The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

MONDAY, OCTor.Ut T'J-I. SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE SEYMOUR. INDIANA 3 DAILY TRIBUNE III Gensral Rirera, SpiV Dialer, Bern Fighter -t- 1 Kvening Rxcpt 8utlay. s'f i til I 9 1 1111 1 1 JAY a SMITIl Publisher By Interactional Newa Service. The sudden, rjjsf' to'power, oT, Gen Intrreii the Indian, font' ntfSc as Kconl-clmt Miutr.

iCiiiil rAIt.T By Cmrrler, oral Primo in vera Span una won for him die title of "the. Spanish One -f ITS .11 Six 'rhr-e M.ith One Kseept for the dramatic career of the Italian Premier General Bivera'a quickly executed, and' momentous, are, without DAU.T JKU In wK. i.mon. nio, 1 yr. Count.

l.25 M0 A cam 6c ri paTroIM iu" IfidtTernTlwfoTyv If, for the sake of. more clearly th? Wxoi Systematic7 having UIM t. 1C 190 S.W WEEKLY. Jackson County- Sc 1 IB 1:1: mro visualizing Rivera's attainmeuts, the siuldt'jt "arliitrary dismissal the rresident'a' eabinet in 'the United is Ihe Serai-Annual Traae Event at our will equipped store, exhibiling smartest ideas in New Curtains. States eould be eoncieved, (dsptber with the wuRting from office of every LOuvernor of every State in the Un ion, some idea of the stupendous srovernmental Which have KatioMl Advertising RepreeenUtlvee toMOXD 8CHKERER 1041-41 ilarQuette BUnt Chlcaio R.

MULLIGAN JO E. Porty-necond Ht. New Tarn MONDAY, OCTOBER 192:1. Farm Bureau Meeting. The Jaotson fcwxsLip Fann Bureau will hold its October meeting" at the Farmer's Club Tuesday, evening.

It is stated that iatters bt'en wroueht in Spain in the last Mir tMmm few weekrf eould be obtained from the Ainericna viewpoint, Virtually every vestige of the former Oovernment wad suddenly Are Your Character Index I of interest to the bureau will be up for, discussion, aad the program of the evening will be of considerable importance. Several of the township fnrra twept out of existence and the military, llrnily ensconced in ita stead throughout the, nation. Apparently these epochal changes are with 'complete sanction of the Hnnr in ifAiip mm wV If 111 bureaus will hold their monthly meeunm itm wee in me coiiniy. They ar now getting well organicd frtr ttin winter' a work. cannon that me Moors usa seizeu.

5 j. r'r "-w tw muvi lui ItlUJl see tHem are the character index to your home. Ourrseirvices will be To' convey to you frscinatmg idea' for. the tasty curtains and suitable drapery to conform to your rooms to the best effects. Cur tains, that Vneet all requirements are the famous Quaker and.

Lace Hangings. The new weaves arc delightful conception? exceptional merit, and make buying a real pleasure. fie was promoted to a captaincy, So sweeping have they been, in fact, arrd their potentialities so pregnant thitt some obsprvew predict Alfonso may have the distinction of being not only the. last Spanish King hut the hrst Spanish President. Following is a brief sketch of the military experience of General Rivera, which fitted him so.

well for his recent great undertaking. Hw. Charles, Mrs. Mayme Blevins and the Missca Stella and the Cross of Son Fernando' was conferred upon him. in 1895 General Prime Rivera was in Cuba," engaged with, the Spanish armyi He again distinguished him and Kdua Uossett ana came vook went to Louisville yesterday and spent the day.

They saw the "Covered Wagon'' at MoCauley's Theatre yesterdayaf ternoon. self on the battlefield, especially hi CAsem*nT LACE un action at Santa Maria Sabma. flencrn! Priino Rivera (the Mar The vear 1897 found the.Roldier quis Ksteiin), neaa or me new nnu- in the Philippines, lie risked bjs life nrv Government of Spnjn, fomrht QUAKER FILET NETS Mado with 'utmost care 'in cream or beige with, period figures, 4Q- to 45 inches wide, per yard 40c 75c $1.00. of dignity arRj attractive prices as to Per yard, i tij neveral times in the'lslands and was with the Spanish army in both Cuba Cooperative Associalioil SRE- and the' Philippine. Islands.

1 85c $1.00 $1.25. lie was Co lit ii in -General of Ma drid whwiv Spain decided- to make war against the 3ioroccan tribesmen. Ilia bitter attacks against, the. mili THOS. J.

CLARK, Secretary, For Particulars tary juntas on the ground of favori tism and his opposition, to the QUAKER LACE CURTAINS Newest things in window coverings, famous witlvthft sunshine touch, pair $2.25 to $4.98, CRETONNES TERRY CLOTH Beautiful colorings in all the newest designs, rich in color. Per yard 35c to $1.50. Moroccan campaign reuulted in his rewarded with a ooloneley nnd Jhe trpss of faria phristina. ''f I Alter these General Primo Rivera retired from the ranks and led, on. inactive life in Paris.

At Jus. own request he was sent' to Morocco! in. 1900 and spent, several years in the service there, He gained sensational irt an attack at Macize in 1011. He was wounded while his troops were forcing a passage of the Kert River. Later lie1 was given command of a bridge.

In 1913 he captured the Luzien position, "receiving the Cross of Merite Militar reduction last year. He waa appointed Captain-General of Catalonia, a lesi important post, and held, that i 1 I i citizeiis they, can air "every right, privilege and protection given under the constitution." oOlve while he organized the military enpp which- overturned the Alhuce-ma Government. RUGS, LINOLEUMS, BLINDS, CURTAINS NETS, DRAPERY Everything to finish t-v the home. Let us serve you. General Primo Rivera was born Cadiz in 1870 and was graduated Miami, Oct.

1 Sheriff Cal Carman will make no effort to pre- Roja from the Spanish Military Academy I n-3 ndrl9 Mifrpreidedrever lventpeciaafate-elctioivi4lii8 when only 14 years -old; In 1888 he county Tuesday, he announced today; lie Spanish Commission that visited wn? appointed a second lieutenant tTrr in i urn i mm 1.111...-. i nwmtj in thj infantry. ln 1800 he wa9 made first lieutenant. -t the French and British battlefronta. In 1919 he was(niade a licutepant-geaeral.

In 1920. he "wap appointed of Valencia, Garman said he would refuse flatly to obey Governor "Walton's orders that "all necessary steps be taken to see that the order postponing the is carried out." In '1993 ho distinguished himself the Moora. Aid- i that' are ANY are eyes transferred to Madrid later. ed by" five soldiers, he recaptured a i. IV A turned to gaza with keea.

ad- believe' the election Is legal and I wont help Jack W'hlton prevent it," miration on the well ilevblopcd, "W.H.BUREEY that' originally were to be veteV4he Qnrman declared. governor said and that it waa FEAR BL00O WIU i BE SHED TUESDAY (Continued from first page) weapon of revenge directed at bira McCRAY MATTERS REAi; ESTATE; IXStlRANTE AM) LOANS. Seymour Indiana iH'rsonally -'by his enemies 0 the TO JURY FRIDAY l.ciiti.ujr ui hu mailer nucio nun may be on the rapidly moving thoroughfare or gliding giaccfully over the dance floor. All eyea turn because we all ap-r ri'ctate the girl with the figure to firm and plumpthe girl with red. cheeks, cheeks that carry a touch of roses from nature's own Eardeu the girl with, the spar .1,000, "will liold themselves in Ku Klux Klan." The live original proposals, in (Continued from page one,) readiness for an emergency." 0 I mmtgi i I.

inn i i.n i urn mim CJ I He does not plan to 1130 his "min- eluding, the soldiers bonus, hill all ayette; Logansport-, have lieen dwarfed bythe signifl 2C GRADUATE FROM Lebanon, $2500 Martinsville, $1, nl iiien" ami lie guardsmen against the men and women going to the ion kllag eyea. teen and sharp the girl i cant number 9, which, if puss*u UN0Rs DEPARTMEN1 Now is the time the housekeeper neetis money. Fall is here and it is high time t) prepare for winter, probably will mean that the legisln-iiure will immediately convene nnl 500; LMcnticello, JpjyOOO; Newcastle, Noblesvillc, Pern, Rochester, -'SoiUh Bead, $45,100 Whiting, $14,000 First Baptist Sunday" School Wit proceed with the business of im peaching the governor. nesses. Pageant Given By tha Graduates.

7 -1 IS Brownstown, Elwood, OOOad Tell $5,000. As the grand jurv-went into ses mat this is the purpose ol petition tfl" was frankly admitted at TwcntV-eight the IS vlth buoyancy and the awing of 2'ot Jiece8BorUy aa out-of-doors flrL Just a girl with ever increasing Mood ccli3. Just a girl filled with tho vim and vigor of Jyouth, i S. S. Bince 1826, has stood for increased blood cells.

S. S. means rettored strength rekindled vitality added energy. Take S. S.

S. and vatch the bloom of youth return to your cheeks. Watch that flabby, 111 nourished flesh lade away before flesh that is firm and plump. Red blood cells will do it 'and S. S.

'S. will build them. It contains only pure vegetable ingredients. S. S.

S. is suite 1101 Skirvin Hotel, headquar, sion, it was. announced by. Judgt junior department of the First Bap James E. Collins of the Marion coun polls, he said, but he does intend to use them 'to prevent the polling pla eesT 10m 7 7" "I caused the election, in the first plaeey he saidr TVhafr I have power to call, I have power to revoke." Governor Walton rescinded his cnlj for the special election in a proclamation in which he cited the statutes to the effect- that elections must be advertised for five dayi previous to the election date an'! said that in the present case.

this is not. being done. "Petition number 79'' giving the house the power to convene itself; tist Sunday School recejved their diplomas Sunday, morning durjng ters of the anti-Walton forces. By leternatlonaj New Btrvloe. ty court, that it would postpone the iUCV-rny invesuiraiion uiuii rrmay.

the closing exercises. The gradnat He announced that Charles W. Tulsa, October guards in civilian attire are. at tlie ing class gave a very interesting Moores, United States Commissioner, pairennt entitled "Naaman 'the Lep AY IN YOUR WINTER COAL BUY WINTER FOB THE, CHILDREN PUT UP YOUR FRUIT, FOR1 THE WINTER- LOANS FROM $10.00 to $300.00 'Iv We taka up loans bjotn other companies. court house here this morning.

would conduct the investigation sup This was given in four scenes, see iiiai. itaiiot noses, ballots or sold at all good drug stores. planting WSlliani P. Evans, Marion Pi ma large size nouie is more countv prosecutor. Evans asked to other election supplies are not distributed to polling places.

Thev A Jewish 2. A Syrian hoine; 3. The healing? 4. Thanking the prophet. boys; ad girls economlcaL f.

1 -r be relieved of conducting the, invest! were jKisted there last night. by akesYou Feel gation because of the fact he is who took part in appro was "a ruler' tacked onto the five R. Stevens, the governor's snecinl ke Yourself Again overnorMcCray's spn-in-law. nrinte costume 'and followed 4lie proposed constitutional amendments representative, who has been as scripture story Very, closely At the signed the task of preventing, the 1 close of the pageant the graduates By International Newe Service. Indianapolis, 1 (i ycin in Tulsa and Osage copin lelectign jtics.

recited in concert the 121st Psalm Postal Rooms 4 and 5 I 1 The prertentatjoft--ef diploma. was Warren T.McC'rny totiay. ciu Word to, the Kcj)iilili iui slaie (nuiuiiic'c PhonerMaitrw-: tseymourttndT oesyour-lVatck mnde by Mrs. Ji RobLlair, junior By International, New meeting here, concurrently with the superintendent.1 The Ijst of gradu Marion, county grand, jury to in Oklahoma City, Oc. 1 wont obey 'any command" of Gover tell the Time ates is: vestigated his financial affairs that Miriam Hamilton, Flora.

Ilustedt, f- nor Walton's to prevent any clot ion he wonlu pott, discuss his persona: Juanita Swengel, Dorothy Davis, in my county tomorrow indeed, I'll (' 'K mv- tq protect the Ho.t Shots By Hoosler Editors. business with the committee but would give the committee any infor Katherine Stanfleld, Helen Stabb, Katheriue Lucas, Stella Manning, voters." mation desired about the state's finances. Katie, Mae Ross, Stella Leslie, Mar Sheriff Tom" fcnvnar of Oklahoma. Fire prevention wlek wUl have the garet Pickerrell, Wilma Harnett, assistance of anthracite at its new "I dp not desire to discuss ray per Allen Trueblood, William Emhuff, igh in-ice. 4ndiuhapplis News.

A report from the meeting of the A WATCH that won't keep time accurately has lost its very reasqn for existence. Such a watch ia only a useless ornament. The Be tor A Watchet we have ia stock embody not. only exquisite artistry of design, but they are at the same time' absolutely dependable and accurate timekeepers. BenV hart in.

No diiliculfy ia likely in find hlg1 a man toac-t ns receiver-. of that kennel. Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, It takes a fas train less than mid liJ'lyHieven sec-' ends to win the deciioty dver no, Postfribune, owjifhe in Jiiglr schools will take as' much interest in their sfudies, as they-are taking in football, they will fiud theiuscl vca equipped -on graduation sonal misfortune with any one but Governor McCray said in a note to. the state William James Mcponnick, Lewis Jfurke, Paul Doane, Lawrence county, wJiq has been charged before -the military, court in' session here' with being 'member "of, (be I KIux, Klan, made this statemVu'tTlo-dnj-. He said an opinion from the attorney general wn's issued him that the election was legal and lie would disregard any other authority.

Amos.Ifnlph Poster, Robert Allen, chairman, Clyde Walb, had governor National Wobien's Party says: "Mrs, rearing a.l blue frock and brown hat, received itn Huber Achelpohl, Allen EuDaly, Or-ville Rodert, Howard Sprenger, to go before, the nleefing which vey LeUis, Homer" VJhompsqu, ovation" when she arose to-addressJ national leaders took part, Charles Arbuckle. 1 1 tha. con ventioh. Such is emunne A list" of-barika holding not en of wilimum'H influence in pQlitici that we irla ex- By- International Newa Oklahoma City, Okla. Oct 1 GRAND AND PETIT day ixt.

assume the responsibilities of hf Yrt vne New s-Scnt read. iet Jutic "William J. Bryan, wearing uncrcased' trousers, fc JURIES ARE DRAWN (Continued from first page) Mayor O. A. Cargi; of Oklaboina City, issued, a proclamation fodav the governor publiidiedf showed Indianapolis and Chicago ions had approximately of McCray obligations while a.

bank in almost every eonimunity in the state black alpaca coat nnd no hair cut, issuring the people that the'nolice The -mollycoddle is the human bir was loudly" applauded when he arose 14 Kl eolid white gold cngnred 14 ITx eoCd white gold catei guarautecdJS Jewel caK? guanuteed lSJtwel BuiOVA Movement Buiova MevcuMotrv VjJ Monday nrid the two juries will be subject to call of the It is address the convention. Indian of Indiana Was represented bro.ther to, the snugglcpup. Lnf ayette "Jaurnal-Courier, department will not. le used to interfere with the holding of an elee-lion to.morrpw and that pre apolis Star. tf iae istaie.

comiiiiiiee-M'OosMaereu not yet known from Judge James A. Cox whether the. grand jury will 'be asking Mp Cray to resign. J. Fi Tunley made a business trip Mjchigatt.

attempts a receivership The state committee, is session called iuto session this, fall or not. to Loiuisyille tadny i'JHouse of Davi4'' Km? lie now sitting court at. Bedford and will finish the term's court serve the peace, maintain law and order at- all times and places throughout Oklahoma Cily." Sufficient extra officers have been commandeered, he said to assure the behind closed doora at the Sevcrin hotel this afternoon. John YL Lindsay, publisher of the Marion Chroiv 1 1 Kt solid whhe gold caie, eimu. II Kt solid white eoU there this week, which he will be readv to take nn the icJe an president of the.

State Re Jewel Bvlova Mavtroent 3 Jewel Buuwa Movents 90J publican Editorial Association ISid many case that have been Hied xiuring the summer recess, andlThoso John Moormanj Indiana, re which were left over from th Mnv garued a a Alctray right This Helps Simply e.norhydrgstisnwitcV as mixed ip.Lavoptik wasli, strengthens. eyes and helps any casq. weak, strained or Rore eyes. Lavoptik acts very quick. Aiumiuiim eye cup free.

C. E. Loertz, druggist. 100 E. Second-St.

J7 YELLOW PENCIL the RED DAND -mZ emerged froiii the-meeting this. afr term. It is stated that there wiH be ternooir and Moorman was visibly a number of caws dorii)gt he O.t- angryt giving every indication- that tober term that will require, cousid- things were not going as he might erable time disposition, and it wish for McCray in the considera- is expected that the petit jury wjll tions of the, state committee. be at xvork early next week..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.