The Modesto Bee from Modesto, California (2024)

SE his Ever since the United States went dry, a still on the Lagomarsino Ranch on Scenic Drive, about from Donahue, Modesto, 21, laborer, has been authorities under say. government Tae padlock shows -that a is, part it of was the until big it coil was and broken condens by ing tank, which Donahue is said to have cut up and sold for Junk. At the left is Paul Lagomarsino, who discovered that the stillhouse had been broken into, and standing is Jack Hammett, deputy, who arrested Donahue. (News-Herald photo), (News-Herald photo), PARIS LAWYERS ARE SUSPENDED, U. S.

Padlock On Still Broken Modesto Fire Loss For Year Only $1 Per Capita MODESTO'S fiscal per capita 1927-28 fire was year $1, according to a report submitted to Mayor Sol P. Elias on Monday by Fire Chief George Wallace, The total fire loss for the year, including buildings and contents, was $172,079, divided as follows: Loss on buildings, $86,689 and value of contents destroyed, 390. Above Average The fire lose is higher than usual because. of several big blazes in which the damage ran high. two most disastrous blazes were at the Elias Harris BuildIng.

Eleventh and I Streets, and the Latz department store in Tenth Street. In his report, Chief Wallace Additional Fruit Shipped For Fair Additional fruit for Stanisiaus County's booth in the California State Fair at was shipped Monday. InSacramento, cludes Green Gage plums from the 0. H. DeForest ranch and Tuscan peaches from W.

G. Sharp. The booth is in charge of Hugh P. Donnelly, secretary of the Stan islaus County Development Board. -Register Before July Red Men To Hold Meeting Tuesday Business matters pertaining to the lodge will be discussed at of Winola Tribe No.

248, Improved Order of Red Men, Tues day evening in Marshall Hall George Inkle, sachem, will preside -Register Before July Jailed Here--Mike Long, 76. vagrant, sentenced to five days In the county Jail by Judge Dan KIl roy of Turlock, began serving term on Sunday, Long was arrested in Turlock. FREE DELIVERY FISH CALL 135 MODESTO FISH MARKET Cor, of and Sixth MARSHALL, SERVICEElectrical WorkThoroughly Tested We are equipped to make a most accurate check on all electrical repairs and adjustments. Every job is given a test for precision and correctness before it is turned over to you. Expert electricians serve you in every electrical automotive need.

ELECTRICAL TIRES VULCANIZING Marshall I SPEEDONETER 918 NINTH PHONE 537 FEDERAL TIRES -PAGE FIVE SUSPECTED OF MURDER, JAIL ESCAPE ARRESTED Gives Name As William Carter; Description Tallies With That Of Slayer A man giving his name as William Carter, 44, is held in the county jail here on suspicion of being C. C. Baze, wanted in Stanton, Texas, on a charge of murder and jail break, Sheriff Grat Hogin announced. He is held on an open charge pending information from Sheriff A. C.

Francis, sheriff of Midland County, Texas. Denies Connection Carter, questioned at length by deputies and Sheriff Hogin, vigorously denied his connection with the Texas murder and maintained he has been in California for more than a year. Baze escaped from Jail in Texas on March 18, last, by overpowering the jailer. He was arrested with "Red" Calvin and was awaiting trial when he escaped. Both men were arrested for the murder of two Mexicans in Stanton last December.

According to the circular received from Sheriff Francis, Baze andn Calvin "planted" three Mexicans in front of a bank and returned a short time later, shooting two down and severely wounding the third. They declared they thought the Mexicans had intended to rob the bank. $10,000 Reward Texas authorities charged they killed the men in order to collect $10,000 reward offe.ed by the Texas Bankers' Association for the arrest of bank robbers. exactly with that given Baze in, The description of carter, tallies the circular, according to Hogin. Baze is 46, weighs 180 pounds, is 6 feet 2 inches tall, has sandy hair, large feet, and is raw-boned.

Carter was working on a ranch near here when taker Into custody. His picture has been taken and forwarded to Sheriff Francis, -Register Before July 28 Supervisor Moved To Hospital Here "Quite satisfactory" was the report given by the attending physiclan Monday on the condition of Supervisor Frank Rained of West. ley, seriously injured and burned when his automobile took fire and crashed into a bridge of the Gus tine-Los Banos Highway Friday night. Raines was removed to St. Mary's Hospital here Saturday night.

He has second degree burns on both legs from the knees to the ankles, a fractured collar bone, a wound several inches long on the right side of his face and numerouts contusions on the body, -Register Before July 28. Two Cars Of Fruit, Melons Shipped One car load of cantaloupes and another car containing cantaloupes, peaches, peppers and sweet potatoes were shipped on Sunday out of the Modesto district, it was announced Monday. On Saturday one mixed car left for the market. Approximately eight car loads of cantaloupes have left this district since the season started. -Register Before July 28- CHARGE DISMISSED Charges of defrauding an inn keeper against Jim Foster and Walter Meadows were dismissed by Judge W.

H. Rice on Monday when the complaining witness, Mrs. Mary Trodgon, local rooming house, proprietor, said their board bills had been paid. -Register liefore July 28- FINED $5 L. E.

Allison, 109 Howard Street, Modesto, was fined $5 by Judge W. H. Rice on Monday when he pleaded guilty to- a charge of speeding. LEADERS NAMED FOR PENTECOST OF PORTUGUESE John Maciel New President; Barbecue And Dance Feature Day John A. Maciel was named presldent of the Portuguese Pentecostal Association at an election and installation held on Sunday in the Pentecostal Hall.

Othels Chosen Other officers elected are: Sebastian Coito, vice-president; A. W. Silva, secretary; J. C. George treasurer, and F.

H. Mendonca, C. IL. Mendonca and M. N.

Mello, directors. Approximately 1000 persons attended the meeting. The retiring officers of the association are: F. H. Mendonca, president; F.

F. Mendoza, secrea tary; Frank Alves, treasurer; Frank Enos, Antone Correia, and J. C. George, directors. Reports oll the last Pentecostal celebration were ad during the meeting.

At noon a barbacue was held. In the evening there was a banquet followed by a public dance. -Register Before July 28- News-Herald Taken To Reader By Plane News is news only when it's freshSo when Loule Meier wanted to deliver a Sunday morning NewsHerald to his brother, Roy, employed at a construction camp on the Mokelumne River, while it was still news, he used the aeroplane. With his wife as passenger, Meier hopped in the Penfield plane from Bud Coffee Airport here early Sunday morning and returned less than two hours later, after drop uing the newspaper to his broth er. Meler learned to fly in lessons given by the Penfield Brothers, Tom and John.

-Register Before July Charles T. Smith, 56, Dies At San Jose Rites for Charles T. Smith, 56, who died In San Jose on Satur day, will be held at the Shannon Funeral Chapel on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment will be at Camarilio. Patterson Lodge No, 488, F.

and A. will have charge of the services. Smith leaves besides his wife. Mary Smith 01 Modesto, three daughters, Mrs. Verna Jesperson of Hanford, Mrs.

Lora Neil of Merced, Mrs. Isla Sisson of Lindsey, and three sons, R. P. Smith of Farmington, Elmer and Glynn Smith Modesto. He also leaves a brother, J.

N. Smith, of Modesto and a sister, Susie Ray, of Turlock. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Starts Voice Study-Reid C. Cochran, director of the Firat Baptist Church Choir, started MonLouts to attend the classes of Graveure, San Francisco teacher of voice. Very Pure Water- -Rivergank's drinking water tests 99.6 per cent pure.

It de used to fill the Riverbank Swimming Pool, insuring you safety in cleanliness while you enjoy nature's finest sportswimming. Adv. 206. Hold Practice--Several memClub of the Modesto Rifle held a practice shoot at their range Sunday, Scores were not recorded. Speedometer Service--All makes Marshall Service, 918 9th.

(adv tf Tools Stolen Theft of carpenter tools from his ranch was reported to She ff Grat. Hogin Monday by C. P. Bowman of Route Modesto. Lovejoy Hydraullo Shock Absorbers- Marshall Service 918 Ninth.

(adv 11-7 tf Camp equipment for sale or rent. Outdoor Sport Shop, 915 St. (adv-230 Stolen, Recovered -A bicycle reported stolen from Street here Sunday afternoon by Peter Palmer, Route was later recovered, the police were notified. Battle Creek Treatments Birbeck RN, 914 14th. Ph.

2007. (adv tf Follow the crowd to Walton's Delicatessen, 11th and Sts. (adv-215 Office Entered--The office of the Modesto Junk Company, 1425 Ninth Street, was entered over the weekend but nothing WAS reported stolen, according to the police. Magneto Generator service. Marshall Service.

918 9th. (Adv tr Modesto Radio headquarters, Losher Hodgert. Phone 1417. (ady tr Automobiles Collide--Machines driven by John Bomberger, 129 Elmwood Avenue, and Mrs. J.

P. Snare, 111 Hackberry Avenue, collided at Thirteenth and Streets Saturday afternoon. No one was injured. Girls, Do You Know that our Nitrokote Lacquer is just the thing for painting shoes. Dries in half hour--many shades.

Modesto Paint Wallpaper 1004 Street. (adv-206 Foundation Garments Gossard, Nemo, Nature's Rival, Double Vee, De Bevoise, Practical Front. Mrs. A. M.

Lennon, 809 10th St. Expert fittings, maternity and, post-operative a specialty. (adv-tr Recovers From Operation--A. G. Fingerlie, who underwent a serious operation in a local hospital a few days ago, is recovering and expects to return to his home in few days.

5 THERE'LL DE PLENTY FOR 100! ME, You'll sing this joyful chorus in your bath tomorrow-if you let us install your Ruud now! $5.00 DOWN A YEAR TO PAY Special Offer for July August Only It may be easy enough in your home for the first person in the bathroom to sing "'Sweet how about the second fellow, who gets in per haps after the hot water is gone! Everybody will sing that joyful chorus from now on, if you will just bring along that 45 bill for the down payment on a new RUUD automatie water. heater, Just turn the hot water faucet--there's hot water, an ocean of it. JOY! You said it! "3-in-1" Dish Washer FREE 45 down--a year to pay the balance- an allowance for your old water. heater AND, an "3-in-1" The famous RUUD Spray Dish Washer outfit, which keeps the hands water out dish water and makes this daily chore easy, heater of which FREE. These extra- liberal terms are in effect durnever wears out) can ing JULY-AUGUST only, so come in now and be purchased on these special July -August choose your RUUD and bring your $5 with you, terms.

for they're going mighty fast! Owned and Operated by Home People MODESTO GAS.CO 1006 St. Phone 76 Oceans of Hot Water from Every Faucet C. Firat MonLouts cent Riverbank while 206. memClub their not IX Three Of Seven French Attorneys Barred For "'Greasing' Foreign Divorce Mill PARIS, July group. of French lawyers having been punished today for their part in making divorces easy for Americans, their colleagues have set out to see what can be done to discipline American lawyers established in Paris clients and whose money" made the divorce wheels go round.

PARIS, July -Suspension from practice for terms of two to eight months was decreed today against three of the seven French lawyers tried Saturday on charges of "greasing the wheels" of the foreign divorce mill in Paris. Three other lawyers one process server were severely scolded. The seventh lawyer and a second process server were acquitted. The reprimanded lawyers, Tual, Nouel and Fichot were admonished to circ*mspect in the future. Similar admonitions were be, made to Ledriere, a process server.

The most severe penalty was visited upon Lawyer Moreau. He was suspended from practice for eight months. Half as great a punwas out to Lawyer Legrand, and half as much meted, to Lawyer Prestat. The acquitted persons were M. Burkhardt, a lawyer, and Belanger, man.

-Register Before July 28- Rites Planned For John W. Beasley, 75 Funeral services for John W. Beasley, 15, a resident of Stantslaus County for more than thirty years, who died on Sunday, will be held at the Shannon Funeral Chapel on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be in the Citizen's Cemetery, Beasley leaves three daughters. Mrs.

Lida Crandall Merced, Mrs. Etta Stribling Acampo, of and Mrs. Civilla Seaton of Waterley of Modesto, Walter Beasley of ford; three sons, James BeasStockton, and Charles Beasley of Garden Grove. He also leaves two cousins, A. N.

Standiford of Modesto and Mrs. Jane Cassingham of San Jose. notes that his apparatus responded to five alarms outside the city limits. Much of the credit for saving the Nestle Food Company plant at Salida from destruction by fire was given by company officials to the work of the local department. 1844 Inspections Inspoettons made of business horses, basem*nts, vacant lots, garages, gasoline tanks, cleaning establishments, schools, theaters and furnaces for the year total 1844.

Rubbish fires top the list with eighteen; flue and automobile blazes are next, with fourteen each; there were thirteen grass fires. The department responded to 110 calls in the twelve period. 'Hell's Angels' Ships Stop For Gasoline Three airplanes used in the making of the motion picture Hell's Angels stopped for gasoline at Bud Coffee Airport here Monday morning and then continued to San Francisco, The of a type used in the World War, were piloted by Roy Wilson, Harry Crandall and Frank Clark. VICTORIOUS MOI or THE VICTO SIX When the Victory Six was announced six months ago it was the talk of the town. What would it look like? What would it do? Would it be different from other cars? In what way? And so Then the public saw the Victory Six! Its freshness of design was a revelation.

It was different. Like no other car. Rakish and trim -low and graceful smart hued and colorful -it captured the eye, Immediately. Look again. Wider seats- -more leg space.

Big! Roomy! Then it proved, in operation and performance, the promise suggested by its beauty. Swift pick-up-smoothness-speed. Dodge Brothers dependability again! It was a great car then; it is an even greater car now. It has stood the test. Each month has seen a substantial in.

crease in Victory Six sales. Not because of what we have been saying for six months. Or because of what we say now. But because of what the Victory Six is. The snappiest, best looking, speediest car in its class.

A car you should try out--now--your. self at the wheel. Touring Car or Roadster, $995; Coupe, $1045; 4-door Sedan, $1095; DeLuxe Sedan, $1170; DeLuxe 4-passenger Coupe, $1170; Sport Road. ster, $1245; Sport Sedan, $1295-f. o.


The Modesto Bee from Modesto, California (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.