spring is hidden away deepwithin the scorched earth of Eldin.

The spirit maiden, ever mindful of theheavy task entrusted to her, has set outfor this second sacred place.

?You got the Ruby Tablet!The weathered surface of this heavy stonetablet feels very old.

?Raise your sword, Master.

?The flames of Farore have improved yoursword, making it longer and sharp enoughto do twice as much damage!

?The sacred flame has purified yourblade, enhancing and evolving it.

?With your sword now enhanced,you are ready to learn a new melody.We should return to the Isle of Songs.

?Who dares to dip even a toe in mywaters without my leave?

?Oh, I remember you. You're the younghuman who helped me recover from myinjuries some time ago.Ah...[Link], was it?

?Let's have a look at you... Yes, youseem a good deal stronger than thelast time we met.

And look at that sword... You're thereal thing, boy. It's clear you havethe spirit of a hero of the goddess.

?Let me guess... You swam all the wayhere to try to get me to teach you thepart of the Song of the Hero thegoddess entrusted to me.

?That's all well and good, but I can't goaround giving away something thatprecious to every hero who floundersinto my waters.No, I think a final test is in order toensure you are in fact the one meant tohear this melody of mine.

This may be news to you, but some veryirksome monsters have beenoverrunning my woods of late.

Well, I decided that I'd had enough!The easiest way to deal with the awfulthings was to flood the whole woods.

?As it happens, almost every inch ofgreenery in the area is submerged.So it's here, in this flooded land, that Iwill test you.If you're up to completing the task Iask of you, I see no reason why Ishouldn't reward you with the melodyyou seek.

?As you just saw, I have split the melodyyou seek among my many Tadtones andI have hidden them around the forest.

?If you haven't already guessed,[Link], here's your task:take this score and collect all my littlemusical friends out there.

?You can use that score to figure outhow many Tadtones are in each group.Find them, collect them, and bringthem back to me.

?If you can do that, well, then I'll justhave to see you as someone worthy oflearning the Song of the Hero.

?You learned part of the Song of the Hero!

?Ah, you've brought back all my colorfullittle Tadtones.

You are indeed worthy of being calleda hero. This much is clear. I'm good formy word, so I will teach you my partof the song you seek.

?Originally, I had planned to keep thesewoods underwater so that those awfulmonsters could never return.

But your task is far from over, andyou're not exactly at home in the water.I suppose I'll return the woods to theirnatural state.All this excitement has been ratherdraining. I believe I'll retire to my hall.You'd best be on your way as well.



?Master, I require your confirmation.You are currently attempting toascertain the location of Zelda.

Are you familiar with how to usedowsing to search for Zelda?

Of course!
I forgot...

?Master, this is Eldin Volcano. It is anactive volcano rich with the powerof the earth.

?Approximately 65% of the region iscovered by lava. It is inhabited by alarge number of creatures that thrivein the extreme heat and direct flame.

?Please exercise caution with flammablematerials such as wood and fabric.

?In the event you catch on fire, I highlyrecommend you extinguish the flamesby performing a forward roll or a spinattack.

?Master [Link], I requireyour confirmation on criticalinformation obtained from thatMogma conversation.The oddly garbed figure taken deeperinto the region must be...

Woman in black?

?My calculations agree, Master.There is a 90% probability the figure inquestion was indeed Zelda.

?The woman in black? The probabilityof your assessment being correctis...10%. Rounded up.

I conclude the subject was likelyZelda.

?Additionally, I calculate there is a 95%probability that the key to this door ismade of the same material compositionas this mechanism that bars it.

?I have detected objects of the samematerial in the surrounding area.

Ascertaining the location of theseobjects will aid in our search forZelda. I have registered them asdowsing targets.

?Of course you do. My apologies. Pleasecontinue your search for Zelda.

?Understood, Master. To begin dowsing,press and hold [C].

Use the Wii Remote to select a dowsingtarget. You will be able to sense thetarget through the tip of your sword.

The closer you get to the target, thestronger the sword's reaction willbecome. You will be alerted with avibration and audible cue.You may also use the cursor to gaugean accurate direction of the target'slocation.

Please select Zelda as your dowsingtarget and commence your search.

?Master, I am detecting extremely hightemperatures from the area directlyahead.

I calculate a 95% chance your clothingwill immediately combust uponentrance. Please proceed with caution.

You may be able to pass through safelyif you run. I recommend confirmingyour direction by dowsing beforemaking the attempt.

?Master, I am detecting extremely hightemperatures from the area ahead.You will not survive this environmentwith your heart total.Additionally, dowsing results do notsupport this path. Please reconfirmthe correct direction to proceed.

?Master, I am detecting extremely hightemperatures from the area directlyahead.

You will not survive this environmentwith your current heart total.I recommend you turn back.

?Master, the abilities of your sword haveincreased. It is now possible to dowsefor Rupees.

I have registered Rupees as a viabledowsing target. Use this exciting newfeature as you deem necessary.

?Whoa! Now there's a green one!

?One of your people just came chargingthrough here. Dressed all in black!That a friend of yours?

?See that up ahead? That's what we calla drop-dead dead end, but thischaracter danced right over it.

?Seriously? Jumping over a gap likethat? My jaw hit the dirt.

?The mountains ahead are crawling withthose red troublemakers, but...

I got a feeling that shady so-and-so isgonna zip right on by 'em.

Can you imagine treasure hunting withsomeone who could do that? You gotyourself some good friends, don'tcha?

?Grrr... Those creeps just shimmied onin and took over our territory.

?Yeow! What're you doing? Don't besneakin' up on me like that!

Huh? You're looking for your friend?Can't help you there. Nobody's comethrough here, so...

Maybe they went up the mountainfrom over thataway.

?Ahh... Wish someone would chase theseclowns outta here.

?Now there's an idea! Why don'tchamake yourself useful and get rid of'em? Yeah, like that's gonna happen...

?What's that? You really sent thosecreeps packing?

Well, seems like they're extra mad atyou, so... Guess it's only natural thatyou had to handle things.

But did you notice when you startwhittling 'em down, they call inreinforcements with that horn?That ain't a fair fight, if you ask me.I bet the horn blower in the blue capis the leader.

?When that creep in the blue hat blowshis horn, it starts a bad-guy stampede.What're you gonna do about it?

?Whoa... You took out every last oneof 'em...

?You're one tough customer! Thanks forall your help!

I don't blame you for not knowingthis, but us Mogmas always honor ourdebts. Let me give you something toprove it. Any special requests?

A way forward.

?Oh, right. You're trying to find yourfriend, aren'tcha?

In that case, take these things!They're something pretty special, if Isay so myself.

?Huh? Rupees? Is that really whatyou're after?

I mean, it's his reward and all, but...really?Just Rupees? Seems like a waste of a rewardopportunity to me. And I don't even have any.Oh wait, I know. I got something good instead.So, hey...uh...I don't exactly have anyRupees on me...

But I got something better! Didn't yousay you were looking for a friend?Well, I got something that can help youreach this friend... Take these instead!

?With these, you should be able to get tothe top of that ledge right behind me.Just try digging in that hole below theledge. You're in for a surprise!

?It's not like I'm using these things, you know?And they're WAY better than Rupees!

?I just hope your friend hasn't beencaptured by those red guys. Here'shoping everything's OK.

?Hey, I'm hoping you find your friendall in one piece!

?Hmm... I'm sure they buried it aroundhere someplace, but I can't find it.

?Yo, Ledd! This is the place, ain't it?So what is it they buried again?

?A key! K-E-Y, KEY!

?They busted up the key to that door andhid the pieces all over the place.

I'm telling you, one of the five pieces isburied right around here.

?Hey, that reminds me... That strangeblonde girl in the weird clothes gottaken away too.

?That's right! I bet they got somethingreally valuable stashed in there.

And that blonde girl they took isprobably part of their master plan too.I'm telling you, I can smell the richesfrom here!

?So what're you saying we do once wefind all the pieces to the key?

?Whaddya think, igneous? We sneakinside and take all the treasure wecan carry!

?Hey... Why are we so worried about akey when we can just dig our way in?

?What? Um...

?Just sayin'.

?You ain't as dumb as you look!

?Hey! Hey! HEY! Y-you mess with ourturf and you're

?Whoa! You're not... Yo, Ledd, I don'tthink this is one of those red creeps.

?Y-y-yeah, I think you're right...No reason to scare the hair off us,though!

Sorry 'bout that, pal. These monstersshowing up and messing with ourturf has got me on edge.

They show up here, and I'm gonnaknock the red clean out of 'em!That's what I'm doing here.Yeah, me, Ledd.

?Yeah, whatever, Mr. Too Scared to Dig inthe Dark.

?Anyway, if you're looking for treasure,you should stay clear of those red guys.

?Huh? You're looking for a friend?NOT treasure?

So that must have been your pal thatpassed by earlier, sprinting by withoutso much as a glance in this direction.

It was sorta a blur of movement, so Ididn't get a real good look, but I knewit wasn't one of those red creeps.

Your pal must have gone straight uphere, so why don't you follow?

?Us Mogmas have claimed this territoryto search around for riches. We'rewhat you'd call treasure hunters.

There are loads of these red, blue, andgreen stones called Rupees aroundhere. Sometimes you can even findsilver and gold ones too.And while they ain't technicallytreasure, you can also find these toughmineral chunks. I bet you could use 'emto make stuff.Since you're here and all, you might aswell look around, right?

?The one that went running throughhere looked kinda like you.

I don't think he was dressed in green,though.

?There are loads of these red, blue, andgreen stones called Rupees aroundhere. Sometimes you can even findsilver and gold ones too.And while they ain't technicallytreasure, you can also find these toughcrystals. I bet you could use them tomake stuff.

?Gyaah! Sneak attack!

Wait... You ain't one of those red guys.Don't creep up on me like that!Almost had to tackle ya there.

Didn't mean to yell at ya, but those redjerks moved in and have been stinkingup our turf, ya know?

?They came up through that hole backthere, so I sunk the road leading to itin lava. That'll stop more of 'emfrom moving in, I'd say.

?Of course, we can tunnel underneathit, so it's no sweat for us.Pretty clever, right?

?So stay away from the plug that'sholding back the lava. It'll do morethan singe your brows off. Bye now!

?Gyaah! Sneak attack! Hey, where'd allthe lava go? Now the road's openagain! You won't get away with this!

?Whoa! You scared me silly! You can'tjust start digging right above my head,you know?

But I get where you're coming from.You never know what you're going tofind when you dig, so it's impossible tostop!Rupees are the most common treasureyou'll dig up, but sometimes you mighteven score Eldin Ore or some hearts!

So if you run across a hole and you'vegot the time, dig, dig, dig!

?Whoa! You scared me silly! You can'tjust start digging right above my head,you know?

But I get where you're coming from.You never know what you're going tofind when you dig. That's what makesit so impossible to stop!Rupees are the most common thingyou'll dig up, but you might get someEldin Ore as well!

Used to be plenty of hearts buried downhere too, but weirdly enough I haven'tseen any recently. Go figure.

Anyhow, if you run across a hole andyou've got the time, dig, dig, dig!

?Oh, hey! Sometimes these red, blobbythings will pop out too. Disgusting!Be careful not to let 'em grab you.

?Hey, you! You're gonna try your mittsat Tubert's Thrill Digger game, right?

Pssst. You want some top-secret info?It's guaranteed to make you rich!R-I-C-H.

Now since you'll be lining your pocketswith Rupees, it's only fair I get a littlepiece of the pie. And I want my pienow, thank you.

?I've got a super-discount price justfor you, buddy. How does 20 Rupeessound?

No, thanks.

?Heh, heh... That's the spirit! Nowyou've got to promise me this staysbetween the two of us. You gotta keepyour trap shut. Got it?

?The color of the Rupee you dig up willtell you how many bad holes arearound you.

Like if you dig up a green Rupee, thereare no bad holes around it!

A blue Rupee will have one or two badholes. A red Rupee will have three orfour, and a silver Rupee has got five orsix.If you're lucky enough to dig up a raregold Rupee, there will be seven or eightbad holes nearby. There are almost nogood holes!

?What do you think? Makes planningwhere to dig a bit easier, don't it?

But at the end of the day, it comes downto luck. YOUR luck. So just do thebest you can, and cross your fingersor something.

?Why you gotta be such a Rupeepincher? Fortune's knocking at yourdoor, pal.

All right, it's your call. You changeyour mind, come see me. The infowill cost you 20 Rupees.

?You listening? You've gotta rememberthis. There are no bad holes around agreen Rupee.

A blue Rupee will have one or two badholes around it, and a red Rupee willhave three or four.

A silver Rupee will be surrounded byfive or six bad holes and a gold Rupeeby seven or eight. Those are the rules!

The only thing standing between youand being filthy rich is luck. Here'shoping you're luckier than you look.Heh heh.

?C'mon, pal! You ain't got enoughRupees.

Unless you bring me exactly20 Rupees, I'm not telling you a thing.

?What? You looking to buy what I'mselling?

?Secret information on Thrill Diggercan be yours for only 20 Rupees.

Tell me!

?Huh? Another stranger? And you'renot one of those red creeps, either.I swear this neighborhood's gettingcrummier every day...

?Huh? Oh, nothing, just talking tomyself. Hey, I saw this funny-dressedcharacter go into that hole over there.

?It might be the friend you're lookingfor? You want to know what thiskook was wearing?

?Let's see... Yeah, I'm pretty sure thegetup was blackish. Other than that, Idon't remember much.

?I'm pretty sure the getup was blackish.Besides that, I don't remember much.

?Huh? Who're you supposed to be?Never seen you around here before...

Whoa, hold it right there! Are you afriend of those red creeps?

No way!
Red creeps?

?You're not, huh? Well, you don't looklike 'em, that's for sure. You're notTHAT ugly.

So what then? You here to pickbomb flowers?

Bomb what?

?Yeah, monsters carrying big blades?They're crawling all over the place.Can't believe you haven't run into anyof 'em.But if you don't know 'em, I guessyou're not pals.

So what is it then? You here to pickbomb flowers?

Bomb what?

?Bomb flowers. You're joking, right?Those are them growing right overthere.

?You pick one with [A], and the fuselights. A few seconds later...BOOM!You don't wanna stop and sniff thisflower. Dangerous plants, believe me.But once you learn to use them, they'rea powerful weapon. Us Mogmas arecrazy about 'em!

You can toss and roll them the sameway you do jars. See what you can dowith those bomb flowers over there.

Um... Huh? You do know how to rolland throw stuff, right?

Not really...

?That's what I figured. You can picksome pretty powerful ones in this area.

Look! There are some right over there!Take as many as you want.

?I'm sure you already know this, butonce you pick a flower with [A], thefuse starts burning. Then it'll blow upin just a couple of seconds.You can also toss or roll them, justlike you can with some other stuff.You should practice.

Um...huh? You do know how to rollstuff, right?

Not really...

?Of course you do! You use theWii Remote. Point it up and swing itforward to throw things. Point it downand swing it forward to roll 'em.I mean, hey, everyone knows that!

?Don't know any of this stuff, huh?No worries, pal. I gotcha covered withall the info you need.

When you've got a bomb flower, pointthe Wii Remote up!

The trajectory of the bomb will showup for ya, so all ya do is line it up withyour target and swing it down tochuck it!A trajectory guide will also show up ifyou point the Wii Remote down.Swing it up to roll the bomb along thatguideline!To reach places up high, it's best tothrow bombs, but to cover distances orpass through narrow spaces, rolling isdefinitely the way to go.

?I'm stating the obvious here, but youcan pick up and put down bomb flowerswith [A], the same way you do with jars.

When you're holding something,point up and swing the Wii Remotedown to throw it.

To roll it, point down and swing theWii Remote up.

Go on and practice a bit with thosebomb flowers over there.

?You, uh...know you don't havea Bomb Bag, don'tcha?

Without a Bomb Bag, you can't safelycarry bomb flowers with you whenyou're out and about. You won't find aMogma without one.What? Why are you staring at melike that?

No! No way, no how. You are notgetting my bag. You'll have to besatisfied with blowing up stuffright around here.

?Hey! Welcome to my place! Makeyourself at home.

What? Of course this is my house!

OK, OK, those red creeps built it,but... They split, right? So what'sthe harm?

Us Mogmas live in the ground, so wedon't have what you would call"houses." I just wanted to see what itfelt like to say "Welcome to my place!"

?Back again, huh? Don't mind me oranything--it's just MY HOUSE!

What? What do you mean I didn't haveto tunnel all the way up here?

Look, I know it's a run-down, dirtyhovel, but it's MINE! And I want toknow who's dropping by my dirty hovel.

Oh, and just 'cause you're all resteddoesn't mean you can roll aroundand bust the place up!

?Do me a favor, will ya? Try not to gocrazy and roll around all over theplace. Dust bunnies, ya know?

?Hey, you! Long time no see. Thanksfor helping me earlier.

Speaking of helping, did you find thatfriend you were looking for?

Sure did!
Not yet...

?You did? Heyyy, that's great news!Huh? You haven't rescued her?

Don't look so glum, pal. I'm sure you'llfigure it out and save her.Never give up!

?Oh, really? You think those red creepsmight know?

What? You know she's still alive?Then everything's gonna be fine!Stop with the sad face, will ya?

You give up, she's done for. That's whyya can't ever, ever crawl into yourtunnel defeated. Ya hear me?

?I just know your friend's waiting onyou. That's why ya can't ever, evergive up!

?Just curious, but...what do ya thinkthose red guys eat, anyway?

?You're looking pretty chipper, pal.

You come back here to do sometreasure hunting this time? In thatcase, I'll let you in on a little secret.

Eldin Volcano is riddled with hiddencaves. You can find 'em by checkingaround for thin walls with cracks.

You can find all kinds of things in thesecaves. It's mostly Rupees, but ya neverknow. I got a hunch there's one rightaround here somewhere...

?Huh? It was right there all along?Nice work, greenie.

?You can find caves abovegroundand belowground. I bet you can sniffout thin walls wherever you go!

?I got a hunch there's one around heresomewhere...

?Around here, you can find littlepockets or caves hidden behind thin,cracked walls. Who knows whatyou might find in those places...

?You're looking pretty chipper, pal.You come back to do some treasurehunting?

You may already know this, but EldinVolcano is riddled with hiddencaves.

You can find 'em by checking aroundfor thin, cracked walls.

You can find all kinds of things in thesecaves. It's mostly Rupees, sure, but yanever know. If you get the itch for loot,you should try some cave hunting.

?Hey, you! I hope you're taking goodcare of my Bomb Bag.

By the way, you ever been to theheart of Eldin Volcano?

It's so hot down there it'll burn theclothes right off your back. POOF!Your average traveler will be dead inminutes.But if you survive... Well, rumor has itthere are amazing ruins overflowingwith piles and mountains of treasure.

Course, it's nothing for my peopleto just tunnel right in there, ya know?Yeah... I may have to make the effortsometime in the near future.

?Long-lost ruins in the heart of avolcano... Heh... Now that's a tale toget any treasure hunter's heartpumping!

?Hey, you! Did ya make it to the ruins?

I decided it wasn't worth the trouble.Boy, was my partner steamed!

He kept shouting, "All you had to dowas dig your way in! How hard could itbe?" He's right too. Digging wouldhave made it easy. Heh heh...

?Wonder where the next treasure mightbe... Gotta remember not to forgetabout the whole digging thing.

?Hey, you. Hope you're taking good careof my Bomb Bag.

I was nice enough to give it to you, sobe sure you put it to good use.Oh, and don't burn a hole in it!

?Wonder where my search for richeswill lead me next... A treasure hunter'sjourney never ends. Heh heh...

?Hey, you! You've really got those guys'attention. And it looks like they'respoiling for a fight.

Take one for the rest of us and chase'em outta here, will you?

?Hey! No running away! Take care ofthese creeps, will ya?

?You got those creeps all worked up, sonow you've got to take care of 'em!

But they keep using that horn to callin reinforcements. They just keepcoming and coming!

I bet the horn blower in the blue hatis the leader.

?Eldin Volcano

?You, the goddess's chosen hero...

?Zelda is ahead... Hurry.


?My partner's gone missing, and thosered guys are everywhere!I never shoulda come here.

?Oh, it's you again. Come all this wayin search of your friend, eh?

That reminds me... Before I came inhere, I saw a weird-looking blonde girlget dragged away.

But don't even dream about going tothe rescue. Those baddies areeverywhere!

If you wanna live again oneday, you should head for home, pal!

?Blast! I must have dropped it earlier...

?Hey! Nice timing, pal. It's me, Ledd!

You showing up here must mean we'reconnected somehow. You know, likefate or something. Anyways, do me afavor and get my Bomb Bag, OK?

?I was behind that rock looking fortreasure when those creeps showed up.I panicked and hit the road, butit looks like I dropped it.

?It's a bag for carrying around bombflowers. I can't imagine not having one.Oh, hey...I guess I don't have toimagine it, 'cause I lost mine!Anyway, it's back there... Do me afavor and get my Bomb Bag back,will you?

?Oh, right... You can't tunnel, so youcan't get back there. Hmm...

You should be able to blow your wayin there with a bomb flower.

Why don't you start by seeing if thereare any bomb flowers in the area?

?I think you should be able to blow yourway in there. Why don't you search thearea for some bomb flowers?

?Heh heh, nice work. Rolling bombflowers through there--that's the markof a real professional adventurer!

Keep it up, and go grab my Bomb Bag!

?Heyyyyy! You found my Bomb Bag!

Sorry to put you through that. I guessI owe you one now! So let me have it...

What's this, now? You want to borrowit so you can go deeper into thevolcano?

Oh, right. You're looking for yourfriend. You sure have put yourself outthere, getting this far...

That reminds me! How's MY pal?

No idea.

?Seriously? Can't depend on anybodythese days...

Let me take that back. Looks like yourfriend can count on you, though, right?You've risked life and limb to get here.

I'm not letting you borrow my bag,though. Nope. I'm GIVING it to you!Just don't blow yourself up...

?He's worried? About me? What kindof pal am I, putting him through that?

You must be worried too. Not knowingif your friend's dead or alive...

I'm not letting you borrow my bag,though. Nope. I'm GIVING it to you!Just don't blow yourself up...

?That so? Hmm... I hope he's don't think those monstershave...

You must be worried yourself.Not knowing if your friend's dead oralive or some awful place in between...

I'm not letting you borrow my bag,though. Nope. I'm GIVING it to you!Just don't blow yourself up...

?Now you've got my Bomb Bag.Go find your friend!

?Hold up! I forgot to tell you something!

Knowing me, that bag's probablyempty, so let me give you a littlesomething to get you started.

?If you run out of bombs, just find somemore and fill the bag back up.

When you've got a bomb flower, press[B] to put it in the bag. Don't forget!

That bag can hold up to 10 bombs.So if you run across bomb flowers,be sure to fill up the bag.

?Let me ask you something. You everbeen set on fire when you're fightingbad guys?

Do yourself a favor and put the fireout quick! Oh, and never, EVER pullout a bomb when you're covered inflames. Trust me on that.

?Master [Link]. It appearsZelda has cleansed herself in thewaters of this fountain.

Based on the information from themessage I just imparted, I project sheis traveling to a region known asLanayru.If you transport this tablet back to thestatue in Skyloft, a new column oflight will appear that will allow you totravel to the Lanayru region.I suggest you return at once to Skyloftand then set out for the Lanayruregion.

?Master, I detect Zelda's aura in thesurrounding area.

?I detect an especially strong reactionfrom this chain. I calculate theprobability Zelda was bound by itrecently at 95%.

?I surmise Zelda was somehow able toescape and proceed along this path.I suggest we continue with all possiblespeed.

?Master, I am detecting new enemiesahead. They appear to be creaturesof very significant physical ability.

Press [Z] to target an enemy, then [d-pad down]to call me. I will then share any dataI have on that enemy.

?Oh, it's you.

?Let me see... No, that's not it. This isso very embarrassing, but I seem to beat a loss for your name.

Not that it matters, really. To tell youthe truth, I'm feeling a bit frustrated,and right now I just need someone tovent to.

?I heard my underlings had finallycaptured the spirit maiden, so ofcourse I rushed over here. What can Isay? I was excited. Flustered, even...But what did I find when I arrived?That agent of the goddess...

?She had once again...

You see, what I'm trying to say is...

?That goddess-serving dogescaped with the girl!

?I MUST have the spirit maidenin order to resurrect my master!I MUST HAVE HER!

?...I got a little carried away there,didn't I? I don t deal well with...complications to plans I ve laid out socarefully. It s a character flaw of mine.Ah, but something good can still comefrom this day! I've had all this bottled-up anger smoldering inside me, andnow I can release it.

?There's someone special I'd like you tomeet. Oh, don't be shy! I need to ventall this unhealthy anger, and youragony is such a great stress reliever.

?It won't take more than a few momentswith my friend before you're charredto a satisfying crisp. And let me tellyou, that will put a spring in my step!

?Earth Temple


?Do you like money? How aboutexplosions? Well, dig up some Rupeesbefore you hit a bomb in a suspensefulgame of Thrill Digger! Want to try it?

No, thanks.

?Hope you dig up lots of Rupees!Just be careful what you're pokingdown in the dirt. Could go KA-BOOM!So uh...good luck!

?Come back soon!

?You haven't got enough Rupees.Save some up and then come back!


?Hello there! Thanks for stopping by.First time here, am I right?

?The name's Tubert. Nice to meet you!I run this little game I like to callThrill Digger!

?Here's how it works: you go on and digup ALL the Rupees you can! Well,until you dig your mitts into aspicy little bomb...Would you like to... Oh, I'm sorry,but you don't look so good. Why notcome back when you have somemore hearts?

?If you like, use the seat over thereand take a load off.

?The Beginner course has less spots toburrow into, but it's great forfirst-timers!

?It's 30 Rupees to play. Want to giveit a go?

You bet!

?The Intermediate course has plenty ofspots to sink your mitts into, but watchout for Rupoors.

?It'll cost you 50 Rupees a go.Interested?


?The Expert course has more bombs,sure, but more valuable Rupees too.It could be highly profitable...or highly explosive.

?Each round costs 70 Rupees. Do youdare to try?


?So which course will it be?


?You should try again. How aboutanother go?

I'm done.

?You didn't dig up even a single Rupee?Not a one? You poor little digger...

?Looks like you took a heavy loss.Yep. Well, I'm sorry, my friend.

?You didn't quite turn a profit.Chalk that up to bad luck, I say.

?You broke even! No loss. No gain.At least you had yourself some fun, eh?And you got to see an explosion!

?You made a small profit. Nice digging!

?Wow, you made yourself a fortune!Congratulations!

?Well, I'm just stupefied! You dug up allthe Rupees! Listen--you earned thisprize. Take it!

?Here's your grand Rupee total: #!

?Let's see how many Rupees youmanaged to dig up...

?Here's a useful tip: low-value Rupeeshave only a few bad spots nearby,so you can relax a little.

But the higher the value of the Rupee,the more bad spots are nearby.Be careful of the spaces surroundinga valuable Rupee!If your first burrow digs up a'll just have to admit defeat andtry again. But don't let it get to you!

?You look a bit tired out. Why not restup until you get a few hearts back?

?There's a stool over there. It ain'texactly lined with satin pillows, butgo ahead and take a load off.

?Sorry. There's a time limit here,and you just hit it. Time's up!

?I wish you'd hurry up about it.Your time's almost up...

?Ah, you're taking a break? Too muchsuspense for you?

Well then, will you take a load off andchat with me a bit?

Not now.

?Oh...that's too bad. Anyway, onceyou've rested up, I hope you'll considergiving Thrill Digger a try.

?Oh, yes! OK, there anythingyou want to ask me?

Who are you?
Are you floating?
Is it too bright for you?

?My name is Tubert! I run this game Ilike to call Thrill Digger! Yep, I'm kindof important around here.

You could even call me Mr. Tubert.You know, if you want to. Thanks, kid.

I want everyone to get their claws onplenty of Rupees, so I made up thisThrill Digger thing!

The sad thing is there's been a scary-red-monster infestation in these partslately, and it's been bad for business.Almost nobody comes to play!Some days I wish someone wouldjust demolish those ugly towers witha bang and send them scamperingaway.

?My name is Tubert! I run this game Ilike to call Thrill Digger! Yep, I'm kindof important around here.

You could even call me Mr. Tubert.You know, if you want to. Thanks, kid.

I want everyone to get their hands onplenty of Rupees, so I made up thisThrill Digger thing!

The sad thing is all my Mogma friendsthink Rupees are easy to find. Theynever come and play...

So that's why I need you to step up andbecome not just a repeat customer,but my only customer!

?My name is Tubert! I run this game Ilike to call Thrill Digger! Yep, I'm kindof important around here.

You could even call me Mr. Tubert.You know, if you want to. Thanks, kid.

?You mean my glasses? Looking dapper,eh? The round frames make melook even more fashionable!

?And I'm plenty proud of my finemustache too! Cute and curly,all the way. I groom it every day!Wait. That rhymed, didn't it?

?But it's only to be expected. I can't havemy customers upset by my looks!

?No, it's not too bright. I just wear theseto look cool.

?No, I'm not floating. I'm standing onmy tail.

?I don't need to tell you that my pawsare my best feature.

?I like to give all my customers a chanceto admire them. That's why I stand onmy tail--it does wonders for sales!

?I'm not floating, no. I just wantcustomers to see my cute little paws,so I'm standing on my tail.

?So what do you want to ask me next?

Who are you?
Are you floating?
Is it too bright for you?

?Really? That's a shame. Well, takea nice break. Thrill Digger is waitingfor you whenever you're in the moodto poke around for Rupees and bombs!

?Really? What a shame...

But thanks for asking all thosegreat questions! Actually, here,let me tell you something.

You see the shining stone sticking outof the wall? That's pure Rupee Ore!It's also why there are so many Rupeesto dig up here.If you sling something at it, it'll popright out. Go on and give it a try!

?Thank you very much for yourparticipation in Thrill Digger.

Here's a helpful tip: low-valueRupees have only a few badspots nearby, so you can relax alittle.But the higher the value of theRupee, the more bad spots arenearby, so watch it.See you again soon!


?Get moving, Master Shortpants!I'll be following right behind you, zrrt!

?Whoa! Sure is hot here, brrzrrt.No sweat, though, because I'm acutting-edge, zzort, robot!

?Hey! This isn't the right way, zrrt!Do you need to stop and ask fordirections?

?Are we almost there? Let's get a moveon, brzzt!

?Bzzzrpt! Where are you going now?I'll wait here if you've got an errandto run, zzzt, but get going!

?Zzzbt! I'm in trouble over here!Hurry up and help me, bzzzzat!

?HEY! Brzzpt! I need help...NOW!


?MAL-MAL-MALfunction! Zzrrt!Too...zzrrggt...damage...bzzzz...

?Do better this time, zzbrrrt!

?HEY! I can't use that, zzrrpt! You'regoing to have to walk!

?Brrzt! Wait for me!

?I can't see you, brrrzt! Open your mapwith [+] and see where I am. Thencome get me, brzzzpt!

?Monsters! Zrrrbt, are you going tohandle those or what?!

?Bzzzrt! Help! DANGER!

?Monsters, zzzbrt! I can't standmonsters!

?HEY! Just how long, zzrrt, do I have towait for you? Press [+] and use yourmap to find me, brzzzt!

?Why are you so, zzzrrrt, SLOW?Press [+] to open your map andconfirm my location!

?Brrzpt! What are you doing? Get overhere already! If you don't know whereI am, press [+] to open your map, zzzrt!

?It's about time, bzrrt! Don't leave mehanging like that.

?Bzzzort! What do you think you'redoing?

?HEY! Keep that up, and you're going tobreak something, zzbrrt!

?Master, the robot is waiting at thevolcano. I suggest you return there.

?Where have you been, zzzrbt! Get meto the top of the volcano! Now, brrzzt!

?Don't leave me! Press [+] to open yourmap to find me, zzrrt!

?You want me to pour the water on this?No problem, zzzbrt!

?Did you see that, Mistress Fi?

?If there's anything else I can do to beof assistance, zzzzrp, just call me!Anytime, zzzrbtzz!

?What's going on, brzzt? I almost blewa rotor trying to slow myself duringthat descent, zrbt... Anyway, this iswhere you wanted the water, right?WHAT?! THE SUMMIT? Why didn'tyou say so from the start, bzzrt?I don't want to carry this thing backto the sky. IT'S HEAVY, BRZZZT!Bzzzrt...zrrbt...tzzptrr.

?This place is, zrrrt, swarming withmonsters. Vrrrrrm...

?I bust up enemies like a junkyardwrecker, zzizat! Too bad I've gotmy mitts full with this basin, bzzz...

?Hey, Master Shortpants! Since wecame all this way, let's play a littlegame called "protect the robot," bzzrt!

Here's how it works--I'll follow you upthe volcano, zzzrt, and you make surenothing touches me. Got it? Good!

?Your job is simple, zzrrt! You makesure none of these monsters lays aclaw on me. NOT...ONE...CLAW!

?Oh, hey! We meet again. How have youbeen, bud?

I rumbled over here 'cause I heardsomeone had spotted Goddess Cubesin the area.

You may have already found some,but I got a feeling there are someothers hidden away around here.

You might think about searching forthem yourself when you get the time.

?I have got a hunch there are stillGoddess Cubes on this mountain.You should see if you can find them.

?Oh, hey! We meet again. How have youbeen, bud?

I rumbled over here 'cause I heardsomeone had spotted some GoddessCubes in the area.

I have got a hunch they may be down inthat direction, but...this flamingwall of fire is blocking the way!

?Hey! Are you here looking forGoddess Cubes too? Nice work gettingpast that hot spot back there, bud.

The heat back there did not botherme a bit, but these flames righthere are another matter.

?I wish there was something we could doto put out these flames...

?"Quench my thirst"? Hmm... Thatreminds me. If you head back out ofhere and turn right, you will end upoutside.I found a spring there. Let me tell you,bud, that water was dee-licious!

No idea how you would bring it in here,though. I doubt those weird-lookingfrog beasts would carry it for you.Got any ideas?

?Well, I know if you head out of hereand hang a right, you will find thisnice, refreshing spring, but...

Yeah, I am not sure what you shoulddo, to be honest.

?Hey, the flames are out! Now we canget through here.

?More flames... This is starting to burnme up...

?Hate to ask you this, bud, but couldyou do the fire-extinguisher routineagain?

?Hey! Nice work, bud. Now we aregetting somewhere!

?Do you see this, bud? Talk aboutintriguing! We are definitely off themap here.

This does not feel like Goddess Cubestuff to me! I bet there is somethingsuper important hidden around here!

?All I can say is that is a big frog witha big thirst. I do not think the amountof water one of your little bottles canhold is going to cut it this time.

?Hmmm... You will have to have a bigcontainer to hold the water neededfor this job. Got anything like that?

And speaking of which, where are yougoing to get all the water? I gottasay, I am pretty much stumped.

?How are we supposed to give this fellowenough water? Whatever it is, it isgoing to have to be one big container...

You have been adventuring all over theplace, right? You got any ideas?

?Lots of water and something to carry itaround in... Any bright ideas on whereto find those things, bud?

?You are something else, bud! There isnothing you cannot do!

You go ahead on in! You have earnedthe right to blaze this trail.

?Well, how was it? What did you find?


?Is that so? Hmm... Guess I will leavethe exploring past here to you, bud.

By the way, I have got a hunch there isa Goddess Cube somewhere nearby.

And my hunches are usually spot on,so you should take a good look around.

?Is that so? Hmm... Guess I will leavethe exploring past here to you, bud.

I am going to head out to anotherlocation and continue my research.Give me a holler if you see me again.

?I am off to continue my research, bud.I am sure I will bump into you again!

?Well, look who we have here! You stilllooking for your friend?

Of course, I'm on the hunt fortreasure. Heard there were some fancyruins out this here I am!

Believe it or not, I haven't found athing. Got any information for me?

Want to know?
I'm not telling!

?You know something? Spill it!We're friends, right?

?Don't get all tight lipped on me now!We're friends, right? Out with it!

?What? There's some fire blocking yourpath? Why don'tcha just pour somewater on it and move on?

Ya need how much water? Whoa...I get it. So the water we got here's notenough, right?

You know, I hear the little water wegot here is fed by some far-off watersource called Lake Floria.

So a buddy of mine went huntin' fortreasure in Faron Woods, and he toldme he used the waterways there to findhis way back home.He tells me Lake Floria was just aboutthe biggest lake you could imagine. Betif you checked it out, there'd be enoughwater there to solve your dilemma.

?Too bad you came all this way only toget stopped dead in your tracks.It's just not your lucky day, bud.

Uh...I get the feeling I'm forgettingsomething important...

I think it's something my buddy toldme once, but... Nope, can't remember.

Oh well, back to the water. If you needlots of the wet stuff, you should headover to Lake Floria. I think you'll findwhat you need.

?Oh, you again! It's been a looong time,but I remember that face.

Heh heh heh. How're those gloves Iinvented treatin' ya? Are they up toyour satisfaction?

How've I been? Awful nice of ya to ask.Lemme see...

I've been searchin' high and low fornew treasure, but I've come up emptypawed.

I gotta say, I'm tired of diggin' aftermy fortune in this blast furnace.

I'm startin' to think it's time I gaveup this life of treasure huntin' andsettled down to enjoy my twilightyears.

?If I'm going to retire, I want to live ina place up high with a glorious view.

I've lived most of my life underground,it's true, but I still gaze up at that sky.It's so...big and blue and fluffy.

If I had my way, I'd like to come backin my next life as a bird and spend mytime soaring the wild blue yonder.

?Whoa there! It's my old pal! How yabeen, old pal?

Me? Ah, my claws are sharp, and mynose is tuned in to treasure! Yep, I'dsay I'm great.

One thing's got me worried, though.See, our elder, Guld, has been actin'kinda odd since going to those ruins.Would ya go and see Guld? He's overthataway somewhere, and I know he'dbe happy to see your mug.

?Guld's wanderin' around over theresomewhere. Go see him! Chat with hima bit, ya know?

It might cheer him up to see a familiarface.

?Hey, pal, did ya go and visit the elder?How's he doin'?

What? Twilight years?

Uh...what are ya talkin' about?Is "twilight years" some sort ofcode name for a big treasure?

I gotta tell ya, I've never heard of sucha thing.

But if that's what the elder wants helpwith, go on and help him out, will ya?

?Whoa! It's my old pal! How've youbeen?

Me? Ah, my claws are sharp, and mynose is tuned in to treasure! I'm great!

One thing's got me worried, though.The tribal elder's been acting odd sincegoing to those ruins. He's just nothimself.You talked to him earlier, right?How was he doing?

What? Twilight years?

Uh...what are you talking about?Is "twilight years" some sort of codename for treasure?

I gotta tell you, I've never heard ofsuch a thing. And I know a thing or twoabout treasure.

But if that's what the elder wants, helphim out, will ya?

?Twilight years, eh? Well, if that'swhat the elder wants, help an oldMogma out, will ya?

?Wh-wha-what? The elder got...launched up somewhere?Where'd he go, then?

Up in the sky!

?The sky? Up in the big, blue stuff, eh?

Oh... Well, he always was talkin' abouthow much he loved the sky.

I bet he's up there now digging aroundin the clouds for treasure.


Uh...beyond? Whaddya mean"beyond"? Are ya telling me he's"gone" gone?

I mean, we all gotta go sometime,but, wow...

?Elder...I'm gonna do ya proud--justwait and see. I hope ya watch overme from wherever it is you are now!

?What do you mean, the elder's back?

Are you saying he can travel betweenhere and the sky? That is one amazingguy, I tell you.

?Traveling back and forth between hereand the sky. The elder is soooo cool!

?Hey, it's you! That guy from before...

Heh heh heh... Yeah, that waspretty embarrassing.

We're all good now, though, becausemy pal found out about it.

Truth is he got captured once too.Guess that makes us even. Nothin' foreither of us to worry about.

Yeah, anyway, you seen Plats aroundanywhere?

He was over there.

?Oh, really? We're all cool, then.

I just hadn't seen his ugly mug in awhile and, well, you know...

I thought maybe he'd gone and gottenhimself all tied up again.

Let me tell ya, that guy's like atrouble magnet!

?That dirt-brain... I bet he's off on somesolo treasure-hunting dig.

He knows he's not supposed to be outby himself. This place is dangerous!

What am I supposed to do, huh?I guess that's what you get when you'retreasure hunters. Bunch of guys whodon't know when to quit.If you happen to run into Plats, givehim my best, will you?

?The deal with Plats is he only showssome backbone when he's offhunting treasure.

?Hey, pal! You're still alive!

And by the looks of it, ya got all yourloot back too. I knew you had it in ya.

So, uh...did ya find any treasure?

Not a thing...

?Seriously? I'm soooo jealous!

But the world's a big place, ya know?And I'm sure there's more treasureout there for the swiping.

Yeah, I'm not sitting on my tail waitingfor it to fall into my lap! You knowwho's going to find all the loot nexttime? Me! This guy! That's who!

?Whaaat? Ya didn't find much ofanything? Aw, that's too bad, pal.

Don't get all sad and weepy on me,though. The world's a big place, andit's filled with treasure!

?All right, then. Where's the next placeto hunt for riches, eh?

?Yo, pal. This your idea of a breakroom? Battling all them monstersgot ya a little run down, huh?

If those creeps with the big shieldsare as tough as they are ugly, theymust be a real pain in the neck.

See, I got some secret information thatI'm sure will make your life easier.

?Of course, nothing comes for free inthis day and age. You're gonna haveto part with some R-U-P-E-E-S.That spells Rupees, by the way.It's all yours for 30 Rupees.Whaddya say?

Tell me!

?What're you being so stingy for?It's only 30 Rupees.

All right, whatever. Come see me if youchange your mind.

?What's the deal, pal? You don't haveenough Rupees, so you're getting aload of nothing from me.

Find yourself 30 Rupees, then comeand see me.

?Thank you very much, pal! Listen up!This is for your ears only. Don't gosquawking about it with every mugyou meet.Here's the deal... The shields thoselugs are carrying around? You can cutthem with your sword! What did I tellyou? Is that not top-notch info?Watch out for the creeps with the toughiron shields, though--you can't cutthem.

Got it, thanks!
What? Is that it?

?Heh heh... And I've got plenty moreinfo where that came from. Youknow you want to hear it.

You willing to cough up...another30 Rupees?

You bet!
No way.

?Yo! What's up with you giving me thatface? You know, the "I've heard it allbefore" face.

That last tidbit was just the tip of theiceberg, pal. Not that I ever seen one...I got something really juicy here foryou. Got another 30 Rupees on you?


?I knew there was a reason I liked ya!All right, here goes...

Those thugs are always trying to skewerya with those monster spears, right?Take one of those in the gut, and it'slights out.If ya time it right, you can repel theirattacks and...well, you know whathappens after that.

Good info!
I knew that.

?You bet it is! I put my life on the lineto get it too.

And I got more where that came from.This next one's the hidden cherryon top of the secret sundae. It's only50 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?You did? Nice work, pal. You're anobservant...uhm...whatever you are.

Good thing I saved the best for last!This one's a real showstopper, but itain't cheap. It'll cost ya 50 Rupees!

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?Yes! There's not a stingy bone in yourbody, is there? Truth be told, it makesme a bit worried about ya.

Keep your wits about ya, pal.There are hustlers out there who'llfleece ya for every Rupee you've got.

?All right, here goes my last secret.Those creeps' shields are huge, right?Like a wall?

Well then, treat 'em like a wall andjab, jab, jab!

I'm not going to tell ya what happens,but I highly recommend ya try it.I think you'll like the results!

Go get 'em, pal! And thanks again forthe business.

?Hey, pal. You still having problemswith them mugs with the big shields?

I got some secret information here thatwill make your life a whole lot easier.

?But nothing in life is free, ya know?It's gonna cost ya some R-U-P-E-E-S.Yep, 30 Rupees to be exact.

No, thanks.

?Hey, pal. You still having problemswith them mugs with the big shields?

I got some more secret informationthat will make your life a whole loteasier.

?But there's no free lunch, ya hear me?It's gonna cost you some R-U-P-E-E-S.Yep, 30 Rupees to be exact.

No, thanks.

?Hey, pal. You still haven't figured outthose mugs with the big shields, right?

I've got one last bit of secret info thatwill make your life a whole lot easier.

?You know the drill by now, right?It's gonna cost you some R-U-P-E-E-S.And the price for this is 50 Rupees.

No, thanks.

?Hey, pal. You bust up those mugs withthe big shields yet?

Here's all you got to remember:cut wooden shields, repel spearattacks, and clamber up shields likethey were walls.If you keep all that in your head, you'lldo just fine. I promise!

?What are you getting all stingy for?It's a lousy 50 Rupees.

Pfft. Whatever. Come see me if youchange your mind.

?What are you trying to pull, pal? Youdon't have enough Rupees!

Come back when you've managed toscrape together 50 Rupees, all right?

?Quench my thirst toclear your path.

?Master, I have information for you.With the enhanced capabilities of yoursword, you are now able to use yourdowsing ability to find Goddess Cubes.I have taken the liberty of registeringGoddess Cubes as dowsing targets.Please use this ability as you deemnecessary.

?The flames blocking your path havebeen fully extinguished. I recommendproceeding ahead.

?I have a status update for you, Master.We are now near the crater at the peakof Eldin Volcano.

?I am detecting extremely hightemperatures in this area. However,your Fireshield Earrings will allow forextended periods of exploration.

?I calculate the probability of findingthe final sacred flame here at 90%.I recommend searching for flames.

?I am detecting malfunctions within therobot. I recommend repairing it andtrying again.

?A report, Master [Link].I recommend following the Mogma'sadvice and returning to Lake Floria.

I also have some advice pertinent tothe situation. It concerns a methodfor transporting water from the lake...I suggest you visit the Water Dragon.I conjecture that you can transporta large volume of water using the waterbasin that the previously injuredWater Dragon recuperated in.

?Would you like me to analyze previousdata and register the vessel as adowsing target?

Not yet.

?Master [Link], I have astatus report for you. The flames thatimpede your progress have not yet beenextinguished.Shall I register the Water Dragon'svessel as a dowsing target?

Not yet.

?Master, I have completed registeringthe Water Dragon's vessel as a dowsingtarget.

?Understood, Master. I will not proceedwith registration.

?We have arrived at Eldin Volcano.

You can use your dowsing ability tolocate the gate to the trial. You mustpass this trial in order to locate thesacred flame.

?Welcome back, Master.

I conjecture your newly acquiredFireshield Earrings will allow you tosafely travel in extremely hot areas.

I recommend continuing your searchfor the sacred flame.

?Master [Link], I detectno water in the immediate vicinity.

Of course, you will need a large basinto proceed past the impediment, butyou will also need water. I recommendyou start with that task.

?A report, Master [Link].The transport robot is waiting for youat the base of the volcano.

I recommend going up into the skyagain and returning to the base ofthe volcano to guide the robot tothis location.

?Volcano Summit


?Ohhh yah! You've come along at theright time, pal!

I don't know who ya are or whereyou're from, but what I need right nowis for ya to get me offa this chain!

I'm in a hurry.

?I'm not asking ya to do it for nothing,though! Set me free, and I'll tell ya thebig, gigantic secret about this room!

It's a secret about treasure! OK?

?Hey! Hang on there a second!

What kinda right-thinkin' person doesthat? Just ignores a fella in need?That's just despicable. Terrible,isn't it? Isn't it?I've got some pipin'-hot info, and allya need to do for it is get me offa thischain!

?Hey! Where are you tearin' off to rightthis second?!

I've got some pipin'-hot info, and allya need to do for it is get me offathis chain!

?Signs indicate that there is an 80%chance the information held by thisindividual will be of benefit to you.

I strongly recommend that you rescuehim and acquire the information.

?Hey! Hey! Come on, pal! Please helpme! Get me offa this chain!

I got a hot tip just for you if you helpme out!

?Hoooo-yah! That is the sweet, sweetflavor of freedom, hoss!

And, uhh...heh heh...thanks fortaking the trouble to free me...Sucker!

You really think I would divulge super-secret info about treasure? My mommadidn't raise no patsy! I spent too longfindin' that info!Huh?!

Those gloves are from my brother'ssecret collection! Are ya friends withmy brother or something?

That's right.
I helped him!

?Wait, wait, wait! There's somethin'I want to give you!

I'll just go get it. Wait here!

?Here! Take this!

This here's some super-secret info thatI put together. Took some real sweatand work too.

I had to survey this place near ahundred times to figure it out, but...

You ready for this? Now don't gofaintin' when I tell ya. Right aroundhere, there is...

A hidden room!


So in return, please don't tell anyonethat I was captured. It'll just be ourlittle secret, OK?

OK, it's a secret.

?All right, then! Go ahead and open'er up. But don't forget our deal!

Later, then... I said bye now.

?All right, then! Go ahead and open'er up! But don't forget our deal!

?Well, ain't that the lowest of the low!And here I thought I was bein' polite...

?You low-down, no-good'un!


?...Did you already figure out wherethe treasure was from that map?

?Seriously? Then what did I giveyou that map for? And you callyourself an adventurer...

Agh... Well, I must look dumber thana jug of Moblin drool right now...

?Maaan... Why can't I just do one thingright?! What a lunkhead!

?That stuff looks HOT! I wouldn't minda little hot bath for my sore shoulders,but this is too much!

?Hot! HOT!

I'm not some sideshow for ya to gawkat! Get lost! Shoo now!

?What've we got here? Another newguard?


You can't break me with interrogation,son. You'll never make me talk!

I'm not some sideshow for you to gawkat! Get lost! Shoo now!


I was watching ya, pal! Ya reallysocked it to those lava thingers!Amazing stuff!

And if ya don't mind doing one morething while you're at it, how about yaget me down from here!

?Hey, pal!

You're the one who lowered the level ofthe lava, right?

While you're at it, maybe you coulddo something about this chain too!

?Oh yaaah! I'm saved!

I don't know who ya are or whereyou're from, but I owe ya big-time!

Are ya here looking for treasure too?


?Right, then--I'm outta here!So long!

?I can see it on your face! You're herebecause of the "legend of the sleepingstatue," right?!

But those are some busted, old diggin'mitts. Ya can't go using them fortreasure huntin'!

I got it! As thanks, I'm gonna give yaa replacement pair from my secretstash! Don'tcha go nowhere!

?Ha ha! You were totally caught up inthat too, pal!

?Well, well! No point trying to hide it!There's only one reason you could havefor coming so far in here!

?All yours!

They've been in a buried treasurechest, so they ain't dirty or anything.

Now these ain't the kind of thing thatyou can easily get your hands on justanywhere, so take good care of 'em!

?Hey, pal!

How are those mitts treatin' ya?

If you want to get a good lookaboveground, try pressing [Z]!

Got it? Press [Z] to see aboveground!Don't you go forgettin' it!

?Hey, pal! How are the mitts I gave ya?

Press [Z] when you're diggin' downunderground to get a quick peep atwhat's happening aboveground.

Even when we're burrowing, we knowwhat's happening aboveground too!

?Those mitts I gave you were one ofthe finest pieces in my collection.


?Heyyy! We meet again!

Heh heh heh... Sorry, but I kindahappened to overhear thatconversation.

It seems one of my guys was giving yaa hard time. Sorry about that.

But that stuff he was sayin' was alltrue.

There's a breeze coming fromsomewhere in this room. I tell ya,I can smell it.

I figure the information in that chestwill be useful to ya.

?This room has a fake wall somewhere...

And on the other side of that wall,there's another room. Or so I hear...

The ground underneath us is full ofmonsters, so we don't go tunnelingtoo much down there, but...

If you're feelin' adventurous, therejust might be a hidden route...

?Did you get that from one of ours?Don't you worry. I won't try to take itfrom ya.

I'm tellin' ya, the information in thatbox... I think it'll definitely be useful.

?Wow, you just took down the wall!You got some starch in your socks,pal!

?Me? I'm going to explore this room alittle more.

I also need to report to the boss forthat guy who ran off.

?Ahhh! So busy, so busy... Burning themidnight oil again looking for loot!

?Aghhh! A green monster!

Ack... I can't believe they're followingus down here now...

Guess I can have some fun with him fornow, though...

Heh, heh, heh! You're on Mogma turfnow, fiend! You may be scary, but aslong as the way ahead of me is clear,you'll never catch me!

?ACK! You again?!

Heh heh! Doesn't matter how manytimes you try to catch me, you'll alwaysend up empty handed!

?Noooooooo... You got me! Go on, then,you monster! Boil me, bake me...Do your worst!


Huh? I know those gloves...

Ain't those from my brother's secretcollection?

He gave me 'em.
That's right.

?What?! You know my brother?!

Awww, you're all green. I thought youwere a monster!

Hey, don't get all angry! I thought youwere one of them. Sorry, guy!

Lemme give ya something good to makeup for it. Hang on there a sec.

?Here ya go!

Ya know, some monsters seemed to belooking for something on those cliffsahead of us...

You heading that way too, guy?You take care out there. Don't wannasee you get skewered or nothin'.

Me? I'm headin' back to the boss'splace. I'll open the door for you whileI'm at it. See ya!

?Hey, guy! Still in one piece, eh?

Did ya see all the monsters aroundthat place I was talkin' about?

I wonder what in the ever-tunnelin'world those guys are looking for...

?As long as those monsters are stillthere, you and me oughta stay clear!


Don't scare me like that! I thought youwere one of those monster creeps!

...Oh, hey, what's this?

You got yourself a swanky pair ofDigging Mitts, don'tcha?

Who are ya, anyway? Whatcha doinghere?

On a quest!

?...No offense, pal, but you don't looklike the kinda guy I'd send in here on atreasure-huntin' mission...

But what do I know... Ya might justsurprise me.

So here's the deal... Word in thetunnels is there's a huge treasurehidden in these here ruins...

But nobody who's ever seen it hascome back to tell the tale.

Countless treasure hunters havedisappeared in here! Poof! Gone.

As a treasure digger, I gotta warnyou to just turn around and enjoy themany peaceful years of diggin' left toyou, but...You're gonna do this no matter whatI say, aren't ya?

Pretty much.

?Hmm... I getcha.

Huh? Me?

Oh yah, the name's Guld. I'm the bigboss of the Mogmas.

Those Digging Mitts you got rightthere... I invented 'em!


?All right, then... I'm gonna let you inon an ancient treasure-hunting legendpassed down among generations ofMogmas.Every Mogma worth a handful o' dirtknows this one...

Here we go...

"Ye who seek the entrance to the king'streasure, look for the two statues thatface one another."

"Show your bravery and jump into themouth of the sleeping statue. Do this,and the path will open before you."

You remember all that, and you'regolden.

Say it again!

?Here it is, the Mogma legend of theseruins...

"Ye who seek the entrance to the king'streasure, look for the two statues thatface one another."

"Show your bravery and jump into themouth of the sleeping statue. Do this,and the path will open before you."

It might all just be some frilly old storyfor baby Mogmas, but we'll never stoplooking. And today's no exception.

?Hahah hah... You sure are set on this!

Ready? Here goes...

"Ye who seek the entrance to the king'streasure, look for the two statues thatface one another."

"Show your bravery and jump into themouth of the sleeping statue. Do this,and the path will open before you."

Got it this time?

One more time.

?Some of my guys are searchin' aroundhere for the treasure.

If you get lost, holler at one of 'em.

?Ho ho ho... Ahhh!The exit at last...

?...Enough of this foolishness...I am Ghirahim, Demon Lord!

?It shouldn't matter how powerful yoursword is, you are still nothing...Not just a human... A human child!And yet you prevail!

?You filthy scamp! You have awakeneda wrath that will burn for eons! I swearto you, whatever it takes, I will dragyou into an eternity of torment!

?Fire Sanctuary

?Bring light to each statue inaccordance with the number ofwings each possesses, from leastto most.When light resides in eachstatue, the king's treasure shallbe yours.

?The bridge of decision...Choose the path you believe in...Move forward bravely.


?I'm afraid that eruption was caused byan explosion of my power. It looks likeyou were caught up in it. My apologies.

The skies above this land should clearsoon...

You should go.

?Yes... You appear as if summoned!

Young hero, do you wish to ask aquestion of me?

Water Dragon?
Thunder Dragon?
No, thanks.

?Yes... The Water Dragon. You see,the goddess gave the Water Dragonthe power to protect the woods.

That power is strong, but the will of thedragon is even stronger. ...You maywant to be careful with that one, lestyou be eaten like an appetizer.Ha ha ha ha!

?Yes, yes... The Thunder Dragon.The goddess gave the Thunder Dragonthe power to protect the desert.

This dragon possesses a legendaryshield. It is truly one of its most prizedtreasures.

It is said that the Thunder Dragondelights in testing those with promisein the hopes of someday finding aworthy recipient for the shield.But the dragon is a wily one. And histest is not as simple as it may appear!

Ha ha ha ha!

?Yes... This mountain was not alwayssuch a dangerous and unforgivingplace.

There was a time when those above-ground and those below lived togetherin harmony by the blessing of thegreat mountain.The desolation that you see now is allthat remains to remind us of thoseglorious days...

?Yes... You see the path before you,then. Go. Follow it.

?What is this? You have anotherquestion for me?

Water Dragon?
Thunder Dragon?
Not really.

?Ta-DAH! I'm here to save the day!

?Heyyyy! Long time no see!

Huh? Don't tell me ya forgot my uglymug!

I'm Plats, the Mogma you helpedin the northern temple!

I saw them draggin' you offunconscious, so I tailed 'em!

?You're pretty fearless, eh?What are you up to now?


?Th-the dragon? You mean thedragon-god thing?

Uhh, yeah... I heard a rumor that a bigdragon-god lives in this mountain...

You really like those fantasy stories,eh, pal?

Hmm? Why am I here, you ask?

I just heard a rumor that some badguys were gettin' together on thismountain!

Heh heh heh... And everyone knowsthat when bad guys get together,they'll be fightin' over some loot.

?...Haha! I know why you're really here!You heard the rumor about the baddiesand their treasure too, didn't ya, pal?

Heh heh heh! You know what I'mtalkin' about! The rumor that somebad guys are havin' a little get-together on this mountain.And everybody knows that wherethere's bad guys, there's treasure!That's just the way of the world.

?Don't you gotta take care of your ownbusiness first?

Haven't ya noticed? They swiped allyour stuff!

While you were out, they shook youdown good, pal! You're gonna want toget your stuff back before ya go andtry anything else.I can get you started. I stole these backfor ya...

?Time for me to tunnel out, pal!You got your work cut out for you!

Good luck out there!


?Whaddya thinkin'? You shouldn't beout here in the open with no way todefend yourself...

This place is crawlin' with thugs!

Well, just be careful they don't spotya while you're sneakin' around!

?I feel just terrible for you, pal...Here, let me do one more thing for ya!Ol' Plats here's gonna show ya what'sin all the treasure chests!...Ta-dahh!

?After all, none of it looked like stuffI'd really want anyhow...

But if some of them things are yours,I'll bet you're gonna want to get 'emback, right?

?And I probably don't even need to saythis again... But seriously, pal, don'tlet them bad guys see ya, y'hear?

They ain't gonna do nothin' nice if theycatch you! So don't do anything heroicand get yourself caught!

Got it?

OK, already...

?All right then, I'm going back torummage around for treasure!

See ya later!


Ahh... You know, I really worry aboutya, pal. It's a weakness of mine!

OK, tell you what...I'm gonna show yousomething good! Open up your map!

?Wheeeeeeze... So hot...

One of the most amazing treasuresof the world, just up ahead...


A little while ago, all them bad guysstarted disappearing... Then I noticedthey were all gathering up ahead...They must have something good...

?Pst! Hey, boy oh boy, have I got somegreat hints for you. Want to see one?

Show me!
No, thanks.

?Hey there, friend. Do you want a hint?I've got new ones to show!

Show me!
No, thanks.

?Hiya, friend. So, I don't have any newhints to show you, but I'll gladly let youlook over all the hints that arecurrently available. Want a peek?

Show me!
No, thanks.

?I gotcha. Then I wish ya luck!

?Thank you, Master [Link].

Please excuse me for leaving your sideduring this brief trouble with thevolcanic eruption.

While I was here, I detected a strongsource of power emanating from thearea on the far right.

Signs indicate a 60% chance that thedragon who knows a verse from theSong of the Hero dwells there.

Please reacquire the rest of your gearand continue your search for thedragon.


?Master [Link]...

?You stand within Din's Silent Realm,the third trial. It will test the limits ofyour power.

To locate the last flame that willenhance your sword, you must firstcomplete this final challenge andachieve spiritual growth once again.

?When your vessel is full, your spiritwill grow and you will be entrustedwith a new power by the goddess.

Do you have any questions?


?Which topic do you wish to review?

The Spirit Vessel?
Waking Water?
Never mind.

?Do you have any further questions?

The Spirit Vessel?
Waking Water?
Never mind.

?Understood, Master.

?Master, I await your return in theoutside world.

?Yes, Master.

To fill the Spirit Vessel, you need tolocate and collect every Tear of Dinscattered across this Silent Realm.

?Master, do you see the glowingobject a ways in front of you?

?That is a Tear of Din.You will need to collect 15 of them.

?Understood, Master.Allow me to explain.

?If you take even a single step outsidethe protective circle you stand in, theGuardians of this realm will wake upand pursue you, Master.

?If a Guardian manages to land even asingle hit on you, your spirit willshatter and you will fail the trial.

?You must collect the tears scatteredthroughout this area and fill theSpirit Vessel withoutbeing hit by an attack.

?The unusual liquid substance thatcovers that area is known as WakingWater, and it has certain uniqueproperties.If you make contact with WakingWater, the Guardians will beimmediately alerted to your presence.

Pools of Waking Water are located allthroughout the area. I suggest youwatch where you step...

?When your Spirit Vessel is filled with15 tears, your spirit will grow and youwill be blessed by the goddess with anew power.Master, I will await your return in theoutside world.

?Master [Link], I canunfortunately confirm that youhave failed to pass the trial.

?Collect all the tears within the SilentRealm. I shall await your return here.

?Master, so long as you have the will anddetermination, you can retry a trialas many times as you like.

A good strategy is to find, but thendeliberately not pick up, the most-easily-accessible tears until you arediscovered and really need one.Collect the 15 tears and complete thetrial. I will await your return in theoutside world.

?The locations of tears you havegathered during your trial aremarked on the map.

You will have an easier timecompleting your task if youfirst set out to discover thelocations of all 15 tears.

?Two types of Watchers patrol therealm, looking for intruders. I highlysuggest you take caution.

So long as you do not step into theirlight, you will remain undetectedby flying Sky Watchers.

However, the Earth Watchers, whohover near the ground, will give chaseif you come too close to them, so stayalert and maintain a safe distance.

?Master, the chances of your not beingthe chosen one are increasing...

Repeated attempts at this trial havescattered your concentration and madeyour performance erratic. I suggestyou rest awhile before trying again.

?I suggest using smart tactics to youradvantage. Try leaving easy-to-collecttears for when you are being pursued.

?The locations of tears that you havepreviously collected will be markedon the map, so make good use of that.

Confirm the locations of all 15 tearsfirst to increase your chances ofsuccessfully completing the trial.

?Master, in addition to the Guardianswho will attack you, there are also twotypes of Watchers that search forintruders on the ground and in the sky.The two types of Watchers exhibitdramatically different behavior, so besure you understand how to avoiddetection by both.

?We're here, [Link]!Show me what you've got!


?I have located a substance that closelyresembles the material used in thefortune-teller's crystal ball... It shouldmake a suitable replacement.Shall I call the robot to collect it?

Not now.

?Yes, Master. If you change your mindand decide to retrieve it, pleaseexamine it again.

?Master, I will send word to the robotusing telepathic transmission.

?Mistress Fi! I'm heeeeereeeee, zrrpt!

Oh. You want me to carry this oldthing, bzzt?

?I'll be waiting for you in the sky,so don't take too long, vrrt!!

?Master, I suggest we also return tothe sky and collect the crystal ball assoon as possible.

?Hey, Master Shortpants! How comeyou always get the easy jobs, zrrpt?

?So we meet again, eh? I gotta thank yafor your help last time!

See, I've been searchin' for newtreasure spots, but I can't find asingle bauble or bit of treasure.

Maybe I'm just gettin' woozy fromworking so long in this heat.

Sometimes I wish I could find a job thatreally played to my strengths, yeah...somethin' in a cool climate. Then I'dbe set!

I know a place!
Keep dreaming.

?So ya know a place with work that I'dbe good at?

And it's in the sky?!......I LOVE THE SKY!Where do I sign up? I'm tellin' ya,I'm in! Let's do this thing!

?Right... Well, yeah, I guess I could tryto stick it out for a little while longer...

?This individual's capabilities matchperfectly to the types of dutiesexpected of an employee at the LumpyPumpkin.Do you want to call the robot andtransport this individual?


?Hey, what gives?! You said you'd takeme to the sky, but then you backed outof our deal! Now I'm back here.

If you're going to make a promiselike that, you better follow through!

?Master, I suggest that we also returnto the sky and accompany the Mogmato his destination quickly.

?You don't have to tell me twice, zrrbt!



?You cannot go to him, Your Grace.Remember what we discussed.Restrain yourself. Focus on the taskat hand.

?I... I have to go. I'm sorry,[Link].

?It took you far too long to get here.Looking at you, I fear the goddessis mistaken in her choice of agents.

If this failure is any indication, youhave no hope of defending Her Gracefrom those who seek to assail her.

?Do my words anger you, boy?

Do my words sting? Let them. If I hadnot come when I did, your Zelda wouldalready have fallen into the hands ofthe enemy.The truth of it is you were late.You were late, and you failed toprotect her.

?I sent Zelda ahead to learn more of thefate in which she is destined to playa part.

Listen well, chosen one. If you wish tobe of help to Her Grace, you mustsummon a shred of courage and facethe trials laid out before you.Only when you've conquered the trialswill you be of use to Zelda. No sooner.Am I understood?

?Master, I have a message written in thelanguage of the gods of old.

Allow me to translate for you.

?From the edge of time I guide you,the one destined to carry out thegoddess's mission.

?The spirit maiden who descended fromthe clouds has passed through theEarth Spring and makes her way to afated place.

?The parched desert of Lanayru...That is where the chosen will passthrough the Gate of Time into adistant world.

?You got the Amber Tablet!The weathered surface of this heavy stonetablet feels very old.

?...Oh, hello there, [Link].I see you're still among the living.Fancy meeting you here.

?We seem to bump into each other timeand time again. Oh, it's no coincidence,though, is it? You and I, we're boundby a thread of fate.

?Look at these old drawings!

?Until I found these, I was...upset aboutthat little stunt the goddess's guard dogpulled at the Gate of Time. What wasthat twig's name again? Impa?

?Well, never mind that, because thesedrawings suggest the existence of asecond Gate of Time. This news hasjust filled my heart with rainbows!

?I've been a busy boy, searching hereand there and everywhere for anotherGate of Time.

?And yet, I couldn't even find a singleclue. Since I know I can be honest withyou, I'll admit I got a little sulky.It was frowns all around.

?The thought of never getting my handson that darling young girl again was...well, more than I could bear.

?But then... Then I found this place!The prospect of a second Gate of Timehas made me positively giggly!

?That girl... Your adorable friend...She will be instrumental in bringingabout the revival of my master.

And though I feared she was now quitebeyond my reach, I despair no longer!

?...But before we talk any further onthat subject, there's still theoutstanding matter of yourpunishment, [Link].Do you remember when I told you thatthe next time we met, I'd make yourears bleed from the sound of your ownscreams?Well, I've been thinking... Perhapscorporal punishment is a touch harsh.I might be willing to forgive and forgetif you'll strike a deal.

?...All I ask is that you tell me whereI can find the other Gate of Time.

That's not too much to ask, is it?Oh, and don't you play coy with me.I know that you know, so why not let mein on the fun?

?Such behavior. A mischievous boy likeyou needs to be dealt with firmly.I must warn you, I won't go easy on youthis time.

?Lovely, aren't they? You'll find thesupple skin of my arms tougher thanany armor. Doesn't their shape justleave you...breathless?


?Such beauty!

?Such a pure form!

?Such an exquisite physique!

?Such stunning features!

?Yes, I've pretty much got it all. Thoughthere is one teensy, tiny thing I lack...

?Namely, mercy.

Come to me, [Link].You and I, we're bound by that threadof fate. Destined to fight.

So come close, [Link]!Meet me in battle, and the thread offate that binds us will be soakedcrimson with your blood!

?The flames of Din have imbued yourblade with a sacred white light thatdemons revile.

?Master, now that it has been temperedby the last of the sacred flames, yourblade has finally revealed its trueform. You now hold the Master Sword.

?With this sword's great power, you canawaken the Gate of Time within theSealed Temple. I recommend youmake your way to this location.

?Ho! A man of flesh and blood haswalked his way to the heart of myburning hall! Now this is something.

?If I have the right of it, the mark youbear upon your hand is not just afashionable decoration.

There can be no doubt about it, then.The goddess has chosen you to hear themelody I have guarded for her allthese years.Listen well, human child. I will singyou my part of the Song of the Hero.

?You learned part of the Song of the Hero!



?Lanayru Mine

?Lanayru Desert




?Where did you come from, dzzzzt?We're here collecting Timeshift Stonesand transporting them to LanayruMining Facility.Stay away from the blue stones, zrrpt.They're too dangerous for humans!

?Stay away from the blue stones, zrrpt.They're too dangerous, vrrrrrm, forhumans! And try not to get in the way!


?That's a mine cart for transportingTimeshift Stones, zrrpt. They're notfor human use, so get lost, vrrm!


?Do not interfere with miningoperations! Stop talking to me, zrrpt!


?The mine cart in front of the door isgoing to pass through here, so it'sdangerous for you to be there, vrrm!Maybe you should just go away, zrrpt!


?Help, zrrt!

?If you hadn't come along, they wouldhave sucked all of the electricity outof me, vrrm!

Oh... Look at that, zrrpt... You have aBeetle. It appears to be an older modelof Lanayru fabrication.

As thanks for saving me, I will upgradethat for you, zwooop. Give it here for asecond, phwing!

?I've added a pincer modification soyou can grab things, brrrrrrrt.Be careful out there, zrrt!

?Still hanging around here?Be careful, vrrm!

?Thank you, zrrt!


?This is the Temple of Time. Within itis the sacred Gate of Time made by thegoddess, bzzt.

It's my job to patrol outside the temple,vrrm! If you want to reach the Gate ofTime, you will need to pass throughthat door, bzzap.Huh? You need another way in,phoo-weep?

Well, Lanayru Mining Facility and theTemple of Time are connectedunderground, dzzt. Lanayru MiningFacility is right here!

?Lanayru Mining Facility is just ahead.Good luck, vrrt!

?No matter how many times I see theTemple of Time, my circuits still getoverloaded with impressiveness, zrrp!

?Help, zrrt!

?That was scary, vrrrrrm...Thanks for helping me, bzzt.

?This map... It looks inaccurate, bzzt.I'm going to fix it for you, zrrm!


?You are not in my memory banks, brrt.

This is the power generator for themechanism that opens the entranceto Lanayru Mining Facility, zrrpt!

But it won't budge until you activatethe remote power nodes and set thosethree dials to access them correctly.

?Did you figure out how to access theremote power nodes, zrrpt? Justsetting the dials will not be enough toopen the entrance to the facility, vrrm.

?Did you figure out how to access theremote power nodes, zrrbt? That ismost impressive...for a human, vrrm.

This is Lanayru Mining Facility,phwing! It is where Timeshift Stonesare produced.

No matter how many times I see thisplace, my rotors still hum withadmiration, bzzt!

?This is Lanayru Mining Facility,phwing! It is where Timeshift Stonesare produced.

No matter how many times I see thisplace, my rotors still hum withadmiration, bzzt!


?You're trying to figure out how toconfigure the device to get you intoLanayru Mining Facility, zrrpt?

You look kind of suspicious, vrrm.I probably shouldn't be telling you howto access the remote power nodes toenter the facility, zwoop.And don't let me catch you stabbingor fiddling with this device, bzzt!

?Ahhh! What are you doing, vrrt?!

Still... You'll never get it to open justfiddling with the dials, bzzt.

?You look kind of suspicious, vrrm.

Don't let me catch you fiddling withthis device, bzzt!

?Did you figure out how to access theremote power nodes, zrrbt? That ismost impressive...for a human, vrrm.


?You're trying to figure out how toconfigure the device to get you intoLanayru Mining Facility, zrrpt?

You look kind of suspicious, vrrm.I probably shouldn't be telling you howto access the remote power nodes toenter the facility, zwoop.And don't let me catch you stabbingor fiddling with this device, bzzt!

?Ahhh! What are you doing, vrrt?!

Still... You'll never get it to open justfiddling with the dials, bzzt.

?You look kind of suspicious, vrrm.

Don't let me catch you fiddling withthis device, bzzt!

?Did you figure out how to access theremote power nodes, zrrbt? That ismost impressive...for a human, vrrm.


?You're trying to figure out how toconfigure the device to get you intoLanayru Mining Facility, zrrpt?

You look kind of suspicious, vrrm.I probably shouldn't be telling you howto access the remote power nodes toenter the facility, zwoop.And don't let me catch you stabbingor fiddling with this device, bzzt!

?Ahhh! What are you doing, vrrt?!

Still... You'll never get it to open justfiddling with the dials, bzzt.

?You look kind of suspicious, vrrm.

Don't let me catch you fiddling withthis device, bzzt!

?Did you figure out how to access theremote power nodes, zrrbt? That ismost impressive...for a human, vrrm.


?Huh? You're looking for work, zrrpt?Then get rid of that funny-looking hatand come back with a helmet, vrrm!


?These strange things have startedattacking us recently, vrrm. We don'thave any weapons to defend ourselves,so if they attack, we're fried, phweep!


?You're interested in the TimeshiftStones? Then you should take a tourof Lanayru Mining Facility, zooop!


?The Timeshift Stones power us, aswell as the machines we use, vreep!That's why we have to stay hard atwork, zoop!


?I don't see many humans around here,vrrt. Are you interested in theTimeshift Stones, phweep?


?My friend was kidnapped the otherday, vrrt! And I heard they sucked outall of his electricity, zrrrrpt!

?You are looking for the dragon god,zrrpt?

If it's Master Thunder Dragon youwant to meet, he's to the south ofLanayru Caves, bzzt. I don't know ofany other dragons, though, phweep.

?A report, Master [Link].We have arrived at Lanayru Mine.

?This arid region was transformed intoa desert over the course of severalhundred years.

?My projections show that Zelda musthave traveled through this area.

?My estimates indicate that this objecthas been broken for many years.I am unable to analyze the content ofits speech at this time.

?I am able to confirm that a time shifthas occurred within this space.

Any impact to the blue stones creates asustained temporal disruption field inthe surrounding area. Readings showthat this area is in a past time state.

?Readings indicate the materials usedto construct the generator are alsopresent in this area. You can now useyour dowsing ability to locate them.

?A report, Master. I can no longerdetect Zelda's aura.

?The moment the gate was destroyed,Zelda's presence disappeared from myreadings. You can no longer search forher with your dowsing ability.

?Zelda's companion instructed you tomeet with the ancient one in the SealedGrounds.

This corresponds with the records inmy memory. I propose that we travel tothe Sealed Temple.

?We have arrived at Lanayru Desert.The terrain in this area changeddramatically as climate forces rapidlyturned it into a desert.

?I have confirmed numerous areas ofsinksand. Should you step in sinksand,you may be swallowed by the desert.Bodily danger has increased by 30%.

?As a safety measure, I recommendyou check the terrain on your mapwith [+].

?My readings indicate that Zelda haspassed through here. As previouslystated, this area is highly dangerous.

I suggest reuniting with her quicklyto determine the motivations behindher actions at Eldin Province.

?A report, Master [Link].

The map you possess corresponds to theactual terrain of this area with only35% accuracy.

The robot you met earlier modifiedyour map to show past terrain that isnow submerged below the sinksand.

?Master [Link], I haveinformation to report.

I can confirm that you will not beconsumed by the sinksand in thiscurrent position. I suggest verifyingyour location on the map.

?Readings indicate that there is asubmerged path beneath thesinksand.

It is possible to walk along a routeabove this path without submergingcompletely into the sinksand.

Simulations suggest that placingbeacons to mark a safe route alongthese paths before proceeding wouldsignificantly reduce risk.

?I recommend placing multiple beacons.

?We have arrived at Lanayru Mine.

You can use your dowsing ability tolocate the entrance to the trial youmust pass to open the way to thesacred flame.

?We have arrived at Lanayru Desert.

You can use your dowsing ability tolocate the entrance to the trial youmust pass to open the way to thesacred flame.

?We have arrived at the Temple ofTime.

You can use your dowsing ability tolocate the entrance to the trial youmust pass to open the way to thesacred flame.

?Congratulations, Master.

?You have completed the trial. You nowhave the power to proceed to the sacredflame that will be entrusted to yoursword and your strong spirit.

?The Clawshots are one of the goddess'ssacred gifts.

You can extend these claws attached tochains to pull yourself to targets andvines beyond your reach.

?The flame is somewhere in the desert...I conjecture that it lies in a placeyou have not yet visited, Master.

?A report, Master [Link].

?The symbols on this power generatorcorrespond to the symbols on the threeremote power nodes you activated.Logic suggests that they are connected.

?Master [Link], all threeremote power nodes have beenactivated.

Please make your way to the powergenerator in front of LanayruMining Facility.

?A report, Master [Link].My analysis indicates that you canrestore this device to an operable stateby inserting a source of energy.

?Tumbleweeds sometimes roll across thesand in Lanayru Desert and otherplaces.

Tumbleweeds are used as a material toupgrade a variety of items. You cancollect them with a Bug Net.

?Hello, hello, [Link].

?I just remembered, [Link].I have got something to report on theexcavation project you invested inearlier!I found loads of Timeshift Stones!Now I can pay you back 10 times whatyou gave me!

?How is your search for that sacredflame going? Did you find it?!

I have been dying to hear whether youfound it. Well...did you?

...So after that wild, long adventure,you found it! [Link], youare truly amazing.

?You know, I think it is time I tell youwhat I found out about the legend ofthe three dragons.

I am certain there is a hidden area justbeyond here in the desert!

You see, I found a narrow passagewaythat was too tight for me to fit through.

And my gut tells me that one of thethree dragons of legend, the ThunderDragon, lives there!

These robots are connected to himsomehow. I am sure of it, bud.

The Thunder Dragon, robots, andTimeshift Stones...

What an adventure!

?I found the passage that leadsto where the Thunder Dragon lives...

But it is too narrow for a big guy likeme to pass through. If only there was away...

?Hey, you over there! Say, is thatmy buddy [Link]?It is!

You have come at the perfecttime! I have something I want toshow you.

Come on up here!

?[Link]! You made it into thedragon's territory?!

I am so jealous!

You outdid me again, bud!

?Good to see you, bud! Seems like youpop up everywhere! Though I am oneto talk...

Anyway, bud, there is something I amdying to tell you. It is the discovery ofthe century!

This is a sacred place known as theTemple of Time.

I could not believe my eyes when I saw ahuman who lives on the legendaryIsle of the Goddess!

It wore clothes just like the oneswritten about in the ancientmanuscripts! And it looked justlike you, bud!It came with another person...and theyentered the temple! I wanted to chaseafter them...

But then there was an explosion all of asudden! And the entrance... Well, youcan see for yourself, bud.

I do not think we are getting past thismess. I just wish we could find outwhat is happening on the other side!

?What? You made it inside?

You mean to say there is a secretpassage I did not know about?Why did you not tell me, bud?!

I was just about to give up and go homewhen I heard this huge crash. I rushedback to find that the way had beencleared.I am going to explore inside. I have togo back to the Sealed Grounds soon,so it looks like I am going to be busy!

?I wish I could see what is happeningon the other side! Maybe there isanother way into the temple?

?I am going to explore inside! I have tohead back to the Sealed Grounds soon,so it looks like I am going to be busy.

?Avoid workplace accidents,vrrm! Safety first, zrrt!

 --Floor Supervisor

?This month's shipping quota:150 containers

 --Floor Supervisor

?Monthly Temple of TimeCleaning Assignments

 --Floor Supervisor

?Plants are drying out, vrrt!Let's keep Lanayru green, zzt!

 --Floor Supervisor





You came with the captain to save us,vweep! I'm so happy, vrrm!

But we can't get out of here while thatsparky thing blocks the exit, zrrt.

?You can do it, phoo-weep!

?Please rescue us quickly, vweep!First, you need to turn on the powergenerators in the engine room, bzzt!

?You will need to activate the powergenerators in two different locations,zrrt.

?I'm scared, brrzrrt... Please removethose monsters and get us out of here,phoo-weep.

?You turned on one of the powergenerators, vrrm! But you still need toactivate one more to be able to getthrough the engine room to us, zrrt.Hurry up and activate the other powergenerator, then come rescue us, bzzt!

?You activated both power generators,vrrm! You should now be able to getthrough the engine room and comesave us, zrrt! So hurry up, bzzt!

?That was scary, vrrm!

You're a human, aren't you, brrzrrt?So how did you get in here, vweep?

?You're a human, aren't you, brrzrrt?So how did you get in here, vweep?

?You really came to save us, vweep!My circuits are glowing withhappiness, vrrm!

?Really, vrrm? You came on board tofind Nayru's Flame, zrrt?

If you want to reveal Nayru's Flame,you're going to have to regain controlof this ship, phoo-weep.

The control room is next to the brig,but its huge door is sealed shut andyou'll need a key to open it, vrrm.

First you should head to the captain'scabin, zrrt! The control-room keyshould be in there, vweep!

?But I'm getting out of here, vrrm.

Sorry to leave you on your own, butyou look like you can handle it, zrrt!We're counting on you, vweep!


I almost forgot to mention it, but theengine room is right below this brig,vrrrrrm.

?There's a corridor from the engineroom that connects to this brig, vrrm.

?But to get through the engine room tohere, bzzt, you need to activate the twopower generators in the engine room.

?You can get to the captain's cabinthrough a door on the deck in theback, vrrm.

?Huh...? Oh hey, did you turn on oneof the power generators, vrrm?

You still need to activate the other one,zrrt! There are two power generators,vweep!

?Huh...? Oh! It looks like the engineroom is up and running, vrrm.

Did you turn on the power, vweep?OK, then I'm sure you can get throughthe engine room to here now, zrrt!

We'll be waiting, phoo-weep!

?The last power generator is here, vrrm.

?I've seen you before, vweep...You're the one who left me hereearlier, vrrm. That's pretty coldfor a human, zrrt!But how did you get in here anyway,phoo-weep?

?You're a human, right, vrrm?How did you get in here, zrrt?


So you came with Skipper to rescue us,vrrm?! You've made us so happy, zrrt!

?Please take this key as thanks forrescuing us, vrrrrm.

This key will open the door to thecaptain's cabin, vweep.

?[Link]! Good job, vweep!

?It's still pretty dangerous here, so I'lljust wait in the boat, zrrt.

You can do it, vrrm!

?Now the ship looks just like it used to,phoo-weep! That makes me so happy,vrrm!

Now I just need you to go rescue mycrew, vweep!

I'm pretty sure they're being heldin the brig inside the ship, brrzrrt!

?A report, Master. Judging by their size,these tentacles belong to a monsterof considerable size.

The current situation is difficult todetermine with complete accuracy,but signs indicate that this ship isunder attack.If we do nothing, there is an 80%chance the ship will capsize.

I recommend forcing it back withsacred power, then exiting to furtherassess the current situation.

?Master, I can confirm that, asmentioned by the crew, the engineroom is now fully operational.

But the corridor to the brig will not bepassable until you activate the otherpower generator. I suggest hurryingto the second power generator.

?Master, I can confirm that the engineroom is now fully operational.

I suggest hurrying to the brig throughthe engine room and freeing the crewimmediately.

?Master, I am detecting very strongvibrations.

Signs indicate that activating thismechanism has caused somethingwithin the ship to begin moving.

The current situation is difficultto accurately assess, but I suggesthurrying to the crew in the brigand freeing them first.

?Master, I am detecting strongvibrations again.

The current situation is difficultto accurately assess, but I suggesthurrying to the area beneath thecrew in the brig first.

?Master, I conjecture that this is thekey to the control room mentioned bythe crew.

?My memory indicates that the locationof the door to the control room ismarked with the [X] symbol.

?I suggest you quickly make your way tothe control room.

?Master, please look.

?This large door here is sealed shut.

?This door must lead to an importantroom in the ship.

?Warning, Master.

?I sense an evil presence on the otherside of this door.

?There is a 90% chance it is the primarybody mass of the creature whosetentacles are destroying this ship.

I suggest making all necessarypreparations before exiting tothe outside of the ship.

?Master, I have important informationfor you. There is a 90% chance theobject you see over there is aTimeshift Stone.If you could deliver an impact to it bysome means, it could have a significanteffect on the ship.

?Master, that synthetic life-form...There is a 99% chance that it was thepirate described by the captain.

I can't help but admire the tenacityit has displayed in staying alive andfunctional all these years.

?However, it will be difficult to target itfrom here, so I recommend you returnto the deck.

?Master, a report about the bow youhave just obtained...

Your bow's elasticity can propel arrowsthrough the air with great force,allowing you to strike your targetsfrom afar.To confirm the controls associatedwith your bow, raise your bow bypressing [B] then press [2].

?You can also shoot arrows to strikecertain devices in order to activatethem.

?I have confirmed that such a deviceexists on the deck.

?Master, look up.

?You can reach the Timeshift Stoneon the deck through the ventilationshaft in the ceiling.

I believe it will be possible to shootthrough the grate with a smallprojectile, such as an arrow.


?Lanayru Sand Sea


?Pirate Stronghold

?Skipper's Retreat


?Hmm... Who are you, bzzt?Some human, vrrrm?

Who am I, brrzrrt...?

I am the proud skipper of the shipthat protects Nayru's Flame, phweep!

Nayru's Flame?
Protector ship?

?Hmm... There's something weird aboutthat map of yours...vrrm.

If you're going to navigate thesetreacherous waters, then you need aproper sea chart, doo-weep!

There is a sea chart in my shackat Skipper's Retreat, bzzzt. So firstyou need to get on this boat and set acourse for Skipper's Retreat!

?Really, vrrm? Well, in that case, bzzt...

?Ready to shove off, brrzt?

To sea.
To the Sandship.
Never mind.

?All right! Let's go, vrrrrm!

?We need to get a move on, bzzt!

?Right, I'll take you to my boat, vrrm!

?Then I'm not letting you on board,brrt!

And you won't be able to get anywherewithout getting on this boat, vweep!

?What's that, vwooot? Changedyour mind?

Will you help me to get back my ship,bzztzzz?

I'll help!
No way.

?Shall we shove off, vrrm?

Let's go!

?If you'll help me, vzzzt, then I guessI'll let you on my boat.

I'll help!
No way.

?In order to protect Nayru's Flame, theship has a function that allows it tobecome invisible, vweep...

You say you're searching for Nayru'sFlame, bzzt? Oh... So you need Nayru'sFlame to find someone important toyou, vrrrm...?In that case, you should help me searchfor my ship and crew, phweep!


It was the day of the storm,phoo-weep... My crew and I werenavigating the seas as usual, vrrm...

And then those brutes, bzzt...the pirates, suddenly attacked us,brrzt.

They were after Nayru's Flame, zzpt.My crew was imprisoned...vrrrt...and I was thrown into the sea!

?I drifted on the current to this port,vrrrrm...

?It haunts me, wondering where myship could be, phweep...

I'd bet my hat they've turned the shipinvisible and are hiding outsomewhere, vrrm! You can't see it.

Why not?

?Let's get going quick, vrrm! Don't youneed to find that person you're lookingfor, brrzt?

Or do you need me to take the boatsomewhere else on this sea?

To sea!
To the Sandship!
Never mind.

?You made it, zrrt! Did you find whoyou were looking for, phaweep?

Do you want me to take you somewhereby boat, brrzrrt?

To sea!
To the Sandship!
Never mind.

?You are looking for a dragon god,vrrm?

If it's Master Thunder Dragon youwant to meet, he's to the south ofLanayru Caves, bzzt. I don't know anyother dragon gods, though, brrzrrt.Do you want me to take you somewhereby boat?

To sea!
To the Sandship!
Never mind.

?Come and visit again sometime, vrrm!

?After that, I took this boat and wentsearching for my ship and crew, butthey were nowhere to be found, bzzt.

?What are you waiting for, zrrt?Hurry and get the sea chart from myold house, vrrm!

Or did you want to go back to sea,phweep?

Never mind.

?You got the sea chart, vrrm! Now wecan finally navigate properly, zrrt!

Phweep! Let's go look for my ship!

?That house holds many dear memoriesof my family, vrrm.

I wonder when I will be able to gohome, zrrt. I really want to see myfamily again, phweep...

?You are looking for a dragon god,vrrm?

If it's Master Thunder Dragon youwant to meet, he's to the south ofLanayru Caves, bzzt. I don't know anyother dragon gods, though, brrzrrt.

?Shall we set sail, vrrt?

Set sail!
Not yet.

?Anchors aweigh, zrrm!

?I see, phweep...

?Thank you for getting me my ship back,vrrm.

It may have been half wrecked, but mycrew and I got it shaped up to almostproper working order in no time, vrrt.

I wish you good luck in findingwhomever it is you're lookingfor, phweep!

Come visit again. You're welcomeanytime, vweep!

?What are you waiting for, zrrt?Hurry up and look for clues in theShipyard, vrrm!

Or do you want to go back to sea,phweep?

To the sea!
Never mind.

?So my ship wasn't here, zrrt?Then there is only one place left for usto look for clues, vrrm...

Brrzrrt. This could be scary, but...we have to head to the stronghold ofthe pirates who stole my ship, phweep!

So let's not waste any time, vrrm!

Let's go!

?Prepare yourself, brrzrrt! We'reheading to the Pirate Stronghold,phweep!

?So my ship wasn't here, zrrt?Then there is only one place left for usto look for clues, vrrm...

Brrzrrt. This could be scary, but...we'll head to the stronghold of thepirates who stole my ship, phweep!

The pirate captain is a mechanicalmaniac, zrrt! Worse, he has plenty ofevil underlings too, vrrm!

I never wanted to lay my opticalreceptors on him again, brrzrrt. But...

If we want to take the ship back, thenwe have no choice, phoo-weep!

?I remember when my ship was finishedbeing built here, vrrm. I was so happy.Ah, the good old days, voo-weeet...

?Awooga! There's danger thataway!First we need to go to Skipper'sRetreat, phoo-weet!

?That's the stronghold of thosefearsome pirates, vweep!

Zrrrt! It's dangerous, so we should stayfar away for now. We need to go to theShipyard first anyway, vrrm!

?My circuits spark to life in the salt air,vrrm! It feels good to take to the seasagain after so long, but let's see if I canremember how to navigate, brrzrrt.Press [control stick] to move, zrrt. Press [A] whilemoving to speed up, vrrm!

Press [B] to ready the cannon, phweep.Then press [A] to fire it, zrrt!

?Right, let's go, vrrm!

?I placed an [X] mark over on theisland where my house is, vrrm!

There's a pier on the island where wecan dock, brrzrrt!

?What are you waiting for, vrrm?Afraid of the pirates, zrrt?Don't worry--they're all dead, vweep.Or do you want to head to sea, phweep?

To sea.
Never mind.

?So my ship wasn't here either, vrrm...

Zrrt? Vweeeeet? You found a clue?

You know the place? Some kind ofthing called dowsing, vrrm?That's amazing, phoo-weep!

This time we'll definitely find my ship,voo-whooot!

Ready to set sail, vweep?

To sea!
Not yet.

?We need to hurry up, vweeeet, and lookfor my ship!

?Or do you want to head back out to sea,vrrm?

To sea.
Never mind.

?[Link], voo-weet! That wasabsolutely amazing!

The big mouth opened, zrrt!How did you do that, vrrm?!

?There's something at the bridge insidethe mouth, vweep!

Could be a clue to my ship, zrrt!I'm just going to have a look, brzzt!

?So my ship wasn't at the PirateStronghold either, vrrm...

What's that, bzzt? You found a clue?

You know the place, vrrm? Somethingcalled dowsing, phweeep? Wow, that'samazing, brrzrrt!

?Brrzrrrt... I still have nightmaresabout the day the pirates took my ship,vrrm. I was so scared I was fused...

?We've arrived, vweep!

?My shack is at the very top, vrrm!

?The sea chart we need is in my shack,zrrt. But you're the one who will haveto go get it, bzzt!

There are more monsters about thanbefore, so be careful, vweep!

I can't wander far from the boat,so I'll just stay here, vrrm.

?We've arrived, vrrm!

This is the island where we used tomake our ships, bzzt. You'll find theShipyard here, as well as the townwhere the workers lived, vweep!

?But the entrance is closed, vrrrm.Looks like you can't get in.

?Each location on the island is linkedto the others via a mine-cart track,vrrm!

?There's a mine-cart station over there,zrrt!

?You should head to the station first.I'll wait here, phoo-weep!

?You might be able to get to the backdoor of the construction bay if you canget around to the other side of it usinga mine cart, brrzrrt.

?That building is the construction bay,vrrm!

?This is easily as scary as I thought itwould be, vrrm...

But if you think about it, they shouldall be dead, brrzrrt!

The only reason I'm up and about likethis is because of that Timeshift Stoneon the boat, phoo-weep!

So I have nothing to worry about, vrrm!I feel better now, [Link].And so it's time for you to go look formy ship, zrt!I'll wait here, of course, bzzt.

?You can now set your dowsing abilityto search for the ship that holdsNayru's Flame.

?I have information to report, Master.Please take a look.

?There is a 60% probability that thesemasts and these sails are from the shipthat protects Nayru's Flame.

?A report, Master. I calculate a 0%chance that searching further in thislocation will lead to the appearanceof the ship.Because of those substantiallyunfavorable odds, I suggest reportingto the ship's captain and leaving thisisland.

?Master, it would appear that in themany years this factory went unused,monsters have moved in and builta nest.I now estimate that the chance offinding a clue in the sand here as to theship's location is extremely low.

?Did you see it, phoo-weep?That's my ship, vrrm!

We must pursue, bzzt! And keeppounding it with the cannon, zrrt!

?Open up the sea chart you broughtwith you, zrrt!

?The Shipyard is at this location,vrrt. Let me mark it for you with an[X], vweep.

?OK! Set sail, vrrm!

?The Shipyard is where we used to buildour ships, vrrt. My ship was built theretoo, vweep!

If you go to the Shipyard, you mightfind some clues to the location of myship, brrzrrt!

?This is pretty scary, vweep...

The pirate captain is a mechanicalmaniac, zrrt! He's got no shortageof evil underlings too, vrrm!

I never wanted to lay eyes on himagain, brrzrrt. But...

If we want to take the ship back, thenwe have no choice, phoo-weep!

?The Pirate Stronghold is here at this[X] mark, zrrt.

?Tighten up whatever you humans haveinstead of bolts, and let's get going,phoo-weep!

?How are we going to search this wholehuge sea, vrrm?

I have no choice but to ask you to doit for me, brrzrrt! So get cracking,vweep!

There is a high probability that the shipis currently hidden from our view,phoo-weep. But if we attack it, then wemight catch a glimpse of it, zrrt!

?Master, please take a look.

?This object is called a Timeshift Orb.

I conjecture that, unlike the TimeshiftStones we've seen, this device wasdesigned to be carried around andinstalled in different locations.

?Master, I have determined that thisis Skipper's sea chart. Let's take itback to him.

Master, look over there.

?That is the ship containing Nayru'sFlame. There is a 90% chance that thesynthetic life-forms assembled hereare the crew.

?This image would indicate that theship's captain spent many happy daysamong his many crew members.

?Master, please take a look.

?This device looks like it is meant tohold a Timeshift Stone, but there isnot one currently installed.

There is a 95% chance that it is thesame type of device as the ones weencountered in Lanayru Mine.

?Signs indicate that Timeshift Stoneswere used in this facility as a kind ofpower source.

?Master, we have arrived at theShipyard construction bay.

?With the passing of many years, thisstructure has filled with sand.

?I recommend looking in the sand for aclue that may direct you to the locationof the ship.

?I recommend waiting until after youhave achieved your objective beforetaking a rest. First we need to find thesea chart.

?A report, Master.

?I have detected a bug infestation inthe upper area of the house.

?A report, Master. The power of theTimeshift Orb appears to have causeda change in this structure.

I recommend going outside to furtherassess the situation.

?To Shipyard Center

?To the Pier

?To the Construction Bay

?Approach the cartand press [A] to get on.

?Lean your body with theWii Remote to balance theweight of the cart as youapproach a curve.

?If you're moving too fast,press [B] to slow down.

?Shake the Wii Remote upwardto jump over obstacles.

?Last Stop: Construction Bay

?Only YOU can warn yourcoworkers early enough toavoid pirate attacks, zrrt!

?At the end of this month, railcars will be out of operationfor a full day while the trackis inspected, vrrm.

?I hope the plans for my shipare completed soon...

?A report, Master.

This is Lanayru Sand Sea. This wholearea was once a vast ocean.

?But the water has all evaporated, andnow the area is a sea of sand.

?Signs indicate that this placefunctioned as a port, linking the landto the sea.

?This area operated on a new formof power. There is a 90% probabilitythat the sacred flame is located ahead.

I recommend exploring this sand sea.

?Dear Captain,Thanks for everything, zrrt!Yours, the Crew, vrrrrrm.

?Dear Dad,Good luck at work, vrrm!


?Lanayru MiningFacility

?Master, look at this.

?There is a great door here that islocked tight.

?It is only logical that something ofgreat importance likely rests behindthis door.


?Lanayru Gorge


Oh, hello... I haven't had a visitor likeyou here in...quite a while.

You're a human, aren't you? You musthave some reason for coming this far.What is it?


I see. So you're [Link]from the sky... Cough...That's not much of a name, is it?

How about I add a model number toyour name like my friends have got?Maybe LD-[Link]-16...?

Oh. I can tell you don't like the soundof that. That's a shame...Cough...cough...So, what can I do for you?Ohh... You say you need me to teachyou a song? Cough...

?Hold on, now. Didn't you just say youcame from the sky, [Link]?So then you're the hero chosen by thegoddess, aren't you?I see... Well, that is something...

Although I must apologize. You see,I can't really help you.

I may have enough strength for a briefchat like this, but... Well, as you cansee, I am quite ill. Cough...

I'm in no shape to sing.

And to think it was the goddess herselfwho entrusted me with this importantduty... I feel the deepest shame...Cough...

?Hello there, [Link].It looks like you've found a seedlingfrom the Tree of Life, haven't you?

But it's too late. I'm done for.I won't live long enough for the tree togrow large and produce the fruit thatcould save me. Cough...cough...It's such a shame. If I had the strength,I could sing you as many songs as youwanted. Cough...cough...


?The robots were worried about me, sothey planted a seedling from the Treeof Life. The fruit of this tree is said tobe able to cure any illness...They planted the seedling over there.Cough... But it just won't grow.Cough... I think this is the end for me.

?What's that, [Link]?You say you will find a place wherethe seedling will grow quickly for me?

That would be a great help... All Iwould need to do is eat one piece offruit from the Tree of Life to recovermy full strength.But that seedling cannot be plantedjust anywhere. Look for a place withvery rich soil.

?[Link]! I owe you my life!You have to let me repay you.

Give me some time to prepare, andwhen you next return to visit me...I believe you will be mightily pleased!

?[Link]... Please bring methe fruit from the Tree of Life as soonas you...can.


?Master Thunder Dragon's condition hasbeen bad for a long time, and the soilhere is not suitable for growing trees,zrrt. If only we had more time, vrrm...

?What are you doing with that seedling,vrrm?! Master Thunder Dragon needsfruit from the Tree of Life to recover!

Unless you mean to help our master,bzzzzt?

Of course.
Not really.

?Really, vrrm?! Thank you, zrrt!Make sure you plant the seedlingsomewhere it will be sure to thrive,phoo-weep.I fear growing the seedling to maturityin Lanayru Province is impossible,brrzrrt. We're counting on you, vweep!

?Well, since you uprooted it, it's yourresponsibility now, vrrm! Make sureyou plant that seedling where it cangrow to maturity, phoo-weep.And that means taking it somewhereoutside of the Lanayru area, bzzt!We're all counting on you, vweep!

?I don't think there's any way thatseedling would ever mature if youplanted it in the Lanayru area, vrrm...

We need your help, brrzrrt! MasterThunder Dragon needs the fruit fromthe Tree of Life to regain his strength!

?I love the view from here, vweep.

?Brrm-ZORT! Is that what I think it is?!Quick, take it to Master ThunderDragon, vweep-vweep!


?Situation critical, vrrrrm! MasterThunder Dragon is very sick, bzzt.

And we can't do anything with thisTimeshift Stone without MasterThunder Dragon's permission, vrrm.

But I guess we have bigger things toworry about than a Timeshift Stone,brrzrrt...

?We wanted Master Thunder Dragon toget well, so we planted a seedling fromthe Tree of Life, which bears a fruitthat is said to cure any illness, vrrm.

?This area is only good for growinggrass and flowers, zrrt. If we can't finda way to grow the seedling quickly...Our master will not make it, bzzt...

?Master Thunder Dragon has regainedhis strength, and it is all thanks to yourhelp, brrzrrt! We thank you, vweep!

?Once he eats the fruit from the Treeof Life, Master Thunder Dragon willregain his strength, vrrm!

?Did you come to visit Master ThunderDragon, phoo-weep?

?Master Thunder Dragon's presentcondition concerns me greatly, vwerp.Find him fruit from the Tree of Life,or his systems may fail...


?There are lots of big Timeshift Stoneshere, zrrt. Did you get permission fromMaster Thunder Dragon to come herelike we did, vrrm?We were just about to transport thisTimeshift Stone to Master ThunderDragon, vweep.

?There are many monsters, vrrm.Practice extreme caution, bzrt!

?You should hurry up before you get leftbehind, vrrm!


?We got permission from our master,the Thunder Dragon, to dig forTimeshift Stones, vweep.

But Master Thunder Dragon is very illright now, brrzrrt. I'm worried abouthim, vrrm. At this rate, our mastermay cease functioning, vweep...

?On the other side of the bridge, weplanted a seedling from the Tree ofLife, which is said to bear fruit thatcan cure any illness, vrrm.But trees don't grow so well aroundhere, vweep...

?The Lanayru area is terrible forgrowing trees, zrrt. Do you knowof a place where trees grow quickly,vweep?

?Master Thunder Dragon is in very highspirits, vweep!

?Kerr-CHUNK! Where did you get thatfruit?! Did you bring it for MasterThunder Dragon, voo-weep?!

?Master Thunder Dragon is strongagain, vrrm!

?I almost never get visitors! My name isGolo, and I am researching the legendof the three dragons, one of which issaid to live here!At first glance, it would seem thatthere is nothing in this area, but I knowthere is something here. I will just keepon looking!So your name is [Link]?I see... Not the easiest name tosay, is it?

And how about you, [Link]?Why are you here...?

You are looking for a sacred flame?That sounds like something I haveheard of before, but maybe not...

Sweet goro, I remember now! I readsomething about it in ancientscrolls that spoke of the LanayruSand Sea.I do not remember all the details, butyou can get to Lanayru Sand Sea if youjust go straight through here.

? would not happen to beinterested in excavating, would you?You are?! Well then, you are going tolove this!The thing is, these research digs canget really expensive... But they canalso be lucrative! Any interest ininvesting 10 Rupees in my dig?

No chance.

?That is too bad... I guess no oneunderstands the importance offunding research digs these days...

?Little goro, it seems you do not haveenough Rupees. Well, you could alwayscome back later to make a smallinvestment. My research needs you!

?Thanks! I will put these funds to gooduse!

?You have certainly proved your passionfor digging, my good friend! I willmake sure these funds are put to gooduse, and I appreciate your patience.

?Is there anything else I can help youwith? If you find out anything aboutthe legend of the three dragons,be sure to let me know!

?You have certainly proved your passionfor digging, my friend! If you findout anything about the legend of thethree dragons, be sure to let me know.

?If you want to get to the Lanayru SandSea, you are going to need this key!

?Good luck to you!

?Hey, over there! Is that you,[Link]?

Nice timing! I have beenmeaning to look for you!

Come over here for a minute!

?Nice to see you, [Link].

Say, you ever find that sacred flameyou were looking for? Really?You did?! Great! I was pretty curiousabout it, so spill all the details!...I see. So after all that adventuring,you finally found it!

[Link], I have to say...You are pretty amazing!

?You are not the only one! I foundout some more about the legend of thethree dragons. This news is going toblow your mind!...I have found out that there is indeeda hidden area beyond here! There is anarrow path that I cannot fit throughwithout losing a few pounds!My theory is that it probably links tothe home of the Thunder Dragon, oneof the three dragons in the legend.

And I am convinced that these robotsmust have something to do with it aswell.

The Thunder Dragon, a bunch ofrobots, and Timeshift Stones...

What a story!

?Oh, I almost forgot, [Link]!Do you remember that excavationproject you invested in?

Well, we hit the jackpot! I found alarge cache of Timeshift Stones.I can pay you back tenfold now!

?I was able to dig a tunnel to the placewhere the Thunder Dragon lives, but...It is too narrow for me to go through.What am I going to do?

?You made it to the dragon's home,[Link]?

I am so jealous!

You beat me to the punch!

?Hey there, [Link]!I wanted to tell you that I found a holethat leads farther in!

But this rock is really strong. It lookslike it will be a while before I can getall the way through it.

?This is Lanayru Gorge. Legend tells ofa dragon loyal to the goddess livingin this area.

?Signs indicate that an ancientcivilization established a quarryhere to mine the deposit ofhigh-quality Timeshift Stones.

?Consequently, the terrain is intricatelysubdivided with the remnants of long-abandoned mining equipment, such asmine carts and their tracks.

?Some Bokoblins carry a Monster Hornon their waist.

If you latch on to it and pull with yourwhip, it is possible to claim it foryourself.

?Ahead is Lanayru Sand Sea,an area covered in an ocean ofsand! There are lots of ancientruins there.

?Ahead is Lanayru Desert.Adventures await thosesolving the mysteries of thequarry in the desert!

?Ahead is Lanayru Mine. It isthere that I will solve themystery of the TimeshiftStones!

?Entry to the area ahead isallowed only by permission ofthe Thunder Dragon, Lanayru.



?This is Nayru's Flame, vrrm! Justlooking at it makes my circuits hum,vweeeeep.

In fact, the protection of the flameis what allowed us to fix the ship soquickly, brrzrrt!

?Once we're all ready, our ship will setsail on this glorious sea once again,phoo-weep!

?Thanks for getting my ship back, vrrm!

?And these guys will get what's comingto them later, don't you worry, vweep!

?What a view, vrrm...

?Timeshift Stones propel our ship,vweep! That's why we have to makesure nothing hits them, brrzrrt...

?There's nothing finer than seeing thewhole crew standing at attention withthe wind in their servos, phoo-weep!

?Our precious treasure is gone, brrzrrt!Who stole it, vrrm?!

?That's our precious treasure, zrrt!Don't touch it, vrrm!

?We're getting ready for our nextvoyage, vweep! But the captain isworking us so hard I think mygears are grinding, vrrm...

?This control room transmits the powerof the Timeshift Stones to the engineroom, zrrrt. No unauthorized entry!

?This is the engine room, brrzrrt.We're getting ready for a longjourney, vweep. Try not to getcrushed in here, vrrm!

?There were more crew membersoriginally, but after our ship wastaken, many of them decided topursue other functions, vrrm.This next journey across the seas isa mission to reunite with ourmissing crew members, phoo-weep!

?Nothing is finer than sailing the highseas, phoo-weep! Are you coming withus, vrrm?

?We're so proud of our captain, vweep!

There's nothing we wouldn't do forhim, vrrm!

?Standing here on the bow brings backso many memory functions, vweep...Some good, some bad, but such is thelife of a sailor, zrrt!


?This station here was used byfolks heading into the old mines.People still ride the mine cartsall over the place, though!I am probably supposed to tell youthere is some "safety information"about using the carts posted onthe wall over there.Cart riding can be, uh...dangerous attimes, so I would suggest you give thatstuff a quick read.

?It is pretty fun to ride these mine carts.One day, I would love to set up a race!

?Up for another run on the RicketyCoaster? You never know what willhappen. Just 20 Rupees!


?Hey, [Link]! You are back!

Think you have got the stomach to ridethe Rickety Coaster? Just 20 Rupees!

I'm in!
No, thanks.

?Oh well. Maybe some other time, eh?

?You are out of cash? Well, then I guessthat is that. Come back once you getyourself some pocket change.

?Want to hear the rules again?


?This here is a race against time--scream across that finish line as fastas you can!

Tilt the Wii Remote to lean your cart.If you lean at just the right angle on acorner, you will get a nice speed boost.

Lose your concentration when you arecruising around a bend, though, andyou will run right off the rails. If thathappens, you lose the race.

?Your best time so far is:

      1. .##.

?All right, let us get going!

?So I have your attention?


?Hey, you! What are you doing?

Well, you are here how about alittle fun?

No way.

?Now, come on, do not be like that.Hear me out first!

No chance.

?Got your attention, eh? Geheh.Let me explain...

?You could at least let me explainthe rules...

?Oh, all right, see you some other time!

?What about all these prizes I have?So you are OK with letting them go towaste? You really are not interested?

Let's do it.
I'm sure.

?Well, come back anytime you want togive it a try!

?You finished!

?You set a new record!Great work!

?Hope you come by again soon!

?Hold it. You cannot be serious.That was way too slow! Look, there isjust no way I can give you a prize forthat time.

?I know you can do better than that.You were just warming up, right?

The secret is in getting just the righttilt. Here--you have earned this prizeat least.

?Not a bad time. Nope, not bad at all!Here is your prize!

?Whoa, now! That was...unbelievable!Even I cannot go that fast.

?What do you say? Have you got the gutsto ride the Rickety Coaster? Just 20Rupees a ride.

No, thanks.

?So what track will it be?

Heart stopping!

?Got it--the scary track it is. Good luck!

?So you want the heart-stopping track,eh? You got it, but I just hope you areready...

?Your best time so far is:

      1. .##.

?Time is up. Try again next time!

?Here you go! I found this treasureright here on this very island.

?This is something I have been savingjust for you.

?You get a Rupee I have taken reallygood care of! I have been holding on tothis one forever, but it is yours now.

?Not a bad time, but you are nowherenear as fast as I am. Here are50 Rupees!

?Hey, that is my seat! Nobody sits theirrear end on my seat but me, got it?

?I have been here alone for...well, whoknows how long. Years.

But I get to ride these carts everyday, and I never get bored of it!

?I am here every day running thiscoaster, but you are the only one whoever shows up. Could you spread theword? It is lonely out here. And...dry.


?Master [Link].

?As you know by now, I cannot followyou. The trial calls out to your mindalone, as it is in every Silent Realm.

This is the second trial, known asNayru's Silent Realm. It will testyour wisdom, Master.

You must overcome this trial to findthe flames that will enhance yoursword.

?When your vessel is full, your spiritwill grow and you will be entrustedwith a new power by the goddess.

Do you have any questions?


?Which topic do you wish to review?

The Spirit Vessel?
Waking Water?
Never mind.

?Do you have any further questions?

The Spirit Vessel?
Waking Water?
Never mind.

?Yes, Master.

?Master, I will await your return in theoutside world.

?Yes, Master.

To fill the Spirit Vessel, you need tolocate and collect every Tear of Nayruscattered across this Silent Realm.

?Master, do you see the glowingobject just in front of you?

?That is a Tear of Nayru.You will need to collect 15 of them.

?However, this is not as simple a taskas it would seem. Your work in thisrealm is referred to as a trial forgood reason.

?If you take even a single step outsidethe protective circle you stand in, theGuardians of this realm will wake upand pursue you, Master.

?If a Guardian manages to land evenone attack on you, your spirit willshatter and you will fail the trial.

?The unusual liquid substance thatcovers that area is known as WakingWater, and it has certain uniqueproperties.If you make contact with WakingWater, the Guardians will beimmediately alerted to your presence.

Pools of Waking Water are located allthroughout the area. I suggest youwatch where you step...

?You must collect the tears scatteredthroughout this area and fill theSpirit Vessel withoutbeing hit by an attack.

?When your Spirit Vessel is filled with15 tears, your spirit will grow and youwill be blessed by the goddess with anew power.Master, I will await your return in theoutside world.

?Master [Link], I canunfortunately confirm that youhave failed to pass the trial.

?Collect all the tears within the SilentRealm. I shall await your return here.

?Master, so long as you have the will anddetermination, you can retry a trialas many times as you like.

A good strategy is to find, but thendeliberately not pick up, the most-easily-accessible tears until you arediscovered and really need one.Collect the 15 tears and complete thetrial. I will await your return in theoutside world.

?The locations of tears you havegathered during your trial aremarked on the map.

You will have an easier timecompleting your task if youfirst set out to discover thelocations of all 15 tears.

?Two types of Watchers patrol therealm, looking for intruders. I highlysuggest you take caution.

So long as you do not step into theirlight, you will remain undetectedby flying Sky Watchers.

However, the Earth Watchers, whohover near the ground, will give chaseif you come too close to them, so stayalert and maintain a safe distance.

?Master, the chances of your not beingthe chosen one are increasing...

Repeated attempts at this trial havescattered your concentration and madeyour performance erratic. I suggestyou rest awhile before trying again.

?I suggest using smart tactics to youradvantage. Try leaving easy-to-collecttears for when you are being pursued.

?The locations of tears that you havepreviously collected will be markedon the map, so make good use of that.

Confirm the locations of all 15 tearsfirst to increase your chances ofsuccessfully completing the trial.

?Master, in addition to the Guardianswho will attack you, there are also twotypes of Watchers that search forintruders on the ground and in the sky.The two types of Watchers exhibitdramatically different behavior, so besure you understand how to avoiddetection by both.

?We're here, [Link]!Show me what you've got!


?I have identified the item that the...highly unusual man on Fun Fun Islandsays was lost.

We can call the Scrap Shop robot tocome and retrieve it. Would you likeme to call the robot?

No, thanks.

?Yes, Master. If you change your mindand decide to retrieve it, pleaseexamine it again.

?Master, I will send word to the robotusing telepathic transmission.

?Mistress Fi, zrrpt! You called?

Whoa, zrrft... This place seemsstrangely familiar, brrzrrt...

Bzzzt, so you want me to carry thisthing?

?I'll be waiting for you in the sky,so don't take too long, vrrt!

?Master, I suggest that we head back tothe sky and return this party wheel toits owner as soon as possible.

?OK, OK, zrrft... You just sit tightthere and stay out of my way,Master Shortpants, bzzzt!

?I have identified the item that theunusual man on Fun Fun Island sayswas lost.

Under usual circ*mstances, we couldcall the Scrap Shop robot to come andretrieve it.

However, the robot is currentlycarrying out some duties at EldinVolcano, so we cannot call him here.

I recommend returning to EldinVolcano and verifying the statusof the robot.


?Finally, [Link]! You reallydid come back! Glad to see it.

Well then, let's have some fun!

Or maybe a hero such as yourself hasno time for playing around?

Well, what I offer is more than merechild's play! I would have you facechallenges that draw upon the manyhardships you've experienced thus far.Look to the past to understand thefuture! That's what I say. And I thinkyou will find that you have much togain in revisiting your own past.So what do you say, [Link]?

I'm game!
Maybe not.

?You're a true hero! That's the spirit.

Then if you would permit me, I'll take apeek at your past experiences.


Indeed. Indeed. You have done someamazing things, like battling fiercefoes and overcoming the dauntingtrials in the Silent Realm.All right, then! Based on thoseexperiences, you can choose one of twoexciting challenges!

Which one would you like to try?Pick whichever one you like.

Silent Realm!

?What? You're not interested?How dull...

Ah, well. Come back anytime youchange your mind. I'll be waiting.

?[Link]! Are you here to dobattle or challenge yourself in oneof the trials in the Silent Realm?

Silent Realm!

?So, [Link], tell me...Are you ready to have some fun?

We're just going to relive some of thegreatest challenges in your young life...Are you up for it?

Bring it on!
Maybe not...

?You want to do battle? Fantastic!I like your moxie.

Because you chose battle, I will selectfrom only the toughest opponentsyou've ever faced...

And I will use my power to re-createthe same battle, so you can face yourgreatest enemies once more!

You're being a good sport, so I'llreward you. Do well enough, and Imight give you something truly special:an absurdly sturdy shield!Oh, but if you lose...

Well, let's just say that this isn't just agame... If you lose, it's all over. Youwon't be going home in one piece!

Still interested?

No, thanks.

?...Hey, hold on a second... You look likeyou're about to fall over! Are you sureyou're really ready for this?

Of course!

?Right... No need to knock yourself outfighting these enemies here. Might aswell save yourself for the real battles,I suppose...So don't even sweat it. Just come onback when you're back to full strength.I'll be waiting!

?Spoken like a little warrior. I like it!

?From the beginning of your journey,huh? In that case, let's see... Here wego! These guys look pretty tough.Which one would you like to face?

The Imprisoned!

?From the middle of your journey, yousay? In that case, let's see... Here wego! These guys look pretty tough.Which one would you like to face?

The Imprisoned!

?From later on in your journey, huh?...It looks like the only opponent youcan face right now from the end ofyour journey is the Imprisoned.

?From later on in your journey, huh?In that case, let's see... Here we go!These guys look pretty tough.Which one would you like to face?

The Imprisoned!
Horde battle!

?From later on in your journey, huh?In that case, let's see... Here we go!These guys look pretty tough.Which one would you like to face?

The Imprisoned!
Horde battle!

?From later on in your journey, huh?In that case, let's see... Here we go!These guys look pretty tough.Which one would you like to face?

The Imprisoned!
Horde battle!

?A fairly recent battle, huh?In that case, let's see... Here we go!These guys look pretty tough.Which one would you like to face?

The Imprisoned!

?Scaldera, coming right up! It's thatblazing-hot fireball-looking thingfrom the Earth Temple.

?Ghirahim it is! He's that creeeepy guyyou fought in Skyview Temple.

?Scaldera, coming right up! It's thatblazing-hot fireball-looking thingfrom the Earth Temple.

?Moldarach it is! This creepy crawly isthat big bug you fought in LanayruMining Facility.

?All right, you'll face the Imprisoned!It's that gigantic thing you battled atthe Sealed Grounds.

?Koloktos it is! It's that six-armedmechanized monstrosity you foughtat the Ancient Cistern!

?Tentalus it is! You might know thisbeast as the weirdo with one eyethat you fought on the Sandship.

?Ghirahim it is! This is the creepy-looking guy you fought in thatsweltering-hot Fire Sanctuary.

?The Imprisoned it is! It's that gigantic,disgusting beast you battled for asecond time at Sealed Grounds.

?The Imprisoned it is! This is the hugebeast you battled for a third time atthe Sealed Grounds.

?Oh-ho, a horde battle! You'll face offa*gainst the horde of monsters thatGhirahim summoned at the SealedGrounds.

?Ghirahim it is! He's the creepy guy youfought at the Sealed Grounds.

?OK, Demise it is! You've fought somereal baddies, but this one really makesmy scales crawl!

?Ah! I forgot to tell you something!

The only items you can use in battle areitems you would have had at the time.Yep, that's it!

Also, pouch items are prohibited!I know that sounds really hard, but youfought these guys once before, so I'vegot to keep it interesting.Hmm... Maybe I am being a little bitrough on you here. Tell you what...I'll let you take the shield you currentlyhave equipped.

?You all set? You've got a shield onand everything? If you're ready,we're going to do this for real!Are we ready?

Let's do this!
Maybe not.

?Psych yourself up for this!

?Oh, so you've changed your mind?No scales off my back. If you want totry later, you're welcome to come backat any time.If you want to change your shield, justequip the one you need and come talkto me again.

?All right, then...which period of yourjourney would you like to face anenemy from?

The beginning.
The middle.
Later on.
Never mind.

?Now then...would you like to face anenemy from near the beginning ofyour journey, or a fairly recent one?

The beginning.
Fairly recent.
Never mind.

?Wow, [Link]! That wasincredible. You're quite a warrior!

?Well done! Spectacular skills on displayonce again.

?Here's how long it took you to finishoff [var]:

      1. .##.

?Hey, you know what? That was yourfirst time reliving that battle! Let'scelebrate with a little prize for yourefforts.

?Nice work! You beat your record!I can't let you go empty handed.Here--take this.

?That was not your finest, I have to say!No new record. Seriously, maybe youcould step it up a little bit next time.

?That was not your finest, I have to say!No new record! beateverything I can throw at you rightnow, so that's something!

?By the way, if you want my greatestprize, you'll have to beat the record:#:##.

If you want to best that, you're going tohave to start training like a champ!

?Congratulations! That's eight victoriesin a row!

?Wow! You pulled off nine victories in arow! Who would have thought?

?You pulled off 10 victories in a row?!You're something else!

?You keep amazing me, you know that?Eleven victories in a row... I've neverseen anything like it!

?Twelve battles, twelve victories!You are the real deal... A genuinewarrior!

?What's this? Your pouch is full, and sois your space at the Item Check inSkyloft? Then I guess you won't begetting this shield.

?Ouch! Can't be helped, I guess. Oh, butI will give you 1000 Rupees for thatimpressive performance! You'll justhave to try for the shield next time.

?By the way, [Link]...whatdo you think about trying anotherbattle right now?

I wouldn't ask you if there wasn'tanother reward on the table. In fact,the more battles you win, the betteryour reward when you finish!As I mentioned before, I've got lots ofrewards, including an absurdlysturdy shield! Makes you want to leapright into another fight, doesn't it?However--I bet you can see where I'mgoing with this--if you fail, that's theend of our little game.

And keep in mind that your shielddurability and hearts will carry overfrom battle to battle. It makes thebattles all the more...exciting!

?Quit now, and you'll get yourself a not-too-shabby [var].

But the next win will net you afabulous [var]!What'll it be? Do you want tocontinue?


?That's what I'm talking about!But there's one more thing...

For consecutive battles, I get to choosewhat opponent comes next. I didn't really want to have to pickan enemy every time, did you?Now you get to look forward to findingout who your opponent is at the start ofeach battle. But enough chatter. Let'sget this fight started!

?Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!

The next battle will be No. #.To defeat all the enemies, you mustwin this many more battles: #.So let's get on with it!

?Right... No need to knock yourself outfighting these enemies here, right?Might as well save yourself for the realbattles, I suppose...But you battled hard! Just as Ipromised, I'll give you this.

?Here you go. Five Rupees. Hey, don'tgive me that look!

?Here's 20 Rupees. Don't go spendingit all at once!

?Here's 50 Rupees! Go on, then. Take it!

?Here's 100 Rupees! Spend it onsomething worthwhile!

?Here's 200 Rupees! Well, look at younow!

?Here's 300 Rupees! Go buy somethingnice for yourself!

?Here's 500 Rupees! Must be a fortunefor you!

?Look at this--1,000 Rupees!Have you ever seen so much?

?Gah, 2,000 Rupees! It's robbery!

?Hey! Take this!

?Here's your prize!

?You've won this fabulous prize!

?Whoa, now! You get 3,000 Rupees!What are you going to spend it all on?!

?This time you win 9,900 Rupees!I think you've pretty much cleanedme out!

?Come back for a battle anytime!You know where to find me.

?You want to take a shot at a trial in theSilent Realm? You got guts, boy!

These Silent Realm challenges are thesame as all the trials you've seen upuntil now, and I'll be re-creating themright here.But just finishing the trial won't beenough. I'll time how long it takes foryou to finish, and if you're fast enough,I'll give you a reward.However...if you get hit even once by aGuardian, you'll fail the Silent Realmchallenge and return here withseverely diminished hearts.So...are you up to the challenge?

Not really.

?Hey, hold on a second... You look likeyou're about to keel over! Are you sureyou're really ready for this?

This isn't worth risking your life for.How about you give it a rest for today?

Come back when you've replenishedthose hearts.

?That's what I wanted to hear, bravewarrior! Now choose a Silent Realmtrial.

Faron Woods!
Eldin Volcano!
Lanayru Desert!
Never mind.

?That's what I wanted to hear, bravewarrior! Now choose a Silent Realmtrial.

Faron Woods!
Eldin Volcano!
Lanayru Desert!
Somewhere else.

?Somewhere else? Where to, then?

Previous places.
I quit.

?Make your mind up already!Which place will it be?

Faron Woods.
Eldin Volcano.
Lanayru Desert.
More places.

?Right, let me see... Your best time forthis area is: #:##.##.

?Then let's get this thing started!Close your eyes and concentrate...

?Well done, [Link]! You gotevery last one of them. You're atrue warrior!

?Way to go! Looks like you made it backin one piece.

?Ohhhhh, you really fumbled that one,my friend...

And failure comes with a price--you'releft with a single heart. Better go grabsome more and come back later.

?The time it took to finish this trial was

      1. .##.

?Looks like that was your first time ina Silent Realm trial here! We have tocelebrate that with a reward.

?Well done. That's a new record!I have just the right prize for you.Go on. Take it.

?Amazing, [Link]!That's a very fast time!You deserve something special.Here you go!

?Very impressive time! Here--this isyour prize!

?Hmm... Nothing to get excited about...But you did your best, so have this.

?Come on, now. Are you even trying?

Next time, put some heart into it! Youknow, some oomph! I'm sorry to saythis is all I can give you this time.

?So what do you say, [Link]?One more Silent Realm trial?


?Boring! Well, if you change your mind,come back and see me.

?Whoa, [Link], I told you towait a little while, but you just couldn'tresist, eh?

Well I guess there's no sense in waitingany longer. Let's get this show started!

Of course, seeing as how you're thehero of legend, you don't really havetime to just goof off here, right?

Right. So how about we make this bitof fun more meaningful by taking youback through some of those challengesyou've faced previously?You know, sometimes you've got to stepbackward to go forward. There's alot you can learn from revisitingyour past struggles! Oh ho, yes!So, [Link], are you game?

Not really...






?The Imprisoned

?The Imprisoned

?The Imprisoned

?Horde Battle


?20 Rupees

?Small Treasure

?100 Rupees

?Piece of Heart

?300 Rupees

?Rare Treasure

?500 Rupees

?Absurdly Sturdy Shield

?2,000 Rupees

?3 Rare Treasures

?3,000 Rupees

?9,900 Rupees

?200 Rupees

?1,000 Rupees



?Your Grace! Quickly, to the gate!


?[Link], here! You'll needthis where you're going.

?You got the Goddess's Harp!But there's no time to admire it!

?Go! Now!


Am I late?
Protect Zelda!

?You have my thanks. I will leave himto you.

?...No. You're right on time.

?I will. You have my thanks,[Link].

?[Link]! You must go now.Return to the old woman at the SealedGrounds. Tell her what happened here.She will know where you must go!

?And know that we will--

?I'll see you again!This isn't good-bye, [Link]!

?I promise!

?Now you've done it,[Link].

I blame myself. I should havereprimanded you the last time wemet, but instead I was...soft.

I'd take pleasure in punishing you, butI have no time for recreation.

But next time, I'll do more than justbeat you senseless.

I'll make the affair so excruciating,you'll deafen yourself with the shrillsound of your own screams.

?The flames of Nayru have transformedyour blade, expanding Fi's powers.She can now help you use your dowsingability to search for more objects!

?With your sword enhanced, you canlearn a new melody. I recommend wereturn to the Isle of Songs.

?Oh, [Link]. Hello there.Is there something you need?

?Oh! OH! Is that what I think it is?You brought that here for me,didn't you?

?Whoa-ho... Down the hatch!


?Oh, you've done it, boy. I can feel thefruit's effect surging through me!It's exhilarating! I feel like a properdragon again!

?Just because I have eternal life doesn'tmean I can't get mighty sick!Thanks to you, boy, this old dragonwill keep on charging awhile yet!I owe you a big thank-you, so allow meto perform a moving rendition of mypart of the Song of the Hero!

I should warn you, I've got a mean setof pipes and I know how to use them!This'll clean out those ears, boy,so brace yourself!

?You learned part of the Song of the Hero!



?Sealed Grounds

?Hah! She packs a mean punch, doesn'tshe! I tell you, I was in love the firsttime I pulled this lever!

I'll start loading her back up withanother bomb, so keep beating on bigugly till I give you the signal!

?Whoops, missed! All this muscle's notworth much if I don't hit my target!

I'll start loading my machine back upwith another bomb, so keep clobberingstanky toes till I give you the signal!

?We got it, but that shot hit kinda late!

I'll start loading 'er back up, so keepbeating on big ugly till I give you thesignal!

?Nice! You're locked and loaded!We'll aim it to send you straight forthe spike on its head!

?This time, you're the payload! Haha!I'll give you a boost, but there's noguaranteeing this is gonna work.

?I knew it. The seal has given way.

I'll explain later, but now is the timefor action. We must keep that beastfrom escaping that pit!

It must not reach the temple!

?Master, I have information to report.

?While these doors appear to have beenopened recently, they are now sealedshut by a powerful unidentified force.

?The creature we passed who was underassault may have information.I suggest we fight off his assailants.

?Master [Link], we'vearrived.

?This is the fabled surface that haslong been part of Skyloft legend.

?By my calculations, you are currentlypositioned in a location known asthe Sealed Grounds.

?Please proceed with caution, Master.

?Master, please make sure to use yourSailcloth when descending from highelevations. Failing to do so has a highprobability of resulting in injury.I took the liberty of deploying theSailcloth for you this time, but in thefuture you can manually engage it bypressing [B] before landing.

?...Young one...

Child of destiny descended fromthe sky...

?Raise the sword of the goddessskyward... Take aim at the evil auraand unleash its power...

?Master, I have information for you.

I have the ability to offer informationon items and creatures you targetwith [Z].

While targeting something with [Z],press [d-pad down] and I will brief you with allthe information I know on the subject.

?So lemme see if I've got this right.

The old lady living in the temple downthe road from here knows whereZelda is?

?I see... Right, [Link].Thanks for getting me here. You'vedone a good job. You can head home.

Big Groose will handle the search forZelda from here.

?Yup. I'll track her down, save her, andthen give her a lift back to Skyloft...

?Then when we get back, I'll ask her ifshe wants to make our whole going-outthing official, and then the two of uswill get some quality time together.

?Anyway, the point is your work here isdone. I got it covered from here!

?Now, it's off to find that old lady youwere talking about.

?Catch you later, [Link]!

?[Link], go quickly!Check on the sealing spike at thebottom of the pit.

There is nothing natural about thesetremors. That monster could free itselfat any moment. Approach the pit withcaution!

?Go quickly, [Link]!Check on the sealing spike at the centerof the pit.

?There is nothing natural about thesetremors. That monster could free itselfat any moment. Approach the pit withcaution!

?[Link], you must seal awaythe beast as soon as possible!

It has grown stronger since you faced itlast. Do not let your guard down.

?You do remember how to seal the beastaway, yes?

Hit the sealing spike with a SkywardStrike! Focus your mind. You have thepower to do this.

?[Link], you must restorethe seal that imprisons thatmonstrosity!

It has grown stronger since you faced itlast. You must always stay on guard.

?To break the seal for a third time...Truly this is a fearsome beast.

But now you must send it back toits prison once more. Restore theseal! I know you hold the power.

?Whoa! Wh-what's with all the shaking?

The whole ground is heaving...I thought it was supposed to be soliddown here!

?Whoa! Wh-what's with all the shaking?

?The whole ground is heaving...I thought it was supposed to be soliddown here!


?...What are you doing standing there?Get your tail down there, and patch upthat seal like Grannie told you!

All you gotta do is whack that spikewith a blast from your sword, right?

?Now, [Link]!

Strike the sealing spike with a SkywardStrike, and restore the seal! Quickly!

?Master, I have important informationfor you. The beast you face has asealing spike lodged in its forehead.

You must not leave this place until youhave successfully restored the sealthat restrains this beast.

?Master, you must not leave this areauntil you have restored the seal thatrestrains this beast.

?Master, the beast freed itself again.You must stay here and standagainst it.

?Master, you must not leave this areauntil you have restored the seal thatrestrains this beast.

?Master, it is your destiny to seal awaythis beast. You must not run from it.

?Master, you must not leave this areauntil you have restored the seal thatrestrains this beast.

?Awwww, c'mon!

I couldn't do a thing!

I'm totally useless!

?Sniff... I'm just deadweight.What kinda use is that to anyone...

?Hey. How goes it, [Link]?You know, I've been doing some hardthinking lately.

Grannie keeps telling me I got my ownpart to play in this whole thing,you know?

I'm not cut out for slashing andskewering monsters with a swordlike you, but maybe I don't gotta be.

I think I got another way to help Zelda.I'm gonna do it the "Groose way."

I'm not giving you any details rightnow, but just wait and see. I gotan idea brewing that'll knock yourgreen beanie off!

?I'll help Zelda in my own way.You'll see, [Link].

?Out of the way! Scram!

?G-get them!

?Whew! Thanks for jumping in there torescue me, bud!

?Just who were those red pests?I did not expect to run into a pack ofthem in this peaceful forest.

Same goes for you. This is the secondtime I've bumped into one of your kindtoday. I tell you, all sorts of weirdthings are going on lately.I owe you big for taking care of thoseguys, so let me tell you somethingfascinating.

?Hey, bud! I am Gorko the Goron. I amresearching the ancient history ofthese woods here.

According to the ancient texts, there issome kind of place up above called theIsle of the Goddess. Far up in the sky!

Apparently, these old statues serveas landmarks to those traveling up tothe sky or down from this Isle of theGoddess place.If you find one, be sure to examine it tokeep tabs on the number of landmarks.They are rumored to be quite useful.

Supposedly this statue is special, as it issaid to have the ability to activate allthe other statues.

The whole thing sounds a littlecrazy, I know, but I for one believeit to be true!

Otherwise, why would all these statuesbe here all over the place?

?According to some of the ancient textsI have read, there is a place way up inthe sky called the Isle of the Goddess.

Old statues like the one behind mewere placed here to provide travelerswith a way back up to the island.

My research seems to suggest thisparticular statue is special in thatit alone holds the power to activateall the other statues.Hey, I will be the first one to admit itsounds like something out of a fairytale, but I am starting to believe it!

I mean, if that is not true, then whatare all these statues doing all overthis land?

?It is a real head-scratcher, bud. Makesyou want to know more, does it not?

Not really...


?What was THAT?!

The statue just reacted to you!What did you do? Come on, do notmake a big guy beg! I have got to know!

?The statue just reacted to you!What did you do? Come on, do notmake a big guy beg! I have got to know!

?Ah, sounds like I have a fellowconnoisseur of ancient cultures here!

All right, bud, you had better braceyourself, because I am about to blowyour mind.

So get this: people actually live on thissky island, and they get around byflying on the backs of huge birds thatare way bigger than birds down here!Up there everyone reveres the goddess,and the residents of all the islandsin the sky live in a perfect society,totally free of conflict or unhappiness!Not only that, but from what I can tell,their civilization is way, way moreadvanced than ours down here.

?But it does not even stop there, bud!This Isle of the Goddess has even morestuff to marvel at!

The place was crafted by the goddessherself, so it figures that it is filledwith wonders we do not have here.

The buildings are all made of gold!An endless spring of mystical waterfeeds a river through the place. Onesip of that stuff, and you live forever!The trees are heavy with plump fruitthat cures all disease! The fields arecrowded with pumpkins that never rot!Magic wildflowers bloom everywhere!And the weather. Oh, the weather, bud!Not too hot, not too cold. No chance ofsweaty heat in this garden paradise!That is the Isle of the Goddess...Amazing, right? WRONG!IT IS BEYOND AMAZING!

You want to hear moreabout it, don't you, bud?


?I have to examine this statue further,bud. Who knows what I might find out!

?Ah, that so, bud? I was hoping to tellyou more, but I guess it can wait.

?Good to hear, bud! I am completelyobsessed with this place. I cannot getenough of it!

I wish I had more to tell you now,but I will need to research these statuesto learn more.

Next time I bump into you, I will giveyou the latest info!


?What in the world just happened?Did you use some kind of magic?

The statue reacted the moment yougot near it, bud. How crazy is that?

?[Link], look at the beast'sforehead! Do you see the sealing spikeembedded there?

Drive the spike back into its head, andput a stop to its rampage!

?It's too late!All... All is lost.

?Hey, [Link], the machine'sall loaded and ready to smash!

If that flabby sack of teeth tries toclimb the wall, I can blast it off fromhere with a bomb!

When you want some backup fromme, just send me the signal with [d-pad up]!

?Hey, [Link]! The machine'sloaded and ready to bring the boom!

When you want me to back you up witha big blast, just send me the signalwith [d-pad up]!

?Oh NO!

Not good! The road crumbled, and Ican't get to the rest of my bomb stash!What do I do?!

?[Link]! Come up to thetemple, and make your way overhere. Hustle up!

?Awwright! It's time for Groose toexplode into action!

?Adjust the machine's position with [control stick left/right],and aim at your target with theWii Remote.

Once you finish aiming, press [A] tolaunch a bomb. If it hits, you'll stunthe scaly sucker!

?If you forget the controls, press [2]anytime you're in control of theGroosenator to review the basics!

?Grannie says that crazy monster wesaw could break free again at any time,but we're not going down easy.

There's nothing I hate more than beingcaught unprepared, so I'm brewing upa secret weapon to take on big ugly!

It's not ready yet, but you can bet it'llgo down in history as a Groose original.

?Look at that. Seems like our uglyfriend grew itself a pair of hands.Great timing!

I hope it knows how to catch, becausemy machine has a mean right arm!

When she's all loaded up, I'll let youknow. Until then, do what you need todo to stop it!

?Well, look who's finally back. Goodthing too, 'cause I was getting tired ofwaiting to put a hurting on his uglymug![Link]! Let's do this!Our game plan is the same as last time.You know what to do!

?WHOA! Since when did it learnhow to fly?!

It's headed straight for the temple,but there's no way I'm letting itget there! Big ugly's going downburning!

?Is that it? Man, I thought it was goingto put up more of a fight. Somebodyshould really thank the genius whomade this machine!OK, [Link], time for you togo show big ugly who's boss!

?So today's the day I finally get tobust out the Groosenator!

Soon as I'm ready to fire, you'll see mysignal appear above [d-pad up]. Till then, it'sup to you and that sword of yours tokeep that thing away!

?The Groosenator is ready for action!

Just press [d-pad up] to set up the shot!

Adjust the machine's position with [control stick left/right],and aim at your target with theWii Remote. Once your shot's set, letthat scaly creep have it!

?Guess it's time for the Groosenatorto work its magic again!

Just like before, you'll see me appearabove [d-pad up] when the machine's readyfor action.

You and me are going totag team this freak!Let's do it, [Link]!

?[Link], we're in trouble! Ican't get to my stash of bombs!

All right... [Link]! We'vegot no choice! You've got to get up ontothat ugly thing's head! Quick now!

?Nice work there, [Link]!Course, you couldn't've done it withoutme, but no need to thank Groose.I know I saved your tail.Now let's get that Gate of Time thingup and running. I'll go on ahead!

?I think I showed that monster who thereal boss is, eh? [Link], getdown there and seal it away again!

Just zap the spike down there with ablast from your sword like last time.

?Whew... I gotta say, [Link],I thought we were goners this time.Sorta glad I was wrong about that.

I'm gonna run ahead to the temple.You should get back there too!

?And the day is saved again thanks tothe big man. Now get down there, andfix that seal before it comes back!

?Want to head to Faron Woods, do you?

No sweat. Just hop on into theGroosenator, and I'll fling you over!

No way.

?OK. Let me know if you decide youwant a "lift" to the forest!

?All right! Hop in, and I'll take care ofthe flingin'. You just worry aboutthe landing...

?With my machine, the woods are justa fling away!

?You stay safe out there!

?[Link], bad news!That beast looks like it's about to breakfree again!

?Gotta get into position! Hang tight!

?Yo, [Link]!This machine of mine can sling you allover the land if you're interested in alittle birdless flight.

?This machine of mine can sling you allover the land if you're interestedin flying without a Loftwing.

?With a man of my skill at the controls,I can guarantee that I won't chuck youanywhere boring!

If you land somewhere you don't know,well, maybe it's a great time to lookaround and explore the place!

?So, where you flying to today?

The sky!
The surface.
Never mind!

?Somewhere fun in the sky, huh?What kind of fun are you looking for?

Bug hunting.
Something else...

?What kind of fun are you looking for?Anything in particular?

Never mind.

?Somewhere fun in the sky, eh?Where should I launch you?

Bug hunting.
Never mind.

?Somewhere fun down here, eh?What kind of fun are youlooking for?

Lightning Round!
Thrill Digger!
Rickety Coaster!
Never mind.

?OK, here we go! Hold on to your littlehat!

?If you ever want to travel to fun placesin style, just come see me!

?Yo, [Link]!

I decided the best thing for me to dois hang back here on the surfacewith you. Hey, someone's got to do it!

?Hey! [Link]!

?Duh huh huh! Try not to drool on yourshirt as you stare at this amazingsuperweapon I've been working on!

?I call it...the Groosenator!

?Leaves you speechless, doesn't it?That's only natural. You wouldn'tbelieve how much time I put intobuilding this beauty.

?Here--check it out!

?First, I got all the fences cluttering thearea out of the way. Then I laid downrails for her to run on. All by myself,of course.I don't know what came over me! I hadno clue I had the talent to makesomething like this, you know?

Anyhow, you just tell me where youwant me to place my shots, and I'llput a hurting on that ugly monster!

?I don't care how beefy you are--you'rebound to stumble for a few momentsafter taking one of my big bombs tothe body!

?Hang on, though... That monstershowed up a smidge sooner than Iwas expecting.

?There are a few final adjustments Igotta make before she can move onthe rails I've put down.

I'll call out to you when she's ready foraction. Till then, do whatever you canto hold off that beast!

?Feels like that seal is going to give wayany second.


?Uh...but no need to panic!

You know what the Groosenator cando, am I right?

?As long as I'm at the controls of thisbombshell beauty, I don't even knowthe meaning of the word "defeat"!

Flinging bombs on this monster's face,defending the land... It's my purpose,I think. It's why I'm here.

?Anyway, [Link], I've gotwork to do. Try not to get in the way ofmy shots, OK?

?Master [Link], I'm sensinga change in the area that was triggeredby your Skyward Strike.

?I have also detected an aura thatcorrelates closely to your Sailcloth.I surmise this aura belongs to Zelda.

I can lead you in the direction of thisaura through a process known asdowsing.

Would you like me to explain thisprocess to you?


?As you wish, Master.

Dowsing is when I detect the presenceof the aura of something you wish tosearch for using the tip of the sword.

The nearer you are to an objectemitting the aura in question, thestronger the response will be.

This response manifests itself throughvibration and sound. The direction ofthe object emitting the aura isindicated by the purple pointer you see.

?Hold down [C] and select Zelda as yourdowsing target, then point in thedirection you wish to search.

?Understood, Master.

?Master, you must seal away the beastthat has broken free. Attempting toflee from your current situation willnot help you accomplish this task.


?Ah... The traveler descended fromthe clouds above. I welcome you,child of fate.

?Tell me, what is your name?

...[Link]?Ah, [Link]. Good.Very good.

I sense you have already gained controlover the sacred power that fills yoursword when pointed skyward. TheSkyward Strike is yours to command.It is proof that you are fit to bear theblade you carry, the Goddess Sword.

I have sat here for many years waitingfor you to arrive. All so that I couldfulfill my purpose as your guide.

?You stand under the roof of the SealedTemple, a place built by the goddessan eternity ago.

Your arrival here was predestinedmany, many years ago.

The spirit maiden you seek arrivedhere shortly before you, descending tothis land in a shower of light.

There's no doubting it. The gears offate have begun to turn.

?Yet all is not as it should be. The spiritmaiden was not meant to reach thisland in the manner she did.

I feel an evil power working in theshadows. It moves to warp the destinyof which you two are a part.

?[Link]...You are concernedfor the spirit maiden and seek herwhereabouts, yes?

...That is understandable, but for nowyou must focus on moving forward.That girl has her own purpose she mustpursue, as do you.She set out for Faron Woods to discoverthat destiny for herself, and you mustfollow.

?Show me your map.

?The [X] upon your map marks the paththat will lead you to Faron Woods.

You will be traveling in unfamiliarland. Many monsters have settled here,and a map may not prove guidanceenough for your journey.And so I will give you the power tocreate beacons.

When a beacon is marked on your map,a column of light will stand at thatlocation. It will act as your waypointfrom afar.Point at the [X] and press [C] to placea beacon.

?Though you cannot see it from wherewe are, a beacon stands outside toguide you. Leave the temple throughthe front doors, and see for yourself.When you no longer have a use fora beacon, you can remove it from yourmap by pressing [C].

Use your beacons well, and you willnever fear getting lost.

?You haven't set a beacon over [X] yet.

To remove a beacon from your map,point at it and press [C] once more.

If you aim to be more accurate withthe placement of your beacons, zoom inwith [A] before you lay one down.

?Go now. You must head into FaronWoods and chase after the spiritmaiden...the one you call Zelda.

On your way out, take the contents ofthe treasure chest within this room.What you find there should proveuseful to you on your journey.

?Go on now. Point at [X] and press [C] toplace a beacon at that location.

?You are ready. Leave through the doorbefore you, and head into the woods.I wish you safe travel.

?The door that leads to Faron Woodsis open now. Leave through the doorto my left, and head for the woods.

All the questions you have now will beanswered in time. For now, you mustgo, [Link]. Walk bravely.

?Know that all the questions you havenow will be answered in time. For now,[Link], go bravely!

?No doubt you've seen the greatspiraling pit just outside the temple.Know that something sleeps sealedaway in the depths of that place.Do not worry yourself about whatslumbers there. It will be made knownto you when the time is right.

?We shall find more time to talk later.For now, you must go.

?Huh? You gotta be kidding me,Grannie!

?You're messing with me. Say it again,I dare you!

?I only speak the truth. You are not theone who will save her. The spiritmaiden, your Zelda, can only besaved by another.It has been his fate to do this thing,and in doing so save us. As it wasdecided long before you were broughtcrying into this world.

?Shut it, Grannie!

You obviously don't know me well,'cause if you did, you'd know that ifanyone's gonna save Zelda, it'sGroose!How could it not be me? Plus, if it ain'tme, why would I even be here? Pffft.If I'm not up to the job of beingthe hero, just who is?


? I getcha.

[Link], Grannie here hasbeen trying to tell me you're gonna bethe big hero who rescues Zelda.

?What a joke! Look, all I've heard sofar is a bunch of babbling aboutdestiny, but that's a load of garbage.

I know you, and you're no hero,shrimp!


?Greetings, [Link]. Were youable to catch up with Zelda?

?Ah, I see. So the guardian was there aswell, was she?

The one you saw by Zelda's side isknown as Impa. She is a being sentforth by the goddess to aid Zelda inher quest.

?The two have traveled somewhere inorder to accomplish the great taskdestiny has set before them.

However, now that Impa has destroyedthe gate that they used, there is onlyone way left to find them.

?You must make use of the harp givento you by Zelda.

?Come back, [Link]!The disturbance we're feeling is not inthat direction.

?Hurry. Take the door across from me,and see what is happening outside!

?...Do you need to equip yourself beforefacing the unknown? Very well. I willnot stop you, but you must hurry back!

?When the three sacred flames haveimbued your sword, only then will theGate of Time open for you.

The clue that will lead you to theflames is woven into the song of yourhomeland known as the Ballad of theGoddess. You must return to Skyloft!

?The seal's strength will not last. Sooneror later the great beast shall break itsshackles once more.

Fortunately, I hear Groose has beenhard at work preparing something forits next assault.

[Link], you must move fast.You must imbue your sword with thepower of the three sacred flames.

?The "Ballad of the Goddess." Based onmy projections, this is likely the songZelda sang on the day of the WingCeremony.I calculate an 85% probability thatsomeone associated with the academywill be able to provide additionalinformation about this song.

?Ah, your sword!

There can be no doubt. The sacredflames have purified this blade.Well done, [Link]. Thatsword holds tremendous power.

?That power is a sacred force.

It is a divine power left to us by thegods of old. The same power that isspoken of in the Ballad of the Goddess.

To look upon you is to see that samegreat power, now flowing through youand the sword you carry.

?Come, [Link]. You mustnow open the Gate of Time.

?Now that the sacred force dwellswithin your blade, strike the Gate ofTime with a Skyward Strike andit will surely awaken.

?Climb upon the pedestal, and showthe gate your sword's power!

?Now that the sacred force dwells withinyour blade, hit the Gate of Time witha Skyward Strike and it will surelyawaken.Climb upon the pedestal, and showthe gate your sword's power!

?Yo, [Link]! Saw the railtrack I put up outside, eh?

What's it for? Duh huh... Oh, you'll seebefore long!


?No... I fear the seal has given way onceagain. That terrible beast is awakeningeven as we speak.

It is likely that the monster reacted tothe sacred power given off by yoursword.

I wish it had not happened, but therewas no other way to open the gate.So it goes...

?[Link], you must imprisonthe beast once again.

?All right! Bring it on!

?This is what I've been waiting for.It's time to break out my new toy!Trust me, that flabby bag of teethdoesn't stand a chance.Well? What are we waiting for?I'm heading out there!

?The beast is awakening from itsslumber.

[Link], you must seal thebeast away once more!

?[Link], you must not looseanother Skyward Strike now!

Were you to do so, it could speed up themonster's awakening.

We will return to the gate later. Forthe moment, you must focus yourefforts on restoring the seal thatholds the beast captive.

?It seems you were successful inimprisoning the monster again.

?You have my thanks,[Link].

?As do you, Groose.

?I do not wish to dwell on what may havehappened if you two hadn't been here.

?Duh huh, give me too muchcredit, Grannie.

You were the one who got me to stopfeeling sorry for myself and put myenergy into doing what I could to help.

?I did what was necessary to get you torealize your full potential.

?[Link], you must wonderjust what it is you've been fighting outthere in the great pit.

There is much I could tell you, butsuffice to say it is the root of the evilwe face. When you pass through theGate of Time, you shall learn more.We may seal it and reseal it into itsprison a thousand times, but it willalways shatter the bonds that confineit. Such is its awesome power.We must destroy it at its source orsuffer this fate again and again.

There is no time to lose. Hit the gatewith a Skyward Strike.

?Come on, already! Charge that swordof yours with that sacred force stuffGrannie was talkin' about, and zap theGate of Time!

?Right on, Grannie.

?...Indeed. Now, [Link], go.Go to the gate.

?[Link], it is time!Open the Gate of Time, and travelto the other side.

?[Link], what are you doing?Did you meet with Zelda on the otherside of the door?

If not, you must go back through!

?Come on, already! Charge that swordof yours with that sacred force stuffGrannie was talkin' about, and zap theGate of Time!I bet you Zelda's just on the other sideof that gate, wonderin' where you are.You shouldn't make the little ladywait, [Link]! Go on!

?I bet you Zelda's just on the other sideof that gate, wondering where you are.You shouldn't make the little ladywait, [Link]! Go on!

?So you've returned.

?Then you know everything...

?On the other side of that gate, Zeldawaits, suspended in a sleep without end.But do not despair, for she is stillalive and well.

?True to legend, the Triforce is the onething with the power to vanquishDemise. It is thought to have beenhidden within Skyloft by the goddess.Sadly, that is all we know of where itrests. All other clues to its whereaboutshave been lost to the ages.

?[Link], you have likelycome to the same conclusion, but I willspell it out just the same.

The key to finding the Triforce mustbe in Skyloft.

?Go now, [Link].Find the Triforce.

?The clues to finding the Triforce arein Skyloft.

Go forth and find the Triforce.

?Whoa! Whoa there! Hold up!

?[Link], there's something Igotta tell you.

?So, Zelda... How's she holding up?Was she OK when you saw her?

She's great!

?She was? Oh, good to hear.

...But she's still stuck there till thiswhole mess blows over, huh?

?That's terrible. It's gotta be so hard forthe poor girl.

But you're going to do something aboutthis mess, right?

?[Link]...I've made up mymind. I'm not going back.

I'm staying right here with Grannie.

?Aww, don't look so bummed out. Do Ilook sad? Nah, I'm doing what I wantto do!

I don't know how to explain it. I gotthis feeling in my belly that there'swork to do here.

Someone's gotta watch that big, uglymonster, and someone's gotta makesure Grannie's doing all right.

It ain't as action packed as what you'redoing, but maybe this is my destiny.Know what I mean?

?Besides, it's not so bad here. Living upin the sky was OK, I guess, but don'tyou just love the way it smells downhere? What? That's not weird to say!

?Check it out.

?Zelda and Grannie have brought lifeback to the land here.

I bet even the weakest sapling couldgrow into one beast of a tree in soillike this. It'd brighten this place up alittle too.I mean, sure, it'd take a few years forit to grow, but as far as I'm concerned,I got nothing but time.

It's weird to say out loud, but that'sjust how I feel right now.

? know. When you getback to Skyloft, do me a favor and letpeople know I'm doing OK down here.

Cawlin and Strich might get a littleemotional since they look up to me,but you tell them I'm happy, OK?

Thanks, [Link].

?Don't let me down. I'm counting onyou to help Zelda, [Link]!

Oh, by the way, I've been thinkingabout how nice it'd be to have a treehere, but I don't have a seedling oranything. You seen one I can plant?

?It's great to finally get a sapling hereand all, but it's going to take ages toget this thing to grow tall!

?Oh yeah! Now this is a tree I couldlook at all day! It's like a symbol forthis temple...or something!

Every time I stare at it, my jaw startshanging open and I get this weird,happy feeling.

?Hey, [Link], now that is aserious seedling. Why didn't you tellme you had that thing on you?

I'm no expert, but it seems like theperfect fit for this temple. If youplant it here, it'll grow for sure.

Only downside is, it's gonna takebasically forever for a seedling thatbig to grow into a full tree.

?You gotta chase after that creep,[Link]! Zelda's countingon you!

?You seek the dragons? When the Songof the Hero is complete, the path tothe Triforce shall be illuminated?Then take care and be on your way!

?That terrible monster begins to stir yetagain! It appears that even thoughZelda has lent her power to strengthenit, the seal will soon reach its limit.So be it. You and Groose must worktogether to beat that foul beast backinto its prison and restore the seal!

?[Link], work with Groose toimprison that monster once more!

?Searching after the three dragons, areyou? I seem to recall a dragon wholived in the far reaches of the desert...

?The beast has been sealed into itsprison for a third time.

?[Link], Groose... You haveboth done well.

But I fear we can't dwell on yoursuccess. The strength of the sealseems to wane with each escape.

We are almost out of time,[Link]. Are you close todiscovering the Triforce?


?...I see. You must seek out the threedragons and complete the Song of theHero to find the Triforce.

It is right your search led you here.The Faron Woods are close by.

Unfortunately, there has been anunusual turn of events in the woods...

I am unsure of what happened, but ashort while ago, I noticed the path tothe woods was completely flooded.

?To protect the land here, I closed thegate leading to the woods and droveback the water with a simple seal.

The seal will only hold as long as thegate remains closed, meaning youwill not be able to open it withoutflooding these lands.Given this situation, I am at a lossas to how you can enter the woods.

?Heh! Is that all? Consider the problemsolved!

See, that last battle with big ugly gotme thinking about other ways to usethe Groosenator!

Just climb up into that bad boy, and I'llgive you a "lift" over to the woods,all right?

?I'll run ahead and get her prepped foryou! Come see me when you're readyto take a little flight.

?Oh my...

The boy has made himself very useful,but he does have a tendency to causetrouble for those he "helps"...

?Safe journey. I wish you a soft landing,[Link].

?Groose shall assist you in making yourway to the woods.

Something may have happened to theWater Dragon of the woods. When youarrive, seek her out!

?So that's what happened to the woods?I am glad to hear that everything hasreturned to normal.

?You must continue to gather the partsof the Song of the Hero. Time isshort!

?Ah, [Link], I'm glad you arehere. Groose has been waiting for you.

He stands outside by his catapult.Go speak with him.

?Groose waits for you outside by hiscatapult. Go speak with him.

?By the way, [Link],Groose is waiting for you.

He proudly stands outside by hiscatapult. Go speak with him.

?When you have passed the final trial,you will finally be worthy to receivethe power of the Triforce.

Hurry back to Skyloft. Whateverawaits you in the final trial, you mustnot fail!

?Oh, [Link]! You've learnedthe parts of the song from the threedragons. There's not much time left!

Hurry! Return to the sky and completethe Song of the Hero.

?The time has finally come.

Go now, [Link]. Seek outthe Triforce in Skyloft!

?For Zelda to be taken from us at a timelike this... It is unthinkable!

[Link], listen to me! Youmust do whatever it takes to preventthe resurrection of Demise in the past!

Quickly now! Open the Gate of Timeand return to the past!

?[Link], listen to me! Youmust do whatever it takes to preventthe resurrection of Demise in the past!

Quickly now! Open the Gate of Timeand return to the past!

?No! So Demise has already beenresurrected... If we do not stop him,this world is doomed.

?I have no other words for you,[Link]. Know now that youare the sole hope for the survivalof this land.The danger is overwhelming, but youmust persevere. You must save ourworld!

?Groose left the temple through thefront door a few moments ago!

I imagine he's out by his catapult,like always.

?...Tell me, [Link], have youattempted to play the harp thatyou received?

My sense is that you have not yetfamiliarized yourself with it.

Very well, I shall teach you how toplay it. Listen well and do as I say.

First, press [d-pad up] to ready your harp,then press [A] to prepare to strum it.

?Hold [A] and broadly swing theWii Remote left and right.

?Press [d-pad up] to take out your harp.

?Slow your strums so that they matchthe swaying of my braid.

?Play faster, so that your strums movein time with my braid.

?Good. You learn fast.

Now for your next lesson.

?Focus and play in time with the pulsingof the circle of light.

When your timing is right, I shall joinmy voice to your harp.

Listen well, for the song I sing will beof great help to you in your journey.

?Swing the Wii Remote more slowly tostay in time with the circle of light.

?Swing the Wii Remote a bit faster tostay in time with the circle of light.

?Point the Wii Remote forwardto ready the harp to play!

?Close, but you must swing the WiiRemote more broadly!


?Hard to leave the old girl all to herselfhere...

But don't you dare go telling Cawlinand Strich that I'm down here takingcare of some little old lady!

?Blah, this place is pretty barren.Considering how long she's been here,you'd think Grannie would've tried todecorate a little.I guess she likes the all-stone motif.At the very least she could've triedplanting a tree or something to liventhe place up.

?Is this tree something or what?!No wonder it's called the Life Tree!

?I do hope you are able to catchup with Zelda...


?This temple used to be a place of greatpeace and solitude, but life has takenquite a turn lately.

Still, now is not the time for thoughtslike these.

Not when my worst fears are comingto pass...

?That red-haired fellow is really quitehandy.

Some areas of the temple are badly inneed of repair. Perhaps he can assistme in that work...

?My analysis indicates this location isideally suited to growing your seedling.

However, I project that planting theseedling in this time will make it takefar too long for the seedling to growinto a tree capable of producing fruit.


?...At last. I've been expecting you,[Link].

You are doubtless overwhelmed, so Iwill explain things as simply as I can.

?This is the Temple of Hylia, though itwill come to be known as the SealedTemple sometime in the future.

You stand in the past, ages before yourown time. Here the goddess, Hylia,has only just sealed away Demise...

And little time has passed since thegoddess sent the outcropping of rockinto the sky that would one daybecome Skyloft.

?It is true to its name. You have passedthrough the Gate of Time to an erain the distant past.

You will have many questions. But fornow, you must proceed back throughthe great doors behind you.

?It is there that the person you've riskedlife and blood to defend waits for you.

?You stand in the past, ages before yourplace in time. Here, the goddess, Hylia,has only just sealed away Demise...

You will have many questions. But fornow, you must proceed through thegreat doors at the back of the room.

It is there that the person you've riskedlife and blood to defend waits for you.

?I see you've said good-bye.

Now you must keep the promise youmade to her. You must find theTriforce.

Return to your time. There is work tobe done there.

?Do not fear for Zelda. I will watchover her here. Go now and fulfillyour destiny.


What's up?
See you later.

?Oh, it's a matter of no great concern...


?Do you see that sunny patch of earthover there?

I thought it might be nice to plant atree of some sort there.

I imagine it would please Zelda greatlyto see a great tree welcoming herback when she wakes from her slumber.

?Sadly, it's a rare tree that grows strongfor thousands of years on end. If onlyI could find the seedling of such ahearty specimen...

?A tree that grows strong for thousandsof years... If only I could find theseedling of such a tree...

?Ah, you've planted a seedling!

I sense great vitality in this sprout.With any luck, it shall grow into a stouttree that will live on for millennia.

?I sense great vitality in this sprout.With any luck, it shall grow into a stouttree that will live on for millennia.

?You've yet to complete the greatmission entrusted to you.

For Zelda, who still waits in everlastingslumber, you must fulfill the destinythat is only yours to complete.

?Urgh... [Link]...?It's Ghirahim... He appeared out ofthin air and got the drop on me.

Don't worry about me... You mustchase after him!

?He ran through the great doors at thefront of the temple. You may yet catchhim before it's too late. Hurry!

?Ghirahim ran through the great doorsat the front of the temple. If youhurry, you may yet stop him!

?Do not panic. Zelda is fine. She rests inthe back room of the temple.

I never expected Demise would riseagain. It seems now that the fate of theworld rests solely in your hands,[Link]!

?Do not panic. Zelda is fine. She restsin the back room of the temple.

Focus on the battle at hand. DefeatDemise and save our world,[Link].

?Phew! That was WAY too close backthere. I got a serious sweat going!

Can you imagine what would'vehappened if I hadn't pulled off one ofmy famous Groose maneuvers tocatch Zelda?I'll stay here and make sure she'sprotected, so don't worry about herone bit. Just get out there and clobberthat Demise creep!I'm counting on you,[Link]! We all are!

?You gotta get out there and whale onDemise until he cries like a creepylittle baby!

I'm counting on you,[Link]! We all are!

?Master [Link], I haveimportant information for you.

Once you enter this portal, my analysisindicates a 0% chance that you will beable to return, unless you are ableto vanquish your foe.Are you ready to proceed?

I'm ready!
Not yet...

?Understood, Master. When you areready to proceed, please return to thislocation.

?Understood, Master [Link].Know that even in the place that liesbeyond this portal, I will be with you...

And, Master...good luck.

?Master [Link], do you wishto retreat temporarily in order toresupply yourself for the final battle?

I'm fine.

?Understood, Master. Please returnhere when your preparations arecomplete.

?Understood, Master.

?Master [Link], have youfinished with your preparations forthe battle ahead?

All ready!
Not yet...

?Yes, Master. Let us proceed to thebattle at once.

?Understood, Master. Return when youare fully prepared for the fight ahead.

?You wretched brat!


?Oh, hey, bud! We meet again! In ahurry as usual, eh?

Yup, I have been keeping busy too,checking out the wonders of the world.

Say, you want to hear about someof my research?


?Oh, that is too bad. Well, if you everget in a researchy kind of mood, youknow where to find me.

?OK, bud, prepare to be amazed!I made a huge discovery while I wasout doing my field research.

So get a load of this... Apparently,there are walls and statues thatrespond to beautiful tones!

Wild, right? Want to know more?

Of course!

?It is sort of embarrassing to admit, butthat is all I have figured out so far.But, hey, I just started my research!

If you find yourself still hankering tolearn more, come back and talk to meagain later!

Meanwhile, I will keep trying to digup more information!

?ALL RIGHT! That is the kind ofarchaeological enthusiasm I like to see!

Oh, but before we get into thefascinating details of walls and statues,there is something I had better ask youabout, bud.You ever heard of a Blessed Butterfly?

I've seen one!

?Oh! Right, so a Blessed Butterfly isthis kind of pretty, blue butterfly!

You may not believe it, but they aresuper hardy. They live in all kinds ofplaces you would never expect.

Even in a land like this, you will seeplenty of them!

?All right, bud, then let me jumpstraight to the point.

?Ancient tomes mention thesebutterflies flapping around in packsby certain walls and statues!

Seems like these butterflies have somekind of sixth sense. They are detecting,uh...something! Want to hear more?


?Which are you interested in?


?The writings claim that the statuesappear out of nowhere with a"boing-oing" sound and speak astrange language!Can you believe it, buddy? Talkingstatues! I know you want to hear moreabout this!

Tell me!
No, thanks.

?From what I have learned, it soundslike these walls were left behind bythe goddess for the hero mentionedin legends!The things the hero desires are said tospring forth from behind the walls.That is why they call them goddesswalls, I suppose. Hungry to hear more?

Of course!

?THAT IS THE SPIRIT! But sadly, thatis as far as my research has gotten me.

As soon as I make any new discoveries,you will be the first to know!

?I am hard at work investigating thelocations of those talking statues now!

?I am hard at work investigating thelocations of those goddess walls now!

?GREAT GORON?!I have found some!

?Look! Those butterflies that respondto beautiful tones are swarming allover this place!

This has to be the right spot...


?Oh... This could be a problem.I cannot carry a tune.

I could not create beautiful tones ifwild animals threatened to roll medown a hill! What can we do?

?It is just like the old texts say, buddy!It appeared with a "boing-oing" andspoke in some strange tongue!

This is a major leap forward in mystudy of the talking statues!

Next up are those goddess walls!I have got an inkling I will not have tolook very far for those, either. And Imean to find one, no matter what!

?THAT IS IT! One of the talking statuesthe ancient texts spoke of! There isjust no mistaking it!

?THAT IS IT! One of the talking statuesthe ancient texts mention! There is nomistaking it!

?You again, eh?!

Oh! You would probably want to knowthat I have seen Blessed Butterfliesflying around here lately!

Too bad I have no musical talentwhatsoever.

Yep, I could not make a beautiful toneto save my life.

?I came across an ancient volumein the course of my research!Want to know what it had to say?

Of course!

?No need to be shy, now! I can seethe excitement on your face, bud!Oh, all right, I will tell you!

?Arrow in Repose... Ye who yearns tostrike targets from afar, draw thisshape so that it may be known.

?Glimmering Hexagon... Ye who seeksgreat riches, draw this shape so that itmay be known.

?Life's Crimson Vessel... Ye who longsfor the source of life, draw this shapeso that it may be known.

Do so, and from the heavens shall falla rain of life's essence.

?Closed Circle... Ye who hungers fordestructive force, draw this shape sothat it may be known.

?...The three... ...ngles......the Tri...ce... ...and...

?...The three... ...ngles......the Tri...ce... ...and...

?Well, that is what is written there!Does that mean anything to you?

?...The text is too badly damagedto read at all beyond that point.What do you suppose it could say?

?...The text is too badly damagedto read at all beyond that point.What do you suppose it could say?

?WHOA! I think my heart stopped!

This is it! The discovery of a lifetime!

?There is no mistaking it! This symbolmust mark one of the goddess wallsleft for the hero by the goddess!

?This answers all the mysteries fromthose ancient texts!

...At least, except for the mysteriesthat followed after that. Do you wantto know what else was written inthere?!

I'll pass.

?Over time, the power of the goddesswalls is restored!

When that happens, I want you to trysome different things in order to solvethe final mystery!

?No need to be stubborn, now.Just listen!

?Over time, the power of the goddesswalls is restored!

When that happens, I would like yourhelp with my research again!

?Over time, the power of the goddesswalls is restored!

When that happens, I would like yourhelp with my research again!

?Today I would like to witness the magicof Rupees emerging from the wall.For my research, of course!

...By the way, would you like toreview what was written in the text?

No need.

?Today I would like to witness the magicof hearts emerging from the wall!How astonishing would that be?

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?

No need.

?Today, buddy, I would like to witnessthe magic of bombs emerging from thewall! For my research, of course!

...By the way, would you like toreview what was written in the text?


?Today I would like to witness the magicof arrows emerging from the wall!For my research, of course.

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?Today, buddy, I would like to witnessthe magic of Fairies emerging from thewall! For my research, of course!

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?Really? Well then...I want to see it!

?I want to see a bunch of Rupeespop out of the wall again!

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?Great riches, eh? Do you supposethey...they really meant it?!

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?I want to see the wall rain hearts downon you again!

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?From the heavens shall falla rain of life's essence...

What do you think that means, bud?Whatever it is, it sounds kind of...refreshing!

...By the way, want to see what waswritten in the text again, bud?

No, thanks.

?Buddy, I have always said that anexplosive is worth a pound of...uh,boom? Anyway, I want to see bombscome out of that wall today!...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?What kind of shape is a closed circle,anyway? Huh. I thought all of themwere closed.

This is just a hunch, but...I think itmight just be a regular old circle!

...By the way, want to see what waswritten in the text again, bud?

No, thanks.

?Listen, buddy, I need to see somearrows come flying out of that wall!

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?Strike targets from afar... You do notsuppose that could mean THAT, doyou, bud?

...By the way, want to see what waswritten in the text again, bud?

No, thanks.

?I want to see more Fairies appear!Think you can do it again?

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?


?Lost writings in an ancient text...What secrets could have beenwritten there?

Layers upon layers of mysteries...

...By the way, would you like to reviewwhat was written in the text?

No, thanks.


So that is what it meant by greatriches!


So that is what the ancient writingmeant by a crimson vessel!


So this is what the lost part of the oldtext was explaining! Nice going, bud!


Something I have never seen beforejust materialized out of that wall!

...That could not have been a...No, that is impossible! Forget it.


So that is what it meant by greatdestructive force!


So that is what the ancient writingmeant by striking targets from afar!


That was not what I was expectingwould appear. I better do a littlemore research!


...Three piddly hearts? Hardly a rainfrom the heavens, now is it?

That was not what I was expectingwould appear. I better do some moreresearch!

?BLESSED BUTTERFLIES!You are the best, bud! Thanks.

?Let me give you a little token of myappreciation for assisting withmy research!

?Now I have seen everything that thoseancient writings described!

I really owe you, bud, so let me give youthis! Just my way of saying thanks.

?For helping me out with my research,I would like to give you a littlesomething!

?The magical power of the goddess wallsreturns after a little time has passed,so come by and help me with myresearch again sometime, OK?

?What is going on here?! This has neverhappened before!

?AGAIN?! What in the world is goingon?!

Still, even at times like these,research must go on!

?AGAIN?! What is going on?!

Still, even at times like these,research must go on!

?You are back?! A bunch of strangecreatures came out down below!I have never seen anything like them!

Is there any way you could get rid ofthem like you did before?!

?You are back?! A bunch of strangecreatures came out down below!I have never seen anything like them!

Is there any way you could get rid ofthem like you did before?!

?...Huh? Is there something differentabout your sword, or is it just me?

Either way, bud, you have got to get ridof those bad guys down there!

?...Huh? Is there something differentabout your sword, or is it just me?

Either way, bud, you have got to get ridof those bad guys down there!

?You know, bud, even at a time likethis, I never stop thinking about myresearch!

?You know, bud, even at a time likethis, I never stop thinking about myresearch!

?Oh, hey, bud! You would probably wantto know that I have seen BlessedButterflies flapping around herelately!Too bad I have absolutely no musicalability whatsoever.

I could not create beautiful tones tosave my life!


?This is the Windmill Propeller youwere searching for.

It is now possible to retrieve this usingthe robot whose services we haveenlisted.

Would you like me to call the robot?


?Yes, Master. If you change your mindand wish to retrieve it, please examineit again.

?I will send word to the robot usingtelepathic transmission, Master.

?Mistress Fi! I hope you weren't waitinglong, bzzzt!

So, zrrrbt, you want me to carry this?!

?I'll be waiting for you up in the sky,so don't take too long, vrrrt!

?Master, I suggest that we also return tothe sky and collect the propeller assoon as possible.

?Hey! Master Shortpants! You're in myway here, zrrpt! I said, get out of theway, vrrrrrt!


?[Link]! HEEELP!

?...Ugh, rough landing.

?I think I mighta broke something.Hey, [Link], seriously...Didn't anyone ever teach you how toland without crash--


B-birds? TINY birds?! Wh-what...ARE they?!

?And what is that thing?!

? Wh-why...Wha-what...

Where am I?!

?What's going on here? Ever since Zeldavanished, you've been zipping in andout of town all in a hurry!

So I figured I'd tail you, and you mightlead me to Zelda.

?But this wild. Seriously, what ISthat thing over there?!

?And what's with all these trees?There are so many!

?Just give it to me straight! I can take it.Where are we? Is Zelda here?

What's the deal with this place?!If there's supposed to be nothin'below the clouds, what's all this?

?Uhhhh... Whoa... You're kind ofimploding my mind right now...But I think I get what you're saying.

If I've got this right, Zelda is downhere somewhere and she's...OK?

?She's... She's OK. Oh, wow! That'sso great! Duh huh huh...

?Hearing that is such a...hugeweight off my mind.

?You know, [Link]...It's sort of all right down here.

?This place needs a name. Yeah...A name fitting for this rugged,adventurous wilderness. From now on,we'll call it... Grooseland!

?The harp you hold is known as theGoddess's Harp. It is a divineinstrument of the goddess who oncewatched over this land.

?The melodies it brings to life have thepower to produce a variety of strangeand otherworldly effects.

?The great slab standing before you isknown as a Gate of Time.

It is the last of its kind in existence...The only portal binding our world tothe one where Zelda now resides.

?If you manage to open the gate andpass through, you will likely end up inthe same place as Zelda.

But you will need to endure manyhardships and put yourself in greatdanger to awaken the gate from itsdormant state.Though your journey will put you inharm's way, [Link]...You must endure. It is your fate as thechosen hero of the godde--

?This shaking... I fear the seal hasbeen broken.

I expected that it would react to yoursummoning the gate, but I neverimagined the seal would break soquickly.

?[Link], there will be time toexplain later. Right now, you musthurry to the bottom of the pit outside.

?Nice going, [Link].

?Though the Imprisoned had only justbegun to awaken and break its bonds,I'm impressed you were able to restorethe seal keeping it captive.Unfortunately, you have onlysucceeded in buying us a little moretime in which to act.

?The behemoth you beat back intoconfinement is a horror of unspeakablepower.

Judging by what I saw, I would not besurprised if the seal gave way againsoon.

?So you are left with precious little timeto complete the task with which youhave been entrusted.

Return to the Sealed Temple,[Link]. There is much todiscuss.

?...As you can see, the gate is nothingmore than a slab of cold stone for now.It is sleeping.

Rousing it from its slumber wouldrequire great power.

Yes, I believe a shot of holy light fromyour Skyward Strike might just do it...

?Ah, sorry to disappoint you, boy, butfor now your sword lacks the powernecessary to awaken the gate.

First, you and your sword must growtogether.

?Faron Woods...Eldin Volcano...and Lanayru Desert...

A sacred flame is hidden somewherein each of these lands. Seek them out,and purify your sword in their heat.

Only after your blade has beentempered by these three fires will it befully imbued with the great power forwhich you search.

?Clues to finding the sacred flameshave been woven into the lyrics of asong precious to your people,the Ballad of the Goddess.These clues are your best hope offinding your way to the flames.

Return to Skyloft. Somewhere on yourisland is one whose knowledge of thisold song will point you in the rightdirection.

?I hate even sayin' this, but I guess yougot it all figured out, Grannie.

Me, well, there's nothin' I can do tohelp Zelda. I'm useless.

?Ah. You sell yourself short, my friend.You'll see in time that you have yourown role to play in all this.

?[Link], go now.Trust in fate to guide your feet.Your mission depends on doesZelda's fate.

?Do not fear it. This is what we havewaited for. At long last, the gate hasbeen reactivated.

?Standing before you is a path thattranscends the flow of time. It is aportal to the the very placewhere Zelda now waits.

?Go bravely, [Link].If everything is as I suspect, thereunion with Zelda you've fought sohard for lies beyond this gate.

?Nah, don't worry about me.I'm gonna hang back here,[Link].

?That stupid monster doesn't know whento quit, and Grannie here keepsyapping on and on about how we neverknow when it might bust free again.

?Someone's gotta stick around andguard the place. Might as well be me.

?Besides, if I'm not here, who's gonnalook out for the old girl?

?And you know what...

?Naw, forget about it...

?When you see Zelda, tell her I said"What's up?"

?You've come so far,[Link]...I'm glad you made it.

?I imagine Impa filled you in oneverything. We've traveled very farfrom the distant past.

In this era, the wounds inflicted on theland during the battle between thegoddess and the demon king known asDemise have not yet healed.All the fairy tales about that war weheard growing up in Skyloft...Incredible as it may seem, they appearto be all too real.

?I think it's time you learned the wholestory. Let me try to explain...

?The old gods created a supreme powerthat gave anyone who possessed it theability to shape reality and fulfill anydesire. They called it the Triforce.In his thirst to make the world his own,Demise readied a massive army ofmonsters for war. He sought to takethe Triforce for himself by force.The goddess feared for her people.She used her power to send both themand the Triforce into the sky on a sliceof earth she cut away from the land.This floating rock became the newhome of our people. In time, it cameto be known as Skyloft.

?After a long and fierce battle, thegoddess, Hylia, succeeded in sealingaway Demise.

However, soon after the demon kingwas imprisoned, it became clear thatthe seal would not hold long againsthis fearsome power.Hylia had suffered grave injuries inher battle with the demon king.She knew that if he broke free again,there would be no stopping him.

?And if the demon king were to freehimself, it would mean the end of theworld for all beings of this land.

In order to put an end to the demonking, Hylia devised two separate plansand set them both into motion.

?First, she created Fi. She made thespirit that resides in your sword toserve a single purpose: to assist herchosen hero on his mission.Her second plan...was to abandon herdivine form and transfer her soul tothe body of a mortal.

?...She made this sacrifice, as you havelikely guessed, so that the supremepower created by the old gods couldone day be used.For while the supreme power of theTriforce was created by gods, all of itspower can never be wielded by one.

Knowing this power was her last andonly hope, the goddess gave up herdivine powers and her immortal form.

?You've probably figured it out by now,haven't you, [Link]?

You are the chosen hero, and I, Zelda...

I am the goddess reborn as a mortal.

?The day of the ceremony, Ghirahim'stornado tossed me out of the sky anddown to the world below.

I was nearly captured by the demonicforces, but I was rescued at the lastmoment by the old woman who livesin the Sealed Grounds.

?I had no memory at all of my existenceas Hylia, but she explained it to me.She helped me to remember who Iwas...and what I had to do.I set out to pray at the goddess statueslocated in each temple across the land.

Each statue stirred up memories withinme. After I visited them all, Impa,an agent of the goddess, led the past.

?...All of this is part of the same greateffort to prevent the revival of Demise.

?Stripped of his true physical form bythe seal that binds him, he takes theshape of an abomination.

But even in his hideous state, he's morethan capable of devouring this land ifwe allow him to do what he desires.

?We must stop him from freeing himselffrom the seal that imprisons him.At any cost...

That is why I intend to remain here inthis time and place... To sustain theseal as best as I can.

As long as I continue this vigil, we maybe able to prevent the demon king fromfully reviving himself in our own time.

?I must maintain the seal that Hylia--rather, that I--created so long ago andkeep it strong for as long as I am able.

With the memories of my former lifereturning to me, I can see now that thisis my purpose.

?[Link], the goddess createdFi and the great blade she's a part offor very specific reasons.

For the task of standing against Demisein the monstrous form he now assumesrests solely on your shoulders.

Back in our own time, you've alreadydriven him back into his prison twicenow. I can't thank you enough forthat, [Link].

?During your long journey, you'vegrown so much.

You learned wisdom from solvingdevious puzzles and traps. You gainedpower by honing and tempering bothyourself and your sword.And by overcoming the trials setbefore you by the goddess, you'vefound true courage.

Now that those qualities reside in you,you are worthy of wielding the powerthe old gods left behind for our kind.You can claim the Triforce.

?Valiant hero, you have endured manyhardships and journeyed far in yourquest to reach this place.

Along your travels you have foundwisdom, power, and courage, and forthis I shall bless your sword with thegoddess's power.May it give you and your sword thestrength to drive back the abominationthat threatens this land!

?The mark you see upon the back ofyour hand is proof that you are thehero of legend and that within youdwells sacred power.It is the mark of the Triforce.

Stand now, [Link].Draw your sword.

?The goddess has blessed your blade, andthe Master Sword has at last achieved itsultimate form!

The sword is now imbued with the mythicalpower to drive back demons, and only[Link] may wield it!

?[Link], before I say anotherword, I feel like I owe you an apology.

You see, the mark of the Triforce onyour hand is a symbol of the greatestpower in this world.

?If you can obtain the actual Triforce,we will have the power to vanquishDemise once and for all.

The problem is, among the countlesssouls in this world, only a select few--those with an unbreakable spirit--can wield its might.

?It's impossible to know the true reasonwhy the old gods created the Triforce.But I have a theory of my own.

The gods created the Triforce, yet theyspecifically designed it so that theirown kind could never use its power.

Somehow, I think that may have beentheir way of giving hope to all themortal beings of the land.

...Which brings us back to you.

To face Demise and give the land hope,the goddess, Hylia, needed someonewith an unbreakable spirit. Thatsomeone is you, [Link].

?But spirit alone wasn't enough.You had to overcome many trials andawaken the hero within yourself so thatyou could wield that supreme power.And so Hylia... I mean, and so I...

I knew that if it meant saving Zelda,you would throw yourself headfirstinto any danger, without even amoment's doubt...I... I used you.

?I can't begin to tell you how sorry I amfor pulling you into all of this,[Link].

But you have to understand this is awar, and the fate of the land hangs inthe balance. I need your strength to tipthe scales in our favor...

?All that may be well intentioned andtrue, but it doesn't mean it's right...and it doesn't excuse my actions.

But I'm prepared to pay the price forwhat I've done.

?To ensure that the seal holds, I willremain here in this time...deep in sleepfor thousands of years.

?[Link]...I can't say itenough. I'm so sorry for the way I hadto involve you in this.

But until my memory of things beforeour lifetime returned to me, I had noidea we were fated to carry such aheavy destiny.Before all this, I was happy justspending my days hanging around withyou in Skyloft. I wanted that feeling tolast forever.

?While it's true that I am Hylia reborn,I'm still my father's daughter andyour friend...

I'm still your Zelda.

?When Demise is finally gone, there willbe no more need for the seal that bindshim, and then I'll be able to wake up.

So I'm going to ask you a favor,sleepyhead. Ever since we were kids,I'd always be the one to wake you upwhen you slept in.But this time, when all of this is over,will you come to wake me up?

I promise.
I will.
Of course!

?Master [Link], I have news.I have confirmed that the Isle of theGoddess, which was formerly a part ofSkyloft, has returned to the surface.

?Furthermore, I have detected thesuccessful eradication of Demise.Your prayers to the Triforce havebeen heard.

?In light of these factors, the seal Zeldamaintained through her agelong sleepis no longer necessary. My projectionsindicate she will wake momentarily.

?I advise you to make your way to theSealed Temple as soon as possible.

?Good morning...[Link]...

?This is all very touching, really, but I'mafraid I have to cut this emotionalmoment short.

?It's best for everyone if you forgetabout your friend. The little goddess ismine now!

?My master may have perished in thisage, but in the past he lives yet!I'm taking the girl back through thatgate to help me revive the demon king!

?You've been so adorably dogged in yourquest to get in my way, and as much asit has delighted me, I can no longertolerate you nipping at my heels.


?...Stand down. You're in my way, andthe sight of your appalling hair makesmy gorge rise.

?You've done a fine job of spoiling myplans to revive the demon king in thisage, so I see no point in dawdling here.

?But the past...oh, the past... So full ofpossibilities. I shall resurrect himthere with the divine soul of thisgolden-haired girl!

?...You know, boy, you've really pushedme too far. The moment I sweated andbled for is at hand.

I don't even have the time to grind myheel into a worm like you. Not now.

?Hear me, my hordes! The spell is nearlycomplete! The demon king returns!Until then, you WILL keep that whelpfrom interfering with my ritual.

?I don't care if the whole lot of you getlodged on the end of his blade. You willbuy me the time I need! Do not fearhim... Fear my wrath if you fail me!

?You're far too quick, boy!

?I realize a simple child like you knowsnothing of magic, but spells like thistake time and a steady hand! Can't youwait quietly like a good boy? HMM?You petulant brat... You've pushed metoo far. I've waited my whole existencefor this! This is my moment!

?You know what? Fine! If you're sointent on hurrying to your grave, I'll behappy to show you the way!

?This time there will be no heroicescape. I was a fool to toy with you andlet you walk away with your life before,but I won't make that mistake again.

?That, I promise!

?If only I'd put you in your place fromthe very beginning. Show a human alittle mercy and next thing you know,he thinks himself your equal!Given my station, I had to maintainsome semblance of dignity, so I let yourun with your life... Twice, even.Such a guilty pleasure...But instead of scurrying away like anycreature with a basic instinct tosurvive, you just kept coming back.Again...and again...and again.

?I've let a mere boy make a fool of mefor the last time. You stand before ademon...or should I say, a weaponwithout mercy!

?For you, boy, I've prepared a mostappropriate and humiliating death.I even have a pet name for it--I call itthe endless plunge!First, I will take my time bludgeoningyou, and when I grow bored of it, I willdrive you to the edge and deliver a laststrike to send you falling to your doom!I'll delight in casting your body intothis pit and snuffing out the flame ofyour life! Your broken body will serveas fine sustenance for the demon king!

?This... This is preposterous.Driven to my knees by a simple childof man. Laughable!

No matter how many times we clash,I can't prevail! You think I can'tdefeat you? You think I can't win??

Boy...what are you?

?Ah... But never mind that. Victory isstill mine to savor. While we fought,the ritual I started continued...

At last, it's complete! The demon kingshall devour the soul of the goddess andresurrect in his full glory!

?Don't you see? It's all over! You andyour kind have lost! This world andeverything in it now belong todarkness! They belong to my master!

?Welcome back to us, Master.

?...So you are the chosen knight ofthe goddess.


?The goddess lowered herself to amortal existence to keep meimprisoned.

How pathetic. This bag of flesh palesin comparison to the magnificence ofher previous form.

?Don't worry, [Link]!Groose has got this!

?[Link], I... I caught her!She's OK!

?Hmm... So you and that other humanwould stand before obliteration to aidthe goddess, would you?

?How curious... The humans I've knownwere weak things. Hardly more thaninsects, shivering under rocks andready to flee at a mere glimpse of me.

?When last I walked this world, they didlittle more than scream and cling totheir goddess, mewling and praying...Counting on her to protect them.How amusing to think those cowardsbegot someone like you.

?You grow more fascinating by thesecond, human. I never imagined I'dmeet one of your kind who wished tostand against me in battle.

?Very well, then. I shall prepare a placefor us where we will not be botheredby distractions. If you still have thecourage to face me, seek me there.

?[Link], it's all on you!Oh, and listen up! Grannie had someinfo for you!

?The old girl says it'll take time for thatgrease wad to absorb Zelda's soulcompletely!

?If you can take him down before hersoul gets all sucked up into that...thing, you might still have a chance!

?I...I know you can do it!

?So...yeah! You've gotta do this!You're all Zelda's got! You've got tomake this happen!

?If you fear for your life, do not followme. You can spend what little timeyour world has left cowering andcrying, as befits your kind.But if you truly desire to raise yourblade against the world I would build,come for me.

I've waited eons to return. I can spare afew more moments to let you decide.

?It's up to you now, [Link]...

?Ah, so you've decided to meet your endin battle after all. It pleases me greatlyto see such misplaced valor, human.

?Take a moment to appreciate yoursurroundings, for where we standshall serve as your tomb for eternity.

?The hate for the gods that has boiledin my veins...

?You will taste all of it in the bite ofmy blade.

?The only question left is how long youwill manage to remain standing beforeI take your life. Try to keep itinteresting for me, would you?

?And when you do fall, know that yourworld and everything in it is mine todominate... Mine to subjugate...Mine to rule!

?When I finish with you, you can takesolace in knowing your friends and kinwill soon follow, as I wipe all whooppose me from the face of this world!

?...It won't be long now. At last, thealmighty power I've sought formillennia...

?I will take the Triforce for my own...

?And the world shall be under my footfor eternity!

?Extraordinary. You stand as a paragonof your kind, human.

You fight like no man or demon I haveever known. Though this is not the end.

My hate...never perishes. It is bornanew in a cycle with no end!

I will rise again!

?Those like you... Those who share theblood of the goddess and the spirit ofthe hero... They are eternally bound tothis curse.An incarnation of my hatred shallever follow your kind, dooming them towander a blood-soaked sea of darknessfor all time!

?I have confirmed the eradication of thedemon king.

His residual consciousness has beenabsorbed into the Master Sword...and is now sealed away.

?You have done well, [Link].

?[Link]... Thank you.I think it's over...'s all over.

?Nice going, you two. You guys weretotally amazing in this little adventureI like to call the Legend of Groose.

?...That's a little joke.

?Joke or not, your contributions to ourefforts were heroic. You have mythanks.

?Aww, well, you know... Just glad I couldmake myself useful. I'm happy thingsturned out OK.

?Hey, so things look pretty sewn uphere. What do you say, guys?Ready to head back to our own time?

?Grannie was really worried about youtwo. We don't want to keep the old girlin suspense too long.

?Hylia, Your Grace... Or perhaps youprefer "Zelda." It pleases me to knowyou are safe.

...Master, I must speak with you.

?Master [Link], you havesuccessfully protected the goddessreborn and defeated Demise, fulfillingyour role as the hero of legend.My purpose here is complete.

Therefore, I ask you to dissolve ourarrangement as master and servant.

?Drive the sword into the pedestalbefore you, and I will return to thesword to enter a sleep without end.

?Master, you have achieved the purposeyou were chosen to fulfill. Please, setthe sword in the pedestal and bring thegoddess's mission to an end.

?Now, Master. It is time to conclude ournecessary companionship.


?[Link], hear me.My purpose was to obey the commandof the goddess and lead you, the chosenhero of this land, on your quest.When I first awoke and began this task,I perceived it as merely serving myfunction as a servant to Her Grace.

However, I have come to consider theinformation corresponding to ourtime together among the most preciousdata I have on record.

?I do not have the capability to fullyunderstand the human spirit,[Link]...

But now, at the end of my journey withyou, as I prepare to sleep within theMaster Sword forever, I experience afeeling I am unable to identify.I lack sufficient data to be sure of myconclusion, but I believe this feelingcorrelates closest to what your peoplecall...happiness.

?Our partnership is at an end, and evenas we speak, I feel my consciousnessfading away.

Before I enter the sleep that calls meto the sword, I wish to relay to youwords that I recorded many times overthe course of our journey.Many have said them to you thus far,but I now wish to say them for myself...

?Thank you, Master [Link].May we meet again in another life...

?What? Impa, why? Come with us!

?Zelda, Your Grace, you possess thememories of the goddess. You mustunderstand why that is not possible.

I am a being of this age.My place is here.

?I... I know that, but...

?You must return to your own time.I will take care of the gate once youhave passed through.

?I...can't do that. You and I have beenthrough so much together. I don't wantto leave you alone.

?Please, Impa. Come back with us.

?Zelda, at the command of the goddess,I passed through the Gate of Time.I did so to protect you and aid the fightto prevent the world's destruction.The last remnants of Demise aredecaying slowly within the sword.Someone must stay behind to watchover this blade.His spirit must not reawaken.He must never be allowed to threatenthe world again.

?This is the nature of the task given tomy tribe.

As a member of the Sheikah, thegoddess's chosen guardians, I gladlywelcome this duty.

?Zelda, I shall watch over the Triforce.

Its power is too great to leave in thegrasp of man. Dependence on its mightis an invitation to disaster.

When it has served its purpose, it mustbe secreted away to lie dormant onceagain...the knowledge of its existencehidden from mortal history.These are the words the goddess spoketo me long ago. I remember them well.As do you, I'm sure.

?Do not despair, Zelda. You and I willsurely meet again someday.

?...See? I told you we'd meet again.

?Impa... Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

?Look around us! As a child, I alwaysdreamed of a world below. I wanted tosee the surface with my own eyes andfeel the land's warm breeze on my skin.I... I think I want to live here.I always want to feel solid groundbeneath my feet, see the clouds abovemy head, and watch over the Triforce.

?What about you, [Link]?What will you do now?

Skyward Sword Text Dump (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.