The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)

of of of of of of of of of of of of be 5 SIX PLAINFIELD, N. COURIER -NEWS, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1934 Telephone Plainfield 6-8000 Westfield William F. White, Cor. Tel. 2-0407 Council Changes Sidewalk Laws An amendment to the ordinance relating to the use of sidewalks was passed on reading Council last night, under provisions of which children under age of 18 years will be allowed to ride bicycles upon sidewalks, but only in the residential district.

A few weeks ago, Calvin Good suggested this change be made in the interests of safety for young people. Hearing set for July 9. Councilman Roy F. Lilly of the laws and rules committee stated the change is being made as privilege. He said young people riding bicycles, claim realize to the pedestrians sidewalks and the privilege of being allowed to use the sidewalks must not be abused.

An ordinance calling for the local improvement of Lenape Trail, Ramapo Way, Munsee Way and Watchung Fork was adopted on final reading, with no one speaking during the public hearing which preceded the action. This provides for construction of sanitary sewers in certain sections of streets mentioned. Town Engineer John T. Hopkins was authorized to advertise for bids on the work, estimated cost of which is fixed at $7,900. A resolution was adopted upon motion of Councilman SheldonStearns giving, warning to stores and others selling fireworks, they may not disposed of except between June 30 and July 4 and that the town will hold all persons causing damage by fireworks between June 30 and July 5 as liable to prosecution.

Police were instructed to enforce the regulations regarding the sale of fireworks. Applications were received from Amos F. Allen, Aniello Bonono, and, George and Alex Hrome for renewal of liquor licenses for premises upon which liquor is to be consumed; from Westfield Lodge, 1585, BPOE, and Echo Lake Country Club for club permits; from Quality Market, Robert Treat Delicatessen, P. J. Windfeldt and Sons and Louis Cagnassola for distributors' licenses.

All were referred to the license committee. The Council is to meet again Thursday night, when the license applications will be acted upon. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, previously refused a 11- cense to sell liquor in its stores, filed a request to be allowed to sell in one of its places here. The matter was referred to the committee. Two petitions for sewer constructicn were received and referred to committee.

One was from Ernest Long and others for sewer in Hardwick Avenue and Peurl Street, and the other was from Albert Lloyd and others for East Broad Street. After a petition was presented in his behalf, Joseph was given permit to operate a pool room in Central Avenue. DeWitt C. Kellogg Becomes Benedict Miss Barbara Jane Crosse of Newark, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.

Franklin Crosse, 'and DeWitt Charles Kellogg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Kellogg of 603 Tremont Avenue, this town, were married Saturday afternoon in the home of the bride's grandfather, Howard F. Dilliston of Hemlock Lodge, Lake Hawthorne.

The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John N. Borton, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Newark. The bride was given in marriage by her grandfather.

Mrs. Howard D. Crosse of Newark, of the bride, was matron sister honor, and Miss Helen Flanagan of Philadelphia, former room-mate of the bride at Swarthmore College, was maid of honor. Miss Eunice Kellogg of Westfield, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Joy D. Johnson of Newark, a cousin of the bride, were bridesmaids.

Burton W. Kellogg of Westfield, was his brother's best man. Ushers were Howard D. Cresse and Harry C. Sauvain of Newark and C.

Houghton Birdsall Jr. of Westfield. The bride wore a gown of white triple sheer, trimmed by gold point lace from her mother's wedding dress. She wore a band of ribbon in her hair and carried a bouquet of white sweet peas, lilies of the valley and gardenias. The thatron and maid of honor wore yellow chiffon and carried spring flowers, while the bridesmaids wore green and also carried spring flowers.

The couple sailed Sunday for Bermuda, and after July 1 will be at 'home at 480 Clifton' Avenue, Newark. Woolfe-Gilbert Nuptials Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gilbert of Washington Street of the marriage of their daughter, Miss Nadine Frances Gilbert, to Webster Woolfe, son of Mrs.

T. H. Woolfe of 334 West Dudley Avenue, Sunday at 5 p. m. in the rectory of Holy Trinity Catholic Church.

The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. J. Watterson, rector. The couple was attended by Miss Mary Elizabeth Gilbert, sister of the bride, and Paul Sparrell of this town.

POLICE COURT CASES Fines aggregating $31 were imposed in police court last by Recorder A. C. Nash, as follows: peddling without a license, Lenard Ficiscia of Rahway, and Natale Occhipinto, Elizabeth, $10; speeding, Thomas J. McIntyre of Westfield, $10, and Joseph Mochalski of East Orange, passing a stop street sign, Anthony Howard, Kenilworth, $1. CLASS ON PICNIC Thirty members of the Young People's Class of the Methodist Sunday School, accompanied by the teacher, R.

Rilly and several friends, held an outing and chicken roast on the meadow at River Edge Farm, Neshanic, Saturday. TREE PLANTING TREBLED Washington -Tree planting in the national forests was nearly trebled last year, the United States forest service reports. Forces of the forest service, civilian conservation corps and the NRA planting crews put: in trees over a total of 69,215 acres, Metuchen K. Stevens. Cor, Tel.

Metuchen 6-1372 Piano Recital Held Piano pupils of Miss Elsie Garretson of Millstone presented a recital at the Woman's Club Friday night before a large gathering of parents and friends. Pupils were from 1 Metuchen, Millstone, Belle Mead, Neshanic and South Branch. Mrs. G. Ellis, soprano soloist of Griggstown, was guest artist.

in. Jane Skillman, program Ruth Mook, Alice Wright, Robert Wright, Frances Hoffman, Virginia Funkhouser, Eileen Veghte, Dorothy Beekman, Dorothy Zeitinger, Mary Krysowaty, Elsie Wyckoff and Thelma Nelson. Isabel Whiton, Ruth Mook, Jane Skillman and Alice Wright were awarded honors for high grades in the year's work. Chairmen Are Listed Mrs. J.

Wheeler Clark, regent of Matochshoming Chapter, DAR, has announced the following committee chairman: American manuals, Mrs. L. E. Molineaux; national defense through patriotic education, Mrs. William Kingman, Ellis Island, Mrs.

P. T. Ruegger; correct use of the flag, Mrs. E. R.

Parker; color bearers, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Fred Peck; genealogical records, Mrs. F. J.

Sortore. magazines, Mrs. Douglas Waring; student loan fund, approved schools, Mrs. Howard Mook; publicity, Miss Grace Orton; music, Mrs. Marvin Runyon; real daughter, Miss Martha Freeman; proand year book, Mrs.

W. C. Scouts Entertain "Parents' Night" was observed by Troop 14, Boy Scouts, of which Harry Lindhardt is the scout master, last night at the American Legion Home. For general improvement in Scout activities Elmer Clausen and Benjamin Frederick were given a week each at Camp Sakawan, county's Boy Scout Camp near Blairstown. The committee of awards was composed of Harry Lindhardt, Brinton Osborne, John O'Brien, Gunnar W.

Hansen and William Smith. Levine's sport shop provided a gift awarded to Warren Carlson. The Rev. A. J.

Bliss of the Methodist Church, spoke as did also John Raff, district scout executive. SCHOOL NOTES Elmo E. Spoerl, principal of the High School has received advice from Jersey College for Women several new scholarships have been founded. According to Mr. Spoerl, college certification is given to local students at several Eastern colleges, including Dartmouth, Middlebury, Bennington, Bates, Tufts, Wesleyan and Connecticut Woman's College.

NEWS BRIEFS Cambridge Wheatley Company seek to recover $72.95 from Salvatore Scarpelli, trading as the New pany, 756 Middlesex Avenue, in a Jersey State Marble a and Tile Comsuit instituted in the New Brunswick District Court. South Plainfield Mrs. T. Brennan. Cor.

Tel. Pinfld 6-3863-J CARD PARTY PLANNED A card party will be held by the Children of Mary Sodality, Thursday night in Sacred Hall, for the benefit of the church. The committee includes: chairman, Miss Helen Brodzik; tickets, Miss Elfrieda Rolande and Miss Frances Cotignola; honors, the Misses Carolyn Geiger, Catherine Benieassa, Marie Gassler, Mary Kane and Lillian Niemczyk; floor committee, the Misses Agnes Zimbisky, Angelina Gaudiosi, Mary Caparo and Frances Marino; kitchen, the Misses Katherine Kaine, Mae Purchase, Mary Adams, Mary Phillips, Congetta Robustelli, Angelina Santoro and Anna Prehodka. NEWS BRIEFS D. Katz Sons are plaintiffs in an action started in the New Brunswick District Court against Frank and Columbus DeFillippo, this borough.

The amount which they seek to recover is not designated. Private Ernest Fawbush of the 51st Signal Corps, at Fort Monmouth, spent a three-days' furlough with his mother, Mrs. Matilda Fawbush of Hamilton Boulevard. Mrs. Robert Price, Frank Conrad, and Edward Timmine of Madison were entertained recently by Mr.

and Mrs. John Whitefleet of Elm Street. Thomas Boccia has been granted a judgment for $270.21 against Cornelius McCarthy, Plainfield Avenue, in the Perth Amboy District Court. Mr. and Mrs.

George Marcotte and family of West Golf Avenue have returned home after a visit with relatives in Bristol, Conn. Miss Ramona Suarez, who has been residing with her brother on Hanco*ck Street, has returned to her home in Elizabeth. Mrs. Edward Herburn and John Randazzo of New York are visiting Mr. and Mrs.

John Gordon of Elliot Street. Miss Viola Silveri of New York spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Pauline Abbruzzese of Kaine Avenue. Mrs. Mary DeMato of New York is visiting her nephew, Anthony Quaglio of New Market Avenue. Joseph Horn of California, formerly of this place, visited local friends during the past week.

Miss Betty Kaine of Maple AveSunday with Miss Rita McCaffrey of Elizabeth. Miss Mary Muzyka of Hamilton Boulevard spent the weekend with friends in Atlantic City. Mrs. James Mazza Sr. is seriously ill in the home of her son, James Mazza, of Bergen Street.

George McCaffrey of Elizabeth, formerly of this place, spent Saturday with local friends. Miss Lea Pellante of Mill Street is entertaining Miss Mary Dominick of the Bronx. Maurice Corrigan of Haddon Heights visited local relatives Saturday. Mrs. Julia Sharak of Arlington Avenue is ill in Muhlenberg Hospital.

Chaumont Post, American Legion, will Albert meet today Delevalle at is 8:15 p. visiting m. in Ocean City. Chester F. Craigie, Cor.

Tel. Som, Recreation Unit Plans Work Bee A working bee in which all civic organizations will be asked to join. is planned by the Recreation Association for Friday at 6 p. in preparation for opening of borough playgrounds in East Main Street at Park Avenue and in Forest Park. A general cleaning up of both properties is required, together with minor repairs.

The association meeting in Borough Hall last night with Chairman W. Eddy presiding, approved this volmethod of putting the grounds in shape. Should rain interfere Friday, the bee will be held Monday. Adolph Merthens reported the borough had given co co-operation in the matter of tennis courts be laid out in borough land in Mercer Street and work would be started within a few days. Under the plan as developed by the ERA leisure time division, the Park and Shade Tree Commission will have charge of the land in the borough, the association" "will provide equipment and trained supervisors will be supplied and paid for by the ERA.

Announcement of the supervisors awaits confirmation of their selection by state offices in Newark. Recreation Association also will sponsor a series, of athletic contests among children during the summer, with prizes for the winners, as has been done in other seasons. Popularity of the playgrounds here is attested by an average daily attendance of 1,000 persons last year. New Teachers Secured Five new teachers will enter faculty of the High School in the fall, the smallest number of changes in several years. Miss Rachel Forcey of Trenton will succeed Mrs.

William B. Mitchell, teacher of Freshman English. She is a State College of Pennsylvania and graduate of Dickinson College, New York University and has been teaching for seven years. Miss A. Minerva Derbyshire of Trenton succeeds Miss Flora Mayer of the commercial department, the latter to be married next month.

Miss Kathleen Flynn of Somerville enters the languages department, succeeding Miss Florence Porter, who is returning to her home in Turners Falls, Mass. Miss Katherine Colt, music supervisor, will be succeeded by Miss Dorothea R. Haydock, a graduate of Smith College, Miss Barbara N. Wiggins, graduate of Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, will become instructor in demestic science ir. place of Miss Margaret I.

Atkins, resigned. CCC Applications Ready Additional allotment of veterans to CCC camps has been authorized to announcement by Jim Lowe, for the month of July, ace according of the office of the manager National Re employment Service. Mr. Lowe's give assistance in the preparation of applications, for which honorable discharge papers will be required. COMMITTEE RE-ELECTED Somerset County wheat growers who signed the federal acreage reduction contracts have re-elected as their committee for one year, Louis D.

Case of W. R. Everett of Somerville E. W. Peterson of Belle Mead.

Mr. Case becomes a member of the board of directors in the state association. Middlesex Erving Weinrich, Brook Correspondent 1041 Tel. Bound Opening Postponed The scheduled opening of the playground project set for yesterday was postponed to July 6, it was announced last night. Leon Kojassar, head of the executive commitcharge the project, explained the postponement was due to the State Recreation Commission not passing on the plans submitted by the county division.

approved by and await Plans for Middlesex, have been only the approval of the state unit, expected to give its decision within the next day or two. The 5th was set as the opening date to avoid the break of a holiday. No indication has yet been received from county as to who directors of the local projects will be, it was stated, since they will be assigned by the county board from their list of qualified applicants. NEWS BRIEFS The will of Ernest Miller, who died Apr. 19, has been filed for probate at surrogate's office in New Brunswick.

Letters of administration have been granted for the estate of Louise Stask, who died July 13, 1933. Raritan Chester F. Craigie, Cor. Tel. Som.

811 Anna Carovillano Is Church Bride Miss Anna Carovillano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nunzio Carovillano of Bell Avenue, and Frank Manella, son Mr. and Mrs. Michael ella of 180 South Main Street, Manville, were married Sunday morning in St.

Ann's Church by the Rev. Amedeo Russo, rector. Joseph Memoli, organist, played. the wedding marches. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white satin, princess style, with a tulle veil caught with a coronet of flowers.

She carried lilies of the valley. Her maid of honor, Miss Rose Chicarrella, wore pink satin and carried pink roses. George Carovillano, brother of the bride, was best man. A reception was held in the Manella home with guests from Somerville, Bound Brook, Plainfield and Newark. Following a brief wedding trip Mr.

and Mrs. Manella will live in Champlain Road, Manville. PAPERS ARE GRANTED Letters of administration have been granted for the estate of Nicholas Grey, who died Mar. 26, 1932. Dunellen International Tufverson Mystery Defies Solution What has become of Agnes Tufverson? If she is dead, then the body? Those are the questions puzzling police in the United Austria and other nations in one of the most baffling mysteries record.

Ivan Poderay (right center), man of many amours who ried Miss Tufverson (left center) in New York last December, held in Vienna with another woman, while police searched for to his bride's disappearance. Miss Tufverson hasn't been seen she left New York at that time presumably for a honeymoon. A terious trunk which Poderay is to have guarded closely on trip to Europe, was hunted by officials who advanced the theory body "Olive might have been taken away in it. Sally Tufverson (left) Tufverson (right) insist their sister met with foul play. JerseyBriefs Associated Press YORK Fort Lee-John Flynn 16- year-old son of Police Lieut.

John Flynn drowned while swimming in the Hudson River. John Collis, of Coytesville jumped in and rescued James Skelley, 15, who was with the Flynn boy. Teaneck-Barna H. Hulse, 38, of Bergenfield, died at Holy Name Hospital of injuries received when he was struck by an automobile driven by Edward Moore, also of Bergenfield, on May 25. Moore was released in $2,000 bail on a manslaughter charge.

Atlantic members of the Grotto, Masonic organization, meet today for the 45th annual session. Point Pleasant Mrs. Otto Boschen of Upper Montclair, who has burned about the shoulders and arms June 20 when her summer home was destroyed by fire, died at Point Pleasant Hospital. Her son, Richard, 19, arrived at the hospital to submit to a blood transfusion as his mother died. Scotch Plains Clement Curtis.

Cor. Tel. 2-7541-J. Farewell Party Held A farewell surprise bridge party was tendered Mrs. Cecelia Beattie of Grand Street, yesterday afternoon at the Netherwood Country Club by several friends, including members of the Sesame Club.

All Saint's Guild, and the PTA. Honors were awarded Mrs. George Jaynes, Mrs. Harry Hover, Mrs. John Mehring, Mrs.

Frederick Huston, Mrs. Charles Ferguson and Mrs. J. B. Huckins.

Mrs. Beattie was presented with a bridge floor lamp by the organizations. She will leave Scotch Plains Thursday to take up her new residence in East Orange. NEWS BRIEFS WMS of the Baptist Church will meet for the last time of the season tomorrow in the chapel. World Wide Guild and the Junior Guild have been invited to attend.

Miss Ellen Colson missionary to India, will speak. The Rev. William F. Bassill of Park Avenue has returned home from Portland, where he attended the graduation exercises at the Portland High School. He was the guest of George Donavan.

LAS of the Methodist Church will hold a food sale on Saturday in the chapel. A special meeting will be held on Thursday at 2:30 p. m. for a memorial service for Mrs. Harry Dennison.

Mrs. Theodore Day and daughters, Emma, Patricia, and Theodora of Westfield Avenue, will leave for Manasquan today, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn and family of Middletown, formerly, of Scotch Plains, were guests Sunday of Mr.

and Mrs. George Rainier of Martine Avenue. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Walter Lebundgut and family of Lyde Place, were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. 'Alfred E. Overton of Jersey City, Sunday. John Runnells, son of Dr. and Mrs.

John Runnells of Bonnie Burn Road has completed a year's study at Lawrenceville. Archie Spencer of Montague Avenue, has returned home from a visit at Cornwall Bridge, Conn. Mrs. August Ahrens, Front Street entertained guests from Fort Lee and Millington Sunday. Mrs.

Walter Stocker of Watchung Terrace is confined in her home by illness. George Albert, Stout Avenue, is in Muhlenberg Hospital suffering a farctured skull. Court will be held tonight in the Municipal Building. Solution VIENNA -Associated Press Photos where's Bound Brook Mrs. Mary A Sunderland, Cor.

Tel. Bound Brook 215 POLICE COURT CASES Recorder's court was a busy place last night due to arrests by Officers Jannone, Williams and Schure. Cases were principally for traffic violations and speeding. Fines ranged from costs to $2 and costs. Those arraigned were Leslie Whiting of Wilkes-Barre, Arthur Sobel of Somerville, Edward Askellson of Irvington, Marco Ventrini of Leechburg, Louis Migaro of Bloomfield, T.

V. Marnell of Franktown, Winifred Haynes of New York. Also, Edward Murphy of Tomaqua, Charles Titus of Bethlehem, Dr. Francis Greigo of Brooklyn. Ohio, Also, Philip Arlina Hoeler Farley, of Union Columbus, City, David Fine Jr.

of Louisville, Harry Disbrow of Bayonne, George L. Piday of Detroit, Alexander Stroll, Dearborn Mich. Also, Albert Beyer of Pittsburgh, Marshall C. Reams of Osceola Mills, A. D.

Crowley of Dayton, Ohio, George W. Bloomer of Washington Township, Also, Ernest A. Coepfel of Jersey City, John C. Pemberton Perth Amboy, Howard Logan of Phillipsburg, Robert Monent of Plainfield, Sol. Berger of Union City, Joseph Preston of Plainfield.

Plainfield and Harry CARD PARTY PLANNED Court Gloria CD of A will hold a card medley on the convent lawn Thursday night for the benefit of St. Joseph's Church debt fund. Miss Marguerite Ryan is chairman of the affair. Gov. A.

Harry Moore has indicated his intention to bepresent to award his gift personally to the highest scorer. BICYCLE DAMAGED John Ruberto of 424 West Second Street left his bicycle parked in front of a store in Main Street yesterday morning Henry Rabe of 206 Beechwood Avenue, Middlesex, drove his sedan over the front wheel of the bicycle. He told Ruberto to have the bicycle fixed. DAUGHTER IS BORN and Mrs. Lamey of Bound Brook Heights announce the birth of a daughter yesterday The little miss is named Florence.

Her mother, before her marriage, was Miss Mary Schweitzer of Bound Brook Heights. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mrs. Stanley C. Sherman of Church Street, who is at Manasquan for the summer, recently underwent an operation in the Lakewood Hospital. Word from her daughter, Miss Betty Sherman, to local friends, indicate Mrs.

Sherman is doing nicely. UNDERGOES OPERATION Miss Amelia Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton of West High Street doing nicely Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfleld, where on Thursday she was operated upon for mastoids. DRAWS $25 FINE Steve Jablonski of Manville was arraigned before Justice Joseph J.

Williams last night for violation of the weights and measure act, by O. B. Mathews. Jablonski was fined $25 and costs. NAMED IN SUIT 1 Raridefendants a in the New Brunswick District Court by the Public Collection Service to recover $149.

NEWS BRIEFS Gaston Avenue is a patient in the Bound Brook Hospital where he underwent a tonsil operation yesterday. NEWS BRIEFS Donald Zagoria, 6, son of Max Zagoria of 119 North North Branch Miss Ethel J. Waldron. Correspondent Mr. and Mrs.

M. Kashiwa entertained 17 friends at a party Saturday evening. The occasion was to celebrate Mrs. Kashiwa's birthday. The Rev.

A. J. Knoll and Mrs. A. J.

Knoll and son, Donald, spent yesterday at New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. James Stillwell spent last evening with Mrs. Lizzie Barker.

Harold J. Brown spent Sunday at New York. Helen Boseker. Cor. Tel.

Pinna 6-350 SUITS ARE FILED Nathan Gershenson has ed District a suit Court in the against New Brunswick institut. Dunham, this Herbert Francis borough, to recover has $140. been made Di Lonardo, defendant Dunellen, action instituted by the Philadel. phia Products Company to recover $119.10. The Continental Purchasing Company seeks to $95 from George Andros, Market, this borough, in another suit in the same court.

The Stuyvesant Insurance Company asks $453.16 in an action against Margaret Weiner, 419 Front Street. Landi, 227 South Second Street, is defendant in a suit instituted by the Central Jersey Distributing Company, to recover $500. Somerset Plumbing Supply Company seeks to recover $133.39 in an action instituted against John Mullen, 18 Prospect Street. Jack Web. er, 1801 West Fifth Street, is defendant in an action brought by A.

J. Orbach Plainfield, to recover $200. GOP ATTENDS OUTING A large delegation from Dunellen, New Market and vicinity attended the Republican outing at the Walker-Gordon Farms at Plains. boro yesterday. Entertainment and introduction of candidates oft the party were held.

Several thousand attended the affair. NEWS BRIEFS Members of the local police department will attend the county contest for police officers and officials at the county workhouse, near New Brunswick, today. Target prac, tice and demonstrations of various kinds will be staged. Rosebud Chapter, 259, OES will hold a covered dish supper tomon. row from 5:30 p.m.

to 7 p.m. 1x Patriotic Hall. States, on marwas clues since myshis the and Harvest Homes, Country Fairs and Carnivals June 21 to 30 -St. Vincent de Paul Church carnival at Stirling. June 29 and 30 -East Whitehouse Firemen's carnival.

June 29 and 30-Califon firemen's carnival. June 30-Royal Arcanum Field Day at Echo Lake. June 30-Raritan River Hunter Club show at Far Hills. July 2 to 7-Our Lady of Peace Church carnival at New Providence. 3 to 7-East Whitehouse firemen's silver jubilee carnival.

July 3 to 7-Neshanic firemen's carnival. July 4-All day celebration of Independence Day at South Plainfield. July 4-Republican Club field day at Stirling. July 7 to 14-American Legion annual carnival, July 10-Peapack-Gladstone Methodist Church fair and supper. July 11-Annandale Reformed Church fair and supper.

July 13 and 14-Union Hook and Ladder Company carnival at Far Hills. July 16-Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Society celebration and fireworks at Berkeley Heights. July 18 Lebanon Reformed Church Harvest Home and fair. July 18 -Jutland POS of A Harvest Home.

July 19-Califon Methodist Church Harvest Home. July 20 and 21-St. Vincent Society carnival at Peapack-Gladstone. July 25 Pattenburg Methodist Church Home. July 26 to 28-Whitehouse Station Fire Company carnival.

July 26- -Lebanon Methodist Church Harvest Home. Miss June L. Horn Is Bride of Joseph Stein Martinsville Miss June Lorraine Horn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren J.

Horn of Martinsville and Joseph Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stein of Bound Brook, were married Saturday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. The Rev. R.

W. Smith of Mt. Horeb officiated. Miss Doris Horn, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. John Carrow of Newark was page.

Best man was Warren Ray of Newark. Mrs. Robert Ray played the wedding march. A reception was served on the lawn. After a wedding trip to Asbury Park the couple will reside in Martinsville.

The bride is a graduate of the Martinsville Grammar School and of the Newark Vocational School. The bridegroom also is a graduate of Martinsville school and attended Plainfield High School. Boy Drowns Wenonah-(P)-Wading too far out in a dredge lake today, Charles Colna, 7, fell in the mud and water and was drowned. Frank Robinson, 20, heard a call for help and pulled out the boy. South Branch Mrs.

R. P. Chamberlain. Cor. Ruth Heinrichs, a student at Hope College, and Janet Whiton, a student at Cornell, are home for the summer.

Mrs. D. W. Bowman Jr. and daughter, Shirley, were Sunday guests of Lester Apgar at Flagtown.

Mrs. A. J. Green spent Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Byron Clayton, at West Orange.

Miss Dorothy Hansen, a student at William and Mary College, is home for the summer. A picnic of the missionary societies will be held on the church (lawn June 30. New Market Helen Boseker. Cor. Tel.

Pinfid 6-3509 Ethel Petrone Is Now Mrs. Mazur Miss Ethel' Petrone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petrone of Rosalie Street, was married to Michael Mazur, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Mazur of Lincoln Avenue, Sunday morning at the high Mass in the Sacred Heart Church. The Rev. Frank A. Kasprowicz, pastor, performed the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father.

She wore a white satin gown, long train, cap shaped veil trimmed with orange blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of la lilies and lilies of the valley. Miss Petrone also carried a bouquet of red roses, placed at the altar of St. Theresa. Sister of the bride, Miss Florence Petrone was the maid of honor, wearing yellow gown, ruffled, with slippers to match.

She carried an arm bouquet of blue carnations. Bridesmaids, attired in blue with blue turbans were Misses Edith Petrone, sister of the bride, Emma Zelinsky, Josephine Tizzano of New Brunswick, Fanny Milano of Brooklyn, Anna Pilla, Rose Alexander, Mary Bukovecki and Josephine Mazur. John Gazdo was best man. Ushers were Vincent Petrone, brother of the bride, Frederick Mazur, brother of the bridegroom, Chester Zarnowski, Guido Colucci of Brooklyn, Frank Rostek of Finderne, Joseph Gabryjelski, Matthew Mazur and Walter Olesh. Flower girls were Miss Anna Petrone and Miss Veronica Mazur.

Ring bearer was Miss Rosie Marie Blasse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blasse. A reception was held in Liberty Hall. Guests were from Washington, D.

Waterbury, Brooklyn, New Brunswick, Bernardsville, Raritan and vicinity. The couple left on a honeymoon trip by motor. After their return they will reside in Manville. Mr. Mazur is employed by the Manville Provision Company.

Mrs. Mazur is a' member of the choir of the Sacred Heart Church and was a member of the St. Theresa's Sodality. Weiss Resigns Post Nathan Weiss resigned as a member of the Board of Education at a special meeting last night. Mr.

Weiss is affiliated with the Casey and Weiss. Coal Company, low bidders school supply of coal. Dr. S. H.

Pogoloff was named school physician by a 4 to 3 vote. Ralph Marsicano, Carl Merola and Peter Blasse voted for Dr. Nicholas P. Reale, while Frank George, Andrew Korosec, Watts Charnesky and Nathan Weiss voted for Dr. S.

H. Pogoloff. Louis P. Schubert was absent. The question arose whether Mr.

Weiss was a member of the board or not when he voted for the physician. However, his resignation was the table it was not read by the district clerk until after the appointment of physician. NEWS BRIEFS Anthony Urbanowicz, 26, of Knopf Street was removed to Somerset Hospital yesterday afternoon for treatment of an injured hip. Borough Council will meet tonight in borough offices. Basking Ridge Mrs.

Fred Flint and daughter Dorothy have returned to their home in East Oak Street from North Wilmington, where they attended funeral services for Mr. Flint, who died of heart trouble last week while working at the U. S. Department of Agriculture Service at Southwick, Mass, Guy Hicken and son, Roger, are expected to return today to their home in East Oak Street from an auto trip to Massachusetts. The Rev.

Joseph E. Appley of East Oak Street is recovering after an operation in Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn. Revel E. Lahmer, organist in the Presbyterian Church, left yesterday for a three weeks' stay at De Land, Fla. Cerino Bros.

are remodeling their store building at Finley Avenue and Oak Street. Arthur T. Olsen Rites Funeral services for Arthur T. Olsen of 452 Prospect Avenue were held from the late home yesterday afternoon. The Rev.

Francis G. Merrill of the First Baptist Church officiated. Assisting in the service ion. was the Rev. Andrew Hansen, Olsen's pastor while a resident of Brooklyn, the men having been friends for many years.

Mrs. Harvey Vail sang one selection, accompanied by Mrs. T. A. Pierce at the piano.

Bearers were John Ryersen, Stacy Hill Sr. Thomas Wright, Byron Burdick, Jane Feeney and Harold Hansen, Burial was in Hillside Cemetery. ATTEND POLICE MEET Chief Elmer E. Barrett, Captain Arthur Schlunsen, Officer Matthew Lund and Special Officers Donald Synder and Everett Clarence Perrine, chairman and. police committee will attend the county meet of the police officials at the county workhouse today.

SUIT IS INSTITUTED William J. Harding hag instituted a suit in the New Brunswick District Court against Howard W. Goddard and Eva Beihl, Piscataway Township, to recover $500. Oak Tree Mrs. Agnes Vroom.

Correspondent. Tel. Plaid 6-0926-M-2. William Reed, P. Triola, Leonard Sanford, Percy Vroom, Jack Deering, Louis Kraus, and Robert Bidmead, members of the local Fire Department, attended the recent meeting of the County Firemen's Association in Milltown.

Mrs. James Weaver of Harding Avenue recently entertained Mrs. E. Hazlitt of Brooklyn, Mrs. Addison Needham of Cranford, Mrs.

C. O. Freeman and Mrs. Percy Vroom of this place. Mrs.

Dwight Waite and children of Plainfield Road are spending the summer at their bungalow in Point Pleasant. Mr. Waite will spend the weekends with his family. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Vroom and daughter of Scotch Plains recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vroom of Oak Tree Avenue. Mt. Horeb Jennie Salvato.

Correspondent Andy Gunn and friends from Somerville visited Frank Salvato Sunday. Elmer Thum of Martinsville has been visiting Mr. Codington. Horace Codington attended 8 card party in Mt. Bethel Saturday.Ace Trimmer is confined in his home by illness.

Jack Hines has returned home from Brooklyn. Watchung Joseph v. Mc Wade, Correspondent Tel. Pinfld 6-8594-M LEAVE FOR CAMP Mrs. B.

H. Marshall and daughter Marion have left for Camp Hugh Beaver, Bushkill, Pa. where Mrs. Marshall will act as counsellor. The camp is operated by the Girl's Reserve of the Eastern Pennsylvania YWCA and the Somerset County YWCA.

Stirling GOP Plans Affair Under direction of James Whyte, the Republican Club is completing plans for a Passaic Township July 4 celebration, The program includes a day to be held in the afterthe Stirling Field, north of noon on the railroad tracks and east of St. Vincent de Paul's Church. Events for children, young men and women, and adults have been listed on the program. They are: potato race for children under 12; 50 yard dash for girls, 12 to 17; sack race for boys, 12 to 17; ball contest for girls 10 to 15; throwing dash for boys over 15; yard three legged race for boys and girls 10 to Also fat men's race; centipede 15; tug o' war race for boys over for men's teams; pie eating contest for boys and girls under 15; greased pole and married and sincontest; Passaic Township grand derby gle will be to the winmen's ball game. Prizes given ner of each event.

A picnic supper will conclude the day's festivities..

The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.